

Chapter 449 - The last illusion

A loud rumble came from the scroll followed by a large amount of grey gas. It suddenly turned into a dragon and opened its mouth to devour Liu Mei's peacock.

The peacock let a cry. This cry was very crisp and could shake the high heavens. It then lifted its proud head and opened its beautiful tail. The seven-colored tail feathers gave off a demonic glow as the ruthless domain flew out.

At this moment, another color appeared under the life and death scroll. This ruthlessness could make ice even colder and force the four seasons to immediately change.

Wang Lin felt this coldness inside the valley; this was ruthlessness, a natural indifference. At this moment, the peacock was only an illusion; the one who was really looking at the dragon was Liu Mei.

Her eyes were indifferent, ruthless, and cold. Although she was similar to Red Butterfly, Red Butterfly was cutting off emotion, which was very different from having no emotion.

Only someone with emotions can cut off their emotions.

And the heavens were naturally emotionless. Since there were no emotions to cut in the first place, it was a step higher.

The dragon descended and its giant mouth arrived next to the peacock. In a flash, the dragon split into thin, grey pieces of fog that surrounded the peacock.

Wang Lin sighed. "Nothing in the world can escape life and death. Let those that exist continue to exist and let what is dissipating dissipate…"

He thought of Li Muwan.

The peacock let out another cry as the seven colors from its tail fused together to form a rainbow. The rainbow shot out from the peacock, pierced into the sky, and fused with the painting in the scroll in the sky.

"The most beautiful thing in this world is often the most ruthless. A rainbow is beautiful and is admired by hundreds of millions of people. However, it is ruthless because no one can make it stay. Just like how the peacock's tail opening is beautiful but is also death…"

After the rainbow entered the scroll, the painting was no longer just black and white; it now contained a bit of color. The grey gas around the peacock was no longer monochrome; it also had other colors mixed in.

"999 illusions. I'm missing just one illusion to obtain 1000 illusions. Wang Lin, where is that last illusion? If you only have this much strength, if you can't resist against me without the soul flag, then I'm very disappointed in you. I could have attacked you when I first met you in the Soul Refining Sect, but you were too weak then. You domain hadn't reached its completion and become corporeal yet, so I had to wait.

"Your domain has now reached Soul Transformation completion and become corporeal, but you are still so weak. If this is all you have, then you won't even be able to let me complete my last illusion!"

Wang Lin's expression remained the same. He raised his head to look at the life and death scroll and silently pondered.

Inside the painting in the scroll, the seven colors became even more dense and the painting was no longer just black and white. The mountain and sea became very life-like. Not only did the mountains and sea have color, even the trees had a hint of green on them.

"You say to let what exists continue to exist and what should dissipate to dissipate, but does your heart really think so? Wang Lin, I never thought that your domain had such a big weakness. No wonder you didn't want to attack with your domain… so it was like this!" Liu Mei's voice was filled with a heavy sense of disappointment.

Wang Lin's eyes were cold. He waved his hand and a strand of pink gas flew out from his hand and into the life and death scroll.

Wang Lin coldly said, "What should dissipate will naturally dissipate, but if something that should exist dissipates, then I definitely won't agree! Liu Mei, I'm gifting you your last illusion!"

At this moment, a pink dot appeared on the life and death scroll and transformed into a charming figure. This figure wasn't Li Muwan but the one Xu Liguo kept referring to as little sister fairy.

The third ancestor of the Forsaken Immoral Clan reincarnated into a cultivator and obtained her own domain, but when she returned to the Forsaken Immortal Clan, she gave up her cultivation and allowed her origin soul to shatter. However, her domain was very stubborn, so it didn't dissipate.

After Wang Lin got hold of her, he kept her in his bag of holding. This was Wang Lin's real ace against Liu Mei.

In fact, Wang Lin had thought of this plan before Zhou Wutai handed him the information about Liu Mei. Although this method was very vicious, if Liu Mei didn't give up on Wang Lin, then he would use it without any hesitation.

After he saw the information from Zhou Wutai, he was even more confident that this domain was ideal for dealing with Liu Mei.

To break a ruthless domain that is based on having no emotions, one must use lust to create an emotion.

At the same time, an evil laughter came from within the scroll.

Mei Ji's charming figure appeared inside the scroll. Her crisp voice was like a song. "What a ruthless heart to trap me for so long and only to release me when you have a use for me. Wang Lin, could your heart really be made of stone? But this little girl really does like this body!"

With that, she let out a charming laughter. This laughter even caused Wang Lin to become shocked. He required a few moments to recover.

Black fog came out from the celestial sword and Xu Liguo stared at Mei Ji, his eyes filled with desire.

"This is…" Liu Mei's hesitant voice came from within the peacock.

Wang Lin's eyes showed no mercy as he said, "Life and death domain, reincarnation cycle!"

