

Chapter 978 - Narrow Road

His peak mid stage Nirvana Scryer cultivator origin energy swept across planet Da Lou like a storm. A vortex formed with Wang Lin as the center. This vortex howled as it surrounded the entire planet.

This suddenly made every Da Lou Sword Sect disciple feel like a mountain was pushing down on them. Their spiritual energy began moving on its own to resist. It was as if they wouldn't be able to withstand it if they didn't do this.

From a distance, there seemed to be a crazy vortex above planet Da Lou. Wang Lin was at the center of the vortex with his hair flowing in the wind. His hand was behind his back as he raised his head up and looked at the sky.

His eyes shined brightly, as if they contained the brilliant starry sky within.

This gaze fell into the eyes of the Da Lou Sword Sect disciples, and he was like an eternal existence to them!

Wang Lin just calmly stood. He calmly looked at the sky and calmly comprehended the comprehension in his heart.

"Could that life be my previous life…" As Wang Lin pondered, he was immersed in everything he saw when he raised his foot before the heaven defying door.

"Source origin, what is source origin… That bird… Is not my previous life, but a living symbol of my mentality! That bird died to a python; what does that mean…" Wang Lin frowned. He still couldn't figure it out, but he seemed to have grasped some clue.

"This was merely a small completion due to the heaven defying bead absorbing the extreme Yang. If I want to see all of it, I need it to absorb Yin energy and reach full completion. Presumably, I'll have an answer then!" Wang Lin took a deep breath and his eyes shined.

"It doesn't matter if the All-Seer was scheming against me or Ling Tianhou; he was wrong this time! The trap has been broken!" Wang Lin sneered and stepped toward the void. His gaze swept past the giant tower Ling Tianhou was in.

A giant hole had appeared on the side of the giant tower. There were still remains of origin energy fluctuations.

"Every time the heaven defying bead opens, it requires an enormous amount of origin energy. When it activated this time, the origin energy in the area wasn't affected, yet Ling Tianhou escaped in a hurry. The time of his escape matches when the two rays of light shot out from the heaven defying bead. It is obvious one of them went after Ling Tianhou!"

Wang Lin took a step and left planet Da Lou.

"Who was the target of that other ray of light from the heaven defying bead…" Wang Lin pondered, then his eyes lit up as he muttered, "It would be good if it was the All-Seer…"

He withdrew his thoughts and no longer thought about this matter. Then he turned into a ray of light and flew off in the depths of space.

"The All-Seer's scheme has been broken, so there is no need to stay on planet Da Lou. Now I need to make some preparations for heading to the Demon Spirit Land! I control of one the four caves, so I can take several people!" As Wang Lin flew, several thoughts flew through his mind.

Wang Lin didn't use Spatial Bending, so he wasn't fast as he flew through space like a ray of light. A few hours later, he saw an abandoned planet.

「スマイ LINK」から広がるビジネスの可能性.大阪ガスの次世代インフラとは.ミライ価値の創造を通じて,社会課題の解決に貢献する.Daigasグループの挑戦に光を当てたDaigas STUDIO…大阪ガス株式会社

"Here is it!" Wang Lin's figure didn't stop. He charged out, toward the abandoned planet creating sonic booms.

The shape of this planet was very strange. It was not round, but crescent-shaped, as if something had taken a bite out of it. Every now and then, pieces of it would fall off and drift off into the distance.

Wang Lin arrived near the planet in an instant, and in a flash, he charged through the atmosphere of the planet.

There wasn't any spiritual energy coming from the planet, and even the atmosphere was extremely weak. When Wang Lin intruded, the atmosphere collapsed and disintegrated.

As a result without the protection of the atmosphere the dust from space fell on the planet without protection. Dust storm raged across the planet.

The earth was covered in cracks and there was no sign of life. It was filled with an aura of death.

When Wang Lin landed, two rays of light flew toward him. One of the rays was large and the other small, and they quickly headed toward him. The big ray of light was obviously slower and was left behind.

Wang Lin's expression was neutral and he even revealed a faint smile.

The smaller ray of light instantly closed in. When the light dissipated, it revealed a strange figure. This person had a huge head but very thin body. There wasn't much hair on his head, and one could clearly see the shadow of the veins under his skin.

"Greetings, Master!" This strange cultivator was Big Head. When Wang Lin went to planet Tian Yun, he and Lei Ji were left here to wait for Wang Lin's summon.

Lei Ji soon arrived, and when he landed, he looked respectfully at Wang Lin. He said, "Lei Ji greets Master."

Big Head hesitated for a bit and asked, "Did Master's trip go well?"

Wang Lin nodded toward them and slowly said, "It was fine, but a few problems occurred. I came here today to take you two to find a planet to go into closed door cultivation. The environment on this planet is harsh and not suited for cultivation."

Big Head nodded and said, "This place is indeed not suitable for closed door cultivation. Not only is this place abandoned, a part of it collapses every so often."

Wang Lin stopped wasting time talking and waved his sleeves. He took Big Head and Lei Ji off this abandoned planet and flew off into the stars.

Among the stars, Lei Ji stretched out his limbs and knelt down. As he let out a roar, his body grew until he was 1,000 feet tall.

Wang Lin landed on Lei Ji's back and sat down. Big Head followed Wang Lin and stood beside him like a guard. A shadow flickered behind Wang Lin and Ta Shan came out with an indifferent expression.

Wang Lin's right hand pointed forward and Lei Ji charged out with a roar. Along the way, Wang Lin was calm, but it was impossible to avoid encountering cultivators that belonged to planet Tian Yun. Startled by Lei Ji, they would all get out of the way. No one dared to obstruct them.

"Which old monster is this to have such a big Giant Demon Clan member as a mount!?"

"That cultivator sitting there seems familiar; I think I've seen him somewhere before…"

"Forget about the mount, look at that two guards next to the old monster. What cultivation level are they? I am unable to see through them. I fear not even the head elder of our sect has this kind of aura!"

Along the way, everyone who saw Wang Lin would began chattering and look at Wang Lin with respect. In the cultivation world, the strong had respect!

Wang Lin sat on Lei Ji's back. Along the way, he was immersed in his origin energy and comprehending his peak Nirvana Scryer cultivation.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he thought in his heart, "Back then, my cultivation was at the early stage of Nirvana Scryer, and along with my ancient god body, I could battle early stage Nirvana Cleanser cultivators… Now that my cultivation level has increased to mid stage Nirvana Scryer, early stage Nirvana Cleanser cultivators are no longer a problem. I can now even stand up to mid stage Nirvana Cleanser cultivators!

"Back then, Blood Ancestor was at the mid stage of Nirvana Cleanser. If the current me went back in time, I should be able to fight him! Although the chance of victory is still small, if a mid stage Nirvana Cleanser cultivator wants to kill me, it won't be so easy!"

At this moment, there was a boat-like object slowly moving forward about 5,000 kilometers away from Wang Lin. This boat was completely black and 300 feet long, and it emitted waves of fluctuations.

Dense spiritual energy came from it. This made anyone who saw it realize it wasn't ordinary.

There was a huge armchair on this boat, and there was an old man sitting on it. His body was extremely large, as if he was a mountain of flesh.

Beside him were seven or eight beautiful woman. Each of them were extremely flirtatious and wore silk dresses that were very revealing. They circled the old man with sweet talk that would occasionally make the old man laugh.

Some of these women were holding wine jugs or fruits. Although some of them weren't carrying anything, they were behind the old man massaging his back.

There were even two women laying in the old man's arms. They didn't seem to dislike this old man's mountain of flesh and spoke sweetly to him.

There were seven men in black robes standing around the old man and these alluring women. They stood there motionlessly, as if they were corpses, but a fierce aura came from them. Their cold gazes stared ahead, and they didn't utter a single word the whole time.

There were hundreds of cultivators around the boat. They all wore blue and each one stood on a ray of sword energy. They were guards for the old man.

The old man's big hand slapped the buttocks of one of the women in his arms. He laughed as he grabbed a cup of wine and drank. Just as he was about to speak, he frowned and looked ahead.

No one else noticed the abnormality. The old man pondered for a bit before his eyes turned cold. He extended the cup in his hand to a woman nearby and calmly said, "Pour wine for me."

The woman quickly picked up the wine jug and poured a full cup.

Just at this moment, waves of fluctuations came from the distance. A figure was heading this way.

"It indeed is him!" The fat on old man with the mountain of flesh body trembled and his eyes shined brightly. He took the cup of wine in his hand and drank it all in one gulp.

At this moment, the seven black-robed people on the boat raised their heads at the same time. Their eyes lit up and the seven of them flew out in seven rays of light at the same time.

"Person approaching, you have three seconds to get out of the way. Any offender will be killed!"

Coldness appeared in Wang Lin's eyes. Although he was immersed in his origin energy, his divine sense was spread out. The moment that old man with the body of a mountain of meat found Wang Lin, Wang Lin also found the old man.

Chapter 979 - Master Hollow Wind (1)

Wang Lin knew this person. It was the cultivator with the mountain of flesh body who spoke harshly and was very impolite to Wang Lin.

Facing the seven rays formed by seven men in black and the roar, Wang Lin sneered.

"Let's use you to see if my current cultivation can beat early stage Nirvana Cleanser cultivators!"

Big Head licked his lips and bloodthirst filled his eyes. It had been a long time since he killed anyone. When he saw the seven men in black, killing intent couldn't help but appear in his heart.

