
A Friend

The two guards at the door signaled and began to open the door. All eyes were on the large creaking doors. Me and the man at my side slowly began walking in and down the aisle formed by the parted women. The guard removed my arm from his and knelt before the prince. "Imperial guard captain, Emeric Hewlett, greets the crowned prince." Seeing him greet himself, I quickly bowed as well.

"How interesting. I'ts been some time since I've seen Sir Hewlett do anything that wasn't within his job description. Who is this girl with you?"

I hesitated but spoke up since the knight didn't know my name.

"Commoner, Roka Adonet, greets his highness."

"And what is she to you, Captain?"

"A relative of a friend."

Shocked, I looked up at him. A relative? But, all my relatives are dead! Besides, none of them would come anywhere close to the castle. My thoughts were interrupted by a loud laugh. I looked up to see the prince with a large grin and mischievous look. "Well then, Lady Adonet, any guest of the Imperial guard is a guest of the castle. Although you're here for the selection, even if you aren't selected, the royal family will happily accommodate you! Do you wish to treat her as your guest, Hewlett?" Sir Hewlett turned to look at me before speaking.

"If she wishes to stay her then I will protect her. I know you see me as a mere stranger but I have much I wish to discuss. After all, I promised him I would keep you safe."

"Very well then. What do you wish, My Lady?"

I looked from Sir Hewlett who was staring at me with a gentle gaze to the crowned prince who was onlooking with an amused expression. "I really have no reason to say no if you both extend the offer. I have much I wish to know." The crowned prince let out another loud laugh once again and addressed the rest of the crowd.

"It seems like today's meet has gone on long enough. Now is time for the main event. Lord Iscar!" With the crown prince's signal, a tall and skinny man dressed in black robes stepped forward.

"I would like you all to meet a very good friend of the royal family. Lord Iscar, a descendant of the Odete tribe. A real Reader the books spoke of!"

The hall broke out in chatter. I, on the other hand, felt the color drain from my face and began to feel faint. A Reader? Here? Oh no! He's going to find me out in no time! What's he doing here? I hesitantly raised my head and met eyes with Reader Iscar. In that moment, I knew. I had to leave the room right that second. I tugged on Sir Hewlett's jacket to get his attention. "I feel terribly sick right now. Can I go rest?" I could tell my words worried him. He gave me a pat on the head, walked over to the crowned prince, and exchanged a few words with him. He quickly returned to me and lead me out of the ballroom.

"Are you sure you want to leave? They are splitting up the candidates right now. Didn't you want to know if you got picked?"

"No, no. I never wanted to marry the prince anyways. I was more than ready to come here and immediately leave."

"Really? Then why did you come in the first place?"

"I dare not refuse a royal decree! Although, I see now that many girls like me didn't mind defying it though."

"Girl's like you?"

"Poor girls without any redeeming qualities."

"Well, it may not mean much coming from me but, I think you are absolutely gorgeous. And, don't tell anyone I said this but, you can do way better than that twisted prince."

We both laughed at his frank comment. I enjoyed talking to him. I never thought I would feel so comfortable around someone I just met. Was it because he knows a family member of mine? Whatever it was, I never wanted it to end. We made it all the way to my new room. I asked him to accompany me inside to tell me everything he knew.

"I am an old friend of your brother."

"I have a brother?"

"Yeah. You do. And he loves you dearly. I would tell you why you never met him but he wants to tell you that himself."

"How long have you known ... umm..."

"Me and Leon have been friends since before you were born. I know your parents. And I also know that you are of Odete blood." The shock and fear were apparent on my face. Mentioning that in the castle with that Iscar guy going around was dangerous. He chuckled seeing my face.

"Don't worry. I'll keep it secret. I wouldn't want to put you in danger anyways. Your brother has the same powers as you, able to utilize the powers of the Odete."

"How did you know I could use the powers?"

"Though you don't remember, Leon was around you while you were very young. The reason he came to the castle in the first place was so he could earn the prince's trust and protect you."

"What did my brother do while he was in the castle?"

"He is my vice-captain. We joined the guard at the same time. You wouldn't believe how hard it was to beat him in the fight for the position. I almost lost an arm!"

"Good to hear he was strong!"

"He was more than strong. He was like a bear! It always pissed me off how delicate he looked when he had that much strength!"

We chatted for hours about my brother, about all the dreams I had about him, about his stories, then talking about my family and how I was the only one left.

"I'm sorry for your loss. I really loved your parents."

"It's fine. It's been long enough for the wound to scar. And besides, now I find out that I still have family! It's more than I can ask for."

Our conversation ended there. After Sir Hewlett left, I found myself alone in a massive and unfamiliar room. I had thought it would be hard to sleep in such a fluffy bed, but I worried for nothing. One moment I was staring at the ceiling and the next I was in a sunlit room. I jumped up and out of my bed at the sound of loud knocking. Before I could even answer the door, a maid walked in.