

Chapter 987 - Self Created Spell, Sundered Night

Liu Wen was originally an unknown ancient cultivator. Although he was talented, he was not outstanding. However, he left the first record of Shi Divine Sense!

No one knew how he had achieved Shi Divine Sense or how long this state lasted. Was it only for moment or was it eternal?

However, Wang Lin knew Liu Wen was previously a cultivator with no fame in the cultivation world. After he went into close door cultivation, and came out he became a terrifying existence in the cultivation world. What made him terrifying was that no one had seen any of his spells before.

If that was all, it wouldn't be surprising, but all of Liu Wen's spells were extremely powerful and contained the dao of the heavens. It set off a storm in ancient times.

Too many people wanted to know the secret, and so a bloodbath began. No matter how many people attacked, and even when some old monsters who normally never bothered with such things moved, none of them were able to get a hold of Liu Wen. It was as if he could predict all the dangers and avoid them!

Later, he realized he couldn't resist everyone with just his power and disappeared. He became a strange legend in the ancient cultivation world. It wasn't until people later that realized that he must have entered one of the three great realms. It couldn't be the Ji Realm, so it had to be the Dao Realm or the Shi Realm.

As for the which one, after combining everything that had happened, they determined it was the Shi Realm!

After thinking about how Liu Wen was able to use all those unheard of spells, a rumor stating that the Shi Realm would allow one to create their own world spread… And now those rumors that couldn't be confirmed had spread far and wide.

The Ji Realm was death and the Shi Realm was life!

Wang Lin didn't know any of this. At this moment, he was immersed in this state, but he couldn't grasp it. He was unable to be immersed in it and merely hovered outside it.

There was always that opportunity before him, but whenever he tried to grab it, he would find that nothing was there. Wang Lin almost never had this feeling before.

Wang Lin watched the sun completely set and the darkness took over once more. Only the sound of the waves faintly entered his ears.

Wang Lin wasn't anxious, and he had always been perseverant. During his youth, he was able to climb up the mountain in the Heng Yue Sect with his weak body. If he didn't have the perseverance, he wouldn't have become the Wang Lin he was today.

He calmly looked at the sky. Since he wouldn't grasp that chance, then he was simply going to wait. Wait for the sunrise and sunset, wait for that opportunity to become even more clear, until the moment he can grasp it!

Ling Er woke up at late into the night. As her eyelashes trembled, she slowly opened her eyes. What she saw was the starry night sky, and she silently sat up. She looked at Wang Lin in the distance. Under the moonlight, she could see Wang Lin's sharp face.

After she awakened, it was as if a seal had been opened in his mind. She was able to see a lot of vague memories. However, these memories were simply too old, and when she looked at Wang Lin, she entered a trance.

「スマイ LINK」から広がるビジネスの可能性.大阪ガスの次世代インフラとは.ミライ価値の創造を通じて,社会課題の解決に貢献する.Daigasグループの挑戦に光を当てたDaigas STUDIO…大阪ガス株式会社

Her eyes had no focus, and she was actually not looking at Wang Lin. Even if Wang Lin wasn't here, she'd still be like this.

The memories from the past moved within Ling Er's mind. It wasn't until dawn arrived that her mind recall the moment right before she passed out. Touching her forehead, Ling Er's eyes lit up. The dream that had puzzled her for years now was resolved. She pondered for a long time before standing up. Then she walked toward Wang Lin and respectfully said, "God slave Mu Ling greets ancient god."

Wang Lin nodded slightly and calmly said, "You can go back. Don't bother me again."

Wang Lin's words were the highest command for Ling Er. She bowed and she shook the bells on her wrist. The crane came and she jumped on the crane's back.

She turned back to carefully look at Wang Lin. There was a trace of confusion before she sighed and left with the crane.

Wang Lin didn't bother with Ling Er; his gaze was locked onto the distant sea. Not long after, the sun appeared over the horizon and light gradually filled the world.

That strange feeling became stronger once more. However, even after the sun rose into the air, Wang Lin still wasn't enlightened.

Time slowly passed and days went by. Wang Lin had forgotten how long he had been sitting here for. He even noticed that the Chen brothers, Master Hollow Wind, and Big Head had all come here.

He was constantly looking into the distance, and his eyes were bloodshot. However, he didn't care about this at all. It was as if everything in the world had disappeared, and the only thing that mattered was the moment the sun rose.

The three Chen brothers were floating in the air five kilometers away from the peak. They could see the lone, motionless figure on the peak.

"It has been one month…" Master Yi Long was very puzzled. He frowned and asked, "What is he comprehending?"

Master Yi Xing shook his head and slowly said, "For a Nirvana Cleanser cultivator to comprehend for this long, it must be an extremely powerful spell!"

Master Yi Chen pondered for a long time before he shook his head. "I don't think so. Did you two not notice that there are no fluctuations of origin energy or divine sense? Yet we can't approach. There is something happening here that we don't understand. Also, I have a feeling that he is comprehending dao!"

"Comprehending dao!" Master Yi Long's eyes lit up. After looking for a long time, he nodded. "Very likely!"

Master Yi Xing said, "Although there is no origin energy, if anyone steps within 100 feet of him, they get pushed out by a powerful force after three steps!"

"As for the powerful force that stops us from entering, I discovered that it seems to be created by the world itself. When I tried to enter, it was as if I was facing the roaring sea." Master Yi Long frowned.

Master Yi Chen calmly said, "Let's just watch for now. If he really is comprehending dao, it is a rare experience for the three of us. Perhaps watching him will help the three of us." Then the three of them simply sat down in the air and looked at Wang Lin in the distant peak.

Far from the three of them, Master Hollow Wind's eyes lit up. He slooked at the peak and thought, "He doesn't seem to be comprehending dao… However, whatever he is doing is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me… But what will happen once I break this seal…"

Master Hollow Wind was struggling in his heart.

Big Head, Ta Shan, and Lei Ji all came here. After all, Wang Lin had been cultivating here for a whole month, so the three of them couldn't help but be concerned.

As the sun rose and set, time quickly went by. Another month had passed.

Wang Lin's eyes were completely bloodshot. He had forgotten everything as he stared at the surface of the sea. As every sunrise and sunset passed, he found that the opportunity had become more clear.

On this day, it was the ninth day of the third month.

Dark clouds covered the sky and muffled thunder came from within the clouds. Soon, large drops of rain began to fall.

In the distance, as the rain fell, ripples were set off. The raging waves of the sea seemed to be fighting the heavens.

In the rain, there seemed to be a curtain of cloth over the sun, making it blurry. Just as the light appeared, it seemed to be devoured by the dark clouds.

The sun seem to struggle to appear from the rain. At this moment Wang Lin's eyes narrowed. He had a very strong feeling that after 2 months of waiting he had reached the most critical moment!

The current him became extremely focused on the sunrise as if he was going become one with the sunrise.

The thunder roared and the rain fell but it couldn't stop Wang Lin's eyes. It wasn't able to stop him from being immersed and wasn't able to stop the eventual sunrise!

As the sun struggled to raise up into the sky where a small portion was still under the sea Wang Lin something explode in his mind. He could clearly feel that chance was rapidly condensing like threads before him and then finally entered his body.

At this instant Wang Lin's body trembled violently as if he was having an out of body experience!

He saw the sun struggled to raise out from the sea. It was as if the sea was the month and the sun was the baby. At the moment of daw the mother gave birth to the sun!

The moment the sun was borth an unimaginable force that spread out. This power was the light that torn apart the night. This power was strong enough to reverse the heaven, to shake the heavens, to cause the night to collapse into countless fragments, and be replaced with light!

Sundered Night was born from the sun rising over the sea!

"It's this power!" Wang Lin's eyes shined brightly and his mind entered a mysterious state. The moment of sunrise was locked in his mind, the power to torn the night away!

"Now!" Master Hollow Wind's eyes turned cold. He waited for 2 month and couldn't find a way to deal with what comes after breaking the seal. However in did come up with one other method and that was to kill Wang Lin!

"Kill him and all the seal will be broken!" Master Hollow Wind's eyes lit up, he charged forward the moment Wang Lin comprehended that force.

However just as he stepped within 100 feet Master Hollow Wind's expression changed greatly. It was as if he saw something he didn't dare to believe. Shock and fear filled his eyes!

"This… What is this…"

Chapter 988 - The Power of Sundered Night

What appeared before Master Hollow Wind was a red sun, and below the red sun was the raging waves of the sea. At this moment, Master Hollow Wind had an illusion that his body had dissipated and turned into the endless night.

However, at the moment the sun rose up from the sea, he felt an intense amount of pain come from his body. It was like his body was being torn apart. Even his origin soul was caught in this. It was a pain he had never felt before; he felt himself being torn to pieces!

A powerful sense of life and death crisis appeared in Master Hollow Wind's heart. He was aghast at the situation before him, causing him to open his arms. A storm of origin energy descended from the sky as he attempted to resist the power of Sundered Night.

However, just as his origin energy spread out, it was pierced by the blazing sun just like the darkness of the night.

The storm shattered as if it had been torn apart. In just a short moment, none of it remained.

"This… This is impossible!" Master Hollow Wind was pale, and at this moment, unspeakable pain filled his body. Blood came out of his orifices and he coughed out a large mouthful of blood. He retreated, but he was terrified to find that no matter how much he moved, the sun was always before him.

"All I can do is risk it!" Master Hollow Wind's hand formed a seal and his Nirvana Cleanser cultivation exploded. The ability to gather origin energy was something only Nirvana Cleanser cultivators could do, and he quickly used this ability.

Strands of origin energy came from the void and gathered before Master Hollow Wind like roaring dragons. Soon, they formed a ball of origin energy before him.

Although this ball wasn't big, the destructive force inside it was not something any Nirvana Scryer cultivator could resist!

