
Re : Rising In The Dark

For 165 years , Amon witnessed many global events that changed the fate of lots of people , and unfortunately he lost his opportunity to exploit it and lost his family and loved ones After an unexpected meeting when he was on the verge of death , Amon gets an invaluable opportunity to go back in time to the beginning of these changes Will his fate be as dark as it was in his previous life ? or will he achieve this time what he was unable to do and succeed in protecting his family and loved ones and building a safe haven for himself and them ? Important note: - Any similarity in events, organizations, characters, locations, and names with their counterparts in real life is coincidental, and the novel and its entire events are a figment of the imagination. - Also, the events on Earth will only be a small part of the entire story of the novel

Richmaster2000 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
64 Chs

Chapter 53 : The will of women

After Amon finished speaking , the women nodded to him with serious faces , then they quietly went to wear appropriate clothes to go out , and then they went downstairs

They saw Cole and many other gang members with their fierce appearances waiting for them downstairs , and although they pretended to treat them well and respect them , they were unable to hide the extent of their disdain and contempt for the women in front of them , and how they are angry because from being mere used commodities that they treated as they pleased , the women now had the power to command them

The women noticed all this and couldn't help but clench their fists in anger

' Soon I will make them realize how terrible the mistake they made '

Jamila stared at the gang members in front of her with hatred and killing intent rose in her heart before she hid her feelings and moved forward

She looked at them with an emotionless face and spoke to them

" We better hurry and carry out the master's orders "

" You don't want me to come back and tell him that you obstructed his orders and refused to do them , do you ? "

The gang members regained their awareness after they heard her words and stiffened with fear before they rushed and brought cars and several buses that they prepared for the women to board

They then separated into groups and left to bring the rest of the Legion members

After a while , the car in which Jamila rode arrived at a large building similar to the one they were in , but located in a more crowded area

They put their carts in the large garage and then got out

Jamila and five other women gathered and walked towards the women waiting in front of them




Half a day ago

" Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah "

A 50-year-old woman with a sexy mature body , long black hair and shiny black eyes woke up screaming frightened after experiencing nightmares while she was sleeping

She got up slowly , then looked around her , and when she saw that she was no longer detained and bound as she had been accustomed to for years, and that what happened yesterday was not a dream , but reality , and that she had truly been freed , she could not control herself , and her eyes became wet

Her friends and some women approached to her and hugged her after they heard her previous screams

" What's the matter Malika ? "

" Are you well ? "

They inquired about her condition , with worry evident on their faces because Malika was the one who helped Amon the most in calming them down last night

Malika noticed the fear and anxiety on their faces , and because she did not want to frighten them , she controlled herself and stood up , then smiled at them

" Don't worry about me , I just had a bad dream "

" Then I woke up and found that what happened yesterday was not an illusion and that we had truly been liberated "

" I can't help but feel very happy and at the same time afraid of going back to what we were in "

The women looked at her and understood her feelings , as it was what they were thinking too , and they did not know what to say to her

" Haha , no need to worry "

" I already found my answer "

" Isn't it what he was urging us to get yesterday since he saved us ? "

" strength "

" We need strength "

" Without it , even if Amon frees us completely and lets us go , nothing will prevent us from falling into the same tragedy and suffering again "

" So if we do not gain the strength to protect ourselves , this type of event will happen again "

" He told us that the situation would become much more dangerous in the future "

" He's obviously strong and doesn't need to tell us that or even save us , so I trust him and I'll do what he said "

" I will not disappoint him "

Then Malika got up and went to practice the exercises that Amon had explained to them yesterday

The women stared at her and smiled , then they went and trained with her

A similar scene occurred in all the buildings in which the women saved by Amon were present , as they understood that Amon was strong and did not necessarily need them

He could have fired them or left them to their own devices after he controlled the gang members

But he freed them , treated them , helped them regain their normal behavior , and even explained to them what was happening and what would happen in the future , and showed them the path they must take if they wanted to avoid future disasters

After they saw his supernatural and unnatural strength and also the effects of his curdled blood on their wounds and injuries

It is clear that he is not lying and that his words are true , so they decided to fully exploit the opportunity given to them by Amon and not disappoint him , so they put all their efforts into training

After midday , all the women fell completely exhausted and unable to move

They decided to rest for a while , and after a some time the carriages that Amon had sent to pick them up arrived

" Malika , many vehicles have entered the building "

Malika smiled at the teenager who came to her and told her to enter the carriages before looking at everyone

" Let's go and join our savior "

Then she walked downstairs , followed by the rest of the women

After they got out , they saw Jamila and five women getting out of the car and approaching them