
Re: Speedrunner

When the world suddenly changed, so does Zaine's life. "What the hell is going on?" "What should I do now?" ... ... Being bullied in school, Zaine decided to drop out of school and pursue live streaming as a job. While keeping his identity hidden, the only game he live-streams is Hellmode Hardcore Leveling. A very well-known game at the start, but soon left by the players because of its difficulty spike, so much so, after just two years of it being released, almost no one plays it anymore. Because of this, the people that watch his streams are almost nonexistent and he make just enough to barely live. Zaine got addicted to the game, it has become his identity, his will to live, his everything. He spends everyday playing the game. He knows the ins and outs of the game like the palm of his hand. One day, Zaine logged on. [Zaine has logged on] [Player Online : 1] "Haha... it seems that I'm the only one left" Suddenly a sound could be heard inside his head [Player Requirements Reached] [Activating World Optimization] Just then, Zaine's mind got forced with information. His life flashed before his eyes, or perhaps, the future of his life. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello everyone, this is my submission for the WPC, so feel free to donate power stones and tickets to the novel. As a new writer, I know that it still lacks aspects of a good novel, so if you find something that may be lacking like the pacing or character development, feel free to leave a review. Thank you and have fun! _____________________________________________ Additional information on the novel. The world is completely different from Earth and it's purely fictional. The story won't contain any explicit content but may contain romance. There won't be any Yuri or Yaoi, but may contain a harem with one clear heroine. ____________________________________________

RobZ_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
128 Chs

Chapter 121: Final Battle 4

As the battle raged on, the creature in the sky began to chant, its voice echoing across the battlefield. A dark aura started to emanate from it, spreading outwards and enveloping everything in its path.

The aura was oppressive, its power weighing heavily on everyone it touched.

Zaine and his companions felt their strength waning as the aura washed over them. Their movements became sluggish, their attacks less powerful.

Even the Origin Zombie, with her newfound powers, could feel her power slowly getting weaker.

However, the Origin Dragon seemed unaffected by the spell. It continued to fight with undiminished strength, its dark breath and sharp claws wreaking havoc among Zaine's forces.

Despite their weakened state, Zaine and his companions refused to give up. They fought back with everything they had. The Origin Zombie closes her eyes, and an aura slowly encases her.