

Chapter 925 - Million Beast Blood Soul Seal

Wang Lin's eyes narrowed and met the gaze of the woman in the blue dress. Wang Lin had never seen her before and she didn't feel familiar at all. However, her gaze made him feel a bit puzzled.

Right now was not the moment to ponder this. Wang Lin's expression remained neutral as he continued to retreat.

The hundred towers closed in with sharp whistles that wanted to tear open the world and shot straight for the Moongazer Serpent.

These tall towers were like swords piercing through space. The Moongazer Serpent let out an angry roar as its countless tentacles reached out toward the incoming towers.

At this moment, the fastest tower closed in and was caught by a tentacle. The moment they touched, the tower immediately shattered into black powder that spread out.

As for the Alliance cultivators on the tower, they had already jumped off when the tower got close to the Moongazer Serpent.

Shortly after, more towers arrived while whistling. Most of them were caught by the Moongazer Serpent's tentacles and exploded into black powder.

As the black powder spread out, the remaining towers moved several times faster. They were like swords that penetrated the black powder, dodged the tentacles, and directly pierced the Moongazer Serpent's body.


Loud explosions echoed when the towers collided with the Moongazer Serpent. Cracks appeared at the tips of the towers and rapidly spread. In the blink of an eye, the towers were covered in cracks and then collapsed into powder.

Bang, bang, bang, bang! The explosions echoed as the towers that weren't stopped by the tentacles collided with the Moongazer Serpent's body and turned into powder.

During this process, the Moongazer Serpent roared as if it was crazy and its tentacles swept the area. Some of the surrounding cultivators weren't able to dodge quickly enough and died.

"Seal!" The voice of the woman in the blue dress was gentle, but it clearly echoed across the stars.

In an instant, all the black powder around the Moongazer Serpent gave off a demonic glow. The powder spread out and formed a sphere around the Moongazer Serpent. There were bright blood lights inside the sphere, and at this moment, an extremely shocking scene was unfolding on 100 planets scattered across the eastern, southern, and northern parts of the Alliance!

On one of the planets, almost all of the cultivators had been mobilized. They had captured demonic beasts from their habitats. All the demonic beasts were imprisoned in a very large formation.

This formation was a circle with a radius of 5,000 kilometer. Demonic beasts were densely packed within the formation; there were at least tens of thousands of them!

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Large amounts of cultivators floated in the sky outside the formation as if they were waiting for a command. There was a red-haired elder with them who apparently had high status. The surrounding cultivators moved with him as the center. When the woman in the blue dress gave the command, her voice seemed to be able to penetrate the void and travel across the stars due to a special spell to let the people present hear the command.

In an instant, the red-haired elder's eyes lit up and he waved his right hand!

With a wave of his arm, all the surrounding cultivators launched an orderly attack of spells and magic treasures at the tens of thousands of demonic beasts below them.

Waves of miserable roars echoed within this formation, and it became a sea of blood. The formation activated and completely absorbed the blood of these tens of thousands of demonic beasts clean!

This scene occurred in nearly 100 other planets!

This was one of the ten great formations in the Alliance, the Million Beast Blood Soul Seal!

These nearly one hundred towers were made with a special material to go along with this formation. At this moment, as the millions of beasts died on those 100 planets, the black powder surrounding the Moongazer Serpent gave off a powerful smell of blood!

This smell of blood was too dense. If one were to smell it, their heart would tremble!

The black powder began to move mysteriously under this dense scent of blood. The powder began to solidify and the Moongazer Serpent was completely sealed under this black, earth-like material!

The black powder outside the Moongazer Serpent solidified into a huge ball that trapped the Moongazer Serpent inside! Only its muffled roars continued to spread and echo among the stars.

At this moment, the tens of thousands of Alliance cultivators that had jumped off the towers before they collapsed all charged toward the Allheaven cultivators!

This scene shocked the Allheaven cultivators. Li Yunzi and the Shengong family ancestor looked at each other and then immediately jumped off the giant wood. Li Yunzi's right hand reached out to the void and the world's origin energy gathered. It condensed into almost 100 small flags!

He and the Shengong family ancestor were the two with the highest statuses here aside from the Xiang family ancestor and the middle-aged man from the Gongsun family. Before those two left, they temporarily handed command to Li Yunzi and the Shengong family ancestor.

Li Yunzi was burdened with an extremely important mission!

He grabbed a portion of of the flags and threw them to the side as he shouted, "72 Earth Celestials, gather your teams and exterminate all the Alliance cultivators!

"Order received!" Dozens of Allheaven cultivators immediately flew out. They were the Earth Celestials from the 108 celestials, but not all of them were here. They grabbed their flags and led their teams into a chaotic battle with the Alliance cultivators that got off the towers.

An instant later, bursts of rumbles and endless sounds of magic treasures echoed among the stars. Their endless flashes of light set off a monstrous slaughter intent.

The Shengong family ancestor also grabbed dozens of small flags and threw them. He shouted, "36 Heaven Celestials, help me break the seal on the Moon Beast!" After he spoke, he took a step and charged toward the seal. Behind him were dozens of cultivators along with their own respective teams. The big-headed boy was among them.

"Xu Mu, the four of you, guard me!" Li Yunzi's gaze swept past Wang Lin, the woman in the palace dress, the black-robed old man, and the youth in white before he sat down on the giant wood.

The wood shook and abruptly stopped in the sky. Li Yunzi sat down and then his hands formed a seal and he pointed to the spot between his eyebrows. His origin soul rushed out, and outside his origin soul were the three Battle Scrolls. They started circling around him.

Li Yunzi's origin soul pointed at one of the Battle Scrolls and sent out a thunderous wave of divine sense.

As this divine sense spread out, one of the 17 Lou Fu suddenly exploded and a bloody figure walked out.

This bloody figure was a man made of blood. After it appeared, it let out a roar and charged into the battle. Blood God and company weren't idling either. Black Fiend Devil Saint and Cloud Dragon Demon Saint were attacking Blood God and company. The two sides had opened up a new battlefield, and it was difficult to gain an advantage for either side!

The blood person went toward the battlefield of Blood God and Black Fiend Devil Saint. The moment the blood person arrived, Black Fiend Devil Saint was forced into a sorry state and had to retreat.

Li Yunzi's origin soul trembled and then he immediately sat down to recovered. Although his cultivation wasn't as powerful as Master Flamespark and company's, even inferior to Blood God's, his role in the battle between Allheaven and Alliance was great!

The 18 Lou Fu didn't belong to his Zhan family, but only his Zhan family had the spell to control them. It couldn't be passed to outsiders; only a few people from the Zhan family could use it!

This spell came from a sliver of comprehension and inheritance from the Battle Scrolls.

Although this matter sounds complicated, it was one of the secrets in the Allheaven Star System.

"Don't allow the person from the Zhan family touch the Lou Fu blood balls!"

However, this secret was broken during the preparations for the war against the Alliance. Master Flamespark, the Xiang family ancestor, the middle-aged man from the Gongsun family, and several old monsters had all decided to let Li Yunzi control the 18 Lou Fu!

As soon as Li Yunzi's origin soul recovered slightly, he pointed at another Battle Scroll!

His divine sense entered the Battle Scroll and turned into an incredible wave that swept across the stars. One of the 16 remaining Lou Fu exploded into countless drops of blood and formed another blood person!

This blood person let out a roar and charged straight toward where the Shengong famliy ancestor was battling the seal that was holding the Moongazer Serpent!

Among the Alliance cultivators, the woman in the blue dress frowned. She pointed with her jade-like hand and one of the Giant Demon Clan members let out a roar and stepped forward. The cultivation planet he was carrying wasn't very large, only about 1% of a normal cultivation planet. Nevertheless, the Giant Demon Clan member was really insignificant compared to it. However, the Giant Demon Clan member was very fast, and as he ran, he mercilessly threw it. The cultivation planet directly came crashing down toward the remaining 15 Lou Fu.

There was still an old man floating on the cultivation planet. His eyes lit up as he quickly approached the 15 Lou Fu along with the cultivation planet.

However, the suppression force became even stronger the closer you were to the Lou Fu. The old man's expression became serious as he rapidly approached the 15 Lou Fu.

As for the Giant Demon Clan member, he let out a roar and charged at Li Yunzi.

Li Yunzi's origin soul floated there and looked slightly bleak. He suddenly opened his eyes and shouted, "Lou Hong, Zhou Xingtian, the two of you, quickly go protect the Lou Fu!"

Chapter 926 - Self-destruction of a 10,000 Foot Giant Demon Clan

After he spoke, the black-robed old man and the white-robed youth charged out and went toward the Lou Fu. The Lou Fu had great influence on the Alliance cultivators, but not only did they not affect these two, they helped them greatly. They rushed over and immediately used their spells to protect them.

Li Yunzi clenched his teeth and pointed at another Battle Scroll. When his divine sense entered it, one of the 15 Lou Fu collapsed into a blood person to battle the old man on the cultivation planet.

At this moment, the 10,000 foot Giant Demon Clan member rushed over. If it met any Allheaven cultivators weaker than him, he would grab them and crush them with a roar before swallowing them.

This 10,000 foot Giant Demon Clan member was at the peak of the Corporeal Yang stage, but this body was too strong and thus could absorb a lot more origin energy than normal cultivators. Although he was only at the peak of the Corporeal Yang stage, he could battle against ordinary early stage Nirvana Scryer cultivators.

With how strong his body was, he wasn't afraid of most magic treasures. Right now, the giant charged straight for Li Yunzi on the giant wood. The giant's eyes were cloudy and there was a hint of madness in them.

"He wants to self destruct!" A very beautiful voice appeared next to Wang Lin's ear. It was the woman in the palace dress who spoke as the giant approached rapidly.

Wang Lin nodded and looked at Li Yunzi's origin soul. The origin soul was currently recovering to summon another blood person. Li Yunzi couldn't be disturbed right now.

