
Re : Rising In The Dark

For 165 years , Amon witnessed many global events that changed the fate of lots of people , and unfortunately he lost his opportunity to exploit it and lost his family and loved ones After an unexpected meeting when he was on the verge of death , Amon gets an invaluable opportunity to go back in time to the beginning of these changes Will his fate be as dark as it was in his previous life ? or will he achieve this time what he was unable to do and succeed in protecting his family and loved ones and building a safe haven for himself and them ? Important note: - Any similarity in events, organizations, characters, locations, and names with their counterparts in real life is coincidental, and the novel and its entire events are a figment of the imagination. - Also, the events on Earth will only be a small part of the entire story of the novel

Richmaster2000 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
64 Chs

Chapter 4 : Mira

Amon continued to hug with his mother tightly

He does not even want to imagine that what he is going through is nothing but an illusion and that he will return to his suffering and loneliness , When the illusion is over

Amira wanted to stop Amon and ask him about what is wring whith him , but after she felt his body trembling violently and with tears streaming down his face , she did not know what had happened to him and was worried about him , so she embraced his head and hugged him to her body while patting him gently

" It's okay Amon , your mother is here , everything will be fine "

Amon tightened his embrace of her after hearing her words , knowing that her words did not come true , and there will come a time when he will lose her and her presence by his side forever

" It's okay , it's okay "

Amira continued to pat his head , and after a minute , Amon regained his calm and slowly let go of her embrace , allowing her to free herself , then he kissed her on the cheek.

" Sorry mom , I had a terrible nightmare . I am happy that you are safe and well and that we are part of this wonderful family "

Amira was stunned by his words before smiling beautifully at him

" Don't worry Amon , everything will be fine . Your mother is also happy with your presence and Noura's presence in my house and your acceptance of belonging to my family . I am confident that she will heal and improve soon , and then we will restore our happy life together "

" Yes mom , take care of yourself "

" Okay Amon , you too , take care of yourself and others "

Then Amon led his mother to the door and opened it for her , then he went to the garage and opened it and took out her car and prepared it for her before giving her the keys and bid her farewell

" Thank you Amon "

His mother said goodbye to him and thanked him , then she rode the car to her workplace

' Amon is strangely considerate today '

Amira thought a little about everything that had happened this morning and tried to figure out the reason for the change in Amon that seemed to her before she smiled brightly

' Heh , it doesn't matter , I'm very happy , it was a nice initiative from Amon '

Then she blushed as she remembered his embrace of her

' Although his body is a little thin , he has grown very well '

His mother kept muttering in the car on her way to work

Amon closed the garage and the door after entering

He went to the kitchen and sat down to eat

He ate his mother's cooking very slowly and focused on engraving the taste in his senses and memory after missing it for years

Ten minutes later , he heard the sound of footsteps coming from the stairs . He recognized it as belonging to his older sister , Mira

Mira quickly came down the stairs and entered the kitchen , only to be surprised to see Amon there

" Good morning , Amon . Looks like you got up early today "

" Good morning , Mira . I woke up early and lost the desire to sleep "

Amon decided to hide his intense longing for his family and act normally , but he would make sure to take more care of them , protect them , and prepare them all for what they would face

This time , he swore to provide them with the happiness that he had failed to maintain in his previous life and had lost due to his weakness , naivety , and stupidity

He looked at his sister's beautiful figure , with her amazing body , her wonderful clothes , and her mother's habits of wearing light makeup and her short , silky hair

She looked elegant , gorgeous and very sexy

The two brothers continued to chat , and as Mira finished eating her breakfast , Amon helped her to get her car out of the garage like he did to his mom

" Well , this is not your custom Amon , and why do you look so strangely different today ? "

Mira took her car keys from his hands and then asked him the reason for his strange behavior today with an evil and amused look on her face

This time Amon was truly stunned by her question

He knew that his behavior would change because of everything he had been through , and even if he tried to fake his old personality , it would not be foolproof and his sudden and strange personality change might be revealed

But he relly did not expect from his sister's senses to be abnormally sharp and to sense his change and something strange around him so quickly

' It seems that my sister is not as simple as I thought she was '

" No , Mira , nothing is strange , I just feel bad because you and my mother always work hard and exert themselves and are keen to take care of me and Noura , so I want to ease your burden a little and help you "

Mira looked at him strangely for a while before she approached him , hugged him , and spoke to him in an affectionate voice

" Don't worry Amon . My mother and I will take care of everything now and wait for you until you grow up and are ready to take on our burdens "

" Then we will be lazy and throw everything at you , so you better be well prepared for that "