The instant the ball of origin energy appeared, the world changed colors and the planet trembled. The expression of the three Chen brothers changed and they had to retreat.

Big Head and company also retreated. They didn't dare to linger too close to a spell of a Nirvana Cleanser cultivator!

Master Hollow Wind's hair was a mess. The life and death crisis and the terror he felt had forced him into a corner like a trapped beast. He no longer thought about killing Wang Lin; he only wanted to find a way to survive this unbelievable spell.

"This… What kind of spell is this? It contains an unimaginable law of the world. This is not the kind of spell a Nirvana Cleanser cultivator should have!" Roaring, Master Hollow Wind pushed the ball of origin energy forward.

This ball of origin energy shot out like a ray of lightning at the blazing sun!

"Only by breaking this blazing sun can I save my life!" Master Hollow Wind was frightened as he watched the ball of origin energy fly forward.

The ball of origin energy was very fast and shot directly at the blazing sun. When it got closer, a powerful force erupted from the blazing sun and mercilessly collided with the ball of origin energy.

A thunderous rumble echoed across the world. This sound even echoed through the space around planet Water Spirit, and large amounts of cracks appeared on the earth of planet Water Spirit.

「スマイ LINK」から広がるビジネスの可能性.大阪ガスの次世代インフラとは.ミライ価値の創造を通じて,社会課題の解決に貢献する.Daigasグループの挑戦に光を当てたDaigas STUDIO…大阪ガス株式会社

The ball of origin energy collapsed!

Master Hollow Wind let out a miserable smile and coughed out another mouthful of blood. At this moment, there was a sound of things tearing as countless wounds appeared on his body and instantly soaked his clothes in blood.

Bursts of unimaginable pain came from his body. If not for his amazing perseverance from all his years of cultivation, he would have groaned in pain. Now he could only feel as if he was the darkness of the night that was torn apart by the light of the blazing sun. This feeling became so strong that he couldn't tell if this was an illusion or if it was real.

Not only did a large amount of wounds appear on his body, even his origin soul was covered in injuries. It felt as if countless people were trying to tear him into pieces!

His origin soul also had this feeling!

He was in a trance as the blazing sun rose up from the sea. There seemed to be a vague figure inside the sun, and the figure became clearer the higher the sun rose.

"Wang Lin…"

The person inside the sun was Wang Lin!

At this instant, Wang Lin was that blazing sun. Bursts of golden light came from his body. This light was too strong, making it impossible for anyone to see the real figure inside!

The sea under the sun vaguely reflected the peak Wang Lin was on!

All of this caused fear to fill Master Hollow Wind's eyes. That wasn't the blazing sun at all, but Wang Lin! That wasn't the sea, but the mountain's peak!

However, the feeling that was tearing him apart told him that the force tearing the night sky was real.

Master Hollow Wind struggled to roar as he endured the pain and touched his bag of holding. However, the moment he touched the bag of holding, his right arm shattered and dissipated.

Large amounts of treasures flew out from his bag in an attempt to stop the force tearing his body. However, those treasures were far too weak and all exploded the moment they appeared!

Master Hollow Wind's eyes were bloodshot. At this moment of life and death, his mountain of flesh body that he had recovered quickly disappeared in a second. A giant, black stone tablet instantly appeared before him.

There were countless runes carved on the stone tablet, and there was a giant black python coiled around it. The python had a horn on its head; it was clearly about to become a real dragon!

As Master Hollow Wind roared, the giant python opened its mouth and charged at Wang Lin. The black stone tablet tipped over and seemed to be falling down on Wang Lin!

The stone tablet was so big that it covered the sky as it fell, making it seem as if the sky itself was falling!

Wang Lin was still sitting on top of the peak. From beginning to end, he sat there without moving an inch. He calmly looked at Master Hollow Wind and softly said, "Sundered Night!"

The moment he uttered those two words, the world rumbled. Wang Lin's body turned into the sun and the peak turned into the sea. The sun rose completely above the sea and an endless power that could tear the night apart swept forward!

The sun rises over the sea, Sundered Night!

The night collapsed as it was torn apart. It was… sundered!

The giant python painfully struggled as it was torn to pieces!

The stone tablet shattered into countless pieces and collapsed!

Master Hollow Wind coughed out a large mouthful of blood and countless more wounds appeared on his body. There was no part of his body that wasn't injured, but his body no longer collapsing. A powerful force pushed him back and he smashed into the ground kicking up a large amount of dust into the air.

The night no longer existed and everything disappeared. Everything returned to normal as if nothing had happened. The three Chen brothers' scalps tingled as they watched all this unfold before them, and they felt fear from the bottom of their hearts.

"Even Master can't use a spell like this…"

"This… This is the spell he spent two month comprehending… It's terrifying! If this kind of spell was used on me, the only thing awaiting me would be death!"

"Master Hollow Wind is a Nirvana Cleanser cultivator, yet he was forced to retreat. If it wasn't for the fact that Senior Wang didn't have the intent to kill, it would've been difficult for Master Hollow Wind to escape this calamity!"

The three Chen brothers looked at each other and saw the fear in each other's eyes.

Big Head gasped as he looked at the indifferent Wang Lin. His heart held a very complex feeling.

"The difference between us is getting larger and larger… This trip to the Alliance has caused a huge increase in his cultivation level!"

Passion filled Lei Ji's eyes, and he thought, "The stronger Master is, the more confident I get in taking back planet Giant Demon."

Ta Shan was still as indifferent as before.

The surroundings were completely silent. No was dared to speak under this oppressive atmosphere.

As Wang Lin silently looked at the sun in the sky, clarity filled his eyes. He took a step and arrived before Master Hollow Wind. He grabbed Master Hollow Wind by the hair and charged straight ahead.

Before he left, he nodded at the three Chen brothers and disappeared.

"After more than two months of waiting, I finally managed to catch that moment. It was similar to the time I entered that mysterious space provided by Ancient Demon Bei Lou in the Demon Spirit Land… However, it was just similar; compared to this, Ancient Demon Bei Lou's mysterious space was really insignificant…"

As Wang Lin pondered, he appeared before his palace and walked in.

"What realm was that… Even though I was only in a that realm for a moment, I was able to comprehend the power that tears through the darkness of the night, Sundered Night. This can also be considered the first spell I've created!" Wang Lin put Master Hollow Wind to the side and began to ponder.

He kept replaying the scene from before and gradually engraved the feeling of Sundered Night into his mind.

Master Hollow Wind struggled to sit up as he looked at Wang Lin with a complex expression. Right now, he was a bag of bones; it was as if he was a skeleton. After a long time, he asked with a hoarse voice, "You… Did you create that spell just now?"

Chapter 989 - The Strongest Moment

Master Hollow Wind wasn't sure if Wang Lin had created that spell that almost made him lose his wits. He only felt that the spell was very powerful, and he rarely saw a spell of equal power!

The reason Master Hollow Wind thought that Wang Lin had created his own spell was due to Master Hollow Wind's countless years of cultivation experience and his early stage Nirvana Cleanser cultivation. While experiencing the spell, Master Hollow Wind felt a lack of proficiency!

This lack of proficiency wasn't because of the caster not being familiar with the spell, it came from the spell itself. Just like how a jade that was just polished would look very smooth, if you touched it, you'd find that it was still a bit rough.

This resulted in Master Hollow Wind's hoarse question after pondering for a long time.

Wang Lin calmly looked at Master Hollow Wind and nodded.

His nod caused a storm to sweep through Master Hollow Wind's heart. He stared dumbfoundedly at Wang Lin and wasn't able to say anything for a long time.

Self-created spells were not things just anyone could come up with. At least from Master Hollow Wind's experience, he had heard that only those old monsters at the Nirvana Shatterer stage were qualified to make spells unique to themselves.

Basically, any self-created spells were powerful beyond imagination!

"Self-created…" Master Hollow Wind had a bitter expression. He would have never expected this Wang Lin to create a spell, and its power…

Thinking of the feeling of his body being torn apart, Master Hollow Wind's face paled. The pain from his body being torn apart was still there. The pain was espeically strong from his right arm that had already collapsed.

Master Hollow Wind understood that if it wasn't for the fact that Wang Lin didn't want to kill him, he would have already collapsed under that self-created spell.

While hundreds of ideas flashed through Master Hollow Wind's mind, Wang Lin was pondering as well. The shock that Sundered Night brought to Wang Lin wasn't any less than what Master Hollow Wind was feeling. In fact, he was even more shocked!

"My actual cultivation is still only at the peak of the mid stage of Nirvana Scryer, one step away from the late stage, but far from peak late stage Nirvana Scryer. The difference between me and a Nirvana Cleanser cultivation is huge, yet why was Sundered Night able to seriously injure Master Hollow Wind so easily…"

Wang Lin continued to ponder this problem.

While he pondered, he raised his right hand and his eyes shined brightly. The feeling of Sundered Night appeared in his mind and a golden light appeared in his right hand. This golden light was bright like the blazing sun!

Master Hollow Wind was terrified as he endured the pain to get up and retreat. He didn't see that Wang Lin had frowned.

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Wang Lin waved his right hand and the golden light dissipated.

Master Hollow Wind let out a sigh as he respectfully said, "I'll remember Fellow Cultivator Wang's mercy! I was reckless this time, and my losing right arm is a clear reminder of my mistake. I, Master Hollow Wind, swear with my dao that this won't happen a second time!"

Although he admitted his defeat to Wang Lin, he still held a grudge. Originally, he decided to rebel in the Demon Spirit Land.

However, after seeing the power of Sundered Night and learning that it was a self-created spell, he gave up on such thoughts. He would focus on getting out from the Demon Spirit Land and regaining his freedom.

As for whether or not this spell was really created by Wang Lin, he didn't bother asking too much. With his cultivation and experience, he could see some clues. He thought that 80% of what Wang Lin said was true.

