
Re : Rising In The Dark

For 165 years , Amon witnessed many global events that changed the fate of lots of people , and unfortunately he lost his opportunity to exploit it and lost his family and loved ones After an unexpected meeting when he was on the verge of death , Amon gets an invaluable opportunity to go back in time to the beginning of these changes Will his fate be as dark as it was in his previous life ? or will he achieve this time what he was unable to do and succeed in protecting his family and loved ones and building a safe haven for himself and them ? Important note: - Any similarity in events, organizations, characters, locations, and names with their counterparts in real life is coincidental, and the novel and its entire events are a figment of the imagination. - Also, the events on Earth will only be a small part of the entire story of the novel

Richmaster2000 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
64 Chs

Chapter 60 : Assembly of deputies

Amon is not afraid that someone will be able to defeat him or to stop his personal work . Rather , he is afraid that he will not be able to maintain the secrecy of these works , especially the formation , development and expansion of his organization , by committing a stupid mistakes of neglecting , what will lead him to lose all the advantages he has gained and seeks to exploit them until now

If Amon's goals or actions are discovered , those in control will never allow him to continue and succeed and take over and control the gangs , and even his activities in hospitals will be discovered and restricted

Then Amon and his family will be pursued to obtain their secrets , and his opportunity which he considered a hope to achieve the life he always dreamed of with his loved ones , will turn into hell , perhaps much worse than the one he lived before

Amon sighed to regain his focus , then quietly stood behind the deputy like a perfect guard , preparing to protect his master and carry out his orders at any time

After a while , many people concerned by the meeting began to enter the spacious hall

Most of them were middle-aged , wearing elegant suits , and despite their ferocious and ferocious appearance , they all seemed accustomed to it , which confirmed Amon's guesses

' Heeh!! '

' They seem to be more organized and intelligent than I expected , and even their work has a solid foundation and excellent results '

' Fuck that '

' How did they organize themselves like this and when the hell did they do all that ? '

While Amon was thinking , a person entered surrounded by strong guards who stood out from all the guards in the room with a fierce aura that seemed to seep from their entire being

This person looked around the rooms and then as soon as he saw the deputy whith Amon , he smiled smugly and approached him

" Heh , look at what we have here "

" How are you , Sol ? "

" You are still early for these meetings , as usual "

Amon stopped his thoughts after he was interrupted by the approach of a middle-aged person with a thick beard , a bald head , a strong body and prominent muscles

He began a loud or even a sarcastic conversation with the deputy of the branch in the fifth area

The representative , accompanied by Amon so-called Sol , looked at this man with a little contempt , then he pretended to be happy and smiled and welcomed him

" Welcome , Zul "

" You know that the master hates it when one of us came late , so coming early has become one of my habits "

Zul's smile widened after he heard his words , then he turned to Sol's guards

" Eh , as expected of you "

" You have a really good eye for choosing guards , Aren't you ? "

Zul watched the three guards of Sol and nodded , then stopped for a while at Amon , his eyes sparkled and he smiled slyly without anyone noticing him , then he changed the subject and led Sol to the corner for them to discuss individually

While Amon continued to examine this newcomer , whose appearance seemed very familiar to him , meaning that he had a certain reputation in his previous life , one of the guards approached him and explained to him

" This person's name is Zul "

" He is the leader of the third branch in the Gang and can be considered the second most powerful person in it and the leader of the strongest branch after the leader's branch "

" Zul was a famous fighter in the black fighting rings in the past , and he spent many years there , where he achieved great success . This gave him a lot of experience in fighting and training others , and with his amazing ability to choose and select talented individuals as fighters , recruit them into the ranks of his men and then train them to become fierce fighters who are not afraid to fight until their death if it is necessary , he gained a special status with the leader "

After Amon heard the guard's words , especially regarding the discovery and training , Amon looked at Zul carefully again , then smiled , and his eyes sparkled

' So it's him '

Yes , Amon remembered the person called Zul from his previous life

' The Commander of the Ten Thousand Generals '

This was the nickname that many people gave to Zul after he founded his own organization , which became extremely powerful and terrifying

Zoul was known for his love of taking students and for his ability to recognize their hidden talents and train them to refine and highlight them

By succeeding in this over and over again , he created for himself a resounding reputation and an almost invincible army

' Heh , we have a treasure here '

Amon stared at Zul again , but this time greedily , and he began to imagine many ways to squeeze him dry and take full advantage of his abilities

Meanwhile , while Zul was talking to Sol , his body stiffened and he suddenly felt shivers of fear and that a great danger was threatening him and surrounding him , that would change his perfect life and destroy his bright future that he knew very well that he would achieve

He stopped in his place for a while and did not understand the reason for the terrifying and strange feeling that struck him , then after thinking carefully and examining his body well and did not find anything strange , he thought that perhaps he was sick or delusional and so he decided in the end to ignore the matter