
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasy
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716 Chs

More Then One

Resting against the wall Xilo held the piece of rock he had gotten from the Rock Beast in front of him as he injected his Astral Energy into it and watched as it brightened up the room around him along with Xelfia's. Now that he could see a lot clearer he looked at his surroundings. The room they were in was smaller then he had initially thought but it was still quite a decent size but as it his eyes traveled to the exit where the unknown laid the more the room got smaller as even the cave-like feeling disappeared along with it.

"Looks like that's where we'll be heading."

The closer to the exit the more smooth and unnatural the walls started to look as it felt less like a cavern and started to turn into something completely different then a cave. Though from what he could see so far there didn't seem to be any signs of other people travelling through her as of yet but maybe that would change the further in they went. Satisfied with the results of the light stone he set it down and took out a couple Astral Stones and handed one to Xelfia. Astral stones were currency but they also doubled as another way to help regain some Astral Energy slowly over time though the downside is once they were used they crumbled into pieces.

"I wonder what other strange creatures and things we'll find down here."

Grabbing the stone Xelfia wondered aloud. They had already found two creatures that weren't exactly normal so she could only guess there would be more similar to them down here though she hoped they weren't too strong for them to handle. Looking over at Xilo she gently laid her free hand on him and sent some of her Energy into him to check on his injuries. She just wanted to make sure he was still okay after all that fighting and wasn't hiding anything from her.

"Probably but now we have a general idea on how it's going to be how do we want to do this?"

Feeling that familiar flow in his body he ignored it as he asked what was bugging him the most. Hearing his question Xelfia thought about it for a second before coming to an answer that was probably for the best.

"You should take the lead for the most part but we should be constantly switching out whenever we can to help each other in a fight which means trying to fight things one by one would probably be our best option. Plus it allows me to get some more practice in myself because as you know I need it. Oh, seems like you're fine that's good."

Letting go of Xilo after checking on him she watched as they stone in their hands broke into hundreds of pieces. She was a little worried about fighting still especially after her past failures but now was the best opportunity for her to learn. If she succeeded and did well she could not only help Xilo and her get out of the place but actually be an active help for him in future or at the very least lessen the burden on him. Two fights now she hadn't done much though she knew she did a lot better in the second fight it still wasn't enough. Even if she was weakened she should have done more.

"I don't mind it. It'll let us save energy when we can and it'll solve my problem of dealing the finishing blows. I doubt we'll stumble into similar situations that happened here that'll allow me to do the same thing over again so I'll be counting on you. Besides you're doing fine as it is so don't worry so much about it okay?"

Hearing some of the same self mockery in Xelfia's voice as he used on himself sometimes Xilo attempted to try and cheer her up a little bit but all he received in return was a soft smile with a hint of sadness in it and nothing else. Seeing that he tried to think of something to say but no matter how he thought about it he didn't think of anything to help. "Maybe it's better this way." He knew how he was in similar situations and how stubborn he could get. "Add Xelfia's personality to the mix and..." Shuddering at the thought of an angry Xelfia he let it go as they sat in silence and waited.

After close to an hour had passed they finally both felt rested as they both stood up and faced the exit after grabbing their stones that had now only shined faintly just like before.

"Only one way to go it seems."

"At least they made it easy on us."

Laughing at her own little joke Xelfia and Xilo approached the tunnel and entered it and watched as their surroundings changed all around them the further along they went. From rocky caverns to smooth walls that surrounded them as it started to look more and more like a hallway instead of a cave the more they walked. Eventually even writing started to appear on the walls at some places that they didn't understand which took them by surprise. Most people used the same language throughout the continent nowadays but in the past it was a lot different. But besides shock they didn't feel much else seeing as they couldn't understand what it said. Continuing down their path after a little more walking they eventually made it to a giant open room. Stepping inside all the walls lit up as it glowed brightly around the whole room and showed them the entirety of the space.

The room was easily big enough to hold hundreds of people with no Astral Beasts in sight. The same language they assumed was carved all along the walls with Pillars sticking out at every corner as well on the sides of the exit's they saw on each side of the room. Seeing such a spectacle they were almost speechless.

"You were saying?"

Hearing Xilo's teasing voice Xelfia didn't know what to say as they stared at each of the doors that led to who knows where. Giving up on finding a reply she turned serious looking at them forcing Xilo to stop as well. Thankfully there were no Astral Beasts in this area but beyond each of these doors would probably be a different story.

"I guess we'll have to try all of them."

With that she took a step forward towards one of the paths.

Sorry I was a bit too busy yesterday but we're here today with an interestnig sight indeed c:


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