However, whether it was true or false was no longer important. The shock of the spell made him discard any ideas of rebelling. In a way, he was relieved as he no longer had to think about it.

Moreover, after being shown mercy twice, Master Hollow Wind knew there wouldn't be a third time!

Wang Lin calmly looked at Master Hollow Wind. They were both sensible people, so there was no need to warn or say too much. He merely nodded and let this matter pass.

"Fellow Cultivator Wang, with my understanding of the old monsters of planet Tian Yun, the Demon Spirit Land should be open soon. It could open within few months or at most half a year. I'm seriously injured, so I must go into closed door cultivation, and I won't disturb you too much." Now that he was sincerely going to help Wang Lin, Master Hollow Wind gradually started to consider what might happen in the Demon Spirit Land.

After saying goodbye to Wang Lin, Master Hollow Wind returned to his palace and began to cultivate.

After Master Hollow Wind left, Wang Lin frowned as he looked at his right hand. After a moment of silence, he used Sundered Night again and the golden light appeared once more.

The moment this golden light appeared, the origin energy in Wang Lin's body gathered in his hand like uncontrollable wild horses.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he waved his right hand, then his origin energy gradually returned. However, just this moment had almost used more than 10% of his origin energy.

"Just like before, all my origin energy is used up when I use the spell… It will be impossible to use Sundered Night with the amount of origin energy I possess! However, I didn't consume any origin energy and was able to display the shocking power of Sundered Night a little while ago…" Wang Lin frowned.

"Could it be…" Wang Lin suddenly raised his head and his eyes lit up. He seemed to have realized something.

In the blink of an eye, the day passed and night arrived once more. Wang Lin still sat in the palace and pondered late into the night. It wasn't until the time dawn was about to arrive that Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he stood up and walked out.

His body suddenly disappeared and reappeared on the peak where he comprehended Sundered Night!

The ocean breeze blew by and bursts of coldness fell on Wang Lin's body. However, Wang Lin wasn't bothered by this at all as he stared at the rising sun in the distance. The comprehension he had while using Sundered Night filled his body and then moved to his right hand.

At this moment, golden light flashed from his right hand. He didn't use any origin energy in his body. The moment he raised his right hand, Wang Lin he found that boundless origin energy from the rising sun had gathered in his right hand. This caused the golden light in his hand to suddenly expand!

As more origin energy came from the rising sun and gathered in his right hand, the golden light spread from his right arm to his whole body!

Wang Lin was covered in this golden glow, and he became as bright as the sun. A moment later, he replaced the real sun and became the sun rising over the sea!

Enlightenment appeared in Wang Lin's eyes. With a thought, the golden light around him slowly disappeared until it was completely gone.

"So that was indeed the case! My pool of origin energy isn't enough to use this shocking self-created spell. I can only borrow the power of the sunrise to use it…" Wang Lin pondered for a long time before shaking his head. He then took a step and disappeared.

"Although there is a limit, if someone battles me during sunrise, then along with the third eye and the God Slaying War Chariot, I should have the power to battle an early stage Nirvana Shatterer cultivator!

"The moment the sun peaks over the horizon is when I'm at my strongest!"

When Wang Lin returned to the palace, his eyes turned cold and he muttered, "Not counting Master Hollow Wind, I wonder who will be the first to encounter me at my strongest!"

Wang Lin sat in the lotus position. Then his hands formed seal and countless restrictions filled the palace. Then he pointed to between his eyebrows to activate the heart restriction and countless black lines flew out.

As large amounts of restrictions filled the area, the palace was completely sealed.

After doing all this, Wang Lin was still a bit worried. He slapped his bag of holding and a compass appeared in his hand! This compass was something only the heir of the Annihilation Restriction could have!

After blowing origin energy at the compass, the needle on it began to spin. The compass flew up and grew until it was 100 feet wide. It floated above Wang Lin, and when Wang Lin jumped up, the compass descended, sinking into the ground. Wang Lin sat down in the middle of the compass.

"This should be enough!" Wang Lin slapped his bag of holding and the silver corpse appeared before him. Looking at the corpse, Wang Lin pondered for a moment before mercilessly pressing down between her eyebrows!

At this moment, the female corpse suddenly opened her eyes, revealing a cold gaze at Wang Lin. Also, a vortex appeared between her eyebrows, stopping his finger one inch away from her skin.

A vicious gaze appeared in the eyes of the female corpse and she retreated. However, the moment she retreated, the compass below her trembled and rotated. Restrictions flew out from the compass and seamlessly linked together with all the other restrictions in the room. If she triggered one restriction, it was tantamount to triggering them all!

There was a vicious gaze in her eyes, and also an unexpected hint of intelligence. She slowed her retreat and charged straight at Wang Lin!

The female corpse was seriously injured, and although her cultivation level had fallen, her fierceness hadn't decreased at all. She rushed up to Wang Lin and mercilessly clawed at him.

Wang Lin's expression was still calm, and as her claw closed in, a ray of blue light shot out from Wang Lin's eyes. Her hand immediately touched the blue light.

After letting out a miserable scream, the woman quickly retreated. Although she was retreating, her movement was light and she unexpectedly didn't touch any of the restrictions. She stopped few dozen feet from Wang Lin. There was a hint of intelligence in her eyes as she bared her teeth at Wang Lin and let out a roar.

This female corpse was already beautiful, so not only did this action not give people sense of danger, she gave off the impression of a cat because of her two eye teeth.

The two chains on her body clattered as she moved, and the sound echoed across the palace.

Chapter 990 - Kidnap

Wang Lin's eyes were calm as his hands formed a seal and pointed below him. The compass rotated and all the restrictions inside the palace activated and shot toward the female corpse.

That woman let out a wail that was harsh and created a powerful impact. Large amounts of restrictions collapsed.

Anxiety appeared in the eyes of the female corpse, then she quickly retreated. Blue light shot out from Wang Lin's right eye once more and turned into a shield, blocking her path. There was a strong shockwave from the shield that caused her to retreat once more.

As Wang Lin pointed with his right finger, all the restrictions gathered around the female corpse.

The female corpse retreated, causing the chains on her body to shake. Then a black mist surrounded her. She opened her mouth to spit out a pair of red scissors that flew into the air and mercilessly cut at the restrictions!

There was a thud as the scissor cut all the restrictions above her. The female corpse then charged upward while surrounded by the black mist.

Seeing that she was about to break through the palace, Wang Lin's expression turned cold. With a thought, the ancient god furnace appeared around him.

"Change position!" As Wang Lin's calm voice echoed, the female corpse glowed. Just as she was about to touch the ceiling of the palace, her body trembled and suddenly changed positions with Wang Lin, who was at the center of the compass!

In an instant, Wang Lin appeared where the female corpse was, and the female corpse was standing at the center of the compass. The compass rotated rapidly and countless restrictions wrapped around the female corpse. The surrounding restrictions also closed in.

The female didn't notice fast enough, and her cultivation level had dropped a lot due to her injuries, so she allowed the restrictions to wrap around her. Large amounts of restrictions quickly locked her down, especially her feet, which seemed to be stuck to the compass; she wasn't able to move them at all.

While struggling, the female corpse began to scream. Her shrill slowly spread.

Wang Lin landed and looked at the struggling female corpse. His eyes were cold as he mercilessly reached out. The chain going through her shoulder blade was pulled out.

Weakened, the female corpse screamed immediately, her body trembling. Her intelligent eyes stared at Wang Lin with deep hatred.

After the chain was pulled out, it turned into a black snake and fiercely bit Wang Lin's right arm with its fangs. Wang Lin didn't even dodge and let the black snake bite down. The moment the snake bit Wang Lin's arm, the fangs collapsed, and Wang Lin's arm wasn't injured at all!

How could this mere black snake break through the body of a 5-star royal ancient god?

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Wang Lin squeezed with his right hand and the black snake trembled before shattering into pieces of chain. He didn't stop and once more reached at the void. The female corpse let out a scream as the chain in her pelvis was pulled out by Wang Lin.

With a squeeze of his hand, he crushed the chain!

The female corpse fell and she was noq half-sitting on the ground. Wang Lin spat out a mouthful of origin energy that entered the compass. He then sat down on the side and his hands began forming seals. The compass slowly rotated and restrictions entered her body.

"Celestial Emperor Qing Lin had a spell called 'Corpse Guard.' It required the body of the enemies he killed and various other materials to form a vicious corpse that feels no pain and can be used to protect the owner. Although I can't find those extinct materials to refine a corpse puppet, I can use the method to control the corpse guard."

Wang Lin closed his eyes, and his hands continued to form restrictions that entered the female corpse's body.

Time slowly passed. As the sun rose and set, more than half a month had passed. Wang Lin had spent almost four months on planet Water Spirit. During this time, aside from the time he spent comprehending on the peak, he was refining the female corpse.

The process of refining the female corpse was very complex and required all his concentration. As a result, Wang Lin never went outside and would place a restriction every once in a while.

At this moment, the 100 foot compass was still rotating inside his palace with the woman sitting on top. Her whole body glowed silver and there was a mark flashing between her eyebrows.

Her expression was peaceful and the resentment from before had disappeared. If someone else saw her, they would find it difficult to imagine her true identity. No matter how you looked at it, she was a beautiful female cultivator.

While Wang Lin was on planet Water Spirit, a not so big or small thing happened on planet Tian Yun. A powerful cultivator named Situ Nan had arrived on planet Tian Yun and became the Palace Lord of the Pink Palace.

However, his reputation wasn't exactly a good one.

In three months of time, almost every female disciple of the small and medium sects were harassed by him. He never used force, though. He just used his Nirvana Cleanser cultivation as a pretense to teach them spells and hinted that he could gift them pills to increase their cultivation level. As a result, he gathered a lot of female cultivators and strengthened the pink palace greatly.

He spent his days in endless joy, and if he went out, he would have 1,000 female cultivators around him. This made his perverted ways famous.

