

Chapter 648 - Ancient Thunder Dragon

With the sword energy making a path, Wang Lin used all of his speed and moved like a meteor toward the bottom. He didn't bother with Zhou Yi right now because although Greed had a lot of treasures, Zhou Yi wouldn't be defeated easily.

What he needed to do now was open as much distance as possible to stall for time until Zhou Yi arrived.

"This Greed has too many treasures. I don't know how many more strange treasures he has in that bag of his. Even if Senior Zhou Yi wins, I'm afraid it will take some time." Wang Lin frowned. The sword energy continued to break the resistance as he rushed downward.

Behind him, Greed's second origin soul chased closely after. This second origin soul was like a small person made of crystal. Black lightning bolts surrounded this small person.

The resistance coming from below was broken by the balls of lightning. His eyes glowed as he stared at Wang Lin. His right hand formed a seal and he slapped his palm down.

Nine of the balls of lightning around him immediately lined up like a string of beads. It pierced through the resistance like a fierce arrow and flew directly at Wang Lin.

"Thunder…" Wang Lin's head suddenly turned around and he slapped his bag of holding. The God Slaying War Chariot immediately flew out. It quickly formed a ball of lightning in the air. The ball quickly expanded and turned into a mighty thunder beast!

The thunder beast was a celestial thunder beast. After it appeared, it snorted out two strands of green gas. Its eyes contained lightning. Under its gaze, not only did the nine balls of thunder not slow down, they flew even faster.

The thunder beast opened its mouth and let out a roar. The nine balls of thunder suddenly trembled, and then, instead of going to Wang Lin, they flew toward the thunder beast and were instantly swallowed by it.

Greed's second origin soul's eyes immediately lit up. He moved his body and all the black thunder around him rained down on Wang Lin and the thunder beast.

At the same time, the second origin soul slapped his forehead. A hammer covered in lighting immediately appeared. He grabbed the hammer and slammed it down.

Rumble rumble rumble!

The thunderous roar of thunder exploded forth as lighting shot out from the hammer. The lightning moved like a dragon that was clawing toward Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he slapped his bag of holding, taking out the celestial brush. He took a deep breath and immediately drew in front of him. A five-stroke symbol suddenly appeared and he inserted five portions of his origin soul into it.

The golden symbol released a blinding light. After it appeared, it shined like the sun. At the moment the dragon arrived, the two sides collided in the air.

A loud bang echoed in the abyss, causing a large amount of rocks to fall from the cliff. Those rocks were pushed upward by the resistance force.

For this instant, even the resistance force coming from below slowed for a moment.

The symbol split into five pieces of divine sense and returned to Wang Lin's body. Wang Lin's body staggered and his face became pale. Without pause, he flew down again.

The lightning dragon didn't change at all, but it stayed in the air completely motionless. When the resistance force pushed against it, countless cracks appeared on it and it collapsed.

As for the thunder beast, when the balls of thunder arrived, it opened its mouth and happily ate one ball of thunder every time it opened its mouth. Even the collapsing lightning dragon was devoured by the thunder beast as it passed by. Then it looked at Greed's second origin soul with a provoking gaze before following Wang Lin.

Greed's second origin soul's eyes were filled with cold intent and he said, in a hoarse voice, "Damned beast!"

He waved the thunder hammer in his hand and it began to glow red. He quickly chased after Wang Lin as the red light on the hammer became stronger and stronger. Finally, the hammer started releasing a blood-colored light.

As Wang Lin was escaping, he suddenly felt powerful thunder behind him, causing his even hair to tingle. The thunder beast also became serious. It looked back and let out low growls.

"What spirit exactly is Greed's second origin soul?" Wang Lin's expression was gloomy. The resistance was getting stronger, but Ling Tianhou's sword energy was very strong. Wang Lin wasn't affected at all with the sword energy opening the path. He moved like lightning as he rushed downward.

Greed's second origin soul chased closely after Wang Lin.

The distance between them constantly changed as they charged toward the bottom. However, the closer they got to the bottom, the stronger the resistance became. In the end, their speed slowed down.

Greed's second origin soul slowly said, "Celestial-Destroying Thunder!" He waved the hammer in his hand and the red light on the hammer flew out as a ray of lightning. It didn't charge toward Wang Lin or the thunder beast but instead drilled into the cliff of the abyss.

Wang Lin's pupils suddenly shrank and he suddenly felt a sense of crisis. At this moment, he grabbed the thunder beast without any hesitation and put it back into his bag. All of the life seals gathered on his body, and at the same time, he took out a large amount of blood jades. He crushed them all.

These blood jades came from Yao Xixue. Now that he crushed them, the thick, blood-colored light immediately surrounded him, forming layers and layers of protection.

Almost at the moment Wang Lin finished all of this, a flash of red light came from the side of the cliff. Red dots suddenly appeared on the cliff's surface.

These dots became larger and faster at the same time. Then the dots suddenly burst out from the wall and formed a net of red lightning!

The red lightning around Wang Lin immediately pierced through the shield of blood light, creating loud bangs. Some even reached Wang Lin and was stopped by the life seals.

Wang Lin's expression became even more gloomy. He slapped his bag of holding and the three swords appeared. After infusing Ling Tianhou's sword energy into them, Wang Lin pointed at Greed's second origin soul and the swords charged toward Greed's second origin soul.

"Since you want to fight, let's fight!" Wang Lin no longer tried to escape. Although this was very close to the abyss, the resistance here was simply too big, so it would be difficult to pass. Adding on how vicious this second origin soul was, Wang Lin was angered.

The three sword formed a formation and charged out. The mouse, pig, and sheep evil spirits emerged and fused with Ling Tianhou's sword energy. They pierced through the lightning net and gave off thick sword energy as they stabbed toward Greed's second origin soul.

Greed's second origin soul shined brightly and its eyes became serious. He slammed the hammer in the air and then lightning dragons appeared and started circling around him. When the three swords arrived, the three evil spirits flew out and began fighting with the lightning dragons.

The three swords circled around and suddenly stabbed forth. However, they were blocked by the lightning dragons and weren't able to stab into the second origin soul.

If Ling Tianhou's sword energy wasn't there, Greed's second origin soul wouldn't care so much. However, the sword energies inside the swords made him very cautious, as he couldn't allow the sword energies to enter his body. He decided to constantly use the lightning dragons to weaken the sword energies!

A mark gradually appeared between the eyebrows of Greed's second origin soul as he waved the thunder hammer. This mark was very deep and flashed slowly.

Wang Lin was covered by the blood light. Without Ling Tianhou's sword energy, he could feel the powerful resistance force below him. He flew upward, borrowing the resistance force from the Tide Abyss. He moved at a speed several times faster than before as he flew through the lightning net and charged straight at the second origin soul!

The majority of the blood light around him had already dissipated. He had to constantly crush blood jades to continue protecting himself.

If there was no blood light to act as a shield, he would be facing a life and death trial inside this lightning net even if he used one million life seals.

"Back then, the grey-robed All-Seer said that the defense of the life seals was extremely powerful, and this is true when facing ordinary spells. However, when facing someone stronger than me, it simply won't be enough! Either the Celestial Slaughter Art is imperfect, or the grey-robed All-Seer deceived me!"

He immediately saw the mark between Greed's second origin soul's eyebrows!

"That is the seal Greed uses to control the second origin soul. I need to smash it!" Wang Lin's eyes lit up. The lightning net was too dense, and it closed in as he moved, making the net even more powerful.

However, at this moment, Greed's second origin soul's eyes became cold and the lightning net around Wang Lin immediately contracted!

Countless rays of lightning began to gather toward Wang Lin!

At this moment, Wang Lin gave up on his defense. His eyes became red and he shouted, "Very well, either I kill you, or I die today!"

The three swords moved even faster; it was as if they felt Wang Lin's killing intent. Ling Tianhou's sword energy spread out from the three swords.

"Stop!" A loud roar came from Wang Lin. At this moment, the celestial spell, Stop, was used by Wang Lin at full power!

Greed's second origin soul's arm suddenly paused!

Wang Lin's eyes glowed brightly and he shouted, "Kill!"

In an instant, the three swords' auras reached their peaks and moved through the lightning dragons. All three swords stabbed into Greed's second origin soul and pierced his body!

Ling Tianhou's sword energy charged into Greed's second origin soul without any hesitation and began to rampage inside his spirit body.

Greed's second origin soul's body trembled, and the seal between his eyebrows flickered like crazy. The seal spread all over his body, trying to resist this destructive force.

At this moment, the lightning net contracting toward Wang Lin suddenly collapsed. Wang Lin rushed out and slapped his bag of holding. The devilish amor immediately appeared over his body. The devilish energy spread out and he suddenly raised his finger. The Demonic Finger was used, and the celestial spiritual energy inside his body transformed.

At the same time, Wang Lin pointed again, and the Underworld Finger was used. The moment the Underworld Finger appeared, the underworld river appeared as well and charged out along with the Underworld Finger.

Wang Lin closed in with the help of the two spells. His speed increased with the help of the resistance force. Wang Lin arrived next to Greed's second origin soul and pressed the two spells into him.

Wang Lin's eyes were bloodshot as he shouted, "Explode for me!"

The seal between Greed's second origin soul's eyebrows flashed violently, trying to return back to normal. However, Wang Lin's two spells landed another fatal blow, so the seal collapsed!

Along with the seal, the body of Greed's second origin soul also began to collapse. Countless cracks appeared on its crystal body.

However, just at this moment, Wang Lin's expression changed. He recalled the three swords and quickly retreated.

