

Chapter 494: The Use of Black Crystal

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Han Sen told Queen the story in details. The reason he was explaining was to let people know that he learned the footwork from Queen, in case anyone recognized the footwork.

Huangfu Pingqing was surprised hearing the story. "So that's what has happened. You are indeed a genius for making her treat you differently."

"Unfortunately, I have only learned a little bit," Han Sen licked his lips and said.

"A little bit is quite nice already. Without the talent, one could not learn anything. Heavenly Go is definitely one of the top ten hyper geno arts, even better than Super Diamond Body. Not everyone has the chance to learn," Huangfu Pingqing said admiringly.

"Why didn't your grandmother teach you?" Han Sen asked her.

"My grandmother said that my character and talents were not right for Heavenly Go. If I force it, I would probably get myself killed, which is why she did not teach me. In fact, I'm not the only one. No one in my family was taught Heavenly Go. Queen is her only student," Huangfu Pingqing said helplessly. "So, I really envy you for having such talent."

"That's right. If one does not learn the kiting skills well, one would get oneself killed even faster," Han Sen agreed with her.

The kiting skills that focused on calculation could easily be manipulated by the opponent if the user had poor abilities, which would cause the user to be killed.

For example, when Han Sen was against Queen, if he were to use the kiting skills, he would lose even faster, which was because Queen had better skills in calculation and designing. She was even able to turn Han Sen's calculation against himself.

Before he gained better abilities at calculation, Han Sen would rather stand still than use kiting skills in front of Queen if they were fighting for their lives.

"Maybe you could... Oh I have to go... Talk to you later..." It seemed that Huangfu Pingqing suddenly thought of something. She muttered some words out of order before she hung up.

Han Sen shrugged helplessly, not knowing what had happened to Huangfu Pingqing. He had never seen her so disorganized before.

Ready to go to the military camp, Han Sen suddenly heard a crack in his sea of soul. The blood snail which had gone through transformation of several months eventually broke out of the cocoon.

Han Sen was suddenly overjoyed. Initially, he thought all the beast souls would finish the upgrade within one month. However, all beast souls had different paces. It took several months for the blood snail to finish its upgrade.

The upgraded blood snail had different looks from before. It used to have a jade shell and red meat, looking like a snail shell floating on a red cloud. Currently, the entire blood snail had turned red, it's shell looking like red crystal. The beast soul seemed to be on fire from afar.

Type of beast soul of berserk super blood snail: pet armor.

The introduction to the blood snail did not change much. There was only an extra word: berserk. Han Sen thought about it and went into a training field. He then summoned the golden rock worm king and equipped it with the super pet armor. The red armor turned the golden rock worm king into a red tank with a ferocious and fierce look.

Han Sen used 30% of his force to hit the pet. Although the golden rock worm king backed off a little bit, the pet armor was still intact.

Han Sen almost jumped with joy, hitting the golden rock worm king again with 60% of his force, and the pet was still fine.

Han Sen increased his force gradually, but the golden rock worm king equipped with super pet armor was never injured, like a cockroach that could never be killed.

In the end, Han Sen hit the golden rock worm king with all his strength, while he was only able to blow the pet away. With the protection of the super pet armor, the pet was not hurt severely.

And the super pet armor only had a dent on it and was not broken.

The result made Han Sen feel both surprised and disappointed. The blood snail did not turn into a beast soul of Second God's Sanctuary like the holy angel. It seemed that not all the beast souls could evolve like that.

The black crystal only turned the blood snail into a berserk beast soul. However, a berserk super beast soul from First God's Sanctuary was comparable to a sacred-blood beast soul from Second God's Sanctuary.

This was great news to Han Sen. Han Sen suddenly had a thought, if I upgrade a beast soul from Second God's Sanctuary, I wonder if it could be turned into a berserk beast soul directly. If that is possible, I will be able to make a huge fortune.

For the same beast soul, the value of a berserk one would be several times or several dozen times that of a normal beast soul.

If he could turn a beast soul berserk, the profit was unimaginable.

In addition, if he could turn the sacred-blood beast souls from Second God's Sanctuary into berserk ones, it would be a great help for Han Sen to hunt super creatures in the future. Of course, what Han Sen was worried about the most was the time it took for the upgrade to take place. The holy angel only used a month, while it took several months for the blood snail to become berserk. Han Sen had not yet figured out the rules.

Han Sen had no mood to go to the military camp anymore. He immediately went to the teleport device and entered Starwheel Shelter.

On the plaza of the Starwheel Shelter, Han Sen bought an ordinary beast soul, which was the weakest of all, and made it swallow the black crystal.

It was a snow kitty, the weakest creature on the icefield. The chance of getting a beast soul from this kind of creature is relatively high. Its beast soul was a cape, which worked well to protect people from cold.

After the snow kitty swallowed the black crystal, light suddenly turned into a cocoon, wrapping the snow kitty up.

Han Sen left the shelter, hunting while observing the progress of the snow kitty.

After only one or two hours, the light cocoon had already cracked. The snow kitty that used to be white had turned into a silver color.

Type of beast soul of berserk snow kitty: cape.

Han Sen was thrilled. It was about the same as he thought. The black crystal could turn other beast souls into berserk beast souls. And it did not take much time for the ordinary creature.

However, just upgrading ordinary beast souls would not be that helpful. He had to at least be able to upgrade mutant and sacred-blood beast souls.

Han Sen gritted his teeth and gave the black crystal to the ghost-pawed ferret, trying to test how long it would take for the crystal to turn a sacred-blood beast soul into a berserk one. It turned out to be incredibly fast, which Han Sen did not expect.

It only took less than three days for the ghost-pawed ferret beast soul to break out of the cocoon and turn into a berserk sacred-blood beast soul.

The ghost-pawed claws became darker and sharper. It was as if a piece of iron was made into stainless steel. Han Sen knew it was much more advanced than it was before just by its look.

"Amazing, such good luck..." Han Sen was excited, because he knew how much it was worth.

Chapter 495: Royal Shelter

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Unfortunately, Han Sen did not have a mutant beast soul from Second God's Sanctuary, so he could not test the upgrade time of a mutant beast soul.

However, he had a rough estimate. Han Sen guessed that the reason the upgrade of the blood snail took so long was that it was a beast soul from First God's Sanctuary.

Beast souls from First God's Sanctuary did not have the feature of berserk, but the black crystal added the berserk feature to the blood snail, which probably called for a bigger change to the beast soul itself. Han Sen thought that was why it took so long.

The reason that the upgrade of the holy angel was faster was probably that she had the feature of "to be involved" to begin with.

Of course, this was only Han Sen's own guess. He would have to make further experiments to test if that was true.

Han Sen hesitated and then fed the black crystal to the sacred-blood beast soul evil-blooded condor. The berserk gargoyle did not show any desire toward the black crystal, similar to the holy angel and blood snail which had already used the black crystal.

Han Sen was looking for suitable preys on the icefield, but to no avail. In recent days, he had not even run into a mutant creature and had only gained some primitive geno points.

Li Xinglun was right. The resources on the icefield were not enough to support so many humans to cultivate. In comparison, the mountains around goddess shelter had quite a lot of advanced creatures that acted alone.

However, the terrain of the mountainous region was not suitable for large-scale hunting because of the potential dangers.

If they did not want to risk their lives in the mountains, they had to take down the royal shelter in order to communicate with outside. Otherwise, they had to stay at the spot and rely on the limited resources.

Han Sen decided to check out the royal shelter, getting ready for conquering it in the future.

After marching for two days toward the royal shelter, the evil-blooded condor had already become a berserk beast soul. However, Han Sen still did not know what the glyph should be used for. It was not that easy to tell like the glyph of the gargoyle. Because Han Sen had no other beast souls, he fed the black crystal to the golden growler. He did not have time to make money using the black crystal recently anyways.

Running on the icefield, Han Sen was using Treading Cloud on his way. Without Seven Twists, he had to settle with Treading Cloud.

Luckily, the effect of Treading Cloud was much better than Han Sen had thought. It enhanced his speed and was also quite easy to learn. Han Sen was pleased that It was much better than Sparticle he used.

"Indeed, the Chens are great at footwork. I wish I could get my hands on Seven Twists someday." Han Sen said to himself.

A few hundred miles from the royal shelter, Han Sen saw the silver-haired spirit riding the dragon snake on the icefield, followed by groups of creatures. Han Sen had no idea where she was going.

Seeing the sacred-blood creatures among the groups, Han Sen immediately decided against a sneak attack. Last time, there was Starwheel Shelter as his backup, which he now did not have. If he went there alone, he would most definitely get himself killed.

However, on a different note, since the silver-haired spirit had left the shelter, could he take the opportunity to steal her spirit stone from her shelter?

Although there were definitely sacred-blood creatures guarding the shelter, this was an opportunity nonetheless. Even if the chance was slim, it would not hurt to check it out.

After Han Sen arrived at the royal shelter, he was surprised by what he saw.

Although he had read about the description of royal shelters, it was simply overwhelming seeing it with his own eyes.

It was not even like a castle. It was a huge metropolitan. At first glance, he could not even see the borders. In the sky, huge creatures were flying, and groups of strange birds were hovering. A large number of creatures were going across the shelter, many of which were sacred-blood creatures.

Even on the lawn in front of the royal shelter, humongous creatures were feeding.