However, this person was trustworthy because all the female disciples that entered the Pink Palace were taught spells and received pills. If any sect complained, Situ Nan would righteously rush to them to have a talk with them. Often, the sect would give him face. After all, Situ Nan was a Nirvana Cleanser cultivator.

As a result, more and more female cultivators joined the Pink Palace, and it could be said that Situ Nan's name had made its way across Tian Yun.

He had heard from some unknown sources that the three Chen brothers had two female disciples that were stunning. One of them had a water spirit root and the other was ice cold. This made Situ Nan's heart itch, and after pondering for half a day, he led a large amount of female cultivators toward planet Water Spirit with someone leading the way.

This large group was almost exclusively females wearing pink dress. Amidst them was a bed dozens of feet wide. Situ Nan lied on top of the best surrounded by many female cultivators, looking very happy.

There were almost 100 female cultivators around the bed as they moved toward planet Water Spirit.

There was a middle-aged man in blue before Situ Nan. He was handsome and had an evil gaze, and he flattered, "Senior Situ, Junior ensures that these two female cultivators are top qualify. Zhao Xue is an amazing beauty, and the one called Ling Er has a water spirit root, making her an excellent cultivation furnace!"

Situ Nan enjoyed having female cultivators serving him. He laughed and nodded. "OK, if what you say is true, I won't be stingy with your reward… Pill, celestial spell, you choose!"

The middle-aged man's eyes filled with joy. He quickly said his thanks along with many other compliments that made Situ Nan laugh.

This middle-aged man sneered and thought, "Zhao Xue, no matter how lofty you are, I want to see whether you obey or not with Senior Situ here! Also, Ling Er won't be able to escape either!"

Situ Nan looked at the middle-aged man. Although he looked happy, he knew exactly what the middle-aged man was thinking. With Situ Nan's cunning, he was immediately able to tell that there was a grudge between this middle-aged man and the two women from planet Water Spirit.

However, Situ Nan didn't care about any of this.

"A water spirit root is pretty good. That brother of mine is a piece of wood and probably still hasn't had any woman in all these years. If these two girls are good, then I'll take them as a greeting gift, even if I have to steal them. Water spirit root… not bad, not bad." Situ Nan let out a mischievous smile. Then he let out a sigh. During the few months he was on planet Tian Yun, he wanted to look for Wang Lin, but found no clues. He thought about going to the Heavenly Fate Sect, but there was a powerful aura sealing the whole place. It would be difficult for Situ Nan to enter with his current strength.

This phenomenon surprised all the cultivators on planet Tian Yun, but they couldn't think of a reason.

No one knew that the All-Seer had given the command to do so before he went into close door cultivation. Seal the Heavenly Fate Sect and open the sect protection formation!

Fortunately, there were too many disciples in the Heavenly Fate Sect, and some were outside. That included a few female cultivators that were taken to the Pink Palace by Situ Nan to "play". After asking them, he found out about the rumors of what Wang Lin did back in the Demon Spirit Land.

These rumors were not a secret, and Situ Nan had heard them from others on planet Tian Yun. After confirming this, he was surprised, but soon he laughed and thought, "That's my brother. If he is going to do something, he is going to do something heaven-shattering!"

As he asked more, he learned that Wang Lin had returned to planet Tian Yun several months ago.

Situ Nan pondered for a bit and came to the conclusion that if Wang Lin dared to return, then Wang Lin must not have been worried about anything, so his safety wasn't an issue. However, he found it strange that Wang Lin was so fearless.

"Could that kid's cultivation level have increased rapidly?" Situ Nan had thought for a long time but couldn't think of a reason. However, from what information he could gather, Wang Lin's purpose for returning should be the Demon Spirit Land!

Therefore, Wang Lin wouldn't go far and would appear within a short period of time.

As a result, Situ Nan wasn't anxious and decided to have some fun. This was able to help him disperse some of the stress he had from planet Feng Luan.

On this day, with the middle-aged man leading the way, Situ Nan, who was surrounded by hundreds of female cultivators, saw planet Water Spirit in the distance!

"Hehe, this old man sure is generous to come all the way here to find Little Lin a concubine. I wonder what expression he will make when finds out!" Looking at planet Water Spirit, Situ Nan laughed.

This sudden laugh from Situ Nan had the middle-aged man and all the surrounding cultivators mistaking it for an erotic laugh.

Chapter 991 - Reunion(1)

Looking at the blue cultivation planet, Situ Nan's divine sense spread out and spread forward. It was like a storm that charged at the planet and swept through it.

Situ Nan's Nirvana Cleanser cultivation made his divine sense very sharp. Adding his arrogant and almost demonic domain, it gave him almost endless power.

As he swept across the planet, the entire planet trembled as if a giant pair of hands was playing with it. Rumbling sounds came from the earth and the sky changed colors!

The three Chen brothers were cultivating, but they suddenly opened their eyes and revealed gloomy expressions. The three disappeared at the same time, and when they reappeared, they were in the air.

However, this divine sense was too strong. The moment the three of them appeared, they had to retreat thousands of feet and use their full power to resist to be able to barely stand firm.

Big Head and Lei Ji also felt this powerful divine sense. Lei Ji's cultivation level wasn't high enough, so he directly coughed out blood. However, he wasn't scared at all but instead felt gloomy.

Big Head resisted the impact of the divine sense and arrived next to Wang Lin's palace. He protected Wang Lin's palace along with Ta Shan.

As for the junior cultivators, they were all extremely pale. Those that were lightly injured coughed out blood, and those who were heavily affected passed out. Only people like Zhao Xue and Ling Er, who had protection items from the three Chen brothers, were able to barely hold on.

The extremely arrogant divine sense spread across the palace Wang Lin was in. However, Wang Lin was refining the female corpse and had reached the most critical moment.

Wang Lin's divine sense had almost completely connected to the female corpse. Unless someone's cultivation level was way higher, they would only see the female corpse. After all, the female corpse was also at the Nirvana Cleanser stage.

The divine sense paused for a moment and then swept by. In the distance, Master Hollow Wind's eyes shined and then he frowned. As the divine sense spread out, his eyes revealed a dark glow and he formed a seal and pointed forward.

The divine sense gathered like a whirlpool as it laughed and retreated.

"This old man's mood is pretty good, so I'll give you a chance. Hand over the woman with the water spirit root and that little girl called Zhao Xue. I really don't consider you two half-dead Nirvana Cleanser cultivators a threat." This rough voice rumbled across planet Water Spirit like roaring thunder. It quickly reached every part of planet Water Spirit.

This voice contained a spell along with Situ Nan's Nirvana Cleanser cultivation. Just listening to it caused the three Chen brothers to cough out blood and retreat once more.

Master Yi Chen's expression was ferocious as he shouted, "Activate the planet protection formation!" As soon as he finished, he touched his bag and a black token flew out.

At the same time, Master Yi Xing and Master Yi Long quickly took out a black token from each their bags.

The three of them raised their token almost at the same time. One of the tokens collapsed and turned into a black ripple that quickly spread. In just a moment, it surrounded the entire planet.

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Just as the first token shattered, the remaining two tokens also shattered. Then two more ripples spread across the entire planet. At this moment, there were three layers of black ripples that tightly guarded planet Water Spirit!

Master Yi Chen's face was pale. He had no confidence that these three layers could resist the enemy, but he didn't panic. He sneered in his heart. "With Brother Wang here, I want to see how you'll bully planet Water Spirit!"

"Oh?' When Situ Nan saw the three layers of light, a cold light flashed in his eyes. When his divine sense spread across planet Water Spirit, he noticed two early stage Nirvana Cleanser cultivators.

The two Nirvana Cleanser cultivators were seriously injured, but even if they weren't, Situ Nan wouldn't have cared. He laughed and then disappeared from the large bed. He reappeared outside planet Water Spirit.

"Resisting is good. The more you resist, the more excited I get. Damn it, this time I'm getting concubine furnaces for my brother, not for myself. Mortality, stand on my side!"

Situ Nan's eyes revealed a strange light as he closed in on planet Water Spirit. Then he suddenly pointed forward with his right forefinger!


A vortex appeared on Situ Nan's finger, and the sounds of explosion could be heard from within the vortex. Endless origin energy condensed in the vortex, causing it to rotate faster. In the end, it looked like it wasn't moving, but the speed of its rotation had reached an unimaginable degree.

"Last time I went into closed door cultivation, I refined the Finger of Death, Demonic Finger, and Underworld Finger. In addition, I also improved the latter three finger techniques. I can break this mere planet protection formation in just a few breaths of time!" Situ Nan's eyes lit up as he mercilessly pointed forward.

The vortex quickly flew toward the formation around planet Water Spirit. It closed in in an instant and smashed into the first layer

A heaven-shaking sound echoed when the vortex and the black light collided. The shockwave spread out violently, pushing everyone away. Situ Nan wasn't affected, but all the female cultivators behind him had to retreat.

The first layer of black ripples trembled rapidly and exploded! Then a huge storm was set off, and it landed on the second layer.

Just at this instant, Situ Nan pointed once more and shouted, "One finger points at the heavens and earth, the universe is silenced!"

With a point of his finger, an even larger vortex appeared and the origin energy in the world gathered like crazy. It was as if the vortex had become a black hole that could absorb all the power in the world.

In an instant, the vortex was 100 feet wide. As it rotated rapidly, lightning arched within it, creating sounds of explosions.

Situ Nan's eyes revealed a mysterious light as he shouted, "Annihilation change!"

After he spoke, the explosions from inside the vortex reached a limit and the lightning inside arched even more violently. However, all of these were secondary; the most important part was that the origin energy inside the vortex went through a shocking change!

Nirvana Cleanser cultivators could absorb origin energy form the world and infuse it into their spells. As a result, their attacks were far more powerful than that of Nirvana Scryer cultivators.

However, this could be considered the lowest method of using origin energy. It was very simple; it was just absorbing and condensing!

