

A guy that has been reborn as a legend within the dragon ball universe... With a system of course :). Update schedule: This series is for fun, so when I get time. Depending on how well it does.

PettiaMius_6689 · Anime & Comics
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76 Chs

The Invasion and the Fight P.2

~ Omni Pov... ~




Frieza looked toward his new enemy with anger and contempt. Wondering what was the saiyan before him thinking...

'I need to be quite careful with this one. His energy even now is still rising... And no doubt he could have sly tricks of his own...' Freiza thought skeptically.

Through his years of training, he learned to suppress himself when confronted with his anger, and he knew his pride could be his downfall when it came to his power.

Being done with the planning. Frieza suddenly split himself into three separate entities.

'The hell!? He knows the cloning technique?' Daiko quickly thought.

'This difficulty just spiked a little. Now I'm dealing with three Friezas at the same time who are all a decent bit stronger than me, individually...' Daiko also thought. He wondered if he should just end it quickly...

However, it had also been a while since any being challenged him like this, and given how powerful Frieza was at the moment, he might not get a chance like this ever again...


'Fuck it!' The saiyan thought, his blood boiling.

The Friezas seeing this then wasted no time all charging at once. Each formed a perfect triangular formation around the young saiyan, ready to attack.

However, Daiko simply upped his guard and focused his senses...

In a swift motion, they all charged toward him at the same time.



The blows of the frieza landed on the body of the saiyan, with every intent to kill. However, no matter what they did the saiyan wouldn't let them harm in any way other than blocking the punches and kicks at most...

However, Daiko was quickly getting used to their attack speed and attack patterns, and then, after waiting for an opening, he instantly counter-attacked the clone after it had attempted to kick him in the back of the head...

The rest of the Friezas backed off as their clone got sent flying by a thunderous kick...

They then looked towards the saiyan with even more anger than before. Fury was evident in their gazes as they couldn't even land a singly solid hit.

He quickly contemplated to himself what to do...

'How can this saiyan be this skilled? Even with a power difference, he took on all three of us and still managed to come out on top with an attack and no blows dealt to himself...'

The more Frieza thought about it, the more engaged he became...

'There seems to be a change of plans. This monkey, his potential is even greater than I had thought." Frieza thought, scoffing a little, he then continued.

'The more pressure I put on him, the faster he grows during combat, and annoyingly, it is with both technique and strength, but it isn't instant... That means all I have to do is, overwhelm him to a degree where his body can't adapt to my power in time...'

Realizing the answer, Frieza chuckled darkly.

"I must say, you are quite an annoyance, saiyan... To think I would need to use this form against you. Consider this a reward for actually pushing me..." Freiza said with mild venom laced in his tone.

Daiko simply looked on, upping his guard even more.

'This might get a little complicated. But I need to draw him away from the planet if he transforms...' He thought.

Daiko then quickly used 'observe' on his opponent...





Name: Lord Frieza

Title: Lord of the Galaxy, The Pinnacle of Evil, Mutant Anomaly, Tyrant

Level: 375/¿?

Power Level: Base: 298.3 Quadrillion, fifth Golden form: 27.9 Septillion...


First form: Suppresses the user's power by 226 times compared to normal.

Second form: Suppresses the user's power by 111 times compared to normal.

Third form: Suppresses the user's power by 23 times compared to normal.

Fourth form: Does not suppress the user's power level. It is the user's actual base.

True Transformations;

Fifth form: Increases the user's power level by 94 times their true form.

Golden form: Increases the user's power level by 1 million times their preferred form, before this one. (This is a stackable transformation...)

?????? form: ???

Skills: Death Ray, Death Ray Barrage, Shield, Instant transmission, Cloning technique, Chaos Slicer.





'The fuck? Aren't those multipliers utterly insane? I can't let that fucker transform.' Daiko quickly thought.

He wanted power, but even he knew that the gap was horrendously large.

Frieza's fifth Golden form was 27 Septillion! Not even mentioning the other one that is after it...

The only thing that could potentially save him is if he had acquired the legendary ssj form, but even then, that might not be enough...

"SHIT!" Daiko shouted, realizing the situation he put himself in. He quickly flew towards the Emporer.

However, King Cold decided to step in...

"Nuh-uh... Isn't it rude to interrupt your opponent's transformation? Sit back, will you." He said, charging towards the saiyan.

"I-don't-have TIME FOR THIS! MOVE!!!" Daiko shouted, his power magnifying over 10 fold his original, blowing back the father of the tyrant instantly into a large mountain.

His anger at himself beginning to manifest...

He quickly shook his head to not lose focus, he needed to stop Frieza before he could stack his forms on top of each other.

If he did so, not even a hypothetically ikari ssj-3 would be nearly enough to stop this monster that was to be born...

'Fuck! I should have listened to Master Pybara! But my egotistical ass thought I was already too powerful.' He thought, flying full throttle towards Frieza.

As he drew nearer, he opted to use instant transmission instead.

Teleporting behind Frieza.

He then created a ki blade with his energy, ready to kill the Mutant.

"DIE!!!" Daiko shouted, unleashing his power...








"A nice attempt... But you are far too late little saiyan..."

Daiko looked down, hearing the voice familiar to him, but, much, much deeper than before.

It was Freiza...

And he stood stronger than ever...

'Goddammit! I was too late!' Daiko shouted in his mind.

Frieza then gut-punched the saiyan and winded him, then Frieza threw him towards the planet like a cannonball...





Daiko landed in a nearby building... And unfortunately, he was badly injured...

"*Coughs blood*"

'The hell?... He just threw me and he did this much damage!?' The saiyan thought worried.

On another hand, Frieza looked down and saw that the monkey was standing after what he did...




"He's a tough one, the fact that he managed to survive the force of that throw means he must have ridiculous toughness beyond his level of power... Even more reason fornuimcto die!" Frieza said to himself, coldly.




Back down towards the planet, Daiko stood up shaking, his hand was a complete mess. He could tell it was on the verge of breaking, his leg partly fractured and multiple of his ribs broken...

His consciousness felt as if it was about to slip away...

'C-C'mon Daiko... Stay awake...' He told himself. He then reached for his inventory to grab a Senzu bean, however...

*Catches his hand*




"What do we have here? Planning on taking something are we? I won't bother around to find out what it does..." Frieza said, smiling coldly.

Daiko grimaced, but not for himself... His anger was about to take charge... He needed to alleviate the pain before it got to him... He couldn't afford to go 'truly' berserk...

'Ahh fuck me!... The bastard caught me... I need t-to shake him off... Or else everything here will die...' Daiko thought.

"F-Frieza y... You don't understand... You have to let me take this..." Daiko pleaded.

Frieza chuckled.

"And why should I do that? You're no match for me, even if this little... 'Thing', manages to make you come back, my power is simply beyond your understanding... And this isn't even my final form either..." He said smiling even more.

"You FOOL!!! You don't understand... If you don't kill me now... EVERYTHING you know will die..." Daiko pleaded, his consciousness was going to leave him any second...

Frieza could tell that he wasn't joking, but he was also a little curious...

"Let's test that theory, shall we?" Frieza said destroying the Senzu bean. Just as he did so, Daiko finally slipped from this world...

However, as Frieza did this, the Saiyan's body began to shake, violently.

'That's interesting...' He thought.

He soon saw the knocked into Daiko, however now he could bulging veins present on the Saiyan's head...