A desolate aura spread out like crazy from the cracks of the second origin soul, and there was an unimaginable aura leaking out from the cracks. It was the aura of a beast!

The three evil spirits on the three swords immediately trembled!

At the abyss exit, Greed, who was fighting with Zhou Yi, trembled violently and coughed out a mouthful of blood. He looked below him with an aghast expression.


Greed's second origin soul exploded with a bang, but at the moment it collapsed, a green light shot out from between its eyebrows. A thick, desolate aura spread out from the green light.

The moment the green light appeared, it turned into a green dragon!

Lightning circulated all over this dragon; it was extremely terrifying! This was an ancient thunder dragon, and it was very famous. Back then, when Greed was only at the Foundation Establishment stage, he fell down a cliff and found a baby thunder dragon. He carefully hid it, and when he encountered danger, the aura from the thunder dragon would protect its master.

Later, Greed brought a wasted magical treasure in a ordinary city. However, after some research, it turned out that this treasure wasn't a waste but an ancient magical devil. Greed used it to brand and seal the thunder dragon so that it could never awaken and remain under his control.

It wasn't until he reached the Ascendant stage that he refined it into his second orign soul. However, he didn't dare to stimulate it too much, lest it awaken and escape from his control.

This green dragon opened its eyes and let out a real dragon roar!

At this moment, the sky changed color and the clouds gathered. Even the resistance from the Tide Abyss was pushed away.

Wang Lin revealed a bitter smile. Without any hesitation, he borrowed the resistance force to push himself back up and stayed far away from this green dragon!

"Greed… Greed… This person is really full of treasures, even his second origin soul is a dragon! The furnace that Tu Si[1. The ancient god that Wang Lin got his inheritance from] refined back then also landed in his hands… His cultivation level is also high, so he can be considered someone who has the heavens' own luck!" Wang Lin bitterly smiled. He didn't know that back when Greed was only eight and hadn't even started cultivating, he found a five-hundred-year-old Soloman's Seal[1. It's a type of plant] while playing. He took it home and ate it after breaking it. Not only was he not killed by the surge of energy inside it, but it laid his foundation as a cultivator.

As the green dragon let out a roar, its cold eyes swept the area and landed on Wang Lin. The hatred from before was still there. Although it had just awakened, it still remembered what happened. Its body turned into a ray of green light and charged directly at Wang Lin.

After charging into the bottom of the Tide Abyss, Wang Lin saw the bottomless pit at the center. Suction force was coming from the hole and it was covered in mist.

The dragon's roar and the fishy smell from its mouth came from behind him. Wang Lin let out a bitter smile as he stared at the bottomless pit. He clenched his teeth and suddenly jumped into the pit.

At this moment, the green dragon rushed over while roaring. The dragon had just awakened, so it's mind was still in a state of chaos. It was completely acting on instinct, and when it saw Wang Lin jump into the pit, it also rushed in without any hesitation.

The suction force here was very different from outside; it was much stronger. This wasn't Wang Lin's first time in here, so he knew this. After jumping into the pit, he activated the celestial spiritual energy inside his body and stayed close to the side of the cliff.

Chapter 649 - The Other Side of Peril is Endless Opportunity

However, the green dragon didn't know. After it jumped into the pit, it immediately became aware of the suction and began to struggle. Lightning bolts shot from its body, and bolts of lightning as big as a bucket landed on the cliff. Large amounts of rocks were blow off from the sides of the pit.

The deeper inside the pit, the stronger the suction force became. The green dragon struggled as the lightning around him resisted the suction force. Just as it was about to charge out, its head suddenly turned and saw Wang Lin, who was carefully controlling his speed along the wall below it. The dragon suddenly let out a roar. It gave up on escaping and charged straight at Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's expression became even more gloomy and he secretly cursed. This dragon didn't even know the danger it was facing. It felt the incredible suction force and still didn't run. Instead, after it saw Wang Lin, it gave up the opportunity to leave.

"There is this much hatred!" Wang Lin stopped the celestial spiritual energy inside his body and was immediately pulled by the suction. He quickly sank, causing the green dragon to miss, and then it chased after Wang Lin.

One person and one dragon went down the pit and gradually went deeper and deeper. Wang Lin immediately became aware that the suction coming from the bottom was becoming stronger, as if a storm was brewing.

A roar came from behind Wang Lin as the green dragon opened its mouth. A giant ball of lightning came out and shot straight at Wang Lin.

The ball of lightning moved with the might of an army and smashed toward Wang Lin like divine retribution. Wang Lin's eyes became cold and he was about to dodge. However, the incoming ball of lightning suddenly paused before moving out of its original flight path and went slightly down.

Wang Lin's expression changed, and he immediately felt an unimaginable suction force coming from below him. At this moment, he no longer hesitated. He slapped his bag of holding and the three swords flew out. They formed a formation and stabbed into the wall, reinforcing each other. Wang Lin's hand tightly gripped onto a sword.

At the instant he grabbed onto the sword, the suction from below him suddenly erupted. The first thing to change directions was the ball of lighting. It went straight down and was sucked into the depths of the pit.

The ball of lightning gave off light that lit up the the lower part of this pit. Wang Lin looked down and only saw an bottomless pit. Soon, the light faded and the ball of lightning disappeared.

The ancient thunder dragon was startled, and for the first time, fear appeared in its eyes. It no longer tried to swallow Wang Lin but struggled to fly upwards. It was afraid!

In its ancient memory inheritance, it had seem something similar before. It let out a fierce roar and lighting covered its body. It managed to resist some of the suction force around it and flew up thirty feet.

"Want to run?" Wang Lin's eyes became cold. If it wasn't for the thunder dragon, how could he be forced to come inside here. If it wasn't for the thunder dragon naively chasing him down the pit, he would have already left. Now, at this distance, it was simply impossible for Wang Lin to rush out.

"Stop for me!" Wang Lin let out a roar as the celestial spiritual energy inside his body surged and activated the celestial Stop spell!

If it was in the past, even if the thunder dragon was stopped, it would be only for an instant and it wouldn't care. However, right now it was completely different!

The thunder dragon's body paused for a moment. It let out an unwilling roar and was pulled down by the huge suction force for more than one hundred feet.

"You won't be able to run!" Wang Lin's eyes become cold. His body was being pulled down by the suction force. As he rapidly sank, the three swords that were inside the wall were dragged down as well, creating three deep cuts in the wall.

"Stop!" Wang Lin activated the spell again!

The thunder dragon struggled and the lightning flickered like crazy. It was trying to fly back up. If it wasn't for Wang Lin, it really could have rushed back out. However, every time it rushed up a bit, Wang Lin would immediately stop it. The thunder dragon was surrounded by the suction force, so no matter how much it struggled, it was useless.

Due to the suction force, all of the attacks it threw at Wang Lin couldn't even get near him before they were pulled into the pit. It could only stare at Wang Lin while it despaired and was pulled into the pit.

Just at this moment, the suction force suddenly increased. This suction force was several times stronger than before and pulled like crazy. Wang Lin felt like his arms were going to be torn off, but he clung to the sword. The three swords grinded against the wall, leaving behind deep cuts.

However, this suction force was too great, so the buffer created by the three swords was rapidly dissipating. Sensing the crisis, Wang Lin clenched his teeth and immediately sent a part of his divine sense into his bag of holding. The celestial sword and half-moon blade immediately flew out. They stabbed into the wall under Wang Lin's feet. Wang Lin stood on the two swords and rapidly sank.

Sounds of friction echoed in the pit as five deep cuts were dragged down the wall along with Wang Lin.

Looking at the thunder dragon now, even though it was struggling, it still sank like a meteor. It couldn't even keep its shape; it had been stretched into a long stream of green gas.

There were faint green lights coming from the green gas. The green gas had been sucked deep into the pit, and it faintly lit up the surroundings.

"Go down…" That strange, female voice came from Wang Lin's bag into his mind again. Wang Lin's expression was extremely gloomy as he looked down, but his expression changed.

Borrowing the light from the green gas, he could vaguely see a shadow sticking out horizontally. At this moment, the green light illuminated this shadow.

Wang Lin was able to see that it was a large rock sticking out from the wall. This rock was about 100 feet wide, and there was a transfer array on it!

Before Wang Lin could take a closer look, the green light weakened. Without the light, this large rock retreated back into the darkness.

"Transfer array!" Wang Lin's eyes narrowed. Unfortunately, he couldn't spread out his divine sense, or else he could have seen everything clearly.

Wang Lin suddenly felt that the celestial sword was gone from under his feet, and shortly after, the half-moon blade did the same.

"There is a crack!" Wang Lin immediately felt ecstasy, and without any hesitation, he swung toward the wall.

His body immediately entered the hole in the wall. As expected, there was a ten foot crack in the wall, and Wang Lin quickly entered it. After entering, he immediately retrieved the three swords, the celestial sword, and the half-moon blade as fast as possible.

When the thunder dragon soul that had already turned into green gas saw Wang Lin enter the crack, it immediately began to struggle. As the green gas churned, it condensed into a dragon once more. It let out a roar and rushed toward the crack Wang Lin was in.

This time it didn't want to devour Wang Lin; it wanted to enter the crack to avoid the suction force. It activated all the thunder energy in its body as it charged toward the crack like crazy.

However, the suction force was too powerful, so it was almost impossible for it to reach the crack. The thunder dragon revealed a decisive gaze, then its body suddenly split in half. The bottom half was sucked deep into the pit, while the upper half used that moment to rush toward the crack.

