

Chapter 455: Treading Cloud

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Although Seven Twists is the family secret of the Chens, there is a way for you to learn. However, since it runs in the family, there is a rule that the secret could not be leaked. If you want to learn, you will have to become a student of my family," said Zhu Ting.

Although Zhu Ting did not say no, there was no way that Han Sen would agree to become a student of the Chens, which meant he could not learn the hyper geno art.

"So, there is no way around that?" Han Sen turned around and was ready to leave.

"Stop, listen to me. Even if I was willing to ignore the rules and teach you Seven Twists, all I knew was the first three twists anyway. Without the special geno solutions, there was no way you could succeed in practicing it either."

Zhu Ting saw Han Sen was still leaving and said quickly, "Brother, hear me out. When I was chased around by the mutant creature a while back, I found a great place which you would definitely be interested in. How about I show you the place? If you think it is interesting, just let me join Goddess Gang. If you think the place is no good, I will no longer bother you."

"What kind of a good place?" Han Sen asked.

"A nest," Zhu Ting lowered his voice and said to Han Sen. Han Sen looked at him surprised. The fact that Zhu Ting found a nest meant he had found a sacred-blood beast soul. What a lucky guy!

"Take me there first," Han Sen thought about it and said.

He was not worried that Zhu Ting might have any tricks up his sleeve. Even if there was a sacred-blood creature, Han Sen could protect himself.

However, in the case that there was a sacred-blood creature or even a super creature in the nest, it would be terribly difficult for him to break the egg.

Zhu Ting took Han Sen out of the ice cave and entered the mountains.

Han Sen felt they were going too slow and summoned the golden growler, asking Zhu Ting to sit with him.

"Brother, what a nice ride! Do you want to sell this mount? I could accept any price," Zhu Ting said admiringly, looking at the golden growler.

"I will not sell this one, but if you want to purchase a beast soul, I do have one." Han Sen suddenly had an idea. The berserk ice-armored beast soul that he gained the last time was useless to him. If Zhu Ting was willing to pay a high price, Han Sen would like to sell it to him.

"What beast soul? A mutant one or a sacred-blood one?" Zhu Ting looked at Han Sen in excitement. He had been suffering too much. It was so difficult to get a beast soul in such a place, and he had lost all the beast souls he brought here. Without a nice beast soul, Zhu Ting felt insecure.

"A primitive beast soul of ice-armored beast," replied Han Sen.

Zhu Ting was slightly disappointed, but he still said, "Well that is nice as well. It is beast soul armor, relatively strong among primitive beast souls. One million, what do you think?"

One million for a primitive beast soul was a lot, even though the beast soul was from Second God's Sanctuary.

It was only because beast souls were very rare in this place. In a large human shelter, primitive beast souls would be worth about one tenth the price.

"It is a berserk one," Han Sen added.

Zhu Ting suddenly widened his eyes and said, "Brother, you got a berserk ice-armored beast soul?" Among primitive creatures, only one in several dozen could become berserk. And it was even harder to gain the beast soul, which was why a berserk beast soul was much more expensive than the beast soul on the same level.

Of course, a berserk beast soul was also much better than others. In the case of this beast soul armor, a normal beast soul could only cover 30% to 40% of the body, while a berserk one could cover more than 95% of the body. The defense was also enhanced in the berserk one, even comparable to a weak mutant armor, which made the value of a berserk beast soul much higher.

"What do you think?" Han Sen summoned the berserk ice-armored beast soul, and his whole body was suddenly covered in a thick layer of ice. However, armor like this was not that useful to Han Sen. It was not even as strong as Han Sen's body, especially after he had practiced micro crystal.

If the armor was a top mutant beast soul or a sacred-blood one, Han Sen would probably keep it. Unfortunately, he had not gained one yet.

"Brother, name your price." Zhu Ting felt excited.

"I won't force you to teach me Seven Twists since you are not allowed to. But your family must have an S-Class footwork design for evolvers." Han Sen looked at Zhu Ting and said.

Zhu Ting suddenly became hesitant and said, "Well... Forget about it... I don't really need a beast soul..."

Han Sen knew what he meant. A berserk beast soul of ice armored beast was worth ten million dollars tops after taking into consideration of the scarcity of the beast souls.

However, that was too little to trade for an S-Class secret footwork. No one would make such a trade.

"Relax, I'm not trying to trade the berserk beast soul for your footwork. I will pay you an S-Class Saint Hall license of evolver level for the footwork. The berserk beast soul could be considered your service fee," Han Sen said with a smile.

The Chens had phenomenal footwork hyper geno arts, which were hard to purchase even in Saint Hall. Since Seven Twists was out of the question, Han Sen did not mind learning something else.

"If that is the case, I could think of something." Zhu Ting looked at the berserk beast soul armor Han Sen was wearing, gritted his teeth and said, "The Chens have an evolver footwork Treading Cloud. If you're interested, I could give up my dignity and get it for you."

"Tell me about it, what kind of footwork is Treading Cloud?" Han Sen squinted and asked.

Zhu Ting demonstrated what it was like, which made Han Sen's eyes light up.

Treading Cloud was a footwork that emphasized leg skills. After it was practiced successfully, the body cells of one's legs could be enhanced. Treading Cloud meant it was so easy to reach the sky after practicing this footwork.

Although it was an exaggeration, it showed that the footwork emphasized explosive leg strength.

To Han Sen's satisfaction, after practicing Treading Cloud, although he would not be able to leverage on the air seven times, he would be able to leverage on the air once. Unlike what Han Sen had invented, this was a perfect leverage.

Last time, when Han Sen leveraged in the air, he was only able to make one extra kick, which was because the leverage was not perfect. After practicing Treading Cloud, he would be able to leverage on the air perfectly and make another seven kicks.

Chapter 456: Gargoyle

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Han Sen was very satisfied with Treading Cloud, which was a secret hyper geno art that he could not even learn at Saint Hall. It was worth it to pay an S-Class Saint Hall license and a berserk beast soul.

Just like that, Han Sen and Zhu Ting agreed on the time of the trade. Zhu Ting could teach Han Sen the footwork himself, but he had to obtain the special geno solutions from the Chens.

Zhu Ting took Han Sen to find the nest. With the speed of the golden growler, it took them more than half a day to spot layering mountains formulating a life lotus, which was the entrance to the nest.

Luckily, there was no creatures nearby. They climbed over the mountains and went down the entrance until they reached the green gold wall.

The green gold wall was still intact. No one had entered. Although Zhu Ting found the place, he did not dare to enter.

Zhu Ting was smart in that he knew what was within his ability and what was beyond, which was not something everyone knew.

After all, men are animals of emotions, so it was hard for them to keep rational all the time.

"Wait outside. I'll go check it out," Han Sen said to Zhu Ting and broke the green gold wall to enter.

The omniscient green light made the large nest a scary space. Oddly shaped cells were everywhere, all intact. There was no way to tell which one had nurtured a creature.

Han Sen slowly approached the cells, but because there were too many cells, there were all crammed together. There was no way to go through other than climbing over the cells.

Han Sen did not dare to jump onto a cell. Staring at a 20 feet tall oval sell, he slowly walked ahead, feeling uncomfortable as if something was about to get wrong.

"Roar!" When Han Sen was about 30 feet from the cell, it suddenly exploded. A black creature with two silver horns and bat wings that looked like a gargoyle suddenly rushed out from the broken cell.

Han Sen only glanced at it before he started to run as fast as his legs could carry him.

Although he had not fought the creature yet, judging by its speed, Han Sen was sure that the gargoyle was a sacred-blood creature with a physique over one hundred.

Han Sen was glad that it was the first thing that caught his eyes. If Han Sen ran into this creature when he had gone deep already, it would be much harder for him to run away.

Han Sen only ran a few steps when the gargoyle caught up with him. Its arm as strong as a marble column quickly swung at Han Sen's back.

On its claw, each of the nails was more than half a foot long, as sharp as a tungsten dagger. Even a body made of Z-steel would be broken by such nails.

Without turning back, Han Sen moved his body like a snake away from the blow of the gargoyle, as if he had eyes on his back. Then Han Sen continued to run in a twisted route. Flapping its wings, the gargoyle was behind Han Sen immediately. However, its blow was useless again. Han Sen was as slippery as an eel, slipping through the gargoyle's arms again and again.

Han Sen looked to the direction of the entrance and saw that Zhu Ting had left, faster than a rabbit.

Having failed several times, the gargoyle quickly howled as Han Sen was about to run to the narrow path. The silver horns of the gargoyle suddenly glowed and the silver color started to bleed toward the gargoyle's black body. All of a sudden, the gargoyle became a silver statue, which looked strangely glamorous.

"Dammit! A berserk sacred-blood creature!" Han Sen exclaimed. The silver gargoyle almost instantaneously appeared behind Han Sen, clawing at Han Sen's head.

The speed of the silver gargoyle was so fast that Han Sen had no time to dodge the blow. Although he was trying to use kiting skills as much as possible, in front of the absolute speed, all his efforts were useless.

Han Sen gritted his teeth and used Jadeskin. Reaching a hand at the thick arm of the berserk beast, Han Sen was not trying to beat the creature with his force.

