

Chapter 442: Aristocrat Spirit

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Han Sen stared at the black bird and the giant snow spider that were about to be strangled to death. If he gave them a blow at the right moment, he might be able to get himself a sacred-blood beast soul.

However, before Han Sen found the perfect opportunity, there was a beast roar from the other end of the ice valley followed by loud hoofbeat.

Is there another sacred-blood creature? Han Sen was shocked.

Very soon, Han Sen found he made a mistake. There were no sacred-blood creatures, but arrays of ice-armored beasts running his way like trained soldiers. There were at least 300 to 400 of them. The ice-armored beasts threw themselves at the monster with tentacles, biting the tentacles. The monster swept its tentacles across and got rid of a few ice-armored beasts, but more came up to attack it.

After the ice-armored beasts, Han Sen saw giant polar bears, unicorn wolves, and wendigos. Each creature looked very strong and fierce.

At the end of the force was a red-striped white tiger on the back of which sat an elegant woman in glamorous priest robe. The woman had purple eyes and hair, holding a short staff that seemed to be made of crystal, her eyes fixed on the monster, black bird, and snow spider.

The priest lady pointed her staff at the monster. The polar bears, wolves, and wendigos roared loudly and threw themselves at the monster.

By nature, creatures of lower levels had fear toward creatures of higher level than them, so they would not dare to fight a more advanced creature. However, those polar bears, ice-armored beasts, and wendigos that seemed like mutant creatures had no fear toward the sacred-blood monster of tentacles. Under the command of the priest lady, they took death calmly and fought the monster together.

"Spirit!" Han Sen was hiding behind an ice wall, watching the priest lady in surprise. The spirit had almost transparent skin. Her eyes were like cats and her ears were pointy. There was no way she would be mistaken for human.

Han Sen only knew there was an aristocrat spirit in the spirit shelter on the mountain, which should be her.

The creatures also looked similar to what Han Sen had heard. However, Han Sen had no idea what she wanted to do. Judging by the number of the creatures, she should have used all the force of her shelter.

Although there were a lot of creatures on her side, they were not the monster's match. The ice-armored beasts could not even break the skin of the monster. The attacks from the mutant creatures only left some shadow marks on the tentacles, which did not seem too effective.

To the contrary, once the monster swept its tentacles across, a few ice-armored beasts would be blown away and injured seriously if they were not killed already.

As Han Sen was wondering why the aristocrat spirit did this, she suddenly raised her crystal staff.

The crystal staff issued ripples which gradually wrapped her body. Momentarily, all of the runes on her robe were brought to life and started to glow, surrounding her with light.

As the light gradually became dim, Han Sen saw what she looked like and stared his eyes wide.

At this point, the aristocrat spirit was covered in a suit of crystal armor imprinted with red patterns. The armor looked mysterious and glamorous, making her look even more divine.

The crystal staff had now turned into a crystal spear with red stripes. The aristocrat spirit held the spear backward on the side of her body, her eyes fixed on the monster of tentacles.

"Kill!" The aristocrat spirit shouted coldly. Her mount, the red-striped white tiger quickly ran toward the monster of tentacles and reached it immediately.

Holding onto the two sacred-blood creatures and under the siege of so many mutant creatures, the monster of tentacles could not focus, although it was not injured. It failed to see that the red-striped white tiger had already come at its head.

Riding on the tiger in the air, the aristocrats spirit gazed at the monster's head coldly. The moment when the tiger brushed by the monster, the spear in the spirit's hand eventually moved.

Like a cold lightning bolt, the crystal spear was stabbed into a squinted eye of the monster. With a growl, the monster suddenly waved a dozen huge tentacles madly, whipping the two sacred-blood creatures and the mutant creatures away.

However, the aristocrat spirit stayed still. Her tiger leveraged on the monster and charged the monster again.


This time, nothing was distracting the monster, so it noticed the tiger in time. A tentacle suddenly blew the red-striped white tiger away.

The moment the tiger was hit, the glamorous aristocrat spirit moved her long legs covered in armor. She stepped on the back of the tiger and sent her curvaceous figure in the air. Seizing the red-striped crystal spear, she stabbed at the other eye of the monster.


The other eye of the monster was stabbed as well, so it issued another painful scream. This time, instead of using its tentacles, it quickly shrank into the ice water pond, carrying the aristocrat spirit with it, making a huge splash.

Han Sen was dumbfounded. The aristocrat spirit was even stronger than he thought. She should have a fitness level around eighty, which made her a top aristocrat spirit.

More importantly, the aristocrat spirit was extremely skilled at martial arts. When she was fighting, she had top-notch footwork and spear skills, comparable to any human evolver.

Shortly, the pond became calm. With another splash, the aristocrat spirit emerged from the cold pond, dripping all over. Her purple hair was soaked, stuck to the crystal armor, making her look attractive in a different way.

Han Sen saw very clearly that the aristocrat spirit had only hurt the weakness of the monster, which is its eyes. The monster was only forced back into the pond. She did not have the ability to kill it.

Chapter 443: Two Quarrel and A Third Profits by It

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The snow spider and the black bird which were severely injured tried to escape in the chaos. However, the creatures from the spirit shelter threw themselves at the two sacred-blood creatures, preventing them from leaving.

If it were under any other circumstances, either the snow spider or the black bird could easily fight or even killed these creatures. However, they had just been severely injured and almost killed by the monster, which made it hard for them to even breach the siege of the creatures.

The aristocrat spirit did not pause at all, attacking the snow spider with the spear in her hands.

Han Sen suddenly understood that the aristocrat spirit had the same plan as he did. She wanted to get rid of the monster in order to pick up some easy gains.

Go ahead. I wonder who the real winner would be. Han Sen watched the fight from behind the ice wall and chuckled inwardly.

Although both the snow spider and blackbird were dying, they were, after all, sacred-blood creatures. With her primitive and mutant creatures, the aristocrats spirit still suffered a great loss trying to kill them.

Bodies of ice-armored beasts were lying everywhere. More than half of the ice-armored beasts had been injured or died. Several mutant creatures were also killed and injured. The aristocrats spirit did not change her expression, as if she did not care about the death of the creatures at all. She was focused on looking for the weaknesses of the two sacred-blood creatures.

It was easy to tell that the aristocrat spirit's purpose was not to kill these two sacred-blood creatures, otherwise she would have done so already.

The snow spider and black bird were injured too seriously. Wrapped by the spider silk, the black bird could hardly move. If the aristocrat spirit meant to kill it, she had had the opportunity a long while ago.

Obviously, it was not what she wanted. It seemed that she wanted to enslave the two sacred-blood creatures, which was why she did not want to kill them. The two sacred-blood creatures had been injured really bad. It looked like they were about to die.

The snow spider had a weaker physique, so it could barely stand at this point. Bleeding all over, it was about to die at any minute.

"Squeak!" The snow spider suddenly made a weird sound at the aristocrat spirit, taking back all eight spider legs, and lay on its stomach.

Seeing the behavior of the snow spider, the aristocrats spirit immediately brandished her spear to signal the creatures to stop their attacks on the snow spider and turn to the black bird instead.

The aristocrat spirit walked up to the snow spider and held the spear horizontally. With ripples passing her body, her armor turned into the priest rope again, and the red stripes disappeared from the crystal spear, which then turned to a staff.

She held the sparkling crystal staff high and touched the head of the snow spider with the gemstone sitting on top of the staff.

The snow spider shivered, wanting to get away from the sparkling staff, but in the end, it only squeaked softly and accepted.

Seeing her staff was about to touch the head of the spider, the female spirit could not help smiling.

However, at this very moment, she quickly changed her expression. Moving quickly to the right, she was already too late.

A figure suddenly flashed past the aristocrat spirit, holding a dagger that looked like a wolf tooth backward and slashing it at her neck.

The aristocrat spirit stepped back, her staff falling to the ground. She covered her snow-white neck with both hands, staring at the grinning man with the dagger in his hand. Blood was welling between her fingers.

"Thank you so much for your help. I will never forget you. I will go to your place another time to thank you by asking for your service," Han Sen said to the female spirit with a smile. Without any pause, he jumped to the kneeling snow spider and stabbed his dagger into its face.


The snow spider squeaked painfully, trying to stand up, but it was too late. Han Sen moved the dagger to slice the spider's head open, and blood and brain squirted from the injury. The snow spider fell to the ground.

"Sacred-blood creature snow spider killed. No beast soul gained. Eat its meat to gain 0 to 10 sacred geno points."

Han Sen lamented the fact that he did not gain a beast soul when hearing the voice.

Seeing that Han Sen killed the sacred-blood snow spider, the aristocrat spirit bristled and tried to say something. However, when she opened her mouth, blood jetted out, and she turned into scattering sparkles with no words left.

"Rest in peace," Han Sen said quietly, running toward the other sacred-blood creature, the black bird.

The creatures that followed the aristocrats spirit scattered and the ran away after she was killed. Han Sen did not have time to pay them any mind. Both primitive and mutant creatures were always abundant, which he had plenty of opportunities to kill. However, it was very hard to find a sacred-blood creature, so he could not let this chance go.