However, Wang Lin didn't believe that Li Yunzi didn't have backup, but this wasn't the moment to test Li Yunzi. As the Giant Demon Clan member got closer and closer, Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he calmly said, "Let me!"

After he spoke, he took a step and charged straight at the giant.

The woman in the palace dress smiled gracefully. Although it was a battle, she was still extremely calm. She pulled back some hair behind her ear and smiled at Wang Lin. "Fellow Cultivator Xu, be careful."

When Wang Lin stepped off the giant wood and exited the giant wood's area of influence, he heard all of the chaos coming from the surrounding battles. As the Giant Demon Clan member approached, he could hear the sonic booms created by the charge.

The Giant Demon Clan member charged forward and moved faster and faster. A destructive aura spread out from his body, and in an instant, the giant closed in. His right hand formed a fist, and as he threw the punch, he shouted, "Back off!"

The fist arrived and the wind created by the fist swept by Wang Lin. Although this wind was strong, it couldn't even make Wang Lin take half a step back. With a cold expression, he threw out a punch as well.

This scene was extremely strange. The 10,000 foot giant's fist was incomparably huge, while Wang Lin was like an insignificant ant. His fist was even more negligible.

However, when the two fists closed, a thunderous rumble echoed, and it became stronger and stronger. It was as if all the sounds before this were preparations for the collision of the two fists!

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When the two fist came even closer to each other, the thunderous rumbles seemed to replace all sound. The surrounding cultivators only felt a hum echo endlessly in their ears.

Time seemed to slow down as the two fists came closer and closer. Then, in just one moment, the two fists collided and a thunderous rumble echoed!

This sound was so intense that it caused the countless surrounding cultivators to tremble. It also created an invisible shockwave that spread in all directions.

Large amounts of cultivators were interrupted from their battles and quickly retreated. They all looked in terror at the battle between Wang Lin and the giant.

The 10,000 foot giant's body trembled violently as he felt an unimaginable force coming from the other party's tiny fist. He coughed out a mouthful of blood and popping sounds echoed from his fist. A moment later, his right fist exploded in a bloody mess.

After letting a miserable scream, this 10,000 foot giant wasn't able to withstand his powerful force and was pushed back.

The collapse of his body didn't stop. Even though he was part of the Giant Demon Clan, he couldn't withstand Wang Lin's ancient god power. Not only did his right arm disintegrate, a large part of his body also disintegrated.

The madness in the Giant Demon Clan member's eyes became even stronger. He let out a roar and a destructive aura surged inside his body, and at that instant, he blew up!

The self-destruction of a peak Corporeal Yang cultivator was very strong, especially when this person had the body of a Giant Demon Clan member. This power was enough to even make Wang Lin frown.

Wang Lin's face turned slightly red and his eyes became even more cold. He forcibly coughed out some blood so people wouldn't suspect him too much, then his right hand formed a seal and he shouted, "Call the Wind!"

After he said those words, a black wind appeared in Wang Lin's right hand and turned into two black dragons. The black dragons rushed out, and as they devoured, they also spat out blasts of cold air that could extinguish life.

Call the Wind was extremely strong, and under the impact of the black dragons, the giant's body was instantly pushed very far away. The two dragons actually devoured the giant's body, which infinitely weakened the power of his self-destruction.


After a loud bang, the 10,000 foot Giant Demon Clan member exploded, causing an immeasurable impact. This caught the attention of the surrounding cultivators; even the old monsters that were fighting couldn't help but take a look.

Wang Lin's face turned slightly pale as he staggered back to the giant wood as if he was injured. In truth, killing a 10,000 foot Giant Demon Clan member was not difficult at all for Wang Lin, who had the body of an ancient god!

The woman in the palace dress on the giant wood smiled. "I admire Fellow Cultivator Xu's spells. The spell that lets you instantly increase the power of your body is especially shocking.

Li Yunzi opened his eyes and revealed admiration, but he didn't speak. He pointed at one of the Battle Scrolls and his divine sense entered it.

A second later, another of the 14 Lou Fu quickly shrank. Without collapsing, it condense into another blood person. This blood person seemed to contain a blood spell that could reverse the heavens. It charged directly at the old man on the cultivation planet that was battling another blood person, the black-robed old man, and the youth in white.

In the distance, the woman in the blue dress frowned even harder. She pointed with her jade-like hand and the other two 10,000 foot giants charged out. One of them went directly toward the Lou Fu.

As for the other, he charged directly toward the giant wood! As this Giant Demon Clan member closed in, the old man on the cultivation planet flew up. Then his hands formed a seal and he pressed down!

The cultivation planet between the old man and the Giant Demon Clan member suddenly began to rotate and emit a ripple. The old man began chanting and his eyes lit up. Then his hand pushed down and he shouted, "Cultivation planet fluctuation!"

After he spoke, the cultivation planet flew by itself and rotated even faster. However, as it rotated, it began to shrink until it was only half its original size.

At the same time, a scarlet red ripple spread out from the cultivation planet. Under the old man's control, it spread ahead at an unimaginable speed.

This red ripple was too fast. As it spread out, some Allheaven cultivators were affected. They began to tremble, and in an instant, their entire bodies, including their bags of holding, collapsed.

This ripple shot straight toward the giant wood. Wang Lin's expression changed, and Li Yunzi opened his eyes and shouted, "Xu Mu, Zi Yan, the two of you quickly scatter. Do your own things and don't bother guarding this old man!"

Even without Li Yunzi giving the command, Wang Lin had already moved the moment Li Yunzi spoke. He charged off the giant wood and quickly left this place with one teleportation.

The woman in the palace dress was the same and quickly left.

Just as the two of them left, the scarlet red ripple arrived. Li Yunzi's origin soul wrapped around his body and formed a seal. At this moment, both his origin soul and body disappeared into the giant wood.

The scarlet ripple landed on the giant wood and swept by along the giant wood's length.

Wang Lin dodged far away from the scarlet red ripple. However, his surroundings were in complete chaos. The moment he reappeared, a sword from an Alliance cultivator swept toward him.

There was a flash of coldness in Wang Lin's eyes, and he didn't even dodge. The sword hit his body and bounced off. Then he turned around and pointed.

This point contained origin energy and also the power of an ancient god. It landed directly on the person who had sneak-attacked him. Aghast filled this person's eyes, and just as he was about to retreat, a large amount of blood mist exploded from his body. His origin soul fled in panic, but just then, another Allheaven cultivator caught his origin soul and crushed it.

The Allheaven cultivator was filled with killing intent as he looked at Wang Lin. He licked his lips and said in a hoarse voice, "Xu Mu, why don't the two of us compete again? Let's see who kills more!"

This Allheaven cultivator was Vice Thunder Celestial Xu Ting!

Wang Lin's expression was neutral as he calmly said, "If you really want to compare, then why not see who can kill that woman?" As he spoke, he pointed at the woman in the blue dress!

Xu Ting was startled and his expression was uncertain. He clenched his teeth and said, "Good, then let us compete with this! We'll both slaughter our way there and see who will succeed!"

The woman obviously had a very high status, or else she wouldn't be leading this battle. However, this woman's cultivation didn't seem to be that high, only mid stage of Nirvana Scryer.

Chapter 927 - Lord Doesn't Know Me

Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he sneered in his heart, but he charged forward toward the woman in the blue dress first. Xu Ting's expression was gloomy as he followed suit. The two of them charged toward the horizon.

There were many cultivators killing each other and all kinds of magic treasures were flying around. Xu Ting was bloodthirsty; any time he encountered someone with a lower cultivation level, he would immediately attack. As a result, he was a bit slower.

Wang Lin had more than 1,000 years of experience, so he had easily seen through Xu Ting's intent. He didn't point it out or use the same method as Xu Ting. Instead, his speed didn't fall as he closed in on the woman in the blue dress.

During the chaotic battle, the woman in the blue dress clearly saw Wang Lin and Xu Ting's actions. She was calm, but she didn't look at Xu Ting. She only looked at Wang Lin with a cold gaze.

Wang Lin moved even faster and faster as he traveled between the cultivators. A moment later, he was already within 1,000 feet of the woman. While letting out a laugh, his right hand formed a fist and he mercilessly threw a punch!

This punch hit the void, and a thunderous roar echoed and countless ripples spread out. It created a powerful shockwave that charged straight at the woman in the blue dress.

Wang Lin's figure didn't stop; he charged in right after the shockwave.

Not far away from Wang Lin, Xu Ting's eyes lit up and he sneered. Not only did he not move closer, he retreated to the side. There was a hint of mockery in his eyes.

"Xu Mu, you have been cultivating for so many years, yet your schemes are only this shallow. This woman obviously has a special status in the Alliance, or else she wouldn't be organizing this battle. Although her cultivation level isn't high, she must have a powerful guardian. You want to lure me into killing her? Do you think I'm a three-year-old child? I want to see how you end this!"

He stared at Wang Lin, who was closing in on the woman in the blue dress, and the sneer on his face became even stronger.

Wang Lin didn't slow down and followed the shockwave. The shockwave was earth-shattering and moved like lightning. It arrived 100 feet before the woman in the blue dress.

There was a flash of coldness in her eyes. She knew that the Giant Demon Clan member under her couldn't stop this person. However, there was no trace of panic as she calmly lifted her left hand and pressed down on the void below her.

Just at this instant, the cultivation planet the Giant Demon Clan member was carrying began to rotate at an incredible speed. Waves of scarlet red ripples quickly spread out.

The scarlet red ripples contained a destructive aura. As they spread, the cultivation planet shrank at a rate visible to the naked eye.

The shockwave created by Wang Lin's punch collided with the scarlet red ripples. There was a loud bang and the shockwave collapsed.

The scarlet red ripples quickly spread toward Wang Lin without any obstruction.