The scroll in the sky suddenly closed with a bang like two giant waves from the north and south had just crashed together.

The moment it closed, the rainbow shattered and the colors were forced out of the scroll.

However, the scroll suddenly trembled and once more opened up, but this time there were neither mountains nor a sea in the scroll, only the figure of a woman.

This woman was very beautiful. Her eyes were filled with lust as she let out a laugh. She jumped out of the scroll, turned into a pink mist, and quickly descended upon the giant peacock above Liu Mei.

The peacock revealed a hint of hesitation in its eyes. This hesitation came from Liu Mei's heart. This kind of hesitation was very rare when coming from Liu Mei.

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Wang Lin calmly asked, "Liu Mei, did you want the last illusion?"

The hesitation disappeared from the peacock's eyes as Liu Mei's voice came from it. "Wang Lin, you're really despicable!"

Wang Lin's expression remained the same. The pink mist that was Mei Ji descended from the sky like a meteor. The pink mist split into two right above the peacock and entered its eyes.

The peacock began to emit a pink smoke, then its body trembled once and collapsed into specks of light, revealing Liu Mei, who was sitting on the altar.

At this moment, a rosey red color appeared on her cheeks, making her already beautiful face even more charming and alluring.

However, Wang Lin's eyes were still cold. He didn't care if Mei Ji could successfully take over Liu Mei or if Liu Mei could complete her last illusion.

There was no grudge or deep hatred between Wang Lin and Liu Mei; overall, their relationship was complicated. If it wasn't for the fact that Liu Mei kept looking for Wang Lin to cause him trouble, he probably wouldn't have used Mei Ji.

Although it was granting Liu Mei's wish, it was just as Liu Mei said; to use the lust domain to break her ruthless domain was too despicable.

But Wang Lin didn't take any of this to heart. He began to walk forward.

He just needed to enter the altar to go into the inner section of the tomb. His first goal was to find the first generation Suzaku's grave. It would be great if he could get his soul piece back from there, but if it was not there, he would find the king of those lifeforms and get his soul piece back that way.

After obtaining his soul piece, he won't care about the matters on planet Suzaku. He will leave here and leave this whole mess behind!

In these past several years, Wang Lin had a feeling that Tuo Sen from the land of the ancient gods would be able to escape soon. He believed that he stood no chance against Tuo Sen at all.

At this moment, at the eastern side of the Suzaku continent, in an area covered by a black cloud. The Forsaken Immortal Clan's first ancestor, Yunque Zi, the third ancestor, and a ten-leaf ancestral spirit were sitting there.

Their life plants were flashing above their foreheads and in between them was a skull.

There was a tattoo engraved on this skull. This tattoo was several times more complex than the ones on the skulls Wang Lin obtained; there was no comparison.

There was a powerful aura gathering above the skull.

Yunque Zi looked at the skull with respect and said, in a heavy tone, "The ancestor obtained enlightenment from the primal spirit of our clan and broke past the eleven-leaf stage to become the third twelve-leaf shaman in the clan's history. This skull tattoo possess a certain power, so if all of us work together, we should be able to use it to send one of us inside."

The first ancestor slowly asked, "Then who is going?"

The third ancestor, that beautiful and charming woman, was no longer in any mood to laugh, so she sighed. "It would be ideal for first ancestor to go, but your body is buried deep within the Immortal Graveyard. If you go with your tattoo soul, we don't know if the Suzaku Tomb will affect you or not. How about…" Just as she got here, she suddenly stood up and looked toward the direction of the Suzaku tomb, then she slowly revealed a strange expression.

"That sliver of my domain from back then is trying to possess a body… Hmph, how could I let her do as she wishes?!"

Chapter 450 - Thousand Illusion Lust Domain

Yunque Zi was startled and said, "Is that your old lust domain?"

The third ancestor nodded and said, "It is my lust domain. If she succeeds in the possession, she will definitely take part of my power. How can I let her succeed?

"That thing separated from me and was found by a little cultivator. I believe that that little cultivator is inside the Suzaku Tomb right now. Although I can't destroy the domain, I can make some slight changes to it. Normally, it wouldn't matter too much, but during a possession, it will make her possession fail!"

After the third ancestor finished speaking, she pointed at her forehead. The plant on her forehead began to move in a mysterious manner. Tattoos came out from the plant and disappeared in the air.

In the Suzaku Tomb, Wang Lin walked onto the altar and activated it. He felt the altar teleporting him and he was just about to disappear.

But just at this moment, a large amount of pink mist suddenly poured out of Liu Mei's forehead. It was followed by Mei Ji's scream.

"How could it be like this?! There is a force with the same type of energy as me interfering with my possession! How could it be so…" When Mei Ji was born, she lost all memories of her creator, so this was their first meeting from her point of view.