As the two arms clashed, Han Sen entangled the thick arm of the silver gargoyle like a snake and slid onto its body.

Perfectly combining Ghosthaunt and Diversion, Han Sen also used the flexibility he gained from practicing Jadeskin to reach this effect.

The silver gargoyle tried to catch Han Sen who was hanging on its back, while Han Sen had slid down to the gargoyle's crotch and hitting the part hard.


Han Sen's Jade like fist hit the gargoyle's crotch hard, making it scream madly. The gargoyle quickly used both hands to claw at Han Sen.

Han Sen turned his body around on the gargoyle's thigh and moved back to its back. Grabbing the gargoyle's wings, Han Sen quickly chopped his hand at its neck.

Moving around on the gargoyle's body, the gargoyle tried to catch Han Sen in madness but kept failing.

However, the physique of the berserk silver gargoyle was so strong that even after Han Sen used Jadeskin, he could only make its silver body swell a little.

Han Sen did not dare to use the cursed wolf dagger, because it was not strong enough to break this body and because holding the dagger would affect Han Sen's movements.

Han Sen even tried to claw at the gargoyle's eyes, but it was equally useless. Its eyes were as tough as its body, made of silver metal.

Han Sen felt the time which was less than a minute was as long as hours. It was not an easy thing to fight the gargoyle this way.

Han Sen had used his physical and mental power to his limit. Every slight movement was carefully calculated. Both his physical and mental strength was depleted.

Even so, Han Sen was still facing worse risks. The berserk gargoyle became faster and faster. A few times, it's nails had scratched Han Sen, making him bleed immediately.

Han Sen was not shaken at all. He continued to slither on the gargoyle's body like a snake, but his moving range was smaller and smaller.

Eventually, the berserk gargoyle pushed Han Sen so hard that he had nowhere to go. The gargoyle quickly clawed at Han Sen was right on its body.

As the sharp silver nails were about to stab into Han Sen's body, Han Sen quickly pushed the gargoyle's head and jumped in the air, avoiding its claw.

The silver gargoyle had used up its energy with this move. After Han Sen dodged the blow, its claw did not stop and continued to hit its own face. The five nails as sharp as silver daggers stabbed into silver face, and silver blood suddenly jetted out.

Chapter 457: Expert Panel

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Han Sen took the opportunity to run out of the nest. He could still vaguely hear the roaring of the raging silver gargoyle.

The physique of the silver gargoyle was so good that Han Sen could not kill it at the moment. However, since he had already learned that there was a sacred-blood creature in this place, he could always come back when he had enough geno points.

"Brother, you are here! Are you okay?" Zhu Ting was waiting at the entrance, looking down from time to time.

"Luckily, I ran out, but I could not kill that thing," Han Sen said and started to walk away.

"How about me joining Goddess Gang?" Zhu Ting came up to Han Sen and asked.

"If you want to, I'll permit it," Han Sen said casually. He would keep Zhu Ting around for the moment because he was still thinking about Seven Twists of the Chens.

After leaving the nest, Han Sen went back to the Alliance and urged Zhu Ting to get the geno solutions as soon as possible.

It was almost time for Zero to return to the God's sanctuary, so Han Sen thought it was time to conquer the spirit shelter.

However, he would like for everyone of Goddess Gang to join the war against the spirit shelter. Otherwise, if he went himself, the gang members would not appreciate the gains they did not fight for that much.

Of course, Han Sen was going to make sure he will get the spirit stone in the shelter. He did not care about anything else that much.

After Han Sen returned to Daphne, he finished his own task and looked at his future schedule.

In two days, he would join the cooking team to prepare food.

Soldiers could only have food for five days out of a month. Normally, they would just take nutrition solutions.

However, the expert panel was different. They ate every day, so the existence of the cookhouse was mainly meant for the expert panel.

After resting for two days, reading and training, it was Han Sen's turn to work. Han Sen finally understood that the work of the cookhouse was difficult sometimes.

Those experts and scholars were very picky about what they ate. According to the rules, each of them shall have three dishes and one soup per meal, and there must be meat.

In addition, several professors in the expert panel could even order their own food, which was a privilege that even Ji Yanran and Chen Shoushan did not enjoy.

Because of the emphasis the Alliance had placed on Crystallizer ruins, these experts and professors enjoyed very high status. Among them, several professors were indeed quite knowledgeable about Crystallizer civilization.

Han Sen was not a great cook, so all he could do was to prepare the raw materials and transfer the food to the plates.

"You must be the new cookhouse recruit Han Sen? I heard you passed Sprint at level 10?" A young researcher of the expert panel asked Han Sen while he was getting his food.

"It was because I have seen it before. It's no big deal," Han Sen said casually.

"You graduated from Blackhawk?" The young researcher asked.

"Yes," Han Sen slightly frowned and replied. He glanced at the young researcher who was about thirty years old and quite good-looking. His lips were thin, which gave him a feminine look.

"Not bad. When I was in Alliance Central Military Academy, Blackhawk -ranked about one hundred. I wonder how it's doing now?" The young researcher said quietly.

Han Sen felt the guy's tone was a bit off, squinted and said, "I'm not sure. I did not have many opportunities to see people from Alliance Central Military Academy. I was in an archery tournament against that school though."

"Oh, did you come out of it okay?" The young researcher said contentedly.

Speaking of tournaments, Alliance Central Military Academy was always the top-notch school. Almost in every single item, the school would get at least top three, while Blackhawk was not that impressive among the famous academies. The two could not even be compared. Naturally, the young researcher felt Blackhawk would lose tragically.

"It was okay. Alliance Central Military Academy was quite impressive, so it took me some effort to get rid of them and gain the championship," Han Sen said casually. He did not want to be nice to people like this.

"Ha ha, if you want to brag, there is still a limit. In what kind of tournament can Blackhawk beat Alliance Central Military Academy? Is it a bragging contest?" The reply of the researcher made everyone in the expert panel laugh.

These researchers mainly came from Alliance Central Military Academy, because there were not many academies that had the major of Crystallizer ruins research.

Most of the professors that focused on Crystallizer culture taught at Alliance Central Military Academy, so the experts and professors in the expert panel were also mostly affiliated to Alliance Central Military Academy.

As the graduates of the best military school in the Alliance, they were of course arrogant.

Several researchers from the expert panel had also tried Sprint, but none of them passed level X. They all felt quite content when hearing a cookhouse soldier passed level X, because they knew Han Sen was familiar with the system. There was no way Han Sen was as strong as them.

This researcher named Tang Xin was very pissed about this, which was why he provoked Han Sen.

"I'm so sorry. I have no idea Alliance Central Military Academy is such a big deal. Unfortunately, I have already graduated and could no longer participate in the games. Otherwise, I would be easier on them and make them look better," Han Sen shrugged and said with a smile.

As Han Sen said that, many researchers looked to him. Even several professors couldn't help glancing at him.

"Okay, so you say you beat Alliance Central Military Academy. So, tell me, where and when did you do that?" Tang Xin snorted and said, because he did not believe Han Sen at all.

"I don't remember which game, since it's such a trivial matter for me. You could go search my name, and you will probably see it." Han Sen knocked the spatula on the edge of the plate. "If you don't have anything else to say, please give way to others. They have to eat as well."

Tang Xin was a bit upset. He had always been very proud of the fact that he graduated from Alliance Central Military Academy. Han Sen's treating his alma mater lightly irritated him.

However, on this warship he could not do anything out of the line. Tang Xin gritted his teeth and walked to Professor Li Mingtang, pleading, "Professor, could you look it up for me to see if he was telling the truth."

On Daphne, ordinary people did not have the access to the Skynet. All they had was an internal database, which was why Tang Xin asked Professor Li Mingtang to look it up for him.

Chapter 458: Attacking Spirit Shelter

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Li Mingtang thought about it and said, "We are all coworkers, so there's no need to get to the bottom of this. We can just laugh it out."

Tang Xin did not want to let it go and said, "Professor, as a graduate from Alliance Central Military Academy, I could not stand vicious words against my alma mater. I must clear it up."

After he said that, Tang Xin stared at Han Sen fiercely, obviously upset.

"Researcher Tang Xin, that is not right. You have your alma mater, but don't we all have ours? You slandered Han Sen's alma mater first..." The fat squad leader could no longer watch this and said.

"I was just stating a fact, not trying to slander anything." Tang Xin sneered. "If we ask Professor Li Mingtang to look it up, we will naturally know who is stating the fact and who is slandering."

The fat squad leader simply said, "Look it up! I believe that Han Sen would not lie. Professor, please look it up for us, so we could clear Han Sen's name."

Since the fat squad leader said that, Li Mingtang had to connect to the Skynet, looking for the military school contests that Han Sen had participated in.

Shortly, many entries appeared. All the researchers and cookhouse soldiers looked to the screen.

Before long, his face became stern. At that time, almost every media reported the archery tournament between the emperor and the monster. It was fair to say that the match was a historic one.

The game ended Jing Jiwu and Alliance Central military Academy's rule in the league. The nickname of Han Sen, emperor, was broadcasted in the league by all kinds of media.