The black bird was no stronger than the snow spider. It did not cost Han Sen any efforts to behead it.

"Young sacred-blood creature evil-blooded condor killed. Beast soul of evil-blooded condor gained. Eat its meat to gain 0 to 10 sacred-blood geno points."

Hearing the voice in his mind, Han Sen was so thrilled that he almost jumped. A sacred-blood creature beast soul! That was his first sacred-blood beast soul in Second God's Sanctuary. A sacred-blood beast soul in Second God's Sanctuary was much stronger than a super beast soul from First God's Sanctuary. Without the ability to kill super creatures in Second God's Sanctuary yet, this was already the best beast soul Han Sen could get his hands on at this point.

The other creatures had all run away, and Han Sen was in no mood to chase after them. He could not wait to see what type of beast soul his newly gained one was.

Han Sen was looking forward to having a shapeshifting beast soul the most, or a beast soul armor would do as well.

The former could enhance his ability to fight to a great extent, while the latter could increase his survival rates significantly. They were both great options.

Type of beast soul of evil-blooded condor: glyph.

Seeing the introduction to the newly gained beast soul, Han Sen was dazed. What kind of beast soul is a beast soul glyph?

Because there were too many types of beast souls, all they learned in school was some common types. As human became stronger and stronger in God's Sanctuary, more creatures had been killed and more types of beast souls were known. There were many newly discovered beast souls that one had to explore oneself.

Of course, if one reported the discovery of a new type of beast soul to the Alliance, some rewards could be claimed after the type was verified.

Chapter 444: Evolution of Angel Finished

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Han Sen did not have any recollection about a beast soul glyph, so he had no idea what it was used for. He tried to summon the beast soul glyph of evil-blooded condor, and the condor suddenly appeared as a black shadow. The shadow then issued a scream before it disappeared in Han Sen's body.

Han Sen looked at his body carefully and saw that he had a new tattoo of black condor, which was spreading its wings and ready to attack. The condor looked so fierce and gloomy that he almost felt like it was real and would claw out someone's heart at any minute.

The tattoo stretched from the back of Han Sen to his chest, taking up the better half of his upper body, making him look like a badass fighter.

Han Sen tried to make a punch but did not feel any enhancement in his strength. Nor did he feel anything odd about his body. The glyph did not have any burden on his body like shapeshifting beast souls either.

"What is this glyph for?" Han Sen frowned slightly, unable to figure it out at the moment. He had to look something up when he was back on the warship Daphne.

Checking the bodies of the snow spider and evil-blooded condor, Han Sen was ready to summon the golden growler and take the meat back, in case the monster with tentacles came back.

However, he suddenly heard a crackling sound in his mind, as if something was broken.

Han Sen was dazed and suddenly remembered something. He looked to his mind and saw the cocoon of light that the holy angel turned into had been broken. The cute lolita walked out with the black crystal in her hand, looking exactly the same, without any change.

"That was fast." Han Sen was quite surprised, wanting to check on the holy angel. However, she suddenly left the black crystal and flew out of Han Sen's mind on her own, throwing herself at the body of the snow spider.

"Hey, what are you trying to do?" Han Sen quickly stopped her.

The holy angel held onto the leg of the snow spider, pleading with her eyes full of tear. Although she could not speak, her vulnerable look made Han Sen soften his attitude.

"All right. You go ahead." Han Sen thought that the snow spider was so big in size that it would take him several days to gain a sacred geno point, so it was much easier for her to eat it. After all, it was just a sacred-blood creature instead of a super creature. He will have plenty of such opportunities in the future.

In addition, there was also the body of the evil-blooded condor, which would take him at least two or three months to eat as well.

The lolita gained Han Sen's permission and became so excited that she immediately opened her mouth and bit at the leg of the snow spider.

Han Sen was in no mood to watch her eating and quickly checked her current status.

Super beast soul archangel: Pet (can further evolve)

Seeing such a simple introduction, Han Sen felt completely dumbstruck. Archangel sounded a lot more impressive than holy angel, and there was no problem with the super beast soul status, or "pet," or the note "can further evolve." However, the problem was that the pet no longer had her transformed state.

"So, has she now returned to her original state and could no longer be transformed? Must I feed her all over again until the transformation happens?"

Han Sen was dazed.

If that was true, Han Sen would probably cry out loud. It took him so much effort for the pet to transform, while she had now returned to her initial state. Was it all a waste?

Han Sen thought about it and felt something was wrong.

There was no way for the holy angel to return to her original state, and her name was also changed to archangel, which was completely different from what it was.

"Maybe, she had turned into a super beast soul of Second God's Sanctuary?" Thinking of that possibility, Han Sen's heart started to race.

If that was true, it was to say that he already owned a super beast soul of Second God's Sanctuary. As long as he made her transform, he would have the ability to kill a super creature in Second God's Sanctuary. There were many horrendous beings that had fitness levels above 100 among the sacred-blood creatures in Second God's Sanctuary, so there was no telling how strong a super creature could be. Han Sen was not sure himself when he could kill a super creature, the Archangel was undoubtedly a guarantee that he could hunt super creatures one day.

Of course, it was not easy to feed her until she transformed. With his experience of raising pets in first God's Sanctuary, Han Sen was in no rush.

"Little girl, don't let me down." Han Sen turned to look at the lolita and found her already eating the meat of the condor. The gigantic evil-blooded condor was devoured almost completely, with only a leg left. The snow spider was long gone.

"Stop it!" Han Sen quickly exclaimed. He was only lost in his thought for a little while, yet the Lolita had already almost finished two sacred-blood creatures. How efficient!

Luckily, Han Sen stopped her in time and saved himself a bird leg, which probably weighed a few hundred pounds. He did not need to worry about food in a long while.

The little girl stood next to Han Sen looking upset and dissatisfied, her eyes glancing at the bird leg from time to time, licking her pink lips.

"You foodie! This bird leg is mine and you don't get to take another bite." Han Sen squeezed her tender cheeks and sent her back to his mind.

At the same time, he summoned the golden growler in its biggest form, putting the bodies of the ice-armored beasts and other mutant creatures on its back. Han Sen then took the piles of trophies back to the teleport device.

There was so much meat that Han Sen could not finish it himself. The bird leg alone would provide food for him in months. It would be nice if he could sell the meat to Xu You and others for some nice stuff in the Alliance. Like Yang Manli had said, it would only benefit him if humans got stronger in general.

As for the spirit, Han Sen had already learned how strong she was. He estimated that she was more or less as strong as himself. However, Han Sen did not know how many mutant creatures there were in the spirit shelter, so it would be a bit risky for him to go there alone.

Spirits were different from creatures in that they were intelligent. Han Sen made a sneak attack to kill the spirit just now, but a real fight would not be that simple. In addition, Han Sen needed to sell the meat at this point and search the information on the beast soul glyph in the Alliance, so he was in no hurry to go to the spirit shelter. As Han Sen walked to the ice cave where the teleport device was, he was wondering which beast soul he should feed the black crystal to next.

He was not so sure about the function of the black crystal at this point, so he was not able to make up his mind. Since the holy angel became archangel and returned to its untransformed state, did it mean that a beast soul that was not a pet would simply evolve?

Chapter 445: Mountains of Meat

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Han Sen looked at all the beast souls he owned and finally had his eyes on the blood snail beast soul. It was a super pet armor, but it was no longer that effective in front of a sacred-blood creature in Second God's Sanctuary. Han Sen decided to try the black crystal on it as an experiment.

The super beast souls were all surrounding the black crystal, while the archangel had lost her interest in it. Han Sen could not tell whether it was because the black crystal was no longer useful to her, or that she had not transformed yet.

With Han Sen's command, the blood snail quickly moved to the black crystal with joy, swallowing it entirely.

Similar to the angel, light started to form a cocoon that wrapped the blood snail up.

Han Sen was in no hurry. It was obvious that feeding a beast soul was much faster than feeding a creature. In the case of the angel, it did not take long. For the blood snail, it should take probably a month.

Han Sen had significant expectation. If what he thought was real, that would be fantastic.

In the ice cave, the berserk ice-armored beast that Yang Manli took back made quite a splash among the old-timers.

An evolver who had just entered Second God's Sanctuary was able to kill a berserk ice-armored beast, which was simply unbelievable.

Some people were saying how impressive the young people nowadays were, while others thought it was just good luck.

Yang Manli did not explain anything. Even if she said that Han Sen killed the berserk beast with one punch, these people would not believe it.

Actually, no one would believe a fresh evolver could kill a berserk ice-armored beast with just one punch. Even a sacred evolver could not achieve that.

As people were still talking about Han Sen and the berserk ice-armored beast, they heard loud noises that sounded like an earthquake.

"Did the creatures find this place and come here to attack us?" Many people were shocked, going close to the teleport device, ready to leave God's Sanctuary in case of any danger.

After a while, the rumbles stopped. They heard a voice shouting, "Manli, give me a hand."