Big Head respectfully asked, "Master, can I kill them?"

"As you wish!" Wang Lin's voice was calm, but it caused Big Head to suddenly raise his head and step out. He was too fast and disappeared in a flash.

The old man's expression was gloomy as he stared at Lei Ji, who was getting closer and closer. His eyes revealed a strange light as he carefully looked at Lei Ji, and greed appeared in his heart.

"A Giant Demon Clan mount is indeed a good thing. For Wang Lin to meet this old man is his misfortune! That big-headed guard is an Nirvana Scryer cultivator… And that puppet also has some strength… Although this Wang Lin can battle Ling Tianhou, that was simply due to the power of his treasure. Who doesn't have treasures!?"

Big Head took a step and arrived before the seven men in black. He let out a smile as his right hand reached toward one of them!

These seven men were all above the Ascendant stage, Illusory Yin to be precise. As Big Head reached out, the seven of them moved very fast and formed a formation to pour all their power into one person. The man in the lead raised his right hand, formed a seal, and pointed at Big Head.

The last person of the seven immediately became dispirited and weak. Then the sixth person from the back was the same, and this continued as all their power entered the first person in front. Finally, all the power shot out from the seal made by the first person.

A black tiger appeared and charged at Big Head with a roar.

Big Head laughed as he mercilessly squeezed his hand without hesitation. Just at this moment, the eyes of the old man on the boat lit up and he raised his right hand and pointed forward!

A ray of black light shot out at a very fast speed toward Big Head!

Wang Lin was sitting on Lei Ji's back and his eyes lit up. With one step, he walked off Lei Ji and appeared next to Big Head. Wang Lin didn't even look at the black light and casually waved his hand.

There was a loud bang and the black light collapsed. Wang Lin calmly looked at the old man and slowly said, "Do you dare to battle me?"

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The old man frowned and sneered. "Junior, it seems you think you can challenge me because of your battle with Ling Tianhou!" His body shot out from the boat and his right hand formed a seal. With a point of his finger, a giant illusion appeared behind him.

This illusion was a stone tablet, and it emitted a golden glow that lit up the area.

"Celestial Tablet Soul Destruction!" the old man shouted as the illusion flew out. His right hand formed a seal, and with a point of his finger, the stone tablet was going to mercilessly smash down on Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's expression was calm. He formed a fist and threw a punch before taking a step forward. This punch contained his mid stage Nirvana Scryer cultivation and his ancient god power. His mid stage Nirvana Scryer cultivation allowed him to reach his peak power, like what he showed in the void, without turning into a 1,000 foot ancient god!

If he took the form of an ancient god, Wang Lin was confident in battling mid stage Nirvana Cleanser cultivators!

His punch created a sonic boom that echoed across space and opened a large amount of spatial cracks. This wasn't even the real power behind the punch. When Wang Lin threw the punch, an illusion of a fist of a 1,000 foot ancient god appeared!

It was as if this punch was thrown by Wang Lin and the illusionary ancient god. This scene shocked the old man greatly!

When the ancient god arm appeared, a savage aura came with it. This aura was filled with heaven-defying arrogance and tyrannical nature that would destroy the world!

All power that blocked it must break! Must shatter!

Before, Wang Lin couldn't easily form the shadow of an ancient god arm with just a punch. He would have to use his full power to make an arm appear, but even then, the arm would be much more transparent!

However, right now he could casually throw these kinds of punches!

With one punch, the stone tablet didn't even get close to Wang Lin; it just collided with the punch. The stone tablet was unexpectedly fragile and collapsed on contact. It shattered into countless fragments and was blown back.

The old man was startled and his expression became gloomy. However, just at this moment, the punch Wang Lin threw closed in.

Bursts of sonic booms could be heard. The old man let out a cold snort as he moved his hand and nine runes appeared. They stacked together and shot toward Wang Lin's fist.

The moment they closed in on Wang Lin's fist, the old man's eyes turned cold and he shouted, "Explode!"

Boom, boom, boom!!

The violent explosion was heaven-shaking and the shockwave spread like crazy. The black boat was immediately pushed back, and even Lei Ji had to retreat.

As for the cultivators led by the old man, they retreated as well. Only Big Head grinned as he charged into the seven people in black, while Wang Lin and the old man fought. Bodies collapsed and blood splashed everywhere. A few drops landed near his mouth, and Big Head licked them with his tongue.

When the nine runes exploded, not only did the old man's expression not lighten up, he became more shocked. He retreated without hesitation.

After the nine runes collapsed, Wang Lin walked out completely unscathed. The impact just now was dissolved by him with just one punch!

"It looks like I really do have the power to kill early stage Nirvana Cleanser cultivators!" Wang Lin slowly walked toward the old man.

The old man's face was pale. Even until now, he still couldn't believe Wang Lin had such strength. Back then, when he saw Wang Lin and Ling Tianhou's battle, he thought it was because Wang Lin relied on treasures and Ling Tianhou was holding back.

However, now he got a good feel of the powerful aura from Wang Lin's body!

There was a flash of killing intent in the old man's eyes. He had always been a ruthless person, and he already had killing intent from the moment he saw Wang Lin. This killing intent came from the greed in his heart. Not only was he greedy for the Giant Demon Clan mount, he was even more greedy for that celestial cave key!

"If I kill him, I can obtain the celestial cave key. That would benefit me greatly during the trip to the Demon Spirit Land!" The old man licked his lips and then his hand pointed at his body several times.

Every time he pointed, his body would tremble. As his hands continued, his body trembled and he retreated while revealing a ferocious expression.

The old man mercilessly pushed his hand forward as he shouted, "Wang Lin, if you are smart, hand over the key to the cave and that Giant Demon Clan mount and I'll let you live. Otherwise, stay!"

His body began to move in a strange way. The old man's originally fat body became thinner.

However, a terrifying aura began to gather as his body thinned. Then a ray of bright light came from between his eyebrows.

"Gather the scattered dust!" The old man's body continued to become thinner until he was only skin and bones. He now looked like a skeleton. The light between his eyebrows shined brightly and shot toward Wang Lin.

The moment this powerful light spread out, Wang Lin's eyes turned cold. Although he didn't know what that light was, he felt a hint of danger from it.

"These Nirvana Cleanser old monsters can't be underestimated. Although this person is only at early stage of Nirvana Cleanser, this battle would've been difficult if I didn't have my ancient god body! In particular, this spell that gathered the essence of his flesh to form a powerful ray of light is extraordinary!"

Wang Lin's right hand reached at the void and a rumbling sound appeared. The world's origin energy gathered like crazy and a spatial crack appeared. There was a flash of red as the God Slaying Spear appeared in Wang Lin's hand.

"You are qualified for me to use this!" Wang Lin grabbed the illusionary God Slaying Spear and threw it. The spear turned into a ray of red light toward the bright light coming at Wang Lin.

The moment the God Slaying Spear flew out, that savage aura reached a peak. As the spear flew, its powerful aura swept across the world.

There was a heaven-shaking explosion when the God Slaying Spear and the bright light collided! Loud explosions echoed and the bright light weakened. It only took a few breaths of time for the bright light to collapse!

The God Slaying Spear charged at the old man. The old man was aghast at the situation and disbelief filled his eyes. He wanted to retreat, but he was far slower than the God Slaying Spear, and it was about to pierce through him.

Just at this instant, the old man slapped his bag of holding and a small, green shield appeared in his hand. He moved the shield before him and it collided with the God Slaying Spear.

The small shield trembled and he was pushed back, but no crack appeared on the shield!

The old man coughed out a mouthful of blood and used blood escape to run with the small shield. The speed of a Nirvana Cleanser cultivator using blood escape was unimaginable.

Chapter 980 - Master Hollow Wind (2)

The moment the old man took out the shield, Wang Lin's eyes shined brightly. He could feel a faint ancient god aura coming from the small shield!

"Ancient god treasure!" Seeing the old man escape, the God Slaying Spear continued to attack before it turned more transparent and finally dissipated. There was a flash of coldness in Wang Lin's eyes as he took as step and ripples appeared under his feet. This was the first time Wang Lin had used Spatial Bending within the influence of planet Tian Yun!

He suddenly merged with the world and disappeared.

The old man's heart trembled when he saw this scene. His scalp went numb and he was about to lose his wits. Without hesitation, he coughed out more blood to use blood escape to run away!

Sweat came out from his forehead and he screamed in his heart, "Spatial Bending! This Wang Lin knows Spatial Bending!"

Spatial Bending was not something everyone knew. Knowing Spatial Bending meant you had the qualification to be invincible among cultivators of equal cultivation level!

"This peron's cultivation level is higher than mine and he knows Spatial Bending. This battle…" The old man's face was pale and fear filled his eyes.

As he retreated, ripples appeared beside him and Wang Lin walked out. Wang Lin's right hand formed a fist and he threw a punch without hesitation!

He was simply too close to the old man. The moment he raised his fist, he was less than seven inches from him! From a distance, it looked like the old man was running into the fist.

The ancient god aura from the fist formed a storm and was about to devour the old man. The old man's pupils shrank and he quickly shouted.

"Fellow Cultivator, have mercy. Please, listen to my words! Just once!"

The old man's face was pale and his heart pounded like crazy. It had been a long time since he was met with such a life and death crisis. His entire body was numb and he abandoned his dignity to say such words.

Wang Lin's right suddenly stopped when his fist was only one inch away from the old man's nose. He coldly stared at the old man.

