
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasy
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716 Chs

End Of The Hunt

This was the conclusion he had come to after receiving that last attack. While he hadn't shown it, the damage he had received was a lot larger then he let on and that last attack had done him in. "So it's come down to this." Accepting his fate he didn't run from it or cower in fear as the ball in his hand continued to go berserk. He had lived a long enough life to finally let go especially taking her down with him. It was his pride and honour to eradicate one last evil from this world.

"Our job as Celestials is to make sure demonic beings no longer gain another chance to escape their prison. Their land rejects us just like our land rejects them but we both still manage to find ways to slip through the cracks and break our way in and if that happens in mass they will stop at nothing to accomplish their goal, taking control of the 10 Great Astral Zones. The Nepl's aren't allowed to be revived. That cursed family is the bringer of the World's nightmare."

Remembering some of his masters words he stared at the silver hair woman as he linked her to that family. "Only one set of demons love to call us Hunters." Taking that name as a clue he knew she was related in some way and eliminating someone as strong as her was no longer just a typical hunt. It was his reason for even being a Celestial and now it was time to fulfil that reason. Watching the little ball turn more black as impurities surfaced and infected it he saw the woman flinch.


Noticing from the corner of her eye that Xilo was trying to escape she knew she was stuck in a difficult place. She had to protect him or he wouldn't escape in time however that would lead to him slipping from her grasp once again. She was too weak to do anything else and her mind was growing tired since Xilo was too weakened at the moment to even resupply her. "This really end's in my loss eh?" She was starting to wonder if the world just wanted her to be a failure. This was already around the fifth time something had stopped her goals that she couldn't control.

"You damn Nepl!"

Hearing a shout she saw the man rush towards her as the ball in his hand began to explode. Watching it go berserk as a blinding light pierced through the darkness she didn't hesitate to rush to Xilo's position. He may have already almost escaped but she didn't doubt that explosion would hit him if she let it. Planting herself in front of her she blocked all she could as she felt the World's suppression loosen a bit as she waved her hand throwing up a pure wall of flame with everything she had left. In this moment she didn't care what happened to herself as long as Xilo made it away safely.

"I suppose this is goodbye for now Xilo. It was nice to see you again but maybe grow a little stronger next time we meet."

In that brief moment she watched as a wall of power came running her way as she failed to notice the colour of her own flames. Almost a pure white that matched the clouds in the sky there were barely any of the black flames mixed with it anymore. It was the complete opposite of how it normally was but Althea failed to get a chance to see it. The flames that burned in her dreams that pushed her forward as a kid. Within seconds she was overwhelmed as her body took the brunt of the damage while her flames did their best to hold everything back.

Failure wasn't an option here or she and even Xilo would die. Feeling pain wreak havoc anywhere it could as her insides burned she felt her flames faltering where they stood as the sheer power of the World fought to break her. "Was this really worth dying for?" Gritting her teeth she felt her legs wobbling as she hit the ground hard barely managing to catch herself. Thankfully though nothing had gotten through the wall that was her so she was doing her job.

"Just a little longer."

She could feel herself draining with each second at an insanely rapid pace that she couldn't keep up with. "So tired and yet for some reason I feel so content. What's wrong with me?" Watching the white light die down it was soon replaced with darkness as she felt herself unable to keep her eyes open any longer. Kneeling she let her arms drop to the ground as her flames started to disappear. Her body and bones felt like jelly but she had managed to successfully do what she had set out to do.

"I need a nap."

She could feel the urge to puke growing stronger as the corruption of the land invaded her body more and more but her will to do anything in that moment was gone. "In dreams I can be happy and safe." Shutting her eyes her body slammed to the floor with a soft thud as her consciousness disappeared. In an empty room with no one left but herself she slept as shallow breaths escaped her mouth as her body got more and more sick. If she didn't find Xilo fast enough or return she would die at this rate but there was nothing she could do by herself.

"It seems Althea went crazy again..."

"This is what happens when she runs off without our help. She's too damn stubborn for her own good."

"Shush what if she's actually awake? She'll kill you, you know."

"For once right now, I'm not afraid of her."

Rolling her eyes at her partner the two of them entered the empty room as they found Althea sleeping in the middle of it. Walking up to her they each bent down as the two women picked up an arm each before bringing out a vial. It seems there was time running short in this place now and besides earlier they had received a notification that Althea's father was looking for her. So it was time they returned home and ended this little search party.


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