
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasy
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716 Chs

A Show Of Will

Testing out their basic limits the three boys stretched their bodies as they waited for the competition to start soon. Xilo had already left to sign up officially and people had begun to converge on the seats around this area. Each day would carry out four different events in a day, two being in the morning and the other two later in the day. They would have everyone going at the same time and slowly eliminate people through different methods depending on the event. Once they were down to the final fifty people they would start the real judging. "Fast and clean." In the event Xilo was participating along with the twins each person would be giving the same amount of weight dropped onto their defense for thirty seconds. If you lasted 30 seconds without breaking they would add on more weight and the pattern would continue until fifty were left.

"Should be easy enough."

A man floated around the air as he stirred the crowd up. "It's beginning." The first two events of the day were the strongest defense and the best Astral puppet maker. No one that Xilo knew was going to compete in that one so all the girls were here watching him. Small blue fireworks launched into the air as the announcer in the air started the competitions,along with the crowds cheering. Within a couple of seconds each person in the arena had a giant square rock spawn in front of them and hovered for a couple of seconds before slamming into them. Some defended with their bodies alone, others used Shields, weapons or pure Astral Energy. Each person had their own way to defend against attacks

"Whoa heavy."

Lifting up his shield Xilo felt 30 kilograms slam into him and push him back slightly. The twins beside him took it in stride though as their pure walls of Earth and Nature stayed strong. Looking around at the other competitors around him, he saw some people getting knocked out but those were very few. Once thirty seconds had passed another rock spawned in front of his face. Xilo was a lot more prepared this time though as he braced himself. Slamming into him he felt his arm move a bit. "Whew." He had managed to stop anything beyond that but even more people were getting knocked out. This competition started with around a couple thousand people but with each rock more and more people were knocked out.

"Time to pick up the pace, I hope you are all prepared."

Hearing that ominous voice from above Xilo didn't know what was going to happen as the tenth rock slammed into him. With ten of these things together that was already on the level equal to a Fifth Stage person so Xilo was already struggling. "If I can reach twenty it would pretty impressive." At twenty it would probably equal around the Seven or Eighth depending on their paths or strength. The tenth rock slammed into Xilo's shield as he moved back a couple steps but he still held on just enough. The way to get eliminated was through falling out of the little box boundary beneath their feet or if their defense broke completely. You could also shout I give up if you felt like it, not many did though.

With the next one coming Xilo held on as he watched the rocks transform in front of him into one small rock that kept its weight. "Every ten they get combine." With over half of the competition leftover it was starting to pick up now. No longer were there just any random people who signed up hoping to get somewhere off luck. These last thousand people left all had some form of skill and even then a lot would be knocked out over the next few minutes. "It seems the wolf people are struggling." From the corner of his eye Xilo had kept a look out for any kind of tricks from them but at this rate they would all be knocked out before they could do anything.


"How are you holding up over there Xilo?"

"So far I'm fine, what about you two, you seem to be doing pretty good."

Looking at how easily the twins were handling this Xilo was pretty impressed. Their Astral Energy was incredibly tough and well managed. Their walls hadn't even shook once yet and more weight was coming. If they kept up this pace Xilo could easily see them in the top fifty at the very least. Himself on the other hand was another story. "I doubt I can get top one hundred." More time went on as more weight kept being added, Xilo shield was already starting to crack as he reached the Sixth Stage. With a little less than five hundred people left they were going to be reaching the end at this pace. "Here comes the Fifteenth." More cracks appeared on his shield as it slammed into him with a bit of pain bleeding through.

"How can people do this with their bodies alone, insanity."

If Xilo didn't have his ice shield with him he might have already been knocked out. When it came to fighting he would always dodge if he wasn't sure he could take it since he was also the Speed Path. With a path that lowered his defense though he was pretty happy with his results. Darkness swirled around inside his body as he poured it into his shield. He was at the point where he needed the little extra strength boost for it. With the Twentieth Rock coming it was time for a full front Seventh Stage Attack to smash him. If he made one mistake he would easily get sent flying or break a couple bones. "I can do this." Taking a deep breath he smiled as another rock slammed into one.


Gliding backwards Xilo heard the crowd roar as they watched people be eliminated or barely hold on with every bit of strength they had. He could feel his feet inch closer to the outline as the announcer kept calling people's outs as a massive amount of people were eliminated. It seemed like every Tenth attack was the big number that would cut people out. Digging his heels into the ground underneath him, Xilo stopped just right before he left the boundary. His arm was incredibly numb though and his shield threatened to break any second. It looked like this was his limit. "Two hundred people left..." He wanted to take pride in that but a part of him felt defeated, even though he did this on a whim he wanted to go further now.

His competitive spirit was getting a fire lit under it as more darkness flowed through his body.

"I can't probably can't take this next hit but I'll still try my hardest to do it."

With only a couple more seconds left until the next rock spawned Xilo took a few steps forward as got ready for it.

"Let's see what Eighth Stages are made of."


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