The old man's forehead was covered in sweat as he looked at the fist before him. He could clearly feel the power within the punch. If this punch landed on him, his body would certainly collapse. Once his body was destroyed, it was unlikely his origin soul could escape.

"Since Fellow Cultivator is going to the celestial cave in the Demon Spirit Land and will definitely need help, I'm willing to do my best to help to compensate for today's matter!"

Wang Lin's eyes were cold, and it was impossible to see through him. Before Wang Lin's gaze, the old man complained in his heart and said, "In addition, I'll give Fellow Cultivator this magic shield. This is the most powerful protective treasure I have. If Fellow Cultivator has it, it will help you greatly in the celestial cave!"

As the old man spoke, he wiped away his imprint on the shield and handed it over to Wang Lin.

Wang Lin pondered a bit and slowly withdrew his fist. He took the shield and put it away after carefully looking at it.

When the old man saw Wang Lin withdraw his fist, he let out a sigh of relief before carefully looking at Wang Lin.

「スマイ LINK」から広がるビジネスの可能性.大阪ガスの次世代インフラとは.ミライ価値の創造を通じて,社会課題の解決に貢献する.Daigasグループの挑戦に光を当てたDaigas STUDIO…大阪ガス株式会社

Wang Lin raised his right hand and formed a seal. With a wave of his hand, a restriction flew out. It was the same slave imprint as the one used on Big Head, and it landed between the old man's eyebrows.

The old man didn't dare to resist and allowed Wang Lin to place the seal. The seal flashed several times between the old man's eyebrows before disappearing.

"Take care of your affairs and follow me!" Wang Lin didn't even look at the old man before disappearing. When he reappeared, he was standing on Lei Ji's back. Then he sat down.

The seven men in black had already been killed by Big Head. Licking his lips, Big Head returned to Wang Lin's side.

The old man let out a sigh and then returned to the boat in a flash. He summoned all his disciples, and after giving some orders, he let them leave with the boat. He arrived on Lei Ji's back before Wang Lin and wryly smiled. "Following Fellow Cultivator's order, I have dealt with all the trivial matters. My real named is Chen Feng and my nickname is Master Hollow Wind. Today I lost to Fellow Cultivator and have no regrets. I, Chen Feng, will adhere to my promise to help you in the Demon Spirit Land. However, I hope that after we come back, Fellow Cultivator will release the seal and there will be no grudges between us!"

Wang Lin calmly looked at Chen Feng and slowly said, "My seal is not strong. If you want to release it, you can easily do it."

Chen Feng bitterly smiled and shook his head. He had already checked the seal, so he knew it was something that could only seal Nirvana Scryer cultivators. If he wanted to, it wouldn't take long for him to break it.

However, he didn't dare to take the risk, and he dreaded this Wang Lin even more because of this. In his view, this was a trap. If he really believed Wang Lin and tried to break it, it would probably set off a chain reaction and activate something even stronger.

At that moment, the consequences would be something he couldn't withstand.

"Wang Lin wouldn't dare to be so careless if that wasn't the case. This person's schemes run deep, so I can't underestimate him! How can this compare to a Nirvana Cleanser seal? Although that would make me temporarily yield, I would be constantly thinking of ways to break it!

"However, he made the seal look like it could break with one touch, but in reality, it has a trap hidden in it. How would I dare to touch such a seal?!"

The old man bitterly smiled.

This was Wang Lin's true purpose. After all, his true cultivation level was only peak mid stage Nirvana Scryer, so how could he seal a Nirvana Cleanser cultivator? He could only rely on schemes!

This scheme formed an invisible seal, and if used properly, it was stronger than any seal in the world!

Wang Lin calmly said, "If you listen to my orders, I'll return you your freedom when we leave the Demon Spirit Land!"

Chen Feng nodded and no longer wasted any words before sitting down. At this moment, his body was extremely skinny, but after cultivating for a while, he slowly swelled up again.

"The cultivation method he has is very strange!" Wang Lin withdrew his gaze. He knew that Chen Feng was cultivating to show him his intent. Chen Feng was implying that he would prepare himself for the Demon Spirit Land and would work for his freedom.

"With this person's help, my chances in the Demon Spirit Land have increased a bit… Unfortunately, I still don't have enough people…" Wang Lin let out a sigh as Lei Ji charged through the stars.

Along the way, they remained silent. Soon, a blue planet appeared before them. This planet was very beautiful and gave off a rich aura of spiritual energy.

"This is planet Water Spirit, and it belongs to the three Chen brothers. It is said that the planet was named after a junior of Master Yi chen," Chen Feng said as he opened his eyes. There was a trace of evil intent in his eyes.

He was very moved by that woman with the water spirit body. If not for the fact that he dreaded the person behind the three Chen brothers, he would have already taken her and made her his cultivation furnace.

"The three Chen brothers!" Wang Lin looked at the blue planet, but after pondering a bit, he decided to leave. Although this planet was very suitable for his closed door cultivation, it was not convenient for him to steal the planet, because he knew the brothers.

Just as he was about to leave, three rays of light flew out from the blue planet. These three rays of light were like three dragons that roared as they charged out.

"Fellow cultivators, why are you guys loitering before our planet?!" Master Yi Chen roared.

"Eh?" After Master Yi Chen finished speaking, he immediately noticed something.

The roar suddenly stopped and three people walked out of the rays of light. It was the three Chen brothers!

The three of them had just returned. Due to the incident, the Ghost Eye Auction was terminated before it even started, so the three of them left.

While they were cultivating in their own cultivation planet, he felt the auras of two second step cultivators outside their planet, so the three of them flew out without hesitation.

When they saw Lei Ji's giant body, although their expressions remained neutral, they were shocked on the inside. For someone in the Alliance to have a Giant Demon Clan mount, they basically had to be an old monster like Ling Tianhou and the All-Seer.

Then the three of them saw the people on Lei Ji's back. When they saw Wang Lin, they were startled. Master Yi Chen saw the battle between Wang Lin and the All-Seer, and he was sure Wang Lin was dead. Now that he saw Wang Lin again, he felt respect for him after the initial shock.

"To be able to make Ling Tianhou and the All-Seer fight due to him, this Master Demon is not simple!"

However, today they were destined to be confused, because they saw Chen Feng!

Chen Feng's name was famous on planet Tian Yun. Although he couldn't compare to Blood Ancestor back then, he was still considered a famous old monster. This person was known for living a lustful life, and he even had ideas about Ling Er. Although he gave up later, he still made the Chen brothers worried for a long time.

Although Chen Feng had become a lot thinner, the three of them still recognized him. Aside from the shock, they weren't sure if the current situation was good or bad.

For a moment, the three couldn't help but silently ponder.

Chen Feng smiled mischievously and said, "Chen brothers, how about you give planet Water Spirit to this old man!"

The Chen brothers' expressions changed and they were about to speak when Wang Lin calmly said, "Noisy!"

Chen Feng's mind trembled. Although Wang Lin's voice was calm, he could feel discontent in it. He wouldn't dare to offend Wang Lin right now. He quickly smiled and no longer dared to speak.

This scene startled the three Chen brothers once more.

"Fellow Cultivator Master Yi Chen, we just separated, and I didn't expect to meet you again so soon. I didn't know this planet belonged to you. I'll leave and find another planet to go into closed door cultivation!" Wang Lin clasped his hands at the three Chen brothers.

Master Yi Chen quickly clasped his hands, but his heart was in shock. He didn't expect Chen Feng to reveal signs of fear with just one word from Wang Lin.

Master Yi Chen clasped his hands and said, "Fellow Cultivator Wang, I didn't know you and Senior Master Hollow Wind were…"

"He is my servant." Wang Lin didn't say more. He nodded at Master Yi Chen and was about to leave.

He didn't know that his words were no different than tens of thousands of bolts of thunder exploding in the Chen brothers' ears at the same time. The three of them gasped and shock filled their eyes!

Master Yi Chen quickly said without any hesitation, "Brother Wang Lin, don't be in a rush to leave. Planet Water Spirit is very large. If Brother Wang doesn't mind, you can cultivate here."

"This person has a Giant Demon Clan member as a mount, is a Nirvana Cleanser cultivator, and made the famous Master Hollow Wind his servant. There is also that strange big-headed cultivator who is at the Nirvana Scryer stage, and the puppet is obviously not weak. I must become friends with someone like this!"

Chapter 981 - Do You Still Remember Ling Er

Wang Lin hesitated for a bit and then looked at the planet behind the Chen brothers. The spiritual energy from it was very strong, and he could tell how beautiful the planet was with just a glance.

Master Yi Chen saw Wang Lin's hesitation, and he quickly said, "Brother Wang, aside from our planet Water Spirit, there is no planet within hundreds of thousands of kilometers that are as good. Also, this planet is very large, so we won't disturb Brother Wang's cultivation."

Master Yi Xing and Master Yi Long also saw through Master Yi Chen's thoughts and quickly persuaded Wang Lin.

Wang Lin nodded and clasped his hands. "Since this is the case, then I'll be bothering the three of you."

Master Yi Chen laughed and said, "No trouble. Having Brother Wang Lin on our planet is our honor. This way!" As Master Yi Chen spoke, he took a few steps back and gestured for Lei Ji's large body to head toward planet Water Spirit.

As they moved forward, Lei Ji's body became smaller and smaller until he was a big fellow that followed behind Wang Lin and Big Head. As for Master Hollow Wind, he no longer dared to speak out of line and followed Wang Lin.

