

Mana... The so called source of everything Ever since the gates of monsters had appeared, society had been plunged quickly into great dismay. Yet, it was also blessed with unimaginable wealth and new opportunities, Humanity had been granted the gift of magic and its endless potential. However, the cataclysm occurred. As the whole of humanity was driven to extinction by monsters, one man stood alone as he faught a hopeless war by himself, when it was his time to die, he couldn't begin to imagine what he saw in front of him. "what da fuck..." *** Cover not mine, just comment and I'll remove it

Random_Asian · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Familiarity 11

"you there!"

(haah... this was bound to happen) Ferris thought, without much shock in his face

He turned around to meet the person who caught him red handed, as expected the man in front of him wore a religious vestment that somewhat resembled the vestments Catholic priest wore on Earth.

(what do you think are you doing?) The priest said with a vein popping out on his forehead

"(This better work, time to act clueless) hey uh, something something can I open this door please"

For a second the priest was caught off guard with the unfamiliar language but he quickly dismissed it. Removing this foreigner was top priority for him.

"(huh? a foreigner?) haah.. these damn foreigners should learn basic manners..."

(It seems to be working..) He thought with a sigh of relief




As they awkwardly stared at each other without saying a single word, the priest finally gave in to the quiet air.

"haah.. Do. You. Know. The. Common. Language?" The priest asked with clear and concise words



"gibberish?" Ferris replied with shaking lips, trying his best not to laugh his ass off on the spot

(damn, this foreigner really is clueless..) the priest thought, not understanding a single word coming out of Ferris's mouth

(perfect, now I need to do the last get away step) Ferris thought

In a surprising act from the so called foreigner, the priest took a single step back. Ferris did something that the priest didn't expect at all.

"I wanna pee where's the bathroom?" he said along with a suggestive pose, trying to indicate that he wants to take a piss



At that moment, the priest has finally lost it. In a quick flash of rage, anger and even shock he shouted as loud as his lungs could allow him.

"(This damn outsider!) Guards! escort this bastard out!" he shouted


"next time, we'll arrest you for trespassing"

As if he was a prisoner, the guards treated him like trash as they threw him off the streets like an object. He landed face first into the solid rock pathway though it didn't hurt much for him but seeing the bystanders passing him by without helping definitely stung his heart.

"(I made it out) I can't believe that bullshit worked" he exclaimed with a sweaty face

He took his time to stand back up as he dusted the dirt that got stuck on his clothes.

(I'm still not strong enough to do whatever I want, if I go back to the forest and fight wild predators, I'll quickly become too strong for them in just a week, what I need is....

a gate... something that can constantly put me near death)

Just becoming one of the low rank hunters can put you beyond human limits, lifting triple their own weight and becoming as durable as hardened metal. However, despite that the monsters inside the gates are still no joke. Chitin shells that are lighter and harder than steel, hide that can withstand the biggest caliber rifles, claws that can rip apart tanks and strength that can flip cars over.

These are the monsters that hunters face, some small and as weak as an adult human and some that can be called near God like entities.

"do gates even exist here?" he mumbled

He looked around him but all he saw was a peaceful street that was filled with normal civilians and carriages moving along the road.

(?) he noticed something

Just beyond the street was a group of people that seemed to be familiar, they had stained weapons that lost their original strength and armor that has seen better days.

"hunters..." he said to himself as he stared at them in the distance (If I follow them, maybe they could lead me into a gate)

He patiently waited for them to move and when they did he began to trail them from the opposite sidewalk. A couple minutes of pure walking went by and slowly but surely, more people that resembled hunters began to appear more.

Soon, he encountered a massive dome structure that nearly reached the clouds.

(I was right, they lead me to right where I wanted to be)

The area around the dome structure was made extremely spacious, it was filled with small shops selling weapons and armor along with food stalls, just from hearing the noises, the competition between the shops were fierce.

(I only ever saw this much hunters when there's a high rank gate appearing but... these hunters have a big gap between gear quality and power)

His eyes jumped from person to person, sometimes he saw a man wearing the most generic armor and weapons and sometimes he saw hunters with expensive gear, a plague of doubt clouded his mind when he thought this place had a gate but he was reassured again when he saw the dome structure.

Without wasting time he squeezed his way through the crowd so he could enter the structure. As he got closer, the dome became bigger than what he had expected, a massive iron gate was the entrance where hunters went in and out.





A tingle of shock went through his body as he saw what was in front of him. Just by seeing the sheer size of the gate gave him bad memories of the past.

The place was a hollow structure that was simply made to cover the entire gate.

A lot of hunters filled the general area with battle damage as healers tried their best to treat them as much as they could.


The gate suddenly grew brightly as a silhouette of something massive emerged.

As the thing slowly came out, everyone in the dome suddenly erupted into cheers, It was like a stadium filled with die hard fans cheering for their favorite team.

What appeared was the massive head of a dragon that was as big as two stacked busses on their vertical axis, it was carried by a large metal platform on wheels and In front of the platform was a group of what seemed to be top class hunters coated with the best possible armor and weapons.

Just from their appearance, the mana atmosphere changed drastically.

"oh?... That reminds me of the dragon from the S rank gate in India back then...

"not bad"


Standing here

I realize

Random_Asiancreators' thoughts