
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasy
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716 Chs

Filling In The Blanks

"Can you hear me?"

"Yea-yeah I can hear you..."

Looking at him begin to shake she rolled her eyes as she waited for her answer. She had no cares for being subtle at the moment if possible.

"Did you live there and what was it like?"

"I did....with my family and friends, it was just a small town like any other, nothing special."

"I'd say otherwise but maybe the bigger question is why did you turn out like that?"

She could still remember the first time she had seen him when they were tracking him down. Almost as tall as a house with Blades that covered his body from head to toe completely blocking any human like signs from him. With black blades lined with red edges sticking out of his body everywhere you looked, he was similar to a pin cushion that resembled the shape of a bird that couldn't fly as they watched it tear through everything it touched without blinking almost unsure of what it was anymore. At some point they had thought Xilo was a new type of Astral Beasts or even a demon and it wasn't until a couple months of chipping away at the blades that surrounded him did they finally realize that it might have actually been a human. That was also around the point in time where Althea started to feel her connection with him spring to life.

"I don't really know."

Holding his head he tried to remember to the best of his abilities but he had tried to run from these memories for so long that it was hard to remember or maybe he just didn't want to talk about it but he knew he didn't have much of a choice besides a small part of him wanted to talk about it. "Maybe, just maybe...It'll help." He had never gotten an opportunity to think back on it properly or talk about it with anyone so maybe this would help him resolve some of the questions he had or even help him feel a little less guilty.

"Then try to think about what happened that day?"

This was one of the things she wanted to know the most. "We need to know if another him will ever appear or even how it started. If not who knows what might happen." It took her father and a bunch of their Clansmen to just stop Xilo, so what if there was more than one then, They would most likely be screwed if they weren't prepared or able to stop it. "Completely breaking them each time isn't efficient." So she hoped for something by asking this and maybe she could learn some things that could fill in the blanks she had.

"What had happened that day...."

Thinking back to then he tried to remember what happened a year ago but he could only remember some things.

"I think...It was early in the morning...I remember being really mad at my parents that day and then stormed off."

"Oh? why's that."

"I think my sister....was supposed to do something that day and had left early instead, leaving me to have to do it?"

"That made you mad?"

"I wasn't the best child a parent could ask for....but I remember storming off out of the house and finding a place to be alone I think."

"And then?"

Listening to his slightly bratty story she smiled a little bit remembering some of things she pulled when she was younger with her parents as she waited for Xilo to continue. "We're such brats." But if anger was the cause behind his transformation then a lot of other people would experience the same. "So maybe that wasn't it or he's the only one that can do such a thing...Well I'll keep listening for now." Getting back on track she patiently waited for Xilo to continue. It was hard after all and even if she wasn't one for subtleties she could at least give him this.

"I found a lone tree in the forest and stayed there before I eventually....Fell asleep?"

"You fell asleep?"

"It was quite a long run for me back then so I was tired and frustrated."

"So do you know what happened when you woke up?"

"I woke up...With a blade in my friends throat...."

"....Did you stop yourself?"

"I tried...but I couldn't...No matter how much I struggled."

Hearing that she wondered how much was real or believable as she watched his every motion whether it was body actions or facial expressions he made. "He doesn't seem to be lying...but I could be wrong." She had seen how many lives he had taken with a smile on his face the entire time for almost half a year straight so it was still a little hard to believe he could be normal. However she still needed answers, so she was going to continue bringing up his past.

"Can you remember what happened when you slept then?"

"....I heard a voice...edging me on."

"A voice? do you know what it said or what it sounded like?"


"You alright!?"

Seeing him suddenly stumble she rushed up to him to make sure he was okay and checked over his body. "Doesn't seem to be any damage." Sending some Astral Energy into him she checked to see if she could figure out anything else but she saw nothing. "Weird." From her guesses this shouldn't have been happening unless his body was attacking himself. "Is it trying to stop him from remembering? Was it that painful or is trying to keep its secrets...If a voice spoke to him, he could have been manipulated or a plethora of other things. Maybe....he isn't the real monster." Cutting that thought of from continuing she thought about other things to keep her mind unswayed. She didn't want to feel bad or pity him if possible, Not with the things she was going to put him through. "My heart can't take that." It was a lot easier to cause pain to things you hate after all.

"Can you continue?"

"I think so..."


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