
Re: Evolution Online

On just another normal Monday, a new virtual reality game called "Evolution Online" launched out of nowhere and took the world by storm. People were blown away by the game’s hyper-realistic features and endless adventures. Everyone from small companies to big corporations and governments scrambled to get a foothold on this mysterious video game. But what they didn't know was that this game was actually a tutorial for the upcoming apocalypse that was about to hit the planet! The game was a precursor to the Earth's first evolution, where mana was going to be unleashed into the real world! Liam, a high school student who had faced numerous setbacks in his life, turned to 'Evolution Online' in the hope of changing his fate, but instead, he got trapped in the game's twisted world, and things went from bad to worse. When the apocalypse finally arrived, Liam barely managed to escape, but his situation didn't improve. Along with millions of others, he died a miserable death, unable to fight back and filled with regret. However, Liam's story didn't end there. He found himself inexplicably transported back in time before everything started! Armed with the knowledge of what was to come, Liam was determined to become the strongest and most powerful player, unleashing destruction upon the world that had ruined him before! This time, things were going to be different! ******************* Discord Link for chatting with author and character art https://discord.gg/XS7gWScKn8

Yolohy · Fantasy
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1348 Chs

Richer than the elves

Liam was both fascinated and concerned. He had never witnessed such a phenomenon before, and he couldn't predict what the outcome would be. 

However, the fact that the Verdant Heartroot was thriving under the influence of the blood essence was an undeniable sign that it could be beneficial.

The air around the herb was shimmering, filled with an intense energy that was almost palpable. It was an odd combination of the fierce energy from the blood essence and the soothing aura of the herb, yet it somehow blended perfectly.

After a while, the blood essence completely melded with the Verdant Heartroot, and the intense energy around the herb subsided. What was left was a blood-red colored, majestic herb that was emanating an awe-inspiring aura.

Looking at the transformed Verdant Heartroot, Liam felt an odd sense of anticipation. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he reached out to touch the plant.