Wang Lin's eyes became cold. Just as he felt relief inside the crack, he saw the thunder dragon coming over. At this moment, all he needed was one Stop spell and it would make the thunder dragon despair as it was sucked away by the suction force!

The thunder dragon was obviously aware of this, so it opened its mouth to spit out a ball of lightning. If it was successful in spitting it out, Wang Lin would naturally have no place to dodge.

Everything would depend on who was faster in activating their spell between this dragon and human. However, Wang Lin had other plans. He personally saw the dragon give up half its body, and more than half of its current power was being used to resist the suction force. It could be said that right now was the thunder dragon's weakest moment!

Wang Lin clenched his teeth, and without any hesitation he closed his eyes and his origin soul flew out. Just as this thunder dragon entered the crack and was about to spit out the ball of lightning, Wang Lin's origin soul devoured the thunder dragon!

Wang Lin was once an soul devourer that could devour every soul in the world. However, as his cultivation level increased, he gradually stopped using this technique. At this moment, his origin soul expanded greatly. The thunder dragon was completely stunned when Wang Lin devoured it.

After devouring the ancient thunder dragon's soul, Wang Lin's origin soul immediately returned to his body. At this moment, there was a powerful explosion inside his soul.

Even with only half of its spirit body, the power of the ancient thunder dragon was still unimaginable. After Wang Lin devoured it, he activated the soul devourer's spell to quickly absorb it.

Bursts of lightning moved inside and outside of Wang Lin's origin soul, displaying the might of thunder and lightning. It even penetrated into his flesh and bones.

The suction force didn't have much effect inside the crack, so Wang Lin put all his attention into absorbing the thunder dragon.

His origin soul was constantly growing. This wasn't a growth in quantity but in quality. Wang Lin's origin was surrounded by lighting. There was a long, ancient thunder dragon extending inside his origin soul like veins. This thunder dragon's expression was extremely painful, and there was even trace of ferocity on its face.

Strands of branches extended from the thunder dragon toward all corners of Wang Lin's origin soul. The power of the thunder dragon was changing Wang Lin's origin soul in a mysterious way.

Even people like the All-Seer wouldn't dare to devour an ancient thunder dragon. This was because this thunder dragon wasn't like any other ancient beast. Rumor had it that the ancient thunder dragons were born from thunder and were the darlings of the heavens. There was even a period of time where they controlled the power of thunder for the heavens.

Devouring this ancient thunder dragon was the same as devouring a sky filled with thunder. How could a cultivator's origin soul withstand this kind of thunder?

However, the other side of peril was endless opportunity!

Wang Lin's origin soul was surrounded by the lightning from the thunder dragon, and a large amount of thunder gathered in Wang Lin's body. As the rumbling continued, a trace of thunder appeared in Wang Lin's origin soul!

His origin was in an incredible state, and it was going an earth-shaking change. This change perhaps wouldn't improve his cultivation, but it would open up endless paths for Wang Lin in the future!

An origin soul that contained thunder. Even the All-Seer had never seen a cultivator that had managed to achieve this!

The thunder dragon inside Wang Lin's origin soul struggled intensely, affecting Wang Lin's origin soul. It hadn't gaven in yet, and it launched a counterattack!

Chapter 650 - Variant Origin Soul

Wang Lin's body and hair began to float into the air as if guided by some mysterious energy. Bursts of lightning came from his body and quickly scattered into the walls of the cliff. His origin soul was filled with lightning.

The ancient thunder dragon was unwilling to yield, making the devouring process filled with danger. The thunder dragon continued to struggle, and the more it struggled, the stronger the lightning it gave off became.

Powerful lightning caused Wang Lin's origin soul to reach a state of imminent collapse. If it wasn't for his stubborn perseverance, a normal person's origin soul would have already collapsed.

Wang Lin's origin soul suddenly opened his tightly closed eyes. His eyes gave off a burst of lightning as if he was the ancient thunder dragon. He had a feeling that if his origin soul stayed inside his body, his body would be directly affected, which would lead to his death.

His origin soul immediately flew out of his body. He revealed a decisive look, and without any hesitation, his hand reached into his origin soul. He grabbed the thunder dragon and dragged out a small portion of it.

The thunder dragon suddenly let out a roar, causing Wang Lin's origin soul to emit a large amount of lightning. The lightning landed on the walls, creating many crackling sounds.

Holding part of the thunder dragon, Wang Lin's eyes became cold. His left hand moved, creating a large amount of restrictions that landed on that part of the thunder dragon. After doing this, Wang Lin reached into his origin soul and grabbed another section. He continued to place restrictions on it.

With external forces helping his origin soul, this cycle of sealing and devouring continued. After an unknown amount of time, Wang Lin became completely immersed in fusing with the thunder dragon and became oblivious to the outside world.

His body gradually lost its luster and slowly withered. However, it didn't die; it had entered a suspended animation state in order to ensure his vitality wasn't lost.

Day by day, year by year passed. On this day, the thunder dragon inside Wang Lin's origin woul wasn't struggling as violently, but it was still struggling. However, there were countless restrictions flashing on its body. They stacked together and formed the seal of the dragon!

Wang Lin's origin soul had gradually shrunk throughout the years. It was now only three feet tall, only as big as a cultivator's Nascent Soul!

Although his origin soul had shrunk, it gave off the power of thunder. It was no longer crystal clear but emitted endless lightning bolts. It was as if there were millions of silver snakes moving inside his origin soul.

Wang Lin opened his eyes and thunderous rumbling sounds echoed around him. Then two rays of lightning shot out from his eyes like two dragons and disappeared into the darkness.

His origin soul moved and arrived next to his body. When Wang Lin glanced at his own body, lightning flashed across his eyes. His eyes gave off the pressure of coldness and indifference.

All of the muscles on his body had already withered away, so he was like a bag of bones right now. If it wasn't for the sliver of vitality coming from between his eyebrows, this body would have already become a corpse.

His origin soul floated above his body and gradually entered it. When he was entering his body, he felt a barrier blocking him. Fortunately, this barrier dissipated a moment later, so he was able to successfully enter his body.

In an instant, lightning came from his body and moved throughout his body. His muscles recovered at rate visible to the naked eye. In an instant, he returned to normal, only he looked slightly thinner compared to before!

Wang Lin let out a mouthful of foul air. This air was grey and also contained lightning. His eyes were as bright as a lightning bolt streak across the sky. He began to deeply ponder.

"This trip was very dangerous, but my harvest was beyond imagination. Although I don't know if this is good or bad… My origin soul completely transformed. Now my origin soul is more like… a bolt of divine retribution lightning!"

Wang Lin pondered even harder. Then he raised his head and looked outside the crack.

"An origin soul that transformed into lightning… It is interesting. Now if someone wants to destroy my origin soul, it will be like trying to destroy divine retribution lightning! Although my cultivation is still at the early stage of Ascendant after this opportunity, it gave me the power of thunder!" Wang Lin raised his right hand. Lightning filled his hand and quickly formed a ball of lightning. Sound of explosions came from inside the ball of lightning; clearly it was not very stable. A moment later, the ball of lightning collapsed. Then Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he swallowed it. There was a hint of red on his face, but it gradually returned to normal.

"However, what exactly is my current origin soul…" Wang Lin's eyes were filled with confusion. He never thought that devouring that half of the thunder dragon would cause his origin soul to change in such a strange way.

He wasn't able to completely absorb the thunder dragon. He had only managed to absorb one-fifth, and the rest was sealed inside his origin soul.

After pondering a bit, Wang Lin tried out all of his spells. He could still use all of his spells, including the underworld river. Only after this did Wang Lin let out a sigh of relief.

However, he immediately felt that there was a difference. Although the spells were no different from before on the surface, if one observed carefully, there was the power of thunder in all of them!

A strand of very powerful thunder!

Wang Lin frowned. Increasing the strength of his spells was a good thing. Also, this increase in power wasn't just a little. With his current spells, he could be standing among the top of mid stage Ascendant cultivators. Along with his magical treasures, he could even battle with late stage Ascendant cultivators!

However, Wang Lin still felt like something was wrong, as if something was forgotten.

He pondered for a long time, and that feeling was still there. He stood up and walked toward the exit of the crack. It was completely dark outside, and the sound of the suction force was like the wailing of ghosts. The closer he came to the exit, the stronger that voice became.

Looking outside the crack, it was as if a bolt of lightning flashed across Wang Lin's mind, and he suddenly knew why he felt that something was wrong!

"Why was there that barrier when my origin soul tried to return to my body?" Wang Lin's expression was extremely ugly. The scattered devil was still sealed in his origin soul, so it was impossible for it to be a possession. It also didn't look like his origin soul had been robbed.

"It seems like the problem is my origin soul!" Wang Lin planned for his origin soul to leave his body again, but his expression immediately changed.

"My origin soul… Can't leave my body…" Wang Lin immediately took a few steps back and sat down in the lotus position. He tried several times before opening his eyes. He was not flustered and he calmly pondered.

"It is still that barrier blocking my origin soul from leaving. Could this be the price after the origin soul mutated…" Wang Lin took a deep breath.

"Forget it, let's not think about it now. Let's have a look at this token. What kind of spell did it have to condense from the mist?" Wang Lin slappaed his bag of holding and a purple token appeared in his hand!

Chapter 651 - Gray Robe

This token was completely purple and there was a trace of golden lighting within it. It looked like a piece of purple gold. When touching it, one could feel that it was neither wood nor gold texture.

The universe was simply too big for someone to recognize every single material. Wang Lin didn't focus too much on what the token was made of and carefully looked at its appearance.

