
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasy
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716 Chs

Only One Idea

Crashing against a pillar Xelfia started to cough a little bit as she felt all her air leave her lungs after getting the wind knocked out of her. Clutching her stomach she looked down at her chest to see a line of blood starting to drip down as well. "I was..a little too concentrated it seems." She didn't expect it to teleport again so quickly which led to her letting guard down thinking Xilo would protect her while keeping the Statue busy. "All that work for nothing." Feeling the energy disperse in her body Xelfia groaned a little while trying to get back up again.

"Whatever I just need to start over again."

Putting a hand on the pillar behind her, she slowly dragged her body up. "I'm lucky my body is as tough as it is." All she felt was pain in her chest constantly throbbing as it kept bleeding. She knew if it was anyone else they might have been cut into two or at the very least something close to that. Thankfully with the fact that she could heal it after leaving this room she wasn't too concerned about her injuries at the moment though. However that didn't stop them from still getting in the way.


Finally standing up she looked around the room where she had been sent well and tried to get her breathing back on track properly while keeping the pain to a minimum as Xilo kept fighting. "The furthest section from the start..." She had been sent all the way to the third section on the left side of the room. With such strength she started to form a small doubt about even beating the Statue but quickly got rid of it. Now wasn't the time to be thinking so pessimistically.

Feeling her body start to heal a little bit she slowly stepped forward while beginning to gather Nature Energy once again while she watched Xilo from where she stood but something caught her eye. "Oh yeah, you exist don't you." Looking towards the right side of the room near her she saw the Spirit they had seen before hovering in the corner near the last pillar as it stayed there switching between staring at herself and Xilo's fight without moving. "What exactly are you doing? What is your purpose." Thinking those things she temporarily ignored Xilo's fight and started walking towards it.

From what she could tell from her previous experience besides exploding it didn't seem to do anything but sit there so it was strange for it to be in this kind of place especially when Dragons were the rulers of it but maybe with the passing of time it was eventually able to sneak in somehow but she doubted that. "This thing has some kind of purpose." She didn't know what but she was willing to find out as she got closer and closer.

Feeling her breathing begin to normalize she finally made it close to the edge of her section when the Spirit finally turned towards her again but what she saw surprised her but maybe she was seeing it. A slight flash of fear seemed to show up on its face for a second breaking all knowledge she had thought she knew about it as it stared at her walking towards it. Wondering why it was like that she continued on only to be soon stopped by the line of flames that shot out from the ground stopping her from advancing.

"Of course."

But she also heard a similar noise as before that made her panic. Hearing that sizzling she ignored any wounds and bolted for the second section that was closest to her just in time before the section she was in was engulfed in flames. "ouch." turning her body a little she looked at the back of her leg where the fire managed to clip her a little bit and winced at the sight of burnt skin that aligned her leg. "Not pretty..." Her injury left her too slow to be able to completely get out of the way in time unfortunately.

"This isn't my fight is it."

Thinking such self loathing thoughts she turned to Xilo's fight where she was once again trapped away from him. "More fire..." Defending himself Xilo rotated a little as he retreated catching Xelfia in the corner of his eye and finally felt like he could breathe properly seeing her okay for the most part. "This whole room is annoying...especially this statue." Frustrated that nothing was getting done while they fought a losing battle Xilo barely knew what to do. "If this plan fails I honestly don't know what to do next." He could only think of one way to defeat this test and be done but before that he needed to confirm one thing before trying.

"If there really is a weak spot on its back we might be able to win."

He wasn't too sure before because he didn't have a good enough look in time but if he was right about his eyesight then winning would be a lot easier. It was just a matter of getting behind it and checking now but no matter what he tried when he was alone the Statue wouldn't let it get behind him. "I need Xelfia to distract it." Without her he wasn't sure if he could do it at this rate. But that required them to wait for the flames to stop blocking their way and Xilo didn't know when that would happen again. "Come on we got this. Just be patient." Trying to give himself a boost instead of thinking negatively he blocked a blade coming at him before quickly getting away from the second just in time.

"How long Can we keep this up before we both collapse."

He could feel his reactions starting to slow down now as the fight continued on but there was nothing he could at this point. "This fire needs to go away and fast." But he had to keep pushing through it. If he collapsed now then it was all over.


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