Along the way, the Chen brothers talked with Wang Lin, but it was mostly about irrelevant matters. The Chen brothers didn't ask a single thing about what happened outside Ghost Eye City.

They were all powerful cultivators, so it didn't take long for them to arrive near planet Water Spirit, and they entered the atmosphere. The violent wind of the atmosphere blew on them, but it really couldn't shake any of them. Entering the atmosphere was really insignificant to them.

Soon, everyone went through the atmosphere. Wang Lin descended on planet Water Spirit while being treated like a star by the Chen brothers.

Just as they exited the atmosphere, they sensed dense spiritual energy. Wang Lin took a deep breath and admiration filled his eyes. The three Chen brothers secretly felt proud when they saw this. This was the best cultivation planet within tens of thousands of kilometers. If not for their master, there was no way the three of them could have occupied this planet.

Wang Lin laughed. "This planet is good!"

MAster Yi Chen laughed and said, "If Brother Wang likes it here, you can stay here long-term. This old man welcomes you!"

As they spoke, several celestial cranes flew the clouds, their movements extremely beautiful. On one of the cranes sat a girl in blue. She was very beautiful and bursts of crisp laughter could be heard before the cranes even got close.

"Senior Sister, you said you found an underground spring. Where is it?"

A woman in purple sat on a crane behind the girl in blue. Her face was cold, but she had stunning beauty and jade-like skin. Her eyes glistened and her exquisite facial features would catch the attention of anyone who looked at her.

If one casted away the coldness from this woman, there would only be one way to describe her.

Warms the heart and delights the eye!

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Her coldness only became gentle when facing the girl before her. She revealed a smile and softly said, "Little Sister, don't worry, we are not far." Just then, she saw the three Chen brothers and Wang Lin.

Her beautiful eyes swept past them before she stood up and respectfully said, "Disciple Zhao Xue greets Master and fellow uncle masters."

The second brother of the Chen brothers, Master Yi Long, smiled and looked at Wang Lin. "Brother Wang, this is my disciple, Zhao Xue." After he finished speaking, he turned toward the woman in purple and said, "Zhao Xue, why haven't you greated Senior Wang yet?"

The beautiful eyes of the woman in purple landed on Wang Lin, then she respectfully said, "Greetings, Senior."

The girl on the crane had already seen Wang Lin and others. At this moment, her big eyes blinked and she smiled. "Does Senior Wang still remember Ling Er?"

Her voice was very feminine and contained the natural charm of girl with a water spirit root. Her voice made Wang Lin smile and he nodded. "Of course I remember. Didn't I gift my straw hat and bells to you?"

The girl smiled and was about to speak, but she suddenly remembered something. Her face turned red and her gaze swept to the woman in purple.

Surprise filled the eyes of the woman in purple. She knew this junior sister of hers very well. After the girl came back a few days ago, she couldn't stop talking about what happened. There was a senior named Wang who she mentioned all the time, and every time she talked about him, she would get very excited.

She really liked that pair of bells; she alway had them on her wrist and fiddled with them. In the past few days, she talked about this Senior Wang the most. Even Zhao Xue couldn't help but become curious.

At this moment, Zhao Xue took a few extra glances at Wang Lin but wasn't able to notice anything extraordinary.

Master Yi Chen smiled as he looked at this scene. As he looked at Wang Lin, an idea came into his mind. He smiled. "Ling Er, Senior Wang will stay for a while. Don't disturb him." With that, he led Wang Lin away.

Wang Lin nodded at Ling Er and took a step forward. Big Head and Ta Shan followed behind him. Master Hollow Wind looked at the two women and let out a sigh before he followed.

Ling Er stuck out her tongue, and the red on her face hadn't disappeared yet. She began happily chatting with Zhao Xue once more, and the celestial cranes flew off into the distance.

Master Yi Chen arranged an extremely elegant palace in the eastern part of the planet. This place was ancient and had a celestial aura to it. With palaces located within the mountains, this place looked like the Celestial Realm when looking from afar.

This place was also the spot on the planet with the densest spiritual energy. After leaving Wang Lin here, the three Chen brothers left and agreed to come visit tomorrow.

After sending off the three Chen brothers, Wang Lin looked at the palaces in the mountains before him. Almost every mountain peak had a palace. Adding them up, there were no less than 10 palaces here; it was extremely majestic.

There were many towering trees within the mountains. This place was very calming to one's heart.

"I need to go into closed door cultivation for several days. Ta Shan will guard me, and everyone else can choose their own residence. However, you can't go more than 50 kilometers from me!" Wang Lin's expression was calm as he left one command and charged toward a palace.

Ta Shan stepped out and followed Wang Lin.

Big Head hesitated for a bit before choosing a palace with Lei Ji. This palace was very close to Wang Lin, so if Wang Lin summoned them, they could immediately arrive.

As for Master Hollow Wind, he let out a sigh and chose a place a bit further away. He subconsciously wasn't willing to be too close to Wang Lin, but he remembered Wang Lin's 50 kilometer limit.

With one step, Wang Lin arrived in the residence he chose. After taking a look, he revealed a look of admiration. Almost every palace here was different, but all of them were magnificent.

After entering the palace, Ta Shan sat down outside. He remained motionless and guarded Wang Lin.

The palace was very luxurious and was filled with decorations. There was a huge pattern on the floor, but it emitted no fluctuations, so it was not a formation, just a decoration. There was a furnace about the size of three people in the middle. There was a incense stick as thick as an arm burning inside, and its smoke drifted up and scattered within the palace.

There was also a purple jade mat. It was obviously a place for cultivating.

In addition, there were murals that linked together carved on the surrounding walls. The murals depicted an image of many celestials surrounded by clouds welcoming you.

After looking around, Wang Lin was very satisfied with this place. This place was very large and suitable for refining treasures. It was also quiet, so it was good for close door cultivation.

His divine sense spread out and carefully checked the area. Then Wang Lin sat down on the purple jade mat and slowly closed his eyes.

His origin energy filled his body and his mid stage Nirvana Scryer cultivation spread out. Wang Lin sat there for three days.

During this time, the three Chen brothers arrived, but they didn't disturb him. After waiting for a bit, they said their farewells and left.

Late in the night three days later, the stars were shining brightly in the sky of planet Water Spirit, and the night wind blew. The wind made the leaves rustle, but it was otherwise quiet.

Wang Lin sat inside the palace. After three days of remaining motionless, he suddenly opened his eyes. Two rays of bright light shot out from his eyes.

The moment his eyes opened, it was as if a ray of light had flash through the dark palace, and it became bright.

"Three days of time plus the cultivation I did on the way finally made my cultivation stabilize at the peak of the mid stage of Nirvana Scryer… With my ancient god body, I should be able to battle mid stage Nirvana Cleanser cultivators! Only, this isn't enough for the trip to the Demon Spirit Land…" Wang Lin muttered, and after a moment of silence, he slapped his bag of holding, causing a ray of azure light to shoot out.

This azure light immediately caused the palace to become hazy. Inside the azure light was a small shield that was completely azure. It was refined with an unknown material, and waves of clouds seemed to be floating inside it. It looked very beautiful.

This azure shield circled around Wang Lin four times before it became motionless before him. Even the azure light from the shield seemed to freeze.

Looking at the shield inside the azure light, Wang Lin's eyes lit up. When Master Hollow Wind took it out the first time, Wang Lin felt the aura of an ancient god from it.

However, this aura was not strong, as if it was sealed. If it wasn't for the fact that Wang Lin was an ancient god himself, no one would've known about it.

"There is no memory of Tu Si refining this treasure… However, there were many ancient gods during ancient times, so this was presumably refined by another ancient god."

Wang Lin pondered as he raised his right hand and the azure light shield flew toward him. In the end, the shield landed in his palm.

The ancient god aura became even more noticeable after coming into close contract with it. Wang Lin's eyes lit up as he looked at the shield. After looking at it carefully for a while, his gaze locked onto a mark on the side of the small shield.


Chapter 982 - Azure Light Shield!

That mark was a dragon stepping through the clouds. The dragon was completely azure and looked like an azure dragon! The ancient god aura coming from the shield was blocked by this mark so that it wouldn't dissipate too much. The mark sealed the aura inside the shield.

Wang Lin pondered for a long time before raising his hand and pressing down on the mark.

The moment he touched the mark, a powerful repellant force exploded from it. This powerful force pushed Wang Lin's finger away.

The azure light shield trembled and the dragon mark shined brightly. The light from the mark reached a peak and turned into an azure dragon!

The azure dragon's body was 100 feet long and occupied more than half of the palace. The dragon scale was very beautiful and looked very dignified while coiled. It opened its mouth, let out a roar, and attempted to devour Wang Lin.

"Damn beast!" Wang Lin's eyes turned cold and his right hand reached out. A storm shot out and swept toward the dragon. He grabbed hold of the azure dragon and was about to crush it.

However, at this instant, the azure dragon's eyes shined brightly. Its body shined and it released azure light to form a smaller azure dragon that also tried to devour Wang Lin.

Wang Lin sneered. The strongest power was between his eyebrows. If his third eye opened, even his ancient god body was inferior. Then there was also the heaven defying bead as well.

"You're courting death!" A crack opened between his eyebrows and harsh, red light came from this crack. It was like a black hole, and it contained a powerful suction force.

