
Re:Zero − Starting Life in Another World

Author : Tappei Nagatsuki Subaru Natsuki is a NEET who is suddenly summoned to a fantasy-like world. Just after arriving, he is killed while trying to help a young half-elf he befriends, Emilia, who is a candidate to become the next ruler of the Kingdom of Lugunica, only to revive some hours in the past.

KyoIshigami · Fantasy
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467 Chs


—Atop a little hill rising out of a green, grassy plain that smelled of wildflowers, the Witch's Tea Party was about to commence.

The Witches in attendance were all notorious figures who had rampaged across every corner of the world four centuries ago. Joining them was a single boy from a foreign land in a foreign world—plus one final participant, who had just arrived.

This last-minute appearance elicited a variety of reactions from the six Witches already there.

One clenched her fists with a forlorn look. One shrank back in palpable fear. One closed her eyes with a languid sigh. One drooled in ecstasy. One spread both arms wide in an innocent, welcoming gesture.

And the last of the six—

"—Crossing multiple boundaries to intrude upon even my castle of dreams. Her rudeness truly knows no limits."

Echidna the Witch's gaze and voice grew pointed as she spat out those words, directing them toward the detestable shadow approaching the table. The sheer hatred and disgust reflected in those eyes made the boy—Subaru Natsuki—gaze in wonder.

Subaru had been roundly criticizing Echidna for lacking proper human emotions just moments earlier. It was only natural for him to be shocked by her display of such vehement feelings.

Even if those emotions were incredibly negative rather than positive.

"But right now…"

—There was an issue that took precedence over Echidna's raw emotions.

Subaru and the Witches watched as the shadow slowly came up the hill.

The shadow was clad in a pitch-black dress, with a veil of darkness concealing her face. The oddly hazy impression she gave off was impossible to ignore. No one had any doubt about her true identity.

She was the one who had slain the six Witches now gathered once again in this place. She was the worst of calamities, and one who had nearly destroyed the world.

—This shadow was the Witch of Jealousy.


Cheeks stiff from tension and wariness, Subaru could feel every beat of his heart.

In the back of his mind, he could see the Sanctuary vanishing into shadow, swallowed by the madness and obsessiveness of the Witch who had already caused such devastation once before. What would happen if the same thing occurred in this dream world…? The thought alone left him aghast.

Of course, there were six Witches besides Jealousy in this place. Perhaps these Witches, who bore titles of similar power, would be able to resist her in some way. However—

"…Why…isn't anyone…making a move?"

Subaru seemed short of breath as his confusion trickled out of him.

Jealousy was right in front of them, just now reaching the crest of the hill. Only a few scant yards remained between them; the looming apprehension he felt rivaled that terrible moment back in the Sanctuary.

But that was all. Jealousy wasn't fanning out her shadows. Her old acquaintances, the other Witches, were also not doing anything besides waiting quietly in place.

Not a single one of them budged. Not a single one tried to avenge themselves.

"The fact that no one is doing anything means…"

Abruptly, someone stepped forward, breaking the silence. She crossed her arms, emphasizing her bountiful breasts in the process. A terrible anger was visible on this Witch's adorable face. It was none other than Minerva of Wrath.

"Is…this the you I know? Can I trust you?"


Without flinching, Minerva called out to Jealousy. There was no reply. But her act made Subaru open his eyes wide and gape. That was only natural. As far as Subaru knew, Minerva was the only one of the Witches besides Jealousy who lacked any means of directly attacking her opponent. She was the weakest Witch of all.

This was because her power to transform any kind of violence into healing was the least suited for combat.

"…So why isn't anyone trying to stop her?"

Every last one of them had to have some kind of grudge against Jealousy, if not hatred that was comparable to what Echidna harbored toward her. And yet, no one made any move to prevent Minerva's attempt at conversation.

Just as shocking was Jealousy, who had no answer for Minerva's words. The Witch stood there, paying no heed to her whatsoever. The sight of such defenselessness left Subaru confounded.

In terms of brute force, magical ability, and Authorities, if the six Witches challenged her then and there, Jealousy would easily be—

"—I understand how you feel. I raise both hands in sincere approval. If we could erase her in an instant without leaving even a single fragment behind, it would settle so many of the problems swirling around you. Truly, it would."


Subaru felt utterly disgusted at how Echidna nodded with a knowing look. But as much as he hated to admit it, if there was anyone who could ease Subaru's doubts at this moment, it was the Witch of Greed.

"Then why aren't you doing anything? This is a chance to get payback after all these years?"

