
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasy
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716 Chs

Just For You

Ignoring the feeling of his bones being crushed he turned towards the man in front of Tearia as the darkness that surrounded him from before seeped into his skin and muscles. "What am I even doing." Hearing their conversation from before Xilo almost never even bothered to step in and help, that is until he saw Tearia's face. "Seriously, you haven't changed one bit, you know that." In that one moment he felt like he could read her mind as she stood there and there was no way he could just stand still lurking in the darkness as that happened. "It's....just not me." So regardless of the pain and hate he had for Tearia he stepped forward one more time to help her.

Raising his dagger he stabbed the man in the heart as he quickly moved on to the next one there and began a one sided slaughter against each person in the room, even the leaders. Against the current him in their conditions their strength was useless in front of him. Still overcoming the shock through her system Tearia watched the first man's body drop to the floor with a thud that woke her up from her dream as she took everything in. "Xilo's here...but." Watching Xilo take action by killing everyone she didn't know to think.

"Ha...ha...so scared of him?"

Barely panting that out Felli had watched the whole thing regardless of her current condition and she knew how Tearia was reacting. "It's unfortunate I know but it has to be this way." However that didn't mean she wanted Tearia to feel afraid of him or even herself. "He can't protect you forever. One day it might be you needing to save him and that might be soon with his current condition...Haaa why are you two so complicated?" Looking at the two people in front of her she wondered how she could help them as another body fell to the ground.

"No-no. Of course not how could I be afraid?"

"Well you sure don't look not afraid."


Hearing Felli's words her voice got stuck in her throat trying to defend herself. "I'm not scared of him." She tried to keep telling herself that but the image of him on top of her that day kept coming back to her. "I'm not scared..." Those blades that jutted out of his body threatening to slice her as he smiled in enjoyment still sent shivers down her spine while causing her nightmares to this day still. It was something she desperately wanted to forget but each dead body she saw reminded her of it and what she could have been that day instead. "I..." Falling silent she didn't really know what to say anymore.

"Try not to over think it alright? That never gets us anywhere."

"....He's scary."

"Maybe so, but you know...He's doing this for you. Try to remember that."

Freezing hearing that she felt her body stiffen a little as that thought finally occurred to her. "Doing this for me?" Awkwardly she looked down at her hand as it continued to shake even now as remnants of lightning still sparked to life as she repeated that in her head. "For me eh?" Unable to stop the shaking she looked back up towards Felli still too scared to look at Xilo. Her mind was just too much of a mess right now for her to handle any of us.

"For me?"

"I don't see anyone else here besides you. Maybe he's an awkward scary person but he does care for you. In his own way. That's a start right, even if it's not what you want. Try and give him a little credit alright?"

Silently taking Felli's words in, she turned to face Xilo and watched as each body carefully fell to the ground this time, no longer wanting to ignore what was happening around her. "I'm an idiot I think." Emotions and thoughts flooded her mind as she watched Xilo but one thing stood out to her look like a sore thumb. He didn't look happy doing this at all and yet he still did it regardless of the discomfort it brought him. "If he's still willing to do this for me...then what can I do for you Xilo?" However before she could come up with an answer she felt a sudden wave of tiredness as she watched another man die. "Sleepy.." She didn't know how long it had been or why she wanted to sleep but she couldn't stop herself from closing her eyes where she stood.

"Oi! Xilo."

Watching the last person's body fall to the ground he heard a shout in his ears as he turned to see what was happening only to watch Tearia begin to fall to the ground as the gravity was removed from the place. instinctively he rushed forward to Tearia and grabbed her body as she fell not letting her land on the ground. "Haaaa, you just never change do you." Staring at her face as her hair turned back to purple he lifted her up as he began to carry her however he never expected in the next moments to feel a pair of lips touch his suddenly as he looked down to see Tearia barely awake kissing him.

"Thank you."

Not exactly knowing how to react to that he sat there with her in his arms awkwardly unable to say anything as she fell asleep on him. "...What." Not really able to figure out why that happened he turned towards the other girl in the room as she stared at him with a slightly cheeky smile.

"Hello, Lover boy, It's nice to me you, I'm Felli."

"I'm Xilo."

"Not going to do deny it?"

Sighing he made sure Tearia was comfortable as he turned around.


Ignoring her, he walked up to the open chest in the center as he looked at the stuff inside of it. With Felli soon following behind him.


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