

Chapter 656 - Solving the Secret of the Scroll

Wang Lin stopped.

"I'm begging you to go down… Take me down…" There was sadness and urgency in that voice.

Wang Lin pondered. This voice that had disappeared for thirteen years echoed in his mind once more. During the thirteen years that he was comprehending the suction force, this woman never spoke. However, her words now contained emotions that weren't there before.

He touched the bag of holding with his right hand and the scroll flew out. The scroll gave off a soft light, and the suction force had no effect on it. The scroll opened up, revealing the woman's backside.

For the first time, Wang Lin carefully looked at the woman inside the scroll. Although it was only a figure, her figure contained the aura of someone with peerless elegance.

"I'm begging you take me down… I can't leave this scroll, so you won't be in danger. I just want to… take a look…"

Wang Lin pondered and didn't speak.

"I can't help you with you anything, I can't give you anything, but I beg you to take me down there…"

Wang Lin lowered his head and looked at the bottom. It was completely dark down there and extremely cold.

"I can't help you. If you want to leave, then go." Wang Lin shook his head and no longer looked at the scroll as he headed up. He had too many things to do. He had open all the restrictions inside the cave before the All-Seer and company arrived at the Demon Spirit Land so he could enter the real cave.

Although he didn't know when the All-Seer and company would arrive, in his conversation with Yao Xixue, he managed to get a few clues, and it seemed like the All-Seer and company were going to arrive soon.

Before they arrive, Wang Lin must finish his preparations. He was short on time and he had no time to waste on curiosity.

Moreover, he had to make sure the All-Seer doesn't see through him so he could safely leave this Demon Spirit Land. If he makes one mistake, the price will be his life.

He had too little time.

The woman inside the scroll trembled. She wanted to turn, but there was a seal controlling her. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't turn around.

Seeing Wang Lin flying higher and higher until he was about to disappear, she bit her lip and softly said, "You… Don't you want to know the true history of the bead inside your origin soul…"

Although her voice was soft, it was still heard clearly by Wang Lin. Those words were like ten thousand thunderclaps roaring inside his mind, causing him to suddenly stop.

"Don't you want that woman's broken soul to revive…"

If what he heard earlier was ten thousand thunderclaps roaring inside his mind, then this was one hundred thousand, one million, ten million thunderclaps exploding inside him, shaking even his origin soul.

His origin soul, his memories, his everything instantly erupted like a monstrous flood at that second sentence. It was as if the entire sky had collapsed. Even with Wang Lin's mental strength, he couldn't stop his body from trembling. He turned around and looked at the woman. His eyes were like those of a wild beast and no longer contained the calmness from his 800 years of cultivation!

At this moment, what All-Seer, what cave, what Blood Ancestor, what Demon Spirit Land!? At this moment all of it collapsed, and the only thing that existed was Wang Lin's crazed gaze at the woman!

"What did you say…" A hoarse voice spoken in a tone that never left Wang Lin before came out of his mouth.

These simple four words revealed an indescribable feeling. At this moment, even the howling of the suction force that had existed for countless years seemed to weaken.

The woman softly said, "I can tell you the origin of the bead, I can tell you the method to resurrecting the soul inside the bead, I can even give you the opportunity to leave here…"

Wang Lin closed his eyes. He didn't want to think about whether the woman's words were true or false. He didn't want to know why she knew all his secrets; he didn't want to…

When he opened his eyes, he didn't speak as he took a step, grabbed the scroll, and quickly flew toward the bottom of the pit.

Even if there was only a slim chance, he would fight for it.

A person will always have one thing where no matter how clever he is, his calm will immediately collapse. Even when facing endless danger, facing life and death, he will still have to keep on persisting!

Wang Lin was still a person. He wasn't a merciless celestial or a ruthless god…

After cultivating for more than 800 years, his calmness had already seeped into his bones and become his natural state. He could calmly leave planet Suzaku and ruthlessly leave Zhou Ru a bag waiting for the day she opens it…

He could calmly face all enemies. No matter how powerful they are, they won't be able to shake his dao heart in the slightest.

However, there was one power that could crush this calmness of his!

Only after one loses something do they realise they wanted it. Only after one has lost something do they realize that they had always wanted to cherish it…

If someone was always calm, rational, and unwavering, then would that someone still be considered a person? Wang Lin couldn't do it.

With sadness in his eyes, he grabbed the scroll and charged down the pit like a meteor. At this moment he didn't want to think; he wasn't willing to try and distinguish true from false.

The woman inside the scroll let out a sigh and softly said, "You can rest assured that I'm not deceiving you… I made a big decision to even tell you all of this…"

Wang Lin didn't speak, and his grip on the scroll became even tighter. It was as if he wasn't holding onto a scroll but to hope.

The coldness coming from the wall was even stronger and the suction force was greater.

An unknown amount of time had passed, and the pit really seemed bottomless. No matter how far he descended, there was only darkness that seemed to extend on forever.

"Almost there… Almost there…" The woman's voice was trembling.

At this location, the suction force was unimaginably strong. Wang Lin's body flew by along with the the suction force. After a long time, perhaps it was a day, perhaps it was a month, perhaps… it was a year…

A short corridor appeared in the darkness below.

There was a giant vortex in this corridor. The vortex was slowly rotating, and the suction force came from the vortex…

What was mysterious was that the suction force seemed to be sealed here as there wasn't the slightest bit of suction force here. It seemed like only after a certain distance from the vortex would the suction force suddenly become stronger.

At the moment Wang Lin looked at the vortex, a strange force came from inside the scroll and entered his body. The power condensed in his eyes, and at this moment, his eyes could penetrate the vortex to see inside it.

A starry sky with countless cultivation planets… It looked like another world.

"This is…" Wang Lin looked at the vortex and was moved. At this moment, he recovered his calmness.

The woman inside the scroll softly said, "My hometown… Allheaven[1. Don't think too hard about it, it's just a name and it's never explained what the name means.] Star System…"

Chapter 657 - The Old Monsters Descend (part 1)

"Allheaven Star System!" Wang Lin's pupils shrank. In his memories there was no information on Allheaven Star System. Even in Tu Si's memories there was nothing on this star system.

The woman inside the scroll trembled. She seemed to want to turn around, but there seemed to be an invisible power that prevented her from turning around.


Wang Lin pondered for a bit. He stared at the scroll and said, "I have already brought you to this place, now it's your turn!"

The woman let out a sigh and her ethereal voice came out.

"Do you want to hear a story…"

Wang Lin frowned. His expression was gloomy as he coldly said, "Not interested!"

The woman was startled. She revealed a bitter smile and said, "A long time ago, there was a mysterious domain. This place was the holy land of cultivators from all over the world… no, the entire universe. It was called the Celestial Domain…

"Many of the rumors about the Celestial Domain have disappeared in the river of time; no one is even sure if this Celestial Domain even existed.

"However, one rumor has been passed down. The rumor was that the Celestial Domain abandoned the cultivators and left this universe. The only things left were the four tunnels that used to connect to the Celestial Domain. After countless years, those four tunnels became places where high level cultivators had to go and became the Celestial Realm. These four Celestial Realms respectively are… Wind, Rain, Thunder, Lightning…

"Below each of the four Celestial Realms is a corresponding star system. Above my Allheaven Star System is the Thunder Celestial Realm…"

"The heaven defying bead doesn't belong to the Alliance Star System; it first appeared in my Allheaven Star System. No one knows how the bead appeared, but when it did, all the top cultivators in the Allheaven Star System felt the existence of the ancient Celestial Domain…"

Wang Lin's eyes narrowed as he coldly looked at the scroll, but he didn't speak.

"One can easily imagine that a trace of the ancient Celestial Domain made all the cultivators crazy. However, in the end, this bead mysteriously disappeared…

"Countless years later, we obtained some clues. For some reason, this bead appeared in the Rain Celestial Realm of the Alliance Star System…"

There was a flash of coldness in his eyes as he pointed above and said, "It was you who set the transfer array!"

The woman inside the scroll pondered for a long time before shaking her head. "I didn't enter the Alliance Star System from here, but that transfer array was indeed made by a cultivator from the Allheaven Star System. That transfer array is no longer functional, unless there is an Allheaven stone. Not even a celestial jade can activate it."

"I have told you all I know about the heaven defying bead. As for the soul inside, my ancestor can definitely help you. As long as you bring me back to the Allheaven Star System and send me home, I'll definitely ask the ancestor to help you revive the soul inside!"

Wang Lin's gaze was cold as he stared at the woman for a long time before he withdrew his gaze. The moment he saw the Allheaven Star System, he regained his calmness. What the woman said was obviously meant to lure him to the Allheaven Star System.

Wang Lin calmly asked, "Which sect in the Allheaven Star System do you belong to?"

"The Allheaven Star System is not the same as your Alliance Star System. There are no sects, only cultivation families. My family is the Xiang family on planet Dong Lin."

Wang Lin seemed to ponder. A moment later he said, "I'm afraid I can't pass through this vortex with my current cultivation level…"

The woman inside shook her head and softly said, "You have the heaven defying bead, so you should certainly be able to pass."

There was a faint flash of coldness in his eyes. Since this woman was so certain, she must have concealed a lot of things.

Wang Lin no longer wasted time with the woman. His right hand reached out and grabbed the scroll and moved. He didn't go through the vortex but flew upwards.

