

Chapter 507: Golden Crab

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio


The seemingly clumsy body of the golden crab suddenly bounced, facing Han Sen with its head. The golden pincer blocked Han Sen's claws.

Feeling a huge force, Han Sen's right hand started to bleed. His entire arm was numb, and he couldn't help stepping back a dozen steps before he could stable himself.

Moving all its eight claws, the golden crab moved sideways toward Han Sen quickly in an incredibly nimble way.

"What kind of crab is this? So weird." Han Sen turned back and ran around the crystal sailboat. Since the golden crab was incredibly fast and strong, Han Sen found he could not take care of the creature at all.

Running after Han Sen for several laps, the golden crab failed to catch up with him and became so upset that it kept making noises with its pincer.

Because Han Sen was so good at his footwork, although he was slower than the golden crab, he could leverage the crystal sailboat as an obstruction to get rid of the golden crab.

As Han Sen was pondering what kind of tricks he needed to adopt to take care of this golden crab, the crab suddenly gave up chasing him and ran toward the body of the silver eel.

"I wonder if this guy eats the toxic meat of the silver eel, will it be poisoned as well?" Although Han Sen had this thought, the meat of the silver eel would be wasted if the golden crab was immune to the toxins.

Thinking that, Han Sen ran to launch a sneak attack against the golden crab from its back, trying to stop it from eating the silver eel.

Han Sen and the crab were both trapped in a dilemma. The golden crab could not catch up with Han Sen. Nor could it eat the eel peacefully. They kept fighting and none of them was able to take any advantage.

Guarding the body of the silver eel, the golden crab faced Han Sen, no longer wanting to chase him. However, it did not dare to turn around to eat the meat either.

With the golden crab next to him, Han Sen stared at the creature. Neither of the two knew how to proceed.

Han Sen observed the golden crab carefully, wishing to find its weaknesses. If it were an ordinary crab, the links and gaps between its shells should be its weakness. However, this golden crab was obviously somewhat different. The links between its shells were of a deeper golden color. Although the links were narrow, he could tell that they were even tougher than the shells. As for gaps, the golden crab did not have any. It was as if the crab was made of a piece of gold.

As Han Sen was feeling depressed, he suddenly saw the golden crab waving its pincer at him. Han Sen thought it was about to attack again, and then found it did not move.

It was waving its pincer to Han Sen. The act did not look like a provocation or an assault but seemed to be a "come here" between humans.

Han Sen thought he was mistaken, rubbed his eyes, and found it was still waving like that.

"Big crab, you are not a flirty girl. A there is no use for you to tempt me like this." Han Sen did not know what the golden crab wanted, so of course he could not approach it. Han Sen simply yelled at the crab.

Han Sen did not know whether the golden crab understood himself, but it most likely did not. After Han Sen said that, the golden crab turned around and pointed at the silver eel's body with its pincer and then pointed to Han Sen. Han Sen saw the golden crab making gestures, not understanding what it meant. He was so confused that he was full of questions.

At this point, Han Sen only regretted that he had never learned the language of the crab. Otherwise, he might be able to chat with this crab to see what was it that it wanted.

The golden crab made the gestures again and again, repeating its moves. It was blowing bubbles from time to time, seeming to be very anxious, wishing it could speak to Han Sen.

Han Sen watched for a while and felt his talent in learning the crab language was indeed lacking. However, he suddenly thought of one thing, which was the fact that he still had the spirit Snow Charmer. Although she had lost the ability to control other creatures after it gave Han Sen her allegiance, she had been the master of creatures once, so she might understood what the crab was talking about.

Summoning Snow Charmer, Han Sen pointed at the golden crab making the gestures and asked her, "Snow Charmer, do you know its language?"

"No," Snow Charmer answered decisively.

Han Sen was suddenly very disappointed. Since even Snow Charmer did not understand the crab language, it was impossible for himself to know what it was trying to say.

"However, I do know what it means," Snow Charmer continued to say.

"What does it want to say?" Han Sen was excited and asked Snow Charmer.

Snow Charmer said quietly, "Its gesture is quite obvious. It wants to split the body of the silver eel with you."

Han Sen was dazed. Looking at the gestures of the golden crab, he felt it was true.

The golden crab made a gesture in the middle of the silver eel's body and then pointed to both sides and Han Sen. It seemed to be saying Han Sen could pick one side.

Han Sen blushed. Such a simple gesture, yet he was unable to understand it. How foolish!

Han Sen quickly took Snow Charmer back. Making his servant see his foolish side, Han Sen felt quite embarrassed.

"Half is no... Two thirds... Mine" Han Sen gestured as he spoke, sounding like an alien.

However, this time the golden crab was the one who was confused. It stared at Han Sen with bubbles coming out of its mouth and even scratched its head with its pincer like a person.

Seeing that the golden crab did not understand him, Han Sen did not dare to approach the body either. He had to gesture to the golden crab to ask it to step aside repeatedly.

Luckily, this gesture was easy to be understood. The golden crab moved aside and stared at Han Sen in suspicion.

Han Sen gestured it to move aside a bit further, and so it did. After a couple of times, Han Sen made sure that the distance between the golden crab and the silver eel was safe to him. He then walked next to the silver eel's body, gesturing at two thirds of the body like the golden crab. He then pointed the smaller part and then the golden crab, the larger part and then himself.

The golden crab seemed to be understanding this time. As its shook its pincer, it moved its claws and returned to the eel.

Han Sen felt scared and stepped back quickly, but the golden crab did not mean to chase after him. It gestured on the body again, meaning it insisted on half and half.

Han Sen could not believe that he would bargain with a crab at this place with gestures. And this golden crab looked like an older lady bargaining in the farmers market, not willing to sacrifice anything.

The man and the crab discussed for a while and finally reached an agreement. Han Sen could take about three fifths, while the golden crab was to take two fifths.

Eat as you want. I wish you the bloody crab would be poisoned to death. Han Sen cut the body of the silver eel according to the proportion they had agreed through gestures. Seeing the golden crab taking its part with its pincer, Han Sen cursed inwardly.

Chapter 508: Crystal Treasure Box

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Han Sen was afraid that the crab might snatch his part after it finished its own, so he summoned the angel, feeding the remaining silver eel to her.

The Archangel was the main force to help him hunt super creatures, so it was essential to Han Sen that she transform again. Sacred-blood meat was not a waste on her.

In addition, this silver eel was as thick as a bucket and more than 30 feet long. Han Sen's part was about 18 feet long. It was too much for him to eat up, while the Archangel was eating with ease. Her mouth moving nonstop, she was not affected by the toxins at all. The silver eel disappeared quickly.

Han Sen then had the time to look at the beast soul of the silver eel. Han Sen felt he was a bit too lucky recently. As long as he hunted a sacred-blood creature, he would gain a beast soul, which even scared Han Sen himself a little bit. He was afraid that he might have used up his luck and would become unlucky.

Type of beast soul of sacred-blood silver eel: water mount.

"Water mount!" Han Sen became overjoyed. He was just wondering how he could come back to this place again. After all, humans could not stay in the water for a long time and this place was so deep in the water. Han Sen was not sure whether he was able to dive so deep himself. With the silver eel mount, it would be easy for him to come down.

The only shortcoming of the beast soul was that it could not be used on the land. However, that did not trouble Han Sen at all. He had the golden growler on the land and did not need anything else.

As the Archangel was enjoying the needs of the silver eel, Han Sen checked the crystal sailboat out and climbed to the deck.

The sailboat was so big and carved out of crystal. However, nothing could be seen inside the boat, which made him feel quite weird.

The golden crab had disappeared in a cabin, so Han Sen wanted to see whether there was other stuff in the cabin. However, before he came to the entrance, the golden crab suddenly rushed out, waving the pincer fiercely at Han Sen.

"Buddy, don't be so nervous. I am only looking around and do not mean you harm," Han Sen stepped back and said with a smile, seeing that the golden crab was just guarding the entrance and did not chase him.

However, the golden crab did not know what he was talking about, threatening him against approaching with its pincer.

The more reluctant the golden crab was, the more Han Sen wanted to see what was in the cabin. However, he looked at the entire crystal sailboat and found that entrance was the only one. Since it was guarded by the golden crab, there was no way that Han Sen could enter.

"How come you are not poisoned?" Han Sen became upset, as he was not able to see what was inside the boat, he tried to stick his head up and look.

Han Sen was no match of the golden crab, so he had to retreat temporarily to think of another way. Currently, Han Sen was very curious about the thing inside the crystal boat and was not in a rush to leave.

In addition, he wondered if those people from Blackgod Shelter were still guarding outside, so it was unnecessary for him to go out of the water.

When I go out, I will definitely try to wipe out Blackgod Shelter. Han Sen decided that as long as Blackgod Shelter was still there, his grudge would never disappear. In addition, Goddess shelter was surrounded by ocean in three directions. In order to develop, it must expand to the icefield, which meant he must have his own place here.

Now that Blackgod did him a service by becoming his enemy, Han Sen would not be polite with him. He was calculating how he could kill the group of people and take their place for himself.