Any report would reflect how the game went down and how Han Sen performed. The media almost described Han Sen as a godsent archer.

Although it was exaggerated, there was no doubt that Han Sen did lead Blackhawk to beat Alliance Central Military Academy which was the ruler at the time. As Han Sen had said, in that game, Blackhawk was the winner.

The researcher suddenly changed their attitude about Han Sen. A cookhouse soldier, even one on Daphne should not be too good a fighter. Otherwise, he would not end up as a cookhouse soldier.

However, no one had expected for Han Sen the new recruit to have such a successful past.

Being able to be called the strongest person in the entire league was an honor that none of the researchers who graduated from Alliance Central Military Academy had enjoyed, including Tang Xin.

After all, when they were at school, they were not the strongest person on campus.

"Han Sen, I did not realize you were so good when you were at school." The fat squad leader was so happy that he patted Han Sen on the shoulder with his meaty hand.

Some researchers had always looked down on ordinary soldiers, and Tang Xin was the worst of them. The fat squad leader was very happy to see his face slapped by Han Sen.

"I was not that good. It's just the opponent was too weak." Han Sen was not a pushover. Since Tang Xin had tried to bully him, he would punch back as well.

Tang Xin's face became purple, the corner of his mouth twitching without making a single sound. He quit lunch and left immediately.

"Well done, Han Sen. That Tang Xin is such a snob, mean and picky as if he was better than all of us. The guy annoyed the hell out of me. I did not realize how great you were at the military school." When Han Sen returned to the kitchen, the vice squad leader also complimented him.

"All right, stop that." The fat squad leader closed the door of the kitchen and said to Han Sen solemnly, "Han Sen, be careful in the future. That Tang Xin is a petty person. You are probably already on his enemy list."

"I am a cookhouse soldier, and he is a researcher in the expert panel. What could he possibly do to me?" Han Sen said with a smile.

"There is nothing he could do to you on the warship, but it is hard to say when we arrived at the Crystallizer ruin. There are many weird stuff inside the ruin. We don't really know how they work. If he set you up, then it will be very hard for you to protect yourself. After arriving at the ruin, remember not to walk around alone. Just stay on the warship so that he could do nothing to you," the fat squad leader warned Han Sen.

Others also gave Han Sen some advice. Since Han Sen did not want to worry them, he nodded.

"But then again, since you were so great in military school and got the rank of major, how come you came here to be a cookhouse soldier?" Li Mingliang couldn't help asking.

"In fact, my dream is to be a soldier on the warship, even as a cookhouse soldier, which is why I'm here..." Han Sen was telling the truth. However, he did not tell the whole truth. He wanted to be a soldier on the warship of Ji Yanran, that is.

When Han Sen entered God's Sanctuary again, he eventually saw the pretty face of Zero.

"It seems it's time to conquer the spirit shelter." Han Sen found Yang Manli to summoned everyone in God is again.

"Everyone, I decided to set out to conquer the spirit shelter tomorrow and use that shelter as the base of Goddess Gang. If anyone wants to quit, now is the time. I do not want to force you, so I will let you go with no strings attached." Han Sen's gaze swept across people's faces.

"Captain, is it too early for us to conquer the spirit shelter? There is an aristocrat spirit in the spirit shelter and many mutant creatures. We do not have quite the strength yet to do that. How about we develop our strength a bit further and do that when we have all maxed out on ordinary geno points and primitive geno points? In that case, we would have a much better chance."

"Yes, Captain. We should focus on cultivation now."

"We have no idea how many mutant creatures there are in the spirit shelter. Is it too big a challenge for us to go now?"

"We have enough strength to kill primitive creatures in batches. How about we spend more time doing that and when..."

Han Sen glanced at the mob he was leading and said coldly, "Today I am gathering you to tell you my decision. So, all you need to do is to execute it or quit. I do not need your advice. However, there is one thing I must state clearly right now. If you quit at this point, Goddess Gang will never welcome you back, not now, and definitely not when we have conquered the spirit shelter. It's your own choice to stay or go."

Han Sen's words brought silence to the scene. Very soon, someone stood out, gritted his teeth and told Han Sen, "Sorry, captain, we do not have enough resources to take down the spirit shelter. I can't risk it with my life."

"Bring me his contract." Han Sen did not answer but asked Yang Manli to bring the guy's contract and voided it.

Chapter 459: Abnormal Shelter

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

With someone being the first, many more stood out to break off their contract and leave the Goddess Gang.

Not many people believed that Han Sen could really conquer the spirit shelter. There were so many mutant creatures in the spirit shelter, and an aristocrat spirit who was basically immortal. Those were all huge troubles.

Before destroying their spirit stones, the spirits were almost immortal in their own shelters. In addition, no one had any idea how many mutant creatures and primitive creatures there were. Goddess Gang had a total of two hundred people, and many of them were still lacking in their primitive geno point count. They could not even fight primitive creatures one on one. Spirit shelter was simply too big a goal.

Goddess Gang which had two hundred people lost the better half of its members soon. Only about three dozen of people remained.

Han Sen was fully prepared in advance. However, he still did not expect to lose so many members. At first glance, most people who stayed were young people like Xu You. Only a few of them were older.

To Han Sen's surprise, the middle-aged person who used to throw sarcastic comments at him was still in the team and did not choose to leave.

Han Sen still remembered that his name was Zheng Guoxiong. He came to Second God's Sanctuary twenty years ago as a sacred evolver. However, he did not expect to end up in such shitty place. For two decades, he did nothing. When Han Sen established Goddess Gang, he joined the gang but did not show too much impressive performance.

"Brother, are we still going to conquer the spirit shelter?" Zhu Ting did not leave either. He glanced at the remaining people and whispered to Han Sen.

"Of course, I said that we are going to set out tomorrow. That will not change. Go back and prepare. Gather here tomorrow at 6:30 AM." Han Sen asked everyone to go.

The reason he would like to wait until tomorrow and did not leave immediately was that he wanted to test the rest of these people. Maybe they were excited and motivated at this point. However, after considering for an entire night, if they still dared to go, then it would mean they were truly rough diamonds.

There was no way these people knew that Han Sen did not care how many people followed. As long as he and Zero were there, they could take down the spirit shelter themselves. The reason he was bringing people over was to select potential talents. After all, there must be someone to operate the shelter after they took it down.

"Are you really taking these people to conquer the spirit shelter?" After everyone was gone, Yang Manli asked Han Sen seriously.

"What now? You also don't believe I could take down the spirit shelter?" Han Sen looked at Yang Manli with a smile.

"Judging from pure strength, it is tough indeed." Yang Manli was not a woman who would be misled by others, and her answer was honest.

"So, will you go or not?" Han Sen continued to ask.

"Yes." Yang Manli gave him an assertive answer.

"Then go back and prepare. We'll leave tomorrow morning," Han Sen smiled and said.

The next morning, they were missing several people. In the end, including Yang Manli, Uncle Qing, and Zhu Ting, they were twenty people in total.

"Let's go." Han Sen did not waste his words and commanded everyone to march toward the big mountain where the spirit shelter was located.

When the group of people left, many people were watching them. They all felt that Han Sen must be crazy. How is it different from committing suicide taking such a small number of people to conquer the spirit shelter?

Although Uncle Qing who was the strongest fighter on Han Sen's team, he was only good against one mutant creature no matter how strong he was.

Even if Han Sen was able to cope with one or two mutant creatures, what could the rest of them do? Most of them were young people who had not been to Second God's Sanctuary for long. Also, most of them were just mutant evolvers. Only one or two were sacred-blood evolvers. There were even three young people who were primitive evolvers.

No one would believe that twenty people like these could conquer an aristocrat spirit shelter. Everybody believed they were mad.

Watching the young men following Han Sen, many people even showed pity.

Of course, more people were delighted to witness their departure. They even thought, coming from a prominent family with the respect from Starry Group, Han Sen became arrogant. He deserves to die in the spirit shelter. It's a pity though that we are going to lose a good man like Uncle Qing and those young people.

People of worst characters even wished for Han Sen to die there and for Yang Manli and Zero to returned safely, so that they would have a chance at the ladies.

The twenty people marched toward the spirit shelter in heavy snow and soon disappeared on the vast snow field. Many people thought it was very likely that they were gone forever.

Even many of the young people in the group felt pessimistic about the fight. However, because of their passion, they wanted to roll the dice, and maybe there was a future for them.

However, even so, they felt worried. After all, it was an aristocrat spirit shelter. They had never been to a squire shelter or a knight shelter before. It was their first expedition, and their target was an aristocrat shelter. It was absolutely normal that they were nervous.

The closer they got to the snow mountain, the more nervous they became. Even Uncle Qing put on a solemn look.

Uncle Qing knew for sure that Han Sen was not a stupid man. However, in his eyes, they did not have enough to take down the spirit shelter. If Han Sen did not have any backup, they would be taking a huge risk. It would be hard for them to escape death.

However, because of the blind trust in the name Han Jingzhi, Uncle Qing did not want to quit.