Yang Manli clearly could tell that it was Han Sen's voice. She quickly walked outside the ice cave. Others were also wondering what was happening, so some of them also followed out.

When they came out of the ice cave, all of them stared their eyes wide. They could not believe what they were seeing and their jaws almost dropped to the floor.

A golden lion that looked like a small hill was carrying piles of bodies of ice-armored beasts and other mutant creatures such as giant snow wolf and ice bear.

On top of the bodies stood a young figure. It was Han Sen who disregarded people's advice and went hunting alone.

"Han Sen... Brother... These are all yours?" Xu You asked with his voice trembling. This was so hard to believe that he could not register the fact even though he had rubbed his eyes hard.

Everyone else had almost the same reaction. Many of them had been here for more than a decade, but none of them had witnessed so many gains. In addition, there were even bodies of mutant creatures.

Many of them felt unreal like Xu You, feeling they were in a dream.

Otherwise, how could there be so many bodies of creatures? And how could there be such a gigantic amount?

Yang Manli looked at Han Sen with a weird look, feeling complicated inside. She just said that Han Sen couldn't take down the spirit shelter, but he returned with so many bodies of even mutant creatures in such a short amount of time.

Maybe he really conquered the spirit shelter? Yang Manli looked at Han Sen and did not know what to think.

The young man who she used to despise had grown so fast that he had fully exceeded her expectation and even comprehension.

"You can say that." Han Sen told them about how he encountered the sacred-blood snow spider, evil-blooded condor, monster of tentacles, and aristocrats spirit.

However, he was telling them the adapted version, in which he only witnessed a fight between the four and grabbed some gains when they were all seriously injured.

"Look, this is the bird leg of that blackbird bitten off by another creature. Unfortunately, it still ran away, so I only have this leg." Han Sen raised the bird leg that was the leftover of the archangel, as if he was showing off.

Everyone looked to Han Sen admiringly, saying that Han Sen was so lucky that he collected so many bodies of ice-armored beasts and mutant creatures and even a sacred-blood bird leg. Lady luck was really looking after him.

No one suspected what Han Sen said. Some people had been here for decades, and many of them had seen the snow spider and the blackbird. Some people had even seen the aristocrats spirit. For someone who just came here to know these details, Han Sen must have seen them with his own eyes, otherwise how could he possibly know?

"Brother, such luck." Xu You looked at the piles of bodies lustfully. "What do you plan to do with these? You can't eat all of them make yourself. How about you sell some of them to us? And we can give you a good price."

As Xu You said it, everyone's eyes were focused on Han Sen. These people had a lot more desire toward the meat of creatures than ordinary guys, especially for those mutant creatures. Many people had been so excited that their eyes turned red, wanting to take a bite right away.

"Yes, of course they're for sale," Han Sen said assertively.

"I'll give you a hundred thousand for an ice-armored beast."

"One hundred and fifty thousand..."

As Han Sen just gave his answer, many people were starting to shout price already. The scene looked like a bunch of rich people who did not know how to spend their money, waving their checks at Han Sen.

"I am going to sell these creatures, but only to the insiders. If anyone else wanted to buy them, they have to double the price. Also, I only accept Saint Hall licenses and geno solutions beyond A-Class," said Han Sen quietly. He did not bring all the meat back just to gain some money.

"Brother, would you mean?" Everyone was dazed, and Xu You asked eventually.

"I am going to set up a gang. Whoever in the gang could purchase meat with the insider price, and they can also use their points," Han Sen said casually.

In the future, he would definitely conquer the spirit shelter. It would take more than just himself to rule the spirit shelter, because he could not stay there all the time. He would rather recruit every master fighter at this place to follow him and guard the spirit shelter for him. This way, in the future, no matter how many people were teleported to this place, they had to follow his order.

Chapter 446: Shocked

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"If we do not join your gang, how much do we need to pay for an ice-armored beast?" A middle-aged man in his 40s or 50s asked Han Sen.

"An A-Class Saint Hall license of the evolver level," Han Sen said determinedly.

"What? An A-Class Saint Hall license of the evolver level for an ice-armored beast? Why don't you go rob someone instead?" The man shouted madly immediately.

Many people also accused Han Sen of being shameless. Some even tried to snatch a body on the back of the golden growler.

This was just human nature. Many people could go through hardship with you together, but could not share your wealth, let alone watch you become fortunate.

"Ouch!" Han Sen made a sudden move, and the cursed wolf dagger suddenly cut off the hand of someone who had touched the golden growler to snatch a body.

The shrill scream made everyone feel dumbstruck. They all stopped moving and looked to Han Sen and the man with a broken arm was rolling around on the floor.

"Without my permission, I dare you touch my properties. If your hands touched it, you would lose your hands. If your feet moved, you would lose your feet. If your head came close, you would lose your head," Han Sen said coldly with the blood the cursed wolf dagger.

"Dammit. He got some nerve to use violence. Let us kill the bastard."

"You injured our friend. Are you even a human being?"

"Kill this animal!"

"Son of a bitch!"

Han Sen suddenly became the person whom everyone hated, as if he was so guilty that everyone would kill him the first chance they got.

Xu You and a few others tried to stop the rest of the group, because they were so few, four or five persons had already thrown themselves at Han Sen, who were all old-timers who had been in this place for more than two decades.

Of course, they were not trying to avenge the person who had lost his hand, but to take all the bodies for themselves after getting rid of Han Sen.

In their eyes, Han Sen was no more than a brat who got lucky. Since he had just entered Second God's Sanctuary, there was no way that he was their match. It would be a piece of cake to kill Han Sen.

Those people summoned their beast souls and tried to kill him with each move, ready to take Han Sen's life. These bodies were so attractive, especially to those who had not seen so much mutant meat in decades. On top of that, there was even a sacred-blood bird leg. Lust had gone to their heads.

Han Sen did not change his expression at all. Smiling coldly, he had thought of this possibility when he brought back the meat and did not feel surprised at all. It was not even necessary to get angry.

Yang Manli's face became stern. She summoned a bow and arrow, ready to help Han Sen. These people were the ones she despised the most.

Because most people could potentially gain some benefits, they became self-righteous in grabbing what belonged to others. These people were nothing different from robbers, and even worse than robbers.

At least robbers got the bad name that they deserved, while these people tried to justify their behaviors.

However, before Yang Manli could even shoot an arrow, Han Sen suddenly moved. Instantaneously, he dashed between the first five people who made their attacks.


Five screams were made at the same time, so they sounded like it came from the same person. The first five people who threw themselves at Han Sen all lost their right hands which were holding their weapons. Blood jetted out, and the five persons were rolling around on the ground with their left hands covering their broken arms, pleading and crying.

Everyone was dumbstruck by Han Sen who had a straight face and the five screaming persons, shocked at what had happened.

Those five people had been in Second God's Sanctuary for more than a decade. They were all quite experienced. Although it was hard to get some meat in this place, their fitness level must be over forty after so many years. However, after one move, all of them lost their right hands, which made everyone shocked.

"Who else want to take my life?" The code gaze of Han Sen swept across everyone's face. Those who were trying to kill Han Sen were snatch some meat all felt a chill and stepped back involuntarily.

Yang Manli looked at Han Sen with a complicated expression, as she had not expected that Han Sen would be so aggressive.

"Uncle Qing is here..."

"Uncle Qing, you must help us. This bastard hurt his own kind."

"Uncle Qing, we have always helped each other, and he is cruel even to one of us. He's just an animal."


A middle-aged man in his 70s or 80s came from the ice cave. For an evolver who had a lifespan of three hundred years old, eighty years old was indeed just middle-aged.

Seeing the man called Uncle Qing, Yang Manli became nervous, put down her bow and arrow and said hastily, "Uncle Qing, don't listen to them, they were trying to steal Han Sen's..."

Before Yang Manli even finished her words, Uncle Qing gestured her to stop.

Seeing Uncle Qing's behavior, the rest of the group became excited and blamed Han Sen for everything with exaggeration, as if it was a felony for Han Sen not to share his gains with them for free. Their behavior of stealing was also beautified as a move for justice.

Yang Manli looked upset. Uncle Qing should be the first person who was teleported to this place. He had been here for a few decades and had the most geno points among the group. He was also the only person who had killed a mutant creature.

According to Uncle Qing himself, his fitness level was around sixty, but Yang Manli believed it should be more than that.

In addition, Uncle Qing had also practiced strong hyper geno arts design for evolvers, so he was not any average evolver. It was fair to say that Uncle Qing was the strongest person in the group.

Although Han Sen was strong, he had just entered Second God's Sanctuary. If Uncle Qing was trying to harm Han Sen, Han Sen might be killed.

"Uncle Qing, this is not all Han Sen's fault..." Xu You gritted his teeth and said in Han Sen's favor.

However, Uncle Qing gestured him to silence as well, and walked to Han Sen.

Yang Manli's face became even more grim. She quickly walked to Han Sen, showing her attitude.