Initially, Han Sen imagined that he might be able to sneak into the royal shelter, but with a glance, he knew that he could never sneak inside, and he would have no idea where the spirit stone was even if he did.

A stone the size of a fist in a large metropolitan was harder to find than anything else. Unless he had the power to take down the spirit shelter the hard way, it was almost impossible for him to touch the spirit stone.

"If I could take down such a huge shelter, I would be so rich just by collecting taxes. It would be no worse than a large city. I would not even be able to count the money I could earn." Han Sen became more and more excited. If he could conquer the royal shelter, he would be dominating this region. In addition, he would also have a royal spirit servant. This place was such a treasure. The only thing bothering him was that he did not have the power to take down the place alone.

"This is not okay. I have to think of a way to urge the other three shelters to unite together. It would be good if I earn the allegiance of the royal spirit first. As for this royal shelter, the humans will have to give it to me when I am strong enough." Han Sen thought to himself.

He did not dare to hunt in this area. Once noticed by the creatures of the shelter, it would be hard for him even to run away. Han Sen had to go back following the way where he came from.

Luckily, Han Sen had hunted a lot of small creatures these days, which gave him quite a few primitive geno points. Now he had sixty-three primitive geno points and hundred ordinary geno points already.

Currently, Han Sen's fitness was around hundred. After he used Heresy Mantra and Overload, his strength and speed could easily break a hundred.

"Such fitness and Yin Yang Blast would be enough to beat that Tiger of Blueblood, right?" Han Sen estimated that it was time for the military contest and returned to the Alliance.

This military contest was not the one of the entire Alliance soldiers, but just the contest in the Southwest Galaxy were Daphne belonged to. All units in Southwest Galaxy would send contestants.

Initially, Blueblood Special Force was not a part of Southwest Galaxy. Because Ji Yanran was selecting guards, Tiger of Blueblood chose to give up the contest of the Central Galaxy and came down to Southwest.

This made the soldiers ready to take part in the contest in the Southwest Galaxy clench their fists, ready to teach this person a lesson.

Blueblood special force was always the best of the best, which got on the nerves of the soldiers of other forces naturally. Now that they had a chance to compare themselves against the best soldier from the Blueblood special force, they definitely wanted to prove how good they were.

Chapter 496: Strength Test

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Brother, which department are you from?" In the warm-up area of the military contest, a young soldier asked Han Sen who was sitting next to him will stop

"I am from a warship, a cookhouse soldier." Han Sen replied.

When the young soldier heard Han Sen say that he was from a warship, he thought Han Sen was an elite. Who knows that Han Sen then said he was a cookhouse soldier, which made the young soldier change his looks.

It was not to say that cookhouse soldiers were definitely weak, but normally speaking, in the military, the cookhouse soldiers were trained less than others. Therefore, it was understandable that they were relatively weak.

"Ha ha, your warship must be so good, sending cookhouse soldiers to take part in the contest," the young soldier joked casually, meaning nothing malicious.

"All other departments are quite busy, and we are the only one who have time. That's why they sent me," Han Sen said with a smile.

"Actually, we are only here to be onlookers. We are all counting on Zheng Yuze here. I hope that he could beat Tiger of Blueblood special force and make Southwest Galaxy proud," said the young soldier.

"Zheng Yuze?" Han Sen thought about it and it seemed he had heard of this name. Zheng Yuze appeared to be one of the other two candidates competing for the position of one of Ji Yanran's guards.

After chatting with the young soldier for a while, the warm-up zone suddenly became quiet. Everyone looked in the same direction, and so did Han Sen. A hunk walked over in large steps, giving everyone present strong pressure. When looking at him, one would even want to run away.

"Tiger of Blueblood, Tie Yi..." Whispered the soldiers from Southwest Galaxy.

Glancing at the soldiers in the warm-up zone with his black eyes, Tie Yi eventually gazed at a forty-year-old veteran and asked seriously, "You are Zheng Yuze?"

"I am," Zheng Yuze said and nodded.

"Great," replied Tie Yi and then sat down without saying anything else will stop

After all, he was not from this galaxy and had no friends here, so he was simply resting.

Seeing how Tie Yi acted, Han Sen knew that he thought nothing of Han Sen and the other competitor and believed that Zheng Yuze was the only one worthy of his attention.

Han Sen did not care much. After all, everything was about was strength in the end. It would not benefit him even if Zheng Yuze gave him more credit.

Very soon, the contest began. The contestants walked in an array into the venue, seeing a sea of soldiers and officers who were the audience. It was quite magnificent to watch.

Southwest Galaxy included two main galaxies: Xigeli Galaxy and Nansanxuan Galaxy, and sixteen smaller Galaxies. Only Xigeli Galaxy and Nansanxuan Galaxy had a large number of habitable planets. Only one or two of the sixteen smaller galaxies had military bases. Other planets were either inhabitable or used for mining only.

Among all the military zones, Southwest Galaxy was a smaller one. Even so, it had hundreds of millions of troops. Those who were able to come to the contest were just a small part of the representatives, but it was already quite astonishing to watch.

The reason for humans to dominate the universe was their number in addition to their intelligence.

After all, this was not a fight in private. So the contest included many items in addition to duels.

The first item was to test what strength. A strength tester was placed on the venue, looking like a giant drum.

The contestants could hit the drum using whatever method they chose. And then the screen on the drum would show the score of the last hit. The higher the score, the better.

Although no one would be eliminated because of a bad score, one's final score was the sum of the scores of all items. If in the end, one's final score was not among the top four, one would not be able to enter the combats for the title of soldier king.

Shortly, in the thunder like cheers of the soldiers, the first round of the strength test began. The soldier who was called his name came up to the stage to make his hit on the drum.

since all the contestants were elites from their respective unit, they were all evolvers with fitness over a hundred. After watching for a while, Han Sen noticed that the score was ordinarily between a hundred and a hundred and five, and there was not any outstanding performance.

Although it was a galaxy-wide contest, there was an age limit on the contestants. And some special forces were not allowed in the contest.

Very soon, it was Tie Yi's turn. All the eyes of the contestants were focused on him. Even the audience stopped cheering, waiting to see Tie Yi's performance quietly.

Under all the attention, Tie Yi was not nervous at all. He simply walked up to the drum and hit it without any additional moves.


A loud sound made people's ears hurt. The number on the screen of the drum changed quickly and ended up on the number 113.7584.

Everyone couldn't help gasping. This kind of strength was nerve-racking among evolvers.

A sacred-blood evolver only had a fitness index around thirty to begin with in Second God's Sanctuary. With ordinary, primitive, and mutant geno points maxed out, a sacred-blood evolver could only reach around ninety.

In order to have a fitness index of a hundred and ten, one would have to gain at least 40 to 50 sacred geno points. All the contestants changed their expression. Zheng Yuze looked grim. This kind of strength was a huge pressure on all of them.

From Han Sen's perspective, this should not be the best Tie Yi could do. If he used all he got, he should be able to make the score a bit higher.

It seemed that Tie Yi is even stronger than I thought. I hope that I could break his defense effectively, otherwise it would be trouble. Han Sen thought to himself.

If the two opponents were more than thirty apart in their fitness indexes, there would be the effect of overpowering. For example, when Han Sen first tried, he could not even break the eyes of the baby golden growler, which was because they were too different in fitness index.

However, Han Sen's fitness had reached a hundred. With Heresy Mantra and Overload, he could do the same to the drum as Tie Yi. There was no overpowering.

Han Sen's main concern was still Super Diamond Body of Tie Yi. It was after all a hyper geno art in the top ten.

Later on, it was Zheng Yuze's turn. Zheng Yuze walked up to the drum, took a deep breath, gave a loud roar and then hit the drum fiercely.


The screen showed the number 114.2584, giving rise to loud applause from the audience. This number was even better than Tie Yi's, which boosted the morale of the soldiers in Southwest Galaxy.

Chapter 497: Fierce Tiger from Blueblood

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Zheng Yuze did well," on the stands, the chief of the Southwest Galaxy troops nodded and complimented.

"Chief, I don't think he is the match of Tie Yi. Zheng Yuze had the all he got in his strike, while Tie Yi was still conserving his strength," said the secretary.

The chief did not mind it. "How much resource did Blueblood Special Force put into their tiger? And how much resource did Zheng Yuze have? The fact that he has such performance is enough to prove his excellence."

"However, we would have no chance to get in touch with the Jis," whispered the secretary.

"We did not have a big chance to begin with." the chief thought about it and then asked, "How are the other two persons?"

"Major Wang Gang was also an elite from his department, but he is not as good as Zheng Yuze. As for the person recommended by Ji Yanran herself, I have looked him up as well."

The secretary looked through his files on his comlink and said, "Ji Yanran and Han Sen are schoolmates and a couple. Han Sen does not have much of a background. Ji Yanran must have pulled some strings for him to go to Daphne. He had been in Second God's Sanctuary less than a year. Being a sacred-blood evolver, he had a great foundation. However, according to his registration, he is currently located in a remote small shelter. There are only 2,000 to 3,000 people there, so it should be impossible for him to gain geno points efficiently."

"I think that Ji Yanran originally wanted for Han Sen to be her guard, and only failed because of the pressure from the upper level. So, among the candidates, Han Sen should be the least competent," the secretary summarized.

The chief nodded. "Unfortunately, he does not have much to offer. If he does, would be a good option for him to stay around one of the Jis."