The woman inside the scroll immediately said, "You… don't want to revive the soul inside the bead?"

Wang Lin silently pondered as he charged out. He spread out his origin soul, making him fuse with the suction force, and flew upwards.

Along the way, no matter what the woman said, Wang Lin didn't reply at all. After an unknown amount of time, Wang Lin arrived at the large rock. Across from the large rock was the crack.

He landed on the large rock and carefully looked at the transfer array. His origin soul sent out lightning through his feet and into the large rock.

Cracking sounds immediately came from the large rock as lightning moved through it. Then with a bang, the rock collapsed into rubble and was sucked away by the suction force.

Without this large rock, this place became the same as everywhere else in this pit. Wang Lin grabbed the scroll and entered the crack two hundred feet away.

After entering this place, Wang Lin waved his hand and the scroll was inserted deep inside the wall. His eyes became cold and his hand formed many seals, then countless restrictions landed around the scroll.

"Why are you doing this… Without my help, the soul inside your heaven defying bead can't be revived…" The woman's anxious voice came from the scroll.

"Sound sealed!" Wang Lin's eyes lit up and his hand moved faster and faster. The countless restrictions almost covered the entire crack.

He had check the scroll while he flew up and knew he couldn't destroy it. However, the woman inside knew too many of his secrets. Since he couldn't kill her, then might as well permanently seal her!

"Wang Lin!! Without me, the soul inside your bead will never be able to resurrect!" The vicious voice from the scroll was like a ghostly wail.

Wang Lin's expression was gloomy and his hand moved even faster. The vicious voice got gradually softer until it completely disappeared.

This sealing process lasted for several months. During this time, Wang Lin never stopped. The countless seals together formed a terrifying seal.

After several months, Wang Lin took a step back and flew upwards. There was a flash of coldness in his eyes as his right hand hit the crack. The crack immediately collapsed, burying the scroll deep inside the cave.

From the outside there was nothing abnormal about it. No one will know that there is a woman inside a scroll sealed here.

Even if someone were to arrive here, they would be too busy resisting the suction force to bother checking this wall that looked the same as every other wall.

After he finished sealing, he didn't immediately leave but stayed at a distance and silently waited.

Time slowly passed. Several days later, there was a faint fluctuation from where the scroll was sealed. The moment the fluctuation appeared, Wang Lin, who was a distance away, opened his eyes and revealed a cold smile.

His hand formed a seal and a black shadow immediately appeared from behind him. This shadow charged directly toward where the crack was.

"Seal!" Wang Lin let out a roar and the celestial guard's hand formed a seal. A powerful seal immediately appeared on the celestial guard's hand and pressed down on the fluctuation.

Wang Lin vaguely heard a miserable groan. Then his eyes lit up, and along with the celestial guard, they both placed down countless restrictions in the depths of the crack.

After finishing this, Wang Lin withdrew the celestial guard and silently waited.

Several months later, that fluctuation appeared once more, and what awaited her was another complete sealing. After three times, Wang Lin pondered a bit and no longer waited but flew straight up.

"The woman inside the scroll is probably very powerful, but she is sealed inside the scroll. I'm afraid she would have never had the chance to escape at all. However, back then she absorbed the Third Ancestor's spell[1. Chapter 434] and gained some power.

"I didn't check, so over the years she learned a lot of my secrets. Unless it was due to the special circumstance of the Tide Abyss, I'm afraid she would have never talked. Instead, she would have silently waited until she recovered.

"If I keep a hidden danger at my side, it will definitely affect me in the future! She must have ulterior motives!"

Wang Lin thought about this as he flew up.

"Only about thirty percent of what she said was true, but the Allheaven Star system shouldn't be fake, or else she wouldn't have asked me to take her there."

Wang Lin's eyes lit up as he floated upward. The suction force here was powerful. Although Wang Lin had become part of the suction force, he could still feel a pressure preventing upward movement.

He took a deep breath and slapped his bag of holding. The seven star sword formation flew out and surrounded his body. The formation created a powerful thrust to help him fly up.

"The Xiang family on planet Dong Lin. Even if this family has nothing to do with the woman, I should still be able to find some clues about her identity. Since she said that her family's ancestor can revive Wan Er, then it is worth checking out whether it is true or not. Without that scroll following me, even if I go to the Allheaven Star System, no one will know I have the heaven defying bead.

"After all, this Demon Spirit Land is filled with danger, and the All-Seer and company can arrive at any time. Once they arrive, it will be unavoidable that we will meet. When facing these cultivators with cultivation levels I can't even imagine, I'll be powerless to resist them."

As Wang Lin flew up, his eyes became cold.

"However, since that last token is in my hand, they can't enter the real cave without me. Even if they come to the Demon Spirit Land, it will be useless. Even if they learn from Greed that I have the token, it will be too late. I will have already left for the Allheaven Star System!

"Once my cultivation level has increased to the point where I can be on equal term with the All-Seer and company, then I can come back and discover the secret of this cave!"

Wang Lin's eyes were bright.

"However, before this, there are some matters that need to be dealt with. After I leave, I don't know when I'll be able to return…" Wang Lin let out a sigh.

The seven star sword formation gradually lost its effect. The shadow appeared behind Wang Lin and the celestial guard created a tornado, increasing Wang Lin's speed once more.

He was getting closer and closer to the entrance of the pit…

A large mosquito herd roared outside the entrance of the pit. The purple mosquito's originally dispirited eyes suddenly lit up. Then it suddenly rushed out and pushed aside some of its companions that were in the way. It stared into the pit and let out bursts of sharp cries.

The happiness in his cries was indescribable. The mosquito's body trembled as its flapped its wings and charged like lightning into the pit without any hesitation.

At this moment, even though all the mosquitoes cried at the same time, they weren't be able to prevent this mosquito from charging down the abyss.

While Wang Lin flew up, he immediately noticed the roars coming from above. He looked up and saw the mosquito beast he hadn't seen for over a decade. When the mosquito saw Wang Lin, its eyes filled with joby. It circled around Wang Lin, letting our cries like a child who had been away from their parents for a long time.

It excitedly flew under Wang Lin and carried Wang Lin up. With the help of the tornado from the celestial guard, Wang Lin flew directly out of the pit. At the moment he came out, Wang Lin let out a breath of relief.

Chapter 658 - The Old Monsters Descend (part 2)

The reason he was able to leave, aside from becoming one with the suction force, was largely due to the seven star sword formation and the celestial guard. The weakening of the suction force played a big role as well.

The suction from the pit was unpredictable; sometimes it was strong and sometimes it was weak. If it was during a period when it was strong, even with Wang Lin's advantages, it would be hard to come out.

After flying out while standing on the mosquito, he immediately saw thousands of mosquitoes staring at him with red eyes and releasing thick, hostile auras.

Wang Lin slightly frowned. There were fewer mosquitoes compared to back then. There must have been some unexpected change during Greed and Zhou Yi's battle to cause the number of mosquitoes to decrease so drastically.

"I just don't know what exactly happened…" Wang Lin pondered a bit before placing his hand on the mosquito's head and activating his divine sense.

Various scenes immediately flashed across Wang Lin's mind. Half way through Zhou Yi and Greed's battle, a male and female cultivator descended from the Fire Demon Country exit.

These two were simply too powerful. With a simple grab, Greed was captured. Zhou Yi was also easily captured, but it looked like the two had no malicious intent. In fact, the moment they saw Zhou Yi, the man's eyes revealed melancholy and nostalgia.

The mosquito herd didn't die, but a majority of them were captured by this couple. If it wasn't for the fact that Wang Lin's mosquito had noticed that something was wrong and had used a spell to make itself look like all the other mosquitoes, it might have been captured as well.

When Wang Lin's divine sense returned from the mosquito, his expression was gloomy.

He pondered a bit before patting the mosquito's head. The mosquito let out a roar and instead of flying toward the exit at the Fire Demon Country it flew toward the entrance at the Water Demon Country.

Now that Wang Lin could fuse with the suction force, any location could be an exit.

While they flew, the thousands of mosquitoes followed. They would occasionally let out cries of despair and hopelessness as if they were trying to dissuade Wang Lin's mosquito from leaving.

On this day at the Water Demon Country, a purple light rushed out into the air. It was the mosquito beast. Wang Lin was sitting on the back of the mosquito with a gloomy expression.

After the purple light appeared, more than two thousand mosquito beasts charged out as well, completely surrounding Wang Lin. Their gazes were locked on the purple mosquito, and their cries were even louder.

Wang Lin's mosquito's eyes revealed decisive gaze as it repeatedly cried as if it was responding.

The sadness in the surrounding mosquitoes' eyes became even stronger. They all looked at Wang Lin with a vicious gaze.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up as he stood up and the lightning from his origin soul spread out. At this moment, he seemed to be surrounded by lightning and lightning seemed to come out of his eyes as he coldly looked at the mosquitoes.

Feeling Wang Lin's mood, the mosquito below him immediately let out a sharp cry. This gave off a powerful pressure that caused the surrounding mosquitoes to slowly disperse.

Wang Lin took out a bag of holding, opened up a gap, and looked at the surrounding mosquitos.

The mosquito herd was completely silent. After a long time, one of them immediately flew out, turned into a ray of grey light, and entered the bag of holding. After that, other mosquitos followed.

