
RE: starting my life in the another world is the only way?

In this emotionally charged novel of adventure and personal growth, we follow the journey of Ray Lewinston, a high school teenager who feels lost and directionless in his life. In his despair and hopelessness, Ray finds himself transported to another world, where he has the opportunity to start his life anew. Ray, who sees himself as the worst person in the world, is faced with the chance to change his fate. With a strong determination to become a better version of himself, he embarks on a challenging journey to discover the true meaning of life and find peace within himself. However, the real conflict lies not with the external world, but with the internal battle he must face. Ray must confront his greatest obstacle in life: himself. In his quest for peace and resolution of the problems around him, Ray must confront the darkest side and deepest fears within himself. By sacrificing himself for others, Ray sets off on a journey filled with sacrifices, growth, and self-acceptance. "RE:starting my life in the another world is the only way?" is an inspiring tale of one's struggle to find the true meaning of life and overcome oneself to become a better individual.

WhereIsHumanity · Fantasy
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153 Chs

Selfish desires

Red liquid? What is this liquid?

Ray was confused by the strange situation in that place. Everyone just sat in their respective chairs. They seemed frozen, not moving or speaking. The silence made Ray feel that something strange had happened while he was sound asleep.

After looking around, Ray saw nothing but the bodies of his friends sleeping with their eyes closed. Even the princess of this kingdom was also asleep in a chair with his friends.

Ray looked around and realized that there was one chair still empty. It was the chair that had been prepared for Ray.

Thank goodness I didn't join in for dinner last night.

Ray was grateful that he was not trapped in the midst of that strange event. There were no feelings of sadness, anger, pity, or sympathy in his heart at the moment. He felt strange about his feelings at the moment, but he was also not surprised why it could be like that. Ray only felt fear at the moment.

Ray slowly held the hand of one of his classmates and checked his pulse. But just as Ray thought, his classmate was already dead.

Ray looked at the food on the table that was not eaten until it was finished. He thought that most likely all of this happened because of food poisoning. Realizing this made Ray immediately look around and look for the maid who had previously been to this place with him.

However, the maid was no longer in that place. Wherever Ray looked, he could no longer see a girl named Melissa around him at the moment.

Ray looked around again with his mixed feelings. He no longer understood what was happening in his place at the moment. He felt as if he had been abandoned by someone precious to him. He didn't know why he felt like that, he shouldn't have felt like that.

I'm alone again... How can I live in another world alone?

The fear of a bleak future awaiting him made Ray very frustrated.

While Ray was thinking about himself, someone was already sitting in the empty chair there. The person ate the food on the table with a fork and knife in both hands.

With ease, the person ate the food on the table without caring about the corpses around him at the moment.

The sound of someone chewing food, and also the sound of a plate rubbing against a knife made Ray look at the person who was eating.

A white-haired man with his black robe. His skin was already wrinkled like an old man, with his long nails. Ray looked at the man in confusion.

"What are you doing?"

The man looked at Ray, but he did not stop chewing his food.

"Answer me, what do you think you're doing right now!"

The man stopped chewing his food for a moment to answer Ray's words.

"Noisy! Are you stupid or what? It's clear I'm eating right now! Are you blind?"

That man continued to eat his food.

Ray felt a little annoyed with the arrogant-looking answer.

"That's what I'm asking you right now, are you crazy? You're eating among a pile of corpses, you know!"

"I know..."

That man's short answer made Ray silent while feeling suspicious.

"You... You did all this, didn't you! You damn human, why did you do all this. You... you killed innocent people! Do you know what you're doing right now is a sin!?"

"You've been noisy since earlier, what's wrong if I did it? What's wrong with me doing this? Why am I wrong? What makes me wrong?

I haven't eaten since noon, you stinky kid! Just be quiet there and wait your turn!

You're one of the heroes too, aren't you?"

That man smile at Ray, making Ray feel afraid to see him.

Ray understood that it seemed that he and his classmates were being targeted to be killed. And now the killer is in front of him, eating casually among the corpses of Ray's classmates.

Ray's face cringed in fear of death. He finally ran aimlessly with all his might. He kept running, hoping to find an exit.

Come on... Where's the exit. Why is this castle so big. And where are the people in armor. Why is the castle this easy for a killer to enter?

Ray finally found a window and looked outside. At that moment he saw Melissa in her maid dress, bowing down and covering her ears like a frightened person in the middle of the garden. Ray finally decided to approach Melissa to invite her to run away with him.

Melissa... Wait for me there... We will run away together... And you have to thank me later... Then you fall in love with me... And you will marry with me in the future.

A-ha-ha-hahaha, a perfect plan. This is my chance to change my life...

Ray laughed in such a condition. He smiled contentedly while imagining the happy future that awaited him. He kept smiling happily even though he knew it was just his hope.

While thinking about it, he was suddenly blocked by 5 people wearing black robes just like the crazy person who was eating earlier. Ray finally tried to find another way and kept running aimlessly without knowing his real running goal.

If he manages to find Melissa, he plans to run away with Melissa. If he doesn't find a way to Melissa, then he plans to go far alone no matter where his destination is.

In the midst of his running, Ray saw several people in armor who seemed to be sleeping on the streets. He thought it seemed that all the castle guards had been defeated by those villains.

Why does something like this have to happen to me... I just want to live happily... Why doesn't anyone let me live without problems...

He finally found an exit that turned out to lead to the garden where Melissa was looking scared there. The sound of a child's cry echoed around the garden.

Ray approached the frightened Melissa and tried to wake her up.

"Melissa... Hey Melissa wake up. We have to get out of here as soon as possible, wake up!"

Melissa didn't respond at all, she completely didn't care about Ray's presence near her.

Ray, realizing this, gave up trying to wake Melissa and chose to carry Melissa on his back.

Ray could have left Melissa there and run away immediately. But Ray's desire to experience happiness with someone made him selfish and wanted love from someone. He felt this was the right time for him to do something that could change his life. He didn't care even though the feeling of love that grew in Melissa's heart was a feeling of love that grew from his own lies.

Ray now wants to be a knight on a horse who comes to save a princess trapped in a difficulty. He seemed to say, "I am your hero, so love me."

Ray felt disgusted with himself for doing such a despicable thing. He felt like taking advantage of someone else's difficulty. But he didn't care about that thought, he just wanted one thing... Happiness.