Han Sen had heard from Li Xinglun that Blackgod was the strongest among the three forces on the icefield with the most resources. Li Xinglun and the other force could only be its match when they united, maintaining the balance between the three.

Previously, when Starwheel Shelter was under the attack of spirits and the other shelter was distracted, Blackgod Shelter did not try to help. They probably wanted to unite the entire icefield after Starwheel Shelter was wiped out.

It was not easy to conquer Blackgod Shelter, obviously. Bloodgod himself was stronger than Han Sen, so he was very likely someone that had almost maxed out on sacred geno points. His fitness index should be more than 120.

In addition, Han Sen was deterred by the knife skills of Blackgod. Up until this moment, Han Sen still failed to understand how the strike disappeared, and if he did not understand it, he would suffer again when faced with Blackgod.

"If I could not beat him, I would rob him. Blackgod Shelter has such a large territory that I don't believe they could guard all the places if I attacked one by one." Han Sen made up his mind to take care of the Blackgod territory when he got out.

When he returned to the lower level of the boat, he saw that the Archangel had almost finished the body of the silver eel, with only a head left. Han Sen had a thought and stopped the Archangel from her feast, taking her back into his sea of soul.

Han Sen looked around and hanged the head of the silver eel on a rope in front of the ship and hid on the right flank of the ship himself.

After waiting for several hours, he indeed saw the golden crab sneaking out. However, because there was only a single rope, the crab could not climb up with its claws. It had to jump up to reach the head of the eel with its pincer. Seeing that the golden crab having left the crystal Han Sen secretly climbed onto the deck and sneaked into the cabin.

When the golden crab was under the silver eel, it jumped twice but did not catch the head of the silver eel. Han Sen felt content secretly. He had calculated the height of the jump of the crap, and he deliberately made it hard for it to reach. However, the crab would not give up either. This way, he had enough time.

Standing in front of the entrance, Han Sen looked inside the cabin. It was a hall inside. Everything was carved out of crystal, looking very delicate and beautiful.

In the middle of the hall, the crystal table was placed. Han Sen originally thought it was a table, but when he entered, he found it was no table, but a crystal treasure box, with the crystal lock on the outside.

However, the lock was not locked, so it was not really effective.

"Is there some kind of treasure of the pirate or curse of the phantom boat?" Han Sen suddenly felt hesitant, not sure whether he should open this giant whistle box. It was so weird that there might be something dangerous inside.

Greed and curiosity eventually beat his logic. Han Sen heard the noise of the head of the silver eel falling and knew that the golden crab would return very soon. He gritted his teeth, summoned Snow Charmer, stood next to the cabin door, and asked Snow Charmer to open the crystal box.

The spirit was absolutely loyal to her master. After hearing the command, she took off the lock and lifted the lid of the box.

Chapter 509: Crystal Palace

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Seeing nothing dangerous had happened, Han Sen quickly walked up to the crystal treasure box and had a look.

Han Sen blinked and failed to react in time. In the treasure box there was a woman, whose lower body was a fishtail. Her upper body was naked and pale, with two scallops covering her boobs.

Her long blue hair fell like a waterfall, and her ears were blue fins, looking pretty but weird.

"Is this thing a mermaid?" Han Sen looked at the woman inside the treasure box and saw two other things next to her.

One was a staff shaped like blue coral, and the other was a shiny gemstone.

"Spirit staff... Spirit stone... Is this mermaid like creature a spirit?" Han Sen saw what the two items were and looked to the mermaid in the box, surprised.

According to the logic, once the shelter was conquered, the spirit had no way to run away. It could either choose to give its allegiance or destroy itself together with the spirit stone. How come this mermaid like spirit was placed in this box? Suddenly, a thought made Han Sen's eyes lit up. "The sailboat does not look like it was made by humans. Is it possible that this crystal sailboat is in fact a shelter?"

With the noise outside, Han Sen knew the golden crab seemed to be back. He quickly grabbed the spirit stone.

If the mermaid was really a spirit, as long as Han Sen grabbed the spirit stone, the spirit must be his.

Just when Han Sen put his hands on the spirit stone, the golden crab had rushed into the hall. After it saw Han Sen, it became furious, rushing toward him waving its pincer.

He took the spirit stone in his hand and ran around the hall. He used the techniques in Dongxuan Sutra and ran from the golden crab using the pillars and other stuff as obstructions.

Han Sen and the crab were running inside the crystal boat, and there was nothing the golden crab could do to Han Sen.

When Han Sen ran, he suddenly heard a noise. Where the noise came from was the box that trapped the mermaid spirit.

When he turned around to look, he saw the mermaid had sat up. Her white hands rubbed her eyes and then stretched. It looked like she had slept well.

After the mermaid woke up, she saw Han Sen and the spirit stone in his hand. Her blue eyes were suddenly dazed, and she froze for a while.

The golden crab was still chasing after Han Sen. When Han Sen was about to continue to run, he suddenly saw the mermaid taking up the staff and pointing it to the golden crab. The golden crab went to the side immediately and did not chase Han Sen anymore.

The mermaid went out of the crystal box with the staff in her hand. When she walked, a piece of wave moved under her fishtail, supporting her to go forward.

The mermaid went up to Han Sen, bowed to him with a hand on her right chest. And then she said, "Mermaid Princess wishes to give her master her pure soul and become his loyal servant."

"Mermaid Princess. This mermaid is a royal spirit!" Han Sen heard her words and became overjoyed. He did not expect a mishap had come a blessing. Just by wandering around under the water, he had gained a royal spirit.

There were two types of Royal spirits. One was Princess and the other was Prince. Since the mermaid caught herself a princess, she was for sure a royal spirit.

Han Sen did not hesitate and put the spirit stone on her forehead. In blue light, the spirit stone and the mermaid became one. They both became a light that entered Han Sen's sea of soul.

Mermaid Princess: Royal spirit.

"She is indeed a royal spirit." Han Sen checked the information of the Princess. Although he had expected it, he still became overjoyed.

After the Mermaid Princess became Han Sen's, the golden crab suddenly became fierce again. It was no longer bound by the spirit and rushed to Han Sen again.

Han Sen ran out of the cabin to dodge the attack of the golden crab. He made it all the way under the crystal boat and the golden crab then gave up its chase.

Han Sen moved further away from the boat and summoned the Mermaid Princess. He then commanded her, "Get rid of the annoying crab."

Since it was a royal spirit, then her ability should be the equivalence of a sacred-blood creature. With her unique intelligence, she should be able to be the match of the crab even if she could not kill it.

However, the mermaid did not move at Han Sen's command. She took a deep breath, her ample breasts under white scallops shivered, and she said, "Master, I don't have the ability to kill it."

Han Sen felt dazed and looked at her. "Are you not a royal spirit? Even if you could not kill the crab, you should be able to fight it?"

"Sorry, master. I am not a fighting spirit. I do not have the ability to fight," said the Mermaid Princess.

"Then what is your ability?" Han Sen asked curiously.

He had heard about the noncombatant spirits, which were rather rare. However, that was mainly because the spirits that humans gained were limited in general.

"I could operate the Crystal Palace." The Mermaid Princess pointed at the crystal sailboat.

"How would that be useful?" Han Sen looked at the Mermaid Princess, dazed. The ability of this royal spirit was just to operate a boat. Han Sen could not think of what use it would serve.

"The Crystal Palace Shelter is indestructible internally. It could sail to any place in the water, and it could go to the bottom of the sea. Except for the fact that it could not leave the water, Crystal Palace could reach anywhere." Mermaid Princess was obviously upset about Han Sen questioning her ability.

Han Sen thought about it and reckoned that this ability was rather nice. Since the boat was a royal shelter, Han Sen now had a moving castle on the ocean with Mermaid Princess. He could go hunting without any efforts, which would solve the issue of the lack of creatures.

Thinking it was a nice thing to have, Han Sen commanded the Mermaid Princess again, "Okay, get the Crystal Palace over here right now."

"Sorry, master. I could not." The spirit said helplessly.

"How come you could not do that either? Didn't you just say that you could operate the Crystal Palace?" Han Sen looked at the spirit in suspicion.

"I must be sitting on the operating seat of the Crystal Palace to control it," answered Mermaid Princess.

Han Sen became somewhat depressed. The golden crab was guarding the cabin. So, it did not make sense for him to rush inside. In addition, God knows whether there were more impressive creatures inside.

"Forget it. When I think of a way to kill the crab, I will take back the Crystal Palace." Han Sen give up the thought of taking the sailboat by force. Other people did not have Mermaid Princess anyway, so they could not take the sailboat away even if they had discovered it.

Chapter 510: Tornado Knife

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

At a remote corner of the frozen lake, Han Sen made an ice hole from underneath the water and climbed out. He shook off the water on his body and quickly left the lake for the icefield seeing no one was around.

Han Sen wanted to go to Starwheel Shelter to ask Li Xinglun about the detailed information of Blackgod Shelter. Only when he had more information about his enemy could he hit his enemy harder.