There were some broken runes on the surface of the token. After a moment of hesitation, Wang Lin scanned it with his divine sense and revealed a strange expression.


There was a unique space inside the token. Although the space inside was filled with purple mist, it was indeed a storage device.

There was only one thing inside, and that was a sword. It wasn't a celestial sword, but one of the swords from the Twelve Swords.

After thinking about it, Wang Lin deduced that this sword came from the last Da Lou Sword disciple trapped inside the mist. For some reason, when that disciple was sacrificed to the token, the sword was absorbed by the token.

With a thought, the sword flew out and stabbed into the ground beside Wang Lin.

After carefully searching the space inside the token, Wang Lin withdrew his divine sense. He looked at the token and began to ponder.

"Aside from the material of this token, there is nothing surprising about it. If I hadn't seen it form from the mist directly, it would be difficult to imagine that this thing is something people like the All-Seer, Ling Tianhou, and the Blood Ancestor want to steal!

"This token is the key to opening the cave. Only with the four fake caves open can the final door be opened. According to Yao Xixue, the All-Seer and company don't know that a fourth fake cave exists…

"But the Blood Ancestor knows this.

"Chen Long and Greed know that I obtained the token. However, Chen Long didn't see everything. If I were him, I would think that Greed would have taken the token in the end!"

After taking a deep breath, Wang Lin withdrew his gaze. Looking out of the crack at the pitch black darkness outside, he revealed a bitter expression.

"Even if I got the token, what's the use when I'm trapped here and can't get out? There is no need to try to teleport when even people as cunning as Greed didn't teleport once. I just don't know if I can enter the cave from here." Wang Lin's eyes narrowed as he touched his bag of holding and a crystal appeared in his hand.

After a long time, Wang Lin let out a sigh and bitterly smiled. "I'm unable to activate it!"

He pondered a bit and looked around. This crack wasn't big, only few dozen feet wide. He was able to clearly see everything with one look. Shortly after, he stood up and arrived at the entrance of the crack. The suction force outside never stopped. After moving a little bit more forward, he could clearly feel it, and even his body showed signs of being sucked in.

Wang Lin backed up. His eyes flickered.

"I wonder how the mosquito beast is doing right now… Also, what is the result of the battle between Senior Zhou Yi and Greed… However, even if Zhou Yi won, he still won't know where I am. After all, even his sword divine sense can't reach here."

He looked up at the wall and his body moved as he attempted to use the earth escape spell. However, as soon as his body touched the wall, he was stopped. After pondering for a bit, Wang Lin landed on the ground and slapped his bag of holding. He took out the soul flag, took out a soul, threw it at the wall, and carefully observed.

That soul floated into the wall like a strand of smoke, but Wang Lin immediately felt a miserable scream from the soul. It was as if the soul that went inside was torn into pieces and was immediately sucked toward the bottom by the strong suction force.

"Danger spot!" The bitterness in Wang Lin's eyes became even stronger.

He let out a sigh and sat down on the ground in the lotus position with a gloomy expression. Shortly after, he touched his bag of holding and three swords, a severed arm, and a skull immediately flew out.

The three swords were from the Twelves Swords, and adding the one inside the token, they were the snake, horse, chicken, and dog.

Wang Lin currently had seven of the Twelve Swords' swords.

The three sword formation also flew out from Wang Lin's bag and fell beside him. Wang Lin waved his right hand and the seven swords immediately flew around him. He opened his mouth to spit out some origin energy. The origin energy wrapped around the seven swords.

There was an extra strand of thunder inside his origin energy. After it touched the swords, lightning moved throughout the swords. The seven swords were also connected by lightning, forming a mysterious sword formation.

"Seven swords can form the Seven Star Sword Formation! Also, with my thunder linking them, the power of the sword formation will increase by thirty percent!" Wang Lin with drew his gaze. With his origin energy refining the swords, he no longer had to pay any attention to them. He then turned around and looked at the severed arm and head.

The origin soul of the owner and also Ling Tianhou's sword energy were sealed inside them.

Wang Lin was very experienced in refining souls and extracting the sword energy. Two mouthfuls of origin energy allowed Wang Lin to extract Ling Tianhou's sword energy and devour it. Normally, after devouring Ling Tianhou's sword energy, his origin soul would feel waves of pain and would only stop after he recovered for a bit.

However, right now, after devouring two sword energies in a row, not only did his origin soul not feel any discomfort, it actually felt very comfortable.

After checking his origin soul and finding nothing wrong, Wang Lin wryly smiled to himself. "Can this still be considered an origin soul…" He once again touched his bag of holding and took out a sphere of restrictions.

The small sphere grew after it came out, and by the time it landed, it was five feet tall already. There were countless restrictions flashing on the sphere. Wang Lin's right hand formed a seal and then pointed at the sphere.

A restriction sphere began to split down the middle as if a flower was blooming, revealing a handsome man inside.

This person was the red division's Du Jian. His eyes were closed and his face was pale. After the restrictions were lifted, he opened his eyes and stared at Wang Lin. It took a long time before his empty eyes slowly regained their color.

However, after checking himself, he immediately found that his origin soul had been sealed. Right now he had basically become a mortal.

Wang Lin's voice was calm as he slowly said, "Senior Brother Du, you can tell me Master's secret now!"

Du Jian revealed a bitter expression. He looked at Wang Lin with a complex expression. After silently pondering for a bit, he said, "Even if I talked, I'm afraid it would be difficult to avoid death…"

Wang Lin's gaze swept Du Jian. A hint of lightning appeared in Wang Lin's eyes and penetrated Du Jian's eyes. This caused Du Jian's mind to become shocked. He pointed at Wang Lin and exclaimed, "Your… Your eyes…"

Wang Lin withdrew his gaze and calmly said, "Senior Brother Du, my patience has a limit!"

It was as if Du Jain hadn't heard Wang Lin at all, and his eyes were filled with aghast. He still hadn't recovered from Wang Lin's gaze. Du Jian had encountered a lot of cultivators and even seen a lot of powerful cultivators.

He had seen cultivators whose eyes had lightning within them. However, all of that lightning was created by spells. Although it was still lightning, it couldn't compare to the heavens' lightning.

However, at that moment, the lightning from Wang Lin's eyes made him felt like he was standing below the vast sky and looking up at a thunderbolt. It was the feeling of not knowing what to do when dealing with the might of the heavens.

Wang Lin frowned. He no longer wanted to deal with this nonsense, so he grabbed Du Jian and dragged him toward the opening of the crack. Near the opening, Du Jian became aware of the huge suction force. Even with his cultivation, he felt like his origin soul was about to be pulled out of his body.

He began to exclaim due to the terror.

"Speak!" Wang Lin's sentence was simple; there was only one word.

Du Jian's expression became even paler, and the shadow of death enveloped his body. Wang Lin's expression was calm as he grabbed Du Jian and pulled him toward the opening of the crack once more.

Du Jian suddenly felt the suction from outside by increase ten times. At this moment, his origin soul was pulled out from his body and left his body. No matter how hard his origin soul struggled, it was still being slowly pulled out of his body.

Du Jian's trembling body shouted, "I'll speak! I'll speak!"

Wang Lin pulled back his right hand, threw Du Jian to the side, and coldly looked at him.

Du Jian trembled slightly as his origin soul gradually returned to his body. His eyes contained fear as he said, "I'll tell you everything I know, but you have to promise not to kill me!"

Wang Lin calmly said, "It possible to not kill you, as I have other uses for you."

Du Jian took a deep breath as he looked at Wang Lin with a complex expression and said, "Swear on your dao…"

Wang Lin frowned as he coldly looked at Du Jian. He slowly raised his right hand and was about to throw him toward the opening of the crack.

Du Jian's body trembled and he quickly said, "I saw Master devour Sun Yun!"

Wang Lin's eyes glowed brightly as he silently stared at Du Jian.

"I didn't see it personally, but a mountain goblin saw it. After I entered the Heavenly Fate Sect, I cultivated a technique that could absorb spiritual energy from beasts. I was in the back mountains when I found a mountain goblin that was nearing the end of its life. As I was absorbing its spiritual energy, I extracted some of its memories for some reason.

"There was one scene from its memory from a long time ago, and that was when master devoured Sun Yun!"

Wang Lin was startled.

Du Jian quickly said, "In the memory, Sun Yun and Master had a huge fight, but in the end, Master used a spell that devoured Sun Yun, then he left." This was his biggest secret. When he saw the memory that day, he was completely shocked, and at the same time, fear appeared in his heart.

This was why he respected and feared the All-Seer all this time. This secretly was buried deep inside his heart, and it was the first time he had told anyone.

Wang Lin asked, "What was Master's expression like back then?"

"This… It looked like there was regret, it should be regret." Du Jian carefully recalled before hesitating as if he was thinking of something. Then he said, "However, there was something strange about Master inside the mountain goblin's memory. I have never seen Master wear grey before!"

Wang Lin's eyes glowed even brighter as he stared at Du Jian and said, word for word, "Are you sure he was wearing a grey robe?"

Du Jian nodded and said, "That's right, it was a grey robe!"

Chapter 652 - Refining A Celestial Guard

"Grey-robed All-Seer. Interesting!" Wang Lin revealed a gloomy smile. He had his divine sense locked onto Du Jian since earlier, and it didn't seem like he was lying.

"Master, you sure have a lot of secrets…" Wang Lin's eyes became cold.

"Too many secrets to make this disciple calm. It looks like I can't stay at planet Tian Yun anymore. If I was still there, I probably would have been devoured the moment I found out about Master's secret!" Wang Lin took a deep breath. He made up his mind to quickly leave planet Tian Yun.