"Are you cold?" In the fluttering snowflakes, Han Sen held Zero's hands and warmed them up with his breath.

"No." Zero shook her head quietly.

Han Sen then remembered that Zero had even better physique than he did. There was no way she would fear such weather.

"This is the spirit shelter. Are we really going up?" Zhu Ting looked at the big mountain ahead of them and asked again.

"Certainly." Han Sen urged the golden growler to step on the big mountain first.

The rest of them looked at each other and then all followed Han Sen uphill. Many of them were walking stiffly with no expression on their face, staring at the spirit shelter that looked like an old castle.

The spirit shelter was quiet. Except for the sound of snow falling, there was absolutely no sound. The shelter looked like a lifeless castle with no residents.

Uncle Qing, Zhu Ting, and Yang Manli could not help frowning. This was obviously quite abnormal. Creatures and the spirit should have noticed them a long while ago. However, there was no noise at all. The gates of the shelter were open, but no creatures came out of it, which was simply odd.

Chapter 460: Spirit Stone

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Wait a second." Han Sen commanded the group to stop, summoned the golden rock worm king, and commanded it to fly into the gates of the shelter.

Very soon, the golden rock worm king returned. The message brought back to Han Sen was that there was nothing in the spirit shelter, not a single creature.

"Nothing?" Han Sen frowned slightly. The situation was clearly out of his expectation.

The group marched toward the architecture and looked around vigilantly. However, they found nothing. It was as if the entire spirit shelter was empty.

Having reached the destination smoothly, Han Sen pushed open the gates and walked into the hall that looked like a palace. Indeed, there was a spirit stone with an alluring glow set between the eyebrows of a huge statue of deity.

"Spirit stone!" Xu You and other young men became excited. As long as the spirit stone was destroyed, the spirit would be dead no matter where it was. However, before they even walked to the spirit stone, a figure suddenly appeared from the side of the room. It was an elegant woman dressed like a priest, holding an ice staff in her hand. It was the same aristocrat spirit that Han Sen had seen.

"Attention," yelled Uncle Qing and summoned his beast souls.

Actually, even without Uncle Qing's waring, everyone had already summoned their beast souls and looked around vigilantly.

The spirit looked at the group of people, smiled coldly, and raised the staff in her hand. Light suddenly covered her body, turning her into an aristocrat fighter in ice armor with red patterns. The staff turned into an ice spear.


Almost immediately, all sorts of creatures came to the empty castle. Hundreds and thousands of ice-armored beasts and other creatures besieged the hall, throwing themselves at the intruders.

"Go deeper and destroy the spirit stone," Uncle Qing exclaimed and charged the statue of deity.

However, before he made a move, a dozen creatures suddenly appeared from behind the statue, each of them a mutant creature. There were huge snow wolf and bears, as well as dark bats and all sorts of birds.

Those mutant creatures completely blocked the path toward the statue. Also, they were led by the aristocrat spirit. Even Uncle Qing was shocked and stopped, finding it impossible to destroy the spirit stone directly.

Groups of creatures had flooded into the hall from outside. Although they were all primitive creatures, they were so huge in number that even if the group of people wanted to kill their way out, it would take them a long time.

In addition, they were in the spirit shelter and the gates had been closed. There was no way for them to go back even if they wanted to.

"Human, you will regret that you stole my pet." The cold face of the spirits was emotionless. She pointed at Han Sen with her ice spear.

After that sentence, the ice-armored beasts flooded into the hall and threw themselves at the group of people with no fear for death.

However, the mutant creatures did not seem to be attacking. All they were doing was to protect the statue of deity. Clearly, they were trying to weaken the group using endless primitive creatures first.

The spirit herself walked to Han Sen with her ice spear in hand, wanting to kill Han Sen with her own hands to get her revenge.

Everyone else looked pale. They were trapped in this place. They could not run away or destroy the spirit stone. It seemed that they were in a dead end, and there was no hope of survival.

"Let's rush out. Maybe there is still a chance," Zhu Ting said loudly.

"You guard the door, and I will go for the spirit stone," Han Sen said and walked to the spirit.

Everyone else lost their calm. With a dozen mutant creatures guarding the statue of deity, they could not approach it with all the people available, let alone Han Sen himself.

However, Han Sen had already gone toward the statue of deity. Other people had to block the door to the hall first, fighting the endless ice-armored beasts.

However, there were so many creatures out there that there was no way they could hold up for a long time. Even if the creatures were willing to be killed by them, their hands would still get tired.

Han Sen did not seem to be worried about the situation at all. He walked to the spirit and said, "You're very smart, I could even call you sly. You have successfully lured us into the trap you have set up."

The spirit curled her lips and looked content. She said coldly, "The moment you decided to go against me, your death has been certain.

"Unfortunately, there is one thing you did wrong," Han Sen continued to say as he walked.

"What is it?" Unexpectedly, the spirit asked with her brows knitted.

"You should not let me come this far. Your favorite trap is your biggest mistake." Han Sen quickly rushed to the huge statue of deity with the spirit stone like a tornado.

The spirit sneered and swept her ice spear at Han Sen, trying to stop him.

However, Han Sen did not lower his speed at all. He used great strength with his legs yet put his upper body horizontal. Running forward but almost lying on the ground, Han Sen dodged the attack from the spirit in a weird pose and continued toward the statue at a high speed.

The mutant creatures roared loud and threw themselves at Han Sen like demons from hell.

Chapter 461: The Spirit Showing Fealty

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Zheng Guoxiong watched Han Sen going in the middle of the mutant creatures with a complicated expression. Twenty years ago, he was as brave as Han Sen.

At that day and age when it was still difficult to hunt a sacred-blood creature, he used his diligence, talent, and special privileges coming from his family to max out his sacred geno points and evolved as a sacred-blood evolver in First God's Sanctuary.

However, after he entered Second God's Sanctuary, when he was about to realize all his dreams, he found out what a terrible place he ended up at.

There was no strong teammates or available beast souls. He needed to risk his life even when trying to kill a primitive creature. At the same time, he must avoid the spirit shelter and large groups of creatures at all times.

In the beginning, Zheng Guoxiong still fought with some hope. Shortly, he discovered that it was almost impossible to max out on ordinary geno points in this place, let alone primitive geno points.

It did not mean that Zheng Guoxiong was not strong enough to kill an ordinary creature. He was capable of that, but there were only so many types of ordinary creatures. As he ate many of a type, that type no longer provided ordinary geno points for him. If he wanted to look for other ordinary creatures, he needed to go beyond the spirit shelter, which was something he could not achieve.

It was the same case for primitive creatures, which made Zheng Guoxiong feel desperate. There was no way he could continue to increase the ordinary and mutant geno points. And he was not able to kill a mutant creature. Zheng Guoxiong gave up hope completely.

As he lost hope, he spent his days on nothing for twenty years. When Han Sen appeared, Zheng Guoxiong felt like he had seen himself twenty years ago, so confident, proud, and arrogant.

Subconsciously, Zheng Guoxiong tried to say no to Han Sen, like he did to his younger self. However, after Han Sen created one miracle after another, Zheng Guoxiong suddenly realized that he wished Han Sen success strongly in his heart, because he saw Han Sen as his younger self. He did not really want to lose or continue to be a loser. He wanted to see someone succeed.

That was why Zheng Guoxiong joined Goddess Gang. When a lot of people told him to leave, he still followed Han Sen to the spirit shelter. He only wanted to give Han Sen a chance. Maybe he wanted to give himself a chance. Maybe there was miracle in this world. And maybe, he could start over again.

He was forty years old. Maybe he was no longer young, but he was not old either. Zheng Guoxiong wanted to stand up again, to feel the urge to pursue something with all he got, and to go after his own dream.

"I am not old yet..." Zheng Guoxiong told himself.

Watching Han Sen throwing himself at the mutant creatures, Zheng Guoxiong felt he had gone back to the hot-blooded era, when he was still fearless.

At that moment, Zheng Guoxiong deeply felt that his blood had not gone cold yet. His heart was still warm. He still wanted to go to the top of all mountains like a man.

"Kill!" Zheng Guoxiong roared and wielded his broadsword at an incoming ice-armored beast, beheading the beast immediately.

With the roar from Zheng Guoxiong, Han Sen also charged the mutant creatures.

A red and golden fire bird spread its beautiful wings in the hall and brought a pretty aura to everyone's beast souls.

People found that the abilities of their beast souls were significantly enhanced, which made it much easier for them to cope with the creatures.

"Beast soul aura! Is it a sacred-blood beast soul aura?" Zhu Ting looked to Han Sen in the middle of the mutant creatures in surprise.

Unfortunately, Han Sen did not have time to answer him. He threw a sharp gaze at the mutant creatures and aristocrat spirit. Every single object and living creature in the hall was imprinted in his mind.

Using his brain power, Han Sen was quickly calculating every single possibility. Shapeshifting into fairy queen made his eyesight sharper and made his enemies look slower, giving him enough time to think.

Han Sen made a step and turned his entire body into jade. If someone could see his body under his armor, they would certainly appreciate how gorgeous and dedicate it looked.