"Simple. If I attempt to eliminate her, I will expose my back to all the other Witches. Even if we ignore Minerva, I am not strong enough to survive making an enemy of Sekhmet or Typhon."


The incomprehensible logic of Echidna's explanation baffled Subaru.

"I just…don't get it. Why would trying to kill the Witch of Jealousy mean that you'd end up fighting the other Witches? You might have a particular thirst for vengeance, but isn't she an enemy to ev…"

"Th-that's not…true…"

It was Carmilla of Lust's halting words that interrupted Subaru's question. She ignored Subaru's gawking, keeping her eyes on the standoff between Minerva and Jealousy.

"A-all of us hold a…grudge against Jealousy… That is true. But this isn't true…for that g-girl, you know?"

"The hell are you…? All of you hold a grudge against Jealousy, but this is different?"

"Thaaat's right. You're just overthinking it, Subarun."

When Subaru failed to follow what Carmilla was saying, Daphne of Gluttony spoke in her stead, laughing with a sweet voice. She turned her blindfolded face toward Subaru, smacking her lips as she savored his delectable anguish.

"Everything comes down to whether it's Tella-Tella ooor Jealousy who came. If we don't know that, there's nothing Daphne and the others can do. A candidate to be a sage should know that much."

"Let him be, Daphne, sigh. He doesn't know, phew. About any of that yet, sigh."

"Ohhh, is that right? Daphne made an oopsie…"

Daphne wore a smile that seemed devoid of any malice as Sekhmet chastised her. The Witch of Sloth lowered her eyes, which were rimmed by long eyelashes, before emitting a particularly lethargic sigh.

"—! Why you little…"

Subaru felt rage welling up when it became incredibly obvious from the exchange and their knowing looks that he had been left out of the loop.

He'd gotten this far by being completely and utterly swept along by recent events: a harrowing Return by Death, an undesired second Trial, and learning about Echidna's true nature on top of everything else. It felt like the Witches had toyed with his heart one after another until finally, he found himself face-to-face with the Witch of Jealousy herself.

Daphne's and Sekhmet's exchange was the last push that sent Subaru's head reeling. Just how much were they going to make a fool of him?

"Cut the crap already! I…I ain't got the time or the patience to be messing around!"

"Wow, Baru, so scawwy. Are you mad? You'll get tired, y'know?"

Typhon of Pride poked a finger into her cheek, tilting her head as she innocently questioned Subaru.

"Also, get it right. We're not mad at Tella. But we are mad at the Witch. And y'see, Typhon likes Tella, so…"

"Tella… You mean Satella? That's…the name of the Witch of Jealousy, ain't it…?"

"…To put it in simple terms, the world remembered Satella as the Witch of Jealousy. However, what was not recorded in history was that Satella had a type of personality disorder."

Echidna picked up where Typhon's explanation left off to fill in the blanks with words even Subaru could comprehend.

Unfortunately, he had no idea how he should interpret the words personality disorder. That could be—

"—Something like a split personality? That would mean Satella and the Witch of Jealousy are…"

"Perhaps it would be clearer to say that she absorbed a Factor that was incompatible with her, causing a mental abnormality that ultimately created the Witch personality within Satella…not that I personally have any inclination to distinguish between the two."

Echidna was disgruntled, but Subaru could not conceal his shock at the new fact that had come to light.

He couldn't recall ever hearing a word about Satella and the Witch of Jealousy being two distinct personalities. It was natural this information couldn't be found anywhere in the legends. At the same time, this revelation finally allowed him to comprehend the current standoff.

Was the person standing before them the Witch of Jealousy or Satella? Even the other Witches apparently didn't know.

"Accordingly, I cannot recklessly go on the attack. If I cross the other five just to eliminate her alone, there will be no hope for victory. After all, if my soul dissipates, even I cannot escape death."

"…But this is a big risk for the other five, too, isn't it? You were lending your soul out to them, right? If you vanish, won't they go up in smoke, too?"

"They've already accepted their deaths. They have no lingering attachments to a prolonged existence as mere souls. Rather than struggle to remain, they would rather perish while living according their beliefs. It is because we are only capable of this destructive way of life that we are Witches."

Not a single one of the other five disputed Echidna's statement.

Subaru could not approve of the Witches' way of life, for it was too focused on living in the moment for him to consider it pure of heart. Such fanatic devotion to a singular purpose, both in life and in death, was far from normal.


"I get you're all like that. It's…hard to accept, but I can at least understand where you're coming from. But that only goes for you guys. For Sate…for that Witch, it's different."