"After leaving this Demon Spirit Land, I'll merge with the original body and leave. The water in planet Tian Yun is too deep for me!" Wang Lin's eyes lit up as he looked around and let out a sigh.

"I'm still not sure if I can even leave this place."

After Du Jian told Wang Lin his biggest secret, he had been cautiously looking at Wang Lin. He could see wang Lin's expression changing slightly; he was clearly thinking about what he just said.

Du Jian let out a breath of air. What he was most afraid of was that Wang Lin wouldn't believe him. After all, something like that was simply too strange. He looked at the crack and was confused.

"Where exactly is this?" Du Jian looked at the opening of the crack, and his eyes revealed a lingering trace of fear. That feeling of his origin soul being sucked out of his body was something he would never forget.

He looked at the seven treasured swords floating in the air. Wang Lin's origin energy surrounded the swords and lightning linked the swords together.

"This must be Wang Lin's secret cave. This person is ruthless, so I can't stay here, but unfortunately my cultivation isn't enough. If… if I could reach the Ascendant stage!!" Du Jian was already half a step into the Ascendant stage; however, he wasn't willing to take the last step and face the life and death trial.

However, under this danger, he clenched his teeth. Although his origin soul was sealed, he was confident he could break free by borrowing the energy from the Ascendant breakthrough.

"Achieving Ascendant means a chance of living, but failing means death. Instead of waiting here for my death, let's try this gamble!" Du Jian's eyes were filled with determination.

This kind of determination was extremely rare for him. However, just as he was preparing himself, Wang Lin's icy gaze fell on him. It was like pouring a jug of cold water down on his head, immediately causing his determination to collapse.

Wang Lin waved his right hand and the seven swords floating in the sky flew into his hand. He put them into his bag of holding.

"Wang… Wang Lin…" Du Jian's pupil shrank.

Wang Lin calmly said, "I'll give you one chance to reach the Ascendant stage. If you are successful, I'll grant you a fortune!"

Du Jian pondered. He didn't ask what kind of fortune. At this moment, he was clear in his heart that this Wang Lin wouldn't let him go. After a long time, he looked at Wang Lin and said, "A gentleman keeps his word!"

Wang Lin silently nodded.

Du Jian suddenly closed his eyes. Wang Lin's cultivation level was much higher than his and he could easily kill him, so there was no need for troublesome things like this. Although he was still confused, he was at the moment of life and death, so he really didn't have time to think.

"I'll gamble once!"

Du jian took a deep breath as he felt his already complete domain and took the last step! A heavenly origin soul gradually came from Du Jian's body. This energy became stronger and stronger and easily wiped out Wang Lin's seal on Du Jian's origin soul.

Wang Lin's eyes were bright as he stared at Du Jian and pondered. The reason why he let Du Jian reach the Ascendant was to increase the success rate of making him a celestial guard!

Wang Lin didn't forget the description of the celestial guard from the jade. In fact, from the moment he caught Du Jian, he had decided to refine this person into a low quality celestial guard.

Even though the success rate was too low, if he succeed, he would produce someone similar to a peak late stage Ascendant cultivator with one step into the Yin and Yang stage. This was extremely tempting for Wang Lin.

The jade also introduced some spells that could only be used by celestial guards. When used, those spells were extremely astonishing.

If this Du Jian hadn't provoked him, it would have been fine; Wang Lin would not had seized him to refine him into a celestial guard. However, this person revealed his killing intent toward Wang Lin, so there was no way Wang Lin would let him go.

"If you fail and die on the path of dao, it can be considered a fitting death for a cultivator. If you succeed, then I'll give you a big fortune. As for whether it is successful or not will all depend on your luck!"

Du Jian's cultivation followed the will of the heavens, unlike Wang Lin, who revolted against the heavens. Time gradually passed and the heavenly origin energy inside his body became stronger and stronger. Soon, his origin soul flew out and began fusing with the heavenly origin energy.

Time passed. Over one hour had passed, and there was still no abnormality in Du Jian's origin soul. This caused Wang Lin's eyes to light up.

The fusion of Du Jian's origin soul lasted for three days. Finally, at the moment when all the heavenly origin energy was about to be fused with Du Jian's origin soul, something happened. There was a small tremor that immediately ignited the origin flames. The sudden appearance of the flame looked like it wanted to burn the entire origin soul.

Du Jian revealed a painful struggle and Wang Lin frowned. Seeing that Du Jian's origin soul was about to be burnt to ashes, Wang Lin stepped forth. He stuck his hand directly into Du Jian's origin soul.

At the moment his right reached in, the origin flame seemed to have found an opening. It rushed into Wang Lin's body through his right hand and charged directly toward his origin soul.

In an instant, Wang Lin's origin soul was surrounded by the origin flame. However, not only was his origin soul not burnt, his origin soul actually gave off a very comfortable feeling.

As Wang Lin's origin soul moved, a large amount of lightning came from within. The lightning moved within the fire, creating a scene of fire and lightning!

At the same time, Wang Lin's origin soul sucked in all the fire and lightning, causing them to disappear. A suction force even appeared in Wang Lin's right hand, and a large amount of origin flame from Du Jian's body was sucked into Wang Lin.

After Du Jian's origin soul was no longer in danger of being burned, Wang Lin immediately withdrew his right hand. He took a few steps back and began to control his origin soul to absorb the origin flame.

Du Jian's origin soul looked weakened as it slowly completed the final fusion with the small amount of origin energy left. He had lost too much origin energy, so even if he succeed and reached the Ascendant stage, he would be forever stuck there. The only way for him to advance would be to have a fortunate encounter to recover that last bit of origin energy.

Time flew by and more than ten days passed. Du Jian's origin soul and origin energy completely fused into one. His origin soul gradually integrated back into his body and the aura of an Ascendant cultivator suddenly appeared. He opened his eyes, revealing an extremely complex gaze!

He knew that he had failed at the moment of reaching the Ascendant stage and that it was Wang Lin who had saved him. At this moment, a large amount of thoughts flooded his mind. After a long time, Du Jian let out a sigh. Although he had reached the Ascendant stage, he was the weakest kind of Ascendant cultivator and was powerless against Wang Lin.

"What kind of fortune were you going to give me…" At this moment, Du Jian's feelings toward Wang Lin were very complex. There was both hatred and gratitude, but even more there was regret and fear.

Wang Lin's tone was calm as he slowly said, "Refine the body and transform the origin soul through a secret ritual. This will allow you to have the opportunity to reach the late stage of Ascendant with half a step into Yin and Yang stage!"

Du Jian's heart jumped and he bitterly asked, "For this ritual to be so heaven-defying, that means the failure rate is extremely high. Forget it. I just want to ask one thing: can I retain my consciousness?"

Wang Lin's eyes were meaningful as he said, "If you are still alive after one thousand years, I'll grant you freedom!" There was an important condition for refining a celestial guard. If there was even the slightest resistance from the person, then the process would immediately fail.

Celestial Emperor Qin Lin had many celestial guards. However, all the people he selected to refine were people who were extremely loyal to him. This was what they exchanged for a powerful cultivation, so he never had to worry about this.

At this moment, Wang Lin was using the same method the celestial emperor used.

Du Jian clenched his teeth as he looked at Wang Lin and nodded. He knew that his fate was already set. If he resisted or disagreed, he would immediately die. He could only gamble once more that the ritual would be successful, and to gamble that he could survive for one thousand years.

He had no choice. If he didn't want to die, this was the only way.

Wang Lin no longer wasted time. His hand formed a seal and he began to operate the ritual. In an instant, an imprint filled with celestial spiritual energy appeared. Wang Lin pressed the imprint between Du Jian's eyebrows.

Du Jian's body trembled as he closed his eyes and became motionless.

Wang Lin's eyes became serious. The process for making a celestial guard was extremely complex. He couldn't make even a single mistake or else it would fail.

Even if he didn't make a mistake, the success rate was still not high. However, Wang Lin had no other choice, so he had to risk it!

The reason he was so keen on refining a celestial guard was because the celestial guard might know spells that could gave him the chance to leave this place!

"If it fails, I can only use Yao Xixue to try again!" Wang Lin spat out a mouthful of origin energy that turned into countless symbols and landed on Du Jian.

The first step of creating a celestial guard was to refine the body. Refining the body to the point that it couldn't be harmed by normal magical treasures. When Wang Lin saw this step, he thought of the ancient gods.

The second step was to transform the origin soul, to open up the origin soul and grind it into pieces. Then he would greatly expand the origin soul at any cost before putting it back into the body. The body would be without an origin soul, but the soul would be in the body.

The third step was to refine the body's organs. Whither away all the organs inside the body so they are no longer being nourished by celestial spiritual energy. This isolates the body from the five senses and it will no longer feel pain.

The last step is to wipe out their divine sense but maintain their intelligence. This makes the celestial guard have no emotion, but they will still think. They have a powerful body, no emotions, and no sense of pain. They are a puppet that won't frown even if their head is cut off.

This is a celestial guard!

A human magical treasure that Celestial Emperor Qin Lin made that imitates the ancient gods!

Chapter 653 - Powerful Puppet

The refining continued. Several months later, inside the crack, Wang Lin took a deep breath and sucked in all the origin energy into his body.

It was as he if he had just devoured a cloud. After the origin energy disappeared, a lean body appeared before Wang Lin. This figure gave off a cold aura that began to spread.

This figure was extremely pale, as if there was no blood in his body. That was indeed the case as all the blood had been fused into his bones.

Wang Lin's expression was gloomy and he let out a sigh.

