

A guy that has been reborn as a legend within the dragon ball universe... With a system of course :). Update schedule: This series is for fun, so when I get time. Depending on how well it does.

PettiaMius_6689 · Anime & Comics
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76 Chs

Figuring Things Out...

~ Omni Pov... ~




Daiko made his way to his home. He needed to meditate over what had happened not even a minute ago...

'I might leave next month if things get too out of control...' Daiko thought to himself. As he made it to his room. He realized something strange...



'Oh, you've got to be kidding me... Of course, he changes my room.' Daiko realized. Now he was wondering if he should past-tense the king...

Now mildly annoyed, Daiko turned around to leave, but he saw the queen once more before him, with Darles beside her.

"Queen? I see you're fine... Have you taken care of things already?" Daiko asked.

"Indeed... But Daiko... I wanted to thank you for what you did earlier, for sparing my 'husband', I didn't want Vegeta to see his father die in front of him... I thank you for that..." The queen added.

'She's thankful that P. Vegeta didn't see his so-called 'father' die. But she also wants the bastard to die? Well, that's just tragic yet well-deserved.' Daiko thought. Chuckling a little.

"Sure. It's fine..." Daiko said.

The queen however quickly glanced at the door he was in front of...

"Yes... And I see you have run into your next issue... I have another spare room next to my chambers. It even has a personal gravity room." The queen responded.

"Hm? Really? That's great! How much does the gravity go up to by the way?" Daiko asked curious.

"Well. It elevates all the way up to 10 times our own planet's gravity. It's the best we have." The queen responded.

Daiko nodded...

'Not bad... if I max it out I should reach levels of around 1000 times greater than Earth's gravity... Good thing I have my adaptable training chamber, it should do the trick after.' Daiko thought.

"Alright. I'll need the card soon, please." Daiko responded.

However, there was one more person who felt a little left out...

"Daiko... You are going to train soon. Mind If I join you?" Darles intruded.

Daiko, honestly forgetting that she was there answered.

"I don't know... My training isn't normal Darles. As you could tell earlier, I am not the average saiyan, literally... So I think it's best that we not do it... Plus... Why would you train with me now? You never did that before?" Daiko said. Curious.

"Well, you've already given the answer to my question." Darles prompted quickly.

Daiko looked up for a bit...

"... Alright... however it'll be once every two weeks, I'll come to you for training... I have my reasons as to why that is, so please don't ask." Daiko said.

Visible disappointment could be seen on Darles' face for a split second, but she agreed...

Seeing the interaction between the two, the queen chuckled.

"And one last thing... While I am training. No one is to enter my room, is that clear?" Daiko stated. The pressure dropped between the three, but the queen and Darles nodded.

"Good! Now, let's get back to my room arrangement please queen?" Daiko added, letting up his killing intent.

"Y-Yes... follow me..." The queen said, a little shaken.

As all of them walked to where they needed to be.

Darles couldn't help but ask...

"So... Daiko... What was that transformation earlier? I've never heard of it before in all my time studying." She asked.

Daiko continued walking, thinking to himself about how to respond to the question...

"Well... Remember what I said about not being normal? That was an effect of it... In a way, that is my ssj form... but a weaker variant of it I suppose." Daiko said, not seeing any reason why he should hide that fact now.

Both the queen and Darles looked interested.

"So you mean to tell me that form you showed earlier... it was your 'personal' version of the legendary transformation? That's, interesting..." The queen asked.

"Yes... I figured out that my power grow out of control easily as a side effect. I suppose it's a mutation within my body." Daiko responded.

"Well, that explains why your power grew so rapidly... You didn't get any proper training yet your strength always showed great increases..." She finished.

"Mhmm. Anger is my ultimate fuel, but that is for all saiyans in general so I am not that special..." Daiko finished.

"If you could, may we see your transformation again?" Darles asked.

Daiko pondered for a bit. When he transformed, he wasn't really irritated beyond what the king had done to him. Thankfully the form wouldn't make him go berserk, but he quickly figured out that the power made him get angry faster since his ki is chaotic by nature...

But nothing that couldn't be fixed. His ikari form is a great way to train against his rising anger, so it may have indirectly helped him control his new form...

"... Sure," Daiko said. Not seeing an issue with her request.

"Well, we'll need to take a detour for that test, and we are basically here already just another room ahead, and we can check your power too as well." The queen chided.