The rest of the group were celebrating Han Sen's mishap with expectation and greed. As long as Uncle Qing got rid of Han Sen, they should be able to split the meat. Uncle Qing had always been generous, so they should all be able to get some.

Seeing Uncle Qing walking straight to Han Sen, many people were shouting inwardly, "Kill him... Kill him..."

Although Han Sen had some extraordinary performance and an impressive dagger, no one believed he could beat Uncle Qing who was absolutely stronger than him.

When Uncle Qing was less than 6 feet from Han Sen, under everyone's watch and expectation, he drew a Z-steel knife that looked ancient.

With the surprising, suspicious, puzzled, confused, uneasy, and frightened looks from different people, Uncle Qing wielded the weapon and cut off the heads of the five people who were rolling around and screaming. Then, Uncle Qing bowed to Han Sen reverently.

"Young Master Han, Ning Qing has come too late. I deserve any punishment from you."

Everyone was shocked at the moment. Uncle Qing was the strongest person in the group, the only one who had killed a mutant creature, acted as if he was Han Sen's servant. Everyone felt they needed more brainpower to understand that.

Chapter 447: Reward

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"The Nings of the Starry Group?" Han Sen frowned slightly. That was the only Nings he knew of.

Uncle Qing said respectively, "Yes, I am the eldest among the six sons of the Nings, also the most useless one. My two nephews did not know who you were and had acted inappropriately. My father wanted to apologize in person but was afraid that you did not like to be disturbed, so he did not go. However, he told us that no matter which one of us in the family had the luck to meet you, we must treat you as our patron. Whatever you need, we would support you no matter how much it costs."

As Uncle Qing said that, the rest of the group were completely shocked.

Everyone had heard about Starry Group, which was one of the largest corporations in the Alliance. No one had thought that Uncle Qing was one of the Nings. What was even more unexpected was that even the Nings had to treat Han Sen this way. Everyone was wondering what was Han Sen's background.

Many people got scared and became pale at this point. They wanted to rob someone whom even the Nings needed to be reverent to. If Han Sen wanted to get his revenge, it would be so easy not only in God's sanctuary, but also in the Alliance. Everyone was covered in cold sweat and felt their legs were limp.

"You did not know that before, so it was okay. We will talk about the future later," Han Sen commented neutrally.

He knew that the reason for Uncle Qing to treat himself like that was not because of who he was, but the potential relationship between him and Han Jingzhi. Han Sen could not tell whether Uncle Qing meant what he said, so he did not feel happy at all.

"In the future, whatever Young Master Han needs, please let us know. The Nings will not disappoint you." Uncle Qing did not say anything more but showed his loyalty.

Han Sen nodded and turned to Yang Manli. "Yang Manli, I will give this much meat to you. Organize our gang as soon as possible, but it will not be necessary to recruit some of these people."

Han Sen had no doubt in Yang Manli's ability. She used to manage a big gang like Steel Armor Gang really well. There were not a lot of people present, so even if they all joined the gang, it would be still a piece of cake for Yang Manli.

"Okay." Yang Manli counted all the bodies and felt puzzled. Since the Nings treated him like this, maybe he was really related to Han Jingzhi?

However, thinking about it, Yang Manli felt it was unlikely. Everyone knew that Han Jingzhi did not have a wife or kids.

Han Sen did not mind what Yang Manli was thinking. After giving everything to her, he teleported back to the Alliance, wanting to figure out what was the use of a beast soul glyph as soon as possible.

"Han Sen, when did you come back?" Qiu Cheng said hi to Han Sen while heading out the moment Han Sen went back to the dormitory.

"I've just come back. Where are you heading?" Han Sen asked casually.

"Where else than the drill? It is the end of the month and at this time there is always a drill going on for everyone to join. Whoever gets the first place will be rewarded by Vice-captain Chen. I'm just going to check it out. Your timing is perfect. Let's go together," Qiu Cheng dragged Han Sen out.

Initially, Han Sen did not want to go. However, since everyone was getting along pretty well in the cookhouse, he did not want to turn Qiu Cheng down and followed him to the training hall of the warship.

Han Sen had heard about Vice-captain Chen from Ji Yanran. He was a strong surpasser. Initially, the captain of a warship like Daphne must be an advanced surpasser who was also a general. However, because of the special background of Ji Yanran, she became the captain of Daphne. And the vice-captain was selected based on the standards of an official captain.

Chen Shoushan, a strong surpasser. Ji Yanran said he was close to the Jis, but even if she did not say that, Han Sen would know that he was, because if he was not working for the Jis, the Jis would not let Ji Yanran work on Daphne.

In addition to the vice-captain, there were two more surpassers on Daphne: Director Lin Haifeng and Quartermaster Zhao Ping.

These were the people who worked for Daphne. As for the expert panel, there should also be some surpassers. However, they were beyond Ji Yanran's power.

Even in Ji Yanran's team, because of the complicated relationships, it was hard for Ji Yanran to make arrangements from time to time. Many things she did would be potentially challenged.

Han Sen and Qiu Cheng came to the training hall, which was almost full of soldiers already. It seemed that many people were interested in the drill.

Since everyone in the cookhouse was present, Qiu Cheng and Han Sen sat next to them.

Han Sen took a look at the training hall and found the training field was a closed one. Also, he found the training item familiar.

"Isn't this the device called Sprint that Professor Yan designed?" Han Sen saw the metal walls in the training field and felt surprised that the device was put into use so soon.

A soldier was quickly jumping and running on the metal walls, but he did not even make it halfway before he got shocked and fell, rolling out of the device.

"Who else wants to give it a try? If you can pass this test at level 10, I will reward you with an S-Class Saint Hall license of the evolver level," Chen Shoushan said with a smile, sitting at the rostrum of the training hall.

The reward was a lot, but none of the soldiers moved, looking at each other. Sprint at level X with a gravity of forty added was simply too difficult. Many soldiers had already tried, and many among them were great evolvers. However, none of them was able to make it to even half the way. It was not only because of the gravity, but also because of the failure of the soldiers with a fitness more than seventy that no soldier dared to try again.

Han Sen knew Sprint very well naturally. It was not something that could be achieved with strength alone. Strength, reflex, flexibility, and the ability to make judgments about the terrain all had huge bearings on the result. If one step was wrong, there was no way for one to make it no matter how strong one was.

"Warframe department, warship crew, coast guard, and medical team had all send someone to try. Now only the cookhouse has not tried yet. I think we should give them a chance," someone suddenly said.

Han Sen thought the voice was familiar, looked to that direction, and found he was Wang Hou, the head of the warframe department who he met last time.

Chapter 448: A New Recruit Trying Sprint

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The fat squad leader became slightly pale. There had been many great soldiers who had tried the device and failed, so Wang Hou was clearly bringing the cookhouse up to set them up. However, there was no way the fat squad leader could argue with that.

After hearing Wang Hou's words, Chen Shoushan looked at the fat squad leader and said with a smile, "That is right. Luo, you are having a lot of fun just now, so it's time for you to move around. I think you have a great team, so you will definitely do well."

"Yes, captain." The fat squad leader stood up and saluted, cursing Wang Hou inwardly.

Although everyone in the cookhouse was an evolver with high ranks, they were not the best fighters, because that's not what they did.

They were only there to see other people train but did not expect to be set up by Wang Hou.

Although the fat squad leader wanted to go himself, the rule regulated that no team leads shall participate. In addition, with his round figure, he would probably lose even worse if he were to participate.

The fat squad leader looked to his team members and received pleading looks, meaning they were not confident at all.

"Fatty, isn't there a new recruit in your cookhouse? Let him make an appearance. It doesn't matter what the result is. We just want to meet him." As the fat squad leader was hesitating whom to pick, Wang Hou spoke again.

After that day, Wang Hou looked through Han Sen's profile. He did not see anything special about Han Sen. The greatest strength about the sky was probably the fact that he graduated with the rank of major.

However, that rank was nothing special on Daphne. Many soldiers had that rank and they were all more experienced than this new recruit, since a new recruit was unlikely to be assigned to this post.

A mission like this required veterans. For Han Sen, who had just graduated from the military school, it was abnormal for him to be assigned to this place.

Wang Hou looked into Han Sen's background a bit further and found he graduated from the same school as Ji Yanran. The two must have known each other.

Naturally, Han Sen was counted as Ji Yanran's fervent by Wang Hou. He wondered how strong a fighter Han Sen was. Wang Hou had always thought he should take every chance to know his enemy better.

The fat squad leader frowned and wanted to say something. However, Han Sen said calmly, "It's okay. I can try. I want to anyway."

"Okay." The fat squad leader did not stop Han Sen. After all, this was not a real drill. Since no one had succeeded, it was simply normal for Han Sen to fail as well. And worst case he would get shocked, which was nothing to a soldier.

Han Sen got up, shot a glance at Wang Hou, and entered the training field.

Although Daphne only had one warframe department, it was an advanced department comprised of fifteen warframe soldiers, who were all carefully selected veterans.

Basically, except for the cookhouse, every other department was elite units. For example, the warship crew had a lot of groups such as the repair group and others.