[渡邉優美]ツヨカワ女子レーサーボートレーサーとして,ひとりの人として,これが私の「決まりごと」! 渡邉優美の"6styles"BOAT RACE振興会




Xu Ting felt ecstasy in his heart as he watched this. This Xu Mu had really overestimated himself. If he were to die here, it would be a blessing! However, just as Xu Ting was feeling joy, Wang Lin, who was near the scarlet red ripples, suddenly turned around and looked at Xu Ting with a smile that wasn't a smile.

When his expression fell in Xu Ting's eyes, it made Xu Ting tremble.

"Not good!" Xu Ting believe he understood Wang Lin. Seeing Wang Lin make such an expression when he was at a moment of life and death made his mind tremble.

Just at this moment, a giant furnace appeared around Wang Lin. The sound of the furnace echoed as Wang Lin's right hand pointed at Xu Ting and he shouted, "Change positions!"

In an instant, a power that made Xu Ting lose his wit appeared around him. It didn't give him any time to react, and this power was not something he could resist. The power surrounded his body and he felt as if time itself had stopped. The scarlet red ripples were less than one foot away from Wang Lin when he suddenly changed positions with Xu Ting!

It was as if the world was reversed!

At the next instant, time seemed to return back to normal. In truth, time didn't stop at all. It was all an illusion that Xu Ting felt due to the spell being too fast.

When he regained his composure, all the hair on his body stood up and a life and death crisis surrounded him. His vision was covered in red, but this wasn't time for him to think. His hands formed a seal and his celestial origin energy surged out like crazy. His body shrank, and in the blink of an eye, more than one hundred barriers formed around him!

These barriers were formed by his celestial origin energy along with a celestial spell his Xu family had passed down. From afar, Xu Ting looked like a sun as he was covered by layers of golden light. The instant the barriers appeared around him, the scarlet red ripples closed in.

Bang, bang, bang, bang!!

The scarlet ripples were like violent waves that bombarded him non-stop. In an instant, more than 30 of the 100 plus barriers around Xu Ting collapsed!

This scene made Xu Ting's scalp go numb, but he didn't idle by, he retreated. As the scarlet red ripples spread out, dozens more of the barriers around him collapsed.

"Xu Mu!!!"

Xu Ting let out a roar and his hatred had reached a peak. The scarlet red ripples were significantly faster than Xu Ting. No matter how far he retreated, the scarlet red ripples still caught up and passed by.

Bang, bang, bang!

The moment the scarlet red ripples passed through Xu Ting, all of the barriers around him collapsed. He felt his body being pulled so hard that it was going to shatter.

The moment his barriers collapsed, Xu Ting took out more than a hundred jades. Without time to feel heartache for them, he crushed them all and more than 100 different-colored barriers appeared around him.

In addition, he took out large amount of treasures to resist the ripples.

However, the moment these barriers formed, they immediately collapsed; even the magic treasures shattered as well. Although this was the case, the scarlet red ripples had grown weaker after Xu Ting's continued resistance. After all, this wasn't a concentrated attack, it was spread out, so the power was divided by a lot.

However, even so, it was not something Xu Ting could resist. After all, he had consumed a lot of celestial origin energy and used a number of magic treasures in the battle. Using this chance, he coughed out blood that contained his celestial origin. The blood diffused around him as he quickly escaped from the scarlet red ripples.

If he had used the blood escape when the ripples were strong, he might not have been able to escape. However, now that the ripples were weakened, he hand a chance.

He really wasn't willing to use the blood escape unless it was his last resort in the battlefield. Although it was only for a moment, in his mind, the danger he faced was no less than when he faced Wang Lin in one line to heaven!

The hatred he had for Wang Lin in his heart was already indescribable. He turned around and roared, "Xu Mu, you…" He wanted to use this roar to expose Wang Lin's behavior so that the Allheaven cultivators and the old monsters would be suspicious of Wang Lin.

However, just when he was about to speak, his words were cut off by Wang Lin's laughter. Wang Lin charged out toward the scarlet red ripples as Xu Ting retreated. At the same time, he laughed. "Fellow Cultivator Xu is indeed reliable. Since you helped me weaken the scarlet red ripples, I, Xu Mu, will naturally not forget. If I can kill this woman, then you will also also gain credit for the kill!"

As Wang Lin spoke, he moved extremely fast. The scarlet red ripples that made contact with Xu Ting were already weakened. Wang Lin's two fingers formed a sword, then his ancient god body plus his origin energy and the Yin and Yang fishes collided with the scarlet red ripples.


After a loud bang, Wang Lin charged inside the scarlet red ripples without any obstruction!

When Xu Ting saw all of this, monstrous anger filled his eyes. The blood light around him collapsed due to the anger and he staggered back. The anger injured his mind, causing him to cough out more blood.

This mouthful of blood made him sober. He suppressed his anger and revealed a cold gaze before retreating without hesitation.

Wang Lin let out a sigh in his heart. This Xu Ting was indeed a character. Although he was angered, he was able to regain clarity rather quickly. He was trying to kill Xu Ting by borrowing someone else's hand. If he had succeeded, it would've been a joyous occasion.

Wang Lin had never forgotten that there was still a sliver of source origin energy in Xu Ting's body. Back then, he killed Xu Ting's avatar and took half of that source origin energy.

At this moment, he ignored Xu Ting. As Wang Lin charged into the scarlet red ripples, he stared at the woman in the blue dress. As he moved forward, his right hand formed a seal and pointed at the void, making black wind appear. It surrounded the area and formed a black whirlwind!

This whirlwind was extremely powerful, and the roar of a dragon came out from inside it. Then the heads of two dragons peaked out and charged directly at the woman in the blue dress.

The woman's expression was still cold, but her gaze toward Wang Lin became complex.

"Lord doesn't know me, but I know you!"

She let out a sigh and looked at the eight leaf lotus flower. Then her left hand plucked a leaf and gently threw it forward. The leaf flew forward and emitted a fragrance. It rapidly grew until it was hundreds of feet large and gently fell toward Wang Lin.


A loud explosion came from the space 100 feet around Wang Lin. A powerful aura seemed to surround the 100 feet of space around him. It was as if everything inside this space had to collapse!

Crackling sounds appeared under Wang Lin's feet and a huge crack appeared. A powerful force came from space as if it was trying to push him into the crack!

Chapter 928 - Five Element Golden Corpse

"Since you don't understand, then disappear with the void!" The woman in the blue dress put down her left hand. The complex gaze in her eyes gradually disappeared.

Wang Lin's pupils shrank as he felt a pressure descend upon him. Under this pressure, he found that the origin energy inside his body was actually obstructed.

The black whirlwind roared around him and the two black dragons inside charged out at the lotus flower leaf. The dragons roared and blasted out cold wind.

However, the lotus leaf didn't pause, it moved faster. The crack under Wang Lin's feet became bigger and cold wind rushed out of it. At this moment, the two black dragons collided with the leaf.

There was a loud bang as one of the black dragon trembled and collapsed into black gas that was pushed back. The other dragon blasted out cold air that did nothing to the leaf. The leaf absorbed it all and revealed a hint of green light.

As this green light spread, the pressure became even stronger! Even the black whirlwind disintegrated under this pressure.

"What kind of treasure is this?!" Wang Lin's eyes lit up, then he stretched open his arms and shouted, "Summon the Rain!"

This was the first time Wang Lin had used the second spell he learned from Celestial Emperor Bai Fan! As he said these words, the origin energy of the world seemed to be getting churned by a pair of large hands and quickly gathered.

A thin layer of water mist appeared before Wang Lin's body. His hand stretch out, and it was as if new life had been injected into the black mist. It immediately formed a vortex around Wang Lin and rotated rapidly.

Drops of rain continued to form while origin energy from the world gathered within the black gas. A sliver of celestial origin energy came out from Wang Lin's body to communicate with the world.

In the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of drops of rain formed in the black vortex around Wang Lin. Each drop contained a great amount of power!

There was a strand of celestial spiritual energy within this vortex, which made Wang Lin look like a celestial! His arms were stretched out as he floated among the stars. The black wind around him rotated like crazy as drops of rain formed and floated around him. The raindrops were like crystals; they looked very gorgeous from afar.

Just at this instant, Wang Lin waved his hand. With him as the center, the vortex trembled and spun in reverse. There was a thunderous rumble as it rose into the air!

It looked like a 1,000 feet vortex was rising up into the air to connect with the heavens! The rumbling continued as the vortex pulled Wang Lin up. One could only catch a glimpse of Wang Lin's figure.

As the vortex rose, the 10,000 drops of rain rushed out. They whistled through the air as if the earth had become the sky. The rain was born from the earth and then it went back up to the sky and then it died at the end of the sky!

There were hints of thunder intent in Wang Lin's eyes, but he suppressed it. There was no need to expose his true cultivation here. The vortex and 10,000 drops of rain directly pressed down on the lotus flower leaf.

The vortex first closed in on the lotus flower leaf, making it tremble. Then the 10,000 raindrops fell on the leaf. The sound of the raindrops hitting the leaf echoed and the leaf suddenly collapsed!

[渡邉優美]ツヨカワ女子レーサーボートレーサーとして,ひとりの人として,これが私の「決まりごと」! 渡邉優美の"6styles"BOAT RACE振興会

The impact caused by the collapse of the leaf was scattered by the vortex and raindrops. The pressure on Wang Lin disappeared, then his hand formed a seal and he pointed at the woman in the blue dress.

The vortex and raindrops formed by Summon the Rains swept by Wang Lin and charged at the woman in the blue dress.

Just at this moment, the Black Fiend Devil Saint, who was clearly losing against Blood God and the blood person, quickly escaped. In a flash, he charged directly at Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he retreated without hesitation. Although he was attempting to kill this woman, he wasn't really trying to kill her. He just had to make it look like he, Xu Mu, was making effort during this battle.