However, not all of the mosquitos chose to enter the bag of holding. Around two-thirds chose to remain silent. They quietly watched Wang Lin and their king disappear over the horizon.

After a long time, they all let out cries filled with sadness. Then the mosquitoes' bodies collapsed one by one. They all decided to destroy their own hearts and fall down the entrance to the Tide Abyss.

In the distance, Wang Lin's mosquito beast's body trembled and it slowly turned to look at the direction of the Tide Abyss. Its eyes were filled with sadness as well.

Wang Lin let out a sigh and rubbed the mosquito's head.

With his understanding of the mosquito beast, he now understood that unless the mosquito was a child, it could never be tamed. All of those that entered his bag were all still children, and all of those that decided to commit suicide were adults.

In the world of the mosquito beasts, if they were abandoned by their king, then they could only die, unless a new king appears that is.

Wang Lin couldn't bear the mosquito's sadness, so he jumped off its body and put it inside the bag of holding. Only by allowing it be with its several hundred companions and the thunder toad could it slowly recover from the sadness.

Wang Lin floated in the air as he looked up at the blue sky and white clouds. It had been a long time since he had seen the sky. After pondering for a bit, Wang Lin slapped his bag of holding and a crystal appeared in his hand.

His divine sense entered the crystal and it immediately began to emit a golden light. The light surrounded him and soon the light disappeared with Wang Lin inside.

When he reappeared, he was already inside the cave. Looking at the remaining restrictions, Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he muttered, "The next time that I come back, I'll break all the restrictions and unlock the secret of this cave!"

He took a deep breath and his hand formed a seal to seal the cave. Then he destroyed the transfer array so no one else could enter this cave. Not even the blood ancestor would be able to enter.

After doing this, Wang Lin looked at the cave meaningfully. The cave spirit appeared at the entrance, but he only looked at Wang Lin and didn't speak.

Wang Lin turned around with the crystal in his hand and left.

Wang Lin appeared outside the Soul Refining Tribe in the Sky Demon Country. The people of the tribe were startled for a moment, but then they immediately began exclaiming in joy and bowing.

Wang Lin didn't collect all the soul fragments collected by the tribe but instead called Thirteen and Ouyang Hua. After leaving behind some orders and cultivation methods, he even taught Thirteen the latter half of the Giant Demon Clan cultivation method. After this, he left the tribe.

At the moment he left, Thirteen knelt on the ground and kowtowed a few times toward Wang Lin. Ouyang Hua did the same, and their eyes were filled with sadness. Although Wang Lin didn't say anything, they had a feeling that in this life… It would be difficult for them to meet him again…

In Sky Demon City inside the demon general's mansion, Shi Xiao sat in the lotus position. Beside him, Chen Tao was also cultivating. His cultivation had recovered to the mid stage of Ascendant after years of healing and medication. He had even advanced a little. Although still a distance away from late stage of Ascendant, he was not too far away.

Shortly after, Shi Xiao opened his eyes and his eyes lit up.

Chen Tao also opened his eyes and his eyes had a profound gaze.

Shi Xiao calmly said, "Chen Tao, tomorrow I'll go to the Demon Emperor and recommend you as a demon general. Then you can go to the dragon lake to cultivate. Although it's not the true inheritance, it should benefit you a lot."

Chen Tao replied, "Tomorrow I will have to call you 'Vice Commander-in-Chief!'"

Shi Xiao revealed a proud smile and said, "This position should have been mine one hundred years ago! Mo Lihai only stole it from me through underhanded methods. If it wasn't for that lowly Wang Lin, what would Mo Lihai be?!"

Chen Tao looked at Shi Xiao and calmly said, "Wang Lin is my junior apprentice brother!"

Shi Xiao raised his brow and coldly smiled. "Where was your junior apprentice brother during the war with the Fire Demon Country? He took advantage of everyone at the end of the war and took our credit. Although he helped Lord Ancient Demon, he shamed us all!

"Moreover, that person has been missing for many years now; I'm afraid his bones can't even be found. You remember him as your junior apprentice brother, but I'm afraid he no longer remembers you as his senior apprentice brother."

Chen Tao silently pondered.

Shi Xiao's eyes revealed a hint of sarcasm and he said, "Calling him lowly is me being nice. If he didn't then then I'll kill him myself and let him know how a cultivate should act!"

"Is that so…" A cold voice came from the void.

Shi Xiao was startled, but his expression immediately became gloomy and he shouted, "Who dares to act all mysterious? Come out for this general!"

Chen Tao's eyes lit up and stared at the sky.

He only saw a black shadow appear in the sky. Behind him was the round moon, and he closely closed in under the moonlight. His body gave off crackling arcs of lightning. It was a very shocking sight.

"You… you are Wang Lin!" Chen Tao's eyes narrowed when he recognized the shadow's identity.

"You sure have courage to dare to break into my mansion. Immediately leave in three breaths of time, or else die!" Shi Xiao's gaze was cold and his eyes contained killing intent. In recent years, his cultivation had surged. He was equal to an early stage Ascendant cultivator, and his body was filled with demonic spiritual energy.

Wang Lin landed on the ground. He calmly looked at Shi Xiao and slowly said, "I promised someone in the past to take your life. Today I came here to fulfill that promise!"

Killing intent exploded from Shi Xiao's eyes and his body charged. He turned into a shadow and charged straight toward Wang Lin. As he moved, his hand formed a seal and he was about to use a spell.

Wang Lin's body didn't move, but under the moonlight, the shadow behind him immediately became ferocious. It suddenly charged out from the ground and in an instant passed by Shi Xiao.

Chen Tao's expression changed greatly. Just as he was about to step out, the shadow that passed by Shi Xiao revealed a fierce gaze.

Under this gaze, Chen Tao's body trembled, his origin soul shrank, and he completely stopped. Cold sweat flowed down from his forehead.

"Yin and Yang stage…" Chen Tao's eyes were filled with terror.

The black shadow returned to Wang Lin and turned back into a shadow. Shi Xiao fell down with his eyes still open. There was still killing intent in his eyes, but his life and everything about him had already shattered.

Wang Lin turned around and left.

Under the moonlight, he seemed to be stepping on the moon. His clothes fluttered and his hair flew floated in the air as he flew farther and farther away…

"Be careful of Master!" Wang Lin's voice echoed in Chen Tao's ears. He stared at the sky for a long time and was speechless.

After Wang Lin finished all the matters he had to deal with, he appeared outside the entrance to the Tide Abyss. He turned around to look at the land before raising his head to look up at the sky. His gaze seemed to penetrate the sky and continued to climb until it finally broke through this land and reached the East Demon Spirit Sea.

Outside the gate of the East Demon Spirit Sea, the All-Seer, Ling Tianhou, the Blood Ancestor, and seven or eight elders were standing there.

Everyone was waiting for Ling Tianhou to opening the gate when the All-Seer suddenly exclaimed. He looked at the gate to the Demon Spirit Land and his eyebrows began to tighten.

They were going to enter the Demon Spirit Land several decades earlier than planned. This was because ten years ago, the All-Seer suddenly felt extremely alarmed. He hadn't had this feeling in tens of thousands of years.

This feeling came from the Demon Spirit Land! This came from the mark he had left on a disciple called Wang Lin! At that moment, the mark was forcibly removed!

This wasn't the first time a mark had been removed. A long time ago there was a disciple called Sun Yun who also managed to do this.

The person with an uneasy mind wasn't only the All-Seer. This person's uneasiness came from his daughter, Yao Xixue. As time passed, his heart felt even more uneasy. When people are at his cultivation level, this kind of uneasiness doesn't come from nothing.

This was why when the All-Seer suggested they enter early, he was the first to agree. Yao Xixue was his only daughter and his only family. For this daughter he would disregard everything else!

Similarly, Ling Tianhou's heart was gloomy. Nine of the Twelve Swords' life lamps had extinguished… Ling Tianhou hid his anger and prepared to enter the Demon Spirit Land. He was going to thoroughly question Greed on what happened.

The three of them didn't know that the thing that was causing all three powerful cultivators to be distressed all came from one person!

Ling Tianhou's palm pressed down and opened the gate to the Demon Spirit Land. Then he waved his sleeves and stepped inside…

Chapter 659 - Leaving

This palm landed on the gate to the Demon Spirit Land, but what it shook was the entire Demon Spirit Land. At this moment, all nine countries of the Demon Spirit Land trembled.

The entire Demon Spirit Land was filled with cries, and the sky was no longer blue but dark. The clouds churned and a giant vortex formed.

This vortex was simply too big; it spread out and slowly rotated. Sword energy came from inside the vortex and spread out in the sky.

An aura as overbearing as the sky appeared. At the same time, seven rainbow-colored lights appeared from the vortex and descended.

At this moment, all of the ancient demons came out from their respective holy lands and stared gloomily at the vortex in the sky.

Bei Lou's eyebrows tightened as he looked up at the sky. After taking a glance, he waved his sleeves and disappeared.

Several people walked out from the vortex in the sky. Ling Tianhou stood in the sky wearing green robes. He looked down on the earth and shouted, "Greed, come out and meet this old man!"

His voice spread out like thunder rumbling across the sky. The ground immediately began to crack and spread. In the blink of an eye, Ling Tianhou's voice spread across the entire Demon Spirit Land.