As they were speaking, it was Han Sen's turn.

"Brother, no need to be nervous. Just do your best," the young soldier that had a conversation with Han Sen encouraged him.

"Okay," Han Sen replied and marched toward the stength tester. In front of the drum, Han Sen took a deep breath, his heart thumping and his bones squeaking. His punch traveled through the air and hit on the drum.


With a loud noise that hurts people's ears, the number on the screen quickly changed and froze at 111.1111.

This number was so neat that it looked like it was faked. Everyone was dazed.

Of course, it was not just because the number was needed, but mainly because it was such a good score. Up until this moment, it was the third best.

The soldiers started to applaud for Han Sen, because he was one of the Southwest Galaxy.

"Dammit, what's wrong with the score? It must mean I am going to be single all my life," Han Sen felt quite depressed. He uses his best to see how much he could get and did not expect such a number.

Despite the unlucky number, he was quite satisfied with his score. With the score, he could be counted as an elite him on the evolvers, not to mention the fact that he had great space.

"Well done, brother. Are all the cooks on your warship so good?" When Han Sen returned to his seat, the young soldier gave him a thumbs-up.

"That's true. But we're not cooks, we are cookhouse soldiers." Han Sen smiled and said.

Because of his punch, lots of contestants were impressed by Han Sen, but Tie Yi did not even look at Han Sen.

Naturally, Tie Yi could tell that Han Sen had given all he got with his punch and even tapped into his potentials using hyper geno arts. Although his score was good, Tie Yi did not think much of him.

"This Han Sen is not bad. He does know something," the chief said, slightly surprised.

The secretary wiped some cold sweat off his forehead. The discrepancy between Han Sen's performance and his investigation was a negligence on his side. Although the chief did not say much, the secretary understood very well that he should not have made such a mistake and the chief would not tolerate such mistakes every time.

"I'm so sorry chief. I will reinvestigate right away," the secretary said hastily.

"No need. This is the best test. Let's wait and see," the chief said quietly.

"Yes, sir." Although the secretary continued to watch the game, he still quickly looked at the information he found on Han Sen again.

The chief could be merciful, but he had to be committed to his duty. Otherwise, there was no need for him to stay on his position, which was utterly dangerous.

After the strength test, Tie Yi, Zheng Yuze, and Han Sen became top three. Wang Gang's number was less than a hundred and ten, posing no threat to any of them.

The second item was Sprint, to Han Sen's surprise.

However, this device was tuned to level 10 with a gravity of a hundred. Without a fitness level of over a hundred, it would be impossible for someone to run inside, let alone pass all the metal walls.

After the game began, soldiers entered the device. However, the result was not great. Eight soldiers had failed at Sprint. None of them finished even 1/3 of it.

The gravity of a hundred was simply too difficult. Even with the fitness index of a hundred, one could easily get tired, so it was hard for them to maintain the speed and reflex.

Han Sen frowned. This gravity setup was clearly too high. With the fitness level around a hundred, it would be more sensible to set it at eighty or ninety.

Even Han Sen himself could not help frowning seeing such a hard test.

One soldier tried after another, but they all failed. After the better half of the contestants had failed, it was eventually Tie Yi's turn.

Although many soldiers from Southwest Galaxy wished Tie Yi to lose, they were soon disappointed.

Tie Yi's muscular body jumped across the metal walls like a robot that was never tired. It looked like he was not bound by gravity at all. Without a single mistake, he kept the same speed and rushed through wall after wall, which made Han Sen gasp with admiration. Tie Yi was indeed an impressive figure. Great fitness, sensitive senses, and a perfect judgment of the bigger picture. He seemed that this incredibly difficult Sprint could not trap him at all.

"He really is tough," Han Sen said to himself.

In the end, Tie Yi finished Sprint perfectly. As if he had done something trivial, he returned to his seat quietly and sat down.

The soldiers of Southwest Galaxy all placed their hope on Zheng Yuze who followed. Unfortunately, although Zheng Yuze did everything he could, he fell after going through 70%, which made many soldiers sigh in sadness.

Chapter 498: The Charm of a Soldier

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Seeing that even Zheng Yuze failed at the test, the soldiers of Southwest Galaxy felt disappointed.

"Dammit, even Zheng Yuze failed. The Tiger of Blueblood must be so content," said the young soldier sitting next to Han Sen disappointedly.

After he said that, he looked at Han Sen and said, "brother, how about you? Do you think he can do it? We can only count on you right now."

Hearing the young soldier, the other contestants were also paying attention to Han Sen's reply.

Most soldiers had already failed and there were only a few people left. Han Sen was definitely the biggest hope among the remaining soldiers, so people had naturally placed their hope on him.

"No problem," Han Sen replied concisely.

Between soldiers, there was no need to be humble on the battlefield. You must trust your comrades and make them trust you.

Although this was not a battlefield, it was about the honor of Southwest Galaxy. Therefore, Han Sen could not show any cowardice or lack of confidence.

Hearing the conversation between Han Sen and the young soldier, Tie Yi curled his lips with contempt and did not say much.

From Tie Yi's perspective, ordinary soldiers were not even comparable to him. Blueblood Special Force was the best of the best, so he was naturally much better than any ordinary soldier.

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Before he came, Tie Yi had investigated a lot into his three competitors. Han Sen who entered Daphne using nepotism was not even an opponent he acknowledged.

Even if Han Sen's fitness was higher than his expectation, Tie Yi still did not think that Han Sen had what it takes to be his opponent.

A strong fitness only meant that Han Sen had been offered lots of meat in God's Sanctuary. It was still hard to say whether Han Sen had done all the hunting himself.

As for Sprint, Tie Yi did not think Han Sen could finish the task.

In Level 10 with a gravity of a hundred, it would be hard for him to go through the test with a fitness around a hundred. Zheng Yuze failed because of his insufficient vigor.

In the strength test, Han Sen had to tap into his potentials to get a score of a hundred and ten, which meant his fitness should be around hundred, which was even worse than Zheng Yuze. How was it possible that Han Sen could go through? Therefore, in Tie Yi's eyes, Han Sen was totally bluffing when he said no problem.

The fact that Han Sen promised something that he could not accomplish to his comrades made Tie Yi look down on him.

It was soon Han Sen's turn. Han Sen ran into the Sprint and did not rush to start. He first made some adjustments to his body.

His fitness was around a hundred. With the gravity of a hundred, he could only walk inside. In order to reach the necessary speed, he must run under the state of Overload.

In order to go through the entire device, Han Sen must allocate his strength reasonably. Otherwise, he might fall because of lack of energy. It would not even matter how well he mastered the system.

After Han Sen made the adjustments, he took a deep breath slowly and made his first step under everyone's watch.

When making the first step, Han Sen had actually already calculated all the steps he was going to make in the device, in order to perfectly spend each ounce of his energy without any waste.

Going forward on the metal walls at a high speed, Han Sen's heart was thumping like a motor and all his bones were slightly squeaking.

Han Sen's moves were different from any other person's, and also much different from the brutal way that Tie Yi passed the device. Han Sen's moves were incredibly smooth.

It was as smooth as the demonstration video. It felt like Han Sen's moves were preprogrammed. Each of his moves and even looks was so reasonable that it was incredulous.

"Very good." After watching for a while, the chief couldn't help nodding.

At Han Sen's age, it was incredible that he had such great and accurate control of his body.

Many surpasser officers were watching the game even felt surprised. It was even hard for them to control their bodies like this.

It was probably even beyond human's limit. The level of control was more like it was conducted by AI. Each phone and muscle were moving in the most efficient way possible. The perfection made people feel their scalp was prickling.

The secretary felt the same, covered in cold sweat.

Mistake, a huge mistake. The investigation and analysis he conducted about Han Sen were so far from the truth. It was as if he had investigated into a different person instead of Han Sen.

Although ordinary soldiers could not understand as much as the officers, they felt very excited and thrilled watching Han Sen's smooth moves.

Tie Yi frowned slightly. Even he was surprised by Han Sen's performance. The ability to control the body so delicately was something even he could not achieve. However, Tie Yi did not think that Han Sen could go through the task by using incredible control. After all, Han Sen did not have enough strength to begin with, and techniques were not everything.

For example, if someone only had one dollar, no matter how he saved and allocate the money. He could not buy food for a month using one dollar.

Reasonable allocation could maximize the use of strength, but he first needed to have enough strength to be allocated.

After going through half, Han Sen was covered in sweat as if he jumped out of water. Even his hair was stuck to his scalp.

With abnormal flush on his skin, rising body temperature, and squeaking bones, he felt like he was going to collapse any second.

All the soldiers and officers watching Han Sen couldn't help cheering for him. Under the state of Overload, he still had half of the device to go through. They were afraid he could not last that long.

Naturally, Han Sen did not think the same. Although the consumption of his energy under the gravity of a hundred was even higher than he thought, as long as he wanted to do it, he could still finish.

In terms of enhancing one's stamina, there were not many hyper geno arts that could be compared to Jadeskin in the world. In the past, when Yang Manli was trying to test his stamina, she was shocked by him.

Sweating like a pig, Han Sen's eyes were calm and focused. Still following his pace, Han Sen used Jadeskin quietly. And the coolness filled his body, making his heated body feel better. However, he was still incredibly sore all over.

Although Han Sen looked like he was about to use up all his strength, for some reason, people felt reassured looking at his expression.