When Han Sen brushed by a snow wolf, a foot-long cut was made on the shoulder of the snow wolf. Blood jetted out, but the jade-like palm was not even colored by the blood. Han Sen's performance just began.

Under the attack of a dozen mutant creatures and the aristocrat spirit, Han Sen was not in a hurry. He looked so calm that it seemed that nothing could affect him.

However, if Han Sen's moves were to be observed closely, each and every one of his moves had a strong sense of purpose. No extra movements were made. His entire body was like a highly efficient machine, generating all the power he got.

The aristocrats spirit wielded the ice spear, trying to kill Han Sen. A dozen mutant creatures tried to circle him, but Han Sen found the slim chance of survival in a seemingly impossible way, breaking through the block of the mutant creatures and rushing toward the gigantic statue of deity.

At this point, Uncle Qing and others were dumbstruck. They could hardly believe that Han Sen was still human. A dozen mutant creatures could not stop his footsteps at all.

The aristocrat spirit was both astonished and mad. Unexpectedly, she could not even catch up with Han Sen and had to watch him beating one mutant creature after another.

In just a dozen seconds, Han Sen broke the blockage of the mutant creatures and jumped on the shoulder of the statue.

The aristocrat spirit could not even catch up with Han Sen, staring blankly at him. Han Sen stood on the shoulder of the statue and took out the spirit stone from the deity's forehead.

It all happened so fast that the aristocrat spirit and the gang members had no time to react.

When Han Sen got his hands on the spirit stone, he suddenly felt a strange force from his palm, making the spirit stone light up.

"Ice Aristocrat, Snow Charmer, gives you her absolute loyalty and hopes to be your servant." The elegant female spirit suddenly bowed her head and kneeled in front of Han Sen.

Han Sen placed at the spirit stone on top of the head of the spirit. The stone suddenly became even more bright, whose light almost blinded everyone. When the lights disappeared, both the stone and Snow Charmer were gone.

"The spirit swore fealty!" The rest people watched it happen, astonished. After long while, they realized what had happened and looked incredulous. God knows how difficult it was to make a spirit swear allegiance. It was not something that could be achieved by violence. It basically all depended on luck.

Chapter 462: Snow Charmer

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

In Han Sen's mind, a spirit stone that looked like a piece of ice decorated with lots of mysterious patterns was floating. In the middle, two strange words "Snow Charmer" were imprinted. Although Han Sen did not know the language, he somehow knew what it meant.

Han Sen summoned the spirit, and the stone suddenly flew out of his mind, turning into her figure.

Snow Charmer, kill those mutant creatures. Han Sen thought. Snow Charmer immediately raised her ice spear and moved toward the mutant creatures.

Initially, the creatures inside the spirit shelter were following Snow Charmer's command, fearless and regulated. However, when they lost her control, they suddenly became a mob. They lost their cooperation between each other immediately. Although they were still great in number, they no longer had the threat they just did.

Snow Charmer wielded her spear and entered the group of mutant creatures. Her fitness was better than normal mutant creatures initially. With her great intelligence and spear skills, she killed her way into the mutant creatures and slaughtered a snow wolf very soon.

"Snow Charmer killed a mutant creature snow-toothed wolf. Beast soul of snow-toothed wolf gained. Do you want to withdraw the beast soul?" A voice sounded in Han Sen's mind as Snow Charmer killed the snow-toothed wolf.


Han Sen did not feel surprised by that. He had studied how to use a spirit before. According to other people's experience, after he gained the fealty of a spirit, he could withdraw the beast souls that the spirit gained from killing creatures anytime. Equally, he could transfer his beast souls to the spirit.

Spirits were loyal subordinates. However, after giving their allegiance to humans, spirits would become integrated with their spirit stones. They would thus lose the ability to come back from death infinitely. If they were killed after they became servants, they would die for real.

When the spirits were killed, the beast souls they carried would also disappear. Therefore, one must be careful when giving beast souls to a spirit.

Although there were many limitations, the intelligence, skills, and ability to make judgment of spirits made them much better than ordinary beast souls. Especially, spirits had the ability to use beast souls, which meant they could be used like human partners, while beast souls were more like tools.

"Withdrawal successful. Beast soul snow-toothed wolf gained." Very soon, a voice sounded in Han Sen's mind and a new beast soul appeared.

Han Sen had no time to check his newly gained beast soul and continued to hunt mutant creatures with Snow Charmer.

Snow Charmer had great spear skills. She even injured the sacred-blood monster of tentacles before. Although many mutant creatures helped her at the time, she still needed impeccable spear skills to achieve that.

The spear was wielded like a tornado. The lean body of Snow Charmer gave off incredible strength. A snow bear was hunted soon.

"Snow Charmer killed mutant creature snow polar bear. No beast soul gained."

The creatures outside the hall became a mess. They either ran away or defended themselves only, no longer fierce as before.

The gang members chased the creatures in the excitement, looking back at Snow Charmer who looked like Athena admiringly from time to time.

She was an aristocrat spirit, and so elegant and gorgeous. She was even a great fighter. Which man could see her and say they don't envy Han Sen?

Later on, Han Sen no longer needed to move a finger. Snow Charmer took care of the mutant creatures that did not have time to run away with her dazzling spear skills. She was so fierce that it was incredible to watch.

Han Sen was full of joy. An aristocrat spirit was so strong already, so if he gained a royal spirit, it would be even better.

Since a royal spirit would correspond with a sacred-blood creature, Han Sen suspected that there was another type of spirit that would correspond with super creatures.

No matter what, Han Sen was more than satisfied that he gained Snow Charmer. At least, it proved that his super body king spirit did work.

Whether or not others could gain the loyalty of a spirit depended on luck, and the chance was quite low. However, as long as Han Sen had the spirit stone, he could gain the allegiance of a spirit for sure, which was more than incredible.

Han Sen had already been envisioning the future when he will take a troop formed of all kinds of spirits and rule Second God's Sanctuary. Whoever standing in his way would be killed. No one would ever dare to challenge him.

The battle only lasted a little over an hour. Lots of creatures ran out of the spirit shelter and many were killed by the humans.

Snow Charmer alone killed four mutant creatures. Han Sen himself killed two. However, he did not gain other beast souls other than the wolf.

More than a hundred primitive creatures were killed. Bodies of creatures were everywhere inside the shelter. Every human was excited.

"We... We conquered the aristocrat spirit shelter..." Xu You and other young people still thought it was hard to believe, as if they were in a dream.

"We made it!" Many people hugged each other, shouting and jumping up and down. Many among the people who followed Han Sen here almost had a death wish. When they were trapped, they became almost desperate. However, who knows that they would have such an ending.

Most of the people were only slightly injured. None was killed. They took down an aristocrat spirit shelter just like that, which must be a miracle.

The person who created a miracle was undoubtedly the man who broke the blockage of a dozen mutant creatures and a spirit and took the spirit stone.

"Brother, will you sell me this spirit? You can ask for any price." Zhu Ting regarded Snow Charmer with his mouth watering.

"No way." Han Sen turned Zhu Ting down.

Of course, Han Sen would keep a spirit like Snow Charmer for himself. Although a spirit was no human, and there was no way she could warm his bed, he would feel happy every time she served him a drink or something. In addition, Snow Charmer was a great help to Han Sen at this point.

Zhu Ting did not want to let it go and insisted, "How about I give up the S-Class Saint Hall license and you trade her for Treading Cloud?"

"No." Han Sen turn him down without even thinking. He had lots of S-Class Saint Hall licenses, while needed a spirit like Snow Charmer terribly.

The broadsword in Zheng Guoxiong's hand was still dripping blood. He looked to Han Sen with a complex look, not sure what he was feeling.

For twenty years, he had never been as relaxed as this moment.

Yang Manli's eyes were focused on Snow Charmer. She envied Han Sen so much. The guy had very good luck as always. It was the first spirit shelter he conquered, and he already gained the fealty of the spirit.

Uncle Qing was squinting. No one knew what he was thinking. However, his look was also quite complicated.

Chapter 463: Crystallizer Ruin

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Han Sen and the rest took down the aristocrat spirit shelter!"

"Is it true?"

"Of course it's true. Someone had already been there. People of Goddess Gang had already stationed there and carved the words "Goddess Gang" on the gate.

"Dammit. Twenty people took down the aristocrat shelter? That is so fake. How did they achieve that?"

"No idea. However, there must be many people regretting to death."

"Would you mean? Regretting what?"

"So many people used to be the members of Goddess Gang. In the end, when Han Sen said they were going to conquer the spirit shelter, most people quit. Now that the spirit was taken down, each current member could have a room to themselves and live there for free forever. In addition, they were also given large amount of meat. Do you think those who had left would regret?"

"They must feel so bad. However, Han Sen would still recruit people. Goddess Gang only had twenty people at this point, so that it must be hard for them to keep the entire shelter. They will definitely be recruiting."

"Han Sen said that he will admit no one that had left already. It doesn't matter who talks to him."

"The way he's doing things... Many people will be offended!"