The azure dragon's eyes were filled with shock and it let out a roar as it wanted to retreat. However, it was too close to Wang Lin, so the moment it opened its eyes, it was sucked inside.

Only the echo of the dragon still remained in the palace.

The azure dragon in Wang Lin's hand immediately weakened and the light dimmed. Then Wang Lin squeezed and the dragon shattered. The azure light dissipated and a fingernail-sized fragment appeared in Wang Lin's hand.

There was a azure dragon carved on this fragment. This azure dragon was very life-like, and if mortals saw it, they would be shocked.

Holding the fragment Wang Lin carefully looked at it. He felt an aura similar to the Vermillion Bird mark between his brows.

"The Divine Four Sect has the Vermillion Bird, Black Tortoise, Azure Dragon, and White Tiger. Could this belong to the Azure Dragon Divine Sect?" After pondering, he put the fragment into his bag and his gaze fell on the small azure light shield.

Without the azure dragon, the ancient god aura filled the shield, but it wasn't obvious. Wang Lin frowned as he carefully examined it, then his eyes narrowed.

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Although the azure dragon mark was gone, there was an azure vortex slowly rotating. Before, the mark was hiding it, but now that the mark was gone, the vortex was exposed.

This vortex wasn't very powerful, but after Wang Lin carefully observed it, he could vaguely see strands of origin energy within. This origin energy had no offensive ability; it was a strand of divine sense!

This divine sense was mixed with ancient god aura. Somehow, they had completely merged together. As a result, unless one had the power of an ancient god, it would be impossible to get rid of this divine sense.

As for whether third step cultivators could do it, Wang Lin didn't know. However, he knew Master Hollow Wind was unable to do so, which was why this divine sense was still there today.

"For a divine sense to be left inside this shield… There is something strange about this." Wang Lin pondered. If he didn't remove this divine sense, the ancient god aura couldn't be released. As a result, the power of this shield couldn't be displayed at all.

After pondering for a bit, decisiveness filled Wang Lin's eyes. Without hesitation, he lifted his right finger and took a deep breath. The ancient god stars between his eyebrows rotated and ancient god power gathered in his finger. At this moment, Wang Lin's finger pressed down like lightning!

His finger charged directly for the small vortex on the side of the shield.

The moment his finger touched the vortex, the royal ancient god power from his finger charged out and collided with it.

In an instant, the ancient aura coming from the vortex trembled and rapidly gathered toward Wang Lin's finger.

At the same time, as the ancient god aura changed violently, the divine sense separated from it. At this moment, a dignified voice echoed inside Wang Lin's mind.

"This old man is the Azure Dragon Holy Emperor, and I'm trapped inside the Rain Celestial Realm. The one who saves me will become the first of the Azure Dragon Series! Send my message back to the Azure Dragon Divine Sect and the Four Divine Sect will do one thing for you. This old man's aura is weak, and I fear I can't last much longer. I hope someone receives this message and quickly comes to save me!"

Wang Lin's body trembled. Before he could think too much, the small azure vortex disappeared and the ancient god aura exploded like crazy.

It was unknown how long this ancient god aura had been sealed inside the shield, and now all of it broke out like a storm. Wang Lin's expression changed, and he grabbed the azure shield and charged out of the palace. He stood under the stars.

The moment he came out, the ancient god aura inside the shield completely exploded forth. This aura was very strong, so much so that even Wang Lin couldn't help but tremble.

The endless ancient god aura vent out and formed a giant ancient god illusion that appeared in the world. This ancient god illusion was blurry and its stars rotated rapidly. It was impossible to see how many stars this ancient god had!

At this moment, the shield that was originally only the size of his hand instantly grew until it was dozens of feet large. From the looks of it, it was still increasing.

As it expanded, a powerful aura spread out. The shield started out small and grew until it was over 1,000 feet large. Then an unimaginable pressure descended on the world.

In the distance, the three Chen brothers had already noticed this and were charging over. Shock filled their eyes as they watched this. Wang Lin had become extremely incredible in their eyes.

"What kind of treasure is this!?"

"The treasure is a shield. I presume it is a defensive treasure. However, that treasure is simply too big! Look at the treasure spirit formed by this treasure; it's piercing the heavens. I have never seen a treasure spirit like this!"

"Fellow Cultivator Wang must have just obtained this treasure and is refining it!"

The three Chen brothers softly talked with each other and were able to guess some of the truth.

Farther away, the cultivators living on the planet all awakened from their cultivation. Their cultivation levels weren't high enough, so they could only feel a towering pressure. They didn't dare to move at all. It was as if the sky was going to crush them if they moved!

Ling Er was cultivating while looking at the bells before her. The more she looked, the more she liked them, but at this moment, a powerful pressure descended upon her. Then a blue light shined from her chest to help her resist this pressure.

Before the blue light, Ling Er only felt discomfort. Her eyebrows wrinkled as she got up and walked outside. When she saw what was outside, her small mouth was wide open and disbelief filled her eyes.

At the edge of the horizon was a giant squatting down, and the giant was already piercing the heavens. If the giant stood up, it only needed to stomp its feet to make the planet collapse.

Big Head and company also flew out and were stunned by the scene before them. Lei Ji's body trembled and reverence filled his eyes as he looked at the illusion behind the shield. He clearly remembered that on planet Giant Demon, there was a totem in the Royal Sanctuary that was a sacred object to the clan. The sacred object depicted a giant like this!

Master Hollow Wind was the first to notice the abnormality. At this moment, he floated in the air and had an extremely complex expression as he looked at the huge shield next to Wang Lin. He obtained the shield from an enemy he had killed. After studying it, he was shocked and was vaguely aware that it was linked to the Four Divine Sect.

He wouldn't easily use it; he only took it out due to the moment of life and death. He could break the azure dragon mark, but with his cultivation, he could see the azure vortex underneath it. No matter what he did, he wasn't able to break the vortex, so he could only allow the treasure to remain as it was.

At this moment, he didn't expect Wang Lin to break the vortex seal as soon as he obtained the treasure. As a result, he unknowingly dreaded Wang Lin even more.

"This Wang Lin is not simple! It won't be such a disgrace for my identity if I follow him." Master Hollow Wind let out a sigh.

Wang Lin's expression was serious as he stared at the expanding shield. The shield had already expanded from its previous 1,000 feet to almost 3,000 feet.

Looking at the shield from up close, it was like a wall. It looked very rough, but no one dared to underestimate the power of this shield!

This was a treasure of the ancient gods!

The illusion of the ancient god that appeared behind the shield grew with it. In the end, it was too tall for people on the planet to see all of it.

Just at this instant, the shield stopped expanding and the ancient god lowered its head. Just its head covered the entire sky!

The rotating stars between its eyebrows slowed down and then completely stopped.

The moment they stopped, Wang Lin's eyes shined brightly, revealing shock and ecstasy!

"This… This is…"

Chapter 983 - Ancient God Life Saving Spell

There were eight stars between the eyebrows of the illusion of the ancient god. If that was all it was, Wang Lin wouldn't be so shocked, but there was one more start after the eighth!

This star was very blurry, as if it hadn't completely formed, but its shape was there!

"Only one step away from becoming a 9-star ancient god!" Wang Lin gasped. He didn't expect this shield to belong to an ancient god like this!

The illusionary giant ancient god suddenly collapsed into countless specks of light and the stars stopped rotating. At this instant, the entire planet was bright under the specks of light.

This light only lasted for several breaths of time before they disappeared and darkness returned.

The shield before Wang Lin had become almost 10,000 feet tall. It was like a giant barrier that separated Yin and Yang! The shield was covered by a hazy azure light that made the surroundings hazy as well. It was as if this treasure was something that shouldn't appear in the world.

Wang Lin took a deep breath and charged toward the shield. In the distance, Master Hollow Wind was struggling. He had once wondered what the power of this treasure would be once it was unsealed, but right now it was far beyond his imagination.

He had the heart to steal it, but thinking of the seal between his eyebrows, he couldn't help but discard the idea. He didn't know what kind of punishment he would face if he broke the seal.

The more he didn't know, the more he thought about the vicious seals he had heard of before. As a result, he dreaded it more and more.

When Wang Lin closed in on the shield, his right hand reached out without hesitation. The moment he touched it, a powerful surge of ancient god power entered his body. It was filled with the intent to destroy everything as it swept through Wang Lin's body.

「スマイ LINK」から広がるビジネスの可能性.大阪ガスの次世代インフラとは.ミライ価値の創造を通じて,社会課題の解決に貢献する.Daigasグループの挑戦に光を当てたDaigas STUDIO…大阪ガス株式会社

However, it didn't harm Wang Lin at all. This aura went through his body several times before returning to the shield. At that moment ,Wang Lin felt as if there was a huge influx of information. Fortunately, he had the body of an ancient god, so it only stung for a moment before it gradually disappeared. Wang Lin began to absorb all the information in his mind.

After a long time, clarity appeared in Wang Lin's eyes and he softly said, "Di!"

This was the sound of an ancient god, and it was very strange. The moment he spoke, a strange force surrounded the shield and it emitted an azure glow. Then it rapidly shrank until it was the size of his palm and floated before him.

Wang Lin's eyes were calm. He knew that if he didn't have the body of an ancient god, that oppressive aura would have killed him. This treasure was different from the ancient god furnace!

Although the ancient god furnace had the aura of an ancient god, it lacked intelligence and was only a tool. After all, the ancient god furnace was a treasure Tu Si wasn't satisfied with; he had casually thrown it away after creating it.