However, if you understood the laws, then you could use change in addition to absorb and condense!

The so-called change was a qualitative change by absorbing origin energy and then compressing it repeatedly until it changed into a mysterious power that Nirvana Cleanser cultivators called the "power of law!"

In truth, Wang Lin's self-created spell belonged to the power of law! The power of law was something that rarely occurred in Nirvana Cleanser cultivators, much less Nirvana Scryer cultivators. This was why Master Hollow Wind was so shocked!

Situ Nan shouted as the 100 foot vortex before him compressed until it was only the size of his hand. Then it flew directly at the planet protection formation.

"Break for this old man!" Situ Nan stepped forward toward the vortex.

The vortex was so fast that it closed in instantly. As the vortex closed in, the second layer trembled violently. When the vortex touched it, the second layer unexpectedly twisted with the vortex and was absorbed by the vortex without any resistance.

The vortex didn't stop and directly landed on the last layer of black ripples.

The moment it touched the last layer of black ripples, the layer collapsed. The three layers of the planet protection formation were destroyed like this!

The vortex charged at planet Water Spirit. While letting out an arrogant laugh, Situ Nan shouted, "This old man is here looking for a concubine for my brother. I'll destroy anyone who dares to stop me!"

The moment Situ Nan and the vortex appeared above planet Water Spirit, the three Chen brothers coughed out blood once more. The planet protection formation was linked to them, so they couldn't help but retreat.

Behind Situ Nan, the female cultivators of the Pink Palace quickly followed and filled the sky. The fragrance they gave off was enough to intoxicate people. The middle-aged man in blue also arrived. He excitedly looked at the three Chen brothers and thought, "Even you three old things can have a day like today!"

Master Yi Chen's expression was gloomy as he stared at Situ Nan and shouted, "Fellow Cultivator has amazing cultivation; I presume you're not a nobody!"

Situ Nan glared and laughed. "I'm Situ Nan!"

"Fellow Cultivator Situ has such an amazing cultivation, so why force the three of us? Moreover, Ling Er and Zhao Xue are only juniors, so please let them go. Us Chen brothers will make amends."

Looking at the three Chen brothers, Situ Nan shook his head. "This old man has plenty of women and cultivation furnaces, so I don't care for your juniors. However, this old man's brother is still very young. Let's see… Only about 1,000 years old, so still very young. Rest assured, my brother is very handsome, and those two junior of yours might not even catch my brother's fancy. Don't waste my time. Bring them out, or else I'll kill you all and take them away!"

"Senior, Zhao Xue can leave with you, but please spare my junior sister!" In the distance, two rays of light arrived and revealed themselves to be two women. One of them was Zhao Xue and beside her was Ling Er, who was completely calm.

Situ Nan narrowed his eyes as his gaze swept Zhao Xue, and he praised her in his heart. It was as the rumors had said, this girl Zhao Xue was a cool beauty and a good material for a concubine.

He then looked at Ling Er next to Zhao Xue, and his eyes revealed a strange glow.

"She indeed does have a water spirit root!"

Zhao Xue didn't even glance at the middle-aged man next to Situ Nan. Her cold and arrogant expression was obvious.

Situ Nan was too lazy to bother with Zhao Xue's words. With a wave of his sleeves, a gust of wind immediately caught Zhao Xue and Ling Er. He arrogantly said, "This old man is taking the two of them!"

Chapter 992 - Reunion(2)

As he spoke, he moved backward and was about to leave.

The three Chen brothers' eyes were bloodshot, especially Master Yi Chen's; it was as if his heart was torn. Although Ling Er was a cross generation junior, he treated her like his own daughter. At this moment, it was as if he was watching a villain stealing his daughter before him.

He clenched his teeth,turned toward the palace Wang Lin was in, and bowed. His voice was filled with grief and indignation as he loudly said, "Brother Wang, please help this old man once!"

Unfortunately, Wang Lin was completely immersed in refining the corpse, because it was the most critical moment. He only kept his divine sense around the palace, so even if he detect what was happening outside, he couldn't be distracted.

Situ Nan was originally going to leave, but when he heard "Brother Wang," his body trembled and he stopped. His eyes revealed a mysterious light and muttered to himself, "Someone named Wang?"

"What is the name of the brother Wang you spoke of?" Situ Nan turned around toward Master Yi Chen, but soon shook his head and said, "Forget it, I'll know once I look!"

After he spoke, he took a step and charged at the palace Wang Lin was in.

If Situ Nan hadn't gone to Wang Lin, Master Hollow Wind wouldn't have appeared. He was already injured, so there was no way he would help the three Chen brothers. However, now that Situ Nan had closed in on Wang Lin, he had to act!

People who had reached his cultivation level were pretty open about things. However, after several encounters with Wang Lin, he felt very complex. Wang Lin had let him go twice. Although it was just to get his help in the Demon Spirit Land, it was him who was wrong twice, so he held no resentment.

Therefore, if he didn't act now, it would be unreasonable. Master Hollow Wind's eyes lit up and he gave up on healing himself. When Situ Nan was within five kilometers of Wang Lin's palace, he appeared before Situ Nan.

Master Hollow Wind's expression was calm as he slowly said, "Fellow Cultivator, since you already taken the people you want, it is best to leave!"

Situ Nan's eyes narrowed, but his expression was filled with impatience, and he shouted, "If you weren't injured, you'd barely qualify, but right now you're not qualified to block me!" As Situ Nan spoke, he raised his right hand and pointed without hesitation.

Underworld Finger!

As this finger pointed out, the sky changed colors and dense death aura filled the world. The Underworld Finger now held considerable power after being refined by Situ Nan.

Borrowing the sliver of life that appears in a land filled with death, it allowed the Underworld Finger to contain a small trace of life!

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As a result, it formed its own Yin and Yang and became a fierce spell that shot directly at Master Hollow Wind.

Master Hollow Wind's hands formed a seal and he waved his hand. Large amounts of origin energy gathered and collided with the Underworld Finger.

There was a loud bang, and Master Hollow Wind's body trembled and he was forced to retreat several dozen feet. However, the Underworld Finger wasn't effect at all and continued to chase him after a short pause.

Disdain filled Situ Nan's eyes as he shouted, "Underworld Change!"

After he spoke, the underworld wind rapidly shrank and a destructive aura spread out like crazy.

Master Hollow Wind's expression changed greatly. He naturally saw that this wind was abnormal and retreated without hesitation.

Situ Nan didn't pay attention to Master Hollow Wind and stepped directly toward Wang Lin's palace. Ta Shan and Big Head wanted to intercept, but Situ Nan waved his sleeve. Big Head was blown away, but Ta Shan was able to maintain his position. He was, after all, a celestial guard. Then he threw a punch!

This punch created a sonic boom that charged toward Situ Nan.

Situ Nan was surprised as he carefully looked at Ta Shan before pointing at him. Ta Shan's body trembled and he was blown away.

"Interesting, a Nirvana Cleanser, a Nirvana Scryer, and a puppet with such a powerful body. I really have to see this cultivator named Wang that is being guarded by them."

As Situ Nan laughed, he stepped within 1,000 feet of the palace. The moment he landed, Situ Nan was startled, and he had an extremely strange expression with his mouth open. He didn't believe what he was seeing. After all, what he saw with his divine sense was very different from seeing it in person.

Situ Nan was about to speak, but a loud whistle came from the palace. Countless restrictions rushed out, and they filled the sky and rushed at Sit Nan.

"Damn it…" Situ Nan was about to retreat, but there were too many restrictions. They all rushed at him as if they wouldn't give up until they sealed him!

Situ Nan wryly smiled and simply decided not to retreat. He opened his arms and a giant vortex appeared before him. This vortex rotated very fast, and as Situ Nan swung his arms, the vortex collapsed, sending out waves of ripples.

All the restrictions that touched these ripples collapsed, and in just a moment, all of the restrictions collapsed.

Situ was about to speak when his expression changed and a sharp, female voice came from the palace. This scream pierced the high heavens, and even Situ Nan couldn't help but retreat a few steps.

Just at this moment, the door to the palace suddenly opened. A woman wearing silver shot out in a ray of silver light toward Situ Nan.

Situ Nan's eyes narrowed as he waved his right hand and retreated. His right hand formed a seal and he pointed at the woman, creating a ring of light, and he shouted, "Celestial Entrapment Finger!"

This ring of light shined purple and gave off a powerful origin energy fluctuation. As Situ Nan spoke, it shot toward the female corpse.

Just as Situ Nan pointed, the ring disappeared, but a moment later, it appeared around the woman. It trapped the woman inside and mercilessly shrank!

The ring suddenly multiplied from one to two, two to four, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into countless rings trapping her! However, this woman wasn't simple. She opened her mouth to spit out a pair of scissors. The scissors flew around her, cutting the rings.

Taking this time, Situ Nan spat at the ground and wryly smiled. "Damn it, what is this? I failed to recognize someone I knew…" With that, he walked past the woman and directly headed toward the palace.

When he closed in, his hands formed a seal and he pointed with his finger as he laughed. "Take my Mountain Tremble Finger!" With a point of his finger, the shadow of a majestic mountain appeared behind Situ Nan. The mountain was so huge that it almost connected the heavens and earth. Then the shadow rapidly condensed onto Situ Nan's finger.

In the end, when the mountain completely disappeared, the power of this finger reached its peak. This finger was like a mountain crashing down!

A very cheerful laugh came from inside the palace and a frenzy aura exploded from within.

The two forces collided with each other, causing an unimaginable shockwave to spread out. The shockwave caused dust to cover the area surrounding Wang Lin's palace. All the shattered stones scattered in all directions.

Situ Nan's body trembled and shock filled his eyes. He turned into a ray of light and retreated 1,000 feet before the powerful force was dissipated. Nevertheless, his right hand still trembled and felt numb.