Han Sen entered the training field, and the gravity trainer was turned up. He suddenly felt a lot more burden.

Everyone's eyes were suddenly on Han Sen. Although they all knew this new recruit would fail, it was fun to predict when he would fail.

In addition to Wang Hou, some other people were also observing Han Sen with scrutiny.

Ji Yanran did not manage to hide the fact that she was the one who got Han Sen on the warship from Chen Shoushan. The fact that Chen Shoushan was helping Wang Hou get Han Sen up the stage was because he was also wondering what Han Sen could do to make Ji Yanran spend so much effort.

Han Sen took a deep breath and walked to the first metal wall.

Han Sen had asked Ji Yanran about Wang Hou in private, because as sensitive as he was, he could feel the hostility Wang Hou held against himself.

That was abnormal. Han Sen was merely a new recruit and had not offended Wang Hou ever. He had not even met Wang Hou before. Han Sen did not feel that the hostility simply came from the bump.

What Ji Yanran told Han Sen corroborated Han Sen's assumption.

Wang Hou was connected to the expert panel. Although he was the head of the warframe department, he was elected because of the suggestion of the expert panel. Wang Hou himself had selected all the soldiers in his department. It was fair to say that the warframe department worked for the expert panel.

There were many scholars and experts pissed at Ji Yanran, which was a known fact. After all, Ji Yanran had just become an evolver. Although she came from a prominent family, that did not help the fieldwork, which was why the expert panel did not like her very much.

In addition, the old Captain whom Ji Yanran had replaced was very close to the expert panel, so that had also added to the prejudice the expert panel held against Ji Yanran.

Because of Ji Yanran's family, no one dared to say anything. However, if Ji Yanran herself made some serious mistakes, it would be natural for her to be removed from Daphne.

Initially, Han Sen did not want any drama, and only want to finish his tasks while improving himself. However, since he was here because of Ji Yanran, many people would know that. If he acted poorly, Ji Yanran would be humiliated.

It was not an option for his girlfriend to be humiliated. Not just that, he needed to make her proud. Otherwise, he would not call himself her boyfriend.

Han Sen knew very well what Wang Hou was trying to do, but he did not care.

"You want to watch, I'll let you watch." Han Sen made the first step on the metal wall, dashing on the white zone which was only 1 foot wide.

Han Sen was very fast, unlike the previous soldiers who were trying to control their speed so that they had more time to observe and decide how to go ahead. Han Sen did the opposite thing. He was fast from the beginning, going forward on the randomly laid metal walls.

A newbie is just a newbie. Going like this, he would fall in seconds. Many people were thinking in their head.

Watching Han Sen going as fast as this, Wang Hou could not help but feel surprised, wondering if Han Sen was a true idiot or trying to fall as fast as possible.

Even Chen Shoushan frowned slightly. If this was all he could do, it would be a waste of Ji Yanran's energy. Chen Shoushan was quite disappointed.

Chapter 449: Like the Tutorial

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Just a dozen seconds later, almost every soldier widened their eyes.

Han Sen was jumping up and down on the carefully placed metal walls, fast and steady. He managed to fulfill many actions that looked extremely scary flawlessly with a sense of rhythm. As he stepped on the leaning or reversed metal walls, he was so smooth that people almost forgot that it was Sprint at level 10.

When the difficulty and speed reached a certain level, it was credible to watch someone go like this. Going through one challenge after another at such high speed made people's blood boil. Everyone wished they were in the moment with Han Sen.

"Very well done, Han Sen!" The fat squad leader was so happy that he could not close his mouth. With such performance, even if Han Sen could not follow through, the cookhouse had already been honored. No one would dare to call the cookhouse a troop of the dinner table again.

Wang Hou's eyes became cold and he chuckled inwardly. "This guy is indeed something. However, he is just too naïve to show everything at this moment. Go ahead and tell us who you are, so that in the future we could get rid of you much easier."

As a surpasser, Chen Shoushan could see even more than Wang Hou. Han Sen's performance was surprising to him as well not just because of his physique. Physique was just a part of what it took to go through Sprint. What was more important was the ability to see the big picture, make judgments, and act in emergency.

Han Sen's performance in all aspects was beyond Chen Shoushan's expectation. Han Sen had not made a single mistake from the beginning to the end. He was simply acting like the tutorial the AI simulated.

"This new recruit is great." Being someone close to the Jis, Chen Shoushan was happy to see Han Sen's performance and smiled.

Quartermaster Zhao Ping also nodded and said, "Great indeed."

Director Lin Haifeng said, "What a great newbie. It is such a shame that he was sent to the cookhouse. With his talent, it is just a waste."

Momentarily, Han Sen had already gone through half of Sprint without even lowering his speed. He kept running forward as if he could not stop himself.

All the soldiers had become extremely excited. With the fat squad leader leading them, they started to clapping to cheer him up.

As they were clapping, Han Sen's moves felt even more arithmetic. Each of the step was on the beat, which was great to watch.

"S*#t! This is no drill, but a performance," Qiu Cheng was so excited that he shouted.

Many soldiers felt the same as Qiu Cheng. Before Han Sen, all the soldiers seemed to be at training, but when it was Han Sen's turn, it was like an acrobatic performance and even better.

When Han Sen finished Sprint on the last metal wall, the clapping became applause. Many soldiers even stood up.

Even Chen Shoushan, Lin Haifeng and Zhao Ping stood up to applaud for Han Sen. Soldiers were straightforward like this. Seeing someone capable, soldiers would not hold back their emotions or their compliments.

"Amazing. Very nicely done. You deserve the reward. Here is the S-Class Saint Hall license." Chen Shoushan walked to Han Sen and gave him the license.

"Thank you, Captain." Han Sen took the license and saluted.

"No need. You deserve it." Chen Shoushan patted Han Sen on the shoulder and smiled. "You have very nice moves. Have you practiced this before?"

"Sir, the system called Sprint is one of the products developed by Professor Yan from Blackhawk military Academy. I am his student and one of the testers of the system," Han Sen said truthfully.

"That is why. So you came from a famous teacher. Then tell us about the system," Chen Shoushan said with approval.

Chen Shoushan himself was the student of a famous professor, so he liked someone with Han Sen's background. Moreover, Han Sen was someone discovered by Ji Yanran.

However, if Han Sen himself was not that good, Chen Shoushan would not do him any favor.

Han Sen's performance was beyond Chen Shoushan's expectation, which made him feel a lot better about Han Sen. Therefore, Chen Shoushan cared less about the fact that Ji Yanran used her power to get Han Sen on board.

Han Sen introduced this system Sprint to the soldiers as he was told to. He was someone who had used the system since it was developed, so he knew every detail about the system. After his introduction, the soldiers had a more profound understanding about the system and was less fearful of the challenge.

After Han Sen's explanation, several soldiers felt excited to try again. Chen Shoushan asked them to feel free to try and indeed saw great progresses. In the first five people who had tried, one almost went through.

Han Sen's reaction which was quite decent made Chen Shoushan feel even better about him. He nodded and said, "Indeed, he graduated from a good school."

Wang Hou gazed at Han Sen who was content among the crowds with a cold look, curled his lips and said contentedly, "Dumbass, show off as much as you could. The more you show, the faster you will die."

Wang thought he had seen through Han Sen's strength, so he felt quite content. In the eyes of Wang Hou who had passed eighty in his fitness, Han Sen whose fitness should be only around forty or fifty was nothing.

Because of the good education he had received and good habits, Wang Hou was still observing Han Sen carefully, trying to find his weaknesses.

Although Han Sen had not glanced at Wang Hou, it was easy for him to predict what Wang Hou was thinking. However, Han Sen did not care at all.

Maybe in Wang Hou's eyes, this was all Han Sen got. However, for Han Sen, this was just the tip of the iceberg. His true strength was far beyond Wang Hou's imagination.

If Wang Hou was really trying to do something to Han Sen, then Han Sen would feel really excited. At that time, Wang Hou's expression must be very interesting to watch.

Fitness over a hundred... This is quite troublesome. It seems that I need to speed up gaining geno points. I should at least fill up ordinary, primitive, and mutant geno points first. By that time, I would definitely be over a hundred in fitness.

Han Sen was thinking to himself, I need to conquer the Spirit shelter as soon as possible. With my own shelter, I could gather more people to hunt. If I could gain the allegiance from the aristocrat spirit, that would be even better. I wonder if king spirit is really what it says.

Chapter 450: Choosing a Hyper Geno Art

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Han Sen did not purchase any hyper geno art on the evolver level before he reported to Daphne, because he had no idea he would end up in such remote areas and lose the access to the Saint Hall.

Although on Daphne there were also hyper geno arts provided to soldiers for free, Han Sen was not interested in the ordinary stuff.

This S-Class Saint Hall license was different from an ordinary license in that he was able to use it on Daphne to trade for the hyper geno arts and geno solutions stored on the warship.

Han Sen did not hesitate and chose hyper geno art. When he was picking, he had a slight trouble.

