
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasy
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716 Chs

The Decimator Of Time.

Taking out Icebreaker Xilo pumped it full of Astral Energy and completed it's blade as they collided with each other. in a gust of wind that picked up dust around the area their swords crossed and met in a stalemate. Xilo felt his mind going crazy in rage as memories came back to him. Zelfin was one of the people who brought him down this path. "Will I walk such a path? Or will I die trying." Those words weighed down heavily on him and were something he should have never forgotten. That day his life changed immensely for better or worse, it was the path he decided to walk down himself all to help someone out.

"Be an angry monster, come now shed that skin! We both know this isn't the real you!"

Zlefin's black hair waved in the wind as the locked swords pushed each other back. He wasn't that different from his memories from a child except he had grown older now. He was also incredibly handsome just like himself. With a bit more scruff to him he had a harder jaw with a more rough look to it. His brown eyes were sharp and focused but were filled with insanity and his nose was sharp. Zelfin and himself were two different sides of handsome. If Xilo fell on the more soft and sharp looking type then Zelfin fell on the rough and buffer type. The one thing they had in common now though was pure insanity. Once they locked eyes neither of them thought straight, all that ran through their heads was the thought of tearing each other apart.

"Shut up, quit talking!"

Feeling himself get pushed back Xilo tightened his grip as he fought Zelfin in a contest of strength. Regardless of how angry he was though it didn't make up for their gap in power. Zelfin was simply just stronger and while his blade looked simple and dull it was so much more than that. Zelfin wasn't happy with this outcome though, looking at Xilo still taking on a human form pissed him off. Breaking their lock he backed off quickly causing Xilo to fly forward with nothing to hold him back so suddenly. Letting him pass by him, he slashed at Xilo's back, ripping his shirt open and causing a long mark to start dripping blood.

"You're quite weak you know? Where did all the strength you had before go? What have you even been doing all this time?"


Crying out, Xilo felt his back get cut in half as he stopped himself from going any further. Unable to ignore Zelfin's words he turned around and slashed at him. Each of his word's cut Xilo deeper than any blade ever could. It felt like a knife stabbed into his brain with every memory that flooded back and those words just pushed it deeper. All the times he had been pushed away by Zelfin, Beating up till his bones were broken, left to cry all by himself in a corner. These things came back eating away at his mind like insects. He couldn't hear or see anything else anymore besides Zelfin. He was sure he heard shouting before but everything had been drowned out.

"Pft, I doubt you even feel pain."

"What do you know about me!?"

Slashing ice followed his blade as he attacked Zelfin with one strike. Running his blade right towards his stomach Xilo felt his blade get deflected in the next second. He didn't panic though as he sent out a few ice spikes from his free hand to stab into Zelfin. Watching them fly towards Zelfin he waited for some kind of cry of pain or reaction but Zelfin merely brushed them off like they were nothing. "What the?" Shocked, Xilo didn't know how Zelfin had gotten this strong so fast. "Is this the benefit of having talent?" Compared to the last time they fought Xilo's strength felt like a joke in front of him and Xilo had gotten so much stronger since then.

"Hehe, my turn."

Brushing off the dust on his shirt he let Xilo break free and attack him on purpose. As Xilo's blade came towards him he wound up his sword like a bat and swung it straight at Xilo's slide with that flat end on purpose. Smacking into his skin he felt resistance for a slight second before he sent Xilo flying across the ground. Watching blood spill out of his mouth, Zelfin smiled in satisfaction as he heard the sounds of coughing while he tumbled across the ground. Like a ragdoll Xilo felt his body get paralyzed as he tried to stop his moving. "That hurt."Eventually reaching a stopping point he looked up at Zelfin as he coughed a few more times.

He had been knocked back twenty meters from just one smack and he was almost positive he would have been sliced in half if Zelfin had used the blade of his sword. "Dammit." Feeling powerless he tried to stand back up however before he could do anything Zelfin was already on top of him. Feeling his collar get grabbed Xilo dropped Icebreaker as he used a small Ice dagger he quickly created to stab the hand grabbing him. Feeling his blade reach skin that felt like iron he pushed hard without stopping as he managed to free himself of Zelfin's grasp. Backing up quickly he threw himself onto his feet as he stared at the man who had haunted his life. Compared to the power he was showing Xilo felt like he was nothing and there was nothing he could do about it.


Xilo was barely holding on at this point and the fight had barely even begun.

"I already told you why, do you really need to hear it again. You've known it all your life. I hate you with every cell of my body and that will never change. Now get serious, whatever this show is, I know this isn't all that you're capable of. Make me feel that fear once more, you damn faker."

Licking the blood off his hand he stared at Xilo as his insanity grew even more intense.

"Or do I need to do something else other than break every bone in your body to drag it out of you."

Getting ready to attack again Zelfin charged up his Astral Energy as he grabbed his sword tight. If XIlo wanted to be a cripple once more then he was happy to do it again. Every bit of pain he caused Xilo caused him immense satisfaction and he would do whatever it took to get that form out of him. "If you think holding back in front of me is going to work, you're dead wrong." Looking at the scars that filled Xilo's body he wanted that form to show up once more. To experience that fear again just so he could crush it. Once he did he might be able to finally wake up from this nightmare and get Yilel back to maybe.

"This is for everything you've done to me and for Stealing the one thing I loved in this life. I recommend you guard with all you've got or you will die. Wouldn't want that now would we?"


With all his energy gathered up Zelfin ignored Xilo's confusion as two words left his mouth softly.

"Time Decimator."


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