Strangely, everyone else seemed to already know that Greed had come here, so they were not surprised.

The Blood Ancestor's eyebrows furrowed and his face sank. The moment he stepped into the Demon Spirit Land, he swept the entire land with his divine sense but discovered no trace of Yao Xixue. It was as if she had completely disappeared, and this made him even more uneasy.

He took a deep breath and began to secretly activate a spell. He scanned again with his secret spell and his expression became even more gloomy.

The All-Seer raised his right hand and pinched his fingers to calculate. From the outside, there was the East Demon Spirit Sea interfering with his divination, but now he was inside the Demon Spirit Land, so there was no longer anything obstructing him.

Just at the moment these old monsters entered the Demon Spirit Land, Wang Lin leaped into the Tide Abyss. He flew down toward the bottom like a meteor.

The suction force was like a powerful thruster that pushed Wang Lin deep into the pit.

Ling Tianhou's expression was gloomy. After his voice came out, he spread out his divine sense to sweep the area. In the extremely northern area, two other divine senses suddenly appeared and collided with him. Ling Tianhou let out a muffled groan and his body trembled slightly, then his eyes shined brightly.

At the same time, a cloud silently appeared before them. This cloud wasn't solid but only an illusion. A man and a woman were sitting on the cloud.

These two were the Celestial Cloud Couple, Wang Wei and Hu Juan.

Wang Wei calmly looked at Ling Tianhou and company. When his gaze landed on the All-Seer, his pupils shrank an unnoticeable amount. The All-Seer still had his eyes closed. He was calculating even after the two of them arrived.

Wang Wei smiled. "Fellow cultivators, long time no see!"

Hu Juan also faintly smiled but didn't speak.

Ling Tianhou looked at Wang Wei and coldly said, "Fellow Cultivator Wang , I noticed that Greed is with you. Give him to me, I have important questions to ask him!"

Wang Wei smiled as he said to his lover, "Look, after so many years, not only has the Sword Saint's temper not lessened, it became even worse."

Hu Juan revealed a tender gaze and smiled. "It is understandable that the Sword Saint is worried about his disciples."

Ling Tianhou's expression was extremely gloomy. If it wasn't for that fact that he dreaded these two, he would have already attacked them, given his personality.

Wang Wei slapped his bag of holding and two people immediately flew out. One of them was Chen Long and the other was Greed.

After Chen Long saw Ling Tianhou, his eyes were filled with joy. He knelt down with moisture in his eyes and said, "Master!! It was Greed, it was him who harmed all my junior apprentice brothers!"

Greed's expression was neutral without any changes. After he appeared, he just stood behind Wang Wei and Hu Juan as if he was an old slave.

Ling Tianhou didn't look at Chen Long but stared at Greed and gloomily said, "Greed, you sure have guts!"

Although Greed's heart skipped a beat, his expression didn't change at all. He coldly looked at Chen Long and said, "Little kid, did this old man personally kill a single person of your Da Lou Sword Sect?"

Chen Long viciously stared at Greed. Now that his master was here, he felt empowered and shouted, "Although you didn't personally kill us, you trapped us in the purple mist. If it wasn't for that, how could my junior apprentice brothers have died?!"

Greed laughed and said, "This old man trapped you all inside the mist in order to get the token, but did I harm a hair on you all? Instead of looking for the man who killed your junior apprentice brothers, you come and accuse me. What nonsense."

Chen Long was about to speak, but unexpectedly, Ling Tianhou waved his sleeves and coldly said, "Chen Long, say no more!" Ling Tianhou looked at Greed with killing intent and said, word for word, "Greed, where is the token?!"

Greed bitterly smiled and said, with a bitter expression, "You all may not believe me, but I swear upon my tens of thousands of years of cultivation that the token is not in my hands!"

Ling Tianhou stared at Greed without a word, waiting for him to continue. At this moment, aside from the All-Seer, who still had his eyes closed, all of the old monsters, including the Blood Ancestor, turned their sharp gazes at Greed.

Greed's scalp went numb. Among the people present, aside from Chen Long, he had the lowest cultivation level. At this moment, he was being stared at by all of these powerful cultivators, and he felt his mind tremble. It took a moment for him to regain himself. He took a deep breath and quickly said, "It was the Heavenly Fate Sect's Wang Lin who took the token. Nephew Chen Long can testify to that! It was also him who killed the people of the Da Lou Sword Sect!"

Ling Tianhou frowned and looked at Chen Long.

Chen Long quickly said, "Master, disciple only saw that Wang Lin had the token and was trapped by Greed. I don't know of what happened after. However… He did indeed kill several of my junior apprentice brothers!"

Just at this moment, the All-Seer suddenly opened his eyes and looked toward the east.

"He wants to leave!" The All-Seer's hand moved even faster and his gaze seemed to penetrate into the distance. It landed directly at the entrance to the Tide Abyss in the Water Demon Country and penetrated down to the opening of the pit. However, his gaze didn't stop there and went straight down the pit.

As Wang Lin descended, he immediately noticed. Then he immediately became one with the suction force and moved down even faster. The All-Seer felt his gaze being affected by the suction force. He hesitated for a bit before penetrating the suction force and going further down.

The All-Seer's spell immediately caught Ling Tianhou and company's attention. Even the Celestial Cloud Couple had surprise in their eyes. These old monsters all spread out their divine senses at this moment and followed the All-Seer's vision deep into the Tide Abyss.

Wang Lin's expression was neutral as he slapped his bag of holding and the seven star sword formation flew out. The formation rotated around his body, making him even faster.

Wang Lin rushed directly toward the bottom of the pit and soon he arrived at where the vortex was. At this moment, the All-Seer and the divine senses of all the old monsters descended!

Ling Tianhou immediately saw the seven star sword formation. This immediately made him enraged.

The All-Seer also saw Wang Lin without any of the Celestial Slaughter branding. This made the All-Seer's gaze show a hint of coldness.

Wang Lin stepped on the vortex, then he turned around and coldly looked at everyone before gradually sinking into it.

A powerful force came out from the vortex and spread out. This power was simply too strong even for the All-Seer and company's divine sense. They could only retreat and watch Wang Lin completely enter the vortex.

It wasn't that they didn't want to stop him, but the power coming from the vortex was the power that connected two star systems. This power was simply too strong!

The moment Wang Lin's figure entered the vortex, the Blood Ancestor's divine sense stared at Wang Lin, and his expression was very gloomy. Just a moment ago, he felt Yao Xixue's aura on Wang Lin. It revealed Yao Xixue's struggle and rebellion, which made the Blood Ancestor conclude that Yao Xixue's disappearance had something to do with Wang Lin. It was very likely that Yao Xixue was captured by Wang Lin!

His expression was extremely dark and he shouted, "Wang Lin, where is my daughter!?"

"There are not only three fake caves, but four!" Before Wang Lin disappeared, he left this sentence.

Other people might not understand Wang Lin's words, but the Blood Ancestor immediately understood. The fourth fake cave was a secret only he and Yao Xixue knew. It was something Yao Xixue would not tell anyone else!

This was also Wang Lin's hope. Although he was going to leave, he was going to completely stir this pot up! If the Blood Ancestor hadn't noticed Yao Xixue, it would have been fine. However, since he found out, Wang Lin must counter attack. His purpose was to make it so that the Blood Ancestor couldn't chase after him personally due to Yao Xixue! He believed that with these old monsters' minds, his words would help them make many associations.

Wang Lin disappeared.

The area around the vortex was completely silent. All these old monsters had gloomy expressions. They originally all had their own plans, and after hearing Wang Lin's words and seeing the Blood Ancestor's reaction, they all looked toward the Blood Ancestor.

The Blood Ancestor felt like there were needles on his back. He pondered for a bit and said, "There is indeed a fourth fake cave, but it has obviously been occupied by this Wang Lin. He also has a token, so if he isn't captured, then there is no chance for us to enter the real cave!

"We already knew that this vortex was an entrance to the Allheaven Star System, but the power inside the vortex was too strong. This Wang Lin somehow obtained an item that allowed him to enter!

"All of us have tried to enter but could not succeed. However, if we join hands and only send one person, we should be able to do it!"

Ling Tianhou asked, in a heavy tone, "Who goes?"

"If I say I'll go, then fellow cultivators would all be suspicious of me. The best choice is no doubt Greed! Each of us will leave a restriction on him and then this Greed will never escape our palms. He can only obediently capture Wang Lin and bring him back! Also, Greed's cultivation level is high enough to deal with Wang Lin!"

The All-Seer silently stared at the vortex and his eyes revealed a mysterious light. No one knew what he was thinking.

Chapter 660 - Arriving in Allheaven

Allheaven Star System.

Bright starlight spread endlessly in all direction. The Allheaven Star System was very large and had numerous cultivation planets. Aside from a few people within the Alliance Star System, most cultivators didn't know of the existence of other systems.

However, the Allheaven Star System wasn't the same. Almost all of them knew that there was a star system below each of the Wind, Rain, Thunder, and Lighting Celestial Realms.

This had a deep relationship with the fact that the Cultivation Alliance was the sole power in the Alliance Star System, and they had hidden a lot of things. Including Wang Lin, almost every cultivator thought that the Cultivation Alliance was the only power under the stars.

The Allheaven Star System had much more freedom. However, some secrets were still tightly kept.