Besides, with his previous achievement, everything else could be skipped over.

As he retreated, coldness flashed in the eyes of woman in the blue dress. Her right hand pointed at the seven leaf lotus flower, causing an illusory lotus to appear and completely block Summon the Rain.

She looked at the battlefield. The Alliance was currently in an unfavorable situation! However, she didn't panic, as she knew this wasn't the real battle. This was merely the prelude!

Raising her jade-like hand, she formed a seal, pointed at the void, and softly said, "Please help, Corpse Prison Realm!"

After she spoke, a giant, 50-kilometer-wide formation silently appeared in the void before her! This formation was hanging upside down and was rotating rapidly. Blackish purple gas was pouring out of it and a purple chain suddenly fell from inside the formation.

There was an Allheaven cultivator below it that didn't dodge fast enough and was hit by the chain. His body immediately collapsed and his origin soul was trapped by the chain.

From a distance, one could see that the cultivator's origin soul seemed to be stuck to the chain. No matter how much he struggled, he couldn't escape.

Another chain came out from the formation and dangled there. One by one, the chains fell, and after only a few moments, there were over 100 chains sweeping the area.

Just at this moment, a muffled roar came from the formation. This sound was filled with the feeling of being torn apart. When you heard it, it was as if your origin soul was being torn apart.

A person walked out from the formation. The moment the person walked out, the smell of rotting corpses filled the area. This person was 100 feet tall and completely purple. This wasn't a living creature, but a corpse!

This corpse had large amounts of chains wrapped around it. The chains that were dangling earlier were the chains that were wrapped around his corpse.

This corpse wasn't formed naturally but refined from countless remains with a spell. In the Alliance, it was referred to as refined corpse!

This object was formed naturally by the Corpse Prison Realm, with the Corpse Sect providing the corpse. Over the tens of thousands of years, there were only 18 made! Each corpse had cultivation equal to a late stage Nirvana Scryer cultivator!

The first refined corpse that appeared shook the chains on its body and let out a roar. This roar could penetrate the body and directly affect the origin soul.

As the refined corpse roared, it charged into a group of cultivators and waved its chains around. The chains became its most fierce treasures.

As it swept across the area, it created a gust of wind. A large amount of cultivators were no match and were forced to retreat.

At this moment, a second refined corpse walked out from the formation. While letting a roar, it charged into the battlefield.

As the refined corpses walked out one by one, the situation on the battlefield began to reverse. This was especially true when the last three refined corpses walked out. They didn't emit a purple glow, two of them glowed silver and one them glowed gold!

The two silver refined corpses were a male and female. Although they had sluggish expressions, their bodies were the size of a normal person's body and they were wearing silver shirts. There were still chains around them, but only two. The moment they appeared, they gave off the pressure of early stage Nirvana Cleanser cultivators.

The last refined corpse couldn't even be described as a corpse. He was middle-age and wore a dragon robe; he was like a mortal emperor!

There weren't any chains around him; he only had five yellow talismans around his head. There were bursts of lightning that formed a close connection between the talismans.

The aura of the five elements was coming from his body. The moment Wang Lin saw that man, he immediately thought of the five elements and the first time he encountered Red Butterfly!

"Five element spirit body!" Wang Lin retreated even faster. He knew that with his cultivation level, he couldn't play a big role in a big battle between two star systems. This was why he had acted with self-preservation as the goal from the beginning.

If there was merit, he would take it. If there was none, then he would focus on staying alive!

"I don't know where Senior Brother Qing Shu is, but I believe he should be nearby!" Wang Lin continued to retreat, but the woman in the blue dress had no intention of letting Wang Lin go. She pointed with her jade-like hand and an ordinary refined corpse stared at Wang Lin and chased after him.

Wang Lin's expression became gloomy. If he was facing a mid stage Nirvana Scryer with his current body and spells, he could win. However, when facing a late stage Nirvana Scryer, he would have to use all his abilities for a chance at victory, and there were a lot of variables.

However, it would be unwise to use all his abilities in this great battle. Also, if he was injured, he would immediately be in a dangerous situation.

Wang Lin's plan was to find a chance during the chaos and enter the Moongazer Serpent unnoticed. Then he would take the opportunity to steal the power inheritance of the child ancient god.

As he retreated, the refined corpse chased after him. The refined corpse swung its chains around, forcing open a path to Wang Lin.

There was a flash of coldness coming from Wang Lin's eyes as he moved closer to the Moongazer Serpent. Muffled roars came from the Moongazer Serpent. Wang Lin didn't believe that just these cultivators from the Alliance could trap the Moongazer Serpent.

Once the Moongazer Serpent became angry, everything would collapse. This mere sealing formation couldn't seal the Moongazer Serpent.

A moment later, Wang Lin approached the black shell that trapped the Moongazer Serpent. The Shengong family ancestor was leading cultivators to constantly attack the black shell.

Wang Lin's approach didn't attract the attention of any of these people. The refine corpse continued to chase after Wang Lin and got closer and closer. It threw one of the chains around it after Wang Lin, and the sound of the chain whistling through the air entered Wang Lin's ears.

Wang Lin's eyes had a cold glint. He was very calm as he quickly backed up and touched the black shell sealing the Moongazer Serpent. The moment he touched the shell, he released a sliver of his ancient god aura into it.

Just at this instant, the Moongazer Serpent inside the shell noticed the ancient god aura by instinct and became crazy. This roar from the Moongazer Serpent was heaven-shaking.

The anger of the Moongazer Serpent was like the finger of the ancient god. The more angry it was, the stronger this spell was. A thunderous rumble came from the shell and countless cracks appeared as if an unimaginable force was coming from within the shell. In an instant, the black shell collapsed!

The moment it collapsed, a rough ancient god finger poked out!

Chapter 929 - Wang Lin's Thing

The Moongazer Serpent used its incomparable spell in the northern region for the first time. This spell was triggered by its anger and allowed the cultivators here to feel its unimaginable strength!

If some people were underestimating the Moongazer Serpent before or didn't consider it enough of a threat, they threw all those ideas out of their minds when the seal collapsed. The only thing that remained was a shock from their souls!

At this moment, a large amount of cracks appeared on the black shell around the Moongazer Serpent. Countless fragments were sent whistling in all directions.

The countless black shell fragments spread out with powerful impact. Some of the cultivators didn't dodge fast enough and were hit by the fragments. They coughed out blood and then their bodies collapsed. Not even their origin souls were able to escape.

There were even several people that were hit by the edges of the fragments, and their bodies were immediately sliced in half. Blood mist filled the area, creating a shocking scene.

All of this caused the surroundings to become silent for a moment, as if every single gaze was focused on this place. However, in this silence, a roar from ancient times came from within the black shell.


This roar was infinitely close to the roar of an ancient god. It seemed to penetrate time itself, as if it had always been there. This roar was filled with endless force.

The ancient god finger suddenly flew out. It was impossible to describe the might and spectacle of the ancient god finger. It could only be said that the world would collapse under that finger!

No power could resist the power of this finger. Everything must perish under the power of that finger!

The refined corpse pursing Wang Lin was dumbfounded. There was a brief moment of blankness in its mind, and it weighed consequences of facing the ancient god finger head on!


The moment the ancient god finger charged out, it landed on the refined corpse. As popping sounds echoed, the chains on the refined corpse all collapsed. Large amounts of black blood were push out from the back of its body due to this endless force. Its entire body seemed to have been pulled back and its purple skin immediately began to dissipate.

In the blink of an eye, it was as if it had been skinned by someone. Following that, all of its bones and flesh crumbled and finally, the refined corpse exploded.

Although this sequence of events sounds slow, it only took a few breaths of time!

The ancient god finger didn't stop and mercilessly pressed forward. Wang Lin had already retreated a moment before. His eyes lit up, and as he looked, he felt as if there was an indomitable adult ancient god behind that finger. The adult ancient god's thick arm was pushing the finger forward in an endless wave of destruction.

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The Moongazer Serpent's giant body followed after the ancient god finger and rushed out with its countless tentacles spread out. Large amounts of mist spread out from its oval body and its fierce eyes met Wang Lin's eyes. The moment their gazes met, Wang Lin felt something was wrong.

This Moongazer Serpent's eyes were extremely clear, without any trace of confusion. Wang Lin had a feeling that when he looked at the Moongazer Serpent, it was looking back at him.

The Moongazer Serpent broke free and gave the Allheaven cultivators a huge morale boost. This battle was full of twists and turns. Sometimes the Alliance held the upper hand and sometimes Allheaven had the advantage.

At this moment, the Moongazer Serpent reappeared, and the pressure it gave off shook the stars. The ancient god finger didn't dissipate and continued to sweep forward at an extremely fast pace.

All cultivators that were before it exploded and died before it even got close to them.

Wang Lin had spent his life in slaughter, but the number of deaths that occurred during this war was far more than all the people he had killed. This was the first time Wang Lin had encountered a war like this.

The battle between planet Suzaku and the Forsaken Immortal Clan was truly insignifiant compared to this!

The situation reversed. The ancient god finger whistled through space, and all the cultivators before it collapsed, not even able to slow it down. The ancient god finger swept toward Black Fiend Devil Saint.

The expression of the Alliance's Black Fiend Devil Saint changed. As the ancient god finger closed in, he clenched his teeth and spat out a black mist while his hands formed a seal. The black mist immediately turned into a giant black crane.

This black crane held a black leaf in its mouth. The moment it appeared, it dropped the leaf, and the leaf began to grow like crazy.

In almost an instant, this leaf was more than 10,000 feet tall and spread to the sides, creating a barrier.

The ancient god finger closed in and collided with the leaf. There were crackling sounds and then the leaf collapsed into strands of black gas.

Black Fiend Devil Saint's face turned pale and he coughed out blood and retreated. However, his right hand reached toward the void and a wood carving appeared in his grasp.

