
Re : Rising In The Dark

For 165 years , Amon witnessed many global events that changed the fate of lots of people , and unfortunately he lost his opportunity to exploit it and lost his family and loved ones After an unexpected meeting when he was on the verge of death , Amon gets an invaluable opportunity to go back in time to the beginning of these changes Will his fate be as dark as it was in his previous life ? or will he achieve this time what he was unable to do and succeed in protecting his family and loved ones and building a safe haven for himself and them ? Important note: - Any similarity in events, organizations, characters, locations, and names with their counterparts in real life is coincidental, and the novel and its entire events are a figment of the imagination. - Also, the events on Earth will only be a small part of the entire story of the novel

Richmaster2000 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
64 Chs

Chapter 34 : The acquisition begins Part 2

Amon and Cole passed by the guards , and one of them suddenly pushed Cole so hard that he almost fell

Cole was angry at being pushed , but when he saw the man's stare at him , he lowered his head and continued walking forward

" Heh so weak "

" Loser and coward "

Amon saw this from behind , and wanting to avoid slapping the four to death and causing a commotion , he decided to feign fear , shrink his body , and hurried in

The four saw the two's weak appearance and started laughing and mocking them

Amon ignored their actions but promised to return it to them soon , then he hurried and entered behind the guard and Cole

He saw a wide hallway on both sides of which were many luxurious closed doors

Thanks to his abilities , Amon was able to hear voices from behind some of these doors , which caused him to show a serious expression and almost become agitated in the place , but he repeated in his mind the need to calm himself down , as soon he will make everyone who is responsible for what is happening here pay a heavy price

They entered a large room at the end of the hallway and found an elegant and expensive desk in which sat a man who appeared to be in his fifties , with black skin and a body that , despite its large size , was beginning to show signs of aging

He was naked and wearing nothing but shorts underneath his body

Amon did not want to think about what this bastard would have done had they not come , so he decided not to play and waste time . He quickly punched the guard in front of them hard in the stomach , being careful not to kill him and knock him unconscious

He turned his gaze to the deputy who was about to call the guards and put his hand into the desk to pull out what Amon thought might be a gun

Amon's eyes sparkled and Mana pumped into his legs . He jumped violently and pounced on the deputy . As soon as he reached above him , he wrapped his arms around his neck and pulled him with him , dropping him on his back

He put his hand on his neck , choked him , and lifted him off the ground

The deputy began to stumble and then could not move , so he showed a pleading expression to Amon as he felt his death approaching

Amon stressed him and searched his body , and after making sure that he was not carrying anything , he dropped him to the ground

" Aaaagh "

He started to feel pain and cough from what he was exposed to , then he asked Amon

" Who are you ? "

Amon did not answer him and stared at him sarcastically

The deputy turned around , looked at Cole angrily , and shouted at him

" What are you doing , Cole , who is this man you brought here with you ? Do you want to die ? "

Amon approached him and slapped him hard , interrupting him , then grabbed him by the hair and pulled him towards him

" You better look at me . There is no Cole , nor your former leader , nor anything . Just me in front of you . Do you understand ? Answer me ? "

Amon continued to slap him and did not allow him to answer

" Mo! momoo !? ooo "

Strange sounds came out of the deputy as he tried to speak and stop Amon's slaps , and he continued to hit him without paying attention to him

Cole looked at them for a moment , then looked away from them and pretended that he had nothing to do with what was happening

After a while , Amon stopped and looked at the deputy's swollen face

" Listen , pig , I don't care who you are or who you are "

" It is better for you to repeat after me what I am going to say , otherwise , believe me , what has happened now will be nothing compared to what you will suffer from "

" I swear on my soul to be your eternal slave , Amon "

" What, are you crazy ? "

The representative thought that Amon was deranged and was playing with him , until he finished speaking and suddenly felt a sense of terror that he had never felt before . It seemed to him as if his soul was screaming at him to refuse Amon's request , so he commented spontaneously in response

Amon's face darkened from the deputy's comment , then he pressed his body in one of the most severe pain points and continued for five minutes until he almost lost his voice from the intensity of his screaming , then he grabbed him by the hair again and raised him and faced him

" Repeat after me "

" I swear on my soul to be your eternal slave , Amon "

The deputy repeated the oath behind Amon in a voice hoarse from the intensity of his previous screaming

Amon felt his Mana flowing towards the the Deputy and binding his soul

" Okay , get up "

Amon ordered the deputy to get up and then turned to the guard

He grabbed him by the hair and pulled him towards him , then slapped him several times before smiling evilly at him

" Hey , did you like what you saw ? "

" Now it's your turn to choose . Do you want us to do it the easy way ? or do you prefer the hard way ? "

" Fuck you ! bastard "

The guard responded angrily and tried to break free from his grip

" Ooh , we have a brave villain here "

Amon mocked the guard before torturing him in the same way

Then he also forced him to take the Spiritual oath