
Reaching The Heavens By Evolving

The Quar is a unique being with the ability to control bodies from a distance. The story follows a specific Quar, who has lost their sense of self and identity. They do not remember their name and refer to themselves as Quar, which is the name of their race. This Quar known as Quaren has an unconventional idea: instead of using their own body as compensation for controlling another, they decide to take a risky path and send their original body to the host body's location. They have no knowledge about humans or their ways of living, so their goal is to simply survive and adapt to their new surroundings. As Quar navigates the challenges and ethical dilemmas that arise from their actions, they begin to realize the true consequences of their actions. They had to learn to live with the new body, feeling the physical sensations and emotions that it had. They also had to learn to interact with others and society. They had to learn to respect the autonomy of the body they possess and to understand the impact of their actions on the people around them. Quar's journey as only "he" may decide to form new connections and relationships, or to keep to himself, as he may find a way to return to their original form or to find a new one, the story is open to different possibilities. Please note that the story suggests body possession and control which are not acceptable and may be harmful to the readers. It is recommended to avoid such content that may include the gruesome, vulgar or evil side of humanity.

Rockayy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Killing and then robbing

"But how should I do it? This man is not just some weak rabbit..."

Quaren started to think about the strategy that would be most effective against this man.

Soon a detailed plan was formed.


Hearing something the man looked around and what welcomed him was a piercing pain that was followed by red blindness in his left eye.

"You bastard, I knew you were up to something!"

Furiously roaring that man kneeled and was holding his left eye he was now good as nothing.

Following that he tried to grab Quaren but...

"Too late."


Accompanied by this sound that man fell on the ground while holding his face that was now totally soaked in blood.

"You.." Said that man in disbelief.

"How is it to be unable to do a thing, heh?!"

"Do not even think about doing a thing to me! I am an honorary professor and on top of that I am even a cultivator!"

Quaren hearing this remembered the danger that this man possessed.

I have to kill him quickly or I will be the one killed instead.

Thinking up this point Quaren flew to that man so as not to let him do a thing and aimed for his throat.

But too late... As if some dagger hit him, he felt his nose starting to bleed.

"No, damn. I have to kill him!"

Almost losing grip of his weapon Quaren suddenly raised it and threw it aiming for that man´s throat.


That man not expecting that his attack did not instal killed him and was instead now pierced by a scalpel felt quite bad.

As if feeling his life draining out of him that man tried to say something but due to his pierced throat could not.

Quaren still trembled from the attack from that man on his mind.

"I will have to find some countermeasure for these types of attack or better realn them as well."


That man lying "peacefully" just a while earlier moved on his belly from his back due to unknown no Quaren.

"Is he that dumb? To think that some professor can do this when his life is in danger... But this is not his fault, maybe this is some error that happens when rationality clashes with emotions."

Quaren started to deduce the point in this man's doings while observing him throwing out blood and crawling away from him pitifully.


"You had to make at least something in your life that symbolises it? But why the hell did you think of making this curvy lane formed from blood and tears?!"

Said Quaren when seeing that man falling head into earlier threw out blood.

"And now, which part of you should I taste first? You know I was rather interested in you, you know..."

"I mean... I was interested in how will you taste. Hehehehe!"


But as he wanted to start "degusting" Quaren froze as he realized that every time he is eating something that flows will present itself. So thinking further he still did not end his experiment!

"I should start to cleaning that trail of blood and see if there will be something from it."

Lowering his body Quaren started to lick the floor filled with blood that was still brightly red.

"Hmm, tastes pretty good!"

"Oh, I feel like something is changing inside me but that is all. So for better result, I should try more of his blood."

As he was done with his mad licking Quaren noticed the changes in his body better.

Somehow his blood was circulating better than previously and even his body got more flexible.

"I still do not understand a thing about this flow... but I think it does not matter how will it take effect the main point is in getting stronger by consuming my prey."

Quaren stood up and was looking at the body of that man with a weird look.

"Should I do something to him or just eat him?"

"Ahh so troublesome... fuck it I will just enjoy something with him before I eat him. Oh! I almost forgot! I have to quickly eat him or else his flow will decrease."

Quaren leapt on that man and started to madly chew his meat.



"Hmm, pretty good just one gulp and it is equivalent to that weirdo."

"This will be for sure heavily beneficial for me."



Not knowing how much time have passed Quaren looked and was quite shocked to see that he had just eaten one leg.

"Well, this will take more time than I expected so I should hurry."

As he was immersed in eating Quaren did not notice that his flow was now resolving like crazy inside him.

