
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasy
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716 Chs

As It Spreads

Sitting behind their field of water Xilo stared at the bunny that was constantly throwing a barrage of projectiles at them while thinking of what to do next. The cavern between them and the bunny was probably 35 meters which made him doubt his ability to reach that far. "Xelfia should be able to though...." Breaking another icicle he started to split his concentration a little as he brought up the most simple idea he could come up with at the moment to help gauge how this area would go.

"Want to try hitting it from here? I'll cover you while you try."

He figured if Xelfia couldn't do anything here then they probably had to do something different and this way he could also protect her while she focused on two different things while maybe even helping Xelfia gain some more confidence back at the same time.

"I can try though I doubt it'll work.

"That's good enough for now."

Taking a step in front of her Xilo watched as the icicles began to converge more focused on him now that weren't split up but it was doable with Xelfia's water helping him. Meanwhile Xelfia slowly got to work on creating something to throw at their target while protecting them the best she could. The icicles never reached her so far but they would definitely block their progress to reach the other end. From her guess the goal of this place was to test your creativity and how to handle yourself under extreme pressure while also making it to the goal.

With 4 different platforms scattered throughout the room around 8 meters apart from each other and about the same size of letting two people stand on them she knew it wouldn't be easy for anyone to get to the other side without some kind of plan of some sort or enough strength but even she herself probably could barely make those jumps if she wasn't under attack the whole time. "That should do it." Creating a simple spear made of water after a little bit of effort she raised her right hand and held it aiming at the bunny waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

With the water shield in front of her she would have to open a hole in it at the right time in order to not slow her throw down but if she messed up on the timing a little she could end up defenseless. That wasn't something she was too keen on. Watching each icicle fly towards her she focused as much as possible on the spacing, the timing and where they would go while waiting for the perfect moment.

After a couple of seconds she began to see the pattern as she tensed up while her jaw clenched a little. From her observations it was always 8 icicles followed by 10 then 8again. "Probably it's cooldown time."It probably couldn't constantly fire off 10 volleys every time so the 8 interval would be her best time.

"Xilo, on the next set of 8 destroy the ones on the right mostly okay?"


Without turning back Xilo focused himself and waited for the next set of 8 like Xelfia asked while destroying any he could now. "After this one.." Watching another 10 come at him he did his best to destroy them but maybe he was too focused and while destroying two on his left another two managed to slip by him this time around and stab into his left hand. "Ow." Looking down after destroying whatever ones he could he saw two icicle spikes pierced into his wrist as some blood spilled out slightly while pain throbbed there but he didn't have time to deal with it as the next set of 10 was coming. "Five on the right, five on the left." Watching where they went he got ready to attack all the ones on the right at once while ignoring the left if need be.

*Fwoosh* *Spaaa*

As they hit the water Xilo quickly reacted and punched all of them at once while managing to break two of the left and ended up missing the third as it dug into his hand again but he didn't care as he watched the shield of water open at that moment as a spear travelled through it at high speed as it flew towards the air. "Come on..." both watching in slight hope they saw the spear collide with the bunny on the over side after a couple seconds and hit the target.


both shouting with excitement they saw the bunny get stabbed as it staggered off the small platform under it and fell into the abyss below it. Watching it fall off they both turned to each other and smiled before Xilo felt his hand throb again and looked down seeing three icicles stuck there.

"Are you okay?"

Seeing Xilo's hand Xelfia panicked as she grabbed it and took the icicles in her hand trying to break them off. But no matter how hard she pulled and crushed they wouldn't move an inch. Worry filled her body but only two words leaked out of her mouth.

"What the...."

"This isn't good..."

Staring at his hand after watching Xelfia struggle Xilo tried himself but he only got the same result. A little worry started to fill him after failing while he stared at his hand noticing the ice slowly starting to spread a little even but there was nothing he could do. At most it was probably a part of the test. Thinking that he tried to settle his nerves while pain ran through him as he looked at the next platform ahead of them that they had to jump to. Xelfia wanted to say something else but seeing Xilo ignore it after trying himself she stopped herself. "It's probably a part of the trail after all....No need to worry too much." Though that didn't stop her heart from aching.

"Well we can think about it later but for now let's try and get to the other side okay? with how the ice is spreading I assume were on a time limit now at this point."


Xelfia could only agree at this point

Sorry for yesterday :c


thank you for reading...

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