Especially, Han Sen must find out about Blackgod's knife skills.

Li Xinglun was very glad to see Han Sen visiting him. Hearing Han Sen explaining his conflict with Blackgod, he frowned and said, "Blackgod is more and more arrogant and wanton."

Li Xinglun explained the background of Blackgod in details to Han Sen, which made Han Sen frowned slightly.

The family of Blackgod was quite ordinary, but he was working for a force in the Alliance, which made it almost impossible for Han Sen to kill him in the Alliance. Among all the shelters, he was the strongest on the icefield. In addition, every month he provided a large sum of income to the force in the Alliance, which gave him strong support. It was not easy to take him down.

As for the knife skills of Blackgod, all Li Xinglun knew was that it was called Tornado Knife. He did not know how it worked either. Li Xinglun only knew that when Blackgod made the move, the knife would disappear for a moment, as if it was teleported.

Of course, Blackgod was merely an evolver, so he could not have the ability to make the knife teleport. There must be some special techniques that they did not know of.

"Tornado Knife, it sounds familiar somehow?" Han Sen felt he had heard about the name somewhere.

Thinking about it, Han Sen then remembered that Tang Zhenliu had once said that one of his knife skills was Tornado Knife.

However, from what Han Sen could remember, Tang Zhenliu did not have the ability to make his weapon disappear.

"Would this Blackgod be related to Tang Zhenliu?" Han Sen was determined to ask Tang Zhenliu first when he went back, to figure out what Tornado Knife was about.

After he returned to the Alliance, Han Sen asked Ji Yanran to get him the number of Tang Zhenliu in the military. Han Sen then contacted Tang Zhenliu.

"Han Sen, how does it feel to be a soldier?" Tang Zhenliu asked Han Sen, smiling.

"I don't feel much," Han Sen shrugged and said.

He was telling the truth. Although he was now Ji Yanran's guard, the actual guard was Annie, so Han Sen was merely a declaration.

In fact, no one expected that Han Sen could protect Ji Yanran as an evolver. His position was required by Ji Yanran herself, and initially her guard was only Annie.

However, since Annie had arrived, Han Sen had a lot less time to spend with Ji Yanran. That woman was following Ji Yanran almost 24/7, which made Han Sen very mad about it, even questioning whether she was a lesbian in love with Ji Yanran.

"Ha ha, your life is great. With the beauty on your side, it is not like an ordinary service. You are completely on vacation with your girl. Lin Feng and I are having a terrible time. We are either training or fighting the Shura, almost losing our lives several times," said Tang Zhenliu, feeling upset.

"How come you guys are at the front?" Han Sen asked, puzzled.

With the background of Tang Zhenliu and Lin Feng, it should be easy for them to stay in the back, but they were serving in the front.

"It is completely Lin Feng's idea. He said only by doing this can we exercise ourselves. He must stay in this hell and the wars are so frequent that I have almost gone mad." Although Tang Zhenliu said that, he was smiling. Obviously, he was just joking stop

Han Sen looked at Tang Zhenliu carefully and found he had much darker skin than before. He also looked tougher with an injury that had not cured on his forehead, looking more like a man.

Tang Zhenliu explained briefly what was happening on his side. Lin Feng and he were warframe soldiers. And on their planet, humans and Shura were coexisting, fighting for the mines. However, because of the location of the planet, no one could take the entire planet. Both forces had armies on the planet and they fought once in a while.

When they had finished chatting, Han Sen then asked about Blackgod and Tornado Knife. After hearing Han Sen's words, Tang Zhenliu hit the table madly and said coldly, "Dammit. Han Sen, if you have the chance, killed the bastard for me."

Han Sen was surprised to see Tang Zhenliu being so excited, so he asked Tang Zhenliu what had happened.

Tang Zhenliu told Han Sen that Tornado Knife was originally one of the family secrets of the Tangs. Later on, due to some incidents in the family, Tornado Knife was robbed by others, which was a huge shame for the family.

"Then I could act freely." Han Sen was initially afraid that there might be some kind of connection between Blackgod and Tang Zhenliu, which might be awkward in the future. At this point, he was completely relaxed.

"Kill him, and I will treat you to drinks. Do not worry about people supporting Blackgod. If you could kill him, I will take care of those people." Tang Zhenliu told Han Sen about the core secret of Tornado Knife, wishing Han Sen could get rid of Tang Zhenliu, giving his family justice.

After hearing Tang Zhenliu's explanation, Han Sen understood why it looked like Blackgod's knife had disappeared.

In fact, it did not truly disappear. Just because the Tornado Knife was so fast, it felt like it had disappeared.

The speed was not continuous, but a temporary effect in the attack. In a short amount of time, the speed of the knife increased greatly, making the high-speed even higher, causing a visual illusion.

In fact, the knife seen by the eyes was the shadow of the knife. The real knife had already changed its location.

Although Han Sen had understood the mechanism of Tornado Knife, it was still very difficult to tackle it. At that kind of speed, even if he knew what was happening, it would be useless if he could not follow the knife.

With Han Sen's eyesight, he could not even see the knife, so even if he knew the knife was elsewhere, he could not block it.

Tang Zhenliu did not have enough speed and strength in the past, so he did not achieve the same effect as Blackgod. Currently, if he used the skills, he would not be worse than Blackgod.

"Do you have time tomorrow?" Tang Zhenliu asked Han Sen.

"Yes," replied Han Sen.

"Okay then. You go to the virtual camp tomorrow and I will spar with you. Today I have something else, so I must leave now." Tang Zhenliu was a decisive person, so he directly hung up.

Han Sen knew that Tang Zhenliu was going to spar with him using Tornado Knife, which was great news to Han Sen.

Chapter 511: Solving the Puzzle

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The next day, Han Sen logged into the virtual camp at the time agreed with Tang Zhenliu.

According to the ID name that Tang Zhenliu told him, Han Sen added him as a friend. Tang Zhenliu accepted Han Sen's request and invited him to enter the room, changing the setting to "no audience allowed."

Tornado Knife was one of the secrets of Tang Zhenliu's family. Although it was leaked once, the secret shall still be kept.

Tang Zhenliu demonstrated for Han Sen in a slower speed than normal. In addition, he told Han Sen about the keys of the Tornado Knife in slow motion, which could not be seen by outsiders.

The front was different from the back. Because Tang Zhenliu could not make much time every day, he was sacrificing his limited resting time and sparing one hour a day. Therefore, the two did not speak at all and went directly into the fight.

Tang Zhenliu slashed at Han Sen with his weapon, and Han Sen tried to block it. When the two weapons were about to clash, Tang Zhenliu's weapon weirdly disappeared at Han Sen's side. When it appeared again, it was already on Han Sen's chest.

Although Han Sen could use his footwork to dodge the strike, it would not be meaningful at all. If he could not block the strike upfront, the best Han Sen could do was not to lose. If he could not beat Blackgod, it would mean nothing to Han Sen.

Han Sen did not continue to dodge Tang Zhenliu's strikes, taking the strike directly and feeling the rhythm of the skills.

"Again." Han Sen waved his weapon again, attacking Tang Zhenliu one more time.

Although Tang Zhenliu had explained the key to the skills, Han Sen still felt it was difficult to predict the Tornado Knife in actual fight.

It was mainly because the speed of the weapon was so fast that Han Sen could only stop it by attacking Tang Zhenliu. The best he could do was mutual destruction, and most of the time, Han Sen was killed off directly.

Neither of them could predict the other. However, because Tornado Knife was fast enough, Tang Zhenliu was able to cut Han Sen earlier, which Han Sen had no solution to cope with.

"Again... Again... Again..."

One hour had soon passed, but the result was not that great. When Tang Zhenliu was using all he got, Han Sen still could not block Tornado Knife.

"There is a unique way to use force in my family, which is integrated in Tornado Knife. It allows the speed to be incredibly high momentarily. At the same fitness level, one is unlikely to block Tornado Knife. In addition, Blackgod is even stronger than you. If you want to beat him, you can only rely on your footwork and wait for him to expose his weaknesses. Otherwise, it is hard for you to win. I am only sparring with you to get you familiar with the rhythm and attacking range of Tornado Knife, so that you will have more information when you face him again," Tang Zhenliu said and quickly left the virtual camp.

Han Sen knew that Tang Zhenliu was right. If it was the one on one, Han Sen could use his footwork to deal with Blackgod, and it will not be easy for Blackgod to beat him. However, that way, he will only have an opportunity when Blackgod made a mistake, which meant handing the initiative to Blackgod, which Han Sen could not accept.

In addition, the Blackgod Shelter was huge, so Han Sen would never have an opportunity to fight Blackgod one on one. Blackgod would definitely be surrounded by other evolvers. In order to kill Blackgod, Han Sen had to block Tornado Knife upfront.

"So fast. How shall I block it?" Han Sen thought to himself but did not have any conclusion.

Beep beep!

As Han Sen was thinking, he suddenly heard a call on the virtual camp. He took a look and saw it was from Ms. perfume.

