
Chapter 10- Register, Mission, and New Acquaintances

A/N: No more + - on ranks...it's hard to remeber. Also,once again, another changebon status, I will now include the growth rate of stats. Similar to FGO, if I remember correctly. Tiferet for example relies on magic so naturally she will have high intelligence and thus she will atleast have SSS rank intelligence.

POV(???C-rank adventurer)


I was hanging out inside the adventurers guild while waiting for my party to arrive when I saw a young man and woman enter the premises. Based on how they look they're around 15-16 yeard old.

They went to an open counter and after a while the receptionist Eina Tulle appeared and accomodated them.

"Me and my companion would like to register as adventurers in the guild, are there any requirements needed?"

Haaa...another group of kids who wants to take the "easy way"...there are bunch of this kind of kids that are to overconfident on their abilities that they try to become adventurers only to die prematurely.

Why can't they just go to school or have some fun like they are supposed to do, it's not like we're lacking adventurers to deal with monsters. Instead of risking their lives they should be enjoying it. I decided to give them a little scare so that they might change their decision. It might be a little harsh but this is for their own good.


Before I could even finish what I'm trying to say, something suddenly hit my face and I was flung back and my vision went black.


POV- Ende Amamiya

Hello Ende Amamiya here, currently me and Tiferet are inside the Adventurers Guild and everyones eyes are on us.

"Hey what just happened?"

"Blitz couldn't even react against that young lady's attack!?"

"But Blitz is a C rank adventurer, a veteran so how?"

After Tiferet attacked and knockout that adventurer who yelled at us, the other adventurers started murming a few things. It seems like that guy has quite a reputation.


"Ehem...someone please bring Blitz to the infirmary. As for you two...normally you would be given a penalty for attacking another adventurer but currently both of you aren't registered yet so I'll just leave you with a warning, don't do that again or else.

Now with that out of the way let's get back to business."


It seems like we won't penalized or something.

"Anyone can register as adventurers as early as 12 years old but can only perform guild quest when they reach 15 years old, but they can join in a quest when there are at least 5 members participatingb in the quest. Adventurers and guild quest are divided into ranks F the lowest and SSS the highest, adventurers can only take on quest of the same rank or one rank higher but of course there are some exceptions to this.Once registered you will start as an F-ranker and we will issue you a guild card for free but if you lose it you will need to pay for it then. So any questions?"

"What are the exceptions when taking quest that you talked about?"

"Ahh...It's those quest that have a quota on members that can participate on the quest. All quest don't have any maximum on adventurers that can participate but of course bringing more members means less reward, and there are quest that can only be taken by a certain number of adventurers, for example if the quest requires 5 F-rank participants then a group of 4 F-ranks can not take the quest even if they're capable of doing so. Anything else?"

Maybe the guild is just being careful? It is better to be safe rather than be sorry after all.

"No that would be all for me, how about you Tiferet any question?"

"Hmmm...then how about me? I'm quite powerful if I say so myself, will I also start as F-rank?"

Oh? Indeed, Tiferet should be stronger than S-rank atleast.

" The adventurers guild assess the ranks of adventurers based on a merit system, so to rank up you need complete a certain number of quest. From F-rank to E-rank you need to complete 10 F-rank quest or 3 E -rank quest, to rank up from E to D rank you need to complete 20 E-rank quest or 5 D-rank. C-rank and above can only be achieved by completing special quest designated by the guild itself. So yes both of you will start as F-rank adventurers, it's not always the case but experience is more important than strength is what the guild believe."

Experience over strength? I somewhat agree actually, not everything can be solved by strength alone after all.

"Now if there are no more further questions let's start your registration."

Eina took out a crystal ball half the size of a basketball.

"Now put your hands on this appraisal orb and we will be done with your registration, who wants to go first?"

Appraisal orb? So it must have a similar function with the [Appraisal] skill then.

"I'll go first." When I touched the appraisal orb with my right hand it suddenly started glowing and Eina started typing something on her computer.

"It's done, you can remove your hands from the orb now and here is your guild card."

Eina handed me a card the size of an I.D. It has my name, race, age, rank, class(which I don't have yet), number of quest completed, and completion rate in the front side. In the back was my level, exp, and stats.

Name:.Ende Amamiya

Race: Human

Rank: F

Age: 15


Quest Completed:0

Completion Rate:0

Level: 3

Hp: 170/170

Mp: 210/210

Str: 15 SSS

Vit: 17 SS

Dex: 18 SSS

Int: 21 S

Luk: 200 EX

It's mostly the same as my system but it doesn't include skills, which is actually a good thing for us since it we have some quite intriguing skills. But I still don't have a class huh.

(Lyra how do I get a class?)

[You can get a class once you reach level 10, and every succeeding 10 levels you can change your class. Once you reach level 10 then you can use your system to choose a suitable class for you.]

( Then how about the people from this world? They don't have a system so how can they choose their class?) Or does everyone have their own system?

[In this world there exist an item called [Class-change stone]. It's what residents of this world uses to change their class. It's something that exist naturally in this world, and is being handled by the guild to give for free to those who wants to change their class.]

So something like that exist huh. While talking with Lyra, Tiferet has also started her registration, won't it cause some problems ig they saw Tiferet's status?

(Lyra can you somehow hide Tiferet's stats?)

[She was summoned using your wish so she is also connected to the system, so yes. Do you want me to modify the stats that will appear on the guild card?]


Name: Tiferet

Race: Angel

Rank: F

Age: 15(18)

Class: Archangel

Quest Completed:0

Completion Rate:0

Level: 75 (750)

Hp: 17,000 (170,000/170,000)

Mp: 21,000 (210,000/210,000)

Str: 1,200 (12,000) A

Vit: 1,700 (17,000) SS

Dex: 1,500 (15,000) S

Int: 2,100 (21,000) EX

Luk: 777 (7777) SSS

When Eina saw Tiferet's guild card she was quite surprised .

"You're quite high leveled for someone your age, but don't underestimate your opponent or you will pay the price. Now how about taking a quest to commemorate your first day of being adventuters?"

" Do you have any recommendations?"


Eina showed me a paper containing information about the quest.

[Guild Quest]

There was a small goblin settlement sighted in the outskirts of the monster zone near J city. Exterminate the goblins and destroy the settlement. Bring the Goblin Chief's staff as a proof of completion.

Requirements: 5 or more F rank or 3 E rank

Rewards: 200 gold(A/N: gold,silver, bronze will be used as currency from now on.)

I'm not sure if the reward is good or not but that is not the main problem. This quest can only be taken by 5 F ranks.

"You do know that there are only the two of us here right?"

"Of course I know, but remember what I said earlier about some problem?"

"Yeah, so what?"

" Actually there was a group of four that wants to take this quest, they have powerful skills so this quest shouldn't be a problem for them but they don't meet the numbers required to accept it. So how about taking this quest with them?"

Hmmmm....taking a quest with some unknown people with be risky.

"What do you think Tiferet?"

"How about meeting them first? After you we meet them we can then decide whether we'll accept the quest or not."

"All right let's go with that. So is it possible to meet them first?"

"Of course please follow me."

Eina then led us to a room at the back of the guild. Inside that room are four girls, 3 which looks like high schoolers, and the other one is a child who looks like a grade schooler. They really look familiar....

Well of course they look familiar...it seems like we will be taking this quest along with the "Literature Club" huh.

So much changes... Will edit previos chapters later on

EndeAnfangcreators' thoughts