After she entered Liu Mei's body and was breaking Liu Mei's domain, she suddenly felt pain in her soul. This pain caused her to lose all her power and made her feel very weak.

As a result, Liu Mei's domain counteracted and she was forced out.

At the moment Mei Ji was forced out of Liu Mei, Liu Mei's eyes opened up and she said, "You're the last illusion; you won't be able to escape!"

After Liu Mei spoke, a large amount of the pink mist was sucked back into her.

Mei Ji let out a scream. She was still completely powerless. She felt despair before clenching her teeth and snapping, "If I can't possess you, then let's fuse!"

With that, Mei Ji used some unknown method that caused her body explode and her soul to collapse. Even her powerful lust domain also collapsed, and all of it went into Liu Mei.

All of this happened very fast. By the time Wang Lin turned around to look at Liu Me, Mei Ji had already collapsed.

At this moment, a large amount of pink mist came out of every single pore on Liu Mei's body. The clothes on Liu Mei's body turned to dust and disappeared. What appeared before Wang Lin's eyes was Liu Mei's extremely beautiful body that would charm almost any man.

Wang Lin didn't have enough time to teleport away before the pink mist spread out in all directions. He could only quickly back up and create a gust of wind filled with celestial spiritual energy to shield him.

However, although he backed up very quickly, the pink mist was not affected by the gust at all; it was as if it was ethereal, so it quickly spread out.

It spread too fast. Even as Wang Lin backed up, some of the pink mist still entered his pores.

However, the amount of pink mist that entered Wang Lin's body wasn't too much, so after activating a bit of celestial spiritual energy, he pushed most of it out of his body. Wang Lin's expression was gloomy as he continued to back away until he was finally able to dodge the pink mist.

"This pink mist isn't a spell; it's formed from a domain. That is why the wind had no effect on it!" Wang Lin's expression was dark as he looked at the pink mist that was covering the valley.

A very alluring figure slowly appeared from within the pink mist.

Liu Mei's originally white and flawless skin now showed a hint of rosy red and her eyes would sometime expose a ruthless gaze and other times expose a lustful gaze.

Her expression made it look like she was going through a painful struggle.

At this moment, the ruthlessness in Liu Mei's eyes disappeared and lust filled her eyes. She let out an extremely beautiful smile as she raised her hand and pointed at the air. All of the surrounding pink mist suddenly rushed out in all directions at an unimaginable speed.

The pink mist spread like a shockwave, carrying an incredible amount of force; it was as if something had exploded.

The speed at which the pink mist spread was far faster than Wang Lin. In the blink of an eye, the surrounding tens of thousands of kilometers became a world of pink. The mountains were also covered by this pink mist, giving off the illusion that it was all a dream.

Wang Lin wasn't far from Liu Mei; they were at the center of the pink mist. Originally, with his mental strength, he would be able to withstand this if he stopped his breathing and activated his domain.

But when Wang Lin was retreating earlier, a bit of pink mist had entered Wang Lin's body. Normally, he only needed to find a place to cultivate for about one incense stick of time to force it out of him completely, but now he didn't have that time.

As the pink mist surrounded him, the pink mist inside him broke free from the seal and moved through his body. Thanks to the pink mist inside and outside his body, Wang Lin lost control for the first time.

The Thousand Illusion Ruthless domain was already at the mid stage of Soul Transformation. This was really only 999 illusions and each one represented a life Liu Mei had lived.

The Liu Mei in the Xuan Dao Sect was only one of the avatars.

Liu Mei had 999 avatars like this to experience 999 different illusions, and she only needed one more for her domain to reach the late stage of Soul Transformation. After reaching the late stage, she will only need enough celestial jades before she can take the life and death trial to reach the Ascendant stage. One step could be death or that one step could lead to becoming an Ascendant cultivator!

Mei Ji's appearance was a great trial for Liu Mei. Without the third ancestor's interference, Liu Mei most likely would have been possessed, becoming a puppet that only knew how to enjoy sensual pleasure.

That was why, in her eyes, Wang Lin was despicable.

The third ancestor's unintentional help forced Mei Ji to collapse to fuse with Liu Mei, causing her life to become Liu Mei's 1000th illusion.

Her domain was currently far above Wang Lin's life and death domain, which was only at the early stage of Soul Transformation, so he obviously he couldn't resist it.

The pink mist that covered everything within tens of thousands of kilometers was now slowly condensing back toward the valley.

This process lasted for two days. All of the pink mist outside of the valley had come back, but the valley itself was still covered in pink mist. From inside the mist, the painful cries of a woman could be heard, but that voice was also filled with pleasure. The voice was like the song of a fairy that would make anyone's heart pound and blood surge.

After an unknown amount of time, the pink mist gradually faded, revealing a woman lying on the side of the altar. Clarity slowly returned to her eyes.