This wood carving was extremely strange. It was a person with folded arms surrounded by plants. It was impossible to see the face, as it was covered by plants.

The moment the wood carving was taken out, Black Fiend Devil Saint threw it without hesitation.

A black light that could devour all light came from the carving. It was as if the carving had come to life, and the plants began to move. The plants charged directly off the wood carving.

As the plants charged off, five 1,000-foot-long black flowers appeared from the void. These five black flowers gave off a strange aura. One of the flowers charged toward the ancient god finger. The center of the flower opened up like a mouth and spat out an extremely cold energy.

The remaining four flowers opened their mouths and spat out large amounts of black gas.

At the same time, the eyes of the wood carving shined red, making it seem to truly come alive. It opened its arms as if it was about to embrace something. It then rushed into the black gas and directly clung onto the ancient god finger. Black lines came from its body and immediately spread across the ancient god finger.

Wang Lin saw this scene from the distance and revealed a sneer. If the ancient god finger could be broken so easily, then the Allheaven cultivators wouldn't have spent so much effort to bring the Moongazer Serpent here.

This Moongazer Serpent could be considered the most powerful weapon Allheaven had prepared for this war! Wang Lin's gaze swept by and landed on the giant wood in the distance.

"I doubt charging forward is the only thing that wood can do. After standing on it for so long, I felt like there was something else inside…" Hundreds of thoughts flashed through his mind. The battle between the two star systems had endlessly broadened his horizons.

All of this was very important to him. After all, his cultivation time was simply too short compared to these old masters, so he was less knowledgeable than them.

This great battle was like a display of spells and magic treasures. Wang Lin had absorbed all this information and also learned of the power of Nirvana Cleanser and Nirvana Shatterer cultivators.

If this war didn't exist, it would have been very difficult for Wang Lin to learn this.

At this moment, just as Black Fiend Devil Saint used a magic treasure to stop the ancient god finger, on the Alliance side, the remaining 10 refined corpses let out roars and charged. The two silver corpses moved faster than the rest.

However, even with all of them combined, it still wasn't enough to compare to the finger of the ancient god!

As the Moongazer Serpent charged over, it let out another roar. Its roar was so powerful that it shook the entire space. Those who's cultivation was lacking had to evade, or they would be seriously injured.

The roar of the Moongazer Serpent was only a roar for others, but when it landed in Wang Lin's ears, it had a completely different meaning. Wang Lin's expression changed and his hands moved without hesitation to place down countless restrictions before him. The ancient god furnace appeared around him and he quickly retreated.

The instant he retreated, the Moongazer Serpent's roar caused the ancient god finger that Black Fiend Devil Saint and the refined corpses were dealing with to explode!


It was impossible to explain the explosion of the ancient god finger. Everything within 5,000 kilometers of it seemed to have been directly torn open. Screams came from a large amount of cultivators as they were directly sucked into the crack and disappeared without a trace.

Countless cultivators panicked and retreated in terror. They only hated themselves for being too slow.

The Moongazer Serpent was the only one who wasn't damaged at all. It charged forward, and its tentacles swept out to start a massacre. As for Black Fiend Devil Saint, who was at the center of the explosion, he coughed out large amounts of blood and was thrown back. He had never been in such a sorry state in his tens of thousands of years of cultivation.

His body was seriously damaged and was on the verge of collapse.

The current him was filled with shock. During his life of cultivation, he had never encountered such a powerful beast. After coughing out blood, he escaped frantically, as if he was out of his wits.

As for the dozen refined corpses, aside from the silver corpses, the rest weren't able to resist the ancient god finger at all. They had burst into a piles of flesh and blood while being sucked into the void.

Even the two silver corpses were knocked back, and the chains on their bodies collapsed as they coughed out black blood. The beautiful female corpse actually charged directly at Wang Lin.

"This kind of treasure is something that should belong to me!" Wang Lin's eyes lit up as he looked not only at the female corpse but also at the half-broken wood carving.

Chapter 930 - Alliance Elder Group

Wang Lin was the first to become aware of this situation, so he was fully prepared. A moment before the ancient god finger exploded, he had already retreated and activated the ancient god furnace. As a result, he wasn't affected much. He looked at the Moongazer Serpent and then at the female corpse thrown at him.

The moment he first saw the refined corpse, he had the idea of stealing it. When the ancient god finger exploded, he purposely adjusted his direction just for this silver corpse.

Of the two silver corpses, the male corpse was too seriously damaged, so Wang Lin abandoned it. Although this female corpse was also damaged, it was obviously in much better condition than the male corpse.

"Since I'm participating in a war, no one will say anything if I take a treasure, much less when the battlefield is this chaotic." Wang Lin's eyes lit up as he took advantage of the chaos caused by the explosion of the ancient god finger to charge at the female corpse.

However, Wang Lin wasn't the only person who had decided to fish in troubled waters. There were several more who took interest in the female corpse.

There were Allheaven and Alliance cultivators among them.

Seven different people charged at the female corpse from different directions. Wang Lin wasn't the closest one, but he was the fastest.

As he charged, coldness flashed in his eyes. He only needed a few breaths to reach the female corpse, but his eyes lit up and he calmly slowed down.

The moment he slowed down, an Allheaven cultivator charged out, closed in on the female corpse, and reached out.

At the same time, an Alliance cultivators also stepped out but didn't take the female corpse. Instead, he opened his mouth and spat out a ray of sword energy directly at the Allheaven cultivator.

The two of them began a battle at close range. It sounds like a lot, but it all happened very quickly, and as the two battled, another cultivator took advantage of this to close in. He grabbed the woman's arm and was about to leave.

However, just at this moment, this cultivator suddenly turned around and panic filled his eyes. He screamed as his body shrank until it was a pool of blood.

This shocking change shocked the two cultivators that were battling. They looked at the female corpse and no longer dared to grab it. After a moment of hesitation, three people, including Wang Lin, sped up and charged ahead.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up and the ancient god furnace appeared around him. In an instant, he switched places with one of the Allheaven cultivator that had charged ahead.

That Allheaven cultivator was startled when he felt a powerful force pulling him. When he regained his vision, he found he had switched places with Wang Lin. He knew Wang Lin's identity, so after letting out a wry smile, he gave up on this treasure and charged for the next one.

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After using the spell, Wang Lin closed in on the female corpse. The two cultivators who were closest to the female corpse saw everyone else closing in. They clenched their teeth and grabbed the female corpse almost at the exact same moment.

However, just at this moment, the two of them screamed and their bodies rapidly withered until they became pools of blood that were absorbed by the female corpse. The blood condensed into a speck of red light between her eyebrows.

One of the Alliance cultivators closed in. He wore a python robe and his right hand reached out as he laughed. Although it looked like he was reaching for the woman, in truth, his hand contained a spell, and it looked more like he was going to attack her. Wang Lin's eyes lit up. He arrived almost at the same time as this Alliance cultivator. His two fingers formed a sword and he thrusted them out as he shouted, "Move aside!"

The Alliance cultivator chuckled. Not only did he not stop, he moved even faster and whispered, "So even Thunder Celestial Xu Mu covets this female corpse's beauty!"

There was a flash of coldness in Wang Lin's eyes. Just as the Alliance cultivator closed in on the female corpse, Wang Lin pointed with his right hand and softly said, "Stop!"

The Alliance cultivator trembled. It was as if he had been surrounded by countless invisible threads and became motionless.

Wang Lin didn't pause at all. In a flash, he reached for the female corpse. Wang Lin's reach was very clever. He didn't try to grab her from the start; the moment his hand got close, his origin energy along with the ancient god power and the Yin and Yang fishes were imprinted between her eyebrows.

There was a bang and her body trembled. The red light that formed after absorbing several cultivators suddenly dissipated.

Then Wang Lin didn't stop. He directly grabbed the female corpse and passed by the Alliance cultivator. When he passed by, he kicked the Alliance cultivator in the chest without any hesitation.

There was a flash of white light and the cultivator was pushed back. His face turned pale and he coughed out a large mouthful of blood, but he didn't die. Instead, he looked viciously at Wang Lin and retreated while covering his chest.

Holding the female corpse, Wang Lin looked down at it. The female corpse was surrounded by a red light that was slowly gathering toward her face. The reason Wang Lin slowed down was because he noticed something was wrong. What happen after was just as he expected, several cultivators died.

If the female corpse was only this strange, Wang Lin would have given it up. After all, this was a war, and self-preservation still came first. However, after the female corpse absorbed three cultivators' blood essence, there were some changes. This was what made him continue to fight for it.

As he backed up, his left hand formed a seal and he placed countless restrictions on the female corpse along with a mouthful of essence origin energy. After putting her inside his bag, he charged off into the collapsing space.

The collapse had formed a giant vortex that formed a powerful suction that wanted to devour everything. Only the Moongazer Serpent could ignore this suction as he slaughtered like crazy.

At this moment, several old monsters in the Alliance surrounded the Moongazer Serpent to prevent it from advancing. Even that Cloud Dragon Demon Saint closed in on the Moongazer Serpent.

However, Blood God and company also circled the Moongazer and battled the Alliance cultivators. The blood people that had appeared one by one also launched an overwhelming offensive against the Alliance.

Waves of rumbles echoed along with the roar of the Moongazer Serpent. The fight between Master Flamespark and Wudo Chan was shaking the world. The rumbles inside the black mist caused by their fighting was extremely intense.

The fluctuations that would occasionally come from their clashes was something even Blood God and company had to avoid.

In the distance, the woman in the blue dress had no panic on her face as she observed all of this. Beside her, the golden corpse quietly stood there with a cold expression. The five yellow talismans slowly rotated around its head. Lightning moved between the talismans, constantly keeping it sealed.

The woman in the blue dress raised her right hand and softly said, "I invite Xuan Palace's big elder, Esteemed Xuan Bao."