People couldn't help but think he was trustworthy and he could last until the end as long as he wished to.

It was the special charisma of a soldier. And it could not be described with words. It was nothing but trust.

Chapter 499: Fighting to Be Soldier King

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Only someone with charisma could be a general. A soldier that could not make his comrades trust him could only be a good soldier at best, instead of a general.

Obviously, Han Sen was equipped with this charisma. It was just he had not got a chance to use it properly.

Sweating heavily and burning his muscles, Han Sen felt he was a beast on fire, squandering his wild nature and rushing toward the end.

Many soldiers clenched their fists at some point and stared at Han Sen, as if they were in the device with him. When Han Sen finally reached the end, everyone felt relieved and incredibly good.

Applause sounded like thunder.

"Chief, cookhouse soldier Han Sen has finished the test, waiting for your instruction." Han Sen saluted to the officer judging the test. As he moved his arm, sweat fell, reflecting sunlight and the vital energy of youth.

"At ease. Well done, you could go back to your seat," the officer said with a smile.

Seeing Han Sen going back, the chief said, "Very good... Very good indeed... This is more like a soldier from Southwest Galaxy."

The secretary who understood the chief very well had very different understanding of this short comment.

According to what the secretary knew about the chief, if he said good, then it was a great complement already. If he said very good, it meant the chief appreciated the person a lot. Now that the chief said very good twice, with a strong tone, he must feel so excited inwardly. The secretary rarely heard the chief say something twice, and yet he did.

"Brother, well done. You really made it." When Han Sen returned to his seat, the young soldier patted Han Sen excitedly.

"Piece of cake." Han Sen licked his lips and sat down on his seat.

Currently, Han Sen was sore all over. Although it did not take long, he consumed a great deal of his energy. Also, he was exhausted from using Overload. Luckily, he had Jadeskin, otherwise his body might collapse.

Han Sen was so fatigued that he wished he could simply lie on the floor and sleep. However, there were other items that he needed to finish, so he could not gain enough rest.

Luckily, all the remaining items did not have much to do with body strength. Shooting, warframe operation, dissembling and reassembling the combat machines were the main parts of the military contest.

In interstellar wars, science and technology were still the priority. Unless someone could reach the level of surpasser, a soldier could not beat a warframe, let alone large weapons.

What Han Sen had learned from school was put into use here. He ended up with a high score on each item, definitely a well-rounded soldier.

Although Tie Yi was great, Han Sen was not worse than him. In many items, they were each either the first or the second. The two were on quite the same level.

All the soldiers felt it was great to watch. As a cookhouse soldier from Southwest Galaxy, Han Sen was able to perform as a close match to the Tiger of Blueblood Special Force, which earned a great honor for the Southwest Galaxy and left a great impression on the soldiers.

Although Zheng Yuze did well in the following items as well, he could not be compared with Han Sen or Tie Yi. When the total score was calculated, Han Sen was the first place, beating Tie Yi by 0.2, making all the soldiers of Southwest Galaxy cheer.

Tie Yi did not ignore Han Sen like before, but he still did not think Han Sen was a worthy opponent.

Although Han Sen did well, his advantage was mainly in the technical items. It did not mean that Han Sen had better fighting skills than Tie Yi.

However, the final combat was a one on one combat, which would call for real strength, of which Tie Yi was very confident.

Han Sen did not say anything but tried to recover as much as possible, waiting for the combat for the title of soldier King.

Only the top four contestants with the highest scores could participate in the combat. In addition to Han Sen and Tie Yi, Zheng Yuze and some soldier from an army came to the combat. Wang Gang did not make it to the top floor.

The four of them were split into two groups. The winners of the groups would enter the finals to compete for the championship, while the losers would compete for the third place.

The grouping was decided by a draw. Luckily, Han Sen and Tie Yi were in the same group, which meant the finals came earlier.

It was a great news to Han Sen. He had not fully recovered yet. If he consumed some of his energy in another fight before he met Tie Yi, it would be even harder.

If I could finish the third phase longevity in Heresy Mantra, I should be able to resolve the issue of the lack of energy. However, the third phase is so hard that I am still unable to complete it after so long. Han Sen thought to himself helplessly.

However, it was useless to think too much. He had to think of a way to beat Tie Yi.

Southwest Soldier King. Although Han Sen was not that interested in the title, he must beat Tie Yi. The position of the guard could not be given to anyone but himself.

Zheng Yuze's fight began first, which gave Han Sen more time to rest.

After fighting another soldier for more than half an hour, Zheng Yuze won. If Han Sen could beat Tie Yi, he would battle Zheng Yuze for the title of Southwest Soldier King.

It was Han Sen's turn. Han Sen moved around and felt the sore was relieved a lot.

He had been using Jadeskin for the past half an hour, relieving his fatigue. It seemed that the effect was quite good.

Tie Yi walked up, standing opposite Han Sen. Han Sen was tall himself, while Tie Yi was a foot taller than him, bringing lots of pressure.

However, Han Sen did not feel much. He had seen creatures as tall as skyscrapers and he was never scared, not to mention Tie Yi was only a foot taller.

When the whistle was blown, Han Sen stepped out and punched at Tie Yi's chest.

However, Tie Yi stood still, looking at Han Sen with contempt. His body turned gold like the Buddha. It was as if he had become a statue.

It turned out that Tie Yi was trying to use Super Diamond Body to take Han Sen's punch and did not mean to block it at all, which made many soldiers of Southwest Galaxy hiss, pissed by the arrogance of Tie Yi.

Chapter 500: You Have Lost Already

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

However, Tie Yi was not just being arrogant. The reason he was showing such confidence was not because he looked down on his opponent.

For Tie Yi, it was less important to beat Han Sen. His main goal was to earn the approval of Ji Yanran and the Jis. Otherwise, even if he had become a guard of Ji Yanran's, he would not receive too much attention.

Therefore, Tie Yi needed to show his strongest side. Even if he could not make Ji Yanran satisfy, he would need to get the approval from the Jis at least.

Seeing Tie Yi was trying to block his punch with Super Diamond Body, Han Sen was not mad at all, but happy instead.

If there was an idiot standing still taking your punch, what was there to be mad about? Han Sen added more force into his punch and hit Tie Yi's chest. The horrendous punches ripped off Tie Yi's combat suit, exposing his significant muscles gleaming like metal.

Boom boom boom!

The clash between the fist and muscle made muffled sounds like metal, making the audience feel shocked.

After a series of attacks, Han Sen took back his fists and stepped back. His Jade like fist were already swollen and red, blood even flowed from some spots.

However, Tie Yi did not even move. His muscles were not even red. Standing on the stage like an ancient god, he looked invincible.

"So scary. How come he was not affected by the punches at all?"

"Of course he was not affected. It was Super Diamond Body that ranks top ten among all hyper geno arts. I heard that even if someone had just gained initial success, he could not be hurt by anyone with a fitness level under a hundred and twenty."

"Dammit. That's awesome. If I knew it, I would have practiced it as well."

"Ha ha, forget it. The difficulty to get that hyper geno art notwithstanding, even if you have it, it would be impossible for you to gain initial success without five or six decades of practice unless you are especially talented. Would you take that bet?"

"How old is Tie Yi? He must only be thirty something? How come he have practiced for so long?"

"That's why we call him an elite and genius. Ordinary people could not be compared against him."

"Only someone with a fitness level above a hundred twenty could hurt him, so doesn't it mean that Han Sen had no chance at all? His strongest punch was just 110+."

"Yes, didn't you see that Tie Yi did not even pay attention to Han Sen's attack? The gap between them is so big that there is no way around it."

"Sigh, Han Sen could not beat Tie Yi after all."

"You can't put it that way. How old this Han Sen? At Tie Yi's age, he must be much stronger than Tie Yi. Unfortunately, he's too young now."

"Don't talk about age. Losing is losing. We soldiers from Southwest Galaxy are not sore losers and we did not need excuses."

A lot of soldiers watching were discussing. Most of them were impressed by the strength of Super Diamond Body and felt sorry for Han Sen.

Seeing Tie Yi's performance, the secretary was secretly relieved. This time, he made a huge mistake, but luckily, the result was not too different from his prediction. Tie Yi would still beat Han Sen, which made the secretary felt much better.

If Tie Yi was defeated by Han Sen, then his investigation would become a huge joke. Even if the chief did not scold him, the secretary would feel bad himself.

What was more important was that this might cost him the trust of the chief. If he could not even do a brief analysis right, would the chief trust him with more important matters in the future?

For a secretary, it was dangerous to lose the trust of his supervisor.

"You seem to be relieved?" The chief suddenly turned back and looked at the secretary.

"No..." The secretary was surprised and answered hurriedly.

"Do you think Han Sen will lose?" The chief asked again.

"I..." The secretary muttered, not sure how to answer.

"It is not your fault to be mistaken in the investigation. After all, you did not see Han Sen in person. However, if you still failed to make the correct judgments after he saw him, then it could only mean that you still have much to learn," the chief said casually.

"Chief, you're saying that Han Sen will win?" The secretary suddenly became pale, but the chief did not say much more, gazing at the two soldiers on the stage deeply.

"Did you finish?" Seeing Han Sen stepping back, Tie Yi said coldly.

"Yes." Han Sen swung his arms to relieve the prickling of his bones. Having hit Tie Yi's a dozen times, his bones were about to be cracked. Super Diamond Body was indeed quite frightening.