Han Sen chose to accept, and Ms. perfume suddenly appeared in front of Han Sen. She looked at Han Sen and asked, "Coach, do you have time to teach me? I have several questions about last session that I want to ask you."

"I'm afraid today's not a good time." Han Sen shook his head. He was thinking what the solution to Tornado Knife was and was in no mood to teach Ms. perfume.

Qin Xuan was slightly disappointed. She had waited for a long time to see soldier on the warship again, but she did not have the opportunity to ask him questions. Naturally, she was let down.

When Qin Xuan was about to say goodbye, she suddenly heard Han Sen asked, "do you practice fast sword or knife?"

"Yes, but I am not that good at it," Qin Xuan answered hastily.

Atomic fission that she practiced was great in both strength and perseverance. That was why her techniques were all quite balanced. There were no extreme techniques.

"Then, if you encounter someone who is much faster than you, what will you do?" Han Sen did not truly want to ask her, but only voiced his concern.

Qin Xuan thought about it and said, "Avoid it with my footwork and then find the perfect opportunity."

Qin Xuan thought he was using questions to teach her and felt quite happy inwardly, not daring to take Han Sen's question lightly.

"If you could not dodge and have to fight it out with your opponent, what then?" Han Sen asked again.

"If we are fighting for life and death, the faster one will definitely win. If I am not faster than my opponent, and I could only enhance my strength." Qin Xuan said after serious consideration.

"Why strength?" Han Sen looked at her in surprise. He initially thought Qin Xuan would say to increase her defense.

Qin Xuan thought Han Sen was testing her, so she organized her words and said, "If one is fast, then his strength must not be too strong. If I am strong enough, I will not die from his strike. However, my strike will kill him. That is a method."

"Although what you said might work, it is not the answer I want." Han Sen shook his head with a wry smile. This method would not work against Tornado Knife.

The strength of Blackgod was stronger than Han Sen's to begin with. Even if they trade one strike for the other, Han Sen would be the one who suffered more.

"I am not smart enough. Please instruct me, coach." Qin Xuan could not think of a way to win when her opponents was faster than her. Han Sen wanted to say he did not know, but when he saw Miss perfume, Han Sen suddenly thought of one thing. Last time, when he was teaching her, he was explaining the techniques in Dongxuan Sutra. At that time, he explained several techniques that he was practicing. However, thinking of those techniques, Han Sen's eyes suddenly lit up.

It was not about those techniques, but about some other words in Dongxuan Sutra.

The other words were also included in the parts of Dongxuah Sutra that Han Sen had already translated. It was related to what Han Sen had learned about footwork, but Han Sen was not able to perceive it fully.

However, thinking back, Han Sen felt he suddenly understood those words.

He invited Ms. perfume to fight and said to her, "Come on, use all you got to attack me at full speed."

Chapter 512: Sullen Tang Zhenliu

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Qin Xuan was overjoyed, thinking Han Sen was trying to teach her. She did not save any energy and cut at Han Sen with Thunder Knife at full speed.

Han Sen had been practicing Thunder Knife as well recently, so he was quite familiar with the skill. When Qin Xuan just raised her hand, before the skill was launched, she felt she had to stop.

Although Han Sen's hand moved later and slower than Qin Xuan's, he placed his hand at a spot that made marry feel very uncomfortable, stopping her from attacking. If Qin Xuan continued her attack by force, her arm would hit Han Sen's hand blade. Qin Xuan took back her hand and was ready to attack again, but the result was the same. Han Sen's hand was again placed at a spot that made her feel very uncomfortable.

Qin Xuan had changed the way to attack 7 to 8 times, but she was never able to make a complete strike. All of her strikes were forced to change in the middle, which made her feel so uncomfortable that she almost wanted to vomit blood.

This way, Qin Xuan was even more respectful toward Han Sen, believing more firmly that Han Sen was a martial arts master and some incredible figure in the military.

"I understand. Coach you are saying that even if my opponent is fast enough, as long as there is space and distance, I could stay still to fight his moves and buy myself time using space and distance so as to react..." Qin Xuan said happily.

"It is not completely like that. You do not understand. If you practice more, you will naturally understand it in the future." Han Sen was very happy, and he did not mean to put Qin Xuan down.

Qin Xuan was right, he did buy some time using the distance. However, this amount of time was not enough for him to beat the opponent. The key to win was the word "block."

In ancient times, there was a strategy in wars called attacking Wei to save Zhao, which meant attacking the opponent in his vital parts to make him give up the original target.

The explanation about the word "block" in Dongxuan Sutra was to attack where the enemy had to save and find out the enemy's weakness so as to tackle the enemy's strengths, making the enemy feeling uncomfortable to use his own strength.

This technique was also called "no kill." The aim of this technique was not to kill the enemy, but to force the enemy to take defensive position.

As long as the enemy turned from attacking to defending, then Han Sen could use his footwork. Since the enemy no longer had the ability to attack, it was just a matter time to beat him.

In order to use the blocking technique well, Han Sen must first figure out the importance of each moves, which meant he needed to understand the strengths and weaknesses of his opponent.

For example, Han Sen himself had also practiced Thunder Knife, so he knew what the positions that Qin Xuan had to defend herself were. If Qin Xuan uses a different technique that Han Sen was not familiar with, the effect would not be as good.

Currently, what was beneficial to Han Sen was that Tang Zhenliu who had the same level at using Tornado Knife was his sparring partner. All he needed to do was to fully understand Tornado Knife, and then he could reach the effect that Tang could not attack him at all.

Thinking of that, Han Sen wished that he could fight Tang Zhenliu right away so as to familiarize himself with Tornado Knife.

However, unfortunately, Tang Zhenliu had to many tasks in the front, so he only had limited time every day. When he was in the middle of a project, he did not have time at all.

Even so, Tang Zhenliu was astonished by Han Sen's performance. Initially, he only wanted for Han Sen to avoid the attacks when Han Sen got familiar with the knife skills. However, Han Sen was trying to block the attacks altogether.

Tang Zhenliu originally thought that was something couldn't be achieved. It was a family secret, and he knew very well how strong the techniques were, which were impossible to block.

However, the more he sparred with Han Sen, the more he doubted his own thought. When facing Han Sen, Tang Zhenliu felt harder and harder to make his moves. He felt like he was trapped in a barbed cage. Whenever he tried to reach out his arm, he would be stabbed. And when he was trying to reach out his legs, his thighs would be hurt. The feeling was so depressing that he almost wanted to vomit blood.

The more he fought Han Sen, the more painful Tang Zhenliu felt. He almost wanted to drop his weapon.

"Weirdo... You and Lin Feng are both weirdos..." Finally, one day, Tang Zhenliu could not take it anymore. He threw his weapon away and exclaimed madly at Han Sen.

Han Sen knew that his blocking skills were quite good now. Although it might not work against other skills, it will definitely function when it came to Tornado Knife.

All he needed to do was practice more in order to beat Blackgod.

"This time, you better not give me the chance." Han Sen was thinking how he could get rid of Blackgod the bastard.

Tang Zhenliu was feeling quite glad. Luckily, his family had more secrets than Tornado Knife. Otherwise, in the future, he did not need to fight Han Sen again and could simply call him grandpa.

In the meantime, Tang Zhenliu swore to himself that he would never use his family skills again in front of Han Sen.

Han Sen asked Tang Zhenliu to practice with him a few more days. In the end, Tang Zhenliu had become the one who was tortured. He could not make his moves, and he was beaten miserably by Han Sen.

Sometimes, Tang Zhenliu could not stand it and used different knife skills to turn the situation around.

When Tang Zhenliu no longer wanted to spar with Han Sen and avoided virtual camp, Han Sen then gave up.

Currently, Han Sen was very confident to face Tornado Knife. However, he was not sure whether Blackgod had practiced other impressive skills. In addition, Blackgod had many master fighters that it was almost impossible to kill him without a perfect opportunity.

"If I could not kill you, I must gain some profits first." After learning from Li Xinglun the recent moves of Blackgod, Han Sen squinted his eyes.

At this time of the year, because of the ocean currents or other causes, on the beach of ice river where there were normally no creatures at all would witness the arrival of a large number of snake fish. They came to the beach from the ocean for unknown reason.

Most snake fish were primitive creatures. However, if the cluster of fish was huge enough, there might be mutant and sacred-blood snake fish among them.

The beach of the ice River was the territory of Blackgod Shelter. Every year, tens of thousands of snake fish would climb up from the ocean. They could always harvest several mutant snake fish and a sacred-blood snake fish king.

This was one of the fixed benefits of Blackgod Shelter. At this time of the year, Blackgod would summon a large number of people to come to the beach to hunt snake fish.

Han Sen arrived at the ice river early. However, he did not go hunting, but dug an ice cave that only one person could fit in at a quarter of the beach. He then hid in the cave and piled up snow on the outside.

No matter how hard Blackgod thought, he could not predict that someone would be hiding in the ice cave for several days. After the large cluster of snake fish had come to the shore, he led people to clear up the place and did not find Han Sen.