"What kind of spell is this? Just the power of the body not only broke my Mountain Tremble spell, it even caused me to retreat! When did this brat become so strong?!" Excitement filled Situ Nan's eyes as he laughed and jumped into the air. He pointed up and smiled. "That Mountain Tremble was used with only part of my strength. Right now, I'll let you see it at its full power. I spent a long time comprehending this spell on that abandoned planet that was worse than bird sheet to perfect this!"

"OK!" Wang Lin's laugh came from below and he flew into the air. When he looked at Situ Nan, a rare hint of excitement and familiarity appeared in his eyes.

Situ Nan smiled, but the admiration and the excitement from seeing Wang Lin after so many years was still revealed through his expression.

The two of them looked at each other in the air. Sometimes, brothers don't need to talk much. They only needed one gaze to rekindle their friendship.

Everything that happened on planet Suzaku echoed in both their hearts almost at the same time.

"Mountain Tremble Finger!" Situ Nan laughed as his right hand pointed at Wang Lin. At this moment, the entire planet trembled and mountains souls flew out. An illusion appeared around Situ Nan.

Mountains appeared next to Situ Nan; there were hundreds of thousands of them. Situ Nan had unexpectedly called all the mountain souls on the planet here. They appeared like mirages and looked extremely real.

As he pointed, these mountain souls gave off ancient auras that quickly gathered! They condensed into a powerful force that shot toward Wang Lin.

This finger was a powerful spell that gathered all the mountain souls on planet Water Spirit!

The power of this Mountain Tremble Finger caused Wang Lin's eyes to reveal a mysterious light. He gripped his hand and the sky rumbled. It was as if Wang Lin was holding the sky within his hands.

Chapter 993 - Poison

Holding his right fist, Wang Lin walked forward and threw a punch forward.

There was a loud bang that echoed between the worlds. An illusion of an ancient god's arm appeared before Wang Lin as if that punch was the punch of an ancient god!

Boom, boom, boom! This earth-shattering sound replaced all other sounds on planet Water Spirit and echoed within everyone's ears.

Situ Nan's Mountain Tremble Finger that gathered all the mountain souls on the planet collided before Wang Lin's fist. A powerful shockwave spread, causing violent waves to appear over the ocean!

Situ Nan laughed and retreated. There was admiration in his eyes and he smiled. "We haven't seen each other in a long time. Wang Lin, I haven't seen you for hundreds of years, and you sure surprised me today!"

Wang Lin also retreated and laughed. "It looks like you must have entered closed door cultivation in these hundreds of years!"

The two of them looked at each other and smiled happily. Wang Lin had not been so happy for a long time. His reunion with Situ Nan made him think of their long friendship, and this made his heart feel warm.

Situ Nan was still the same. He was very arrogant and had very few close friends, and even the ones he had, he had long lost contact with them. Wang Lin was somewhat special as the two of them had experienced many life and death situations together. Now that he saw that Wang Lin's cultivation had reached such a degree, he was very happy.

Under Wang Lin's invitation, the two flew off into the distance, leaving everyone else confused.

In particular, the three Chen brothers were startled by this sudden change. It wasn't until after a long time that the three of them wryly smiled. They were all Nirvana Scryer cultivators and were all very smart. At this moment, they realized that when Situ Nan said he was taking Zhou Xue and Ling Er for his brother, that there was an 80% chance that his brother was Wang Lin.

Master Hollow Wind could only bitterly smile at this and shook his head. Then he looked at the woman in silver that had walked out from Situ Nan's spell and felt doubt in his heart.

All of them scattered. At this moment, Wang Lin and Situ Nan sat on the peak where Wang Lin comprehended Sundered Night. The mountain wind hit their clothes as the two exchanged what had happened to them over these hundreds of years.

There was a white jade table between the two of them with a wine jug and other things that Situ Nan had brought. After he took a drink, he exclaimed, "I didn't think so many things would happen after you went to planet Tian Yun. It would have been better if you had followed me and had fun being king."

Wang Lin picked up the wine cup and drank a mouthful before shaking his head and saying, "If not for some unexpected things on the way to planet Tian Yun, I wouldn't have my current cultivation."

Situ Nan revealed an expression that was like a smile that was not a smile, then he put down the wine cup and laughed. "I heard about the war between Allheaven and the Alliance on planet Feng Luan and about the fame of the Thunder Celestial of Allheaven. I didn't expect it to be you!"

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Wang Lin's expression remained neutral and he smiled. "I was just lucky."

"However, your cultivation is a bit strange. You're only at the peak of the mid stage of Nirvana Scryer, but even I panicked at the strength of that punch." Although Situ Nan was only at the early stage of Nirvana Cleanser, his talent was simply too good. He was also painstakingly studying during his closed door cultivation, so he was at the peak of his cultivation level. If forced into a corner, he could even fight mid stage Nirvana Cleanser cultivators, only the price would be heavy.

The battle between Wang Lin and Situ Nan was merely just sparing. However, Situ Nan could obviously feel a shocking power hidden within Wang Lin. Even with Situ Nan's arrogance, he was shocked.

After more than 1,000 years, the youth from back then had lost all his naivety and became a true cultivator!

While Situ Nan was in a trance, it was as if saw that simple child that had just picked up the heaven defying bead… Then the youth flashed by and became the simple youth in the Heng Yue Sect that didn't understand the cruel world of cultivators.

The youth that lost his parents and lost his body before being saved by Situ Nan. Then this youth went on a path of slaughter to almost become a monster…

The youth that rediscovered himself after finding his domain. The youth who gradually rose to fame on planet Suzaku and finally reached the peak to awaken him, Situ Nan.

Situ Nan let out a sigh as he looked at Wang Lin. He couldn't help but think of the day they departed. One went to planet Tian Yun to become a disciple and one went to planet Feng Luan to enjoy life.

In a flash, hundreds of years passed, and today, the two reunited once more. Aside from the friendship not changing, everything else had changed too much.

A person's life was merely this!

As Wang Lin looked at Situ Nan, memories of the past also flashed through his mind. These memories were too old, but Wang Lin clearly remembered them. He couldn't forget what he once said under the night sky.

"I, Wang Lin, will never bow to the heavens or pay respect to any ghost or god. I only bow to my parents and pay my respects to Situ!"

Situ Nan had helped him far too much. If not for Situ, Wang Lin would have died in Zhao and would never have the achievements he had today.

If it wasn't for Situ, it would have been hard for Wang Lin to step through to early stages of the first step, Qi Condensation, Foundation Establishment, Core Formation, and Nascent Soul! Without his foundation, it would have been hard for him to reach his current level.

If not for Situ's Death, Demonic, and Underworld Fingers, along with how to use spells and treasures, it would have been hard for Wang Lin to gain a foothold on planet Tian Yun.

If not for Situ, when Wang Lin was attacked by the Scattered Devil in the Demon Spirit Land, he would have died without the Underworld Finger…

There was also the heaven defying bead! If Situ Nan had any greed, he wouldn't have let Wang Lin keep such a mysterious treasure. If Situ were to take it from Wang Lin, Wang Lin would die. Because of that, Situ simply smiled and said one thing.

"I gift you this!"

As the memories from the past resurfaced, the two people on the peak became silent.

The wind whistled by, but it couldn't scatter the emotions they felt. These emotions became even more powerful, until they were like a shroud of smoke that would linger forever in their hearts, representing their eternal friendship.

As the mountain breeze blew by, the two drank one cup after another. After a moment of silence, both laughed. Real friends don't need to say much; just a cup of wine and a laugh can allow them to throw away all the sadness, leaving only joy.

A man can have no lover, but he can't be without a true friend.

Situ Nan didn't question more about Wang Lin's cultivation being strange. He interrupted Wang Lin's words as he drank a cup of wine and smiled. "What more is there to say between us two brothers? When I was at a disadvantage on planet Feng Luan, I first thought of you. Later, you and I will definitely slaughter our way back to planet Feng Luan!"

Wang Lin smiled and nodded without asking more. He chatted with Situ Nan as they drank wine until it was late into the night. The bright moon hung in the sky, shining brightly. Although it was cold, it was also very quiet. Talking about life with a friend made Wang Lin's mind feel peaceful.

He hadn't had this warm feeling in a very long time. This kind of warmth appeared by itself when one was with old friends. It was as if he was back on planet Suzaku, where he and Situ Nan's fates were linked.

"You were also famous in the Allheaven Star System, and it can be said you had fun there. But poor me, I originally was having fun on planet Feng Luan but accidently saw some of those damn women. It shouldn't have been a big deal in the cultivation world. I didn't care much; didn't I just take a few extra looks, didn't I just engrave the images into a jade?" Situ Nan was depressed as he drank a big mouthful of wine.

"That was all I did, yet they released a kill order to hunt me day and night. It forced me to hide, and I couldn't even act like a king in peace… Finally, I was forced to change close door cultivation locations every once in a while. In these past several hundred years, I was like a mouse running from one planet to another. Planets filled with spiritual energy and abandoned planets without any spiritual energy, I've been to them all."

Situ Nan became angry as he talked about this, so he simply picked up a jug and drank for a few breaths. Then he put it down and hatefully said, "After I came out of closed door cultivation, I slaughtered my way to planet Feng Luan, but there were too many of them. And they had gotten some helpers, making me suffer a big loss!" When Situ Nan got to this point, his face unexpectedly turned red.

Wang Lin roughly guessed the story before his eyes narrowed and he frowned. He grabbed Situ Nan's right hand and he carefully spread out his divine sense. After a long time, Wang Lin's expression became even more strange.

Situ Nan wryly smiled and drank a cup before he said, "You saw through it?"

Wang Lin pondered for a bit as a flash of coldness appeared in his eyes along with monstrous killing intent. He nodded and said, "What kind of poison is so powerful that you can't force it out even with your cultivation?"

