

A single artist in an art showcase, working as one of the many staffs handling tasks. Until his break finally started and ended up turning everything upside down. Meeting many strange beings and magic. Another world that has awaited for his arrival at last. What has truly happened to this average environment to turn so different?

Airiii · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Chapter 4

"This is a piece of cake, but should I report to the guys fron before?" Jun stood behind the stair's bars. Stuck in a dilemma of what he should do. If he leave right now, there would be a large chance of the general leaving but defeating it now would probably be impossible.

Thinking that the large army of unknown creature's is surrounding it, the possibility of the general leaving would be low. Therefore, Jun would need to report this.

He was about to leave until he saw something from the distance. Jun walked back to the bars that prevented him from passing through. Fixing his glasses and trying to focus on what he is even looking at.


A child. From literally nowhere.

"What is a child doing being so close to a literal ARMY of beasts?!"

Even in such danger, the child looked happy just drawing on the large thin canvas that was placed near a smaller building. But even the painting was recognizable...


Jun's legs started moving by itself towards the child. Of course, also knowing to save them from the board of beasts. The amount of tackling and fighting he did exceeded the amount of fights he even had in martial arts competitions.

Looking at the distance from the child, it was already close. Jun started letting his guard down and slightly slowed down in reflex. Just realising one of the creatures coming close to the child with an axe.

Jun's eyes widened and sped up as fast as he could. Knowing that if he is just a second late, a person's life would end just so easily.

Running as fast as he could. He slid down before the axe could cut the child. Grabbing and carrying the child while pulling the canvas, attempting to also carry it but still failed. He end up going inside a small locker room nearby.

"Are you alright? Anything hurt?"

The child was perfectly fine, just slightly shocked.


Jun's eyes softened seeing their reaction. Kids will simply act like kids only for a while anyways.

Jun was suddenly remembered about the creature general. Hiding inside would only slow down the process, he then looks out from the small hole from the door. He was suspicious of why the creatures didn't attack the door, knowing they have already been caught.

The canvas was still in front of the door alright, but nothing further was able to be seen. It was completely blocked by the white canvas.

Jun held the door knob and carefully opened the door slowly. Peeking from the edge to see.


What the hell are those, he thought. Jun rubs his eyes, making sure if his glasses prescription got worse from the amount of overworking. But he really didn't hallucinate at all.

Jun sneakily walked to check the canvas previously as well. Looking back and forth, how could this even happen.

Apparently the painting came to life.

For your information, the painting was made and consists of events from the past. Such as the wars and unfortunates that had already happened.

It shows the men and women fighting for their lives and family. Desperately trying to protect the ones they love the most.

Fire all around and swords on their hands. An endless massacre continues. But there was simply no doubt that such a painting like this would help battles if it were to come to life.

"Hey, I've found the general!"

"Good now where is that ki..d?"

It seems that the two previous men that were in battle as well had already arrived to the scene. One's face filled with confusion and is absolutely startled by what has appeared in front of them.

An old army starting from nowhere, and what seems to be helping with their task so easily. He does not know if he has to be grateful or taken back by this current situation.

Jun watches the whole scene happen, not knowing what to do. But knowing that it's doing his job, wouldn't that give him a break?

Either way, he still had to find the boy from befo.. Oh! He's already here the whole time. Then Jun's mission is already done!



A sharp point shattered it's skull. It was all so fast, Jun couldn't see clearly. But at the same time, he knew exactly how the boy took care of the creature general.

Sprinting with an unrealistic height of a jump to the general's back. Kicking it, enough for it to lose balance. Yet the speed was abnormal to the fact that the boy could easily appear in the other side and stab it's head, resulting in the general's skull pierced through.

And by this, their task was actually FULLY done. That's what Jun thought until he sensed a head turned to his direction after he tried walking away.

"And YOU'RE coming with me."

Jun started sweating, "Haha, shit."