He had managed to grasp the Witches' perspective. However, this was ultimately an account from the victims. He had yet to hear the offender's story. If that was even possible.


Without a word, the pitch-black figure watched on as Subaru spoke with the Witches. No, it was more accurate to say that Jealousy watched Subaru alone.

"It's better than her attacking without a word like last time we met, but only barely. What did she come to…? What does she want to make me do? What did she…?"

—What did she do to me? What does she want to make Subaru Natsuki to do in this world?

"If you want to know the answer…then ask her yourself."


Minerva interrupted Subaru's thoughts with a voice that was mixed with both irritation and a sense of grief. Standing at Jealousy's side, she kept her blue eyes wide open, which were brimming with tears as she glared at Subaru.

"I don't want to hear your lame excuses. This girl came here to meet you. Speak to her directly… If you can't manage that, then you aren't the man we thought you are!"

"Aren't the man you…? The hell are you going on about?! Who asked you to pass judgment on me?! I'm not about to just roll over and do whatever you want!"

"If you aren't going to talk to her, sigh…then what would you rather do, phew."

Lying on her side, Sekhmet suddenly tossed a question toward the emotional Subaru. Not moving from the slovenly posture that was worthy of her title, Sloth turned her pale face until she was looking directly at Subaru's reddened one.

"As you can see, sigh. We are in a stalemate, phew. At this point, the key, sigh…literally rests in your hands, phew. For better or for worse, that is, sigh."

Subaru could feel on his skin how Sekhmet's words drew the gazes of all the Witches to him.

Everything had been entrusted to Subaru Natsuki, the weakest, most foolish, and shallowest among them.

The relationship between Jealousy and the other six Witches was just as they had told him. The Witches kept one another in check, while Jealousy's attention was focused on Subaru alone.

"Echidna, you don't have any intention of letting me out of here, do you?"

"It is meaningless to neglect this situation, after all. I am a maiden suffering from a broken heart after a certain someone cruelly dumped me. At the very least, I want to see what you will choose in your current position. If I dared to wish for more, I would be very gratified to see you cruelly dump another girl."

"You really are a Witch…"

After hearing that malicious reply, Subaru closed his eyes, exhaling slightly. Then he steeled himself and slowly began approaching Jealousy, the Witch shrouded in shadow.

"…Took you long enough to decide."

What sounded like an insult slipped out of Minerva as she took a step away from Jealousy's side. With this, there was no one left to intrude between Subaru and Jealousy. The two faced off against each other, close enough to touch.


Though they were but a few short yards apart, Subaru felt the pressure increasing with every step. Even looking directly at her like this, he could see nothing of her face, hidden as it was behind a veil of darkness. This was not because the shadow was so thick that it obscured everything from sight. His primal instincts had chosen to not see.

"Everyone would prefer to avert their eyes from their most unsightly delusions."


"If you cannot see her face, the issue lies within your own mind."

From somewhere behind him, someone gave welcome advice that cleared some of his doubts. He wanted to suck his teeth, but he resisted the impulse. More importantly, Subaru didn't have enough composure to bother with Echidna.

Whether it was Satella or Jealousy before him, he could not take his eyes away from either. If his gaze wandered for even a split second, there was no telling what might happen that very—


Suddenly, Subaru found two hands being offered to him. His throat froze over.

Subaru had been on guard, not taking his eyes off Jealousy for even a single second. And yet, in an instant, all his efforts were for nothing. It wasn't that he failed to see. He saw her move from start to finish.

It was simply that when Jealousy raised her hands toward him, all he could do was watch in silence.

"Seriously…what's with you? What do you want me to do…?"

Subaru shook his head from side to side, refusing the outstretched hands. Seeing Jealousy's actions and knowing that she was standing right there in front of him made Subaru feel something hot inside his chest.

It would have been easier if what he felt was hatred or disgust. But this was something else.

What Subaru Natsuki's soul felt was relief when he looked at the Witch of Jealousy.



Subaru was mostly occupied by the chaos that gripped heart. That explained his delayed reaction to the faint sound that reached his eardrums. His comprehension was delayed as well. It took him a moment to realize that it was Jealousy who had made that sound.

Veiled by shadow, Subaru was unable to see Jealousy's expression as both her hands still reached toward him, as if she was slowly attempting to convey something to him.

Swallowing hard, Subaru waited for her. Finally, the Witch of Jealousy spoke:

"—I have always, always loved you. You, and you alone."