"Are you ready Daiko?" The queen asked, a little excited.

Drles was there as well, looking on with anticipation...

"Yes. I am... A quick question before we start. How much can the machine read?" He asked.

"Theoretically, it goes all the way up to 100 Trillion, but I'm going to be honest. Even with your incredible Ki, I don't think you are that powerful to even break a trillion, but I suspect that you are far beyond the king, obviously" She said.

"Hmm? Ok then... What's my current power level?" Daiko asked.

The queen turned on the scanner...

Her eyes widened at the result.

"Incredible... Your base power is an astonishing 53+ Billion... You're far stronger than me in my ssj 2 form..." The queen said, almost unbelievably.

Darles looked at his incredible base power. Shocked at how high it really was...

Daiko hearing this, just released a small smile.

"Really? Let's test your theory earlier shall we?" Daiko said.

He then clenched his fists bringing them to his side...

"HAAAAA!~" Daiko said.

A fierce blue and green energy erupted from his body, not only that, he grew much taller than before, almost reaching the Queen's height. His hair now dawned a dim, dark blue hue while his eyes shifted into a dark blue hue as well.

"HYAAAA!!!!!" He shouted completing the transformation...

The energy swept over the planet once more, with everyone looking towards the palace to see the chaotic energy that threatened them only a couple of minutes ago...

The queen and Darles on the other hand, were utterly shocked...

"No way! His power... It's incredible!" Darles said.

"I can't believe it... And... And it's rising as we speak!" Rosetta said, looking on incredulously.

Daiko finished transforming...

He felt the energy course through his body once more...

'I was correct, I still feel a slight tinge of anger in my mind boiling. It's nothing like ikari, thankfully. I can maintain this state as long as I want in theory, but getting genuinely angry is a no-go in it...' Daiko thought, sighing...

However, as Daiko was examining himself. Both the queen and Darles' eyes were glued to the power-detecting device.

"... 3.7 Trillion... 3-3.8...Trillion... 3.9 Trillion..." Darles Stated... She saw the numbers go up, but her mind wasn't truly processing it... Daiko had been standing still for 2 minutes, and his power rose by an additional 300 Billion. By merely existing!

As the time goes by 15 minutes had passed. And Daiko grew bored...




"I think I've made my case guys... I need to rest..." Daiko said, de-transforming instantly.

"I can't believe this... Your power... It's too much... To think all of that Ki could fit your little body is mildly disturbing..." The queen said. Sweating a little.

Daiko saw the queen's expression. He didn't get to see her emotions written on it.

However, now that he took a look at her, she was extremely beautiful...

But he quickly shook his head. He was too young for that.

"What was my last reading?" Daiko asked. Getting back to business.

Both the queen and Drles looked into each other's faces, then looked towards Daiko...

"Your last energy reading was... 7.8 Trillion..." Darles stated.

"Wow... That's insane... Welp! It's time to go. Let's go, guys, I need to sleep." Daiko said, not really caring much, it was to be expected.

They both nodded and guided him to his new room...





~ Daiko's Pov ~




"Finally I can sleep!" I said to myself.

Today had been a bit troublesome... But it worked out alright. I guess...

But the good thing now was that I knew what the benefits of my transformation were, such as;

-I don't lose control of my mind easily.

-I gain power, the longer I am within it (non-linearly)

-It is far more powerful than the regular ssj forms.

However, since my power derived from anger, I knew why it gave me energy passively... But I was going to master the form, so those bonuses will dwindle down to nothing after a couple of months...

Still, this was good. Not only had I unlocked my first, 'transformation', and it was a good chunk more powerful than normal ssj forms. Still, it being a 65 times increase on my base is a bit ludicrous, but given its requirements it was fine.

I knew the form given how I looked. And what was more insane about it was that this form I have is merely an omen of what was to come... If I remember correctly, Broly in movie 8 had a suppressed form that is stronger than this one, but apparently weaker than his normal ssj form. And this is not including the legendary transformation...

Now with absolute certainty, I can say that I am a mix of both dbz broly and super Broly. My transformations are much more powerful than theirs too, aside from ikari.

"I can't wait to see what I'll achieve in the future," I said to myself.

Before I closed my eyes...










Warning, A relatively large time skip is coming in the next chapter, be warned, everyone.

PettiaMius_6689creators' thoughts