"Do you want to go alone?" Tie Yi asked.

"No, I'm good." Han Sen shook his head and said.

"Then it is my turn," Tie Yi said and raised his fist, ready to hit Han Sen.

"I don't think you should make that move," Han Sen said sullenly.

"Why?" Tie Yi frowned slightly, not understanding what Han Sen meant.

"Because you have already lost," Han Sen said seriously to Tie Yi.

"Ha, nonsense." Tie Yi snorted and did not deign to speak to Han Sen again, raising his fist at Han Sen.

Same as Tie Yi, Han Sen stood still against Tie Yi's fist.

"So, Han Sen has also practiced Super Diamond Body?"

"That's unlikely. How old is he? Even if he's talented, it is impossible for him to succeed in practicing Super Diamond Body."

"Why is he staying still then? Is he waiting to be punched?"

"Who knows? He just said Tie Yi has already lost. So, there must be some reason."


The soldiers looked at Han Sen who was motionless, puzzled. Tie Yi's fist was about to hit Han Sen's face, but Han Sen was still standing calmly, as if Tie Yi were not trying to attack him.

When Tie Yi's fist was less than 5 inches from Han Sen's face, everyone's heart was in their throats. And Tie Yi suddenly froze.

Although Tie Yi's fist was only inches away from Han Sen, Tie Yi suddenly stopped moving and looked terrified. Very pale and cold sweat started to appear on his forehead. If observed closely, his body was also shivering.

"I just suggested you not to make that move, but you didn't listen. Now I'm afraid you have to suffer a bit," Han Sen sighed and said.

"You..." Tie Yi was about to say something, but when he just said a word, blood filled his mouth, and his metal body suddenly became pale. The places where Han Sen had hit became red.

Tie Yi tried hard to punch Han Sen's face which was right next to his fist, but he only moved an inch before he started to vomit blood. His magnificent body found next to Han Sen's feet, and he failed to stand up again after struggling. Blood came out of his mouth continuously. Strange silence fell on the venue. Everyone looked at this incredulous seeing, feeling shocked.

Chapter 501: Southwest Soldier King

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Yin Yang Blast that Han Sen had practiced for a long time was eventually put into use.

Yin Yang Blast invented by Professor Bai was a method to use strength, and it could be used by people of any status.

Han Sen's conversion rate of the yin force had reached over 95%. Initially, he thought it might take some extra work to get rid of Tie Yi. After all, the yin force could not hurt Tie Yi when his limbs were hit. Only when Han Sen hit Tie Yi where the inner organs were located could Han Sen manage to injure the vulnerable organs.

However, unexpectedly, Tie Yi was so confident in his fitness and Super Diamond Body that Tie Yi did not try to block Han Sen's punches at all, which saved Han Sen a lot of trouble.

Since it was merely a contest, Han Sen did not have any murderous thoughts. Otherwise, if he hit Tie Yi's head, Tie Yi would at least become an idiot if he was not killed.

However, Tie Yi was not to blame for his negligence. In such an interstellar era where efficiency is everything, there were few people willing to spend time and energy to practice the yin force. In addition, even fewer people could succeed.

Normally speaking, an evolver could greatly improve their ability to fight no matter what hyper geno art they practiced. For example, Thunder Knife that Han Sen had received but did not have time to practice yet could show obvious effects in a short amount of time.

However, the practice of the yin force not only needed a lot of time, but it did not help as much in improving one's ability to fight.

In the very beginning, it would be commendable if the yin force could penetrate 1 inch with a low conversion rate. In terms of hunting large creatures, one's ability to fight was not enhanced, but weakened.

For larger creatures, even their skin would be more than 1 inch thick. With the yin force, one could not even penetrate their skin. In the meantime, one's force was reduced by almost half. So, this skill was completely useless. And frankly, it sucked.

There were few people who practiced the yin force and even fewer who succeeded. Tie Yi had such a great fitness that even his inner organs were tough enough to endure hits above 100. If his opponent were not Han Sen, but someone with a fitness index just over a hundred, the yin force would not really hurt Tie Yi if the conversion rate was under 95%.

A conversion rate of 80% was quite rare already. Tie Yi had never seen such powerful yin force before in his life, so he did not think Han Sen had any way to hurt him in the first place.

Han Sen repeatedly punched Tie Yi, hurting his inner organs secretly. The yin force could not be detected easily, and it was completely normal for someone to feel pain under strong strikes, which was why Tie Yi did not pay any attention.

After Tie Yi used his force, his injured inner organs collapsed. That was why Han Sen told him not to move. If Tie Yi went to the doctor directly, the consequences will not be very severe.

However, Tie Yi still tried to attack, which worsened his injuries in inner organs. Without resting for several months, he would not be able to get up again.

The doctors from the medical team quickly carried Tie Yi was turning up the whites of his eyes away, leaving Han Sen enjoying the cheers and applause alone on the stage.

No one had imagined that the invincible Tiger of Blueblood was defeated like that, in such an unimaginable way.

Tie Yi's choice to let Han Sen hit him was seen as a sign of ignorance and arrogance, while Han Sen became the hero and glory of the southwestern galaxy overnight.

Many real masters were astonished by Han Sen's performance. Naturally, they could tell that Han Sen was hurting Tie Yi's inner organs with the yin force. However, the Super Diamond Body that Tie Yi practiced had an effect on enhancing his inner organs although it was the first stage. Without the strength of over a hundred, even yang force could not hurt Tie Yi's heart directly, let alone the yin force.

Han Sen had a fitness level around a hundred and ten. The fact that he was able to beat Tie Yi like that indicated his incredible talent in practicing the yin force.

With numerous advanced officers present, among whom many were surpassers, no one dared to say that they could use the yin force better than Han Sen.

Many surpassers looked at Han Sen with more respect. A young man who could endure the boredom to practice the yin force so well was in no way an ordinary person. His perseverance and insistence were all what it took for people to remember his name.

The last fight was between Zheng Yuze and Han Sen were competing for the title of Southwest Soldier King. the fight for the third place was canceled because of the serious injury of Tie Yi.

It did not cost Han Sen much effort to beat Tie Yi, which made it easier for Han Sen to fight Zheng.

Zheng Yuze had a fitness level similar to Han Sen's when Han Sen used all the methods to improve his fitness. In addition, Zheng Yuze was a good fighter, so he would not be careless in front of Han Sen who had just beaten Tie Yi senseless. Zheng Yuze was very careful and took the defense position in the beginning, trying to beat Han Sen who had already fought once by consuming his energy, which showed his respect to Han Sen as well.

This way, Han Sen had the perfect opportunity to fully demonstrate the skills that he had learned.

Seven Kill, Double Blade, Diversion and other skills were so great that the soldiers were all bedazzled, applauding louder and louder.

In the eyes of the true masters, Zheng Yuze had lost from the very beginning.

The two persons had similar fitness, or maybe Zheng Yuze was even stronger. However, in terms of the cultivation of martial arts, Han Sen was obviously on a much higher level. Zheng Yuze was completed following Han Sen's lead. He could only act passively, without any hope to win.

"Nowadays less and less young people are truly dedicated to martial arts. Most people only focus on the skills instead of the arts. That's why they never reach a high level. This Han Sen is very good, looking like a true master. He will have a great future for sure," said the chief with approval.

The secretary smiled wryly inwardly. The more the chief liked Han Sen, the bigger his mistake was.

However, after being criticized by the chief, the secretary had realized that he should stop covering up his mistake, but face it to avoid similar mistakes in the future.

Without any suspense, Han Sen beat Zheng Yuze and became the new Southwest Soldier King. Zheng Yuze was not able to fight back effectively from the beginning to the end. It was as if the two persons were not on the same level at all.

In fact, Zheng Yuze was afraid before he even started, terrified by Tie Yi's injuries inflicted by Han Sen. Zheng Yuze was too conservative to perform at his usual level. If he could fight normally instead of being overly defensive, Han Sen would not be able to win so smoothly.

Although the title of Southwest Soldier King was an annual one, it was still quite valuable, especially for the fact that Han Sen beat Tiger of Blueblood Tie Yi to gain it.

The chief himself personally awarded Han Sen the medal and certificate. Unfortunately, there was no material or monetary reward in the military, which upset Han Sen a little bit.

The soldiers who had participated in the contest returned to their troops and told others about how Han Sen beat Tie Yi, making the name Han Sen known to almost everyone in the Southwest Galaxy, which was a great honor.

Chapter 502: The Other Guard

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"I'm sorry, captain. I messed up," Tie Yi said wryly to the good-looking man sitting next to him, lying on the bed in the hospital.

"Kitty cat, don't feel sorry for yourself. A man can only grow in mistakes. If a man had never made a mistake, it only means that he is a dedicate flower that has never seen storms. You are still a kitty cat right now, but after experiencing mistake after mistake, you will become the true Tiger of Blueblood one day. Mistakes are not bad for you. As long as you have not died yet, those mistakes will nourish you eventually," the good-looking man said with a smile.

"Captain..." A hunk as strong as Tie Yi almost sobbed.

"To cry after being beaten is not Blueblood style." The good-looking man patted Tie Yi on the head lovingly.

Someone had seen the scene, he would definitely feel weird or even amused.

The good-looking man seemed to be in his 20s, much younger than Tie Yi. However, Tie Yi looked like a child in front of him.