One difference between the two star systems was that there were no sects in the Allheaven Star System; there were only cultivation families. What the Allheaven Star System cared about was bloodlines!

Only by having the same bloodline would people gather and create their own force.

Several rays of light flew by. There was a total of four people, three male and one female. Although it was hard to tell their exact ages, their appearances were relatively young. There wasn't much difference between their cultivation levels. Aside from the woman, who was a mid stage Soul Transformation cultivator, the other three were all at the early stage of Soul Transformation.

The woman looked like she was in her twenties. Although she was beautiful, there was a hint of coldness coming from her. However, instead of pride she gave off a lady-like atmosphere.

The three male cultivators were all very handsome. However, right now their expressions were gloomy and they constantly looked behind them.

One of the males quickly said, "Let's throw away the Brilliant Red Stone. Otherwise, these Dark Fog Insects will not stop chasing us. Once they trap us…"

The woman softly said, "The Dark Fog Insects will still chase those who took the Brilliant Red Stone even if they throw it away."

A large, grey mist was chasing after them. If one looked closer, they would see countless finger-sized insects in the mist. The mist came from something their bodies gave off.

Every single one of them had a star compass under their feet, so they were going fast. However, if it wasn't for the woman, who would occasionally scatter large amounts of crystals to block the grey mist, the insects probably would have caught up long ago.

Even so, the woman became more and more exhausted, while the insects got closer and closer. Finally, the mist suddenly charged forth and surrounded the four of them.

From a distance, one could only see the giant mist and not the four people trapped inside.

The four of them came from planet Ran Yun. The woman's name was Ran Yue. The three males' names were Ran Chen, Ran Feng, and Sun Xueshan.

The four of them originally came to train, but due to certain events, they obtained a Brilliant Red Stone. This led them to be chased by a large amount of insects, and in the end, they were surrounded.

The mist the Dark Fog Insects gave off was poisonous to cultivators. Just touching it could injure the origin soul and stop all spells, so it was extremely terrifying. The four of them were trapped inside the mist. If not for the woman's jade bracelet, which gave off faint rays of thunder, keeping the mist at bay, the four of them would have been long swallowed by the mist and had their origin souls destroyed.

The remaining three all used various spells and treasures in an attempt to break out of the mist. However, the mist was too thick, and in the end they still couldn't charge out.

As time passed, the celestial spiritual energy inside the four gradually dwindled and there weren't many pills left.

Ran Yue frowned and softly said, "The Dark Fog Insects fear thunder spells the most, and I have already requested help from the family. This place is a bit far away from the family, but we must resist until a senior good at thunder spells comes and saves us!"

Her celestial spiritual energy consumption was the highest; most of it was absorbed by the bracelet. If the bracelet wasn't there, they would be swallowed by the insects in an instant.

The only male who was not in the family, Sun Xueshan, let out a bitter smile. He looked at the countless insects in the mist and despair appeared in his heart.

"We can only blame ourselves for being greedy. If we hadn't pried out that Brilliant Red Stone, we wouldn't be in the present crisis."

At this moment, a ray of silver light flew by the mist. This ray of silver light looked like a dragon, and there was a young man sitting on it. He was wearing a snow-white robe with his hair tied up behind his back. Although his looks were ordinary, his skin glistened and his eyes were proud. Lightning would occasionally flash across his eyes, making him look even more fierce.

He was Wang Lin!

After Wang Lin entered the vortex, it was as if he had entered a transfer array. When he came out, he was amongst the stars. There were bright nebulae around him, but not a single person.

This was a foreign star system to Wang Lin, not his home, the Alliance Star system. This was the Allheaven Star System under the Thunder Celestial Realm.

After pondering for a bit, Wang Lin took out the star compass. Then, with a trace of confusion, he began roaming the star system.

The grey mist in the distance attracted Wang Lin's attention. The silver light flashed under him and he arrived next to the mist. Lightning flashed across his eyes, allowing him to immediately see what was strange about the mist and spot the four people trapped inside.

The Dark Fog Insects actually trembled under Wang Lin's gaze as if Wang Lin's gaze had solidified into something. They all dodged his gaze, which created an opening.

The four people trapped inside were immediately startled. Ran Yue's eyes lit up and she was secretly shock. A mere gaze was enough to force the Dark Fog Insects back. This kind of spell completely shocked her mind.

Her beautiful eyes moved and saw Wang Lin on the silver light outside the mist.

The despair in Sun Xueshan's eyes immediately disappeared. He immediately clasped his hands and shouted, "Senior, junior is from the Sun family on planet Ran Yun. I hope Senior can help us; junior will definitely thank Senior!"

Ran Chen and Ran Feng both quickly clasped their hands. They sincerely and respectfully asked to be saved.

Ran Yue looked at the young man on the silver light and her eyebrows loosened. She clasped her hands and softly said, "Senior, junior is from the Ran family on planet Ran Yun. We are trapped by these Dark Fog Insects. If Senior saves us, the Ran family will definitely reward Senior."

Wang Lin's expression was calm as his gaze swept the four of them. He withdrew his gaze and the mist immediately churned, swallowing up the opening.

Exclaimations came from inside the mist. The expressions of the people inside immediately became ugly. Sun Xueshan quickly shouted, "Senior, we have a Brilliant Red Stone. If Senior saves us, then we will give this stone to Senior as thanks first."

Wang Lin didn't know what the Brilliant Red Stone was, so he wasn't tempted. He looked at the mist and began to ponder. He was too unfamiliar with the Allheaven Star System, so he had to gain information as soon as possible so he could go to the Xiang family that the woman inside the scroll talked about.

The four people trapped inside the mist couldn't see outside. At this moment, aside from Ran Yue, the other three were filled with tension and anxiety.

Ran Yue's brows began to furrow. There weren't many pills left in her bag, and if this continued, the consequence would be unimaginable. She clenched her teeth and said, "Senior, I…"

Before she finished speaking, Wang Lin's voice entered the mist.

"Where is planet Ran Yun?"

The four of them were startled. Sun Xueshan quickly said, "It is about seven days of travel from here toward the north! If Senior wants to go, junior can lead the way to repay Senior for saving us."

Wang Lin's eyes lit up. He raised his right hand and pointed at the void. Suddenly, a ray of lightning came out from his origin soul and he flicked it with his right hand.

When the mist dispersed due to his gaze, Wang Lin guessed that these insects feared thunder spells.

At this moment, a bolt of lightning shot out from the tip of his finger. It flew through space with a thunderous rumble like it was a thunder dragon. It gave off a powerful pressure as it suddenly charged into the mist.

The Dark Fog Insects immediately began to scream and retreat. A large amount of mist came from the insects and pounced on the thunder. If it was a normal thunder spell, it would have weakened when facing the mist. After all, even though the Dark Fog Insects were weak to thunder, the poison in their bodies was still extremely powerful.

However, this thunder wasn't thunder formed from ordinary spells but real heavenly thunder. It was an ability Wang Lin had gained when his origin soul combined with the Ancient Thunder Dragon!

The thunder dragon roared and then a large amount of mist dissipated. The lightning moved through the mist, causing large numbers of Dark Fog Insects to retreat. They could clearly feel the pressure from the thunder. They were already afraid of thunder, and the heavenly thunder was like their natural enemy, so they quickly retreated.

In the blink of an eye, as the thunder dissipated, all of the Dark Fog Insects flew far away. The four of them immediately flew out and arrived next to Wang Lin. Without any exception, the four of them felt like they had just escaped the jaws of death, but what they felt even more was shock.

Sun Xueshan's gaze toward Wang Lin was filled with shock. As someone from the Allheaven Star System, he wasn't unfamiliar with thunder spells. Although he couldn't use any himself, the Allheaven Star System was connected to the Thunder Celestial Realm. Here, thunder spells were the most powerful.

His shock came from the might that came from the ray of thunder. He didn't know what kind of spell could cause an illusion ray of thunder to contain trace of real thunder might! This was something not even the elders and ancestors of the family could do!

Ran Yue and the other two Ran males were also shocked. Especially, Ran Yue who sucked in a breath of cold air. Her eyes suddenly lit up when she looked at Wang Lin.

After all, she had reached the mid stage of Soul Transformation, so her position in the family was higher than that the other three, meaning she knew more secretive things. Her mind was in shock as she recalled everything that had happened. She took a deep breath and respectfully said, "Junior is part of the ninth generation of the Ran family. Is Senior a Thunder Celestial Messenger?"

After she said that, Sun Xueshan's expression changed. He thought to himself, "Indeed, he must be a Thunder Celestial Messenger! However… why would a Thunder Celestial Messenger want to go to planet Ran Yun…"

Chapter 661 - Mei Er

"Thunder Celestial Messenger…" Wang Lin's expression didn't change as he calmly looked at the four of them. He neither admitted nor denied it.

Although Ran Yue's heart was in shock, she quickly calm herself. After she saw that Wang Lin didn't speak, she began to speculate. Although Wang Lin's spells were shocking, the status of a Thunder Celestial Messenger was extraordinary, so she was suspicious as well.

Moreover, what really made her surprised was that she couldn't see through Wang Lin's cultivation. This made her even more uncertain Wang Lin's identity.

