
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasy
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716 Chs

Home Once More

"That's fine, let's just wait until she's done."

"Of course."

Standing in the hall together Xilo looked at the chairs that lined the walls and took a seat. Planting himself on the chair the rest followed with him. With Xelfia on his left and Relia on his right they waited. It was the only thing they could do now that they had delivered the material Tearia needed. "Everything's on you now." Staring at the door Xilo did his best to encourage Tearia as Xelfia grabbed his hand. Sitting down on the other side of them Aeon took a minute to rest and think about things.

"There's no mistaking it, those two stones were the same." The more he thought about it the more sure he became of himself. If his theory was right most likely the Royal family was responsible for this sickness and that left him with many questions. "What are you up to now?" Space had always been a large part of their strengths being one of the few clans that had it. "Is this your doing Katrin or anothers" He and the royal family didn't exactly get along especially after they started to hunt him down without any warning. "Telan's right, I did let them.." That was the past though and now that they were harming innocent people on such a large scale he couldn't let it be.


Releasing another sigh he knew this was no longer as simple as he initially hoped. "Please let me be wrong for once." Staying on high alert they waited for Tearia to finish. Left by herself in the office, Tearia took a deep breath as that fight replayed constantly in her head. "Felli...What are you doing?" Arzan's energy and hers were way too similar to ignore anymore. She didn't want to believe it at first but as the fight went on it became more apparent to her. That fight also reinforced how little Tearia really knew about Felli and it frustrated her.

"You appeared out of nowhere and left just as quickly. Idiot."

Grabbing the materials Xilo gave her she put them off to the side in a safe spot as she started to mix the very last of it together. This was the final phase and Tearia was running low on everything. "I can do it though, I know I can." If she didn't do it now she would be too late, so she had to. "Here we go." Pulling off a metal wall Tearia began to mix everything together as she bit her lip. Struggling to push the two forces together she covered the main liquid in her energy to calm it down while she powered up the other finding a balance that worked.

Within a couple minutes she managed to combine them without much problem as she moved on to the next set. One by one she pulled walls upwards as she mixed them together easier than anytime before. It all felt a lot more natural to her this time, making everything smooth and painless. "Next." With a steady rhythm she mixed another together and only had a few more left. It hadn't even been half an hour but she was busting through these like it wasn't a problem.

"I got this. I got this."

Her state of mind turned more positive the more time went on until eventually she reached the very last ingredient she had left to mix. "This is it, everything all depends on this." Looking at the last red liquid left that was taken from a specific Astral Beasts blood Tearia breathed heavily as she steadied herself. "Nothing before will matter if this one fails." Beginning she pulled the wall up that was separating everything and watched as it slowly seeped towards her ugly mess of colour.

Watching them touch each other she felt little resistance as she fused them into one thing. "Weird." Her body was bruised, cut and she was incredibly weak but even now she felt a lot stronger than before. She was in a zone she had never felt before and that zone guided her each and every move preventing her from mistakes. It almost felt like her Grandmother was right behind her guiding her through every step just like in the past. Feeling the gentle touch of her Grandmother's hand Tearia smiled as she thought about her Grandparents. She knew they left her in order to keep her safe however Tearia still longed to see them.

"Maybe one day..If I'm lucky."

Like that another half an hour passed by in a flash without Tearia even noticing. The flow of time changed for her entirely as those two liquids mixed forming into one giant blob of liquid. "I...I did it?" Looking at that giant mixture in front of her Tearia felt her body shake with excitement that had nowhere to go. "I did it!!" Grinning like an idiot Tearia felt a bit of pride as she grabbed the purple flowers Xilo had given her. This was the final step and the easiest of them all.


Burning the plants she dropped them into the metal pot as it dropped and spread on the liquid. It was a mass of different colours and smells combined all into one with different ingredients doing all different things. If she gave it to anyone right now it would probably kill them in a second. With these flowers though it would purify and dilute it while also stabilizing it. Slowly that mass of colours turned into a very clear faint purple colour with hints of red shining through as time went on. With another few minutes passing it turned into pure purple and she was finally finished.

"Finally, I'm done with this nightmare.."

Exhaling for what felt like the first time, Tearia felt her little bubble pop as she called out to the others.

"Come on in."

Stumbling onto the ground a black haired woman looked at an old building after teleporting there.

"...Mother, I've returned."

Shoving her black hair out of her face she pushed away all the memories of that place she could while she walked forward.

"Felli's come home..."

Hey, ones on time for once! lol.


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