Because Daphne was not the Saint Hall, only 3 to 4 types of S class hyper geno arts were stored on board, so Han Sen had not too many options.

Normally speaking, hyper geno arts on the evolver level were all focused on changing the structure of one's body cells.

Alloy Fist, Alloy Leg, Alloy Body, and other hyper geno arts were all in this category. Some focused on enhancing a certain body part, while others enhanced the whole body.

It was easier to practice hyper geno arts that were focused on a certain body part. However, aside from that body part, other parts of the body would be weaker.

Although it was balanced to strengthen the entire body, it took longer to practice. Many hyper geno arts would take 3 to 5 years to practice, or even longer.

Moreover, the body of the evolvers could not stand the long-term change of body cells. When using the hyper geno arts, evolvers must make a pause once in a while in case their whole body turned to metal.

The better one's fitness, the longer one could stand the change. Han Sen had learned about the limitations quite well.

There were four types of S-Class hyper geno arts design for evolvers stored on Daphne. Han Sen was considering three of the four, because one of them was simply focused on the back.

Jade Fist, Metal Kick, and Micro Crystal all had their own features, which made Han Sen hesitate.

Jade fist was a hyper geno art that focused on one's fists. It could turn the muscle and bones of the fist into Jade so tough that it could destroy anything. One would be able to break a Z-steel metal sheet with bare hands after practicing Jade fist, so it was an amazing hyper geno art.

In addition, it was rather fast for one to practice this geno art. It would probably take one to two months for one to get somewhere and put it into use.

Metal Kick was focused on the legs of the user. It could turn the two legs into heavy metal. When used well, the legs could function as two weapons to kick everything into pieces. However, it took much longer for one to practice Metal Kick. If one were to make the legs entirely metal, it would take one at least six months.

As for the third option, Micro Crystal, it was a hyper geno art that could change the entire body. It could turn human body cells into Micro Crystal. When practiced well, the user's entire body would be turned into crystal, no weapon could injure the user, not even laser guns. In fact, most modern weapons would be useless in front of someone who practiced Micro Crystal.

Of course, was very difficult to practice Micro Crystal. Without 3 to 5 years, one could not even get started with the hyper geno art. Normally speaking, it took 1 to 2 decades to achieve anything.

The reason that Daphne was carrying Micro Crystal and many crewmembers were practicing it was that Micro Crystal also gave its users some resistance against the destructive weapons in Crystallizer rulings. That was why it was specially selected to be placed on Daphne.

Many people who had been studying Crystallizer ruins would practice Micro Crystal. However, because it took too long to practice it, only a few people had made some achievements with the hyper geno art.

Although there were not a lot of people who could go far with Micro Crystal, many experts and scholars in the expert panel were better at Micro Crystal, since they had practiced two or three decades or even longer.

From a practical perspective, Jade Fist was definitely the obvious choice, because it could be put into use in 1 to 2 months. However, after some thoughts, Han Sen used his license on Micro Crystal.

The exploitation of a single Crystallizer ruins often took years or even decades. Han Sen did not know if he would spend his entire service excavating Crystallizer ruins, so it would not hurt to practice Micro Crystal. After all, it was something the Alliance prepared for missions related to Crystallizer ruins, and he might not be able to get this hyper geno art elsewhere.

In addition, Han Sen had always tried to practice something that could change the structure of his body cells of all parts, which was why he always had a thing for Micro Crystal.

As for other hyper geno arts, he believed he could always trade for them later. Since he had many asked class licenses, he could always trade with someone in God's sanctuary, which was troublesome but feasible.

After Han Sen chose Micro Crystal, Wang Hou got the news very soon. But he only snorted contentedly, "What's the use of Micro Crystal at this point? He will not get anywhere in 3 to 5 years. There is no way he could use it."

Wang Hou felt Han Sen's choice was too stupid. People who made choice like this were often perfectionists or obsessive.

Although the future seemed to be bright, the practical value was so little that it was basically useless. Micro Crystal was far less useful than Jade Fist.

Han Sen had no idea of what Wang Hou was thinking. After he got his hands on the Micro Crystal, he started to study it and saw the tutorial for three times.

After having a brief idea about what it was, Han Sen drank a bottle of geno solutions designed for Micro Crystal and started to practice it.

Feeling his body cells motivated under the effect of Micro Crystal, Han Sen felt quite surprised.

It was clearly stated in the tutorial that if he could feel something in the beginning, it meant the hyper geno art was fit for him. However, even so, without one to two years, he would not see any effects. It was a hyper geno art that took a long time to practice. If the progress was too great, the body would not be able to undertake the sudden change of the body cells, which would lead his health to collapse.

Han Sen watched every single detail according to the tutorial and ran the hyper geno art through his body entirely. When he was ready to do it for the second time, something suddenly happened.

Jadeskin that Han Sen had always been practicing suddenly became active at this point and joined Micro Crystal. More precisely, it swallowed Micro Crystal, making Micro Crystal a part of the coolness it was creating.

Chapter 451: First Breakthrough

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

When Han Sen started to practice Jadeskin, he was too old in age. Since the foundation was not laid when he was a boy and he had practiced the hyper geno art for a short time, Han Sen was not able to make a big progress with it. Without the help of geno solutions, until this day, he still was not able to make the first breakthrough with Jadeskin.

Han Sen was stuck in a bottleneck and failed to make the breakthrough. However, when he drank the geno solutions to practice Micro Crystal, Jadeskin was activated unexpectedly and was pushed to the first breakthrough.

Han Sen only had one feeling at this point.

Cold! Piercing and thrilling cold!

The cold did not come from the outside but seemed to come from within. It was as if every single inch of his body was giving off the coldness, making Han Sen feel like he was going to turn into an ice statute.

He wanted to stop activation of Jadeskin, otherwise, wondered if he would be frozen to death. However, Jadeskin was like a wild horse that did not follow his control at all. The cold got worse and worse, making Han Sen become unconscious.

"I can't sleep. If I fall asleep, I'm afraid I will not wake up ever." Han Sen knew very well what would happen to someone who fell asleep in the snow, so he was striving to be lucid.

However, it did not help a lot. At this point, he could not even move his fingers. His entire body was incredibly cold and even the temperature in the room fell.

The thermostats did not seem to sense the drop in the room temperature, so it was not working.

"Dammit! How come the thermostats is broken at this point. Is God trying to kill me?" Han Sen wanted to smash the damned machine but unfortunately, he could not even move.

Suddenly, an idea crossed Han Sen's mind, which made him widen his eyes. No way. There is no such a coincidence. The reason the thermostats did not change only meant the room temperature did not actually drop. The cold I am feeling is very likely just a hallucination rather than a reality.

Thinking of that, Han Sen quickly gritted his teeth and told himself, "I'm not cold... I'm not cold... everything is fake... It's just my hallucination..."

"Dammit, it's really cold..." Han Sen felt like the psychological suggestion did not really work, because he was actually frozen to death. It felt like his heart was frozen and blood had stopped flowing and became ice. The coldness went to his heart.

Gradually, the cold left him, and Han Sen started to feel warm. It was like sunshine in winter, making his trembling body feel better. Although it was not hot, it made him feel so comfortable that he almost moaned.

However, Han Sen did not feel happy about it. He became even more worried. He knew that the cold did not go away. The warmth meant he was not far from death. As soon he was fooled by the heat and fell asleep, he would never wake up. When he was discovered by others, he would be a dead body.

He tried his best not to fall asleep, but he felt more and more fuzzy. In the end, he could not help but fall asleep.

Han Sen did not know how long he had been sleeping. When he woke up again, he felt so comfortable as if he had just stepped out of a hot spring.

"What? I did not die?" Han Sen raised his hands incredulously and pinched his cheeks. Feeling the pain, he yelped.

"Indeed, I did not die. This is not a dream!" Han Sen was overjoyed. Before he fell asleep, he thought he was doomed. However, nothing had really happened. It was as if he had just gone to bed.

However, Han Sen felt his body was somewhat different. Although he could not tell what was different, the feeling could not be mistaken.

Han Sen could not wait to run Jadeskin in his body, trying to figure out what had happened. The moment he started, he saw his two hands had become transparent like ice or Jade.

These hands reminded Han Sen of Xue Longyan's hands the only time he met Xue Longyan. However, Han Sen's hands were even more fine than Xue Longyan's. It was hard to believe they were human hands.

"First breakthrough... I made the first breakthrough in Jadeskin..." Han Sen practiced Jadeskin in excitement, turning his entire body into Jade.

"Jadeskin... This is what Jadeskin truly meant... I made it!" Han Sen could not resist his excitement. Watching his translucent body, he almost laughed out loud.

After insisting on practicing Jadeskin for so long, Han Sen eventually made the first breakthrough, which laid the most important foundation.

Although Han Sen was still a bit too old to start, the fact that he had made the first breakthrough with the hyper geno art made his progress fall into the normal range.