As for the remaining three, especially Sun Xueshan, they were very respectful. Especially Sun Xueshan, who was even excited to the point of fanaticism. After he heard Ran Yue's words, he was determined in his heart that this person must be a Thunder Celestial Messenger.

Sun Xueshan respectfully said, "If Senior wants to go to planet Ran Yun, junior is willing to lead the way."

Wang Lin nodded as he sat on the silver dragon and flew toward the north. Sun Xueshan quickly followed with Ran Yue and company behind them.

After flying for a short period of time, Wang Lin frowned. The four of them were too slow. Going at this speed would take seven days. He pondered for a bit before slowing down the star compass and keeping pace with the four of them.

He was foreign to the Allheaven Star System, so he wasn't anxious to rush around. Instead, it would be better to gain an understanding of the Allheaven Star System to make it easier for him to travel around later.

Wang Lin calmly asked, "What other cultivation planets are around planet Ran Yun?"

Sun Xueshan was secretly looking at the silver dragon star compass under Wang Lin's feet and revealed a gaze of admiration. When he heard Wang Lin, he quickly said, "Planet Ran Yun is affiliated with planet Thousand Illusion, one of the major five planets in the northern domain. There are many other planets affiliated with planet Thousand Illusion as well." He had some doubts about why Wang Lin didn't know this. However, thinking about how there were simply too many planets in the Allheaven Star System, he relaxed.

Wang Lin's expression remained the same, but his heart trembled.

"Planet Thousand Illusion… Thousand Illusion… This name is very familiar. Back then, Zhuque Zi had a disciple named Liu Mei, who cultivated in the Thousand Illusion Ruthless domain. There should be no connection… After all, this is a different star system."

"Northern domain. It looks like the Allheaven Star System is divided into east, west, north, and south domains. It looks like I'm currently in the northern domain."

Through just one sentence from Sun Xueshan, Wang Lin gained a vague understanding of the Allheaven Star System.

At this moment, Ran Yue softly said, "Senior saved all of us, but we still don't know your name…"

Wang Lin calmly said, "Xu Mu." He didn't know when the All-Seer and company would come chasing after him, so he hid his real name.

"Surname Xu…" Ran Yue's eyes faintly flickered and her mind trembled. She felt that Wang Lin's identity had become even more mysterious.

"Xu is the biggest family on planet Thousand Illusion. The Xu family is like a giant tree. Could he be from the Xu family…" If she hadn't guessed Wang Lin's identity earlier, it wouldn't have mattered much hearing that he was named Xu. However, Wang Lin had shocked her too much earlier, and this caused her to question Wang Lin's identity. Now her imagination was going wild.

After hearing Wang Lin call himself Xu Mu, even Sun Xueshan's pupils shrank, and he became more respectful.

Ran Yue raised her head and asked, "Where did Senior Xu come from?" Right after she asked, she immediately regretted it. As a junior, asking such questions could easily arouse someone's anger. She then quickly said, "Senior, please don't take offense; junior knows she was wrong."

Wang Lin calmly looked at the woman. This woman was intelligent and very ladylike. It was obvious that she was the leader of these four people.

"Do you know about planet Dong Lin?" Wang Lin withdrew his gaze. His tone was very calm, so it was not possible to tell his current emotion.

"Dong Lin!" Sun Xueshan's expression changed greatly. His gaze toward Wang Lin quickly turned from shock to terror. He subconsciously took a few steps back and his face became pale.

Not only him, aside from Ran Yue, the other two's faces became extremely pale as well. Their gazes turned from shock to terror.

Even Ran Yue sucked in a breath of cold air. All the guesses in her heart about Wang Lin's identity were swept away.

Their reactions didn't seem to match their cultivation levels. Although Soul Transformation cultivators were not as cunning as Ascendant cultivators, they wouldn't be so easily moved. Compared to them, these four seemed somewhat immature.

Combined with his understanding, Wang Lin suddenly had a feeling that he understood something. It seemed like within these cultivation families, the family members rarely experienced deadly situations.

Without experiencing countless life and death situations, then no matter how high their cultivation levels were, they would never become true powerhouses.

Wang Lin calmly looked at the four of them. "Do you guys know about planet Dong Lin?!"

Ran Yue's expression gradually became pale and she respectfully said, "Senior, planet Dong Lin is the number one planet in the northern domain. It has another name, Dong Lin Slaughter. There is also something strange about the planet, which is that it is sometimes there and sometimes it just disappears…" Ran Yue didn't say one more thing, and that was that everyone who came from planet Dong Lin were ruthless people. There once was a cultivator who came from planet Dong Lin and slaughtered an entire cultivation family.

Planet Dong Lin was a terrible nightmare for most people in Allheaven Star System.

After that, even Sun Xueshan didn't dare to look at Wang Lin. His heart was filled with uncertainty. He didn't know why this Xu Mu wanted to go to planet Ran Yun.

This doubt became even stronger in the hearts of the other three. This doubt became stronger and stronger in their hearts, causing them to become slower and slower. They were now somewhat unwilling to bring Wang Lin to planet Ran Yun.

However, even if this was the case, the four of them didn't dare to refuse. Although they were unwilling, their direction was still toward planet Ran Yun.

In their eyes, although Wang Lin barely spoke, this Xu Mu seemed to know everything. Many times the four wanted to change directions, and every time they were met with Wang Lin's cold gaze.

Several days later, a blue planet appeared before Wang Lin. It seemed like oceans occupied most of the planet. From far away, planet Ran Yun was very beautiful. It gave off dense spiritual energy that nourished everything.

Through the four's expressions, Wang Lin knew that this was planet Ran Yun.

The spiritual energy from this planet was far above Wang Lin's home planet of Suzaku. Wang Lin moved first and the star compass turned into a ray of silver light that flew into planet Ran Yun. Then the silver light disappeared and Wang Lin floated under the blue sky.

Spiritual energy came from the ocean below him. It was even more dense.

Wang Lin took a deep breath, then his body flickered and he disappeared.

The four of them that led the way had ashen expressions. They immediately headed back to their families and explained everything that had happened.

When Wang Lin entered planet Ran Yun, a terrifying, dark red light was flying through the Alliance Star System. This red light gave off a terrifying aura. It looked like a bolt of lightning as it flew across space, and it was giving off earth-shattering pressure.

There was an old man inside the ray of red light. There was a vicious gaze on his thin face. What was most amazing was that he didn't use any magical treasure to fly through space; every single step he took was as if he was teleporting.

He wasn't alone. There was a woman beside him. She was an incomparable beauty. Her lips were red, her eyebrows weren't too thick or thin, her phoenix eyes were pitch black, and she had matchless beauty. Her shining eyes would cause anyone to lose their breath.

Her three-foot-long hair was split into three strands. One curled up behind her head with the help of a white jade butterfly pin. The other two strands casually hung over her shoulders. She was wearing a beautiful, light, flower imperial top. Below she wore a smoky green flower dress. While she moved, she was outstanding and dazzling.

This woman wasn't any less beautiful than Red Butterfly. It won't be an exaggeration to call her a national beauty. In addition, aside from her appearance, she gave off a charming aura that made her even more attractive.

She was following the old man. She didn't use her own speed; she was being brought along by the old man. Otherwise, even though she had reached the Ascendant stage, she wouldn't be able to keep up with the old man.

While they flew, she turned around and looked at the star system behind her, and her eyes revealed a strange color. It was as if she was recalling the past. It also seemed like she was sighing, but what she felt the most was a very complex feeling.

"I'm about to leave…" The woman sighed.

"Mei Er, are you still reluctant to leave?" The proud old man turned around to look at the woman. There was a hint of kindness in his eyes.

"Disciple grew up here and feels a bit relucent now that I'm leaving." The woman played with hair hair and tightened her red lips.

The old man laughed. "There is no need to feel reluctant. Once your cultivation level is high enough, you can return. Although I didn't find the treasure I was looking for, accepting you as a disciple made this trip to the Alliance Star System worth it!"

The woman smiled but didn't speak. However, her gaze toward the star system behind her became even more complex.

The old man withdrew his gaze. The woman before him was someone who he met by chance a few hundred years ago. He immediately recognized that she was cultivating the Thousand Illusion Ruthless domain and was progressing toward the Ten Thousand Illusion Heavenly Demon domain. This discovery shocked him greatly.

The ruthless domain wasn't exclusive to one star system, and there were many methods of cultivating it. The key was comprehending the heart. However, for someone to be able to reach the Thousand Illusion stage by themselves was rare, but that by itself wasn't impressive. What made him accept her as a disciple was the vague sign of her developing toward the Ten Thousand Illusion stage.

He was the head elder of the Huan family on planet Thousand Illusion, the head planet in the Allheaven Star System's northern domain. He had seen many juniors in the family, and aside from a few people, none of them could match her talent. Even among those limited few, they were still lacking compared to her in terms of potential.

This was why the old man immediately made up his mind to accept this woman as his disciple!

After being together for several hundred years, he grew to love his disciple even more. He even gave up on searching for the heaven-defying bead to take her back to the Allheaven Star System.

Chapter 662 - Scheming Jade

Allheaven Star System, planet Ran Yun.

At the moment Wang Lin appeared, three powerful divine senses rushed over. At the moment they arrived, Wang Lin disappeared and gave off no aura. Two of them seemed to dread each other, so after these two searched the area, they withdrew.