Situ Nan put down his cup of wine and wryly smiled. "I don't know where those damn women from planet Feng Luan got this poison. I checked a lot of records to find that this poison is called the Seventh Heaven. Three days of heaven then three days of hell! Damn it, during these days, I really wished I was dead!"

"This poison is a remnant of the Celestial Realm, and before the Celestial Realm collapsed, it was a poison made by refining countless celestials for 100 years. This poison has no effect on mortals, but it targets celestials! After this poison enters the body, it is impossible to force it out, because it completely fuses with one's origin soul.

"The main effect of this Seventh Heaven is in the three days of heaven and three days of hell. During the first three days, you will be in a state of illusion and waste all your mental power. Then you spend the next three days dying. On the seventh day, your origin soul is completely destroyed!

"Although it takes seven days for you to die, but the moment you are poisoned, you lose all your cultivation…"

"Then, you…" Wang Lin looked at Situ Nan. It was obvious Situ Nan hadn't lost his cultivation.

Chapter 994 - Drunk

Situ bitterly smiled. When he picked up the wine jug, he found that there was no wine left. So he took a big jug out from his bag and broke the seal. He drank directly from it and allowed the wine to drip down the corner of his mouth.

After putting down the wine jug, he sighed and said, "Luckily, this old man is clever and came up with an extreme way to resist this poison. I used a female cultivator as my cultivation furnace. Through a special pair cultivation method, I was able to stimulate the Seventh Heaven, making it remain in the first stage. This is how I was able to delay it until now!"

The killing intent in Wang Lin's cold gaze exploded as he looked up at the stars. His killing intent toward planet Feng Luan that pushed Situ Nan into this state was monstrous!

Wang Lin slowly asked, "Does planet Feng Luan have Nirvana Shatterer cultivators?"

Situ Nan shook his head and said "There are no Nirvana Shatterer cultivators, at most mid stage Nirvana Cleanser. There aren't even any late stage or peak late stage Nirvana Cleanser cultivators. It's just… there are a lot of Nirvana Cleanser cultivators on planet Feng Luan, and adding on their helpers, there are more than 10!"

Wang Lin sneered as he nodded and said, "We definitely have to get revenge, but more importantly, we need to focus on how to get rid of your poison!"

Situ Nan's eyes lit up and he said, "I do have some plans regarding this. Those damn women from planet Feng Luan had the poison but not the antidote. The real antidote should be in the Celestial Realm! Once the Rain Celestial Realm opens, I'll head there and perhaps I can find it."

Wang Lin's expression changed and he asked, "Celestial Realm? Was this poison refined by the Rain Celestial Realm?"

Situ Nan nodded and said, "From the records I found, it was refined by the Rain Celestial Realm."

Wang Lin pondered a bit. He still had the pagoda from Zhou Yi. Inside there laid Celestial Lord Qing Shuang's corpse. Qing Shuang was a Celestial Lord of the Rain Celestial Realm!

"Back in the day, I found various clues pointing to the fact that inside that mysterious cave in the Demon Spirit Land lies the strongest Celestial Emperor from the past, Celestial Emperor Qing Lin! This Qing Lin was Qing Shuang's father, and he may have a way to revive her. Once she revives, it will be easy to cure this poison!"

Wang Lin's eyes shined as he looked at Situ Nan and slowly said, "Perhaps there is no need to go to the Rain Celestial Realm to find the antidote!" At this moment, he told Situ Nan what happened in the Demon Spirit Land, as well as his own deduction.

As Situ Nan listened, there was a mysterious light in his eyes. After Wang Lin finished speaking, he pondered a bit and smiled. "That sounds good. I'll risk it and see what happens. Either way, even if there was no such thing, I'd still to go to the Demon Spirit Land with you. Now we might be able to kill two birds with one stone!"

"As for planet Feng Luan, they can't escape!" The killing intent inside Wang Lin's eyes was strong. He had always been one to not bother others if they didn't offend him. However, since Situ Nan was pushed into such a state, they had touched his bottom line!

They began drinking and talking on the peak again until it was dawn. After Situ Nan finished drinking the last jug of wine in his bag, he looked at Wang Lin for a while before revealing a strange smile. "I say… Little Lin, could it be that you, a piece of wood, has gained enlightenment…"

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Wang Lin was startled, and he subconsciously rubbed his nose. He didn't really understand what Situ Nan meant.

"Don't be silly. If you say your purpose for coming to planet Water Spirit isn't those two girls, I won't believe you!" Situ Nan revealed a smile that wasn't a smile.

"I originally wanted take those two girls to make them your concubines, but I didn't think you'd move even faster than me. You had already come here. Although gaining intimacy as an influential person is not bad, I still have to scold you. You're not young anymore, yet you're still playing these games of chasing girls. If it was me, I would've just taken them directly.

"Later, once the rice is cooked, so what if she is unwilling? Even if she wasn't willing, she'd still have to be willing for this old man!" Situ Nan snorted and continued, "Thinking back to when I was the Suzaku, I did this many times. If I fancied them, I'd just take them; who would dare to say no?"

Wang Lin wryly smiled. He understood Situ Nan too much and didn't doubt Situ Nan had done such things. After letting out a dry cough, Wang Lin shook his head. "I don't have any ideas about those two juniors. It's just that one of them is somewhat fated with me, but not as a dao partner."

After he spoke, Wang Lin's expression became bleak. He thought of Li Muwan, who was inside the Heaven-Avoiding Coffin. Then there was also Liu Mei, who made him feel extremely complex and always made him feel a stab of pain.

"Liu Mei probably isn't be dead…" Wang Lin looked at the sky. He became aware of this after returning to the Alliance Star System. It was a kind of an intuition, a sense for the future he gained after cultivating for over 1,000 years and entering the second step.

Situ Nan naturally saw the pain hidden deep within Wang Lin's eyes and let out a sigh. He knew a bit about the matter between Wang Lin and Li Muwan. This was why he wanted to find a suitable female cultivator for his brother, so Wang Lin could walk away from that sadness.

He didn't know that before Wang Lin's sadness could heal, it was mercilessly ripped open again by Liu Mei. This caused an irreparable pain that was forever engraved in his soul.

Wang Lin's love life had been very sad. Li Muwan's departure allowed him to learn to cherish, but by the time he understood it, the person he cherished was gone!

The kind of life where one lived alone among the stars was not something one could understand without living such a life themselves.

His interactions with Liu Mei caused him great amounts of pain. He spent 100 years resolving the resentment Wang Pin had, but it couldn't dissolve the pain in Wang Lin's heart.

He picked up the last jug of wine on the table and mercilessly took a drank. He put it down with a bang and laughed. "Situ, you once taught me that the cultivation world is cruel and runs on the law of the jungle. If one is careless for a moment, they will perish. If you wish to live, you must become merciless and vicious. Only then do you have the qualifications to survive!

"I have learned how to become vicious, and I have slaughtered during my more than 1,300 years of cultivation. I've also learned loneliness, but I have lost far too much…

"I've lost my parents, my family, my lover, my child, my happiness, my everything! Sometimes, I ask myself 'what am I after!'"

Situ Nan silently pondered as he looked at Wang Lin. He opened his mouth, but he couldn't say anything. He was always arrogant and overbearing, but his heart was shaken by Wang Lin's words.

"When Mother and Father died, I was devastated, but too weak to change anything. I could only change that anger into a demonic flame until the day it erupted!

"When Li Muwan died, I was unable to change fate and recover her from the reincarnation cycle. I could only helplessly watch her become old until she died…

"You still don't know that due to the accident with me and Liu Mei, she became pregnant with my flesh and blood. However, what was sent to me was a soul that had absorbed hundreds of years of resentment. A child that resented its father!

"All of this was caused by cultivation. If I didn't cultivate, although I'd be one with the earth right now, none of this sadness would have fallen on me…"

Wang Lin's face was filled with bitterness. He couldn't say any of this to anyone else in the world. Only one person would let him vent all the bitterness he had experienced in this thousand years, and that person was Situ!

Only Situ, the one who had watched him start as an ignorant teenager until he walked on the true path of cultivation and finally left planet Suzaku!

While Situ Nan pondered, he picked up the wine jug and handed it to Wang Lin.

Wang Lin accepted it and drank another big mouthful before laughing. "Cultivators can't even feel drunk when drinking!"

His laugh drifted in the air and was filled with sadness and sorrow.

"If you want to be drunk, then I'll let you be drunk!" Situ Nan touched his bag and immediately took out a purple jade bottle and placed it on the table.

"This wine was brewed in the Celestial Realm, and there isn't much left. I found it by accident, and although it can't increase cultivation, one drop is enough for you to feel drunk like a mortal!" Situ Nan sent the wine over to Wang Lin.

"Wang Lin, with me here, you can become drunk once!"

Wang Lin grabbed the bottle, and without looking at it, he drank a mouthful. As this mouthful of wine went down his throat, he felt a spiciness rise up in his throat. Then hot air gathered in his abdomen and rose through his body.

"Cultivation, cultivation, did you know that once I sent the ashes of an old friend to his hometown? Do you know what I heard, Situ?" Wang Lin took the bottle and drank once more. Bitterness filled his eyes.

"The apricot tree blooms white flowers. The daughter won't be taken by a daoist family. Last year, Lang the Second went up the mountain, and a year later, Lang the First was a bag of bones. The cry of the daughter accompanies the dead but takes the coffin as family… The apricot tree blooms white flowers and children shouldn't be taken by daoists. If asked about my age, I still haven't found my dao. The dog barks, the cat scratches, scaring the daoist back home."

This nursery rhyme that came from Wang Lin's mouth contained a trace of sadness. A trace of his helplessness and enlightenment from more than 1,300 years of cultivation. When Situ Nan heard this, his hand trembled.