Feeling endless power inside his body, Han Sen squeezed his fists. Although the muscles and bones looked translucent, they were as flexible as beef tendons. He did not feel hard to move around but felt his senses were heightened.

Han Sen stopped the running of Jadeskin and turned his body back to normal. Looking at himself in the mirror, he saw his skin became more tender and smooth. However, there was not much of a difference between now and then. His eyes were more watery like gemstones, which made him look quite charming.

"If I continue this way, I will be more and more like a gigolo." Feeding upset, Han Sen hoped he could look more masculine.

However, that was no big deal. There was no need to care about the appearance. Han Sen ran Micro Crystal again, wanting to make sure that he was still able to practice this hyper geno art.

Very soon, Han Sen opened his mouth wide. After practicing Micro Crystal, he found that Micro Crystal was just a small part of Jadeskin.

When he used Micro Crystal, Han Sen felt his body was toughened because the body cells were crystallized, making him look like a statue carved out of crystal.

"Micro Crystal, I achieved it..." Although Han Sen felt incredulous, the fact was the fact. He indeed succeeded in practicing Micro Crystal. Hew Han Sen looked was exactly what was described in the Micro Crystal tutorial.

The hyper geno art that took others 2 to 3 decades to practice was easily achieved by Han Sen. Even Han Sen himself could not believe that was happening.

Shortly, Han Sen found that it was not really a fact worth celebrating. The effect of Micro Crystal was far worse than Jadeskin after he made the first breakthrough. The only good thing about Micro Crystal was that now he had an excuse to cover the fact that he had been practicing Jadeskin.

Chapter 452: Goddess Gang

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

After finishing his task on the warship, Han Sen had some free time again to enter God's Sanctuary.

Yang Manli had finished recruiting. 80 to 90% of the people living in that area joined Goddess Gang that Han Sen had formed and signed formal contracts.

Although Han Sen needed to provide some meat at low costs, it was nothing compared to what he had gained. When he was ready to conquer the spirit shelter, all these people needed to play a part. Yang Manli told Han Sen that the recruitment did not go well initially. Because Uncle Qing was the first to join the gang, everyone else followed.

Han Sen nodded and did not speak. The Nings were expressing kindness to him, but Han Sen did not dare to treat them as friends. He still knew too little about things in the past, so he could not decide whether the Nings were friends or enemies.

"Now that Goddess Gang is formed, what's your next move?" Yang Manli asked Han Sen. She was quite reluctant to call the gang Goddess Gang, because there were less than ten women in the entire gang, and none of them could be called a goddess.

However, Han Sen insisted on the name. Since it was just a name, Yang Manli did not care.

She did not know that in Han Sen's eyes, the gang members recruited at this point were all just the help. The Goddess Gang he was going to formulate was a group of spirit beauties.

Wherever he appeared in the future, three thousand spirit beauties would clear the way for him, which would be a dream coming true.

Of course, the condition was that his super body king spirit could make spirits give their allegiance to him. Otherwise, his dream would just be a dream. Not to mention a group, he would not even be able to get a few spirits working for him.

"Let them gobble up the meat first, and then we will train them and select the best of them to form the backbone of Goddess Gang. Then, we'll go conquer the spirit shelter." Han Sen was waiting for zero to come and take her to smash the spirit shelter, so he would spend the time to train these people.

These people did not really take much training, because those who had entered Second God's Sanctuary were either veterans who had gone through the military service or current soldiers who were still serving. With some light training, they could cooperate pretty well.

Han Sen asked Yang Manli to pick a team which he will lead to hunt, so that he could check out if there were any talented people among them.

"Young master, if you want to hunt, I know exactly the place that suits the team," suggested Uncle Qing when he heard Han Sen was going to do that.

Han Sen heeded his advice and asked him to lead the way. The team marched toward the glaciers uncle Qing was talking about.

Although it was an area of glaciers, avalanche or accidents rarely happened. Han Sen did not worry about that. All they had run into on the way was a few ice-armored beasts, so Han Sen did not bother to move. Riding on the back of the golden growler, Han Sen was reading as he ate the jerked bird leg of the evil-blooded condor while watching the team hunt.

Han Sen looked through the database on Daphne for information about beast soul glyphs and indeed found something.

No one had ever discovered beast soul glyphs in First God's Sanctuary, but the beast soul type started to come up in Second God's Sanctuary and above. In addition, only mutant or sacred-blood creatures would produce beast soul glyphs.

The functions of beast soul glyphs were very complicated. Each one had its own unique function. In conclusion, a beast soul glyph would give its user a certain ability.

For example, there was a kind of bear glyph that could enhance one's strength, and there was a wind beast glyph that would increase the user's speed.

Since no one had hunted an evil-blooded condor before, Han Sen was not sure what kind of ability he would get. He had been observing for days and did not discover anything different when using the beast soul.

"So, what is the function of the evil-blooded condor glyph?" Han Sen could not figure it out and had to put it aside.

At this point, Han Sen finally understood how great it was to be a gang leader. Watching his subordinates killing creatures bravely, Han Sen knew that he would eventually gain the better half of their labor.

There were not a lot of members in the gang at the moment. In the future, if the Goddess Gang had thousands or tens of thousands of members, he would be able to receive a significant amount of income from his cut of everyday hunting.

It was equally beneficial to the gang members. Compared to hunting alone, it was much easier to hunt in a gang. At the same time, the income was equally good or even better. Their safety was also enhanced.

Of course, because it was a tough area, and most places were unknown to man, it was still dangerous to hunt even in the group. Without a master fighter in the gang, everyone would die once they encountered strong mutant creatures or sacred-blood creatures.

They were not used to hunting blatantly like this for fear that there might be a group of creatures attacking them. Following Han Sen, however, they could quit sneaking around. Although they felt anxious, they felt much better than before.

"Young master, let's stay in this area. If we move further, there might be mutant creatures." Uncle Qing stopped and said to Han Sen.

"Let's continue. Mutant creatures are even better," Han Sen commanded the team to go forward, because he was not that interested in hunting primitive creatures.

Although they were following Han Sen's order, many people started to feel worried, looking left and right for fear that there might really be mutant creatures.

The only person able to fight a mutant creature in this place was Uncle Qing. If others encountered mutant creatures, they were likely to become a meal of the creatures.

Although Yang Manli wanted to talk Han Sen out of it, she knew it would not serve any purpose, because Han Sen would not listen to her at all. Yang Manli ended up saying nothing.

Uncle Qing did not argue either, continuing to lead the way. It was as if as long as Han Sen gave his words, Uncle Qing would do anything for Han Sen.

Han Sen continued to read his ancient language textbook. As long as he had time, Han Sen would still learn the ancient language, hoping to understand Dongxuan Sutra as soon as possible.

However, Dongxuan Sutra was so archaic that Han Sen was only able to understand a small part of it at this point, and that was not even the important part.

All of a sudden, they heard loud hoof beat and beast roar. A giant elephant with white fur rushed toward them from afar, leaving one huge footprint after another. All the glaciers seemed to be shaking. Snowflakes were flowing everywhere.

"White mammoth!" Someone suddenly exclaimed. The entire group scattered like a mob.

Chapter 453: Killing a Mutant Creature

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Han Sen saw most people were running and only Yang Manli, Uncle Qing, and a few gang members stayed next to him, summoning beast souls and ready to fight.

It was easy to tell that the gang members were all frightened, their hands on their weapons shaking.

All other people were running fast, about which Han Sen was not surprised. These people had lost their confidence a long while ago, so it was natural that they reacted this way facing danger.

Han Sen had considered them no good in his heart. In the future, he would not waste his time cultivating these people. To the contrary, Xu You and other young people did not escape and remained on Han Sen's side although they were frightened. Han Sen thought they could be further cultivated to become leaders, commanding the future forces in Goddess Gang.

Although they were all quite young and probably had worse physique than the older people who had run away, these were no big deal. Han Sen could easily use large amounts of meat to give them better geno point counts.

There was always a way to enhance one's physique and martial arts skills. However, one's character was not something could be cultivated. In Han Sen's eyes, Xu You and other young people were all valuable assets.

"Clear." Han Sen yelled, commanding the gang members to step back. He rolled on the back of the golden growler and charged the white mammoth.

All the young gang members looked at Han Sen in surprise. As a mutant creature, the white mammoth was a top one. Even someone like Uncle Qing did not dare to face a white mammoth head on, but Han Sen simply threw himself at the creature.

Watching Han Sen with a grim face, Uncle Qing murmured to himself in a low voice, "Is he really the descendent of Instructor Han?"

Yang Manli drew her bow string and aimed her arrow at an eye of the white mammoth, ready to support Han Sen when necessary.

However, the bow and arrow she was using at the moment were still sacred-blood beast souls of First God's Sanctuary, which almost did not work at all on a mutant creature in Second God's Sanctuary like the white mammoth.

The golden growler was going fast. In terms of size, the golden growler was no smaller than the white mammoth. As the golden growler ran, its body was quickly growing. The moment it was about to clash with the white mammoth, the golden growler was already as large as a hill, even bigger than the mammoth.

