
Re: Write The Villain

[Currently under heavy editing] Death. What is death actually? Athan, a twenty-one year old genius, died in an accident. He got hit by a truck and was thrown few meters on the ground. "I couldn't even finish reading the novel..." He regrettably thought, holding onto his phone tightly not wanting to let go. In the screen, there were letters written in a sentence waiting to be read. However, he couldn't. In his last moment, he could only think of one thing. It was his wish to finish the remaining three chapters of the novel. "I guess I'll never find out the ending..." He closed his eyes and let his mind get drowned in darkness. [ Timer left : 00Y : 00H : 00M : 03S ] [ Timer left : 00Y : 00H : 00M : 02S ] [ Timer left : 00Y : 00H : 00M : 01S ] [ Timer left : 00Y : 00H : 00M : 00S ] As the loud ticking sound rang in his ear, his mind finally gave out as he fell unconscious. He was dead. He was sure of it, but... "Eh...?" The moment he opened his eyes, he found himself in someone else's body. He stared at his hands in surprise and noticed that he was in a body of a newborn child that came out just a few moments ago. And worse, "So... Am I gonna die again?" He was reincarnated as a villain. ~~~ Hello guys, Author here, I just wanted to say that this is the first novel I've ever write, also my language is not full english. So, expect that some of my grammar are bad. Feel free to criticized me if my writing is bad, so I can change and learn more about writing. I will be re-editing the first volume in the future.

FalseFace · Eastern
Not enough ratings
182 Chs

Athan... You F*ck! 2

A man, who looked like a veteran warrior, with a scar on his eyes that reached down in his cheeks, could be seen sitting alone under a tree while smoking a cigarette.


After puffing out the smoke, he crushed his cigarette before throwing it away. He then proceeds to take another cigarette from his pocket and light it up. Next, he place his left hand behind his head and slumped his back against the trunk, not even bothering to get his guard up, once again.

Earlier, he tried to ensure that his companion was resting under the shade, and when he saw them looking at the blooming flowers in the flowerbed, enjoying the refreshing breeze blowing through the trees, he ended up joining them and enjoyed a very leisure time.

"Ahh... This is the life..."

"Hey, brother! Quit smoking already!"

While he was peacefully trying to smoke alone under the shade, a young man came out of nowhere and kicked a pebble, that flew up towards his face.

Naturally, without his guard up, it ended up hitting him on the nose without problem.

"Ouch!" The scarred man rubbed his nose painfully. Opening his eyes, when he saw the suspect right before him, he narrowed his eyes and asked, "What is it? Do you want something from me?"

Upon hearing what he said, the lad grew veins in his forehead as he forced a smile. "You've already smoked fifty times for today, when will you even stop smoking? After you get a lung disease?" He said so sarcastically... No, it was not actually sarcastic. He was actually being serious.

"Relax. I can always use magic with the help of my element, Cure." The scarred man once again slumped his back to the tree comfortably, "There's no way a mere disease could kill me." His lips curled into a smirk, with his eyes still focused towards the lad in front of him.

"But, I could." The young man before him pointed his sword towards his chin. But instead of being scared and moving away, he remained in place, not even bothering to wipe his smirk off from his face.

"Oh, please~ you're still too weak to point with that 'plaything' towards me. Even though you were entitled as the hero, you're still too weak to be called a proper one. After all, little brother tends to be weaker than their brother." He laughed at him, wiping the tears forming from the side of his eyes.

The veins on the lad's forehead grew more. He was annoyed than ever after hearing what his older brother had said.

"I'm leaving!"

He turned his back towards the scarred man and left without saying goodbye.




At the same place, but in a different year...

The young man had fully grown into an adult. His aquamarine eyes were sharper, his brown hair was now long enough that it cascaded beautifully in the air, but...


...He look like he was in the verge of dying.

The scarred man ran forward and caught his little brother's body before he fell on his knees. He looked at Aamon worriedly. It was the first time in a few years that they have seen each other. What possibility could have happened to him after he disappeared?

"I'm fine... Cough!" Aamon covered his mouth with his right hand and coughed out some particles of light, that flew and disappeared in the air.

"No! You clearly don't look fine at all!" His eyes wandered at Aamon's body from up and down. When he saw him looking beat up, looking almost half-dead, he couldn't help but ask what happened.

"It's a long story-cough! ...and I don't have much more time left." Before the scarred man could even say something, Aamon continued, "Give this thing to my son in the future, and make sure that-cough! ...he receives what's inside."

As soon as he finished his sentence, Aamon handed him a rectangular-shaped box. Before he could even ask what was going on, Aamon's body suddenly started to light up disappearing into thin air.

The scarred man desperately called out for his name, but no one answered.

And just like that, Aamon had once again disappeared without saying his last goodbye.





After waking up, the professor say up in his bed and stared at the empty space for a few minutes before noticing something fell in his eyes.

"A tear...?" He wiped the tears away before proceeding to stand up from his bed and walking towards the bathroom to wash his face.

"It's been quite a while now since I've dreamed about him." The professor said to himself, splashing some water to his face. After he was done, he took a dry towel that was hanging from the side to dry his face.

Stepping out of the bathroom, his eyes were caught in the rectangular-shaped box on the table that was on the side of his room.

"Should I give it to him now, or after he wins the tournament?"

