

A guy that has been reborn as a legend within the dragon ball universe... With a system of course :). Update schedule: This series is for fun, so when I get time. Depending on how well it does.

Aaron_Chong_6689 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
76 Chs


~Omni Pov~




"I need you there with me, just in case anything goes south. Plus, I'll have to speed up my training, so I have no time to waste." The original Daiko said to his clone.

"Need me where? Wait... You said you needed to speed up your training. Wait a second. Don't tell me... Are you heading to earth?" The clone asked.

Daiko nodded.

"Alright, I'm assuming you're heading there to use 'that', right?" The clone asked.

The original Daiko simply nodded in response.







"I've prepared a ship for you... Though, do you mind telling me where you are headed?" Vegeta asked.

"... Somewhere to get shit done," Daiko stated.

Vegeta smirked. "You know Darles won't be too happy about this... Anyway, I'll see you again, when?" The Prince asked.

"In the next two days. I might be a little different when I return, but it won't be anything too serious, I hope..." Daiko said, leaving the Prince to himself.

"That's good. When you return, I'll introduce you to my child," Vegeta said, looking at his rival's fleeting visage

Daiko hearing this stopped dead in his tracks, and then he continued walking forward...




Entering the ship, the clone of Daiko teleported next to the original, asking...

"I get the general gist of what you're planning. However, even if you spent that much time using the thing, you wouldn't make up for the years we both proposed. So what is your aim?" The clone asked.

"I know... But I'll have to stop training as leisurely as I did before and double my training efforts within that place. It should make up for lost time." The original said, searching the coordinates for Earth.

The clone nodded with both understanding and worry.

"With this ship, it should take a couple of hours to land on Earth... In the meantime. I'll need to tell you some things that happened to me a couple of hours ago."




Over the next couple of hours, The original Daiko told the clone about what transpired. For everyone else, what seemed to be hours was an entire week, and then some for the original Daiko.

He then explained what had happened in his journey to Marvel.

And what he had both gained and lost and learned throughout that small expedition alone.

After hearing about the details of what happened to a certain someone, the clone looked sympathetically toward the original. Understanding what he had gone through...

"Even now, I try to push it towards the deepest crevice of my mind, I still can't forget the experience, the sight alone still enrages me. But, I'm glad I could at least kill that pathetic fool... No one else will go through what she did." The original stated, his voice low...

The clone could do nothing but pat his creator on the shoulder. They were reminded of their objective because the original spotted Earth from a distance in space.

"We're here. I'll be landing shortly." The young saiyan said.

He scoped out the area, looking around to see a flat enough land to rest his ship. Passing cities and counties alike...

'This seems good enough' He said, determining a decent plot of land.


The ship's thrusters cut through the grass, making a crisp sound. Landing as smoothly as the way it traveled...

The clone, notched a familiar structure in the distance, quickly saying "I can see the look-out, I can even sense three power levels there too. Power levels range in the hundreds at most... At least they haven't changed much" The clone muttered the last part.

"Yes... That is pretty peculiar. Usually in certain timelines, the dark side of Picolo would have reined, or possibly the red ribbon army, but the earth seems fine so far, and the cities back on our way here seemed to be normal too..." The original Daiko stated.

Both made their way toward the lookout, only to find a surprisingly youthful Kami, Popo, and Korin together.

Both Daikos Landed. Silence and tension were now growing from both sides...

"May I ask who you people are?" Kami asked.

"... I am a saiyan named Daiko and the person next to me is my clone, we both came here for me to train on this planet..." Daiko said, keeping it as vague as possible.

Kami fell silent, a bead of sweat forming on his head. He couldn't afford to slip up, although he couldn't feel any powers. He could feel the sheer amount of pressure the so-called clone exuded passively...

"I see... What do you wish to learn?" Kami asked.

"Personally, I don't need to learn anything from you all, instead, I came to find a place where I could get a lot of training done in a short amount of time. I ventured to many planets hoping to find such a place, and you people were my last hope in the matter." Daiko said.

Kami studied the visitor's face.

"...You've come to the right planet... This place in particular happens to have such a tool for you. Follow me." Kami said.







'Lord Kami, are you sure about this, telling mere strangers about the chamber could be dangerous...' Popo said telepathically.

'It is fine Popo, those people... They could end us in an instant if they wanted to, but they didn't. And I didn't feel any malice in them or in their actions, even though they are saiyans... So I felt it wise to help them, who knows, we might benefit from this encounter' Kami responded telepathically back.

Kami walked towards the chamber, stopping right outside of it.

"This is what we call the Hyperbolic time chamber, a separate space/universe used to give a warrior immense amounts of time training in there in comparison to out here..." Kami stated.

"Impressive... Just how much time does it give the use" The original Daiko asked.

"Around 1 day out here is equal to 5 years in there," Kami said, shocking both Daikos.

'Five whole years!? Isn't that 5 times greater than the original chamber?' Daiko thought. Genuinely Impressed.

He wouldn't complain about this at all. It was actually a God send for him at this moment. Now that he mentioned it, he should have come to Earth years ago... But he didn't dwell on the negatives.

"Good! Thank you for helping us! Clone, I'll let you keep an eye out for me, I'll be in there for the next couple of years, and a couple of hours for you." The young saiyan stated.

He nodded thanks to Kami and his companions. However before he could enter, Kami spoke.

"Wait. Please be warned that the gravity within that chamber is 5-fold compared to out here, and the air is 4-fold thinner too, not to mention the possibility of being lost, coupled with the extreme temperature changes... Are you sure you want to do this?" Kami asked.

Daiko smiled, appreciating the mamekian's concern...

"I'll be fine. I've trained myself to the bone." Daiko said, opening the chamber doors, and sealing it shut behind him.









