
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasy
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716 Chs

A Bit Of Satisfaction

The cave wasn't that big so it didn't take them very long to explore it. They found a few jewels along the walls hiding in crevices along with a few other weapons that had rusted over time. Xilo gave them all to Tearia to hold onto while they were exploring. Though she kept grumbling about running out of space soon. Listening to that, Xilo remembered something quite important. He took a second to realize that the thing taking up most of the space for Tearia right now was the giant Elemental Crystal. "How'd I forget about that?" Feeling quite stupid he remembered it was also the fire type Relia was looking but for now he left it at that.

"Maybe when we can cut it up into pieces eventually."

As of right now, that thing was too massive for Relia to use without being burnt alive from the inside. So for now he would rather her avoid her knowing about it and trying to risk anything for it. When they obtained the proper strength to break it up into pieces that were consumable then she could have it. "Sorry Relia, I'm going to have to lie to you for a bit more." Keeping that thought in the back of his head they finished exploring the cave as they went to the center treasure that was spilling out of the chest. It wasn't anything too special beyond some Astral Crystals with a few random vials of liquid and some swords.

"I know you're getting a bit full but can you take this, Tearia?"

"Haa...what do you even need all these things for, they're pretty useless to us now."

"You never know what you'll need at any point in time, so if we can take it I'd like to."

"Fine, fine. Don't worry, this should be fine to take. Let's just get out of here. I'm tired of the atmosphere here. It's so stuffy."

Whenever Xilo asked something of her it was very hard for Tearia to decline especially when it was something so simple. With a bit of complaining she grabbed it and shoved it into her necklace. Once that was done the four of them started their walk back up the cave. Xilo thought about taking more of the corpse to sell or have in handy but they didn't have the storage for all of that. "Usually the same Beast spawns in these kinds of locations." Knowing that also helped ease his choice up as they went back to the surface. If he ever wanted something from that beast he could always come back here. So besides a piece of its spiky shell for proof he left it alone.

He didn't really like being randomly tested like this but he liked Felian enough to let it be. Walking past the gate, Xilo shut it behind him as they left the invisible barrier and headed back into the forest. Walking back they talked about a few things together until the city came into their sights. Crossing the bridge, Xilo stared deep into the water trying to spot the creature that laid beneath it. No matter how hard he looked though he found nothing. "I don't even sense it." He figured something that strong would have left some kind of trail but it was smarter than he thought. Entering the city Xilo followed the map he was given by Felian as he made his way there.

After a bit more travelling and dealing with the strangers that walked the streets his little group finally made it to their destination. It was a small little store, about as big as a standard house that was made of stone. Lining the walls were different advertisements and requests from companies or people. With one window that let light in from the front. On the top half of the building was a big red sign that had the name of it written on it. "Gale Company." Figuring that was her family name Xilo confirmed this was the place as he walked in. Opening the door he was greeted by shelves of items that ranged from medicine to weapons or even toys for kids. "A little bit of everything." Admiring the sight, he looked towards the counter where a black haired woman sat with her head in her hands as she read through a book waiting for her next customer.

Walking up to the counter he tapped it a couple of times to try and grab her attention since it seemed she didn't hear them enter.

*Tap* *Tap*.

With a jump Felian's head shot up as she looked at the people in front of her. Surprised to see them so soon Felian put her book away as she smiled and greeted them. "I guess they want some info to help?" She wondered why Xilo and his girlfriends had shown up so soon. She figured he might not have been back for a couple of weeks. Seeing her jump, Xilo felt slightly sorry until she smiled. Setting his mind at ease he smiled too. He thought he wouldn't get to see her so soon but after the events at Dracal Hall that changed.

"Hia, Felian. Good to see you again."

"Hi Xilo, Xelfia, Tearia, Relia. Didn't expect to see you all so soon. Did you come here to ask for my advice or buy something?"

Hearing her ask, Xilo felt his left eye twitch a little bit as he brought out the bag with the proof on the table. He may have been fond of Felian but he was still a bit angry with her. Placing it on the table he opened it up as the smell of blood filled the room. He didn't say a word as a cocky grin surfaced, he had already held up his part of the deal. Now to see her reaction to it, that was what he was really after. The satisfaction that came from exceeding her expectations was what he wanted as payback.

"Nah, none of that. I just came here to present proof that I completed your half of the deal in all of this."

Examining the spike Xilo ripped off the Spek, Felian was left slightly speechless for a second.


Fumbling over her words Felian checked it over once more now that she knew what it was.

"Did you guys really already beat that thing? It hasn't even been two days yet you know…"

She confirmed it was real multiple times as she said those words. Feeling slightly exasperated she tried her best to ignore Xilo's cheeky look and the girls beaming smiles as she placed it under the table. Feeling a little overwhelmed, Felian finally remembered what she had forgotten to do earlier. "No wonder they look a bit upset…." She noticed the slight anger in Xilo's eyes when he arrived as she thought back to not telling them about that Astral Beast.

"Would you be happy If I said sorry?"


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