
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasy
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716 Chs

No Giving Up

Xilo ignored his urge to cry out as he did his best to be faster than all of Landel's soldiers. With each step touching the ground Xilo kicked up gravel behind him as he flung his own body right at the cage. "There's no time." Energy went all around his body as his veins turned to pure cold ice. Directing that energy he turned himself into a frozen iceberg that crashed right into it's target. The girls pushed Xilo forward once they saw what he was doing while Lexia took Landel's attention. Ice covered the ground helping the iceberg travel forward at an unmatched speed.

"Get out of the way!"

With a small cry, Tearia quickly directed everyone to the sides of the cage. She had been losing her mind this whole time with guilt. She had put Xilo in a touch position all because she had lacked awareness. She also had to constantly keep these people alive while they were stuck here. If not some of them would have already died by now. With all the strain on her shoulders it was hard to keep herself going without collapsing. "That's it for me." Watching the block of ice come closer, Tearia knew that she couldn't help anymore in this fight. It would be all up to them, to make sure they won it all.


Smacking right into the cage, Xilo met a bit of resistance before it faded and smashed into pieces. Busting the entire cage apart, the parts scattered all over the ground as everyone else that was close was knocked away. Tearing the cage into two pieces Xilo melted his ice as he appeared inside. Sending up a wall of darkness around them, he tried to block all of their attackers' senses. The girls rushed in and they quickly grabbed everyone before rushing out. "They are okay." Going back to the soldiers Xilo laid everyone down next to them so they would be protected.

"Now about these collars..."

Leaning down, Xilo grabbed onto Tearia's neck while the air turned cold around him. The collar turned into frozen metal before cracking into pieces and falling to the ground. "Alright, now for the others." Doing that to each person, Xilo could feel Landel's eyes constantly on him. ALways watching yet never actually doing anything else beyond that first attack. It was strange and not something that Xilo had expected at all from someone like him. Xilo kind of figured that Landel would have just flown into a blind rage and kept attacking without concern for anything else. That was usually how his type acted so it was a lot more frightening seeing him so calm.

"What's he planning, what's going through his mind this whole time."

Xilo had no idea what the answer to those were as he finished breaking the last collar. Dusting the chunks of ice off Xilo turned around and got ready for another fight. As much as Lexia probably wanted to fight Landel on her own, Xilo knew that was impossible. They were only going to win this fight if all of them worked together. "Though..." Glancing at Lexia, there was a weird air around her that Xilo hadn't noticed before. It was wrapping around her and strengthening her from the looks of it. "Is this her power?" Before Xilo could get a better look at it Lexia had already gone chasing after Landel without another thought. Once she saw everyone was safe she no longer cared to hold herself back.

That urge inside of her heart was screaming to be let loose and it was time to give it what it wanted. "We fight." Astral Energy filled her palms as she combined it into a weapon made of fire. A long spear that was covered in purple flames filled her hands. Sadly Lexia was only born with one element in her life, unlike the rest of her family. Born with so many talented people Lexia stood out in the worst way possible. To make up for her lack of ability in other areas though she trained with fire to the breaking point. Eventually her efforts were rewarded by an upgraded purple flame that became her symbol of strength. Many times she had sparred with Landel in her lifetime, now she had to kill him.

"Even now, you still use that weapon?"

Nearly biting his own tongue off in the process, Landel saw Lexia's spear.

"Of course I do! Even if times have changed, the past will be the same."

Long ago he had helped her acquire this weapon and grow together. What was once a symbol of love had turned into nothing but bad memories for him. "I'll rip the past apart then." Landel didn't care what it took, as long as he could forget. Twirling a sheathe of metal around in his hand Landel charged Astral energy into it as a large two headed axe emerged. "Perfect for snapping a stick in two." He was known for his use of large weapons, particularly the Axe he was currently holding. It was a gift given to him by his family when he was younger. Black steel embedded with multiple jewels around the edge that formed a pair of small red wings that spread open around the edges. It was the symbol of his Clan and the freedom they sought over the years.

"You're right and that just means I'll have to beat you again. One last time."

Meeting Lexia's spear, Landel barreled down on her with brute strength. He had wanted to crush her spirit entirely, to have her fall into despair just like him. That was what she deserved for ruining his life along with Cestrin's king."Die." Pushing down as hard as he could, Landel knew that he would win if this kept up. "Pointless." Lexia still tried to resist though as she small body was being crushed under the pressure. Struggling to push Landel back, Lexia's flames grew stronger, trying to swallow him whole. "I've changed as well Landel, in ways you'd never understand." Pushing aside his axe she actually managed to break his deadlock.


Seeing Lexia escape from under her Landel was actually surprised for a moment.


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