It could even be said that Tu Si had never even used that furnace once, but this shield was very different. This shield must have been something the ancient god used a lot, or else it wouldn't have created the illusion of its master when it was activated.

Although it wasn't as good as the real God Slaying Spear, it was pretty close. It was a treasure that could only be used by an ancient god!

If a non-ancient god obtained it, they would only be able to use a bit of its power. If the seal on it was completely open, the shield wouldn't recognize an owner!

After all, it would only recognize an ancient god as an owner!

Wang Lin stood in the air and calmly said, "Master Hollow Wind, attack me once at full power!"

Master Hollow Wind pondered a bit before his hands formed a seal and purple light surrounded his body. The light turned into a stone tablet and it whistled across the sky toward Wang Lin.

There were countless runes flashing on the stone tablet, creating a monstrous aura that smashed down on Wang Lin. Crackling sounds came from the sky around Wang Lin and spatial cracks immediately appeared.

However, just as the stone tablet smashed down on Wang Lin, the azure light shield flashed and moved at an incredible speed to block the stone tablet. The stone tablet and the shield collided.

There was a loud bang and then the stone tablet collapsed. If that was all, it wouldn't have been so bad, but what shocked Master Hollow Wind was that the origin energy from the collapsed stone tablet was absorbed by the shield.

The shield shined brightly!

Wang Lin pondered as he waved his hand and the shield flew into his palm. After carefully looking at it, Wang Lin smiled.

"This object is not a treasure of the royal bloodline, but it is a peak treasure among normal ancient gods. According in the inheritance, once it absorbs enough origin energy, I can activate the life-saving spell sealed inside!"

Even with Wang Lin's mental strength, he couldn't help but be moved.

"A spell that an 8-star ancient god would consider life-saving… How strong could it be…" Wang Lin took a deep breath and looked at the shield. His eyes lit up and the shield shrank once more. It flew directly into Wang Lin's right eye.

The current Wang Lin had long hair and his right eye was extremely strange. His right eye was completely blue and looked completely unforgettable.

At this moment, far away from planet Water Spirit, a ray of light closed in on planet Tian Yun. The person inside the ray of light was Situ Nan. He was surrounded by dense origin energy. His black hair flowed, exposing his coarse body structure, but there was a hint of evil on his face. This made him look like a demon god!

He wasn't by himself; there was a woman beside him. The woman was very beautiful, with a striking sense of charm. She wore a silk dress. While flying, the silk dress stuck to her body, revealing her well-defined curves.

"This damn planet Tian Yun, how is it so difficult to find? If not for meeting little fairy sister here, I would have never found it." It was unknown if Situ Nan was speaking the truth, but it made the stunning woman giggle.

The woman's eyes were alluring as she said, "Why did Senior Situ come to planet Tian Yun?"

"Haha, I came to look for a brother. It has been many years since we met; I wonder how his cultivation is." Situ Nan revealed a trace of reminiscence and let out a sigh inside his heart.

"I has been hundreds of years since I've seen Wang Lin. I wonder how that boy is now."

The alluring and beautiful woman laughed. "Oh? What is the name of Senior's brother? Junior may know him."

Chapter 984 - Dream is Like Reincarnation

"That brother of mine isn't good-looking, so you likely don't know him." As Situ Nan laughed, his hand reached toward the charming woman's waist and he forcibly pinched her.

The woman was not going to stand for this and was about to resist when Situ Nan forcibly pulled her into his chest. He laughed as he flew directly toward planet Tian Yun.

"Little girl, don't be in a rush. How many times have I already fed you? You said that you had many sisters in the Pink Palace. Let us go see if that place is as gorgeous as you claim."

The woman smiled as she looked at Situ Nan with charming eyes and said, "Senior will definitely be satisfied. Just don't forget us sisters at the Pink Palace."

After Situ Nan heard those words, his heart itched and he couldn't help but think about the few stunning beauties on planet Feng Luan. If one day he could rule planet Feng Luan, he and his brother, Wang Lin, could be hugging a beauty in each arm. That would be the greatest joy in life.

"It's unfortunate that Little Lin is a piece of wood. A waste of my hundreds of years of teaching."

Situ Nan was happily playing around for the time being. At this moment in the far away planet Water Spirit, Wang Lin's right eye emitted a blue glow. He waved his sleeves and then he went back into closed door cultivation.

The people nearby all scattered and calmness was returned to planet Water Spirit.

Many people were bound to have a sleepless nights, and many wouldn't even be able to cultivate. The three Chen brother were like this, Master Hollow Wind was like this, and the girl named Ling Er was also like this.

She couldn't forget the thought of the figure that was piercing the heavens even when squatting down. She couldn't cultivate and merely rolled around in bed, unable to calm down.

"Why is it that when I saw that giant figure, I felt like I was dreaming of the reincarnation cycle? It was as if at that moment, I felt a sense of respect I never felt before." Ling Er didn't understand any of this. It wasn't t until the day brightened that she managed to fall asleep.

She didn't sleep for long, but she felt as if she had experienced an entire life in her dream.

In her dream, she seemed to change into a different person and wore strange clothes. She was in a familiar yet unfamiliar world. The sky was completely blue and was pretty enough to dazzle people.

She was standing on a towering alter that pierced into the sky. Below her stood many men and women dressed in strange clothes. They were chanting strange spells that echoed across the world.

She stretched her arm and was filled with reverence as she looked up at the sky. It was as if she was calling and communicating with the sky.

After a long time, clouds and wind came and the sky changed. Clouds now covered up the sky, and the people below began to chant even louder. Their faces all revealed excitement and extreme reverence.

She was kneeling on the alter with one knee and her hands were in a bottle shape before her chest. Her head looked up, revealing her slender, white neck, and after doing this strange gesture, it seemed a voice came out of her mouth.

Just at this instant, the clouds in the sky violently churned and two rays of powerful light gradually pierce through the clouds and landed directly on the ground.

「スマイ LINK」から広がるビジネスの可能性.大阪ガスの次世代インフラとは.ミライ価値の創造を通じて,社会課題の解決に貢献する.Daigasグループの挑戦に光を当てたDaigas STUDIO…大阪ガス株式会社

The clouds were shrouded by a strange force that gradually spread in all directions. However, at this moment, a huge figure appeared behind the clouds.

It was an ancient god!

Only the upper half of its body was revealed, but it seemed to occupy heaven and earth. There were eight stars rapidly rotating between the ancient god's eyebrows.

The moment this ancient god appeared, all the people under the altar began to cheer and reveal feverish expressions.

The dream suddenly ended here.

Ling Er opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling. This wasn't the first time she had such a dream, but it would often occur once she had consciousness.

This was a secret in her heart. She didn't know why she subconsciously didn't want to tell anyone about this. Even to this day, her best friend, Sister Zhao Xue, didn't know about this. Not even her grandfather, Master Yi Chen, knew about this.

Originally, Ling Er always thought it was merely her own fantasy. Although she had seen it many times, it was always through a filter and she couldn't see it clearly.

The first time she saw it clearly was the night after she saw the senior named Wang. Although the shocking event was happening outside, she never awakened from her dream.

In the dream that night, she finally saw everything.

Even she found it a bit strange. Why was it that she felt a sense of familiarity the moment she saw Senior Wang Lin? She felt it was very strange.

Even so, she didn't care about it too much at the time. After all, in her heart, she still thought it was all just a dream. However, all of this shattered after tonight!

She saw the majestic figure in the sky. Although the figure was not the same one as in her dream, the stars between its eyebrows and the feeling that pierced her heart were exactly the same!

She had never thought that the giant in her dream actually existed! This caused her heart to be in a complete mess.

Early in the morning, a gentle knock came from her door. After finding there was no response for a long time, Zhao Xue, who was outside, was surprised. She didn't spread out her divine sense but pushed the door open only to find there was no one inside.

"The sky just brightened; where did that girl go?" Zhao Xue frowned, then she turned around and her graceful figure left.

Wang Lin sat inside the palace during the night. The blue flash in his eyes gradually calmed down until outsiders couldn't see anything abnormal.

"It requires too much origin energy to activate the ancient god's life-saving spell. It isn't enough to just rely on the origin energy absorbed through battle…" As Wang Lin pondered, he made a plan.

After cultivating for a bit, he slapped his bag of holding and a ray of light shot out before landing in his hand. The light gradually dissipated, revealing a gorgeous crown!

This crown contained a trace of red shadow that revealed extreme pride! Around the red shadow was a golden line circling around it. If one looked closely, they would see that the golden line was the soul of a golden dragon that had shrunken a lot!

The golden line circled the red shadow as if it was terrified of it and completely moved with the red shadow.

As Wang Lin stared at the crown, that red shadow from the past gradually appeared in his pupils.

"Red Butterfly…"

When Red Butterfly died, she made Wang Lin take a trip to her hometown. There, Wang Lin found a blue rose, and the arrogance it gave off was the same as Red Butterfly's.

Then, after Wang Lin obtained the crown, the two fused into one. At first Wang Lin didn't know what the crown did and only felt as if something was different inside. Only, he didn't know what the difference was.

Until the golden dragon in the void used his most powerful spell and it took the shape of a crown. It was only then that Wang Lin understood and took out the real crown.

The scene afterward was something Wang Lin still couldn't forget. The red figure that appeared was so similar to Red Butterfly. Even that aloof aura was exactly the same.