"He does not need to be afraid of offending anyone. People of Starry Group had to be respectful to him. He said he would conquer the spirit shelter, and he just did. With such a background and ability, he needs to fear no one. I'll bet all those who had left are regretting to death now. If they want to go to the shelter, they must pay a big protection fee. If they want a room, they must pay very high rent. All of the things they could have enjoyed for free."

"Ha-ha, no one could predict the future. It was too risky to attack an aristocrat shelter anyway."

"How is there any risk? What kind of people is Han Sen? He took twenty people to attack the spirit shelter and no one was dead. The most they suffered was some slight injuries. What kind of risk is there?"

"This Han Sen is such a genius. How did he do it? Fresh evolver who just came months ago easily took down the aristocrat shelter with twenty people with him. It is so incredible!"

"Otherwise, why did someone like Uncle Qing obey all his order? He was no ordinary guy."

The news that Han Sen conquered the spirit shelter was soon spread. Many people went to the shelter. However, if they wanted to be protected in the shelter or rent a room, they must pay a high price, which was the income of Goddess Gang. Of course, most of the money would fall into Han Sen's pocket, otherwise he would not be so interested in conquering the shelter in the first place.

After the gates of the shelter were shut, even a mutant creature could hardly enter. Of course, it was much safer to live in the shelter than to live outside. In addition, there was space inside the shelter for trade purposes. There was also a teleport device in each room. Merchants and rich people would easily pay the price.

Han Sen did some calculation. the place was so sparsely populated, and he had only seen 300 to 400 people. However, even so, it was easy for him to make several million from collecting rents and protection fee.

If he were to do some business, he would be able to earn even more money. However, Han Sen was not interested in that and did not want to waste too much time, so he asked Yang Manli to take care of everything.

The gains were great this time. Six mutant creatures and more than one hundred primitive creatures. Han Sen did not sell any of them but shared everything with people who had followed him.

After all, they risked their lives which deserved to be rewarded. Han Sen saved a mutant creature for himself. Together with the evil-blooded condor, he had enough food for 2 to 3 months.

Because it took less effort than he thought it would, Han Sen did not put Zero into action at all. In addition, he was in no hurry to expose Zero's true strength. After all, she looked too young. The fact she was in Second God's Sanctuary already was quite a surprise for everyone. It was no good for her to show too much strength. It would be safer to be conservative.

After Han Sen took care of everything in the shelter, he traveled beyond the shelter, wanting to find out if there were any humans on the other side of the mountain. However, after climbing over several mountains and marching hundreds of miles, all he saw was glaciers and snow field, with no human in sight.

Han Sen saw a giant serpentine at least 300 feet long slithering on glaciers from afar and immediately turned back. He had seen a lot of creatures on the way and did not dare to go anywhere strange with his current strength. Even if he ran into some strong sacred-blood creatures, Han Sen did not have confidence in winning the fight, not to mention super creatures.

"Meat of evil-blooded condor eaten. One sacred geno point gained."

After eating evil-blooded condor for days, Han Sen eventually gained one sacred geno point. However, it was so slow that Han Sen simply threw the rest to the archangel since he was no longer willing to eat the same thing.

A huge benefit of having his own gang was that Han Sen did not need to fight himself to gain different types of ordinary and primitive creatures.

Han Sen picked some smaller ordinary and primitive creatures to eat, gaining several ordinary or primitive geno points every day, which gave him a much faster progress than the bird leg.

"I will first fill up my ordinary and primitive geno points. The progress I make in my fitness is quite great." Han Sen did not go out for adventures at the time being. He went to God's Sanctuary to eat ordinary and primitive meet to gain some geno points every day and read his books on Daphne the rest of the time.

When Daphne finally arrived at the destination, Han Sen had already gained eighty-four ordinary geno points, thirty-five primitive geno points, and one sacred geno point. His basic fitness was already 80+. With all kinds of assistance, he could achieve 90+ for a short amount of time.

At this time, Daphne had already arrived at the Crystallizer ruin.

Initially, Han Sen thought the so-called Crystallizer ruin should be an ancient city or base. However, when he saw a real Crystallizer ruin, he understood how naïve he had been.

Watching the gigantic planet that looked like a brilliant diamond, Han Sen felt more shocked than he could describe. This planet more than ten times the size of Planet Roca was the Crystallizer ruin they were going to explore.

All kinds of Crystallizer architectures were spread around on the planet. Different from human architects, colorful Crystallizer architectures were connected to each other, covering almost the entire planet. Only one glance made people gasp.

As Han Sen was astonished by the glamour and grandeur of the Crystallizer ruin, he suddenly sensed heat from his chest. Feeling shocked, Han Sen quickly reached inside his clothes and grabbed the nine-life cat pendant. Suddenly, he felt like he had grabbed a boiled egg. The nine-life cat was giving off incredible heat. The closer he got to the Crystallizer ruin, the hotter the pendant became. When Han Sen entered the atmosphere of the planet, the pendant was almost scorching.

Chapter 464: Simulating Crystal

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Han Sen did not know what was wrong with the nine-life cat or why it would suddenly react so strangely. However, undoubtedly, the change was definitely related to the Crystallizer ruin. However, Han Sen did not know what the connection between the nine-life cat and the Crystallizer ruin was.

Daphne landed on the Crystallizer ruin and made a comprehensive scan and analysis of the planet. Same to other Crystallizer ruins, only the surface of the planet could be scanned by human equipment. The inner space of the Crystallizer architectures was unknown to people. The analysis of air and water showed the planet was normal, habitable according to human standards. Other Crystallizer ruins were mostly the same, so nothing was special about this one.

After some preparation, the expert panel, warframe department, explosion department, and marines took their equipment and left the warship, beginning their exploration.

When the work began, everyone was banned from entering God's Sanctuary again. Since the cookhouse did not need to go to the field, Han Sen felt quite bored every day.

However, since most people on the warship had already landed on the planet, he and Ji Yanran could see each other secretly quite often.

Chen Shoushan went to the field together with the expert panel, while Ji Yanran was responsible for staying on Daphne. She actually had nothing to do other than receiving reports sent by Chen Shoushan and the expert panel.

"Such a huge planet! We have only these people. How long would it take for us to finish the work if we look into one architecture after another? I don't think we could finish it in a century." Han Sen felt quite upset when watching the field recordings in Ji Yanran's office.

If this went on forever, he would probably stay here for his entire service.

Ji Yanran smiled and said, "Who would be so dumb to discover one after another? That way, with these people, it would take us five hundred to a thousand years to finish 1% of the work."

Ji Yanran paused and then continued, "Crystallizers had different ranks. Their architectures follow a certain rule. As long as we find one entrance, we could access their treasure. All we are looking for is their crystals."

"It sounds easy enough," Han Sen said.

"It is not easy at all. Since the device could not scan the internal structure of the architectures, we must rely on the experts specialized in Crystallizer civilization to find the right entrance."

"Can't we just blast it away?" Han Sen asked.

"The crystal material of their architectures is very unique. Not only is it tough, but it will also expand once blasted. At that time, the internal space would be completely blocked, which would make the excavation work even harder."

Ji Yanran drank some water and continued, "This is not the real problem though. Since the experts and professors are here, the entrance could always be located sooner or later. However, if the Crystallizer ruin is still working, that will truly be challenging."

As Han Sen was about to ask what kind of challenge there could be, he suddenly heard an explosion. Looking at the live recordings of the field, Han Sen saw a red crystal the size of a fist floating next to a crystal wall. The crystal blinked with red light twice and something weird happened.

The red crystal quickly expanded and changed its form, turning into the same vehicle as the multifunction excavator that was doing the fieldwork. It quickly rushed toward the original excavator.

Bang bang!

It only took two blows for the crystal excavator to smash the one it imitated. The crystal vehicle headed toward the excavation team.

The soldiers in warframe department quickly turned on their warframes and charged the crystal excavator. Because they did not want to damage the architectures, they refrained from using massive weapons, with only laser guns and swords in their hands.

Luckily, the red crystal only imitated a multifunction excavator, so it was soon shot down into pieces, turning into a pool of red liquid that then evaporated.

"It seems that we are out of luck. This Crystallizer ruin is still operating. I'm afraid this task would not be completed that easily." Ji Yanran said with a wry smile.

"What is that?" Han Sen was shocked.

"It is a defense crystal of Crystallizers. The Alliance calls it a simulating crystal. Once scanned by it, it could imitate the shape of anything including mechanics and creatures. However, its texture will still be the same red crystal, so the simulation was not complete," explained Ji Yanran.

"What an amazing civilization," Han Sen complimented.

"Very amazing and very dangerous. There are many deadly Crystallizer technologies that we don't even know about..."

"We found it... We found the entrance..." A surprised voice suddenly came from the live recordings.

Han Sen and Ji Yanran quickly looked at the footage and saw Chen Shoushan and several professors standing in front of an excavated architecture, looking inside, full of surprise.

"It seems everything is going smooth. I hope we could locate the treasure soon." Ji Yanran felt slightly relieved.

However, in the next moment, the holographic image suddenly broke off. Ji Yanran quickly contacted Chen Shoushan and the rest using comlink, but there was no answer.

"Something's wrong." Ji Yanran suddenly became pale and summoned all the officers on the warship.

