
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasy
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716 Chs


Waking up after a couple of days since his progression to Awakened stage he calmly stretched his body and slowly but languidly got up. For him he'd never been a morning person except on rare occasions. Every morning mostly it would always take him a couple of minutes to fully force himself up and out of his bed even if he had things to do in the day.

"I seriously need to fix this bad habit but how?"

Almost every morning the same complaint left his mouth but he honestly had no idea how to get better in the mornings even if he wanted too. It'd probably take his life being on the line was the thought that sometimes passed through his head whenever this question presented itself to him. But besides the Wolf a couple of days ago he'd never really experienced anything close to something like him dying yet. if he was being honest as well, it was something he didn't want to change either.

But with the path he was stepping onto and charging forward into he knew he didn't have much of a say in if it happened or not. There was simply too many people in this world with different goals and wants that could also cross with him or interfere with his.

With that knowledge he knew life would never be as easy for him as it was now but he didn't care at all really. He wanted the power and strength so that he could find people to be with and have warmth with him. The dangers that came with it were just something that came with the responsibility and weight of what he wanted.

"Knowing that though I'd like to try and at least enjoy these times as much as I can though."


After he had collected his thoughts it was time he started thinking about the future a little bit more and what he was going to do. Everyday he would have to go back and forth to the Fiery Clan and the Myriad Locked Forest and even though the time would get cut down going back and forth the stronger he got, it was still something he wanted to shorten even more so than it already was. This also gave an excuse to himself to leave the Fiery Clan and start branching out into the world even if technically he was still in the Clan's "backyard." Doing this would also allow him to separate from the negative environment he was surrounded by and would hopefully help him break out of his shell a little bit if at all.

"Well it should be relatively easy to do seeing as how they probably want me out of their hair if anything. With that being said let's go give my "family" a pleasant surprise. "He began changing his clothes and made himself at least somewhat presentable with what he had on hand and scooted out the door. Leaving through his Clans shack he walked through the simple looking hallways until eventually reaching the front hall and also the registry area where they officially keep track of individual activities in the clan and outsiders. Bracing himself for potential trouble he slowly but also stiffly walked up to the desk and arrived in front of the Administrator on duty.


Slightly catching his words in his throat he ended up making a slight mistake but it didn't seem to be caught by many people thankfully. Still though even with him trying his best to suppress his voice and presence he still ended up startling the pants off the people around him and the poor girl standing at the desks in front of him just from speaking.

"How terrified are you people, seriously, it's not like I've murdered your entire Clan or anything, yet this still happens."


Sighing while thinking such thoughts he quickly collected himself. But the poor girl in front of him probably took that as him being impatient with her as she seemed to quickly steadfast herself again even if she was still shaking.

"W-hat w..would be the cause of your visit to me today sir. Is it anything in particular?"

"Even if she was scared she did manage to calm herself down and it seemed she even nailed her line at the end. nothing less from someone with practice and experience I guess." moving on he quickly presented himself the best he could and announced his purpose.

"I'd like to leave the clan area to live out in the forest in the back for the time being is that ok with you people?"

He himself tried to sound the least cold he could but to no avail it seemed the people around him still got struck silly by what he'd said, hell even the receptionist blanked out for a second hearing his request

"Maybe it wouldn't be as simple as I thought"

Shrugging the thought off he quickly motioned the lady to hurry it up.

"Leaving the clan you say for what exact purpose may i ask?"

"Simple I just want a change of environment and to live on my own for a period of time to see what happens"

After hearing his answer she slightly paused to think it over but quickly regained herself and answered to his pleasant surprise.

"That shouldn't be too big an issue but at the very least once every month you have to check back so we can keep track of you and see if your alive. Is that acceptable?"

Seeing as how the answer was unexpectedly in his favour and not to troublesome of a task to fulfill for now his first thought was to easily accept such a thing. Why wouldn't he, it was perfect for him even if it seemed a little to easy. The biggest reason for such a thing that he could think of it was that they could finally get rid of a ticking time bomb to them and take a breath of relief for the most part and if he did die it wouldn't be "their" fault and it would be completely his, so no one could put the blame of his death on them. That's also probably why the lady behind the desk looked happy after giving her reply.

"At Least I think"

"That's acceptable"

Giving a clear concise answer he replied. After hearing his cold reply the women quickly brought out a form and passed it to him.

"sign here every month so we know whether your still alive or not?"


Taking the paper and somewhat neatly writing down the word "alive" he signed it and walked away afterwards. He didn't even bother to hear anymore. He had gotten what he came for and now it was time to move on if there was anything more they wanted to say to him they could do it next month when he came into sign it again if they caught him at the time.The biggest reason he put just alive instead of anything else though was because he didn't have any name to be called by anyone. Most people just called him it, thing, monster etc so it was easiest to just right something extremely basic as proof that it was him, which he thought it would be best as alive was something that could be easily brought back to him because no one else would do such a thing.

After he finished his business here and no longer had anything to do he simply wanted to be away from this environment as fast as possible so he left right away.

Watching him walking away the lady quickly looked down at the piece of paper he signed and hurriedly went to a back room with an excited look on her face.

Hmm not much to say, Though I would like to mention this is a pre-arc in a sense


Thank you for reading...

NoNamesLeftcreators' thoughts