Only the other divine sense viciously swept across the entire planet. After finding nothing, it let out a cold snort and then disappeared.

This person's cold snort spread across the entire planet and also entered Wang Lin's ears.

Wang Lin's figure appeared in a plain in the northern part of the planet. He raised his head to look at the sky and thought, "One mid stage Ascendant and two early stage Ascendant cultivators. This Allheaven Star System is interesting. Such rich spiritual energy, but this cultivation planet only has three powers, and each power only has one Ascendant cultivator.

"If this planet Ran Yun was in the Cultivation Alliance, I'm afraid it would have been robbed, taken over by an old monster in the second step, or a rank 6 cultivation country would migrate here. There is no way such a planet would only have three Ascendant cultivators in the Alliance Star System."

While Wang Lin pondered, his aura began to withdraw. In the blink of an eye, his Ascendant aura disappeared and he only displayed the aura of a Core Formation cultivator.

Wang Lin's cultivation was already at the early stage of Ascendant and his origin soul was extremely strange. Unless there was someone with a higher cultivation level than him close by, it would be impossible to see through him with a mere sweep of divine sense.

Of course, this was not the case for those old monsters who were in the second step.

"I shouldn't be found if I hide here. Even if the All-Seer and company chase me to the Allheaven Star System, they wouldn't think I'd be hiding in a cultivation planet like this." Wang Lin's eyes lit up and gradually grew less fierce. Even though his eyes were still crystal clear, the eye-catching luster was completely gone.

"From the expression of those four little fellows, planet Dong Lin is extremely powerful. Before I'm strong enough, I can't go there!"

Wang Lin revealed a smile. A gentle, spring breeze blew out and then all the coldness on his face disappeared. He took out an ordinary-looking flying sword and flew off on it.

While he flew, his appearance slowly changed. Not long after, his entire appearance changed completely. At this moment, even people familiar with him wouldn't be able to recognize him.

Almost all high level cultivators were good at this kind of appearance-changing spell. However, for high level cultivators, this spell had too many weakness. Any high level cultivator only needed to focus a bit to see some clues, and when facing people with vision spells, they would be able to see through the spell at a glance.

However, Wang Lin was different. He didn't use the spell himself; it was casted by the celestial guard hiding in his shadow. Not many people could see through it.

After flying for a short period of time, a city appeared before him. This city was surrounded by walls made of large, blue stones and gave off a commanding majesty. Above the gate were two large characters.

"Sun Family"

Wang Lin put away the flying sword outside the city and landed. He dusted his clothes and calmly walked toward the city.

Maybe it was because they noticed that he was only at the late stage of Core Formation, but the city guards weren't too strict on the inspection. They merely told him that there were cultivation caves especially prepared for foreign cultivators. Wang Lin paid the spirit stones for temporary residence and received a token. Then he walked into the city controlled by the Sun family.

There were a lot of mortals in the city, but there were also many cultivators. All kinds of shops that were filled with stuff cultivators commonly needed lined the sides of the road. Of course, there were some shops just for mortals as well.

Wang Lin didn't feel any discomfort while walking on the street. It was as if he was someone from this city. Since he decided to settle here, he was going to find a place to stay.

After entering the northern part of the city, Wang Lin immediately felt the silence and thick spiritual energy that covered this area. There were numerous solitary houses with restrictions guarding them.

There was a restriction at the entrance preventing mortals from entering. There was also a three hundred feet tall rock with seven or eight black token hanging on it.

There was a nascent soul young man sitting under the rock. He had his eyes closed with with stream of hot air coming out of his nose.

Wang Lin stood outside the entrance and looked inside. The restriction was extremely simple in his eyes. He didn't even need to break it and simply walked in without causing any reaction from the restriction.

As he was looked at the restriction, the young man under the rock opened his eyes. He looked at Wang Lin and said, "There are only eight open rooms. Which one do you want?"

Wang Lin's expression remained the same as he calmly asked, "Are there are any differences between them?"

The young man revealed a look of impatience and said, "The upper rooms cost one thousand high quality spirit stones and the lower rooms cost one hundred."

Wang Lin pondered for a bit before taking out one hundred spirit stones and placing them down. The young man revealed a look of contempt as he waved his sleeves and collected the spirit stones. He took a token off the rock, threw it toward Wang Lin, and said, "The fifth house from the west, go!" After that, the young man closed his eyes and focused on cultivating.

Wang Lin caught the token and looked at it. There were two restrictions on the token, and one of them was to get through the entrance. Wang Lin withdrew his gaze, put the token away, and walked inside.

At the moment he entered, the young man under the stone opened his eyes and muttered to himself in contempt, "Another foreign cultivator who wants to borrow the spiritual energy of my Sun family to form their nascent soul. Hmmph, how can forming one's nascent soul be so easy? This person's talent is pretty average; even reaching Core Formation stage was probably due to pills!"

Wang Lin naturally heard the young man's words. He turned around and looked back before continuing forward. Soon, he arrived before the fifth house from the west.

The house looked simple, but it was filled with spiritual energy. After looking around the room, Wang Lin was satisfied.

There was only one bed and a meditation mat. There was also a pill furnace and a semi-enclosed closed door cultivation room. Although it was small, it was very elegant.

Outside the room, Wang Lin casually waved his hand and perfected the restrictions on the house. This made the restrictions ten times more powerful than before. He sat down in the lotus position inside the room and breathed in the thick spiritual energy.

His expression relaxed as the spiritual energy filled his body. Shortly after, Wang Lin released a mouthful of foul air and revealed a hint of regret.

"It has been a long time since I cultivated spiritual energy. Unfortunately, no matter how dense the spiritual energy is, it won't raise my cultivation level." Almost all of the celestial jades in Wang Lin's bag were depleted when he broke through to the Ascendant stage. There weren't enough left for him to cultivate daily.

"There are five drops of the celestial liquid left. The four drops I took when I was under the effect of the Celestial Ascension Fruit allowed my body to have endless celestial spiritual energy, but that obviously won't last long. In just a few years, the celestial liquid in my body will be used up and I won't have endless celestial spiritual energy anymore.

Also, one drop of this celestial liquid allowed me to break into the Ascendant stage, but the amount of celestial spiritual energy required after is much higher. Consuming some now won't have the same effect as before. Instead of wasting them now, it is better to save them for when I'm injured or when I need endless celestial spiritual energy for a short period of time! Considering all of this, the first thing I need to do is obtain enough celestial jades for my daily cultivation needs."

The sky outside gradually darkened, causing the room to darken as well. Wang Lin waved his hand and the candlestick immediately lit up with a crackling fire. The house was immediately enveloped by the light from the candle.

There was a fist-sized blue bead on the ceiling. The smoke from the candle rose up and was absorbed by the bead. Soon, the bead was filled with smoke and began to lit up.

This phenomenon aroused Wang Lin's interest. He had never seen such ingenious design. He looked at the blue bead that was as bright as the moon

Half an incense stick of time later, the bead inside glowed brightly and a blue light fell. It was very soft, but it extinguished the candle. The bead was now the only thing lighting the room.

"There are three restrictions inside the bead. The three gather the smoke, turn the smoke into heat, and use the heat to produce light. In this respect, the Allheaven Star System is much better."

A faint smell of sandalwood came from the bead. This small calmed people's hearts.

"The third formation is this sandalwood smell." Wang Lin's eyes lit up. Not only was there no poison in this smell, it could actually speed up a cultivator's cultivation speed. It was an uncommon alchemy material.

While sitting inside the room, the outside was completely silent. Wang Lin pondered for a long time and a thought suddenly entered his mind. After pondering for a moment, he erased that thought.

"Stealing is beneath me, and after all, the amount of celestial jades I need is something only Ascendant cultivators would have. Maybe some of the big families here have enough.

"However, if were I do this, I would have to leave planet Ran Yun and go somewhere else. So that is not a good plan."

After pondering for a bit, Wang Lin raised his head and made a decision. He slapped his bag of holding and some refining materials flew out.

He spat out a mouthful of origin energy and surrounded the materials with it. The materials quickly melted and formed three molds according to Wang Lin's divine sense.

A flying sword, a bronze mirror, and a hairpin.

Wang Lin's hand formed a seal and countless restrictions landed on them. Gradually, the three treasures began to release pressure. Also, because they were refined by Wang Lin's origin soul, lightning would sometimes appear on them.

After placing down the restrictions, Wang Lin pondered a bit, recalling the cultivator back on Suzaku that had the domain of time[1.Cultivator who used domain of time on Wang Lin to let him experience a domain. Wang Lin later made wooden carvings that contained the domain]. With his current cultivation level and due to having his own dao, he was able to imitate it pretty well.

With a wave of his right hand, the bronze mirror fell and the time domain entered it.

Then Wang Lin recalled again. This time it was Liu Mei's Thousand Illusion Ruthless domain. Endless illusions flashed across his mind until they eventually turned into a ray of light that entered the hairpin.

As for the flying sword, Wang Lin didn't leave any domain inside it. He placed a teleporting imprint inside the sword.

Chapter 663 - Sun Lao

After waving his right hand, the three magical treasures glistened and landed in Wang Lin's palm. They slowly rotated while giving off dazzling light. They were very eye-catching.

The quality of these treasures couldn't be compared to real celestial treasures at all, not even low grade ones. However, celestial energy could be used to activate the domain and spells left on them.

