

A single artist in an art showcase, working as one of the many staffs handling tasks. Until his break finally started and ended up turning everything upside down. Meeting many strange beings and magic. Another world that has awaited for his arrival at last. What has truly happened to this average environment to turn so different?

Airiii · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Chapter 5

Inside a cramped room. There was a small table pulled from nowhere and 2 other chairs. A single light dangling from the ceiling, slightly flashing on and off.

It was the same locker room that Jun was in while saving a child. And the feeling of just being inside the room felt quite weird, it was just the humid temperature.

The creaking of the old chair broke all the silence in the room. Being able to sense the stares at him even when looking down to the ground. Sweat dripping off one by one slowly.

"So, what was that?"

That single question ran around Jun's mind and made him panic intensely, "Huh, what? Well I don't think I did that specifically. But just in case, you're not here to arrest me for whatever just happened right? If so, it wouldn't b- akh akh akh!!!"

While panicking, the described pretty boy pinched Jun's cheek. Shutting him up by violence.

Resulting in a red mark on his face, the boy still wouldn't apologise for his behavior. Maybe that really is the most preferably thing to do.

Sitting back to his chair, he crossed his legs. Jun had to remind himself that the boy was a boy. The long, black hair and long eyelashes attached to his beautiful purple eyes did not help at all.

"There's no point in arresting someone as of you because, well, I'm not some sort of police."

He leaned forward with a half serious face. Getting closer to the table.

"We only simply need to know more about your advantage."



They both stared at each other's faces. The silence between was so loud, you would be able to listen to water drops from the ceiling pipes.

Only a simple two words escaped from Jun's mouth.

"What's that?"

Even more silence. The boy in front of him had his eyes widened with a slight confused face. He untangled his crossed arms and immediately looked back.

There he was, the other guy, more specifically the one who had an annoying smirk and a handsome body. And coincidentally, they both just so happen to have the same exact expression.

"W-w-wh-what do you mean by that?"

"Uhm, What's an advantage?"

With as calm as a behavior he tried, the pretty boy grabbed the other man's shoulder with such aggression and whispered. The other somehow did not flinch at all. It was like they think alike, must be like what they're talking so secretive about.

"How does this guy not know what an advantage is??"

"Well, there could be many reasons why. Why're you asking me, bookworm?"

"WELL, YOU tell ME what reason are THERE."

"Who knows he just found out about his advantage now."

"Y-! Tsk.. True.."

Their discussion was short but understandable. Which left a pissed reaction left on the pretty boy's face. He tends to not like it when he gets wronged.

But now, there was no other choice, but to explain from the start. How it all started and how these creatures came to life in the first place.

It sure is going to take a long time just for the basic history. And, that...

Before even being able to talk, a noise from somewhere started ringing. It wasn't actually anything similar to the sounds of the creatures before, rather, an alarm?

The boy in front was shocked by the sound, slightly embarrassed with how he reacted by jumping and standing up in a second. He did create some giggles.

He took out the phone alarm that awoke him fully awake from his jacket pocket and turned it off. Just now realising the current time. With the other man peeking from his shoulder.

"Huh, I guess there's no time today."

He grabbed a piece of paper that just so happen to be in his pocket. Writing some things on the paper and sliding it to the direction of Jun.

"The both of us are occupied for a while. So tomorrow, you will meet us in this location at the time between 11:30 pm until 12:00 in the morning."

That was all he had said just as he grabs his coat to wear. Heading out with the other person. Jun, sitting confused, took a peek at the piece of paper that indeed listed a certain location. Including their phone numbers.

"Y-Yhur ? Well that isn't a very local name.."

Jun thought they were some sort of foreigner at first, but shook it off in the end. Also looking at the other phone number and odd name of "Machel Rifflen".

They must be foreigners right? Or some parents tend to choose odd names for their kids. But two odd names? This is not only a coincidence right?

Jun went out the building, it was cloudy. It will soon start to rain as raindrops were visible enough. Without an umbrella, he would be completely soaked by the rain water.

Just as he was about to stay in the small locker room until the rain stopped, he spotted something absolutely eye-catching in the distance. His familliar, the popular campus guy, Himura Riku.

Walking towards the locker room with an umbrella in his hand. He stood in front of Jun.

"How'd you find me here?"

"Seeing those two other people, I expected you to be here." He talked with a captivating smile.

"Share an umbrella perhaps? The rain isn't going to stop any soon."

A wink appeared on his eye. No other options was left, Jun had to go with an umbrella.

"What a flirt."

"Well, did it work?"

"Try better next time."