Wang Lin softly said, "Red Butterfly, is that you…"

Red Butterfly was the first person Wang Lin admired in his life. It was difficult to forget the arrogance of the genius of the country of Xue Yue, someone who even the country of Suzaku broke their own rule for. They accepted her as a disciple and raised the rank of the country of Xue Yue. They even allowed Xue Yue to start a war between two countries that even dragged in mortals like Da Niu!

After Wang Lin spoke, the red shadow inside the crown trembled. However, it didn't respond; it slowly disappeared as if it was avoiding him.

Wang Lin let out a sigh and carefully looked at the crown before putting it away. His eyes lit up and he revealed a serious expression.

"If I can refine and control the next item, I will have more confidence in the trip to the Demon Spirit Land." Wang Lin took a deep breath and slapped his bag of holding. A female corpse emitting a silver glow appeared before Wang Lin.

During the big battle between Allheaven and the Alliance, the Alliance took out refined corpse, and this woman was among the three most powerful. After she was injured, Wang Lin managed to steal her.

The woman wore a silver dress that showed off her beautiful curves. If she was alive, she would been an enchanting woman. However, right now her face was ashen and a terrifying burst of Yin energy came from her body and filled the room.

There were still two chains on her body. One of them was attached to her humerus and the other to her pelvis. These chains were blackish purple and gave of a powerful stench. If a mortal smelled it, they would immediately die.

Even a cultivator whose cultivation level wasn't high enough would immediately be poisoned. If they only took a breath of it, they would just be seriously injured, but if they took too many breaths, they would die.

"If I can control this refined corpse, I'll gain another early stage Nirvana Cleanser power!" Wang Lin's eyes lit up. He took the risk to take the corpse back then, and now it was time to harvest the benefits.

Just as he was observing it, his expression changed. Then he waved his right hand and the corpse was placed back in the bag. The Yin energy and poison inside the room quickly dissipated.

Shortly after, a hesitant and feminine voice came from outside the palace.

"Wang…Senior Wang, it's Ling Er."

It was currently dawn, but the night wind still blew. On planet Water Spirit, the wind was very cold, and although she shouldn't feel it much thanks to her cultivation, she still felt very cold.

She shyly looked at the big fellow sitting on the ground before her. She remembered that this big fellow followed behind Wang Lin a few days ago. Now this big fellow was staring at her with those cold eyes, and she was scared.

She bit her lower lip and softly said, "I… I want to see Senior Wang. You… Can you let me in?"

Ta Shan didn't speak and coldly looked at the girl before him. If this girl took one more step forward, he would attack.

Chapter 985 - Treasured Bottle

The palace doors opened from the inside. Wang Lin smiled as he looked at the timid Ling Er and laughed. "What's the matter for you to come here so early?"

After she saw Wang Lin come out, she let out a sigh of relief, then she patted her chest and quickly said, "Senior, the sunrise on planet Water Spirit is very beautiful. Ling Er wants to ask if Senior would like to see it." As she spoke, her little face became red. Although Wang Lin was a senior, from her view, he didn't look much older than her. Such an obvious invitation caused her heart to beat even faster.

After Wang Lin heard these words, the smile disappeared and he frowned.

Ling Er was observing Wang Lin's expression, and when she saw Wang Lin frown, her heart fell into a pit. She just stood there, biting her lips and not knowing what to say.

"Lady Ling Er, I still have to cultivate. If you are afraid, I'll have Ta Shan go with you." Wang Lin's eyes fell on Ta Shan and he calmly ordered, "Ta Shan, escort Lady Ling Er and keep her safe."

After he finished speaking, he no longer looked at Ling Er and walked back toward the palace.

He wryly smiled in his heart. How could he not understand Ling Er's meaning? Although it might be an exaggeration to call him an old monster, since he had only cultivated for a bit more than 1,000 years, calling him that was still fitting given his cultivation level.

Moreover, his actual age was more than 1,000 years old, which was far older than Ling Er. The only reason he was nice to her aside from her having a water spirit root was a senior being kind to a junior. There was no other meaning.

"Ling Er didn't have any other meaning. I just want to see sunrise with Senior. Can't Senior even agree to such a small request?" Ling Er's eyes were crystal clear. She didn't know why herself, but the moment she woke up, she wanted to find Wang Lin. She wanted to find the answer to her dream. She had a feeling she would get her answer from Wang Lin.

Wang Lin had his back toward Ling Er and he didn't stop walking. He waved his sleeves and the door to the palace slowly closed.

"Senior, Ling Er wants to know about that giant that appeared last night. He… What is he…" Ling Er was about to step forth.

Ta Shan's eyes lit up and he took a step forward. A ripple spread out and landed on Ling Er, pushing her back few dozen feet.

Ling Er's cultivation level was not high, so as she retreated, her face turned pale. The spiritual energy in her body became unstable, and combined with her extreme anxiety and restless night, the spiritual energy inside her body went into complete chaos. Blood rushed up her throat and she coughed out a mouthful of blood.

Wang Lin let out a sigh. He frowned as his body disappeared from inside the palace and he appeared next to her. He gently patted her back and sent origin energy into her body. Just a single cycle caused her spiritual energy to stabilize and her light injury was gone.

"You girl… Let's go. This old man will accompany you to see the sunrise." Wang Lin was helpless. Although he had some good will toward her, it wasn't enough to affect his decision. The reason he went was because he saw that she really had some questions to ask him.

"Senior, you agree to Ling Er's request?" Although Ling Er's face was still pale, joy filled her big eyes. Her eyes shined and were extremely adorable.

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"Only this once." Wang Lin let out a sigh. He had only watched the sunrise and sunset with Li Muwan during her last years. It had become an eternal memory for Wang Lin. Since then, he hadn't watched it with anyone else.

If there was anyone else, it was back in the Soul Refining Sect, where he and Liu Mei were separated by a wall yet they both watched the sunset.

Ling Er revealed a bright smile as she nodded and rang the bells on her wrist. A white dot came from the distance. It was a white crane that flew over and hovered over Ling Er.

Ling Er jumped onto the crane's back. As for Wang Lin, how could he sit with a little girl on the back of a crane? He simply took a step and walked into the air.

While Ling Er was smiling, she patted the crane's head and said, "Senior, follow Ling Er." With that, the crane flew into the sky in a beautiful arc.

Wang Lin followed with a bitter smile and disappeared over the horizon.

Along the way, Ling Er was very happy and constantly laughed as the crane flew. The bells on her wrist continued to ring and fused with her laughter to form an almost a heavenly sound. It was very comfortable for Wang Lin to listen to.

Looking at Ling Er on the back of the crane, Wang Lin let out a sigh. He could see that she was truly happy. Aside from his childhood, he rarely had moments where he was as happy as this girl.

It didn't take long for the crane to arrive at the very tall peak that pierced into the heavens. There were clouds surrounding the peak. A sliver of red from the rising sun touched the peak, making it a spectacularly beautiful scene.

The peak was hidden among the clouds and was filled with lush greenery. At a glance, it looked very natural.

There was a fluctuating darkness just behind the peak. That was the endless ocean of this planet.

The crane let out a cry as it went through the clouds and headed toward the peak. It didn't take long for it to arrive at the peak and land.

Ling Er jumped off and floated down like a butterfly. As the bells on her wrist rang, she landed on top of a blue rock.

"Senior, come quickly." As the mountain wind blew, it blew her hair and made it cover a small part of her face.

As a result, this caused her to display her amazing beauty. That flowing black hair and her perfect face all landed in Wang Lin's eyes.

The inner allure Ling Er had as a girl with a water spirit root had inadvertently revealed itself when the mountain winds blew by.

This by itself didn't mean much. However, the sun was rising from the east and the darkness was slowly fading. The vaste orange light appeared in the world like countless swords piercing through the darkness. The darkness gradually dissipated.

The sun rose behind Ling Er's exquisite face…

The gentle light set the mood and the rising sun became the background. The scene of Ling Er's smile while her hair covered part of her cheek will forever remain in Wang Lin's mind.

Admiration filled Wang Lin's eyes as he took a step and landed on a rock. He silently looked at the sunrise, though his heart was in an extremely strange state.


Ling Er didn't speak but moved her hair behind her ear. She looked at Wang Lin, who was looking at the sunrise, and revealed a smile.

It wasn't until the sun had fully risen that Ling Er let out a sigh and softly said, "Before Big Sister Xue came to this planet, I would often come here by myself to watch the sunrise and sunset…"

As he looked at the sunrise, Wang Lin slowly said, "It's very beautiful." At that moment, he became accidentally immersed in a very strange state. Although it was short, it was unforgettable.

In that strange state, he vaguely saw something, but after carefully thinking about it, it was as if he saw nothing. This was a very strange feeling, and it was the first time Wang Lin had encountered it.

The sound of the sea came from the distance and completely fused with the tranquility in the area. There was no discomfort to the ears at all when listening to this sound.

After a long time, Ling Er softly said, "Senior, Ling Er wants to know what that giant that appeared last night was…"

Wang Lin looked into the distance. The sun had already risen, and after pondering a bit, he slowly said, "It is only the treasure spirit of one of my treasures."

Ling Er bit her lower lip as she looked at Wang Lin. She shook her head. "Senior doesn't need to try to fool Ling Er. I know that it wasn't a treasure spirit but an extinct existence from a long time ago. They used to be the strongest existence among the stars."