However, as weird as it looked, there was a harmony to it. Although it looked amusing, there was nothing to strange.

If someone knew the good-looking man, he would not feel weird about it at all.

Lu Hui, the captain of Blueblood Reserve Force was only twenty-seven years old but has the nickname Devil Captain.

No one knew how strong Lu Hui was. The Blueblood Reserve Force members were like children in front of Lu Hui, including Tie Yi.

The training schedule of Blueblood reserve force was most likely made an executed by Lu Hui.

The nickname of Tie Yi, Tiger of Blueblood, was in fact from Lu Hui. However, Lu Hui initially called Tie Yi "Kitty Cat of Blueblood." Except for Lu Hui, anyone who called Tie Yi that would be beaten hard.

Then, the other members of the reserve force twisted the name and called Tie Yi the young tiger, which later became Tiger of Blueblood when spread wider.

"Get better and there are worse training waiting for you in the future. Don't think there is no consequence for your loss. After you go back, your training will be doubled," Lu Hui said lightly.

"Yes, Captain, I will train harder. Next time, I will not lose to that guy," Tie Yi said, gritting his teeth.

"He is no longer your opponent. However, it is a nice thought to have. Keep it." Lu Hui smiled and thought of Han Sen. Reflecting on the details of Han Sen's performance in the contest, Lu Hui curled his lips into a strange smile.

When Han Sen returned to Daphne, he reported to Ji Yanran's office. Just when he entered the office, he smelled fragrance before he saw his girlfriend throwing herself at him. She wrapped her legs around his waist and held his faces with her hand, kissing him passionately.

"My dear, you are so great. I love you so much." Ji Yanran did not expect Han Sen to beat Tie Yi and gain the post. She excitedly offered her hottest lips, which Han Sen would never turn down. He held her butts with his hands, admiring how plump and bouncy they were.

Ji Yanran who was shy in general but seemed to be in a great mood this time. She even unbuttoned Han Sen's shirt and kissed down his neck.

When Han Sen went out of the office with limp legs, he could still hear Ji Yanran's tempting voice, "This is a special reward for you."

"I love this reward." Han Sen walked as he hung a little song. Before long, he suddenly felt a chill.

Han Sen shivered and looked ahead. A woman in military uniform was standing opposite him, looking at Han Sen coldly as if he were an animal.

The looks on the woman's face made Han Sen feel she was not looking at a man, or even a human. In her eyes, Han Sen was no different from a cat or dog.

If Wendy could be described as a cold soldier, then this woman just seemed like a bloodthirsty killer.

Although Han Sen had never seen this woman before, he had this impression already at the first site. He could not tell why, but he thought this woman was so scary that he would rather beat ten men like Tie Yi before pissing her off.

The woman walked straight past Han Sen and surprisingly, knocked on Ji Yanran's door.

Who is that woman? How come I have never seen her before? Han Sen suddenly had a thought. At this time, the most plausible explanation for the woman who was not from Daphne to visit Ji Yanran was that the woman was the other guard.

Although Han Sen did not know what the identity of the woman was, he could sense that the woman was much stronger than him with his keen perception.

Han Sen even suspected that the woman was a surpasser, otherwise it was unlikely that she gave him a sense of suppression.

Very soon, Han Sen's guess was corroborated. And night, Ji Yanran was chatting with Han Sen using comlink lying on her bed.

"That woman is your other guard?" Han Sen still remembered that woman and asked casually.

"Yes, that is Colonel Annie. She is my new guard. Do not try to flirt with her. She is a surpasser. If you piss her off, I could not stop her," Ji Yanran said, smiling.

"My dear wife, what is it that your family do? They're able to get you a surpasser as guard?" Han Sen couldn't help asking.

Han Sen had never asked about Ji Yanran's family, but he was so surprised this time.

Even those captains of interstellar warships will not be so extravagant that they used surpassers as their guards.

"Have you been following the news recently?" Ji Yanran did not answer but asked.

"Not a lot, but I know something." Han Sen would read the news from time to time in case that he knew too little about the society.

"Have you seen any news related to the Jis?" Ji Yanran asked with a smile.

"News about the Jis?" Han Sen thought about it and suddenly stared his eyes wide. "You mean the one who entered the election recently..."

The next morning, Han Sen got up and teleported into God's Sanctuary. This time, he did not rush to go hunting. He decided to go to the market of the Starwheel Shelter to buy some mutant beast souls.

Even if mutant beast souls were not that helpful to him, he could easily elevate them into berserk mutant beast souls with the black crystal to make a lot of money. Such a good deal was not to be missed.

Chapter 503: Purchasing Beast Souls

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Han Sen wandered around in the market of the Starwheel Shelter, which was much more bustling than the Goddess Shelter which belonged to Han Sen. However, mutant beast souls were still hard to find, and there was none of the sacred-blood beast souls.

Han Sen had his eyes on several mutant beast souls and asked for the price, but most of the owners did not want cash, but to trade for a beast soul on the same level. For the ones sold for cash, Han Sen did not like them as much.

One out of a hundred beast souls would be berserk. So, if Han Sen sold berserk beast souls in large quantities, someone would eventually suspect him, which was why he did not want to sell too many.

Currently, Han Sen was looking for a beast soul that could become a dozen or even dozens of times more valuable once it became berserk. Maybe he could even make enough money to purchase a sacred-blood beast soul.

That was not unlikely. He could not pick and choose sacred-blood beast souls, but he could pick some rare mutant beast souls that were highly popular among evolvers. Once he made them berserk, their value would be incredibly high.

Of course, if Han Sen kept the beast souls for a while, they would be useful to him as well.

Han Sen wandered slowly in the market and saw two mutant beast souls in a shop after a while, one of which he liked a lot.

"Hello, how much do you want for the mutant snowy wolf?" Han Sen asked the owner, pointing at a wolf beast soul that looked like a snowball.

Snowy wolves were not rare on the icefield. In fact, there were so many of them that they caused a lot of troubles. On the icefield, you could easily spot hundreds of thousands of snowy wolves wondering around.

Although most snowy wolves were primitive creatures, normally speaking, humans could not attack such a large group at all. Some snowy wolves even had a group of a hundred thousand. Without the team of thousands of people, humans could not fight the wolf's.

Therefore, unless it was in a large hunting campaign organized by the shelter owner, ordinary people could hardly kill any snowy wolves. To get their beast souls were even harder.

On the other hand, the ability of the beast soul was essential to people living on the icefield. The beast soul could even save people's lives. Even primitive beast soul of snowy wolf was several times of other primitive beast souls. Mutant snowy wolf beast souls were even more inaccessible.

Han Sen estimated that if he could produce a berserk mutant snowy wolf beast soul, it's price will not be cheaper than ordinary sacred-blood beast souls.

The type of the beast soul of snowy wolf was armor. Different from ordinary armor, snowy wolf armor had an effect against the cold. The more advanced the beast soul was, the warmer it got.

With a sacred-blood snowy wolf beast soul, one could survive snowstorms on the snow field and go back safely. Even if one fell into an ice hole or slept in the glaciers, one would not be frozen to death.

This ability was not to be taken lightly. Nature's force was horrendous, especially in God's Sanctuary. If one unfortunately encountered snowstorm and got lost on the icefield, unable to find any shelters, then even evolvers with more than a hundred in fitness level could easily be frozen to death.

Of course, Han Sen was equipped with Jadeskin himself, so the ice and snow were not that harmful to him. Unless he lost food supply for a long time, he would not die from the cold.

"Trading for beast soul weapon on the same level, better be heavy sword." The owner glanced at Han Sen, lacking the enthusiasm that a seller should have.

That was completely normal. After all, he was selling popular stuff which everyone wanted. Because the owner's request was specific, a deal was never made.

A dozen minutes before Han Sen came, several people had come by and asked, but there was still no deal.

"You want to trade for a Saint Hall license?" Han Sen did not have beast souls on his hand, so he could only trade with licenses.

"An S-class license for evolvers. I could pay you extra. But I don't want anything below S-class." The owner said directly.

"Although the mutant snowy wolf is valuable, it is not quite enough to be traded for an S-class Saint Hall license, right?" Han Sen looked at the other mutant beast soul that the owner had.

It was a black ape beast soul, 6 to 9 feet tall. Its hair looked like tungsten. The muscles on his chest were so strong that they looked like bulks of iron, looking magnificent.

"You really have an S-class Saint Hall license?" The owner's eyes lit up. He eventually got excited and looked at Han Sen expectantly.

"What is the type of this mutant beast soul?" Han Sen did not answer, but asked, pointing at the black ape.

"It is a shapeshifting beast soul, violent ape. After shapeshifting, your strength will be enhanced greatly. However, it could only enhance your strength, and would even hurt your flexibility a little bit." Being an honest man, the owner explained both the pros and cons of the mutant violent ape.

"How much strength can it give me?" Han Sen's eyes lit up a little bit. Beast souls with shortcomings would definitely have more outstanding strengths. Pure strength was quite useful to Han Sen. After all, his strength was not quite enough at this point. It was still hard for him to kill sacred-blood creatures with strong defense.

"This depends on your fitness. Normally speaking, the increase should be more than ten points," the owner pondered and said.

Han Sen calculated and found that more than ten points were quite good. With his current ability, he could easily achieve a hundred and twenty to a hundred and thirty. If he evolved it into a berserk beast soul, the increase should be higher.