Compared to the golden growler, the white mammoth suddenly looked mini, like a baby elephant in front of an adult elephant.


The two beasts clashed together. Although the golden growler was bigger than the white mammoth, it was not at any disadvantage, but stepped back as well as the white mammoth.

"Roar!" The golden growler growled reluctantly. It was the absolute king in First God's Sanctuary. No creature could fight it at all. However, it was forced back by a white mammoth, which made the lion very mad.

The white mammoth also roared and ran toward the golden growler.


The two huge animals were fighting it out again, making all sorts of horrendous noises. The surrounding glaciers were broken into pieces and there was snow everywhere.

Boom boom boom!

The golden growler and the white mammoth became extremely mad at each other, so neither of them intended to step back. They ran into each other hard like to oxen fighting for a cow.

The gang members were dumbstruck. They had seen many mounts before, but had never seen a mount that was able to fight the creature. It was simply beyond imagination.

Normal mount would not attack at all. However, this giant golden lion mount was somewhat different.

The people that had run away saw what was happening and slowed down, looking at the golden growler throwing itself at the white mammoth incredulously.

"That is a mutant creature. What's the deal of the mount? It's so strong that it could fight the white mammoth. Is that a mutant mount? Even if it is, it is still just a mount and should not be able to fight a creature like this."

Everyone had complicated emotions as they watched the golden growler.

Indeed, like they were thinking, if it were any other mount, even a mutant mount from Second God's Sanctuary, it would not be able to fight white mammoth like this.

A mount is a mount. Once the creature became a beast soul mount, no matter how fierce it was initially, it would become tame. It was like a lion turning into a herbivore. Except for its strong physique, it no longer had the instinct to kill.

However, the golden growler was different. Although it was just a beast soul mount, it still kept part of its nature. In addition, he had great physique, which was why it could still defend itself with its instinct lost. It could not be compared to other mounts.

Han Sen sighed inwardly. After all, the golden growler was just a super creature from First God's Sanctuary. Although it was special, because it was limited to its level, it was not as strong as the white mammoth.

Watching the golden growler falling farther behind under the impact from the white mammoth and growling helplessly, Han Sen could not help becoming silent.

He was reminded of the large golden growler's fierceness. Between the heaven and earth, no one could stand one blow from its paw. This beast soul golden growler was indeed too sullen.

"If the black crystal could really turn the beast souls of First God's Sanctuary into the beast souls of Second God's Sanctuary, I would definitely choose the golden growler to evolve next. Han Sen thought. He did not want to see a great king being a loser.

Although he was thinking that, Han Sen decided to make a move. The moment the golden growler clashed with the white mammoth again, Han Sen jumped up from the head of the golden growler and dashed at the white mammoth like a meteor.

The physique of the white mammoth was even better than that of golden growler. However, it still had to step back when the golden growler threw itself at him.

At this very moment, Han Sen had already reached the mammoth. Holding the cursed wolf dagger in his hand, Han Sen sent himself into the wheel-sized eye of the mammoth.


The white mammoth lifted its front legs. Blood ran into rivers flowing from its eyes. The beast screamed loud.

The next moment, the stomach of the white mammoth was suddenly slashed open. A bloody figure came out of it.


The white mammoth quickly fell, splashing ice and snow everywhere. Without looking at the body of the white mammoth, the bloody figure walked to the rest of the team when cleaning the dagger casually.

Almost no one was able to forget this moment. The gigantic dead creature and the bloody figure were written into their memory internally.

Chapter 454: Take Me with You

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

After killing the white mammoth, Han Sen had established his prestige in Goddess Gang. People had officially recognized him as the leader. Many young people even saw him as an idol.

The Goddess Gang had become more and more organized. Han Sen was very generous to the members that worked hard, awarding them with lots of meat.


Han Sen asked Yang Manli to specifically cultivate the young men like Xu You who dared to risk their lives.

Han Sen's arrival brought a revolution to the place. Although they still did not dare to hunt in remote areas or approach the spirit shelter, with Han Sen leading the team, they were able to kill lots of ordinary and primitive creatures at once in the mountains nearby.

This gave some hope to the evolvers in this place. They no longer needed to hold their breath and count the days.

Many people who had not entered God's Sanctuary in a long time and lost hope returned to the place after hearing the news, wanting to see if the legend was real. It turned out they were ecstatic. The world of ice and snow was no longer silent like before. People were active everywhere. Although it could not be compared to large human shelters, the situation was not that desperate. More and more people had their hold back and joined Goddess Gang.

More and more people told each other about the news, making those who had lost hope and her God's sanctuary again. Therefore, Goddess Gang became stronger and stronger. With lots of meat to trade, the rich had also started to appear. Trade became more and more frequent and there had been a lot of transactions.

Because Han Sen rarely showed up, few people knew what he looked like. Most people only knew the name Han Sen.

More people thought of Han Sen as a legend, a living legend.

An evolver who had just entered Second God's Sanctuary for a few months revived a place on his own and inspired lots of desperate people, which could only exist in a legend.

Obviously, more people recognized Yang Manli, the righthand woman. Many people assumed that Yang Manli was the goddess in "Goddess Gang" and thought she was Han Sen's lady, the mistress of Goddess Gang.

Of course, Yang Manli had also heard such assumption. In the beginning, she was shy and angry. However, it was impossible for her to clarify every time. After a while, she was tired of correcting others.

"Brother, it really is you. I finally found the organization." On this day, when Han Sen just teleported into God's Sanctuary from the Alliance, someone suddenly ran at him and hugged his thigh full of tears.

"Zhu Ting?" As Han Sen saw who it was, he could not help feeling dazed. He had no idea that he would run into Zhu Ting here.

"How dare you show your face? You really think I will not kill you, don't you?" Han Sen's face became stern.

"Brother, it is meaningless to live in such a spot. Can I follow you? If I can't, I would rather die. Just kill me!" Zhu Ting would not let go of Han Sen's leg.

Han Sen chuckled inwardly and thought to himself, this guy is quite unlucky to be assigned here. He must have gone through many hardships. It looks like he's going mad.

"When did you arrive here? How come I never saw you?" Han Sen brought Zhu Ting to a quiet place and asked.

"After I ran away, I came to Second God's Sanctuary directly. God knows I would be sent to this damned place. Every time I tried to kill a primitive creature, I would be risking my life. After such a long time, I have not even maxed out on ordinary geno points. This is no way to live... Two months ago, I went out to hunt and was almost killed by a mutant creature. I ran so far away that I only came back the day before yesterday. Since hearing about brother you, I have always been waiting for you near the teleport device..." Zhu Ting complained tearfully.

Naturally, Han Sen would not take Zhu Ting's words too seriously. This guy was quite sly and full of ideas. He could also use poison well. Shameless and murderous, Zhu Ting was definitely a dangerous person.

However, Han Sen did not want to kill Zhu Ting yet. Although this guy was dangerous, Han Sen did not think of him as a risk. In addition, Zhu Ting knew a lot of things that Han Sen was dying to know about, such as things about Han Jingzhi.

Zhu Ting was a bastard son of the Chens. It seemed that the Chens also knew about what happened in the past. Han Sen wondered what role they had played.

Han Sen suspected that someone of the Chens was also a member of Unit Seven of Secret Service.

"So, you want to follow me. But why should I agree to that?" Han Sen looked at Zhu Ting with half a smile. No matter what Zhu Ting wanted, Han Sen would like to collect something from him first.

"Brother, no matter what, I should be much more useful than those ordinary people, right?" Zhu Ting blinked and answered.

"And much more dangerous," Han Sen replied quietly.

Zhu Ting said with a wry smile, "Young master, big brother, you are the descendent of Instructor Han. How do I dare to harm you? If I really did something to harm you, even my father would beat me to death."

"The Chens is quite well-informed. However, I don't remember any relationship between the Hans and the Chens." Han Sen was not moved at all. Everyone claimed to be a friend of Han Jingzhi. He could not tell who was telling the truth, so he decided to ignore all of them.

"Didn't Instructor Han mention that my ancestor was also a member of the Secret Service, a colleague of his?" Zhu Ting quickly said.

"I don't know." Han Sen did not want to comment. He thought to himself, indeed, the Chens was also a part of the mission.

"It's useless for you to say anything. Give me something solid. If you want to follow me, you must pay upfront first," Han Sen said.

Zhu Ting said with a sad face, "After I came to this damned place, I have gained nothing and lost almost all the beast souls I brought from First God's Sanctuary. Now I am so poor that all I have is money. Do you want money? Name a number, and I'll pay you no matter how much."

"Don't you still have Seven Twists?" Han Sen said abruptly.

Han Sen had always coveted Seven Twists from the Chens. Although he could fly with beast soul wings, the speed would be determined by the strength of the beast soul instead of his strength. Therefore, Han Sen was very interested in this technique that could send him in the air using what he got.

However, Seven Twists was the family secret of the Chens. No outsiders could be taught. With such an opportunity, Han Sen wanted to test if Zhu Ting could teach him Seven Twists.