

A guy that has been reborn as a legend within the dragon ball universe... With a system of course :). Update schedule: This series is for fun, so when I get time. Depending on how well it does.

Aaron_Chong_6689 · Anime & Comics
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76 Chs

An Audience...

~ Omni Daiko's Pov... ~




I slowly made my way to King Vegeta's quarters. I could do at least that much given the authority I have being under his wing...

I knocked for him to address me personally. A rather bold thing to do, but he respects things like that as well.

"YOU MAY ENTER!" The king shouted.

I opened the door to see him and his queen together seemingly discussing some issues. The paperwork was enough to tell the story. Given his tone earlier he was annoyed, which was something he made obvious...

"Oh? It's you, Daiko. What have you come for?" The king asked. He looked intrigued at my sudden appearance.

The queen looked at me with her ever-so-expressionless characteristics. I couldn't tell what she was thinking given the number of times I saw her, and I could read moods well. This meant that she was good at hiding her true feelings... 𝘐 𝘸𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘩𝘺...

Still, I quickly dismissed the thought to get back on track.

I bowed once I closed the doors behind me... "Good day, my king and queen... My lord, I have humbly come to request that you give me a mission off home." I said.

The king looked at me then at his queen who reciprocated the same stare...

'Was what I asked for so strange?' I thought to myself.

"Daiko... what made you want to go on a mission?" King Vegeta asked.

It was clear to me that he was curious about my sudden request...

"I... Want to go out and adventure other planets as well as to experience what other 'life', is like other than just saiyans. That is all..." I spoke, which was partially true. But I wouldn't be foolish enough to tell him my true motives.

At my request, I saw him raising his eyebrows. The queen looked, off-put by it.

"Daiko. I understand your quest to explore. Believe me, I do, however, it is unfortunate that at the moment, all I have are 'elite' planets available. We have a law to not send children below the age of 3 to conquer planets unless that planet is ranked extremely low." The king responded.

However, I couldn't give up now. I needed this.

"My lord... what are the average power levels of the planets you have available?" I asked.

He pondered for a moment, with the queen looking visibly unenticed by this whole debacle. One could even say she was annoyed...

"... The power average of this planet is between 50 thousand - 3 million." The king said without pause.

The queen then looked towards him with a look of pure confusion.

"My king! Yo-" Rosetta spoke.

"Rosetta! Let me speak to the boy." The King's tone was direct and imposing.

It was all he needed to do to keep her silent. She looked towards me, her eyes begging me to not continue this conversation.

He then looked toward me again.

'... A high-level planet!' I thought. Ignoring the difference between our levels of strength.

This was good. I could benefit immensely from a place like that.

"I see... when can I arrive there?" I asked, my mind full of excitement.

The king looked even more interested.

'I didn't expect the boy to be interested... With his level of power, he should have said no, yet he seems interested instead.' The king thought.

The king's eyes sharpened as if trying to read between the lines, but no matter what he did. He simply couldn't a satisfying answer.

"... Alright. I'll give you the mission. I will send you the files to your room by tomorrow and a ship prepared for you in a week. Is that fine with you?" The king said with a small smirk.

"Thank you, my lord! I will remember this." I said.

"Good... You may take your leave unless you have something more to talk about?" The king asked.

"No my lord, that is all... I shall take my leave now." I swiftly bowed once more. Exiting his quarters...





~ The king and queen Pov ~

"Vegeta? Why did you give the boy the hardest planet that you have? It's a suicide mission with his level of power." The queen asked. Her voice filled with concern for the youngster.

The king simply closed his eyes. Thinking of an appropriate response...


"I did not expect him to accept it, Rosetta... However, the boy has proved himself worthy. He knows everything the elites know based on his reports, and more. His combat sense is almost unparalleled compared to even the best of the best. Which even I must admit to... " The king said.

Her dark spikey hair rose for a split second before falling.

"It doesn't matter! There are limits to this! Do you wish the boy to die!?" She said, her voice getting louder.