"One S-class evolver Saint Hall license for two beast souls of yours. How about that?" Han Sen took out a license and showed it to the owner.

The icefield was a small region after all. If it were in a more populated area, many people would kill to trade to mutant beast soul for an S-class Saint Hall license. However, in this place, the resources were so limited that the owner was still hesitating about the deal.

After pondering for a while, the owner obviously wanted the S-class Saint Hall license very much. He said decisively, "Okay, let's do it."

The deal was completed smoothly, and Han Sen got the mutant snowy wolf and violent ape. Feeling excited, Han Sen summoned them to try them out.

The snowy wolf turned into white leather mail that covered Han Sen's body. The helmet was shaped like the head of the wolf. Han Sen looked like the white werewolf from afar, looking quite handsome.

As for the effect against the code, Han Sen also experienced it. He was much warmer after wearing the mail, feeling like air conditioning. Shapeshifting into the violent ape, Han Sen became a black ape and found empowered immediately. Obviously, the beast soul enhanced his strength greatly. Although his body did become much clumsier, Han Sen could accept that result because of the enhancement in his strength. Han Sen was very satisfied with this deal. In the future, if he turned this beast soul into a berserk one with the black crystal, he could choose to use it or sell it.

Chapter 504: Bluefish

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Han Sen left the Starwheel Shelter to hunt. Because the golden growler had not finished its evolution, Han Sen could not feed the violent ape or snowy wolf the black crystal at this point.

Han Sen was about to go to the frozen lake, which was near the ocean and possibly connected to the ocean below ground. Because of the cold, the lake was frozen all year round and could be treaded upon by humans or mounts.

Ordinary people only needed to drill a hole in the ice to fish creatures. Once creatures looking like fish left water, their abilities would be reduced greatly, making it much easier for them to be killed.

Han Sen bought the specially made fish lying and bait in the Alliance. When he came to the frozen lake, he found that it was no different from the glaciers. Under his feet war was thick ice. Even the thinnest place was 3 to 6 feet thick.

There were many people on the frozen lake. Because of the limited resources on the icefield, the frozen lake could be counted as a nice spot to go fishing since mutant creatures could be spotted sometimes.

It took some patience to fish there. If he had good luck, it might only take one day for him to catch a mutant creature. If his luck was bad, it would take him more than half a month to catch one.

Han Sen mainly came to the place to fill up his primitive geno points. Since the fish in the frozen lake were mostly primitive and small in size, they were perfect for him.

Of course, it would be the best if he could catch a mutant creature. If not, it did not matter as well.

In the large area of the frozen lake, Han Sen could see many people fishing next to holes of diameters around 3 feet.

Han Sen did not plan to make the hole himself. He found a hole no longer used, took care of the thin ice that had formulated already, put the bait on the hook and fished in the hole.

Han Sen put down his stool and sat down. Wearing the leather mail of snowy wolf, he did not feel cold at all. Taking out a textbook of ancient language, Han Sen started to read as he waited for fish to take the bait.

"It's you?"

When Han Sen just sat down for a while, someone who walked past with staff in her hand ran to Han Sen in surprise after seeing him. Han Sen looked up and found it was the tall woman, Guan Tong. Seeing what she had in hit her hand, Han Sen figured that she was there to fish as well.

"You're also here to fish?" Han Sen smiled at Guan Tong.

"You... Thank you for last time..." Guan Tong opened her mouth and did not know what to say.

"What?" Han Sen was dazed, unable to perceive what he was thanked for.

"Thank you for saving Starwheel Shelter," Guan Tong said hastily.

"There was a piece of cake. I needed to thank you for carrying me back the other day," Han Sen said with a smile.

Guan Tong who was rather carefree but couldn't help blushing hearing what Han Sen said. She had understood that Han Sen was fine the other day. Different from what she had thought, Han Sen did not need to be saved, while she took him on her back by force.

"Go fishing now. If you're late, you will miss the nice spots." Han Sen pointed to the ice holes.

Guan Tong nodded and quickly ran there. She did not know what to say, since this kind of situation was beyond her emotional intelligence.

Guan Tong started to fish about 20 feet from Han Sen, while she glanced at Han Sen from time to time as she fished.

Han Sen kept reading and did not notice her at all.

More than half an hour later, Han Sen who was reading felt some movements on the fishline on his hand. Han Sen put down the book in his hands and looked to the buoy floating on the water, which was shivering slightly.

Han Sen put his finger on the fishline and felt the shiver like a traditional Chinese doctor feeling the pulse. He did not pull immediately. After absorbing the red crystal, Han Sen's brain had much stronger perceptive abilities. From feeling the movements of the fish line, he could picture what was happening under the water in his mind.

Disability was out of Han Sen's expectation, but it was a great thing for him at this point.

Just by feeling the fish line, Han Sen had learned that the creature had not swaddled the bait at this point, but biting the edge of the bait. Suddenly, the fish line moved violently. Without any hesitation, Han Sen grabbed the fish line and pulled hard.

The fish line was pulled rather hard on the other end. Han Sen did not pull it by force, but relaxed a bit and continued to roll in when the creature became weaker. As the creature pulled hard again, Han Sen relaxed the fish line again. After several times, the creature eventually became quite weak.

Han Sen then pulled the fish line hard. It was a huge bluefish more than a foot long, with its scales gleaming dark blue light.

Han Sen immediately turned his hand into a blade, cutting at the bluefish using the Thunder Knife skill he was still practicing, cutting its head off quickly.

"Primitive creature bluefish killed. No beast soul gained. Eat its meat to gain 0 to 10 primitive geno points."

Although it was just a primitive creature, Han Sen was quite glad already. There was not any risks and the gains were great. Also, the creature was readily available for eating. No wonder so many people had come to the frozen lake.

Han Sen dissected the bluefish and cut it into thin pieces. Dipping the fish into the sauce he had brought, Han Sen felt the sweetness of the meat was stimulating his taste buds. It was incredibly tasty.

"Meat of bluefish eaten. One primitive Gino point gained."

Han Sen continued to read as he fished. In less than two hours, he had caught for bluefish and three gold anchovies. Although he had not gained any beast souls, his gains were considerable.

People next to Han Sen were less lucky. When Han Sen had caught seven fish already, the luckiest among the others had only caught two fish.

Many people looked to Han Sen with jealousy. Every time Han Sen pulled the fish line, many people nearby would glance at him.

Guan Tong was obviously less lucky. Like most people, she had got nothing since she came.

She was not to be blamed for that. Not everyone had the perceptive ability that Han Sen had. It was normal not to catch anything, otherwise everyone would have come to the frozen lake.

"Guan Tong, the fish tastes good. Come here and try it," Han Sen waved to Guan Tong and said.

Guan Tong had been there for a long time, but she had caught nothing, which made Han Sen feel a bit sorry for her. In addition, Guan Tong had carried him on her back. Han Sen then told her to share the fish with him, which he could not finish anyway.

"I have brought something to eat." Guan Tong felt quite shy, taking out some nutrition solutions from her pocket.

"Come here. It is rather boring to eat alone. There is so much food that it would be a waste if we don't finish it," Han Sen said with a smile.

As Guan Tong was still hesitating whether she should go over, several people walked to Han Sen. One of them stared at Han Sen and said, "Friend, you have a good appetite, even for a tomboy like this one."

Chapter 505: Blackgod

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Han Sen glanced at those people. Those people did not have any fishing tools or personal belongings, so they did not seem to be fishing here.

"Fuck off." Han Sen said coldly.

"You have quite a temper. But I'm afraid that you have not been told who this place belongs to." The leader of the group of people, a middle-aged man did not get mad, but smiled coldly at Han Sen.

Those people did not take Han Sen's words seriously at all. They walked to Han Sen sighed and started to pull the bag that Han Sen used to place the fish he caught.

"Didn't you hear me? Do not make me say it again," Han Sen frowned and said.

"Ha ha, boy, you are tough. However, Blackgod Shelter is not the right place for you to get tough." The middle-aged man reached to grab the fish in Han Sen's bag. "Our boss at Blackgod says that half of the gains in the frozen lake must be handed to the Blackgod Shelter. You have seven fish here, so I will make it cheaper for you, only taking three gold anchovies from you."

Han Sen had heard that since the frozen lake was near one of the three biggest shelter, Blackgod Shelter, people from Blackgod Shelter would charge some fees from people who was fishing there.

Normally speaking, only a primitive fish would be charged, and then the person could fish as long as he wanted to.

These people asked for three fish from Han Sen, which were the most valuable ones. Obviously, they were jealous of Han Sen's gains and planned to blackmail him.

Initially, Han Sen planned to give them a fish when encountering people from the Blackgod Shelter. After all, it was their place. However, these people wanted to blackmail him, which made Han Sen reluctant to give them even one fish.

Seeing the middle-aged man reaching to his back, Han Sen did not speak but stepped on his hand.

The strike was fast and fierce, which the middle-aged man could in no way dodge. His hand was stepped on by Han Sen, and he suddenly screamed like a pig.

"Dammit. He dared to attack us." The rest people saw Han Sen making a move and quickly summoned their beast souls, hitting Han Sen immediately. It seemed that they were being merciless, aiming at Han Sen's vital parts. Han Sen's eyes became cold. When other people tried to kill him, of course he would not be soft. When the weapons were about to hit him, he waved his right hand. With the flash of three purple lights, all the weapons were cut into pieces, and three persons in the front were cut in the chest and died immediately.

