
Chapter 2

Hestia's POV

12 Years Later.....

"Are you going to keep staring at me or are you going to talk?"I said getting annoyed with Ken

"What's there to talk about?I thought I made it clear that whatever business I handle is not for you to question".Ken gritted his teeth in annoyance

I knew it was best to stop asking him before he went bonkers on me. I still had a puffy cheek from when he hit me yesterday,but I've had enough of him. I still can't believe I put up with him for four years. All he does is come home late,drink alcohol,beat me up when he's in an awful mood,but I still stood by him even when my friends warned me about him

"Oh please!So I should just let you drag me to Hades with you not a chance,I'm done with this shit Ken,I'm done with you,you can't keep coming here after messing up out there and expect me to clean after you. All you do is use me and I've been blindingly letting you but this is it... NO MORE. Don't even think you can get away with this."I snapped getting infuriated

Sirens are heard from a distant

"You called the cops on me,you little bitch,do you know I can destroy with just a flick of my finger."Ken exclaimed staring daggers at me

If I wasn't so tired of him I would have been scared shitless by now

"You really thought you'd get away with everything you've put me through,yeah you must think I'm really stupid huh?"I snickered

There was aloud bang and my door came crushing with a bang."On your knees,put your arms behind your back where we can see them NOW", I turned to the three cops that had just arrived

"I said put your arms behind your back sir,"he said again.Ken had no choice but to comply with them

He was handcuffed and dragged outside. I walked to the now crumbled door and watched him being forced in the cops car. Before he could enter he turned to me and said,"You'll rue this day Esty, remember this moment because I will never forget this,watch out Kitten."I shuddered at the pet name because he only called me that when he was always hurting me

No need to worry Es he'll be locked up for good

I kept trying to reassure myself even as the car left with him. I let out a sigh in relief. Finally I can be at peace

"Was that the cops and did I just see Ken in there?" I turned to the voice and saw my three best friends

I was still shaken by the whole ordeal and still couldn't believe that happened. For so long has he taunted me,it just felt so surreal that he was out of my life for good this time. Breaking up and getting back together was because even though he was a complete asshole I still loved him so much but I knew I couldn't be in something that toxic anymore

"Uh....yeah sure....th..at...that was it."I managed to stutter

"You okay boo?You sound so scared,did he hit you again?Okay who do I have to kill this time for hurting you?I thought you'd be celebrating now that that dickhead is finally going to pay for his crimes.You know I don't get you sometimes Es,you and your kindness,look where it's brought you to,anywho I'm glad he's out of your life,now we can always go to the clubs and get more hot guys and ladies... especially Stelly."Jade said rolling her eyes

"Jade she just got out of a fucking abusive relationship,cut the girl some slack."Charles hissed glaring at Jade who just shrugged and rolled her eyes. She loves rolling those eyes,I wish they'd get stuck at the back of her head

"Thanks Charles,I said giving him a polite smile,he was the most sensible in our little group,...and no Jade I'm not really up for hookups or any relationship at all,I don't think I can handle going through heart aches and all that shit you know me,"I said pointing at Jade

"Yada yada yada am tired and hungry let's go eat,"Blair whined stomping on her feet. We always call her a baby with how she always acts when things don't go her way

"Sure let me just call someone to fix my door so we can leave when he gets here,"I said going back inside to grab my phone and purse

"Oh and Es......,"I stopped on my tracks when I heard Blair calling me but didn't turn around already knowing what she wanted to say

"He doesn't deserve your precious tears so don't even think of shedding any,"she stated

"Yeah sure thing B,"I muttered walking away.

I knew B was right,he didn't deserve my tears and I wasn't gonna cry over this. I'm finally free to live my life without getting scared,I can hang out with my friends without thinking there'll be consequences.I can go out to clubs and party like there's no tomorrow

Of course I'm exaggerating but you get my point

Grabbing my phone I called Ricky my apartment maintainer . He came within 10 minutes and I gave my keys to him

Getting into Charles's car we drove to Pe's diner. He served the best mouthwatering sushi in town and I was not about to destroy my appetite thinking about Ken and his shenanigans

I didn't even realized we had arrived until Charles patted my shoulder

"We're here Es,you spaced out for a while. It's okay don't think about him anymore. It's all over now and even when we go to court we'll be there as your witness. You know you can always count on me."he said rubbing my arm for comfort

"I really appreciate it Charles,I will be fine ... eventually,"I sighed

"Alrighty then let's get in before Blair starts shri.....before he could finish what he was saying we heard a loud shrieking and covered our ears.We knew Blair was impatient and childish especially when hungry but damn this is just plain exaggerating

"Yep that was what I was afraid of,"Charles chuckled

"Let's go in before she bites our heads off,"I laughed lightly

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