
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasy
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716 Chs

A Deal

Met with such an aggressive response Xilo took it calmly as he chuckled.

"I was just curious if everything was alright, I'll try to keep that in mind."

Everyone had different personalities and things they would be okay with. It seemed like Liandra fell on the side of not enjoying such personal questions. Shrugging his shoulders Xilo leaned back and took the approach of just watching as Lexia relaxed her body. "They didn't fight...good." She knew there were definitely people in the world that would have started a fight over something like that. "Like Landel." Getting back on the topic she would have to tell Xiloabout her later so that he was more careful in the future. Keeping her here could end up being important at some point.

Asking some more questions lexia cleared up everything she wanted to know. Heaving a long sigh, she slumped into her chair as she took all the information into her head. "This could be worse than I thought." Landel was a lot further ahead in his plans than she had guessed. Suddenly Lexia went from feeling like she still had a lot of time to act to almost none. "He was feeding me false information." Dismissing everyone here she gave them some to rest their wounds and mind. They had been through quite a bit today and needed some time to rest. They weren't going to help her or themselves otherwise.

"Well Xilo, it's as you heard them. We have a lot less time than we thought."

It was once again just her and Xilo in a room together, it was happening quite often lately.

"That is troubling for sure. It looks like some things are going to have to change if you want to settle this dispute. As a former Queen do you really think you're up for it?"

"No, no I don't in the slightest. I feel like I'm just going to end up getting myself killed in the process. Even with the extra help it's far from enough to match one country let alone two."

"Still wanting our help as well I presume?"

"Yes, I'm willing to take any help. I thought you didn't want to help me though, something about wanting proof that it's worth it. Did you find that proof or change your mind?"

Xilo tapped his fingers against the chair he was sitting on. It wasn't that he changed his mind about anything. He went looking for reasons to help and honestly came up very short. "Well that was the obvious outcome." The only thing he ended up finding was a broken marriage and two people set out to destroy each other one way or another. All while everyone else sat on the sidelines and watched their downfall. "Realistically I should just walk away." "Oh you should 100% just walk away." An annoying woman's voice sounded in his ears as she mocked his thoughts. She was against this entire thing from the beginning. Like Lexia said it was just suicide and Xilo had more important things to do.

He knew that and yet Xilo found something else while he was thinking. "You're far to stupid..." He had heard that more than enough times from her alone these past couple days. "I'm not going to die for Lexia. Trust me." He would fight for Lexia though and lend her a hand where she needed it. "Proof was just an excuse of fear and the unknown." Now that he had a much better understanding of the situation Xilo was a lot more comfortable with helping her. Besides, she had also gotten a lot closer to them to the point that Xilo could call her another friend. "Helping a friend with this is, is!" Althea could feel her anger rising as she listened to Xilo.

"Come now, you know I also talked with Katrin and she agreed I should help. If it wasn't for taking that all into consideration I would have already left."

"I know that and that's what frustrates me the most dammit. Of all the people Katrin seemed like she was the most reasonable person, instead here she is sending you to your deaths and even more soldiers along with you. I take back any inch of respect I had for her!"

"Haha, like she cares, she doesn't even know you exist. With how much Katrin has helped us out I would like to return the favour and help her friend as well. If you're that upset about it, take control of my body or something and make me walk away. If not, I'm going to agree to help and that's final."

Stomping her feet Althea knew Xilo was messing with her.

"You know that isn't possible, urghhhhhh just do whatever you want. See what I care and don't you dare come crying to me when you get yourself killed. I refuse to help you even a tiny bit this time. You are on your own. Hmph."

Shutting off any communication with Xilo, Althea stomped off into her little place as she closed her eyes. "Silly little punk." Floating in space Althea was pissed as all hell at Xilo. "Please..don't die." If Xilo died then that was also the end of her as well. "For the both of us." Faced with Althea's outburst Xilo accepted what his actions did as he told Lexia his plan. Once she heard that he agreed to help her she jumped out of her seat in joy. Xilo's group wasn't going to change much however it was nice to have their help. The more people the better over all and they were a good help to have around.

"Really, really?"

Seeing Lexia acting like a child, Xilo smiled as he nodded his head.

"Yes, really. I want to help you and so does everyone else here. Whatever it is you decide to do we'll be behind you within reason of course. I should tell you in advance that none of us are willing to die for you or anything like that."

"Kind of a conflicting answer, don't you think but I'll take it. Thank you Xilo for helping."


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