

A guy that has been reborn as a legend within the dragon ball universe... With a system of course :). Update schedule: This series is for fun, so when I get time. Depending on how well it does.

Aaron_Chong_6689 · Anime & Comics
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76 Chs

The Invasion and the Fight P.1

~ Omni Pov, 2 weeks later... ~




Two weeks had passed since Daiko had heard of Frieza's coming, over this time, he had mastered the 'instant transmission' technique to the utmost degree, and after, he waited for the inevitable to arrive...




"It's time... That scum should be arriving today" Daiko said.

"Indeed, but I wish it didn't have to come to this..." Pybara stated solemnly.

The youngster simply closed his eyes, nodding at what his master had said.

"It is unfortunate master, but sadly, others can't be spoken to, much less be trusted. I just hope this incident doesn't make you change who you are, Pybara..." He finished.

The elder simply smiled.

"Thank you for helping us Daiko... And, I'm sorry for drawing you into this." Pybara said, holding unto his student's shoulder.


"... LORD PYBARA! FRIEZA, HE-HES ARRIVED!!" Shouted the yardratian.

Both Daiko and Pybara looked at each other in unison, both equally dawning a serious expression.

"We'll be right there," Pybara said.




Frieza's ship had landed near the docking station near the king's palace. After landing. Their ship's entrance quickly opened not long after, revealing a short and taller figure...

"This place brings back memories... A shame it has to go now..." The shorter one said out loud. Smiling condescendingly.

The taller figure nodded. "Indeed. A pity" The figure replied, his smile equally sinister...

Soon after, Pybara exited the castle. The two figures swiftly spotted him...

As the elder got closer to the two, an aura reeking with tension was built.

Then Pybara broke the tense silence...

"I see you both have arrived. Lord Frieza, King Cold. I'm assuming you both haven't changed your minds on this matter?..." Pybara said, seemingly already knowing the answer to his question.

Both the figures who were revealed to be Frieza and Cold chuckled. Freiza then spoke...

"You both know us just so well, master... I also take it that you won't go out without a fight..." Frieza smiled and then continued.

"But you also must know as well that, well... How do I put it... Can't even begin to hope to defeat me?" Frieza said laughing once more...

Pybara's expression hardened. Evident that he was disappointed with the events that were transpiring. But he quickly calmed himself.

"Yes... You are correct. I know I can't defeat you, or any of us for that matter can. But who said it will be one of 'us' who would be doing the fighting?" Pybara responded.

Both arcosians looked a little confused. King Cold then asked,

"Then who will?" Cold asked.

Pybara said nothing, then he turned his head to the left of himself.

Soon after, he revealed a 5,9 figure walking out of where he came from.

The figure wearing the Yardratian clothing, but what surprised them both was the tail that waved behind the figure...

It was clear that both Frieza and his father weren't happy with what they were seeing...

"A saiyan?..." Frieza said, no. He spat out his mouth. His gaze then sharpened toward the new 'intruder'.

"Yes... A Saiyan. Daiko, meet Frieza and King Cold." Pybara said, pointing towards each respectively. "And Daiko. Meet King Cold and his son Frieza." Pybara finished.

Daiko then quickly intervened.

"It is a pleasure to meet the infamous Cold family," Daiko said condescendingly, smiling.

"Watch your tone. Monkey." Frieza spat once more.

"Racist much?" Daiko responded. Shaking his head in disappointment.

"*Hmph!* That would only apply if you... Animals... Were an actual race." Frieza responded.

Daiko simply laughed.

Now slightly irritated, Frieza asked. "What are you laughing at monkey?"

The saiyan simply chuckled once more before responding...

"Oh, nothing... It's just that your intellect is as small as your stature" Daio finished, continuing to chuckle.

That sentence, that one sentence triggered something in Freiza that was never triggered before...

In the next moment, the elder simply instant transmissioned away, seeing where this was going...

Daiko on the other hand, felt nothing but excitement, a drunk expression dawning on his features...

"... You... YOu... YOU. MONKEYYYY!!!" Freiza shouted, charging instantly toward Daiko.

In an instant, both Daiko was shot straight into the air. Causing a massive Shockwave to echo across the planet.




'Shit... Even though he's in his fourth form, he managed to push me back... At least this fight won't be boring...' Daiko thought smiling.

He could feel his power climbing every second...




[PL: 48.3 Quadrillion...]




The saiyan quickly fixed himself.

He then charged toward frieza, who was doing the same. Again both clashed and now both fought.

Multiple punches and kicks collide with each other, and Daiko in this clash was surprisingly on the defensive.

But that is changing quickly.

With each exchange, his power grew exponentially more than before.




[ PL: 138.6 Quadrillion...]




"HAAAH!!!" Frieza shouted, launching a flurry of ki blasts toward his Saiyan opponent. But it was all for naught.

Daiko was evolving at a devastatingly fast pace...

With each second that passed, his speed and strength increased to no visible end. With this growth, he then flew towards the Arcosian with an ever-increasing finesse.

In a second, Daiko appeared before the emperor, and using his martial arts was quickly able to deal a gut-wrenching blow. Sending the empower flying towards the ground...




[ PL: 356 Quadrillion...]





~ Frieza's Pov... ~




'How is this possible!? How can this monkey grow this quickly!?'

No matter what I did, his power was constantly eclipsing my own with each moment...

It's like I'm fighting an unbeatable opponent...

If this goes on, I will lose. And that is something that this monkey will never have. And that is victory, especially against me!!!

I can't let this happen. But at the moment, he is above even me.

I got up swiftly. Looking towards him...

"H-He's... Smiling..."

That bastard... He's actually, smiling. How DARE HE!!!!!






~ Daiko's Pov... ~




"Ahhh, shit... Maybe I shouldn't have smiled..."

Frieza looked like he was transforming into another form. Which one it was, I had no clue, but from the power he's emanating... It wasn't a pushover. That was as clear as day.

Without hesitation, I quickly transformed into my "ikari" state.

But it was proving that it wasn't enough.

Frieza's Ki was dozens upon dozens of times more powerful than before...

As time passed, I saw that the red energy that encapsulated him finally dissipated.

Revealing a new form...

"It looks like he's finally done," I said, examining him.

He was much taller than before... Maybe around 6 feet bordering 7.

'A fifth transformation?...' I thought to myself.

He looked very much like his brother, Cooler, a little taller in this form than Cooler was.

He has a visor-like mask and is a little spikier than his brother, from what I remember from the movie...

Though. This might be a bit troublesome...

It's clear to me that Freiza trained in this reality. His power was terrifyingly large.

But while I was thinking to myself. I see him fly towards me...





~ Omni Pov... ~




Both Daiko and Frieza could be seen face to face with each other...

Frieza's visor retracted, it's clear that he was smiling with newfound confidence. He then spoke...

"I must say saiyan. You are rather peculiar... Your power

grows the more you fight with me, something that I have never seen before in my rather long life... Your potential seems to be above even mine. I must admit at least that..." Frieza said.

The young saiyan simply scoffed at the emperor's speech.

"I assume that was a polite way of saying 'You're dangerous, so you should die now', isn't it? Well, too bad midget! That's gonna be a bit difficult!"







