
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasy
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716 Chs

Who Consumes Who?

Ignoring the pain that was beginning to radiate from the core of his body from all the Astral Energy building up with no place to go, Xilo watched as a couple Astral Beasts approached him while he started to use some of that energy. "Freeze." With a sudden chill Xilo launched ice forward stopping them dead in there tracks before rushing towards them and smashing each one to pieces before they could break free. Repeating the steps of before he took their flesh while he allowed his energy to converge more ignoring the giant blob's movements as one bashed him straight in his stomach but he simply just grabbed a hold of it ignoring the slight breathlessness he had.

"So annoying."

Crushing it's arm, that was similar to a wolf's giant paw he ignored it as it fell to the ground. Right Now the Astral Beasts he had just killed were the strongest ones yet so they were more important to consume. "More." Feeling that slight craze take over he slowly began to even forget the reasons why he was here and what he was even doing anymore as another attack headed his way but he held on for now. However his instincts were still at an all time high as he slashed it without a care in the world as he moved forward. With each arm it lost it slowly grew more frantic as it sent more out towards whatever that thing that was attacking it was but nothing was working leaving it confused and scared.


Screeching as each arm was sliced up without a second though pain racked it's body as it tried to call more Astral Beasts to help it but it was running out of back up. If it wanted to attract the beasts that were further away to help it would require a lot more energy and time which it wasn't sure it had at the moment. It's instincts told it to run but the hunger and strength it felt looking at whatever Xilo was, was keeping it grounded in place. It knew if it could consume him then it's powers would probably skyrocket and let it finally roam free for once in it's short life and with it's small sense of reasoning that hunger won out.

"Persistent." Watching more Astral Beasts come towards him Xilo growled in annoyance as he got up to deal with them however once he took one step forward he felt his world begin to turn as a massive wave of nausea overcame him. He was consuming too many beasts and his emotions were running wild unchecked and it was finally coming back to bite him in the butt. Taking a few wobbly steps forward he tried to center his vision and body but nothing he was doing worked and soon those Astral Beasts were on top of him. Not even able to register their strengths in his head his thoughts turned blurry as he watched one attack him forcing him to take a step back while they avoided his blades the best they could.

"Smarter." Moving back he forgot about the giant mass of a monster while doing his best to avoid being hit at the moment. He wasn't sure he could get stand back up if did at this point so it was crucial to avoid any sudden force even if they would just kill themselves if they hit him the wrong way. "Why now?" He knew he was extremely tired already but he still felt like he could take on the world in his head, however now his body was telling him otherwise. "Move." Dodging another attack from what looked like a giant monkey he watched his world turn upside down while he jumped to the side slowly inching closer to the Beast.

Trying to attack himself he swung one of his blades only for it to barely miss as his arm stumbled while failing to hit anything in front of him. Slowly his blades were loosing length as they began to retract inside him once again causing his range to falter along with his perception. "Just a little longer please." He had still been trying to control the Astral Energy inside him this whole time and if he lost his strength he was going to die, he only needed a little more time. Seeing that thing finally start to waver the Beast felt a rush of joy as it slowly positioned itself behind Xilo with it's mouth wide open while it let the Astral Beasts do all the work. It didn't quite understand why it seemed to be much weaker now and not do anything to attack it anymore but that didn't matter to it anymore.

Its hunger for XIlo was much more important and it was so close to a life it might never know. With a couple more steps Xilo would soon be in it's waiting jaws, Smiling however it could it watched as Xilo took the first step in his mouth along with the Astral beasts after being unable to avoid another attack causing him to stumble backwards as his balance completely left him. At this point he was couldn't even stand anymore. Forced to move on the ground he felt his arm scrape across something incredibly sharp and tore off a chunk of his arm as he dragged himself away from the Beasts. Yet that pain was his final straw as finally he gave up trying to keep his blades out and focused on only one. Using that he extended it as the others quickly disappeared and sliced at the Beasts in front of him blindly hoping something would happen.


Thankfully that managed to do the trick as he heard bodies fall to the floor with a loud thud. "Finally." With the world still spinning and his Astral Energy running crazy though he didn't have anytime to rejoice. Right now he needed to get rid of this energy any way he could or else his body might explode on itself. If that happened he would still die painfully and even if he did survive he'd never be able to use Astral Energy again. So with his last bit of reasoning that was left in his empty mind he converged all the energy he could for a small breakthrough into the fourth stage while releasing a mass of Ice energy into the outside world at the same time. "Xelfia would say I'm crazy...." With that last thought flowing through his mind he looked up at a set of jaws as they began to fall down on top of him.


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