The communications team was trying to reach people in the field. However, they were completely out of touch as if they had disappeared.

There were not a lot of people stationing on Daphne to begin with, so even the cookhouse was summoned. Including the medical team, the repair team and the cookhouse, there were only less than forty people.

No communications were available, and people could see some equipment left on the surface through radar. All the humans were gone. And nothing could be seen inside.

"Captain, shall we go back and call for reinforcement?" An officer hesitated and asked.

"We must figure out what's happening first," Ji Yanran said with her brows knitted.

Several top experts and scholars specialized in Crystallizer civilization were in the field. If they were gone for no reasons, Ji Yanran would be facing harsh sanction if she returned without figuring out why. She might even be sent to the military court. In addition, many officers and soldiers including Chen Shoushan were also on the planet, so Ji Yanran should not go back before taking a look.

However, people who were staying on the warship were mostly noncombatants including officers in charge of ship operation, medicine, and cooking. There were very few people that could be deployed.

Ji Yanran reviewed all the talents she got on hand and gritted her teeth. "I ask for five soldiers who is good at warframe operation to follow me to the field, figuring out what is happening."

"I'm rather good at warframe. Let me follow you," Han Sen said quickly.

Naturally, he could not stay on the ship while letting Ji Yanran risk her life. In addition, he wanted to figure out why the nine-life cat pendant would react to the Crystallizer ruin.

Chapter 465: Crazy Simulating Crystals

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Captain, let the guards follow you." The leader of the guards, Li Lu stood up and saluted.

The guards were all the combatants that remained on Daphne.

"Captain, let me lead the team," the only surpasser on the warship Zhao Ping said.

"Quartermaster, you should stay on Daphne. This is our base. If anything goes wrong on the ship, it would be meaningless even if we bring back everyone. At that point, we would all be faced with death. In addition, I am only going to investigate and will not go deep." Ji Yanran looked to the guards, thought about it and said, "Li, you pick four soldiers good at warframe to come with me, and you shall come as well. The rest of the team stay on the ship."

"Yes, Captain." Li Lu named four soldiers and asked them to report to Ji Yanran. Ji Yanran told everyone to prepare their own warframe and looked at Han Sen. She hesitated and said, "You go prepare as well."

"Yes, Captain," Han Sen answered and went to take his warframe.

The seven of them quickly left the warship and got on a field truck to go to the excavation site. Because it was not far from the warship, it only took them half an hour to get to the destination.

Looking out of the field truck, all sorts of equipment were intact. Nothing was damaged, and there was no evidence of a fight. The only thing broken was the multifunction excavator.

Seeing no blood, everyone felt relieved. At least those people were not under attack.

The field truck could no longer go deeper INto the site. Ji Yanran asked two soldiers to stay on the truck, while she took Li Lu, Han Sen, and two other guards to drive their warframes down the truck, going toward the entrance.

"Maintain the order... Transferring scanned data... Communications good..." All sorts of information kept flashing on the warframes, some sent from the truck, some from Daphne. Their warframes were also transmitting data back.

Although everyone had been highly vigilant, nothing really happened. They reached the entrance the professors found with no trouble.

It was a black crystal gate more than 100 feet tall, decorated with lots of complicated patterns. There were dots and circles and lines, as well as some triangular shapes. There were no obvious rules to how they were put together. It looked sort of like the guts of a mechanical clock, quite mysterious.

At this point, the black crystal gate was already prized open. A one-man warframe could easily pass, but larger mechanics could not enter.

"Captain, shall we go inside to take a look?" Li Lu asked Ji Yanran.

Ji Yanran did not answer Li Lu and felt astonished at the black gate. She quickly said to Han Sen using a private channel, "Han Sen, I will take people down and have a look. You stay here."

"Why?" Han Sen knew she must have noticed something. Otherwise, she would not have said that.

"This is the ruin of some Crystallizer royalties, and it's still running. It is too dangerous down there. Since you know nothing about Crystallizers, you might trigger some dangerous traps. Just stay here," Ji Yanran said.

"I will follow you," Han Sen said.

"This is an order," Ji Yanran said seriously.

"Your order is not valid on me," Han Sen said softly.

Ji Yanran was trying to say something else when she suddenly heard screams from the field truck. All of them quickly looked to the truck and saw the two soldiers stationing in the truck had gone out, rushing to them in warframes.

"What has happened? What has happened? Please report... Please report..." Li Lu tried to ask what had happened through the commlink but found all he could hear was noise of current.

Han Sen quickly checked his comlink and found his warframe had lost all communications to Daphne. The system was down.

Ji Yanran had noticed that as well and told the rest of her team, "Maintain the order. We will go have a look."

The team quickly approached the warframes of the two soldiers. Before Ji Yanran asked what had happened, they already knew the answer.

Behind the two soldiers, lots of fist-sized red crystal were floating in the air like red light bulbs. With a glance, one could not tell how many there were, but there were at least hundreds or a thousand of them.

"Simulating crystal... How come there are so many..." Everyone was shocked.

No wonder the two soldiers started to run. Whoever saw so many simulating crystals would do the same.

Previously, Han Sen had already witnessed how powerful a simulating crystal was. As long as it scanned something, it could turn into the exact same thing.

If hundreds or thousands of simulating crystals scanned the warframes or field trucks, they would be killed instantaneously facing all those vehicles.

In addition, more simulating crystals were coming this way, growing in numbers. There was no telling how many there were.

"Retreat that at the retreat into the ruin..." Ji Yanran had understood were the expert panel had gone, and she had to repeat their option.

Boom boom boom!

The closest simulating crystals had already caught up with the two soldiers. With a flash of red light, the crystals flashed at their warframes like a camera and quickly turned into red crystal warframes of the same style. They landed quickly and continued to chase the two soldiers. More and more simulating crystals became warframes and joined them.

Li Lu could not help drawing laser guns to attack the red crystal warframes to save his two comrades.

"No!" It was too late for Ji Yanran to stop him.

Li Lu's shot made a huge hole in one of the red crystal warframes. However, instantaneously, all the red crystal warframes drew their laser guns and shot in their direction.

Boom boom!

The warframes of the two soldiers closest to the crystals exploded immediately, turning into burning crap iron, while the red crystal warframes were still shooting this way.

"Retreat into the ruin." Han Sen operated his warframe to go into the black crystal gate.

"Retreat to the ruin, immediately," Ji Yanran followed Han Sen and commanded in a clear voice.

Li Lu whose eyes were bloodshot gritted his teeth and ordered the other two soldiers to retreat into the ruin while covering them by going last.


As Ji Yanran and Han Sen just entered the black crystal gate, they heard a loud noise. The warframe of Li Lu had already exploded.

Chapter 466: Parasite Crystal

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Li!" Seeing the warframe of Li Lu was shot down, the two soldiers shot at the red crystal warframes madly using laser guns.

"Come inside. Quickly," Ji Yanran exclaimed at the two soldiers, but it was too late.

Although the two soldiers shot down a few red crystal warframes, they were taken out by more simulating crystals.

"Go!" Han Sen exclaimed and used his warframe arm to push Ji Yanran's.

Although those people were not his friends yet, Han Sen felt upset seeing fellow humans die. However, now was not the time to be sad. He could not watch Ji Yanran die like those soldiers.

Ji Yanran came back to herself, gritted her teeth, and operated the warframe to go inside the ruin. They had to get rid of the simulating crystals as soon as possible. Otherwise, she and Han Sen would die as well.

Behind the black crystal gate, there was a crystal path. Ji Yanran led Han Sen to go forward but did not dare to go too fast. Very soon, the red crystal warframes started to catch up with them.

"Don't worry so much. Run quickly." Han Sen knew that Ji Yanran was worried about the traps in the ruin, but if they did not go quickly, they would soon lose their lives.

The expert panel should have already entered the ruin. If there were any traps, they should have triggered those already. Being yelled at Han Sen, Ji Yanran suddenly understood that and operated her warframe at full speed to go forward. After they ran for several miles, the entered a huge architecture like a shelter. Many paths were interconnected.

"Where are we going?" Ji Yanran took a look, but path looked identical to each other. She had no idea where they were supposed to go.

In addition, the paths were so narrow that the warframes could not pass.

"Follow me." Han Sen gritted his teeth, came out of the warframe, and turned it into a briefcase. He ran ahead with the warframe in his hand.

Ji Yanran copied Han Sen's moves and followed him.

As Han Sen just entered the path, he quickly summoned the snow-toothed wolf. A snow wolf suddenly appeared in front of Han Sen. It was a beast soul mount, but Han Sen did not mean to ride on it, only commanding it to go forward.

Han Sen planned to use the snow-toothed wolf as a scout. He knew very little about Crystallizer ruins. However, since Ji Yanran did not have any idea, he must make a decision, even if he did not know whether his decision was right or not. Hesitation would only bring them into bigger crisis.

The snow-toothed wolf was running forward, and Han Sen and Ji Yanran were following with warframe cases in their hands. However, the paths were so complicated that they lost the direction although there were no dangers.