"DO NOT SHOUT AT ME, WOMAN! REMEMBER THAT I AM YOUR KING!" King Vegeta roared. His power skyrocketing.

The queen could only go silent at his remark, at which he didn't deny which she noted... Still, she had no choice in the matter, her king was stronger than her, so she couldn't simply brute force her way to his decision either.

"Listen! That boy is a genius the saiyan race has ever seen. He can handle himself since he has shown achievements enabling him to do so. Furthermore, I want no more questions asked about this matter. My decision is final!" He commanded.

Allowing no room for arguments.





~ Omni Daiko's Pov ~




'I can't believe it was that easy! Still, putting a child like me on a mission like this is basically telling anyone to kill themselves...' I thought to myself.

[+1 Int for finding out the king's true motive...]

'... So he 𝘥𝘰𝘦𝘴 wants to kill me... that isn't as surprising as I thought it would be, but it makes sense.'

I wasn't going to let that drag me down, what does kill me or try to make me stronger? I can't wait! I need to burn this energy off quickly, my body is itching for it!




Quest Name: The King's Gambit

Description: The king has sent you on a quest that would be classified as impossible for your level of strength. Overcome the odds and prove him wrong!

Goals-easy: Conquer the planet within 5 years.

Rewards: 10 Senzu beans, a 1-ton weight adjustable body training suit, and 5,000 EXP.

Optional goals-medium: Conquer the planet within 4 years.

Rewards: 15 Senzu beans, a 5-ton weight adjustable body training suit, and 10,000 EXP.

Optional Goals-hard: Conquer the planet within 2 years.

Rewards: 25 Senzu beans, a 15-ton weight adjustable body training suit, 20x Adaptive gravity chamber, and 20,000 EXP.

Do you wish to accept this quest, Yes/No?

SN/SYSTEM NOTICE: Please take heed that the user will gain a 5x Adaptive gravity chamber upon reaching the desired destination. If they make it...


I looked at my notification screen and saw the quest. Without even thinking I clicked Yes.

The rewards were appetizing enough for me to do so. It was an easy task set by the system. Especially given my caliber of growth and potential.

'To think after all this time, I'm now given a quest, and I must say. It's quite worth it.' I thought to myself, smiling as I made my way to my quarters...




After a couple of hours of training, I received a knock on my door...

'That must be them.' I noted.

"Come!" I said.

A Saiyan guard came in with an envelope of sorts.

"A message from King Vegeta." He stated. I walked towards him and then took the envelope.

He left and closed my door, leaving me to see the information he's given.

Opening the envelope. I took my time to browse through what I'll be dealing with in the future...

'No wonder it's an elite mission. Its conditions were just plain, unfavorable...' I thought grimly to myself.

The planet's name was 'Chrysalis', and it was essentially a frozen wasteland given the description and pictures. The enemies themselves were hyper-crystalized giants with seemingly a core in the middle of their bodies... I'll take note of that last part.

They stood up to a height range of 5-28 meters. With the larger ones being weaker while the smaller ones are stronger... Which was somewhat understandable, I guess... The planet has 2 moons, which is good. I could practice going into ikari easily or Oozaru if I wished, finally!

The environment is as predicted. A frozen tundra, reaching chilling temperatures of below -67 to -90 degrees Fahrenheit. Not only that, the planet's gravity was triple that of planet Vegeta's own, which was around 30 times greater than Earth's.

The king apparently wants the planet as undamaged as possible due to its rare crystal-like minerals/ores as well...

'It's not that bad. The gravity might be an issue for a little bit, but it's more than worth it. With my power, I should be more than capable enough to resist it at my current level, with the suppression included.' I concluded.

The only major issue was food. I wasn't sure if that existed on a planet like this one since there were no reports of flesh-like monsters... I might have to stock up beforehand to eat.

Still, I had to go there. The worst-case scenario is going off the planet once in a while to get fresh food and then coming back. The best-case scenario is to see what wildlife is like in a zone as cold as this and adapt to it...

'Still, I can't wait to see how much I will grow on a planet like this...' I thought, smirking while I continued on with my exercise...