Chapter 513: Snake Fish King

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Han Sen was hiding inside the ice cave, biting the meat jerky as he observed the situation from the gap he kept deliberately.

A large number of snake fish started to climb out of the ice River and reached the beach covered in ice. More and more fish arrived, yet no one knew what they were trying to do. More than a thousand people had gathered from the Blackgod Shelter, hunting the snake fish that had arrived.

Snake fish looked like sea snakes. In fact, different from snakes, they did not have fangs or any teeth.

Because they were covered in slime, weapons would easily slide on their skin. If one was entangled by the creature, its sharp scales on the stomach could even break one's bones.

If there were not a huge group hunting snake fish together, a small number of people would easily be besieged by the snake fish and killed. Ordinary people did not have the conditions to kill them. Only a large force like Blackgod could organize some new people to hunt snake fish together.

Because the sacred-blood snake fish king had not appeared, the strong evolvers with a fitness level above a hundred including Blackgod himself did not make a move. All they did was to lead thousands of evolvers to hunt the creatures on the beach.

The primitive snake fish were all black. Occasionally, some larger snake fish with a golden lion on their back could be spotted, which were the mutant ones.

Han Sen had not seen the sacred-blood fish king, but he heard that the fish king would be smaller in size, even smaller than primitive ones. It was probably around the size of an ordinary cobra.

Because of this, Han Sen wanted to steal the sacred-blood snake fish king. If it were bigger, he could not take it away even after he stole it. The sacred-blood snake fish king was perfect in size.

There were 2 to 3 days from the snake fish arriving at the shore until they returned to the ocean, so Han Sen was in no rush.

The cold inside the ice cave did not have much of an effect on him. However, he was uncomfortable crawling and had to use Jadeskin to make himself feel better since he could not move.

Luckily, the second day since the snake fish came to the shore, Han Sen heard exclaims among the crowd. He quickly looked into the gap and saw a large ball of snake fish had arrived at the shore. On top of the ball, a small dark red snake fish was standing with its head up. The dark red snake fish was a bit more than 6 feet long. Standing on top of the wall, it had a pair of fins or wings on the back of its head. As the fins moved, it made a weird noise.

"The sacred-blood snake fish king had eventually arrived." Han Sen suddenly became excited, observing the condition on the outside. Once he had an opportunity, he would go ahead and catch the snake fish king.

He had even planned the route to escape. Currently, it was the snake fish season. For the snake fish to arrive, so there were no other creatures in the ocean nearby.

After Han Sen took the snake fish king, he would rush into the ocean. Riding on the silver eel, he could escape with ease. As many people as Blackgod Shelter had, they could not catch up with him and had to watch him go.

After the snake fish king appeared, the other snake fish became even crazier, rushing to the floor. The advanced fighters at Blackgod Shelter eventually moved. Five or six evolvers with fitness above 100 killed their way toward the fish king, led by Blackgod.

Other people continued to guard their own positions, killing the other snake fish. They did not look nervous at all. Obviously, they were quite experienced.

Blackgod and his fellows rushed out, and primitive snake fish could not block their way at all. Very soon, they were approaching the snake fish king. Snake fish king issued a strange squeak and bounced itself into the air. Its fins moving, it flew in the sky like a bird.

Its little wings were too small. On the back of its head, they looked like a pair of ears that were slightly bigger. Unexpectedly, it could fly with the wings.

Blackgod and the rest were besieging the fish king. As they hit it with their weapons, their weapons obviously slid off. They could not kill the creature in a short amount of time.

The snake fish king was a hundred times more slimy than an eel. Even sacred-blood beast soul sword would slide off its body, not leaving any marks.

Even Blackgod's Tornado Knife did not work on it, which made Han Sen feel quite surprised. If they could not hurt the snake fish king, how did Blackgod and the rest kill it in the past years?

Those people did not use any special method but attacked the snake fish king together while killing the primitive snake fish that were approaching them.

After watching for a while, Han Sen could guess what they were trying to do. Although that snake fish king could fly, obviously it could not last long in the air since it took more than the little wings to fly.

The first time when it was flying, it could maintain about fifteen minutes in the air. However, gradually, it could last shorter and shorter in the air and had to land.

In the air, he did not have any point of force application. However, when it was on the land, there were points of force application. When the weapons cut it again, they would not slide off that easily.

After watching for more than half an hour, Han Sen noticed that the snake fish king was weaker and weaker. He knew that it was his opportunity, took away the snow on the outside, and climbed out of the ice cave.

Currently, it was the key moment for him to hunt the snake fish king. Because the snake fish king had felt ominous and continued to scream, which made the cluster of snake fish even crazier. Everyone was doing their best to hunt the snake fish, and no one had extra energy to look at other people.

In addition, they had already cleared the space and blocked the way to the beach, so there was no way they could expect an outsider present.

Han Sen got inside the group of thousands of people, and no one found he was an outsider. Han Sen killed several snake fish casually and gradually approached.

Blackgod and the rest had already circled the snake fish king in different directions, for fear that it might escape into the ocean. It was harder and harder for the snake fish king to fly. It looked like it was about to be dead.

Once it lost the ability to fly and could only wiggle on the ground, it would be easily killed.

Han Sen gradually approached Blackgod and his mates, focusing his eyes on their moves. Han Sen thought, this is a good opportunity. If I could kill Blackgod here, then Blackgod Shelter would have no leader, which would make it much easier for me to conquer the shelter.

Initially, Han Sen only wanted to steal the snake fish king. Now that he had an opportunity to assassinate Blackgod, he would not let it go. Han Sen focused on Blackgod first.

Very soon, the fish king could no longer fly. Blackgod was overjoyed, found an opportunity, and rushed to cut it in half.

Chapter 514: Stealing

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Brother... Watch out..." When Blackgod was about to make a strike, he suddenly heard his friend calling him and felt ominous.

Blackgod was indeed quite impressive and decisive. The moment he heard the voice, he directly fell forward.

However, it was still a bit too late. He felt a burning pain on his back. It seemed that the armor on his back and his muscles were slashed open by sharp weapons.

Han Sen felt it was a shame. Blackgod and the top evolvers were a bit too far from the crowd. When he approached them, he was still discovered by an evolver opposite him, who warned Blackgod in time. With his claws, he did not kill Blackgod this time.

Blackgod fell to the ground and rolled a dozen feet away, holding back the pain on his back. The five evolvers with fitness level above a hundred came to Han Sen.

Han Sen did not linger. His strike did not kill Blackgod, so he knew that he had lost his opportunity. He rushed to the snake fish king directly, using the claws to cut off its head. Taking up the creature's body, Han Sen ran toward the ice river.

"Sacred-blood creature snake fish king killed. No beast soul gained. Eat its meat to gain 0 to 10 sacred geno points."

The evolvers tried to stop Han Sen, but Han Sen swayed left and right, zigzagging among three persons momentarily. He ran past five persons nonstop. When Blackgod got up, holding back his pain, Han Sen had already gone.

"It is that asshole. He's not dead yet? Kill him for me." Blackgod saw what Han Sen looked like, recognized him, and yelled to the evolvers in surprise and madness.

The evolvers quickly caught up with Han Sen. However, Han Sen directly jumped into the ice river. A giant silver eel appeared underneath his feet. The giant silver eel broke the ice on the river and was a hundred feet away instantaneously, leaving Blackgod and his friends appalled on the land.

"Blackgod, I am taking some of the interests today. Next time I see you I will kill you." Han Sen said loudly and rolled the silver Io away.

"You are dead... I will kill you definitely... Kill you" Blackgod was so mad that he was standing, cursing at Han Sen's direction.

When he scolded Han Sen, he moved his back, which made his injury so painful that his face became grim.

Blackgod became very mad. Not only was he almost killed by a sneak attack, but his sacred-blood snake fish king was stolen.

In addition, the one who did all that was someone who he thought had died underneath the frozen lake.

Since he came to Second God's Sanctuary, Blackgod had never suffered so much, which made him so angry that he was about to vomit blood.

Han Sen disregarded what Blackgod did and rode the silver eel away, landing at a remote location. He summoned Meowth and rode Meowth away from the territory of Blackgod Shelter.

"la la la... la la la... I am a barbecue master..." Han Sen barbecued the snake fish that he had skinned on the convenient stove he brought with him and hummed a little song happily.

It was not easy to get his hands on such a sacred-blood creature. This sacred-blood snake fish king would give him eight or nine sacred geno points at least.

What was more important was that this creature was stolen from Blackgod, which made Han Sen feel it was extra tasty. Just by smelling the fragrance of the barbecue, he could not stop his mouth from watering.

"Unfortunately, they only come to the shore once a year. Otherwise, it would be so good if I could still want every day," Han Sen thought as he barbecued.

Before the barbecue was done, Han Sen saw a man coming his way in the snow outside.

"Blackgod's guys are here?" Han Sen was surprised, glanced that way, and it did not look like it. If it were the people from Blackgod Shelter, they should be more than one person.