"Failed again!"

It had been a few months since the first step of body refining had started, and Wang Lin had failed many times. Fortunately, the jade recorded that during the first time, no matter how much he fails, the person being refined won't disappear.

Looking at the puppet before him, Wang Lin frowned. According to the jade, a variety of materials needed to be added during the refining process. Only after all the materials had fused with the body would the first step be complete.

"Of the four ranks of gold, silver, copper, and iron celestial guard, this is not even an iron rank celestial guard." After pondering for a bit, Wang Lin slapped his bag of holding and a large amount of low quality magical treasures flew out.

There were treasures that Wang Lin no longer used but seemed very regrettable to just throw away.

"I don't have any materials, but I have a lot of treasures. I believe that melting these treasures down and fusing them with the puppet will have some effect…" Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he immediately formed a seal. A flame appeared and surrounded these treasures.

The flame burned and several of these magical treasures began to melt. Finally, almost all of the magical treasures melted, forming a black ball.

After pondering a bit, Wang Lin's divine sense went into his bag and he searched around. Some more magical treasures immediately flew out and entered the ball. This could be considered a big cleaning for Wang Lin's bag of holding.

A lot of treasures had gathered inside Wang Lin's bag of holding in more than 800 years. Many of those he had only used a few times and never used again. After all, as his cultivation level increased, a lot of the treasures lost their usefulness.

All of these treasures flew out and were thrown into the ball by Wang Lin. At this moment, a blue rose suddenly appeared in Wang Lin's hand.

Looking at the rose, a fiery red figure seemed to have appeared before Wang Lin. He hesitated before putting the rose away and throwing another treasure into the ball instead.

This process lasted for several days. The clean up of his bag of holding caused a large amount of low, medium, and even high quality magical treasures to be refined into liquid.

As a result, the ball of liquid before him became colorful and bright.

Wang Lin's right hand grabbed the ball and threw it at the puppet. Another round of refining began.

Time passed by in the blink of an eye and two months passed. On this day the puppet gave off a yellow light that lit up the inside of the crack.

Wang Lin opened his eyes and revealed a trace of fatigue. He looked at the yellow light from the puppet and revealed a hint of disappointment.

"Strength of copper rank… Forget it, it should be barely useable."

Although the first step of the celestial guard was complete, if the second step of grinding the origin soul fails, then everything immediately fails. After it fails, this body can't be possessed, so he won't be able to try to refine another origin soul.

Wang Lin took a deep breath and revealed a rare look of hesitation. He looked outside the crack. During the past six months, the suction outside never stopped, and it looked like it was getting stronger.

Wang Lin clenched his teeth. He slapped his bag of holding and the soul flag flew out. A giant skull immediately appeared on the flag.

This skull was illusory and was floating inside the flag. It was greenish-black and had no hair as if it was the devil. Its eyes that looked unreal but also real, giving off a cold gaze.

He was inside the soul flag staring at Wang Lin and letting out low growls.

Most of the soul fragments inside the soul flag stayed away from this skull as if they didn't want to get close. This allowed the skull to have its own territory inside the soul flag.

Only the Qilin was different. After devouring a lot of the celestial feed, it went through a series of changes. When it saw the skull roar, it suddenly began to roar as well.

The skully suddenly looked at the Qilin. Both stared at each other without flinching as they roared at each other with malicious intent.

This skull was the heavenly ghost!

Wang Lin's eyes were bright as he looked at the heavenly ghost. He raised his hand and immediately grabbed the heavenly ghost. The heavenly ghost was a fierce creature; if it wasn't for the fact that Wang Lin captured it while it was weakened, it would not have been easy.

The heavenly ghost let out a roar in Wang Lin's hand. It opened its mouth and wanted to devour Wang Lin. Wang Lin eyes became cold and he let out a cold snort as he activated the imprint inside the heavenly ghost. This immediately caused the heavenly ghost to almost dissipate.

The heavenly ghost had to retreat as it stared at Wang Lin and continued to let out low roars.

"The puppet's body isn't strong enough, so it will be very difficult for the origin soul to survive the second step. However, if I to take the ferocity and spirit body from the heavenly ghost but still fail, then I'll just not refine a celestial guard anymore!" Wang Lin was decisive as he pressed the heavenly ghost in between the eyebrows of the puppet.

"Since I'm going refine a treasure, then I want a top quality treasure. If it is only late stage Ascendant, it won't be worth of all my treasures and this heavenly ghost!" Wang Lin's eyes became cold and his left hand formed a seal. He touched the spot between his eyebrows and pulled out a strand of lightning. This lightning contained fire and he threw it into the puppet's body.


The heavenly ghost was extremely vicious and was unwilling to be sealed inside the puppet to help Wang Lin refine. It let out roars and was about to charge out when a whip appeared in Wang Lin's right hand and he whipped at the ghost.

With a snap, the heavenly ghost let out a miserable scream. It felt very bitter, as that whip was its natural enemy.

If it wasn't for the fact that he had already left a deep imprinted on the scatter demon to use as his second origin soul, he would have thrown it into the puppet as well. However, using the scatter demon soul was difficult, so it was less troublesome to use the heavenly ghost.

Several months flew by. Under Wang Lin's constant refinement, the heavenly ghost and Du Jian's origin soul fused and devoured each other before being grinded into pieces. However, the heavenly ghost was very strong; even when it was in pieces, the pieces were still connected.

This was the critical requirement for the second step. Almost all the failures had occurred at this moment. It wasn't that the origin soul wasn't strong enough, it was that the pain of having one's origin soul torn apart was not something ordinary people could endure. Once the origin soul relaxed, it would die.

Even if they didn't relax, most don't reach the state where the origin soul was still connected after being torn to pieces.

Only those with powerful minds could withstand this process; this was comparable to those who revolted against the heaven! This was why those cultivators who had found their own dao had a higher success rate of being refined into celestial guards.

Using more than half a year, Wang Lin refined his first celestial puppet. Although the success rate was very low, with the addition of the heavenly ghost, the success of the origin soul refining was no longer relying on luck.

Even for Wang Lin, unless he used the scatter demon's soul, he wouldn't be able to refine a second celestial guard.

Wang Lin revealed a glimmer of excitement. He took deep breath and mentally calmed himself. He looked at the skinny puppet giving off a yellow light before him. He could feel a connection that would let him control it as he wished.

Celestial Emperor Qin Lin would naturally not allow any celestial guard to rebel. During the refining process, countless methods to control the puppets were placed. Wang Lin had been refining it with his origin energy for a long time, so his control over the puppet had already reached its peak.

Although the heavenly ghost was unruly, it had been sealed during the refining process and fused with the puppet.

Wang Lin squeezed out a drop of blood and flicked it at the puppet. The blood landed between the puppet's eyebrows and fused with the puppet. Then the puppet's eyes suddenly opened.

This was a pair of empty eyes. Although this was the case, there was a trace of intelligence inside.

"The stage of Yin and Yang!" Wang Lin's divine sense immediately swept over the puppet. It had an aura similar to Situ Nan. Although it was not as strong as Situ Nan, it was not that much weaker.

Wang Lin let out a laugh and admired Celestial Emperor Qin Lin greatly. This person was very intelligent to create this method for creating puppets.

Although because the celestial guard's origin soul had fused with its body, it couldn't use a lot of spells and couldn't match a real Yin and Yang cultivator. However, there were several spells prepare specially for celestial guards! Wang Lin's eyes lit up.

"In addition, I have prepared a gift for this celestial guard!" Wang Lin's right hand touched the spot between his eyebrows and a large amount of grey gas came out. One million strands of slaughter energy instantly entered the puppet.

The puppet's eyes suddenly gave off the path of slaughter. After flashing a few times, it was gradually hidden, but its eyes became even more fierce.

After doing all of this, Wang Lin slapped his bag of holding and the jade flew out. He pressed the jade between the puppet's eyebrows. There was a burst of light and countless symbols seemed to flash across the celestial guard's eyes.

After a long time, the jade fell and returned back to Wang Lin.

Wang Lin calmly said, "Conceal!"

The celestial guard's body flickered, then it suddenly turned into nothing and moved behind Wang Lin. There was no light, so naturally there was no shadow as well. However, Wang Lin knew that the celestial guard was hiding in his shadow.

"There is a 60% chance of leaving here with the celestial guard's abilities. Although this place is a dangerous spot, because it is a dangerous spot, it is also safe!"

Wang Lin began to ponder. Shortly after, he slapped his bag of holding and a large sword flew out. This sword was as big as a door sign!

"Wealth… my first sword! What secrets do you have…" Wang Lin slowly rubbed the sword. He calmed his heart and his mind slowly entered it.

Chapter 654 - The Hidden Danger of the Celestial Slaughter Art

It was pitch black outside, and the roar of wind could be heard from inside the crack. The crack seemed like it was a world of its own, and the roar from outside was the only sound in the world.

The endless suction force came from the pit as if it wanted to devour everything.

Wang Lin sat in the lotus position inside the crack, looking out into the darkness. He seemed to have fused with the darkness. All that was left was the occasional lightning that flashed across his eyes that light up the crack.

Being trapped here caused a sense of loneliness to gradually appear in his head. It was as if he was isolated from the world and forgotten by everyone…

The only thing that accompanied him were his memories of his 800 years of cultivation.

Lonely people always remember every single person that appeared in their life. Wang Lin's loneliness deepened as he recalled the past.

It was if he was hiding in a certain time, recalling the past or hiding in a secret location, thinking about someone he cared about.