Even without celestial spiritual energy, cultivators below the Soul Transformation stage could activate these treasures with their spiritual energy, but their power would be a lot weaker.

Wang Lin whispered, "Pseudo celestial treasures!"

These were the highest quality magic treasures he could make. After all, Wang Lin only had a rough understand of treasure refining. Most of his understanding came from the jade from the country of Hou Fen back on Suzaku.

Generally speaking, he couldn't create these kinds of treasures. However, Wang Lin had his own dao and his cultivation had reached the Ascendant stage, and the most important part was his control over restrictions.

His gaze withdrew from the three treasures. He wasn't satisfied with these treasures. After pondering for a bit, he picked up the bronze mirror and began deducing the restrictions.

"If I can give this treasure an inheritance affect, the price will definitely increase by a lot." Wang Lin closed his eyes and continued the deductions.

Ordinary treasures only allowed the user to imprint their divine sense so they could use it freely. However, once it was stolen, the new owner would only have to erase that divine sense and it would become theirs.

Only inheritance treasures required not only a divine sense imprint but also a special method to control it. Thus, even if someone else obtained it, they wouldn't be able to use it.

Therefore, magical treasures with inheritance were valued much higher among treasures of the same rank.

Wang Lin's Billion-Soul Soul Flag and God Slayer War Chariot were this kind of treasure. He closed his eyes and began pondering about the secrets of inheritance. However, only grandmasters in treasure refining would have methods to refine treasures with inheritance. Those methods wouldn't be easily spread, and those kinds of treasures were rarely refined. That was why inheritance treasures were rare.

Not long after, Wang Lin opened his eyes. He frowned and muttered, "Inheritance… I can't see through it. Maybe I'm thinking about this problem in the wrong way. I don't need to figure out how to make it require inheritance but simply place a restriction on it. Then I'll sell the jade to release the restriction along with the treasure. This way, even though it doesn't have an inheritance, it has the same effect."

Wang Lin's eyes lit up. The key point of this pseudo inheritance was the strength of the restriction. If the restriction was strong enough that no one could break it, then even though it didn't have a real inheritance, it would have the same effect as a real inheritance treasure.

Restriction deductions flashed across Wang lin's eyes. His left hand formed a seal and placed a restriction on the mirror. Then his left hand didn't stop and he continued to place restrictions on the mirror. These restrictions combined together to form a complicated black rune.

After pondering for a bit, Wang Lin looked around the room until his eyes landed on a candle. He pointed at the candlestick with his left hand and it immediately lit up. When the smoke was about to be sucked away by the bead on the ceiling, he caught the smoke and pressed it on the rune.

The symbol immediately began to melt and became a strange strand of smoke before entering the bronze mirror. Then he touched his bag of holding, took out a jade, and left the method to break this restriction inside the jade.

After putting away the bronze mirror, Wang Lin didn't put the pseudo inheritance restriction on the remaining two magical treasures. Outside, the sky was gradually getting brighter. Wang Lin closed his eyes and began to cultivate.

The sun covered the sky and slowly dispersed the darkness. Wang Lin opened his eyes, got up, and pushed open the door. The sunlight hit his body and a warm feeling immediately appeared in his mind. The spiritual energy around him was very rich right now, so it immediately made made his mind very clear.

A calm feeling filled his heart. Wang Lin's body flickered and he walked forward. As he passed through the exit, the young man under the rock was still cultivating to absorb all the essences of the heavens and earth.

It wasn't until Wang Lin's figure was far away that the youth opened his eyes and revealed a flash of contempt.

"Which of the foreign cultivators didn't spend all day cultivating and absorbing as much spiritual energy as possible? Although this person's talent is ordinary, it can be made up for with hard work, but this person gave up cultivating in the morning when spiritual energy is most dense. I'm certain that this person will never be able to form his nascent soul!"

The youth withdrew his eyes and began to cultivate again. His speed became even faster as if the spiritual energy he was absorbing now was stolen from someone else.

When Wang Lin came yesterday, he saw that there was a free market on the west side of the city. There were many cultivators exchanging magical treasures and materials there.

"There aren't many Nascent Soul level cultivators there, so it is not the best place to go." Wang Lin pondered a bit before looking toward the youth under the rock and walking over.

Wang Lin clasped his hands and said, in gentle tone, "Fellow Cultivator, I wonder if there is any place in the city that deals with high-ranked treasures."

The youth opened his eyes. Aside from the contempt in his eyes, there was also a hint of impatience as he coldly said, "The Whole Treasure Pavilion in the east side of the city!" After that, he stopped looking at Wang Lin.

Wang Lin faintly smiled and left.

The youth sneered. "He's only a little Core Formation cultivator and he wants to exchange for high ranked magical treasures. I'm afraid he doesn't even have the qualifications to step into the pavilion!"

After walking out of the northern part of the city, Wang Lin casually walked toward the east side. There weren't many mortals here, mostly cultivators. The shops here also had much more imposing atmospheres that came from both sides of the street.

There were even some shops, perhaps due to the customs here, that had incredibly large spirit stones in front. These were not refined spirit stones, so they retained their original shapes and gave off thick spiritual energy.

Wang Lin's eyes revealed a look of interest. These kinds of displays indeed told everyone the power of these shops.

It has to be said that ordinary cultivators couldn't possibly dig spirit stones like these out of spirit veins.

The sizes of the spirit stones were also related to the shops. Some of the spirit stones outside the shops were twenty feet tall. Just the presence of each spirit stone created a sense of pressure.

There was even a shop with high quality spirit stones outside. This discovery immediately made Wang Lin interested in this store.

He carefully looked at the store. This shop wasn't large and only had two floors. Although it wasn't as majestic as the surrounding stores, it was very elegant. There was a giant plaque with the fancy written characters: "Green Bamboo Pavilion."

Wang Lin didn't go in; he withdrew his gaze and walked forward. On the eastern end of the city there was a huge pavilion. There wasn't just one spirit stone outside this building, there were eight. These eight high quality spirit stones were thirty feet tall and seemed to be placed in a formation. They gave off waves of spiritual pressure.

This pavilion seemed to have fused with the surrounding. Just looking at it it felt a bit illusionary. There were long strips of spirit stones with three words carved on them: "Whole Treasure Pavilion."

A pressure was spreading out. There was even a hidden layer of restrictions preventing divine sense from checking inside. Wang Lin didn't force his divine sense in, as he wasn't very interested in the Whole Treasure Pavilion.

Wang Lin stepped inside but immediately frowned. He saw a middle-aged man walk out from the pavilion and block his path. He examined Wang Lin and calmly asked, "Does fellow cultivator not know my Whole Treasure Pavilion's rules?"

Wang Lin's expression was neutral as he calmly said, "Oh? I wonder what the rules are."

The middle-aged man was extremely shocked at Wang Lin's calm expression. He had seen many cultivators, and aside from those old monsters, very few cultivators could be this calm under the pressure of the pavilion.

"There are two entry rules and one exit rule in my Whole Treasure Pavilion. Those below the Nascent Soul stage can't enter! Those without one hundred thousand high quality spirit stones can't enter! Those that don't make a trade can't exit!"

Wang Lin frowned slightly.

The middle-aged man saw Wang Lin's expression and suddenly realized something. He asked, "Does fellow cultivator have one hundred thousand spirit stones?"

Wang Lin didn't have many spirit stones inside his bag of holding. After all, once he reached the Soul Transformation stage, he primarily used celestial jades.

The middle-aged man smiled. "Fellow cultivator does not meet the requirements to go inside. Even if you go inside, then I'm afraid that you won't meet the condition to leave. Please return."

"Will you accept this treasure?" Wang Lin's eyes were calm as he looked at the middle-aged man. He slapped his bag of holding and the flying sword that he refined appeared.

The middle-aged man glanced at the flying sword and revealed a hint of contempt. He was able to tell at a glance this flying sword was refined by a very poor method and that there was nothing special about it. Even the sword's light was extremely bleak. He didn't even use his divine sense and could tell with his naked eyes that this flying sword was extremely poor quality. It probably wasn't even a low quality magical treasure.

He was responsible for verifying for the Whole Treasure Pavilion for many years, so his eyesight was very good. He had seen too many people with low cultivation levels try to sell treasures that they thought were very good. In his mind, Wang Lin was one of those people.

This flying sword treasure presumably had its abilities, but the middle-aged man wasn't interested. He smiled and shook his head. "We won't accept it. Please leave!"

Wang Lin coldly looked at the middle-aged man before turning around and leaving.

When Wang Lin's gaze landed in the middle-aged man's eyes, it made him feel like cold water was suddenly poured over his head and his body trembled. Wang Lin's gaze was like ten-thousand-year-old ice; it caused his nascent soul to freeze and almost collapse.

Terrified, the man took several steps back and his expression became extremely pale. He looked at Wang Lin walking away, completely speechless. In his heart, he vaguely felt like there was something unusual about that flying sword.

At this moment, an ancient voice came from within the pavilion.

"Lu Feng, what happened?"

The middle-aged man quickly turned around and said, "Elder Sun, just now a cultivator came to sell a magical treasure."

An old man walked out from the pavilion. He had a hunched back and looked very old. His face was filled with traces of time and his gaze was very dim. He looked at the middle-aged man and calmly asked, "What kind of treasure?"