The person walked closer, and Han Sen saw what he looked like. Out of Han Sen's expectation, he knew the man. Although they were not familiar with each other, he had a deeper impression of him.

The grandson of Senator Yi, Yi Dongmu. When Han Sen participated in the contest of first God's Sanctuary using Dollars identity, Han Sen beat Yi Dongmu to become top ten. And the fairy queen was his reward for being one of the Chosen.

After that, he had never heard the news about Yi Dongmu again. Unexpectedly, Han Sen ran into the person here.

Yi Dongmu walked directly opposite Han Sen. He looked at the barbecue on the stove and placed a fox-like red creature on the snow. Pointing to the barbecue, he asked, "I want to trade this mutant creature for your barbecue, will you do it?"

"No," Han Sen rejected directly, thinking, "You think I'm an idiot? A mutant creature for my sacred-blood creature?"

Yi Dongmu could not help frowning, checking Han Sen out again. Because he had not had anything cooked in so long, he wanted to trade the mutant creature he hunted for the barbecue, which was unexpectedly turned down by the other person.

"Can I borrow your stove? Name your price." Yi Dongmu could not tell where Han Sen was from, so he did not mind the answer. Yi Dongmu pointed to Han Sen's stove said.

"The stove is quite cheap. Just use it," Han Sen smiled and said.

Yi Dongmu did not say anything but summoned a dagger to clean up the fox-like creature. Cutting off a piece of meat, he started to make the barbecue.

The two persons did not converse much but barbecued respectively. When Han Sen barbecue was about ready, he took a bite and felt it was so tasty. The grease melted in his mouth.

"So nice." Han Sen took out some condiments to put on the barbecue before he gobbled it up.

Yi Dongmu was stunned. It was the first time he saw someone being so relaxed when hunting. Not only had Han Sen brought the stove, he also brought a dozen types of condiments, which filled up a large bag.

Swallowing, Yi Dongmu continued to make his own barbecue. However, Han Sen's barbecue with condiments smelled so good that it was hard for Yi Dongmu not to notice.

Yi Dongmu had been working hard to cultivate, trying to enhance his martial arts skills and clear his name that was belittled by Dollar.

He often spent several months every time he came to the God's Sanctuary, and sometimes even more than half a year. On the icefield, all he could eat what was raw meat. Even if he was made of iron, his stomach would no longer take it.

"Will you sell me the condiments?" Yi Dongmu asked eventually.

"This is quite expensive," Han Sen blinked and said. He was nice enough to let Yi Dongmu use the stove for free. There was no way he could give the condiments to Yi Dongmu for free as well. Han Sen was the one who brought the condiments to the God's Sanctuary.

"Name your price," Yi Dongmu said directly.

"Give me the remaining half piece of your meat, and you can use my condiments as you like." Han Sen's condiments were not valuable in fact. However, because they were rare, they were worth something in this place.

Without even blinking, Yi Dongmu through the half piece of mutant meat to Han Sen and said, "Give me the condiments."

"I like a decisive person like yourself." Han Sen gave the condiments to Yi Dongmu and took the mutant meat with pleasure.

Majestic Desert Splendor0:01 / 1:07

Chapter 515: Dollar Would Be Better

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"How long have you spent in God's Sanctuary?" Yi Dongmu asked Han Sen.

"Not long, just a few days." Han Sen said.

"Have you heard about Dollar recently?" Yi Dongmu had spent about six months in the God's Sanctuary this time. He had been hunting alone all the time and did not have any news from the outside.

Han Sen was dazed, as he did not expect that was what Yi Dongmu would ask. He thought about it and said, "I heard that there was someone named Kill Dollar on the official platform. He had won consecutively. Some people said he was Dollar himself, and I wondered if that was true."

"Tell me about the details," Yi Dongmu said immediately.

Having taken the mutant meat, Han Sen explained briefly to Yi Dongmu, and added in the end deliberately, "I have only heard about it. No one knows whether Kill Dollar's actual Dollar. And I will be the last one to tell."

"It must be him. Except for him, no one could be that good," Yi Dongmu said assertively.

Han Sen was embarrassed inwardly. There were definitely evolvers who could be as good. He just had not met a truly good opponent.

"I want to hunt a sacred-blood creature and need an assistant. Come with me, I will spare you 10% of the meat after I succeed," Yi Dongmu said to Han Sen after eating a smaller half of the barbecue and taking the rest into his pocket.

"20%," Han Sen blinked and doubled the price.

"Let's go." Yi Dongmu did not bargain and asked Han Sen to go with him.

Han Sen like people like this a lot. Rich people who did not care about the price and only cared to be happy are the best.

Following Yi Dongmu eastward on the icefield, Han Sen reached the snowcapped mountains in less than two days. If he were to go back to Goddess shelter, he must cross this region.

However, because of the terrain, it was not easy to pass this region. Furthermore, if he encountered sacred-blood creatures, it was too dangerous to fight on the mountains without the ability to fly. If he were not careful, he would fall into deep valleys.

The reason that Li Xinglun and Blackgod would try to conquer the royal shelter before they expand to the mountainous region was because of the terrain, which was unsuitable for large-scale fights.

"You are not trying to enter the mountains to hunt sacred-blood creatures?" Han Sen asked Yi Dongmu, surprised.

"Relax, there is no risks. I'm only asking you to lure the creature out for me. The rest is my job. That creature had suffered in my hands, so it would not there to come out if I were there," Yi Dongmu said quietly.

Han Sen did not say anything more and followed Yi Dongmu into the snowcapped mountains. Like Yi Dongmu said, he did not go deep into the mountains, but stopped after climbing one mountain.

"Just walk around ahead of me. When the creature had come out, run in my direction." Yi Dongmu dug a hole in the snow and lay down, asking Han Sen to bury him with the snow.

Han Sen knew that like himself, Yi Dongmu was also an assassin. He did not say much and followed Yi Dongmu's instruction, walking around in the valley ahead of him.

Looking around, all he could see was continuous snowcapped mountains. There were no creatures, let alone sacred-blood creatures.

"What creatures would be here?" Han Sen looked for a while and did not spot any creatures.

As Han Sen became impatient, he suddenly heard hoofbeat. From afar, he saw a donkey-like creature with a pair of antlers running from behind a mountain.

Its hooves were rather wide, which prevented it from being trapped in the snow. It ran toward Han Sen quickly, faster and faster.

"There is a creature indeed!" Han Sen did not know whether this one was the one that Yi Dongmu was talking about. He turned around to run toward were Yi Dongmu was hiding.

The creature looked like it could fly, running fast on the snow. Luckily, Han Sen was close to where Yi Dongmu was hiding and soon reached him.

The creature followed Han Sen and approached him quickly. Yi Dongmu quickly emerged from underneath the snow, appearing under the stomach of the creature, stabbing his dagger into its stomach, making a long cut.

The creature was bleeding on its stomach. Forgetting about Han Sen, it neighed, turned around and ran.

However, Yi Dongmu would never let it go. Catching up with it, he cut the creature repeatedly. The creature finally fell on the floor quietly.

"Good skills, good footwork." Han Sen couldn't help complimenting. Yi Dongmu had made great progress in these years indeed. In addition, he was in Second God's Sanctuary several years earlier, so he had improved his geno points greatly.

"If it were Dollar, he would have killed the creature with the first strike. I am not good enough." Yi Dongmu said seriously.

Han Sen felt very embarrassed inwardly. Yi Dongmu was simply obsessed.

It should have been several years since Yi Dongmu saw him. So, there was no way Yi Dongmu knew what level Han Sen was on. It was completely his own illusion.

"Is that the sacred-blood creature that you were talking about?" Han Sen walked up to the creature and asked, puzzled.

Although this creature ran fast, it did not look like a sacred-blood creature judging from its fitness.

Yi Dongmu shook his head. "Not this one. This is a mutant creature."

Yi Dongmu then paused and said, "This is good as well. We will use this body as the bait. That creature would come out smelling the blood. You can stay here and make a barbecue out of this mutant creature."

Yi Dongmu then dug another hole and hid himself again.

"Brother, you do not need to work so hard. How about we continue after eating something together?" Asked Han Sen.

"No need. If it were Dollar, he would have done even better." Yi Dongmu said seriously and urged Han Sen to bury him up.

Han Sen did not know what to say. Even he felt somewhat embarrassed. He did not feel he was as good as Yi Dongmu had described.

Han Sen buried Yi Dongmu up again. Dissecting the mutant creature's body, Han Sen thought it was a bit too big for him to eat. He then summoned Meowth to offer him the food.

Meowth bit the body of the mutant creature excitedly. As for Archangel, she did not care to eat mutant meat at all, not wanting to come out.

Han Sen took out a piece of barbecued snake fish king, eating while squatting. He soon heard the voice telling him the increase of sacred geno points.

Seeing that Han Sen was feeding mutant meat to his pet, Yi Dongmu frowned slightly. This behavior was a bit too extravagant. Even Yi Dongmu himself had never done that before.