"Ouch, that hurts!"


"What happened?"

Feeling like a sleeping beauty awakened from her sleep Quaren opened his eyes. Just to understand that he fainted when he was eating.

"Did that flow incur something again?"

"I look for that!"

Seeing that this man´s body is still hot despite the unknown time he spend while he fainted Quaren felt relieved.

Examining his body Quaren was shocked to see that nothing happened to him.

"For real? I think that I will be big or something like that but now I feel like a hungry wolf that did not have a thing for at least half a year..."

"Forget it let´s continue eating."

But as he gulped down the first piece Quaren felt like eating mud.

"What is with this?"

"How can you be so disgusting?"


"It seems like that due to that fainting of mine I lost a chance to eat him for that flow... So unfortunate!"

"Oh! Now I can do something to him! Oh, oh but first I should try to do something with the newly obtained flow.

Quaren resolved his blood flow to feel the flow inside him and to his surprise, he felt like his very being is now that flow.

"What now?"

"Forget it, I should loot whatever I need and then find a good spot to think further about my situation."

Quaren started looking for something that might be useful.

Searching the body of that man Quaren found some items.

"This seems to be some medicine or something like that."

Holding some bottles around his size Quaren looked closely at the pills inside.

"Should I try how they taste?"

"Well, whatever they are now mine and if I could say that they are better eaten than left here nobody would say that it is not true."


The sound of shattered glass echoed following that one of those pills was grabbed by Quaren.

"This is sick, but so what now."

Said Quaren when he sniffed this pill while later he chew off a bit of that pill.

After tasting this pill a pill Quaren was kinda sad because this pill did nothing.


Saying this Quaren tossed this pill another way.

Then he looked at another item that he found that resembled some jewellery around the neck.

"What with this? Should I wear it? Hehehehehehaha!!

Quaren was almost wiping tears when he thought how it will be absurd if he wore something that is at least double his size.

"And that is all that he has on him. Should I look around or should I rather run?"

"Run from what? I will not be satisfied until I turn this bastard's house upside down!"

Quaren turned around and went back on his track he was again in the hall with all of these doors.

"Such headache... Those fu*ked doors!" Roared Quaren just thinking about how he will have to open every single one of them to search this house.

Opening the first door on his left using his weight Quaren was in some bathroom, raging he turned around and went to another door.

Behind them was some study.

"There is a pretty good collection of books but so what it is not like I have time to browse through them or carry them around to read them in my free time."

Turning around Quaren made a cross on this door if he wanted to verify something later.

The next door was the last door on the left side so with care Quaren opened them and what was behind them left him in shock.

Behind those doors were all kinds of animals in cages accounting for dozens. Looking around Quaren confirmed that most of them were races somehow like his race that by some stroke of luck made an evolution or something like that from these primitive animals to some sort of demi-animals.

"Meeeeaat!" Just as was Quaren observing all of these cages he got so spirited that he could not hold his saliva back.

"No for now I will let them be... But just for now..."

As if finding an excuse not to eat them straight away Quaren walked out of that room and left mark on the door.

The next door he opened left him frustrated because it was the kitchen door.

Also, the next doors did not make him happy because he found just a toilet, bedroom and another library but everything in there was useless to Quaren now.

"Let's forget about all of these... I will just fill my stomach and then I will leave this house."

Quaren went back to the room overfilled with cages.

"Who will be the best appetizer?" Quaren looked around and spotted a small cage with a rabbit-like humanoid he chuckled and went near it.

"Hello there!!" Quaren shouted at that demi-rabbit and by forcing his saliva back he continued speaking.

"Do you mind speaking to me a bit? You know it is improper to be quiet when is somebody awaiting your response."

As if teaching the other one, Quaren made a posture resembling some noble.

"I-I will be extremely grateful to you if you can set me free, lord."

Not knowing what this flying thing was up to that demi-rabbit shuddered, maybe he was big half a meter but seeing the blood on that fellow he felt threatened by him.

"Free? Of course, I will set you free, hehehe."

Quaren grabbed the cage and folded his wings then he squeezed through the space between bars.

"W-W-What... What do you want from me?!"

That demi-rabbit started trembling to see that fellow coming to him with a smile on his face accompanied by that scalpel.

"Oh, nothing much... I want to have a taste of you!"

Sorry I was busy with reading LOTHP to experience some filters that should be in the story. Also I will try to write more but that just in case that I will have free time for it...

28.10= There are problem with inkstone or something like that so my new chapter is still blocked. ;(

14.11=Still blocked...

Rockayycreators' thoughts