

y/n was driving to their house..

y/n :- oppa do you have any idea about the camp which will be organised by our hospital?

suga:- that!.. I don't know, you will be told tomorrow I only know that it will start from day after tomorrow.....

y/n:- oh..

after 10 minutes.. suga was sleeping

y/n :- oppa we are home.... wake up...

suga:- huh... ya ya let's go..

y/n:- in mind he must be very tired today ... is he sick??... he was never this tired because of a 4 to 5 hours surgery...

suga:- (sits on sofa) y/n bring me thermometer...

y/n:- how he knows I was thinking he is sick 😳😳 anyway y/n lets go and get the thermometer....

y/n checks the temperature

Y/n :- oppa your temperature is 40.2 °C ....

suga:- oh.

y/n:- what oh?? come on get up.. I will take you to bed..

suga:- ok ok and don't worry I am alright...

y/n took him to bed

y/n:- I will make you soup

Y/n went to make soup.....

After having soup suga fell asleep..



At 4 PM...

when jung-kook and tae-hyung were talking...

*knock knock*(j-hope came in)

j-hope:- our base is attacked

Tae-hyung:- what!! now?

j-hope:- yes..

jung-kook:- hyung we are coming wait...

Both tae-hyung and jung-kook wore the army uniform and came...

jung-kook:- how is the condition hyung??

j-hope:- not that bad but it is better if we finish it quickly ,before the condition become worst...

tae-hyung:- i will go at the front line base.. j-hope hyung and jung-kook go at the back base line...

jung-kook:- you will go alone??... it will be dangerous!..

tae-hyung:- don't worry you go fast...

j-hope and jung-kook went at the back base line

Tae-hyung went to the front line...

In the front base line there were 17 people

Tae- hyung:- so many ... thanks to God I bought extra bullets....let go tae- hyung

Tae-hyung shot 2 of the people , all the other were now panic and where searching for the shooter

Tae-hyung was hiding back of the gully bags ... But suddenly a man puts guns on his head... tae-hyung looked back

Tae-hyung :- captain X 😳how ?

Captain X:- Captain Tae-hyung .... long time no see... sorry but you have to get up first

Tae-hyung puts his hand up and gets up..

Tae-hyung :- how? Captain X ! Why ?

Captain X:- Captain .... I am not Captain anymore you see ...

Tae-hyung :- why?

Captain X:- call me nic... I just changed job

Tae-hyung :- huh?

Nic:- yes changed job....as you see the work is still same guns,kill the enemy, shooting, fight the change is that I get more money for doing it....

Tae-hyung :- money huh!

Nic:- well now you should die...

Nic puts the gun towards Tae-hyung other people of nic do the same...

Then Tae-hyung suddenly first takes down the the gun of nic and In seconds shoots 5 of them but there were still 11 including nic...

Tae-hyung :- in mind what do I do? So many...

Tae-hyung :- ( first gets away from them) nic you will die

Nic:- aww Tae-hyung we are here 11 people how will you fight?

Tae-hyung :- ( takes out his knife) like this....

While running

Tae-hyung :- I will not succeed i guess but I have to do.....

The nic' s men were shooting towards Tae-hyung he douches 4 and got 2 hit at arm and near stomach

Tae-hyung still takes down 5 of them by stabbing knife in them...

He was going to fight back more but at that time j-hope & jung-kook arrives

jung-kook comes to Tae-hyung

Jung-kook :- Hyung are you ok?

Tae-hyung :- yes... but let's take care of them first....

J-hope till then took down 2 of them... soon after jung- kook joined after few minutes all were dead expect nic

Tae-hyung :- I will shoot him...

Tae-hyung goes a bit near to nic and said " MONEY INDEED MADE YOU RICH ...BUT ITS PITY , IT IS OF NO USE NOW " DIE Taehyung shoots him...