A laugh echoed across the stars. There wasn't much cultivation in this laugh, but all the treasures trembled for a moment as if they were about to leave their masters.

The escaping Black Fiend Devil Saint let out a sigh of relief. Not only him, even Cloud Dragon Demon Saint relaxed. He simply gave up fighting and quickly retreated.

The two of them knew very well that the so-called four saints wasn't just them. Among them, only Ji Xiantian was a real saint!

The Alliance's four saints were divided into Moon, Cloud, Xian, and Yao! Ji Xiantian was the Xian saint. Each of them had three subordinates, so no matter how you combineed it, it would form four saints!

In truth, for this battle, the Cultivation Alliance had only dispatched the Xian saint and his three subordinates!

Esteemed Xuan Bao had a very high status in the Xuan Palace. What really made people in the Alliance respect and fear him was that he was one of the Alliance Elders who could decide everything inside the Alliance!

This was his more prominent identity!

Aside from the people inside the Alliance Elder Group, no one else knew exactly how many were within this group. However, each of them was extremely powerful and could reverse the heavens!

The reason All-Seer was respected and the Cultivation Alliance had even sent someone to bare gifts during his birthday was because he was a member of this mysterious elder group! However, there were some matters that caused his status to fall, but nevertheless, he was still a member!

If it wasn't for the fact that All-Seer was lowkey, people like Ling Tianhou wouldn't be able to exist at all. As long as he wished it, he could make them all disappear in an instant. However, after a certain incident, he became even more lowkey and rarely participated in any elder meetings; he shut himself out.

It has to be said that not even Ji Xiantian or Wudo Chan, who was battling Master Flamespark, were eligible to become elders. Before Esteemed Xuan Bao, these two were nothing!

No one knew what level of cultivation was required for one to become a member of the elder group. Some even suspected that although cultivation was related, that wasn't the only thing. The elder group held the highest level of power and secrets within the Alliance!

Its members were the real rulers of the Alliance!

Esteemed Xuan Bao wore white and he was slightly thin, but these gave him the air of a celestial. His eyes were bright and seemed to be filled with endless depth. If someone looked into his eyes, they could easily be immersed and might end up unable to pull themselves out for a long time.

He had the appearance of a true elder. There was also a whisk in his hand as he appeared next to the woman in the blue dress.

The woman in the blue dress softly said, "Junior greets Uncle-Master."

Esteemed Xuan Bao looked at the battlefield in the distance and laughed. "Little girl, your master let you preside over this battle and had everyone listen to you. He even deliberately chose this place for the battlefield. This kind of fortune is not something that happens often."

As he smiled, Esteemed Xuan Bao didn't seem to care about the battle at all. Only when he saw the Moongazer Serpent did his pupils shrink. He revealed a meaningful smile.

Chapter 931 - Pseudo Nirvana Void

"I didn't think the records of the ancient Rain Celestial Realm was actually true!" Esteemed Xuan Bao smiled as he looked at the Moongazer Serpent moving forward while surrounded by Allheaven cultivators.

His eyes lit up and his right hand waved in the air as he softly said, "Rain Celestial Guard!"

After he spoke, bursts of roars echoed among the stars. A giant crack appeared before Esteemed Xuan Bao. This crack was like a wound being opened in thin air, and it was at least 1,000 feet long.

An extremely powerful pressure surrounded the area. There was a flash of golden light as a golden-armored man walked out.

This golden man gave off a golden glow; he was as eye-catching as the sun. He wore a gorgeous golden armor and looked like a soldier of the heavens!

With one step, this golden-armored man descended from the crack! Then there were more golden flashes and three more golden-armored men stepped out. At this instant, the entire area was lit up by this golden glow.

When Wang Lin saw these four golden-armored men, his pupils mercilessly shrank. He was extremely startled.

"Celestial Guards!"

Wang Lin clearly felt that these four golden-armored men gave off the same aura as Ta Shan. These four big fellows were clearly refined using the secret method that Celestial Emperor Qing Lin created!

"Celestial guards are split between gold, silver, copper, and iron rank. These four big fellows are all gold rank!" Wang Lin looked at Esteemed Xuan Bao and quickly retreated toward the edge of the vortex.

After the four golden-armored celestial guards appeared, Esteemed Xuan Bao's expression raised his right hand while wearing a neutral expression. In a flash, the four celestial guards charged at the Moongazer Serpent.

As the Moongazer Serpent roared, its tentacles swept everything around it. At the same time, Blood God and the others that were around it immediately charged out at the four celestial guards. The Blood God formed a seal as he moved forward. Then blood light spread out and he waved his hand.

A sea of blood appeared out of nowhere and charged forward. However, when the sea of blood hit the celestial guards, it barely made them pause for a moment. The celestial guards split off in four directions and surrounded the Moongazer Serpent along with the Allheaven cultivators.

Esteemed Xuan Bao's right hand reached into the void once more and another crack appeared. Nine black butterflies suddenly flew out.

These nine butterflies were completely black, and from a distance, they looked extremely ferocious. The moment they appeared, they flapped their wings and a storm was set off.

This storm was very powerful and it swept forward. The nine butterflies flew forward in a dance.

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The moment the butterflies appeared, even with Wang Lin's mental fortitude, his expression changed greatly!

"This! This is the butterfly formed by the God Slaying War Chariot!" Wang Lin gasped, but then he immediately discovered a difference. The butterfly formed by the war chariot was colorful and extremely beautiful.

However, these nine butterflies were completely black; it was obvious these butterflies' power went toward another extreme compared to Wang Lin's butterfly!

"What is this old man's identity?!" Wang Lin's scalp felt numb. Not even Qing Shui made Wang Lin this shocked. Not even the mysterious cultivator who stopped the battle between Qing Shui and the Blood God made Wang Lin feel so much disbelief.

A celestial guard and the butterfly were both treasures Wang Lin possesed. However, when he saw it in someone else's hands, it caused his shock to reach its peak.

Wang Lin took a deep breath and no longer looked. He moved very fast and charged toward a treasure that was floating among the stars that he had been eyeing for a while.

This treasure was the wood carving the Black Fiend Devil Saint had taken out. Although only half of it remained, it still gave off a powerful pressure.

Wang Lin's expression was gloomy. The current battle was not something he could participate in anymore. The best choice right now was to fish in these troubled waters. Wang Lin moved very fast as he charged toward that half-damaged wood carving.

There were many other people who had the idea of fishing for treasures during this battle, so it was not surprising that there were several cultivators fighting each other around the wood carving, not allowing anyone to get close.

Wang Lin's arrival immediately caught the attention of the cultivators. This caused these people to immediately change directions without hesitation. The Allheaven cultivators hesitated for a moment, but the Alliance cultivators immediately sent a few people after Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's expression was calm as his right hand formed a seal, then he waved his hand. A gust of wind charged forward like crazy, and following that, Wang Lin mercilessly threw a punch.

There was a loud bang and the violent ripples from the punch combined with the gust of wind to create a power unique to Wang Lin. The power of the ancient god combined with the power of spells was the start of Wang Lin's strength!

However, these two forces had just started fusing and hadn't shown their true strength yet. As it swept by those Alliance cultivators, their bodies and origin souls trembled and they felt an unimaginable, mysterious force arrive. They couldn't help but retreat because they as if they would immediately die if they didn't retreat!

They had never encountered such a spell in all their years of cultivation!

Wang Lin's eyes lit up and the ancient god furnace appeared around him. In the blink of an eye, he switched places with one of them.

In the eyes of the surrounding cultivators, their visions blurred and Wang Lin also changed positions. He then charged out and arrived next to the wood carving in an instant.

However, just as he closed in, a ray of sword energy appeared from the void and charged at him. This sword energy contained a very tyrannical aura, as if everything must avoid it or be destroyed!

Wang Lin wasn't unfamiliar with this sword energy, it was something that belonged to Ling Tianhou!

"This treasure belongs to my Dao Lou Sword Sect's Chen Long!" The cold voice echoed as a ray of sword energy closed in. If Wang Lin tried to take the treasure, he would be hit by the sword energy.

Wang Lin's expression remained neutral, and he didn't hesitate at all to seize the half-destroyed wood carving. His eyes revealed a mysterious light as he opened his mouth and spat out something to block before him.

The 18 Hell Celestial Sealing Stamp instantly appeared and the sword energy smashed into it and collapsed. The 18 Hell Celestial Sealing Stamp didn't budge at all, then Wang Lin pulled it back.

"An old acquaintance who barely escaped with his soul back then dares to steal a treasure before me?!" Wang Lin left these cold words, and the expression on Chen Long's face changed. He knew it wasn't the time to kill right now, so he left.

There were too many cultivators during this battle, so it was impossible to clearly see each other's faces. Also, Wang Lin never stayed in one place for too long and was constantly moving, so Chen Long hadn't recognized Wang Lin.

However, when Chen Long looked over, Wang Lin looked a bit familiar, but he would never have matched this person with Wang Lin!

Now that he heard Wang Lin's words, it was as if a bolt of thunder had flashed across his mind. Disbelief filled his eyes as he exclaimed, "You!"

Wang Lin didn't pay any attention to Chen Long and disappeared. He wandered the battlefield and continued to take the magic treasures of people who died.

However, his divine sense was locked on to the Moongazer Serpent, waiting for a chance, a moment when the Alliance began their battle against the Moongazer Serpent so he could obtain the inheritance inside the Moongazer Serpent!

Wang Lin's gaze would occasionally turn to the woman in the blue dress. Her demeanor toward him was very strange. While Wang Lin was cautiously wandering around, he had been wondering who this woman was!

The four golden celestial guards surrounded the Moongazer Serpent. They created a golden circle that trapped the Moongazer Serpent inside.

