
Re:life,The fate dragon

Sam who died twice was brought to life again but this time he was a dragon. He was made into a participant of inter universe competition. The problem was that he was the last to start. But, fear not because he also has a unique ability to control fate. The ability that everyone desires. He continues his journey, tempers himself in battles and starts his own legend. The legend of fate dragon. The dragon who had mythical beasts as his servants. You have destiny to become equal to Vashuki and Shesnag. Not bad you can be my first subordinate. You have bloodline of garuda. You can be my second subordinate. He awakens and improves destiny of his people like eating peanuts. If someone offends him" Sigh you were destined to become a king but you met me, now you will have to work as town chief now" Sam has the power to know and change fate of every being he sees. How will Sam use his ability to make his life better and utilize the chance heaven has given him.

Rodon · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Void dragon Overlord

Due to these, he was so popular you could find his stories and legends in every mortal world. That's why he was given another name God of gods and demons. Yes, he was called god of gods and demons. Like gods are for mortals, he was similar to gods. Now, you may think how did he became god of demons. When he fighting against demon if he finds demon general with good character like who has no remorse when dying for demon race or if they are his devotee the he will make them his solders after he killed them. He had a way to turn person he killed into his own solder if that person wants to be. He will obviously not take in any weakling.

All in all, he was popular second only to Vishnu. As for why Lord Vishnu is first rest of the story for future.

Coming to present. Sam was obviously happy to know he was alive like every normal human. He was also shock to know that he was standing before Lord Shiva. If I can get on his good side then I can ask hundred or two wishes. This is just like our stupid Sam who will change after this chapters.

"Do you know who placed this seal on you?"

"Which seal?" Sam was confused did someone placed seal on me. May be system.

"I placed this seal on him." a sound came from the sky. Lord Shiva looked towards the sky and said with a smile " I knew you were the one who sealed his soul. I was asking him to draw you out. How could you place this crude seal to suppress his soul even his ability and intelligence is suppressed. I would have done better than you."

The man on throne frowned " Really, did you now how much torture I had to face because of this seal. Can you place new seal on him. He is the chosen one from our universe."

"So its him, why is he this weak till now. Shouldn't he be in immortal realm till now." Lord Shiva asked curiously. It was decided hundred years ago and that arrogant guy will never make a dragon mortal.

"It is because of some difficulty. If you want to now so much I will tell you when you visit me. Place a new sea on him I can't watch him like that."

"I will ask Vishnu for it, won't his many incarnations be useless if we don't use his knowledge."

"Let's do introduction now. Other fools have already explained everything to their chosen ones. Some even gave their opportunity to their descended instead of qualified ones.

I am Void Dragon overlord our universe's will bearer. There are millions of universe and ours is one of them. Each universes have it's own will bearer. Shiva who is sending in front of you is a primordial god. He was born with universe. So, as long as universe exists then he exists. That's why to relief his boredom he keeps travelling mortal world for entertainment. He was on earth for same reason and you met him.

What I am going to tell you is important. There is going to be a tournament of genius of every universe. As for our universe you are the chosen one. The chosen are given a system. This system was made by seniors who have more knowledge than us. I am only like a manager so use this opportunity to train yourself using system. This chance is given to you because you have a unique ability which I think can help us win. So, good luck I guess" Void dragon overlord said with serious stone.

Lord Shiva" It was quite a nice speech. When did you learn it. Isn't fists more important in dragon clan. You spoke like leaders from human faction."

Void dragon overlord:"....."

Sam was shocked when he learned about system. He had such huge responsibility. He then remembered having Imperial Void dragon bloodline. So, he was the one who made him into dragon.

"Why did you made me into mortal drag-

A space passage opened before Sam. A seal with complex runic pattern came out. On the other side he saw a handsome man sitting on sofa made of a snake with thousand heads. The snake was alive and looking towards Sam curiously. He suddenly felt some kind of pressure coming from it. He was having cold sweat.

" He finished exactly after I finished saying. Was he waiting for me to finish?" Void dragon overlord was confused. This was definitely not like him.

Lord Shiva: "May be. Hey what are you doing Sam"

Sam was actually drawing circles lowering his head." I am embarrassed because I turned stupid after my reincarnation. "

Void dragon overlord was satisfied with Sam's answer." Now that's like you. I don't have to feel torture." he laughed in loud voice. (Nothing new just typical dragon behaviour.) I was scared that my choice was wrong and I ruined his intelligence. It was torture thinking all this for more than one million seconds. He thought in his heart.

Lord Shiva only smiled. He knew void dragons personality.

Sam: "....."

Manasa was also looking towards Sam. Master can draw perfect circle with five cm radius. So cool.

Vashuki"....." He didn't tried to read Manasa's mind from then. My sister isn't like that. She has same name, species and even Dao understanding. May be she also feels same for her husband? definitely not.

Sam looked towards Lord Shiva only after a minute of drawing circles. Then, he saw many threads coming out from his body with different colours. He specially noticed a red thread which was going towards sky. He also saw a light orange thread connecting his and Lord Shiva connected.

Lord Shiva looked towards the thread and smiled but Manasa seems to be not knowing about the blue thread connecting her and Sam.

"You have regained your special ability. You should focus to learn and understand it more. It will help you more than your cultivation."

"Thank you Bholenath( he is still trying to impress Lord Shiva) for your teaching.

" Vashuki give her your gift then we will be leaving."

"My sister's name is Manasa. So, I was angry when Sam named you Manasa. Giving someone a God's name isn't only naming him/her but also increasing or decreasing his/her potential. You were lucky that you had affinity with Wood element which in itself is miracle. Lowest beasts usually don't have any affinity. Since, you have already earned your right to keep my sister's name. I will give you my bloodline how much you can gain is up to you."

A golden blood came from Vashuki and entered Manasa's body. Manasa's body was covered in golden light for few minutes. Her entire body was going through big change. Previous evolution can only be said as a pain of having small cut then pain during this evolution was like peeling your skin from your body. She was twisting in pain. Her a meter and half body miraculously became only half a meter. After Manasa's evolution was completed both Lord Shiva and Vashuki disappeared.

Sam was once again in the forest in the same place he was standing before.Sam was standing there dumbfounded. He could comprehend Dao of harmony but not his situation.

"So, cool" a sound came from his left. When he looked he saw Manasa staring at something.

"Sigh~ I must be dreaming. Stupid me was right becoming a mortal dragon is hard." he looked towards the ground drooping his head. Did he ready comprehended Dao of harmony. Yes,he did. Did he met Lord Shiva and heard voice of system creator. No, he said he was manager. But, did I met Lord Shiva or I saw him like I saw millions of live for millions of years while comprehending Dao of harmony.

"It has every detail. I am also included. If I had sibling I could brag in front of them. Ahh, he is so handsome." he heard the sound again. This time he heard more clearly it was the sound of a girl. He again looked toward his left there was no one. But, he may have seen stars in Manasa's eye. He looked where Manasa was looking and was dumbfounded.

We will hear more stories about Lord Shiva if you guys want comment me if you want me to include these stories and myths. I will include Hindu and Chinese myths if you liked this chapter

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