"Cultivating for more than 1,000 years. How many life and death situations have I faced to reach my current cultivation level? Was it all worth it? I don't dare to ask… I don't dare to think about the joys I'd have if I didn't cultivate…

"Because I have already walked into the life of a cultivator, it is too difficult to quit! Too many things force me to continue on. If I become timid, I won't be able to continue cultivating!

"Situ, I had a child you'll never meet. His name was Wang Ping. I named him myself so that he would live a happy and peaceful life of a mortal… To never cultivate… During his lifetime, he asked me three times why he couldn't cultivate… Why… Was it because he couldn't cultivate or because I didn't want him to become like me!"

Wang Lin held the wine cup and drank it all. He felt a slight dizziness in his head. The only other time he had felt drunk like this was when he secretly drank some of his dad's rice wine when he was a kid.

"What I pursue is something no one can understand. What I pursue is something only I know…" Wang Lin's body swayed. He was drunk…

Chapter 995 - Soul

Time quickly passed. In the blink of an eye, Situ Nan had stayed on planet Water Spirit for two months.

On this day, as the formation over the Heavenly Fate Sect opened, the All-Seer personally sent out invitations. All the old monsters qualified to enter the Demon Spirit Land received the invitations.

"In 10 days, the Demon Spirit Land will open and we will enter the celestial cave!"

There was only one line on this invitation, but it set off a storm among those who received it!

The fact that there was a celestial cave inside the Demon Spirit Land was not hidden among these old monsters. Almost all of them knew a few things, and some guessed that there were still celestial alive inside!

Most people suspected this celestial to be the Celestial Emperor Qing Lin!

However, this was only a suspicion; there was no conclusive evidence to prove it all. But this was enough to cause these old monsters' hearts to race and bring their blood to a boil!

There was a large amount of celestial treasures and celestial spells inside the celestial cave, but that wasn't what held these old monsters' attention the most.

What really made those old monsters excited was the celestial that was likely to exist inside!

If the person inside was really Celestial Emperor Qing Lin, the strongest celestial across the four Celestial Realms, then they might find the secret to reaching the third step on his body!

This was what attracted old monsters like the All-Seer!

According to their countless years of exploration, some of these old monsters had a lot of information regarding whether Qing Lin was really inside the cave.

The fact that Qing Lin didn't die during the collapse of the Celestial Realm shows just how powerful his cultivation was! Although he wasn't killed, he was seriously injured, so he had to find a place to enter closed door cultivation. All kinds of signs pointed to the celestial cave in the Demon Spirit Land!

To be able to enter the cave of the former strongest Celestial Emperor, and that Celestial Emperor hadn't recovered from his serious injuries yet. This kind of stimulation excited these powerful cultivators greatly.

Moreover, after entering the Demon Spirit Land many times, they were almost certain the person inside the celestial cave hadn't recovered yet.

When the All-Seer sent out the invitations, Ling Tianhou came out from the depths of the planet. He had his own ambitions about the Demon Spirit Land. He had also send out his invitations and waited for his friends to arrive.

There were suddenly a lot more cultivators around planet Tian Yun; most of them came from other cultivation planets. Very few were invited and many came uninvited.

It was impossible to make it so outsiders didn't know about this. However, right now the battle between Allheaven and the Alliance was becoming more and more fierce. Small skirmishes happened all the time, and sometimes they led to medium-sized battles. As a result, only a few powerful cultivators had come. Moreover, the All-Seer's status as an elder of the Alliance made it so some powerful cultivators didn't dare to come to try fish in these troubled waters.

Ten days quickly passed, and cultivators had already gathered at the entrance. As cultivators arrived, even more people appeared here.

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Even the cultivators within the range of planet Tian Yun came. They all hoped to take this opportunity to obtain some benefits from this land that opened at irregular times.

On the 10th day, the All-Seer arrived. He came by himself as he stepped through the void. The white-robed All-Seer arrived looking very calm. His grey hair flowed behind him, making him look like a real celestial!

In addition, there was a trident as black as ink below his feet. Every one of his steps would land on the trident.

All the cultivators that knew the All-Seer knew that he rarely used treasures. He could shake the world with just his countless celestial spells.

At this moment, when everyone's gazes were focused on the trident under the All-Seer's feet, they were shocked! However, no one talked about it, and they moved out of the way for the All-Seer to arrive above the East Demon Spirit Sea.

Below the All-Seer was the East Demon Spirit Sea. There was no suction from the vortex here, it was the gate to the Demon Spirit Land!

The appearance of the All-Seer caused the surroundings to become quiet. The All-Seer's expression was neutral; it was impossible to tell what he was thinking. He stared at the East Demon Spirit Sea as if he was pondering.

Shortly after, fluctuations of origin energy came from the distance and the old monsters arrived one by one. One of them was the old man sitting on the gourd who was there when Wang Lin returned.

At this moment, there were nine people from his sect behind the old man. He floated to above the East Demon Spirit Sea and greeted the All-Seer.

The All-Seer smiled and nodded. They no longer talked afterward.

About 15 minutes after the old man appeared, red clouds appeared in the distance. These red clouds were formed by a spell, so it wasn't strange for them to appear in space.

There was a beautiful middle-aged woman on the red cloud, and four beautiful young women followed her. This was the woman that invited Wang Lin before. As for the four young women, they were the same ones from back then. The one wearing pink looked around as if she was looking for something.

She was the person Ling Tianhou suspected to be the Brilliant Void Saintress!

Then a few more old monsters came, and although they were old monsters, they were only at the Nirvana Scryer stage. After they arrived, they all scattered to talk with their friends.

A lot of them weren't cultivators of planet Tian Yun. They were in small groups or by themselves, but they all would occasionally look at the giant vortex over the East Demon Spirit Sea.

Soon, loud, whistling sounds could be heard and rays of golden light whistled through and gathered above the East Demon Spirit Sea.

As the golden light moved, the entire area seem to be shrouded by this light. When all the golden light gathered, it released a bright flash.

A person gradually walked out from this golden light. He had long hair that flowed without wind. He had a large figure and looked like a war celestial.

He was about 40 years old, his face was resolute, and his eyes were like lightning. You would be shocked just looking at him. Just by standing there, he gave off an aura of majesty.

There were many powerful cultivators among the surrounding cultivators, but when they saw this person's gaze, they couldn't help but lower their heads.

This person wore a purple robe and a three-eyed sable lied on his shoulder. This sable's gaze was like lightning as it looked around with indifference.

The moment the purple-robed man appeared, the All-Seer raised his head and frowned slightly.

The expression of the old man on the gourd changed and became gloomy.

The man in purple smiled and slowly said, "Fellow Cultivator All-Seer, we haven't met for many years. Today I was invited to come so I'm able to catch up to friend All-Seer."

"Elder Sun is being polite." The All-Seer calmly looked at this person.

The Star-Marked Sable on the purple-robed man's shoulder looked around with an intelligent gaze. It would occasionally scratch its face with its claws.

Shortly after the purple-robed man appeared, sword energy began to appear. In the distance, a bright flash of sword energy filled the sky. Then a red Qilin appeared over the horizon.

There was a skinny old man sitting on the Qilin's back. Before he arrived, his laugh was heard.

"Brother Sun is very fast. Along the way, I was wondering if brother Sun had come."

The man in purple smiled and said, "Since Sword Saint sent the invitation, I naturally had to come! Not only me, but that person has also accepted your invitation!"

Sword Saint Ling Tianhou's eyes shined brightly and there was a quick flash of ecstasy in them.

At this moment, a huge change occurred in the Demon Spirit Land!

The Demon Spirit Land was split into nine countries. However, a clan that called themselves the Soul Refining Tribe became a new powerhouse between the Fire Demon Country and the Sky Demon Country.

This tribe was very aggressive. After devouring a large number of people, they had become a very powerful force within the two countries.

They had millions of tribe members, and such a huge tribe was something even the two countries dreaded. However, what was strange was that the ancient demons didn't move against such a large tribe. Everyone was confused about this.

What the military of the two countries dreaded the most was that almost every single member of this tribe could use powerful spells. They would often take out large flags, and countless soul fragments would fly out of them. When they fused, they could turn into soul beasts and devour their enemies.

In particular, the few leaders had amazing powers. Especially this person called Thirteen, who collected soul fragments to cultivate like crazy and had the power to confront demon generals!

Also, there was the tribe leader, Ouyang Hua, who had 99 large flags. If he took them out, he could summon hundreds of millions of soul fragments. He was a formidable opponent.

Although the people of the Demon Spirit Land were different from cultivators, meaning their cultivation speed can't be compared, the development of the Soul Refining Tribe was too fast. This meant that they had absorbed a lot of soul fragments throughout the years.

This was indeed the truth. The Soul Refining Tribe had many branches across all nine demon countries. They had scouted every single ancient battlefield, every battle between two countries, and all wars between other tribes in these past few hundred years.

Today, almost all of the Soul Refining Tribe members had left their homes. Millions of tribe members holding large flags charged straight for the Fire Demon Country! From far away, this was a spectacular scene.

There was no ancient demon inside the Fire Demon Country, and in the past several hundred years, the country had splintered. Originally, it was occupied by the Sky Demon Country, but their losses were heavy and they couldn't recover in a short period of time. In the end, the Sky Demon Country could only give up on it.

This gave the Soul Refining Tribe this opportunity. After hundreds of years of fighting, Ouyang Hua and Thirteen, along with several leaders of the tribe, began a battle for the Fire Demon Country!

There was a black statue being carried by more than 10 people within the large army. All the members of the Soul Refining Tribe looked at the statue with reverence. In these hundreds of years, no one had forgotten, not even new tribe members, about the various legends of the person the statue was based on.

This statue was the soul of their Soul Refining Tribe! The king of their Soul Refining Tribe, their ancestor! Years of worship by millions of people caused the statue to contain a strange power; it had made it even more smooth.

"The ancestor left, but we firmly believe that the ancestor will return! The ancestor won't forget about us!"