The other two persons survived luckily because they did not run as fast. Full of terror, they turned to run while shouting.

"Go away now. People of Blackgod Shelter are nearby, and they will be here in a minute," Guan Tong ran over and said.

Han Sen nodded slightly and said, "You should go as well. Avoid this area for the time being." After parting with Guan Tong, Han Sen left the frozen lake. He did not want to make things worse between him and Blackgod Shelter, so there was no need for him to look for trouble.

However, as Han Sen just left the frozen lake, a dozen mounds ran to him and approached him shortly. Obviously, they were targeting him.

"Boss, he is the one who killed of our brothers." Among the dozen mounts, one was of the middle-aged man who had run away. He pointed at Han Sen and yelled.

The dozen mounts quickly circled Han Sen. Their leader, a man in black mail with eyes like hawk

stared at Han Sen and said coldly, "You killed my men?"

"They were trying to kill me, so of course I could not choose to be killed," Han Sen said, looking at the man in black mail.

The men in black mail quickly summoned a beast soul knife that was narrow and long. He pointed it to Han Sen and said, "No matter for what, you killed my men at the place of that God shelter, so you deserved to die." As he said, the men quickly slashed the knife at Han Sen. The knife was so fast that it was a black light, coming to Han Sen's face in a second.

Han Sen quickly changed his expression. The strike from the men in blackmail was so fast that Han Sen could not completely dodge it with his speed. He had to roar and summoned the gargoyle to block the strike with his claws.

As his claws were about to clash with the long knife of the man in black mail, the long knife unexpectedly disappeared. When it appeared again, it cut Han Sen's chest.

Blood started to come out of Han Sen's injury in the chest. Luckily, Han Sen stepped back in time and diverted the majority of the force from the knife. In addition, the gargoyle glyph also made his skin tougher to block the damage. Otherwise, Han Sen would have been gutted by this strike.

The knife skills of this man in black mail were very strange, and his fitness was incredible, definitely much tougher than Tie Yi.

Han Sen was not killed by the strike, which surprised the men in black mail slightly. However, he did not stop attacking, but slashed at Han Sen again with his knife.

Several people in the group also summoned their beast soul weapons to rush at Han Sen. Judging from their speed, they were all evolvers with fitness above a hundred. Han Sen knew that he could not stay, or else he would definitely die there. Using Heresy Mantra and Overload at the same time, Han Sen quickly stepped away, running.

However, those people besieged Han Sen and there was no place for him to go. Han Sen had to rush at two of them.

The two persons cut at Han Sen without hesitation. Han Sen moved left and right, like a willow tree in the wind, dodging the attacks from both persons.

However, he there was no way he could dodge the strike from the men in blackmail was chasing after him. His back became blood he immediately.

Han Sen gritted his teeth and state the silent. He rushed away as fast as his legs would carry him and broke the siege of the two persons, running fast on the icefield.

He knew he could not stay. The fitness of the man in black mail was even stronger than his. In terms of both fitness and knife skills, the man was the top of the top. With the help of the evolvers with fitness level above a hundred, Han Sen would definitely die if he chose to stay.

"We could not let him leave alive." The man in black mail led the group of people to chase after Han Sen, showing strong desire to get rid of him.

The resources on the icefield were so limited that it was completely normal to fight for them. The Blackgod would not tolerate any challenge to his interests or authority, otherwise there was no way he could lead the Blackgod Shelter.

Han Sen had known that the competition for resources was heated, but he did not expect it to be as fierce as this.

Han Sen's speed was lower than that Blackgod's to begin with. Without any place to hide on the icefield, there was no way he could run away like this.

If there were no other evolvers, he could try to fight Blackgod, risking his life. However, under the circumstances, he could only try to run away.

Turning quickly, Han Sen ran toward the frozen lake again. Seeing Blackgod approaching him, Han Sen jumped inside one of the ice holes and disappeared.

Chapter 506: Fighting under the Water

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Guard the ice holes nearby. I don't believe he will not come out," Blackgod commanded coldly.

The temperature of the water in the frozen lake was incredibly low. Even someone with a fitness level above a hundred could not last long under the water. In addition, Han Sen could not breathe under the water, which was why Blackgod believed that Han Sen could not stay longer than five minutes under the water before he appeared in other ice holes.

At that time, even if Han Sen wanted to fight again, he would be almost frozen to death, which would make Blackgod kill him more easily.

However, after Han Sen entered the water, he was not frozen to death as Blackgod predicted. Although the lake water was incredibly cold, Han Sen still had Jadeskin and the snowy wolf mail. The cold did not affect him too much.

However, he did not dare to stay too long under the water. After all, he did not have the ability to breathe underneath the water. Although he could hold his breath for less than an hour because of his fitness, he could not survive longer.

In addition, there were fish creatures under the water. Han Sen was afraid to encounter advanced fish creatures. Under the water, his ability to fight was much worse than on the land. Han Sen was swimming underneath the ice. Some fish creatures would approach to attack him from time to time, which were all hit senseless by Han Sen's fist. None of them dared to approach him again.

The reason that Han Sen did not kill those fish was that he was afraid the bodies of the fish would float to the surface, which would expose his location under the water.

The frozen lake was huge after all. If he swam further away and climbed up, he could naturally escape successfully.

After Han Sen swam for a while, he felt there was something wrong with the current. The current behind him seemed to be moving. He turned around and found a silver creature that looked like an eel, which rushed toward him like a torpedo.

The silver body as wide as a bucket stirred up the water, which made Han Sen roll around before he stabled himself.

The eel turned around and rushed to Han Sen again. Han Sen thought it was not the way to go, so he moved sideways to dodge the eel and did his claws into its silver scales.

As if he were climbing a tree, Han Sen wrapped his arms and legs around the eel's body. No matter how the eel rolled, Han Sen stuck to the creature.

Although the claws were berserk, which made it tougher than ordinary sacred-blood weapons, it only pierced the eel's body by 2 inches. The eel was so strong that it was definitely a sacred-blood creature.

In the water, Han Sen was not its match at all. He closed his eyes and held the eel tightly as it rolled. With the toxins on the claws, the eel shouldn't be able to survive too long.

The eel rolled so hard that it was incredibly fast in the lake. Han Sen stayed on the eel for a long while and felt something was wrong. The eel turned out to be swimming deeper and deeper. Han Sen did not know how deep the lake was, but the pressure became higher and higher. Even with his fitness and snowy wolf mail, he still felt terrible from the pressure.

"Is it possible that this guy is immune to the poison?" As Han Sen was feeling depressed, he suddenly felt emptiness below his feet and fell.

The first thought Han Sen had was that the eel had jumped out of the water. However, he denied the thought immediately. He was falling down from the water and did not go up for it at all. Han Sen quickly opened his eyes to look, and what he saw made him feel dazed.


Han Sen and the eel fell on the crystal-like floor. Luckily, Han Sen acted fast enough to flip himself up on the eel's back, making the eel take the impact.

Having left the water, the eel wiggled like a snake on the crystal-like floor. However, the places injured by the claws on its body had become purple and black, easily to be spotted on its silver body.

Han Sen did not think too much and cut the eel with the claws like crazy, making injury after injury on the silver body.

The eel struggled to fight back, but it was very much poisoned. Having left the water, it soon left the ability to struggle and lied motionless on the floor.

"Sacred-blood creature silver eel killed. Beast soul of silver eel gained. Eat its meat to gain 0 to 10 sacred geno points."

Han Sen was excited. However, he did not look at the body of the killed creature. Looking straight ahead, Han Sen felt incredulous.

Han Sen did not know whether Atlantis the legendary city was real. However, this place shocked him no less than finding Atlantis.

A gigantic sailboat was sitting at the bottom of the lake. Water avoided the sailboat and formed a spherical space under the water.

Han Sen and the silver eel fell on the left of the boat. Standing on the boat, Han Sen looked like an ant.

This sailboat was a dozen times bigger than Daphne. However, it looked too ancient to be a spacecraft.

As far as Han Sen could see, there was no gaps on the material of the boat. It looks like it was carved out from an entire piece of crystal. Such a huge project was only possible in the Alliance. In the God's Sanctuary, there were no available mechanics, and it was impossible to be carved out by hand.

Judging from the huge silver oars, humans should not be able to manipulate this boat.

As Han Sen was dazed, he suddenly heard noises from the mysterious crystal boat. Looking to the direction of the noise, Han Sen saw something coming out of the chambers of the boat.

With the gleaming of golden light, Han Sen's eyes were even prickly. The thing gradually appeared in his sight, and what he saw first was a crab pincer, followed by the body of a golden crab. It slowly climbed down the rope.

Seeing where the golden crab was going, Han Sen originally thought it was targeting himself. However, the golden crab quickly rushed to the dead body of the silver eel.

"Dammit. This guy wants to steal my food. Don't you know that I am famous for being petty?" Han Sen bristled. Disregarding his injuries, Han Sen waved his claws at the golden crab.

The golden crab was naturally much larger than ordinary crabs. However, it was not too big among creatures, about the size of a Jeep.

Like ordinary crabs, it could only climb sideways. Creatures with flaws like this were Han Sen's favorite. He went to the back of the crab and clawed at the golden shell.