As Blood God and company retaliated, the nine butterflies flapped their wings and formed a storm with the Moongazer Serpent as the center. A vortex that seemed to connect the heavens and earth was formed.

Blood God and company had gloomy expressions inside the vortex. They used their respective magic treasures, creating constant rumbles. The Moongazer Serpent was even more angry; being trapped twice had made it almost crazy. It opened its big mouth and let out an infuriated roar.

As it roared, the words of the ancient gods came out. The Moongazer Serpent was using a spell of the ancient gods!

Esteemed Xuan Bao's eyes lit up and he pointed forward while laughing. The speed of the nine butterflies' wings immediately increased and black lines appeared. The countless black lines intersected around the Moongazer Serpent and quickly formed a siege.

The four golden celestial guards let out roars and their bodies vibrated and instantly grew into 1,000 foot giants. Then they launched their attacks together.

Esteemed Xuan Bao's face had a smile as his right hand reached out and a crack appeared. Green gas came out of this crack. Along with the green gas, an aura that made the minds of all the cultivators within 5,000 kilometers tremble appeared.

Wang Lin's body trembled. When he closely looked over, he saw an arrow come out from the crack.

This arrow was too large; it was more than 300 feet long and seven feet wide. It was completely green and the arrow tip had six edges. At the end of the arrow, there were purple feathers. In addition, there were some dark red blood stains on the arrow.

What shook all the surrounding cultivators was that dark red blood stain!

The moment the arrow appeared, even the expressions of Blood God and company changed. Even Master Flamespark, who was fighting against Wudo Chan, trembled and immediately saw the 300 foot arrow.

"Pseudo Nirvana Void Arrow!"

Chapter 932 - Aura of the Ancient God

At this moment, the roar of the Moongazer Serpent echoed, and it contained the language of the ancient gods. A giant crack appeared and headed straight for Esteemed Xuan Bao.

In the blink of an eye, the space around Esteemed Xuan Bao collapsed. As the rumbles echoed, Esteemed Xuan Bao's expression was calm. He pointed at the 300 foot arrow and said, "Nirvana Void!"

Master Flamespark's pupils shrank and he became serious. He remembered this arrow. It was one of the Alliance's great treasures, the Pseudo Nirvana Void Arrow!

Rumor had it that the arrow's origin was unknown and had existed for a long; it had been around since as early as the Celestial Realm. Rumors also said that the blood stain on it gave it strange powers.

When he decided to slaughter his way into the Alliance, he had prepared a counter to all the treasures he knew the Alliance had. When he saw the Pseudo Nirvana Void Arrow, he sneered.

"This Pseudo Nirvana Void Arrow is rumored to be unpredictable, but I wonder how it compare to this moon beast!"

The 300 foot arrow trembled with a point of Esteemed Xuan Bao's finger. It then rushed forward like an arrow that was shot from a bow and headed straight for the Moongazer Serpent!

The Moongazer Serpent's eyes revealed endless coldness. The moment it saw the 300 foot arrow, it felt a sense of danger. When it saw the arrow that it sensed danger from coming at it, it opened its mouth and let out a roar. Specks of light appeared before it and quickly condensed into another ancient god finger.

After the ancient god finger appeared, it immediately shot toward the arrow.

The Moongazer Serpent let out an angry roar and countless Moongazer Serpents charged out from inside it. There were hundreds of thousands of them at varying sizes. The moment they appeared, the battlefield became even more chaotic.

This battlefield was no longer between Allheaven and the Alliance, but the Alliance against the Moongazer Serpent!

When countless Moongazer Serpents charged out, the expressions of the Alliance cultivators changed greatly. They quickly retreated, but their speed was no match for the Moongazer Serpents. The countless Moongazer Serpents spread out and started a blood bath.

During the chaotic battle, some Allheaven cultivators were affected. As for Wang Lin, a 30,000 foot Moongazer Serpent charged at him. His expression was gloomy as he quickly avoided it and didn't bother getting entangled with it.

Wang Lin knew that the only reason for these smaller Moongazer Serpents to appear was to condense the most powerful ancient god finger!

At this moment, the arrow charged over and collided with the ancient god finger formed by the Moongazer Serpent. A thunderous bang echoed across the northern region of the Alliance!

An ancient aura came from the dark red blood stain that covered the arrow and directly broke through the ancient god finger, then it lunged straight toward the Moongazer Serpent!

This scene caused Wang Lin's eyes to open wide in shock.

For the first time, the Moongazer Serpent paused and then roared once more. At this instant, all of the smaller Moongazer Serpents, including the one after Wang Lin, turned around and began to roar.

This wasn't the roar of one Moongazer Serpent but the roars of hundreds of thousands of Moongazer Serpents under the call of their mother!

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Ancient god fingers appeared one by one until the area was filled with ancient god fingers. All of Wang Lin's pores opened up and ecstasy filled his eyes as he absorbed this aura like crazy.

He could clearly feel his ancient god body's strength increased by leaps and bounds. The illusory fourth star hidden between his eyebrows was becoming more corporeal at this moment.

All of this made Wang Lin ecstatic.

"Ancient god's aura! I didn't think that an ancient god's aura would form here. Although there isn't much, it indeed exists!"

Countless ancient god fingers formed within the area, and in the blink of an eye, an almost corporeal ancient god finger appeared before the eyes of the surrounding cultivators!

The strange cracks on the finger were extremely clear. This scene even caused the expression of Esteemed Xuan Nao to change; his expression became a bit gloomy.

"This Moongazer Serpent is a bit different from what the ancient records say! However, I have the Pseudo Nirvana Void Arrow, so no matter how strong the Moongazer Serpent is, it can't avoid this arrow!" Esteemed Xuan Bao was very confident in the strength of the Pseudo Nirvana Void Arrow.

"Although my Pseudo Nirvana Void Arrow is only rank 9, if I can capture this Moongazer Serpent and refine it, it will become another Pseudo Nirvana Void treasure. By fusing the two, along with the tens of thousands of years of preparation I made, I'm 80% confident in creating a rank 8 Pseudo Nirvana Void treasure! This way, my position in the elder group will increase and I'll have some means to contend with Zhong Xuanzi!"

The Pseudo Nirvana Void Arrow charged ahead until it collided with the ancient god finger that had just reformed.

The Moongazer Serpent's roar turned into an impact and its huge body charged forward after the ancient god finger. However, the moment the arrow collided with the ancient god finger, a shocking change occurred in the Alliance's northern region!

The ancient god finger unexpectedly collapsed again! A thunderous rumble echoed, and all the surrounding cultivators, including Wang Lin, felt the blood in their body surge and directly coughed it out.

If Wang Lin was like this, then there was no need to talk about others. Their bodies directly collapsed into piles of flesh and blood. They were shaken to death!

Even the expressions of Blood God and company changed greatly, and they quickly retreated. In the blink of an eye, no cultivators were near the Moongazer Serpent anymore!

Only those four golden celestial guards were still clinging to the Moongazer Serpent. They worked together with the nine black butterflies to keep creating storms.

The instant the ancient god finger collapsed, more than half of the smaller Moongazer Serpents collapsed!

Bursts of blue blood spattered, making it seem as if space itself was dyed blue!

This was the first time Wang Lin had seen a Moongazer Serpent's collapse! Although they were only small Moongazer Serpents, the amount shook his mind!

The Moongazer Serpent was something that lived inside the ancient god's body, and its toughness was unimaginable. Even small Moongazer Serpents weren't creatures a cultivator could break, but what happened just now turned all that upside down!

"What level of treasure is this Pseudo Nirvana Void Arrow?!" Wang Lin wiped away the blood on his mouth as he stared at the scene before him. His mind was completely blank.

Along with the small Moongazer Serpents and the ancient god finger, Esteemed Xuan Bao's Pseudo Nirvana Void Arrow also collapsed. Countless cracks appeared on the arrow as it faced the unimaginable impact of the ancient god finger, and it shattered inch by inch.

Esteemed Xuan Bao's eyes shined brightly. Although things had turned out a bit different from what he expected, overall, it wasn't too much outside his expectations.

"This Moongazer Serpent belongs to this old man!" Esteemed Xuan Bao laughed and moved forward. A shadow flashed out from the shattered Pseudo Nirvana Void arrow.

This shadow was also an arrow. This arrow was only three inches long, but it looked exactly the same as the 300 foot arrow. The only difference was that the blood wasn't dark red but bright red!

It was as if it was just stain with blood! It was scarlet red!

This was the true Pseudo Nirvana Void Arrow!

The arrow charged out with unimaginable speed! In and instant, it pierced between the Moongazer Serpent's eyes!

The instant it penetrated the Moongazer Serpent, the arrow released an unimaginable force, and the resulting rumbling caused the stars to shake. For the first time, the Moongazer Serpent's large body trembled and retreated!

A black vortex appeared between the Moongazer Serpent's eyes and collapsed violently. A fountain of blue blood gushed out.

The arrow rotated inside the black vortex and charged deeper. Every time it charged, there would be collapse.

The Moongazer Serpent's miserable scream echoed across the stars.

This mournful cry made Wang Lin tremble as if there was a terrible pain in his heart. He retreated even faster while looking at the Moongazer Serpent.

This was the first time the Moongazer Serpent had been seriously injured. The sound of its cry echoed as the remaining smaller Moongazer Serpents all began to collapse. All the smaller Moongazer Serpents in the area died!

The Moongazer Serpent's eyes were blood red. It was truly angry!

The anger this time was far more intense than anything it hat felt in the past tens of thousands of years. This was especially true for the arrow that now threatened its survival.

Angered, the Moongazer Serpent's mournful cry reached its peak and seven faint stars suddenly appeared before it.

As the stars rotated, one of them suddenly exploded under the roar of the Moongazer Serpent!

A shattered star of an ancient god!

Wang Lin's eyes revealed a mysterious light when he saw this.