A mutter came from Wang Lin in the dark. "I wonder if anyone is cleaning father's and mother's tomb…"

A small, white ball was floating before Wang Lin. The light from the ball was very weak, so weak that it couldn't light anything up in this darkness.

However, there was a warmth coming from the white ball. The warmth moved through Wang Lin's eyes and into his heart. Like a soft whisper, it gently filled Wang Lin's loneliness.

There was always a faint figure inside the small ball that silently accompanied Wang Lin. Together they withstood the darkness and the howling.

Even if the sky and heaven and earth shattered, the sea dried up, or the rocks decayed, that figure would always be there for Wang Lin through the ages. Even in reincarnation it would accompany him…

The inside of the crack was still cold; it was as if all the warmth inside had been sucked away through the opening of the crack. However, with the existence of the white ball, the warmth in Wang Lin's heart filled his body and seemed eternal.

Wang Lin, who had fused with the darkness, raised his hand and the white ball slowly landed in his palm. The white ball flickered and gave off a gentle light. This made Wang Lin experience the long lost feeling of happiness.

"Everyone's happiness is different… My happiness is to accompany my parents, to accompany Wan Er…" Wang Lin's eyes were filled with bitterness. That happiness was so extravagant and difficult.

No one knew that deep within the Demon Spirit Land, inside this bottomless pit, there was a man struggling against fate and the loneliness in his heart.

Wang Lin had sat inside this crack for three years.

It wasn't that he didn't want to leave, but during these three years, the suction force outside reached an unimaginable degree.

More than two years ago, when Wang Lin was examining Wealth, the suction from the pit suddenly increased violently. Now more than half of the crack was effected by the suction force.

The celestial guard's spell originally gave him sixty percent chance of leaving, but with the sudden increase in suction force, it immediately went down to twenty percent…

Wang Lin didn't lose hope but calmly waited the next two years.

After his cultivation reached the Ascendant stage, his progression slowed down. After all, the Ascendant stage was the peak of the first step. Even with how vast the cosmos was, how many people had reached the peak of the first step…

Aside from those people favored by the heavens, who didn't spend countless years to reach this peak? Wang Lin's talent was very ordinary. If it wasn't for his determination and some special experiences, it would have been very difficult for him to reach this point.

Mid stage Ascendant, late stage Ascendant, and peak late stage Ascendant were three chokes that blocked countless cultivators and depleted countless people's lives. They were three mountains that blocked Wang Lin's path.

In these two years, Wang Lin used a calm heart to slowly comprehend what was inside Wealth. There was only one sword tactic inside Wealth, just one!

Heaven Chop!

One day after the two years, Wang Lin withdrew his divine sense from Wealth. Wealth completely disappeared as if it had completed its lifetime goal of passing on its inheritance and returned to where it came from.

The only thing that remained in Wang Lin's heart was the shocking sentiment that he had comprehended for two years.

After that, what waited Wang Lin was endless loneliness and silence.

He spent every day sitting in the lotus position and looking quietly at the darkness outside. The sound from the suction roared in his ears while he looked at the darkness and sat there motionlessly.

A soft sigh came from Wang Lin's bag of holding. His bag of holding opened on its own and a scroll floated out.

The scroll opened up in the air. The figure of a woman slowly appeared inside the scroll.

Wang Lin didn't look at the scroll; there wasn't even a trace of surprise on his face. There was endless calmness on his face. The moment before the scroll appeared, he closed his palm and the small, white ball entered his body.

"Go down…" He couldn't see the front side of the woman, but her voice slowly spread. Her voice was like mist as it echoed in the crack.

Wang Lin didn't speak. His finger formed a sword and swung down. This action was very simple, but Wang Lin's body was in a mysterious mental state. After that simple swing, the scroll immediately closed and no more sound came from inside it.

Wang Lin withdrew his finger. After looking at the scroll, he grabbed it and threw it into his bag of holding.

During these three years, the woman inside the scroll had appeared a total of four times. Every time she appeared, she gave off this vague call.

Wang Lin wasn't curious about what was at the bottom of the pit. His calm never disappeared. He didn't even check the mysterious transfer array below him a second time.

Before he had enough strength, curiosity was the deadliest thing that could obliterate all existence.

Wang Lin was waiting for the day when the suction force outside the crack weakened.

The was no rule to the suction in this pit. If the suction could suddenly increase two years ago, then it could also suddenly decrease in a few years. He just needed to wait!

Croaking sounds appeared next to Wang Lin. He lowered his head and his eyes lit up. Beside him was a palm-sized blue toad.

This was the thunder toad!

One year ago, the thunder toad awakened, so its body was now this size. The thunder toad was able to feel the change in Wang Lin the most. After it awakened, it refused to go back into the bag of holding and just stayed next to Wang Lin.

Wang Lin suddenly shot out a bolt of lightning from his finger toward the thunder toad. The thunder toad opened its eyes and its tongue suddenly extended forth and pulled the lightning into its mouth. A rumbling sound came from the toad's belly and it revealed a comfortable expression.

Wang Lin closed his eyes and immersed himself in his dao.

There were two parts to his dao. The first was the underworld river, and the second was forming the soul of the underworld river.

However, the so-called soul of the underworld river was merely just millions of soul fragments from the soul flag condensed together. It was still missing killing intent.

Although the heavenly ghost had the viciousness, it wasn't enough for it to become the soul for Wang Lin's underworld river. This was because it was only vicious but lacked killing intent!

"A true soul for the underworld river is not the powerful kind. Most often it is the simple and weak souls that contain the most amount of ferocity and killing intent!" Wang Lin pondered.

"If I can leave this place, I'll need to pay a visit to the mortal world to extract ferocity and killing intent to refine my own soul for my underworld river!"

Wang Lin opened his eyes. He looked outside the crack and slowly stretched out his right hand. His fingertips slowly reached toward the dividing line inside the crack.

Although this dividing line was still within the cave, the moment his fingertips went past the line, he could feel the pain of his body being pulled.

Ripples began to appear on his skin, and even his nails felt like they were being pulled off.

"I have been trapped here, but this gave me a chance to comprehend the power of the heavens and earth, a chance to reach the third step in my dao!" Although Wang Lin's eyes were calm, there was a hint of coldness in them.

"But before this, I must completely eliminate the issue in my body!" Wang Lin withdrew his hand. This hand was completely numb and he had lost feeling in it completely.

To be safe, he had stored all of the Celestial Slaughter Art inside the puppet. The Celestial Slaughter Art was a very important spell for Wang Lin. He only gave it up after struggling with the decision for a long time.

Before, when he was cultivating the Celestial Slaughter Art, Wang Lin gained the heart of slaughter. At the start, the heart of slaughter didn't change even when Wang Lin gave all the slaughter energy to the puppet. However, after three years, which was several months ago, Wang Lin felt that the heart of slaughter had changed.

This kind of change would make Wang Lin go crazy, like when he absorbed all those Celestial Ascension Fruits[1. The fruit Wang Lin ate that made him go crazy]. It would even give him the urge to immediately take back all the slaughter energy.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up, then he revealed a decisive gaze and took a step. This step brought him past the dividing line.

Powerful suction force suddenly tore at Wang Lin's body to drag him out of the crack.

Wang Lin activated the celestial spiritual energy inside his body and slowly sat down. While resisting the suction force, he was slowly feeling the change of the suction force.

There was a cold energy inside the suction force that entered his body. This chill wasn't strong and could be dispersed with celestial spiritual energy. After sitting there for a few days, Wang Lin took another step.

This time he was at a position where the suction was even greater. All the blood in his body slowed down as if it was about to be pulled out of his body.

"Still not enough!" Wang Lin's eyes lit up.

Countless mosquito beasts filled up the space next to the entrance to the bottomless pit. They didn't dare go too close, as the suction force was too powerful. If they got too close, they would be sucked into the pit.

Among this herd of mosquitoes there was a mosquito beast giving off a violent, purple light. Wherever it flew, the other mosquitoes made way for it, and it could cause the other mosquitos to tremble with just a cry.

However, this purple mosquito beast had an anxious expression as it wandered around the entrance to the pit for three years. There were several instances where it wanted to go into the pit, but after looking at its companions, it stopped.

Burst of cries would come out from its mouth and echo around the area… Like someone separated from their family calling out their family members' names…

Chapter 655 - The Third Ability

The powerful suction from outside was pulling at Wang Lin's body. The opening to the crack was like the mouth of a beast that wanted to devour Wang Lin.

The suction was so powerful that his clothes and hair were being pulled toward the crack. There were uneven bumps under Wang Lin's skin; it was his blood and flesh being affected by the suction force.

Wang Lin sat in the lotus position for seven days. During these seven days, he got used to the degree of suction at this spot. On this day, he opened his eyes and took another step.

He stepped directly into the area within ten feet of the opening of the crack.

The powerful suction suddenly surrounded him. Wang Lin's body tilted slightly as if there was a pair of invisible hands dragging him.

Wang Lin's expression was gloomy as he slowly sat down. He adjusted himself to resist the suction.

The blood flow in his body had almost stopped. If it wasn't for the celestial spiritual energy inside him, many parts of his body would be injured right now.

"Still not enough!" Wang Lin pondered for a moment before stopping the celestial spiritual energy inside his body. As soon as he did so, he was pulled out of the crack.

At the moment his body arrived at the edge of the crack, Wang Lin slapped his bag of holding. The seven swords immediately flew out and formed a formation. All seven swords fell like arrows and stabbed into the ground around Wang Lin.

Strands of lightning connected the seven swords and held Wang Lin in place. The amount of lightning between the swords increased until it formed a net that wrapped around Wang Lin.