"It sounds quiet now. Let's stop." When reaching something like a bridge, Han Sen looked down and stopped, looking at the weird crystal statues.

Ji Yanran listened carefully and indeed heard no sound. She felt relieved and looked to the crystal statues about 50 feet tall each.

The statues were made of crystals of different colors. The shapes of them looked rather odd. They were nothing like humans or animals.

"Those are the deities that Crystallizers worshiped. Most Crystallizer ruins had statues like these," explained Ji Yanran as she looked around.

Han Sen did not seem to be listening but fixed his eyes on one statue.

"Come out, otherwise I would not be polite." Han Sen squeezed the warframe case in his hand and yelled coldly at the statue.

Ji Yanran looked to the statute, feeling puzzled. She did not see anything, but very soon, someone walked from behind the statue.

"Tang Xin? How are you here? Where is everyone else?" Ji Yanran saw who it was and asked with her brows knitted.

"I don't know. We scattered. Why are you here as well?" Tang Xin walked to the two of them as he said.

"Stop. Otherwise I will shoot." Han Sen quickly drew his mini laser gun from his waist, pointed it at Tang Xin and said coldly.

"Why should I stop?" Tang Xin did not pay Han Sen any mind and continued to approach them.


Without any hesitation, Han Sen shot at Tang Xin's head, taking half of his skull away.

"Han Sen, what did you do?" Ji Yanran was startled, not sure why Han Sen did it.

However, Ji Yanran knew Han Sen must have a reason. Although Tang Xin had offended Han Sen before, Ji Yanran knew he was not someone who would commit murder because of a small grudge.

Without Han Sen explaining, she saw what was wrong. With half of his goal grown, Tang Xin did not fall immediately but turned around.

On Tang Xin's back, a pink crystal the size of a duck egg was set in his muscles. Red crystal hair was growing from the crystal, driven into his entire back like veins, blinking red light as if he got new heart. It looked both weird and sickening.

"Parasite crystal!" Ji Yanran was astonished, quickly drew her gun and aimed at the crystal like Han Sen, ready to shot.

Before Ji Yanran shot Tang Xin, a slim hair grew from the crystal and wrapped Tang Xin up entirely like a mummy.

Boom boom boom!

Ji Yanran and Han Sen shot at the mummy like Tang Xin repeatedly, but to no avail. The laser guns only broke a part of the crystal hair, which quickly grew again.

"Laser weapons are useless. Use beast souls." They suddenly heard a voice say. Han Sen and Ji Yanran turned back and saw Professor Li Mingtang and several young researchers coming from a path nearby. It was Li Mingtang who said that.

Before Han Sen summoned his beast souls, someone came from behind Li Mingtang. He held a beast soul sword and slashed at Tang Xin and the crystal repeatedly, breaking the crystal.

"A cookhouse soldier does not belong here." Wang Hou took back his beast soul sword, stared at Han Sen coldly and said.

"A cookhouse soldier is also soldier," Han Sen said calmly.

"If you want to throw your life away, suit yourself," Wang Hou said contemptuously and ignored Han Sen. He walked to Ji Yanran and said, "Captain, why are you down here? You should not be here."

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Chapter 467: Diya Galaxy

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Professor, what did you find?" Ji Yanran ignored Wang Hou and asked Li Mingtang.

Li Mingtang said, "We found the entrance to the ruin and discovered that this is the ruin of Crystallizer royalties. However, there were suddenly a huge number of stimulating crystals. Having lost the connection to Daphne, we had to retreat into the ruin. Later on, we were attacked by parasite crystals. Many people were affected. We wandered off in the mess."

"Where are Chen Shoushan and Lin Haifeng?" Ji Yanran asked.

Li Mingtang shook his head and said, "There were so many soldiers and researchers affected by parasite crystals. It was all a huge mess and I did not notice them."

Ji Yanran frowned slightly. What Li Mingtang said was similar to what she had expected to happen. People scattered in the ruin, so it would be hard for her to find everybody.

"Professor, do you know the way out?" Ji Yanran looked at the surroundings and no longer knew the directions.

This architecture of Crystallizers looked like a metropolitan built with crystal. It was not easy to find a way out at all. In addition, because of the special characteristics of these crystals, they could not even blast away the architecture using bombs, which will only lead to their death.

The researchers looked at each other, obviously having no idea how to go out.

"In fact, we don't need to be worried at all. Our mission was to find new things. All we need to do is to continue forward. Maybe we will find the treasure very soon," said Wang Hou.

Li Mingtang also said, "Captain, since you are already here, and there are a lot of stimulating crystals outside, we could not leave anytime soon. It makes sense for us to take Wang Hou's advice and look around first. If we could locate the treasure, we would be able to finish the task and have some clues as to how we should leave this place."

Having studied the Crystallizers civilization diligently, Ji Yanran knew what Li Mingtang said was correct. However, it was the ruin of a Crystallizer royalty. They were only several people without even a surpasser among them, so it was still quite dangerous for them to walk around.

However, she did not have other options than to agree to their suggestions and go deeper.

Of course, the researchers did not march blindly. Based on their understanding of Crystallizer civilization, they could make judgments about which architecture was designed for what. Based on general rules of Crystallizer civilization, they could calculate where the treasure was.

Although the result was not exactly precise, they had the rough direction correct.

"Han Sen, stay close to me. Do not go far," Ji Yanran told Han Sen in a low voice.

Han Sen nodded. Of course he would stay close to his girlfriend, otherwise he would not be able to save her if she was in danger.

Wang Hou heard Ji Yanran and said to Han Sen sarcastically, "Captain, you took a cookhouse soldier down here. Are you trying to protect him, or should he protect you?"

"Wang, please focus on your own job. This is not your concern," Ji Yanran said to Wang Hou coldly.

Wang Hou snorted and said nothing. Li Mingtang quickly tried to mediate, "We are in danger now, so we should all work together to find the treasure. The more people we have, the more powerful we are. In addition, Han Sen was also a graduate of a famous military Academy."

The other researchers also said something to relieve the tension. The group of people continued to go forward. Shortly, another black crystal gate was standing in front of them, also decorated with those complicated patterns.

Seeing the black crystal gate and the patterns, Li Mingtang was overjoyed. He quickly walked to the gate and examined the patterns inch by inch.

"Fantastic. This place is indeed the ruin of a Crystallizer king," Li Mingtang watched for a while and turned back excitedly.

"Professor, what do the patterns mean?" Although Ji Yanran had done her study, it was impossible for her to understand those patterns.

Li Mingtang explained in excitement, "I could only figure out a small part of it. This Crystallizer king came from Diya Galaxy."

"Diya Galaxy? The mother galaxy where Crystallizers originated?" Ji Yanran looked surprised.

"Indeed. It is the birthplace of Crystallizer civilization, the lost galaxy..." Li Mingtang looked exhilarated.

Han Sen felt quite confused. He did not understand most part of it. All he knew was that the Crystallizer king seemed to be of high rank and possess lots of treasure.

Other researchers also looked hyped, as if they had found a gold mine.

Han Sen did not understand anything about Crystallizer civilization and Diya Galaxy. However, the nine-life cat dependent on his neck was getting hotter and hotter. It seemed that he was approaching something that was affecting it.

Under Li Mingtang's command, the researchers took out their tools and started to prize the black crystal gate. They were very skilled at it. It took them less than half an hour to prize it open. Light suddenly penetrated the gap.


A researcher that was shone upon by the light screamed and rolled around on the floor. The places on his body exposed to the light became scorched, from his face to his waist. The black mark went deep inside his flesh.

Everyone became astonished. They quickly pulled the guy away from the light. Han Sen was also dumbstruck. It only took a little while for the injured places on the researcher to be infected.

Someone quickly took out the first-aid kit to treat the wound, but it was useless. The researcher passed away very soon.

However, Li Mingtang stared at the light and said excitedly, "This is the wandering light of crystals because there were a large number of crystals inside. This might be a historic discovery in the history of Crystallizer research. Prepare fast, whoever had succeeded in practicing Micro Crystal should follow me inside to look for the treasure. Other people stay here."

"Professor, you could not go inside." Ji Yanran stopped Li Mingtang.

"Why not?" Li Mingtang was dazed.

"It is too dangerous inside. In addition, a huge discovery like this had to be made under the surveillance of AI according to Alliance laws," said Ji Yanran.

Li Mingtang quickly said, "As long as one has succeeded in practicing Micro Crystal, one could resist the wandering light of crystal. The risk is minimum. As for the surveillance of AI, this is a special situation, so when we go back, I will write a full report and shoulder the responsibility. Wang and Liu, you two quickly prepare yourselves. We will go inside immediately."

"Sorry, professor. We must stick to the rules. The ruin is right here and will not go anywhere. When we go out and gain connections to Daphne, we will come back for it." Ji Yanran still stood in front of Li Mingtang, not letting him pass.

"Captain, this is a special situation. Why do you have to be like this?" Li Mingtang frowned slightly, his face grim.

"Professor, I told you long ago that if we didn't get rid of this woman, she would ruin it all for us." Wang Hou and other researchers stood around Han Sen and Ji Yanran with a murderous look on their faces.