After all, the resources on this icefield were so limited that Yi Dongmu had not even filled up his mutant geno points yet.

After Han Sen had just taken a few bites, he heard loud hoofbeat behind the mountain again.

Chapter 516: Killed by One Strike

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Meowth that was eating suddenly bristled. It bared its teeth toward the direction of the noise and growled fiercely.

Han Sen stared at the direction of the snowcapped mountain, and soon saw a creature that looked like a triceratops rushing out from behind the mountain.

Its horn looked like a silver awl and its skin looked like iron. The moment the triceratops came out, Han Sen felt dazed.

Han Sen wondered if Yi Dongmu was dumb. Such a large creature weighed at least a dozen tons. It would take more than a year for someone to eat it. What use would it be even if he killed it?

But then Han Sen thought, Yi Dongmu was probably just trying to gain the beast soul. The meat was not that important to him.

Han Sen felt a bit upset. However, it would not be a waste if he got the meat. He would not eat himself, but he could feed Archangel.

Han Sen took Meowth and ran back. He did not need to move a finger anyway. With 20% of the meat, he could feed Archangel happily.

That triceratops had rushed to the location of the body of the mutant creature. Without a pause, it still came toward Han Sen.

Yi Dongmu who was buried in the snow suddenly came out of the pit, stabbing his dagger at the stomach of the triceratops.

The skin of the triceratops was much thicker than that of the mutant creature. The dagger of Yi Dongmu disappeared in the skin of the triceratops, yet no blood came out. Only black leather and white fat was cut open.

The triceratops tried to get rid of Yi Dongmu under its stomach. However, Yi Dongmu moved up its body and came to its back like a gecko, stabbing its back fiercely.

The triceratops roared and stamped like crazy, trying to take Yi Dongmu down. However, Yi Dongmu stuck himself so closely to the creature that he would not fall.

Han Sen found a remote spot and sat down, caressing the head of Meowth and enjoying his barbecue as well as the performance of Yi Dongmu.

"Bravo. I will give you 9.9 for this move," when seeing an excellent move, Han Sen could not help sharing.

Yi Dongmu was so upset. The skin of the triceratops was so thick and tough that only a little blood came out when he had stabbed the creature multiple times.

On the other hand, the triceratops seemed to have infinite strength. Jumping and wiggling, it almost got rid of Yi Dongmu several times. He had to hold the creature tied with both hands and stick close to it. There was no chance for him to touch the dagger again.

However, Han Sen was enjoying the show, applauding when seeing something good, which made Yi Dongmu feel so upset he was about to vomit blood.

"Come and help me!" Yi Dongmu could not last any longer and yelled to Han Sen.

"That is not okay. We had an agreement. You give me 20% of the meat and all I need to do is to lure the sacred-blood creature out. I will not mind other businesses," Han Sen shook his head and said.

"If this creature runs away, you will get nothing," Yi Dongmu exclaimed again.

"If you want me to make a move, that is fine. However, that way, we could not split the meat like this. I must have 60% of the meat. 20% is my reward for leading it out. And the other 40% is what I should have for collaborating with you to kill it," Han Sen counted his fingers and said.

"60% is fine. You help me kill it, and you can take 60% of the meat." Yi Dongmu was in no mood to bargain with Han Sen. His main goal was to try to gain the beast soul. The meat was less important.

"Okay, that's a deal." Han Sen then stood up, summoned his claws and walked toward the triceratops.

"Help me to distract it from the side..." Seeing Han Sen approaching, Yi Dongmu quickly said.

However, Han Sen did not pay any attention to him. He walked directly to face the triceratops.

The triceratops noticed Han Sen and rushed to him with its eyes red. It almost looks like a locomotive at full speed, incredibly scary.

Han Sen was still walking toward the triceratops at a normal speed. The moment it was about to clash with the triceratops, Han Sen's body suddenly leaned back.

The triceratops rushed over Han Sen's body, Han Sen was lying in the gap between its legs. The triceratops went ahead but did not hurt Han Sen at all.

Han Sen dusted off the snow on his body and got up. The triceratops screamed with blood coming out of its stomach. It wiggled and fell to the ground with a thump. It struggled several times but failed to get up again.

Yi Dongmu jumped off the back of the triceratops, observed the struggling creature carefully and saw three marks on its stomach that went through its entire body. Obviously, they were left by Han Sen when he brushed by the creature.

Yi Dongmu stared at Han Sen for a long while. He did not expect that the random person he met was such a master.

He knew the impressive figures on the icefield, so he did not pay too much attention to Han Sen when he first saw Han Sen. However, Han Sen's strike made Yi Dongmu feel utterly surprised.

"If you do not move fast, it will die," Han Sen noted Yi Dongmu.

Normally speaking, under these circumstances, Han Sen would abide by the agreement. Since he had agreed to help Yi Dongmu kill the creature and he had 60% of the meat, he did not need to be greedy about the potential beast soul.

Yi Dongmu did not say anything and stabbed his dagger into the jaw of the triceratops, ending its life with several strikes.

Whether Yi Dongmu had gained a beast soul. However, he did not have any special expression after killing the creature. Walking up to Han Sen, he said, "You're good."

"Just average. I just broke a hundred," Han Sen said casually.

"I know the locations of some other sacred-blood creatures living alone. How about we continue to cooperate in the future?" Yi Dongmu said seriously.

"That's okay. However, if it were a long-term cooperation, we could not split like this," Han Sen smiled and said.

"We will split the meat half-and-half. The beast soul will depend on our own luck." The fact that Yi Dongmu said that showed he reckoned that Han Sen was stronger than himself. Otherwise, because he provided the location, he should have taken 10% more.

"Okay," Han Sen agreed. It would take Han Sen some time to find sacred-blood creatures, and he would not necessarily be able to kill those creatures alone.

Yi Dongmu will provide him with the location of the sacred-blood creatures and he could take half of the gains. There was nothing wrong about that.

"Let's split up the sacred-blood meat first," Han Sen pointed to the body of the triceratops and said.

"You can have all of it. You have poison on the weapon, so the meat has already been contaminated. Even if I take it, I will not dare to eat it," Yi Dongmu said calmly.

"Thank you then." Han Sen summoned the angel, asking her to eat the triceratops up.

"Humanoid pet? What is the level of it?" Yi Dongmu stared at the Archangel. With his background, he had never got a chance to have a humanoid pet.

"Sacred-blood," Han Sen said casually.

Chapter 517: The Shame of Soldiers

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Yi Dongmu stared at the angel eating the triceratops, feeling dazed. It was very hard for him to imagine that the angel who looked like a little girl would be able to consume the better half of the meat of the triceratops in a little while and did not seem to be stopping anytime soon.

He turned back and looked at Han Sen, seeing Han Sen was eating his leftover barbecue. Yi Dongmu's expression became more complicated.

As the descendent of a senator, he was someone who had seen a lot. However, he had never seen someone like Han Sen who fed a humanoid sacred-blood pet with all his sacred-blood meat since he entered Second God's Sanctuary.

The resources on the icefield were extremely limited. Although this creature was big in size, it was a sacred-blood creature nonetheless. Feeding it all to the pet made even Yi Dongmu cringe.

At this point, Yi Dongmu had to reassess Han Sen. Strong, wanton, and careless. Even Yi Dongmu felt puzzled about the background of Han Sen.

"It is about time. I must return to the Alliance now. Let's meet next time." After the Archangel finished eating the triceratops, Han Sen directly said goodbye.

Although as long as Ji Yanran did not call him,he was idle and had infinite free time, he'd still go back from time to time in case Ji Yanran got worried.

"I will return to the Alliance as well. Let's go together." Although Yi Dongmu did not need to go back to the Alliance, he wanted to find out about Han Sen's background and who he was.

The two persons teleported back to the Alliance from Starwheel Shelter. Yi Dongmu immediately looked up all the information about Han Sen. The name Han Sen being real was out of Yi Dongmu's expectation.

After looking up Han Sen's materials, Yi Dongmu felt quite strange.

Judging from Han Sen's background, he was such an ordinary guy that it did not match his achievements at all.

From his information, the biggest difference in Han Sen's life was his girlfriend Ji Yanran.

However, although the Jis were an incredibly prominent family, Han Sen only knew Ji Yanran after he went to the military Academy. Before that, he did not receive any help from the Jis.

Even now, the Jis had not been helping Han Sen. Before Ji Yanran married the guy, the Jis had no reason to help him.

Whether she would marry Han Sen was still unknown. Aside from that, Yi Dongmu felt incredible reading about Han Sen's growth. Yi Dongmu thought if he were Han Sen, he would never have achieved what Han Sen had.

In addition, according to the information, Han Sen had entered Second God's Sanctuary for less than a year. The fact that he had such fitness on the icefield with limited resources made Yi Dongmu feel incredulous.

"How did he do it?" Yi Dongmu couldn't help frowning.

Han Sen returned to Daphne, trying to meet Ji Yanran. However, at the door, he was blocked by Annie.