At the same time- inside Athan's room, Deus was walking around in circles. There were dark circles formed under his eyes. It was clear that he didn't sleep last night at all!

"Athan... You fuck!"

He cursed Athan's name repeatedly. When he finally felt tired, Deus let his body fall into bed as he clenched his hand tightly into a fist.

"Damnit! If I can't join the tournament, how can I..." Before he could even continue, his eyes wandered around the room until it caught sight of the clock...

And once again...

"I'm late!!!"

He's late.


"Why are you late?"

Arriving at the classroom, Deus was stopped by the scarred professor at the door. He look exhausted, let alone, Deus didn't have any time to prepare properly after he noticed that he's already running late.

By the time he reached the classroom, the class had already started thirty minutes ago.

"I humbly apologize..." Deus lowered his head in apologetic manner. He didn't dare to say anything else that might anger the professor. Right now, if the professor before him ordered him to jump in the window while his body was tied in a rope, he'll do it without even wasting a second. He had already decided to punish the bastard (Roche) himself for what he did to Athena and for trying to blackmail Aries.

He's willing do mere tasks like jumping in a pit full of fire, letting himself get stabbed by hot pitchforks, and many more in order to achieve his goals.

'Once I decided to do something, I'll do it!'

This was the motto he kept deeply in past lives even after getting more than half of his soul obliterated.

Unexpectedly, the professor just looked at Deus for a second before sighing exasperatedly. He then proceeds to walk towards him to fix his button saying, "Don't come inside my classroom looking like a beggar, damnit. My reputation as one the most respected teacher in this school is slowly getting tarnished by you."

Deus was dumbfounded after hearing what he said, but he remained quiet. He let the professor in front of him to tidy his clothes without saying a thing throughout the whole process.

After thirty second, the professor was finally done. He patted Deus shoulder and said before entering inside the classroom, "You can now go inside now, brat."

Deus' expression returned to normal as he gave him a nod before taking the first step to walk inside the classroom.

"Next time, don't be late."

He heard this reminder for the last time after walking past the scarred professor.

After a few moments, the class continued to it's usual phase as the professor went back to continue the lesson.

*Ring! Ring!*

After hearing the bell, the professor abruptly stopped his lectures.

When the students was about to stand up from their seats, he spoke.

"Okay, class. I'll repeat my announcement earlier since some of you were late," Saying this, the professor briefly glanced at Deus direction before continuing.

"Including for tomorrow, this'll be your last class for today because the principal has announced that today will be the last preparation for the festival tomorrow. If any of you had decided to join any particular events like the battle tournament, cooking competition, magic sniping competition, and many more, you should go there to enlist now."

Before he left the classroom, the professor bid his last farewell to his students.

"Enjoy the events today and tomorrow for it might be your last."


Inside the principal's office.

A few minutes ago after he left his classroom, the professor was later called out to the principal's office. It is said by one of his colleagues that the principal wanted to ask everyone for an important meeting. Of course, there are still some professors who are left to handle the events outside.

The very moment he entered the room, the principal, Evangeline, ordered the rest of the professor to start the meeting.

After an hour, they quickly wrapped up the whole meeting and Evangeline ordered everyone except for the professor handling the tournament to leave.

"As of now, I still haven't found any particular reason as to why you decided to join this academy... Do you have any plans that you're not planning to tell me, perhaps?" When everyone finally left the room, Evangeline asked this question to the professor as she slumped her back comfortably at her chair.

The professor closed his eyes and answered, "Hmm.... That's not a very good way to start a conversation, but... I won't lie, I sure do."

Seeing him reverted back to his previous self before he joined the academy a few years ago, Evangeline couldn't help but sigh in contempt.

"You sure have changed a lot after your brother's death."

"Really? Well, people change overtime. It is inevitable to stay the same since you'll only be left out in this world in the end."

The professor's face remained composed, but it was clear that he was being sarcastic when he said that.

"You really did become insane... What do you think Aamon will say after seeing you like this?"

"That question is irrelevant. I became who I am because I chose to. No one can change that fact except for me."

Evangeline gave him an all-knowing look and shook her head lightly. She said, "I see... I guess I'm half wrong from what I said, Sariell Von Lohengramm..."

As she continued, her eyes had a tint of seriousness in it.

"The current holder of the ability to foresee the events that might happen in the future, the Prophet of Fate."

When Sariell heard what she called him, he couldn't help but scratch the side of his neck before sighing deeply.

"I already told you that you should stop calling me that name, Princess...? Wait, should I still call you that, since you've practically lost to your sister during the coronation of the new Elven Queen?"

The moment she heard what he said, Evangeline threw the book near her towards him.

"My my~ So, you haven't fixed that anger issue of yours even after you changed your name in order to run away, all while feeling ashamed after losing, from the castle."

According to the elven royalty rules in this world, it is required to change the last name to 'Elvion' after marriage. If an elven man were to be married into an elven princess, it is required for him to change his last name to Elvion according to the rules. It is also the same when a elven woman were to be married to an elven prince, she, too, have to change her last name into Elvion.

"I guess I'm wrong, after all... You're still the same bastard no matter how you look at it." Evangeline gritted her teeth with an angered expression.

Seeing her like this, Sariell rolled his eyes and snorted.

"You started it, I'm finishing it."