
Re:Zero, Power Driven Madness (Finished)

A guy dies and is reincarnated into re zero. Simple enough right? But what if he wasn’t crazy and instead was a normal human being who wanted to avoid dying? What if he wanted at least some form of power to avoid being chained by a certain crazy witch and her army of obsessed simps!!! ——————- I do not own Re:Zero, all works and achievements go towards Tappei Nagatsuki

Haven_of_books · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

A super serious character synopsis

Should give you a better image of some current characters and beasts. And just so I can use them in the future and not worry about descriptions. To lazy? Alright fine I'll do a tiny bit of description while writing.

Also I will be adding on as I introduce more in upcoming chapters hopefully. So if we have some missing, well you know why now 😉.

The characters:

Beatrice- A 500 year old great spirit in the shape of a little girl with blonde hair and twin tails, likes to wear pink.

Roswaal- Imagine Hisoka from HxH but every word he speaks is just how he pronounces Gon. Pretty tall dude, strange obsession with clown makeup. Oh yeah, massive simp who loves his book.

Rem and Ram - One a fallen prodigy and the other a replacement with a inferiority complex, these two oni sisters work for Roswaal. One with blue hair and the other with red hair. Can be seen wearing maid wear.

Suburu- the guy who consumed Subaru's spirit for breakfast, calls himself Suburu... weird almost like the author miss spelled it.... anyways has mean eyes and a slim body, black hair with spikes which defy gravity showing forehead.

Elsa the bowel hunter- little is known about this character, mostly because those who are unfortunate enough to take her interest die. Gorgeous woman, nasty personality. Oh yeah she's also dead.

Reinhard the sword saint- Red hair, handsome, extremely dedicated to his morals of a knight, the world loves him and allows him any blessing he wants. Pretty much a op anime protagonist on the surface but actually a pretty chill guy.

Emilia- A little over 100 years old. Was brain dead due to pandora for most of those years making her 14 years old mentally. Has most of her memories sealed by Puck. Wants to mend the gap between Demi-humans and humanity. Has a kind personality which she considered being selfish.

Puck: The great spirit of Fire, Puck! Can be seen around Emilia or as he calls her "Lia". Interestingly enough Puck is an artificial spirit created by Echidna. Also an extreme daughter-con. Will genuinely destroy the world if Emilia dies.

Maylie the beast master- a purple hair little girl with clear green eyes. Raised by beasts she grew to have a savage and inhuman personality. Fortunately or unfortunately she met the bowel hunter who taught her how to present herself. Now however, she is rather nice, rather it be her enemies and her friends. She will still send a army of beasts to absolutely maul you though.

Arthur- A 14 year old that can be found in the village near Roswaal's mansion. Imagine Garfield but without a scar and the teeth. Usually calm and collected, but is extremely passionate about his 'blade'. Perhaps he is a chunni for swords.

Felix Argyle- A knight of Lugnica who is currently following lady Crusch. Felix is a trap, a feminine boy. He looks like a female and dressing like one too. However, his cross dressing tendencies was a promise to someone he finds extremely important. Instead of saying I, he says Ferris.

Wilhem Van Astrea- Known mostly as the sword demon, he is extremely feared through his swordsmanship. He had brought his swordsmanship to the point that the sword saint of past couldn't win against his blade. However, he is currently a broken man looking to slay the white whale to avenge his wife's death.

Al - A man from Japan and the knight of Priscilla. His ability is currently unknown, but it has been 'told' to let him 'repeat' an event a certain amount of times. Interestingly enough, Al had a form of amnesia until he met Subaru. It's currently unknown just what caused it but he clearly has a connection to the witches cult due to some of his words towards Capella.

Priscilla Barielle - Has Orange tied hair, blood red eyes, and a red dress that shows off her beauty. Priscilla is a royal candidate whom believes that the 'world is made in her favor', and her fortune has proved to be true. She dislikes those who do not serve her or simply gets in her way. She is also an extremely rare and powerful Yang user who didn't even seem for care when fighting a Archbishop of Sin.

Crusch Karsten - A beautiful woman with almond-shaped amber eyes and long dark green hair that reaches her lower back. When younger she grew fascinated by the history of Lion Kings. Because of this fascination, she will would grow her current radical but conflicted ideals on Lugnica's present state. Her goal is to sever the ties between the dragon and Lugnica.

Ricardo- Leader of the Iron of Fang. He is the epitome of a true 'bro'.

Russel - Treasurer of Lugnica's merchant guild. He controls many of the business that runs through Lugnica. His personality is sly and greedy, but he uses a front to gain more out of his victims... I mean business partners.

Anastasia- A horrifying business woman. She can't use magic or fight in any manner. But her management skills and greedy personality Combine to create a horrifying lady. The artificial spirit of Echidna took over this girls body and decided to pay respects by naming herself after the girl.

Echidna - Better known as the witch of greed, she was notorious for her misdeeds and knowledge. People would puke in the mere presence of her. She used to want to protect the world before realizing it was useless. After that, she got consumed with the desire to watch things play out. She's dead.... again?


The demon beasts:

Guiltylowe: The "Jet Black King of The Forest" is their title. They can be found deep in forests with a high concentration of mana. They have the head of a lion and the body of either a goat of horse, oh yeah a snake can also be found as in replacement of its tail... yeah it's kind of just there tbh. Also it is big enough to block a wide passageway big enough for 2 people to walk through side by side. Oh yeah,this beast is fast and deadly and will have you head rolling before you even notice it's presence.

Wolgram: One meter in length and 30 - 40 kilograms at average. They have the appearance of a wolf but are able to cast curses on whoever they touch. This curse can be placed via tooth or claw. If you manage to escape one you will probably die in your sleep when eating breakfast, this is because they drain you dry of all your precious mana.

White Whale: Created by the Witch or Gluttony, It looks to be a giant white whale that is estimated to be 50 meters. The glowing pink wheel on its back so what allows it to fly. It also has tiny hairs covering its whole body that scatter any mana that this them. It's mana has been altered to cause two different effects. One is the mist of Contamination which has the effects of mana poisoning. The other is Mist of Elimination, it can totally erase any person who's hit by it and also wipe any memory of them from someone's mind. This goes as far as to effect even objects that have been touched by said 'erased' person.