Wang Lin's eyes narrowed slightly and he calmly said, "Why do you say so?"

Ling Er lowered her head and pondered for a long time. After a long time, she clenched her teeth as if she had made up her mind. There was a strange feeling mixed within as she looked at Wang Lin and softly said, "Junior has always had a dream in her mind since childhood, and I would often lose myself within it… In the dream, I've seen… the giant that appeared last night! Although it was not the same one, they both had stars between their eyebrows!"

Ling Er had never told anyone else about this. She subconsciously didn't want to tell anyone. However, when facing Wang Lin, she had a strange feeling and told him her greatest secret.

Wang Lin's expression was neutral, but he was shocked in his heart. He gradually frowned as he stared at Ling Er. He didn't completely believe what she said.

He had obtained the inheritance of knowledge from Tu Si, and there was nothing in Tu Si's memories about interactions with mortals. There was nothing that could explain what she said.

"Dreaming of an ancient god is too absurd." Wang Lin no longer looked at Ling Er and continued to look into the distance. After a long time, he flatly said, "The sunrise has passed and I have answered your question. You can leave. I'm going to stay here to comprehend a bit, and I don't want to be disturbed."

Ling Er's expression instantly became pale and she took a few step back and stared at Wang Lin. She knew that he didn't believe her words.

After pondering a bit, Ling Er revealed a decisive gaze. She was not as weak as she looked on the outside. Once she made a decision, she wouldn't easily back down.

Without hesitation, Ling Er knelt down on the ground on one knee and her hands formed the shape of a treasure bottle. She raised her head, revealing her slender neck, and made the gesture she had made thousands of times in her dreams!

Wang Lin's eyes suddenly narrowed, and it was like bolt of thunder had exploded in his mind.

Chapter 986 - Starting Condition

Five stars quickly appeared between Wang Lin's eyebrows. This was one of the rare few times the ancient god stars had appeared without his control, and they began to rotate rapidly.

Wang Lin's expression changed slightly. It was as if some strange force had awakened inside him. Under the impact of this force, the memories of Tu Si flashed through his mind.

Ling Er's eyes didn't blink as she looked at Wang Lin. The moment the ancient god stars appeared between Wang Lin's eyebrows, confusion filled her eyes. It was like a cloud had quickly passed, and her eyes shined. Her body trembled as if a hidden memory in her body had been released.

She was in a trance. The event that only occurred in the dream had appeared before her. She was kneeling on one knee on the altar and countless people were chanting around the altar.

Kneeling on the altar, she held the treasured bottle gesture as she looked up at the sky and released a soft but strange sound!


The clouds churned and roared like an angry wave. The clouds split apart to reveal the blue sky and a huge figure!

There were only five stars between the eyebrows of this figure, but he gave off a powerful pressure and an aura unique to the royal bloodline.

He had an extremely indifferent expression, as if he cared about nothing in the world. His cold gaze fell in Ling Er's eyes.

This ancient god was Wang Lin!

In the dream, Ling Er's face was filled with reverence. The moment Wang Lin appeared, she softly said, "The ancient Moon Clan's servent Mu Ling prays to the ancient god to descend and grant us the power to battle the Tower Clan!"

At the same time, the countless men and women all revealed the same reverence. They all began to chant, creating a storm that swept the area.

A bright moon mark appeared between their eyebrows and became brighter and brighter.

"The ancient Moon Clan has prepared enough origin energy for the ancient god. Please accept it." In the illusion, the treasured bottle in Ling Er's hand floated up. At this moment, all the people around the altar began to chant, and the moon marks between their eyebrows shined. Then an unimaginable amount of origin energy condensed between their eyebrows and shot toward the altar.

Strands of origin energy moved like dragons toward the altar and gathered toward the bottle formed by Ling Er's hand.

As more and more origin energy gathered between Ling Er's hands, the treasured bottle became corporeal. As she raised her hands, the bottle flew into the air and turned into a fist-sized cyclone that flew toward the ancient god that looked like Wang Lin.

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This cyclone wasn't fast at first, but as it flew, it sped up, and a powerful suction force came from within. It landed between Wang Lin's eyebrows and disappeared.

The ancient god that looked like Wang Lin raised his right finger and pointed down. A powerful surge of ancient god power rushed into Ling Er on the altar. Then this power transformed inside her body and split off into thousands of parts into the bodies of everyone around the altar.

At this moment, Ling Er felt dizzy, then she fell down and passed out.

The illusion disappeared. The sky was still the sky of planet Water Spirit and the peak was still shrouded within the clouds. The sound of the waves could sometimes be heard.

Nothing had changed. The only thing that had changed was that Ling Er had passed out like she did in the illusion.

Wang Lin stood not far away and confusion filled his eyes.

"God slave…" Wang Lin looked at the sky in the distance and silently pondered. In truth, when Wang Lin saw Ling Er make that treasured bottle hand sign, it was as if something had awakened from the inheritance Wang Lin obtained from Tu Si. It was like a memory that wasn't supposed to exist had opened up before Wang Lin.

During ancient times, aside from destroying a planet to obtain origin energy, the ancient gods came up with another method. They obtained it from the people, and thus the existence of god slaves came to be.

"There is a reincarnation cycle in this world. Every god slave was personally branded by an ancient god. Based on the power of the ancient gods, the amount of power each god slave received would be different!

"However, the brand on Ling Er was simply too strong. Even after countless years of reincarnation, the brand still exists in her soul… If not for the brand, she wouldn't have remembered the past from countless years ago…"

Wang Lin touched the spot between his eyebrows. Ling Er wasn't the only one who saw that illusion, Wang Lin did as well. This was especially true when the vortex of origin energy offered by all those people entered the ancient god. Wang Lin felt heat from between his eyebrows, as if a power had gone inside.

However, this power was very weak. It was only one strand, but it was extremely tough. After entering his body, it became part of his ancient god power.

An extra mark appeared between Ling Er's eyebrows. This mark flickered and seemed to be vaguely connected to Wang Lin's heartbeat.

It could even be said that every time Wang Lin's heart beat once, the mark would flicker.

If one day Wang Lin's heart stopped beating, the mark would collapse and take her life with it.

"If the soul collapses, then everything will be destroyed and there will be no chance for reincarnation. If an ancient god dies, the god slaves will follow! There is only one explanation for Ling Er being able to continue existing in the reincarnation cycle!" While Wang Lin pondered, his eyes shined.

"The ancient god that made the brand didn't die!

"I just accidently stepped in and replaced the original owner of this god slave. My mark now has replaced the previous mark, and there is also only one explanation for this! Although the previous ancient god is not dead, he has lost all his power and is weaker than me." Wang Lin let out a sigh.

At this moment, he understood why he felt some goodwill toward Ling Er. At first he thought it was because she had the water spirit root, which made him reminisce about the past and felt regrettable about what happened.

However, Wang Lin understood that this wasn't the case. It was because she had a trace of the god slave brand from countless reincarnations ago.

"I thought I had understood everything about ancient god Tu Si, but it seems some memories are still sealed… This is probably because I was still missing a memory crystal when I obtained the inheritance of knowledge… If I can obtain that last crystal, the inheritance of knowledge will be truly complete."

Time quickly passed, and unknowningly, the sun set. As the light disappeared and the earth was shrouded in darkness once more, Wang Lin slowly became immersed in that strange state once more.

In this state, he was completely at peace and had thrown away all his worries. The only things in his mind were the sunrise and sunset.

There was always something echoing before him, but Wang Lin couldn't touch it. He didn't even know what state he was in or what he was searching for.

However, after more than 1,000 years of cultivation, his spiritual sense was very strong. He had a vague feeling this current state was a very rare opportunity.

If he could grasp it and comprehend it, it would benefit him greatly.

Wang Lin didn't know that he was currently at the border of one of the three great realms from ancient times, the Shi Realm!

The Shi Realm wasn't as powerful as the Ji Realm or as mysterious as the Dao Realm, but since the beginning, it was ranked number one in the cultivation world!

No one knew where the Shi Realm came from or how to enter it. Throughout the history of cultivation, even in ancient times, the amount of people that entered the Shi Realm was very low. Although not as low as the Ji Realm, still not many.

However, what was strange was that even those who entered the Shi Realm didn't know how they entered it. Also, they only remained in the Shi Realm for a very short period of time before it disappeared.

Rumors around the world say that the Ji, Dao, and Shi Realms are a change in spiritual energy. Once you enter the realm, you will forever stay there. Many support this theory, but aside from a few records of the Ji Realm, many didn't know if this was true. Almost all of them were confused as well.

They only knew that the three great realms were split into spiritual energy and divine sense.

For example, the Ji Realm originally manifested in Wang Lin as his spiritual power before it converted to this divine sense.

At the same time, the cultivators that studied the three realms for countless years believed that the Dao and Shi Realms were split between spiritual energy and divine sense.

Ji Spiritual Energy, Ji Divine Sense!

Dao Spiritual Energy, Dao Divine Sense!

Shi Spiritual Energy, Shi Divine Sense!

In comparison, the spiritual energy realm was much easier to obtain, and the divine sense realm was simply too ethereal. In ancient times, those that were able to enter the Shi Realm mostly did it through spiritual energy. At that moment, the spiritual energy inside their body would undergo a huge change. However, the amount of time the Shi Realm lasted was simply too short, so the benefits weren't too great.

All of this changed when the record of the Shi Realm was left behind by a cultivator named Liu Wen!