As the star collapsed, an extremely powerful force charged out from the Moongazer Serpent. This force was so powerful that the vortex between the Moongazer Serpent's eyes was torn apart.

The arrow was also forced out of the Moongazer Serpent's body!

This scene caused the expression of Esteemed Xuan Bao, who was closing in, to change!

"Impossible! According to the ancient records, an ordinary Moongazer Serpent can't possibly survive a Pseudo Nirvana Void treasure. Although this Moongazer Serpent is large and fierce, it should be seriously injured!"

Master Flamespark sneered when he saw all of this.

"Senior said that the purpose of sending this Moongazer Serpent into the Alliance was to make it angry. The angier it becomes, the more damage this beast can do!"

The Moongazer Serpent's anger reached its peak, and it borrowed the power of the shattered star to push the arrow out. Due to the intense pain, it had almost lost its mind. Its eyes were red, and the only thought in its mind was kill, kill, kill, kill!


Chapter 933 - Qing Shui Arrives

As the Moongazer Serpent's roar echoed, the countless tentacles on its body fell off. Then the tentacles all gathered before the Moongazer Serpent. They intersected together and formed a huge arm!!

This arm was 100,000 feet long and formed a fist. From a distance, it looked like the arm of an ancient god!

The Moongazer Serpent's anger was like the finger of the ancient god! However, when the Moongazer Serpent's anger reached its limit, it would be like the arm of an ancient god!

The moment the ancient god arm appeared, it mercilessly charged forward. Its target was the Pseudo Nirvana Void arrow!

This punch made Wang Lin feel an illusion. He felt as if he had gone back countless years to ancient times when the ancient gods reversed the heavens!

He saw an ancient god waving his arm and roaring. The planet collapsed, space collapsed, and all his enemies disintegrated!

At this moment, the ancient god arm formed by the Moongazer Serpent was like this. The punch flew out and landed on the arrow. The arrow trembled and immediately collapsed!

Even a Pseudo Nirvana Void treasure had to shatter under the punch of an ancient god!

Esteemed Xuan Bao coughed out blood and retreated without hesitation. However, just at this moment, an extremely cold energy filled the stars. At the same time, a bolt of red lightning suddenly closed in.

This red lightning bolt was too fast and its timing was very good. It was exactly at the moment Esteemed Xuan Bao's mind trembled due to his treasure being destroyed!

The red lightning bolt contained extreme coldness, and it emitted the powerful force of Ji. It flashed forward the moment Esteemed Xuan Bao retreated.

Esteemed Xuan Bao didn't have time to dodge, so the red lightning charged into his body. His expression changed greatly, he coughed out a mouthful of blood, and his eyes went out of focus for a moment.

Just at this moment, Qing Shui walked out wearing white. He had an indifferent expression. When he appeared, there was a flash of red from his right eye and several more bolts of red lightning shot out toward Esteemed Xuan Bao!

The Ji Realm appeared!

"Ji Realm!!" A bang came from Esteemed Xuan Bao's body and then large amounts of blood spray out from his back. He quickly retreated, but the red lightning chased closely after him.

The moment Qing Shui appeared, his hand formed a seal and pointed up. In an instant, black wind appeared and formed seven black dragons. They let out roars and spewed out cold air that could extinguish all life as they rushed toward Esteemed Xuan Bao.

"Xuan Bao, do you still recognize this lord?" Qing Shui had long since arrived on the battlefield. No one beside Esteemed Xuan Bao was worthy enough to make him move!

"Qing Shui, you're not dead!!" Esteemed Xuan Bao quickly retreated, but his retreat was blocked by seven black dragons. Under the blast of cold air, Esteemed Xuan Bao clenched his teeth while forming a seal and pointed ahead.

The nine black butterflies around the Moongazer Serpent disappeared, and when they reappeared, they were next to Esteemed Xuan Bao.

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"Nine butterflies, return to one!"

The nine butterflies flapped their wings at once and glowed black. In almost an instant, they fused into one!

When the nine rays of black light fused, an unimaginable changed occured. When the nine butterflies fused into one, it gave off a four-colored light!

As its wings flapped, four-colored powder fell and formed a four-colored vortex around Esteemed Xuan Bao. It immediately blocked the seven black dragons outside.

"If it was a magic treasure made by your senior brother, Esteemed Tian Bao, I, Qing Shui, would be a bit worried. However, you aren't qualified!" As Qing Shui's cold voice echoed, both of his hands formed a seal. As the seven black dragons roared, hundreds of thousands, close to one million, raindrops appeared.

These raindrops were densely packed, and they blasted toward Esteemed Xuan Bao, who was surrounded by the powder from the four-colored butterfly!

Popping sounds echoed and Esteemed Xuan Bao revealed a bitter smile. His identity was a mystery to others, but there was nothing he could hide from Qing Shui!

He was a celestial from the Rain Celestial Realm! He was also the junior brother of Esteemed Tian Bao, who created the God Slaying War Chariot!

"Qing Shui, don't push me too far! The Celestial Realm no longer exists, this is the Alliance Star System!" Esteemed Xuan Bao shouted as his arms opened. The celestial origin he had kept sealed for countless years was suddenly opened!

Endless celestial spiritual energy filled the area. It made the surrounding area feel like it was the Celestial Realm!

At the same time, his hand formed a seal and then pointed at the four-colored butterfly. The butterfly suddenly shook and one of its wings fell off like petal. In an instant, the wing turned into four different colors and formed four vortexes.

"Law of Nirvana Void!"

As Esteemed Xuan Bao spoke, the four vortexes formed by the wing suddenly exploded and tons of four-colored powder spread…

Qing Shui's Call the Wind and Summon the Rain were affected by the powder and immediately dissipated. There was no trace of any spell remaining!

All of it disappeared.

Esteemed Xuan Bao pointed forward without any hesitation and the other wing on the four-colored butterfly fell off. As the butterfly dissipated, the wing floated and another change occured!

All the spells that disappeared, including Qing Shui's Call the Wind and Summon the Rain, reappeared. However, this time they became Esteemed Xuan Bao's spells!

As he roared, his arm stretched out and immediately pushed Call the Wind and Summon the Rain back. One part was used to stop the Moongazer Serpent and the other was to attack Qing Shui.

Using this moment, Esteemed Xuan Bao quickly retreated. However, the red lightning chased closely after him, giving him a headache. If the Pseudo Nirvana Void Arrow was still there, he could've battled Qing Shui without fear!

Thinking about his Pseudo Nirvana Void Arrow, he felt a pain in his heart. He didn't expect this Moongazer Serpent to be so powerful; it was too different from the ones in the ancient records.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have come here. Not only did he not succeed, he also lost his only Pseudo Nirvana Void treasure. He could imagine how his status in the elder group would fall greatly as a result.

And now he had met the fiend Qing Shui from back then. Although he didn't know how Qing Shui didn't die, since he himself could survive until now, then this Qing Shui must've had some methods as well.

At this moment of crisis, he had no time to think about this. The only thought in his mind was to quickly escape!

When Wang Lin saw this scene, his mind trembled and his heart started beating rapidly.

Bang bang, bang bang.

All sounds were removed from his ears except for the beating of his heart. His brain had memorized the hand seal that Esteemed Xuan Bao used; he firmly remembered it!

"So this person is Esteemed Tian Bao's junior brother, and the four-colored butterfly was created by him, but it is not as strong as the one created by Esteemed Tian Bao! If I can just figure out his seal…" Wang Lin's heart beat even faster and his eyes remained unblinking.

The Call the Wind and Summon the Rain that were pushed back didn't stop Qing Shui at all. His eyes were cold as his right hand reached at the void and countless crystal specks appeared in his hand. Then they scattered forward!

Magic Arsenal!

Countless specks of light scattered and turned into countless shadows. Qing Shui's Magic Arsenal had appeared once. The countless figures gave off powerful auras, and in an instant, there were thousands of soldiers before Qing Shui!

With a point of Qing Shui's finger, the shadows all charged out toward the Call the Wind and Summon the Rain!

Esteemed Xuan Bao's pupils shrank and his heart felt bitter. Some of those shadows were his old friends. He let out a sigh as a flash of ferociousness appeared in his eyes and he shouted, "Qing Shui, I'll let you see what this old man has learned of the power of magic treasures!

"All the treasures in the world have a silver of source origin energy. This old man has studied this source origin energy for tens of thousands of years and has glimpsed the path!" Esteemed Xuan Bao's arms stretched open and each hand formed a different seal. A invisible ripple immediately spread from his body.

In the blink of an eye, the ripple covered tens of thousands of kilometers.

The treasures around the surviving cultivators all moved on their own and the expressions of those cultivators changed. The treasures even cut off their connections with their masters on their own.

This scene caused everyone to become dumbfounded.

There were also the countless treasures of cultivators that had died. All these treasures began to gather toward Esteemed Xuan Bao.

It was as if Esteemed Xuan Bao was the owner of all magic treasures and all magic treasures had to respond to his summon. However, what really made the minds of the cultivators and Wang Lin tremble was their bags of holding!

Bags of holding were also considered treasures!

At this instant, everyone's bags of holding flew out. During this process, the bags opened up by themselves and the treasures inside flew out!

Wang Lin's bag of holding was the same. His expression changed as his right hand reached out and grabbed his bag. However, at this moment, there was a mysterious force around his bag, and the moment he touched it, he felt a burning heat enter his body. If he didn't let go, his origin soul would immediately be destroyed!

Many surrounding cultivators also grabbed their bags. However, after a moment, they all bitterly let go and watched their bags of holding fly away.

The objects inside Wang Lin's bag of holding were too valuable, so he couldn't let go. At the moment of crisis, he open his third eye without hesitation and the red light landed on his bag.

A sliver of source origin came out and dissipated the strange force on his bag. Wang Lin's face became pale as he let out a breath of relief and he held tightly onto his bag of holding.