
Re : Rising In The Dark

For 165 years , Amon witnessed many global events that changed the fate of lots of people , and unfortunately he lost his opportunity to exploit it and lost his family and loved ones After an unexpected meeting when he was on the verge of death , Amon gets an invaluable opportunity to go back in time to the beginning of these changes Will his fate be as dark as it was in his previous life ? or will he achieve this time what he was unable to do and succeed in protecting his family and loved ones and building a safe haven for himself and them ? Important note: - Any similarity in events, organizations, characters, locations, and names with their counterparts in real life is coincidental, and the novel and its entire events are a figment of the imagination. - Also, the events on Earth will only be a small part of the entire story of the novel

Richmaster2000 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
64 Chs

Chapter 31 : Sexy Morning Part 2

Amon slowly approached Sarah and stopped a few centimeters away from her before opening his arms and wrapping them around her slim waist and back , hugging her to his body

Sarah did not stop him and let him touch her while the friction of their bodies intensified due to his constant attraction to her and his cock continued to press on her thighs and stomach

She looked at him and smiled after he kissed her on the forehead lovingly and asked her

" How are you feeling, grandma ? "

" I haven't felt better in years , darling "

" You opened my eyes and made me so happy "

After hearing her answer , Amon continued to ask her about the changes in her body and inspected her carefully , and after making sure that she was fine , his smile widened and he continued to hug and kiss her

Sarah did not stop his behavior and let him hug her and kiss her on both her forehead and cheeks , but as soon as he was about to kiss her on the lips , she put her thumb on his mouth and prevented him from going any further

She smiled at him seductively and said to him

" Not yet , dear "

He stopped and smiled again at her behavior and kissed her finger and then said to her

" Sure , anything for you , grandma "

Then the two continued to embrace for a while before she asked him to hold still , then she stood on her toes and kissed his cheek and told him to bathe her

Amon smiled at her words and simply agreed to her request

He put soap on his hands and rubbed it over her body carefully

He continued to bathe her for a while

Suddenly , Amon's eyes moistened a little as he remembered Sarah taking care of him since he was young , and how he lost her and his family in his previous life because of his weakness , stupidity , and others deceiving him

Then he collected himself , hid his old feelings , looked at Sarah again with a smile , and focused on cleaning her well and giving her a light massage in some vital areas of her body

" Thank you dear , this was amazing "

" Now let grandma take care of you "

With a smile , she told him to hold still before she repeated his actions , rubbing the soap on her hands and spreading it around his muscular body with precision and tenderness

She reached for his member and balls and made sure to wipe them gently and clean them while avoiding stimulating them too much , but it seemed to be of no use

Although Amon tried to control himself since he entered in the bathroom , as soon as his body touched hers , he stopped and decided to allow his body to express his feelings and convey his deep desire to her

The two of them continued to shower for a while , and their bodies continued to touch and rub with each other . It seemed that the two of them loved this contact and contact and sought to repeat and prolong it as much as possible

After the two finished , Sarah told him that she was a little tired , so Amon put his hands under her legs and back , then carried her to her room like a princess

She smiled at his action and placed her head on his chest and hugged him

" thank you my dear "

" Don't thank me , I'm happy to help you "

She smiled at him and then asked him to put her in her room and let her rest

He agreed and gently placed her on her bed inside her room , kissed her forehead and cheek , then left her room

' Well that was a bit exciting '

' But why is his member so big ? And his body has become very sexy too '

' I don't know what muddy puddle he jumped into '

' Even it made me ten years younger and I can say that the effect is not temporary and I do not feel that I will suffer from any side effects '

' Oh , so many strange events '

' What's going on with you , Amon ? '

' I hope you don't overexert yourself and that you're fine '

Sarah continued to mumble and think about many things and events related to Amon , how he had changed , and what secrets he was hiding from them

Amon did not know about Sarah's anxiety , or he deliberately pretended not to notice it and returned to his room

He wear comfortable clothes , then check on Mira and confirm her body condition

He found her body in a state of activity and stimulation due to the presence of Mana within it and nourishing it , and at the same time , comfortable with its growth and development , which was reflected in the relaxed expression on her face

As for the elimination of impurities , it does not always happen , but only at the first interaction of the body with mana and when the levels and development are penetrated

He then went downstairs and found the atmosphere quiet and silent

' It seems that my mother and Maya have gone out '

' Okay , I think I'll speed up my work a little '

Amon put a serious expression on his face and thought for a moment before leaving the house

He opened the garage of the house and took Mira's car , then drove it and left the house

He began to walk around the city and focus on noticing every little detail about what was in it and what he saw starting to change to know how much time he had left before many of the technologies matured to the level where it would make their daily lives much easier , but at the same time would make moving without being Monitoring is an almost impossible task