Wang Lin slowly sat down inside the seven star sword formation. He was already sitting at the edge of the crack. The cold aura filled the area and the loud whistling of the suction force echoed in his ears.

Wang Lin's origin soul was already grabbed by the suction force and seem to show signs of being sucked out. However, at this moment, the barrier that appeared before appeared once more, trapping his origin soul inside his body.

Aside from his origin being pulled, even the slaughter intent seemed to condense and was gradually being pulled out. This slaughter intent came from the heart of slaughter. It formed into red lights and could be seen under Wang Lin's skin.

After a long time, Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he moved forward three feet. Even the seven swords moved with him. The suction force increased once more and another red line appeared under Wang Lin's skin.

The powerful section force surrounded Wang Lin's seven swords, causing them to let out bursts of sword hymns. The spirits inside the sword came out and merged together. They didn't stay in one form but constantly changed shape to resist the suction force.

In addition to this, the lightning connecting the seven swords crackled as the swords linked closer together. The seven swords seemed to have fused with the ground as they moved forward.

As Wang Lin moved forward, more and more red lines appeared under his skin. They became dense and appeared everywhere, making his entire body red.

There were so many red lines that if one were to count them all, there would be one million!

Exactly the same as the amount of slaughter energy!

The red lines under Wang Lin's skin flashed, but his mind was calm and he took a deep breath. At this moment, he reached the edge of the crack, but it was still not enough to force the slaughter intent out of his body, only enough to expose it.

Looking at the world of darkness outside the crack, Wang Lin's eyes it up. This light allowed him to see two hundred feet down to a rock that was sticking out from the wall. The ancient transfer array was on this rock.

After silently calculating for a bit, Wang Lin jumped out of the crack. His figure moved like lightning as he charged straight for the big rock two hundred feet away.

The seven star sword formation followed Wang Lin out of the crack. The powerful suction force from the bottom of the pit immediately increased like crazy.

The suction force here was countless times stronger, and in an instant some of the red lines were pulled out of Wang Lin's body. The moment the red lines left Wang Lin's body, they began to wiggle as if they were struggling. However, they all immediately turned into red gas and disappeared into the bottom of the pit.

At the same time, the seven sword formation spun rapidly around wang Lin. The speed of the spinning reached an extreme speed, creating a powerful vortex. The vortex created a pushing force, and the force became stronger and stronger.

Wang Lin, still inside the sword formation, took a step toward the large rock. He was completely focused and didn't want to be distracted. If he were to make one mistake, he would be sucked into the deep pit.

The surrounding area had dense, cold aura, and the suction force was even more amazing. It was as if there was a large hand pressing down from above and a large hand mercilessly pulling from below at the same time. The whistling was like the roar of the master of this place.

The speed of the seven star formation had reached a certain limit, but the force it produced wasn't enough to resist the suction. Wang Lin's body was pulled down along with the sword formation.

At this moment, Wang Lin's eyes lit up and a black figure suddenly appeared under his feet. This figure seemed closely connected to Wang Lin, and it began to mutter and form a seal with its hands.

In an instant, the black figure created a powerful tornado that was powerful enough to stop the suction force for a moment. It carried Wang Lin and the sword formation toward the giant rock.

After stepping on the large rock, Wang Lin let out a breath of relief. The combination of the sword formation and the puppet could resist the suction force, but not for a long period of time.

Wang Lin sat down on the rock. He didn't have any time to study the transfer array on the rock, so he focused on forcing the red lines out of his body.

His eyes lit up and he waved his hand. The tornado suddenly disappeared into the puppet that was hiding in Wang Lin's shadow.

The seven swords spun rapidly around Wang Lin after the tornado disappeared. Without the tornado, Wang Lin once again felt the incredible suction force. He clenched his teeth and the veins on his face bulged. He looked rather ferocious at the moment.

Even more red lines in his body were pulled out. They seemed to have intelligence, as they struggled, but ultimately they were all pulled out of Wang Lin's body. These red lines all exploded into red mist and disappeared.

It was as if Wang Lin had suddenly grown red fur, as countless wiggling red lines were pulled partially out of his body. This scene was extremely strange.

As the red lines were pulled out one by one, the red mist before Wang Lin never ceased to appear. At the moment one cloud of red mist was pulled away, another would appear.

This repeated over and over again. After an unknown amount of time, Wang Lin's skin was no longer all red and gradually revealed some skin color. Wang Lin let out a deep breath and suddenly opened his eyes. The puppet appeared from his shadow and once more created a tornado, then it brought him back to the crack.

After struggling to enter the crack, Wang Lin arrived in a place inside the crack without any suction force. He was weakened; it was as if he had just battled against a late stage Ascendant cultivator for 10 days and 10 nights.

In the past several days, Wang Lin had to resist the power of the suction force, manipulate the seven star sword formation, force the red lines out of his body, and also cycle celestial spiritual energy inside his body to stabilize himself.

Doing all of this at once made Wang Lin extremely tired. He knew that he might make a mistake and doom himself if he continued, so he decided to simply rest first, and once he was in peak continue, he would continue.

After adjusting himself for a bit, Wang Lin's eyes lit up. He controlled the seven sword formation and walked out of the crack once more.

This continued for several months. On this day, Wang Lin had been trapped here for four years. He was sitting on the large rock in the pit, and under the skin in his right hand there was a red line. The red line trembled under the suction force. It seemed to let out an unwilling cry as it was pulled out through the fingertip and turned into red mist.

This was the last strand of red line inside his body. The moment it was forced out, Wang Lin opened his. His eyes revealed how tired he was, but there was a flash of coldness as well.

"Celestial Slaughter Art!!"

He pondered for a long time and the coldness in his eyes slowly hid itself. Then he lowered his head and looked at the transfer array. After taking one look, he no longer paid any attention to it and slowly felt the surrounding suction force.

Only after integrating with the suction force could he feel the subtle changes inside the suction force. If he wanted to learn about the suction force, he would have to open up his mist and not resist it. He had to become transparent so that the suction could pass through his body.

Day after day, year after year… Wang Lin sat here for three years!

The seven star sword formation no longer spun and had stabbed into the ground around him. Wang Lin seemed to have become one with the rock. At first the suction force could cause him to move a little, but gradually it was as if Wang Lin had become transparent. The suction force would just go through his body.

Time slipped past and another three years went by.

The suction force went through Wang Lin without stopping and rushed toward the bottom. Not even his clothes and hair were moved by the suction force like they were three years ago.

Not only did his body not move, but his mind also didn't move at all. During these past six years, as Wang Lin sat here and felt the suction force going through all parts of his body, he gradually entered a mysterious state.

He had a feeling that he had completely disappeared. It was because he had disappeared that the suction had no effect on him at all.

However, the suction force still couldn't pass through his origin soul. It was because of this that Wang Lin still had a feeling of not being complete while in this mysterious state.

He could make the suction force pass through his body and make his body become one with the suction force. However, he couldn't make it pass through his origin soul and consciousness and truly become one with the suction force.

However, Wang Lin wasn't in a rush. He continued to calmly comprehend the suction force. Under this mysterious state, he gradually allowed his origin soul to disperse.

Another five years passed by in a flash. He had been stranded here for 15 years… He had sat on that large rock for 11 years.

His origin soul still completely dispersed and had completely become one with the suction force.

On the seventeenth year since Wang Lin had been trapped here, he opened his eyes. His eyes revealed a trace of vicissitude and calmly looked at the darkness before him.

"The fusion of my mind and the suction force… This won't happen if there is the slightest bit of rejection. To understand the suction force and truly integrate with it I must become part of the suction force…

"Once I become the suction force, I will have fused with it…"

Wang Lin pondered. He had already considered this many years ago. It sounded easy, but actually doing it was very difficult. He had no idea where to begin to make himself part of the suction force.

Wang Lin had already grown accustomed to the whistling sound over the last seventeen years. The whistling was the voice of the suction. Wang Lin let out a deep breath and closed his eyes.

"Go down…" That woman's voice echoed inside his origin soul once more.

Wang Lin suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes gave off lightning. He lowered his head and looked down at the darkness below him. The light in his eyes became brighter and brighter. At the moment the brightness reached its peak, it suddenly dissipated. Wang Lin slowly stood up after not moving for thirteen years and stepped forward.

He didn't use any spell with this step; he was like a mortal stepping off a cliff and into the void. His body immediately fell toward the bottom of the pit, and his figure was devoured by the darkness.

Wang Lin's body rapidly fell, and during this he closed his eyes. The suction force was like many large hands mercilessly dragging him down.

As he fell, it became even colder. There was even frost on the walls here.

Wang Lin turned a blind eye to all of this. His entire mind was immersed in that mysterious state. The only thought in his mind was to completely become one with the suction force.

Fuse with the suction force… Transform into the suction force… Become the suction force…

At this moment, Wang Lin's origin soul released countless thunderous booms. The suction force went through his body like crazy and moved through his origin soul.

At this moment, Wang Lin opened his eyes. Although his body was sinking, he revealed a faint smile. He took a deep breath, and at this moment, his body stopped falling.

The suction force went through his body and no longer obstructed him at all. His origin soul, his flesh, everything about him had fused with the suction force. He was part of the suction force!

He looked down and saw that there was no bottom. There was only an endless abyss that looked like it could devour all existence in the world.

"It is about time to leave… My dao's third ability… is the power of the underworld…" Wang Lin raised his head until he was looking up and gradually began to rise.

"Go down… I'm begging you… Go down…" For the first time, there was emotion in the woman's voice.