"We are both guards. Why are you minding my business?" Han Sen was very upset with Annie. Since she had come, he did not have much chance to be alone with Ji Yanran.

"Because I said no," Annie stayed cold and said.

"What if I must go inside?" Han Sen was mad, asking any coldly.

"You can try." Annie looked at Han Sen indifferently, as if she were looking at a dead man.

Han Sen immediately wanted to go inside by force. Just because she was a surpasser, Annie was being incredibly arrogant, which pissed him off.

The doors of Ji Yanran's office suddenly opened and Ji Yanran came out from inside. She held Han Sen's hand and said to Annie, "Colonel Annie, he is also my guard. He has the right to see me at any time."

"I'm sorry, Mis Ji. The order I got was to protect your safety a hundred percent, ruling out all the unsafe elements." Annie said calmly.

"Please, Captain. This is in the military," Ji Yanran said, a bit upset.

Annie did not speak again, but she looked the same, not taking Ji Yanran's words seriously.

Ji Yanran did not say anything more and pulled Han Sen into her office.

"Do not have any conflict with her in the future. She will kill you," Ji Yanran said helplessly to Han Sen.

"A guard can be so arrogant? Disrespecting your words?" Han Sen said.

"Technically speaking, she is my guard. However, I do not deserve to have a guard like that with my current position. She was arranged by that person in my family. In fact, she only listens to him and my words are basically useless," Ji Yanran said helplessly, leaning against Han Sen.

"However, she is also doing it for my safety, so do not provoke her in the future."

Han Sen nodded. He also knew that Ji Yanran's safety depended on Annie. It was impossible for her to count on him as her guard since he was away all the time. When Han Sen left Ji Yanran's room, it was already nighttime. Annie was still guarding the door. Judging by her position, it seemed she had not even moved in the past couple of hours.

"Men like you are a shame to all soldiers," when Han Sen just stepped out of the room, he suddenly heard Annie saying coldly.

"Are you talking about me?" Han Sen turned around, stared at Annie and asked.

"The most disgusting are men who live off women like you," Annie said to Han Sen, disgusted.

Han Sen looked Annie up and down for several minutes, but he said nothing.

"What are you looking at?" Annie felt uncomfortable under his gaze and exclaimed coldly.

"With the professional judgment of someone who lives off women, I can tell you that you do not have what it takes for a man to live off you. You will probably die alone," Han Sen said seriously.

"You..." Annie was shivering in anger.

"You think you are so good because you are a surpasser? If I were a surpasser, I could kill you with one strike. Do you believe that?" Han Sen curled his lips and said.

"I will wait for you to become a surpasser and see how you kill me with one strike." Annie's face became blue. However, she was not someone good at talking. She was so angry that she could say nothing.

In fact, there was a reason for Annie to hate Han Sen so much. Because her dad died early, she was raised by a single parent.

Later on, Annie's mother found a boyfriend, who initially treated both Annie and her mother well. He had nice temper and worked hard. Even Annie as a little girl thought he was a good man and called him father.

Who knows that the man was not only a gigolo, but also a fraud. A couple of days before he was about to marry Annie's mother, he took away all their belongings, which made life very hard for Annie and her mother.

She grew to loathe this type of man very much. Furthermore, Han Sen came to Daphne and became Ji Yanran's guard because of nepotism. Coupled with what Annie had heard at the Jis, she hated Han Sen very much.

"You do not have to wait until the future. If you dare to play with me, I can prove it to you how weak you are if we are of the same status," said Han Sen, curling his lips.

Chapter 518: Bully Annie

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"What do you want?" Annie thought Han Sen wanted her to suppress her strength to fight him.

Annie did not mind that. Even if she had to lower her strength, she believed she could beat Han Sen completely.

"Let's go to the training room," Han Sen said and walked toward the training room.

"Now is not the time," Annie did not move, but said coldly.

"What? Are you afraid?" Han Sen looked at her sarcastically.

Annie ignored it and said, "Now I still have to work. I will see you at the training room in three hours."

"Okay, I will wait for you." Han Sen appreciated this quality about her very much. She was indeed a good soldier, loyal to her duties.

Han Sen returned to his room and caught the unicorn beetle which was going around everywhere. Without eating or drinking, it did not starve.

Han Sen tried to feed it with different things, but it was not interested in any food. Han Sen wondered how it kept itself alive.

At the agreed time, when Han Sen reached the training room, he saw that Annie had changed from uniform to a white combat suit.

"Let's begin," she said coldly, seeing Han Sen coming in.

"What do you want?" Han Sen stood outside and did not enter.

"Don't you want me to suppress my strength to fight you? Are you afraid now?" Annie said with contempt.

"Sister, when have I said that? I am no idiot. Even if you suppress your own strength. Your eyesight and reflex are not something that could be reduced. I am not foolish, so why would I ask for that?" Han Sen curled his lips.

"Then what do you want?" Annie frowned.

"We have both learned military boxing, right?" Han Sen said.

"What if I have?" Annie asked.

"If you have learned it, that's easy. Let's do it the civilized way. I name a move and then you can name a move. We will both use the techniques from voter boxing only. If that fair?" Han Sen said.

"The way of combat is focused on the reflex and flexibility. If we are talking about the moves, how can we decide who is the winner? Moving the lips is no fun," said Annie frowning.

"Just tell me if you dare to do it. If you do not there, you can leave now and stay out of my way in the future," Han Sen said contemptuously.

"Okay, I will see what tricks you have up your sleeves." Annie did not believe that Han Sen would win using the same military boxing.

"Lady first. You go." Han Sen felt relaxed, as he was fully confident.

Talking about the moves, he would definitely win. All other elements were ruled out and only the moves matter. It was like playing go. Although the pieces were the same, the method to calculate was different.

In order to win, the strategy was key, which was what Han Sen was good at. Strength, speed, and reflex were less important.

Although Annie was surpasser, a civilized fight like this one wiped clean all her advantages. On the other hand, Han Sen who was good at calculation had an advantage.

"Head punch!" Annie thought about it and said a move of attacking.

"Sideway punches, left of your ribs," Han Sen answered quickly.

"Backward elbow, turning to the left to attack your neck." Annie felt slightly uncomfortable. She had never tried to make the move mentally and had to think for a while before she said anything.

The two persons exchanged thirty moves and then Annie felt something was wrong. She found herself trapped in a dangerous situation.

Although the moves were all the same, Annie felt it was hard for her to attack. When fourteen moves were exchanged, she could no longer think of a way to dodge Han Sen's attacks.

"You lost," Han Sen said contentedly.

"This is just talking. If it were in a real fight, you could never have done that," Annie said, unwilling to accept her failure.

"That is okay. We can act out what we had just said. However, this time, neither of us shall use force. We will just act out what we had said," Han Sen walked up to Annie and said.

"Okay," Annie did not believe that.

However, when the two persons were sparring like Han Sen had just explained, Annie did not have anywhere to dodge when it came to the thirty ninth move. Unless he used speed and strength beyond Han Sen, she would lose for sure.

"How about that? Are you convinced?" Han Sen glanced at Annie and said.

"This is the first time for me to do this. I'm not like you who is all talk." Annie was not convinced. She did not believe that she would be inferior to Han Sen.

"That's fine. We can do it again. I will beat you until you are convinced," Han Sen curled his lips and said.

"Okay, but we will both speak and act out this time," Annie thought she lost to Han Sen because she was not good at imagination.

"Okay," Han Sen smiled and said. Acting out was not the important part. As long as no strength was involved, then Annie would not still be inferior to him.

After all, everyone had a specialty, and Han Sen's was calculation. Annie seemed to be the type that were good at violent moves.

The fight began again. However, the result was no different from last time. This time, she lost even faster. She could no longer continue after the thirty fifth move.

"Are you convinced?" Han Sen asked again.

"No..." Annie bit her lips, unable to accept the fact that she was inferior to Han Sen. There was no way she was now the match of a man who lived off a woman.

"Then let's do it again," Han Sen grinned and said. Annie was looking for trouble herself, so he had no reason not to give it to her.

Annie was someone stubborn. They fought for more than thirty times and she did not win even once. Lost, lost, and lost, she did not even make it to the fortieth move once.

Although she did not use strength and her energy was not consumed, she became pale and sweaty on her forehead. She did not understand why she would lose to Han Sen again and again using the same moves only with different order, not to mention in such a miserable way. Initially, she thought as long as she was familiar with this way of fighting, she could turn the situation around. All her previous losses were just because she was not used to it. However, the fact was cruel. Whether or not she knew the way of fighting well, she lost equally.

Annie found that she was so weak in front of Han Sen just based on the moves in martial arts. This man who she despised seemed to be exceptionally good in this regard. Now Annie had understood she was no match to Han Sen in this respect.

"Do we need to continue?" Han Sen smiled at Annie.

"It is no wonder that you want because you have studied these trivial matters. However, if it were a real fight, there is no way you could beat me." Annie knew that she had lost, but she would not admit it.

"Then let's fight for real," Han Sen said abruptly.