Ripples of energy were coming from the altar, meaning that someone had just teleported away.

Shortly after, all of the pink mist dissipated and the valley returned to what it was like before. The woman sat up straight and slightly frowned as she reached out to grab a bag of holding.

With a flash of white light, the woman's naked body was hidden under a white dress.

She stood up, looked at the red spots on the altar, and began to ponder.

"I can't believe that the last illusion of the Thousand Illusion Ruthless domain is this illusion. The moment this illusion appears, the domain changes to the Thousand Illusion Lust domain. All of this is like an illusion, yet it is so real. I never thought that my Thousand Illusion Ruthless domain's last illusion would be obtained like this… Teacher wanted me to leave my mark on Wang Lin's dao heart, but he never would have thought that my last illusion would contain his aura…"

Liu Mei's eyebrows were furrowed tightly together as she looked into the distance and finally let out a sigh. She had a very complex feeling in her heart, and at this moment, she suddenly felt lost. Everything that just happened was completely outside her expectations.

Wang Lin's body appeared in a wasteland in the inner section of the Suzaku Tomb. After he appeared, he looked into the sky with a very complex expression.

While being surrounded by the pink mist, he felt like he was in a dream. When the pink mist dissipated, he saw a woman below him. At that moment, his heart felt pain for her.

"I still have things to do right now, so I have to put aside the matter with Liu Mei for now. Thinking about it is useless… ah!" Wang Lin sighed as he touched the spot between his eyebrows. This was where the heaven defying bead was located.

Li Muwan's Nascent Soul was slowly recovering inside the heaven defying bead, and one day she will awaken.

Wang Lin pondered a bit before he disappeared and flew off quickly into the distance.

The inner section of the Suzaku Tomb was also different from what Situ Nan told him. Situ Nan said that the inside of the Suzaku Tomb wasn't large and that there was a mountain in the center.

The first generation Suzaku left the Suzaku Seal's dao inside the mountain, and that was also where his corpse was located.

Every Suzaku cultivated here for several months to obtain the Suzaku seal's inheritance.

Wang Lin's divine sense spread out and swept the area. This place was too big for Wang Lin to cover in his divine sense, but he detected multiple powerful presences. These presences immediately released their full auras when they noticed Wang Li; it was as if they were trying to provoke him.

Wang Lin's heart trembled. All of these presences were lifeforms made of soul pieces. Not only did the inner section have more of these life forms, but they were much more powerful than the ones outside.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up, then he picked a direction and quickly flew that way. His first goal was to find the mountain which was supposed to be the center of this place.

He knew that he didn't have much time left. If the Cultivation Planet Crystal shatters, he will have to use the method Situ Nan gave him. This Cultivation Planet Crystal was very tyrannical; it was the absolute power that the cultivation alliance gives to rank 6 cultivation countries.

After cultivators have reached the Ascendant stage and have experienced trying to find their own dao, they might get a chance to get their soul piece back from the Cultivation Planet Crystal.

However, none of the Suzakus could take back their soul pieces. If they did, they would lose their ability to use the Suzaku seal and in a way, lose their title of Suzaku.

Chapter 451 - Wan Er's Soul Piece

But not all Ascendant cultivators succeed; the success rate is only 50%.

Only after reaching the level above Ascendant or if a rank 5 cultivation country ascends to rank 6 can one's soul piece be safely retrieved.

Yunque Zhi wasn't able to retrieve his soul piece; in fact, ever since the country of Suzaku arrived, no one has managed to retrieve their soul piece. This had a lot to do with Situ Nan's seal.

Although the seal on the Cultivation Planet Crystal prevented future Suzakus from controlling the planet, it also stopped anyone from being able to retrieve their soul piece when they reach the Ascendant stage.

In some more powerful cultivation planets, like the ones controlled by rank 7 or 8 cultivation countries, there were sects that were powerful enough to match a rank 6 cultivation planet. These sects have found ways to avoid the Cultivation Planet Crystal.

If that wasn't the case, there wouldn't be any strife within the Cultivation Alliance.

At this moment, far away in space on a large planet, many rays of sword lights were flying across the sky. These people were not fighting but rushing to some place.

This planet was far too large; it was tens of times the size of planet Suzaku, and with a planet this big, it would naturally have more mortals.

Five smaller planets orbited this large planet. There were also countless cultivators living on each one of them.

There were even smaller planets farther out with powerful formations protecting them.

The largest planet, the one at the center, was planet Tian Yun.

The five smaller planets were under the control of planet Tian Yun, which was a rank 7 planet. As for the even smaller planets, they were personal planets of very powerful cultivators. Unless people were personally invited, no one could enter them.

Planet Suzaku was simply too small compared to this.

There were many sects on planet Tian Yun, but of course the most prominent was the Heavenly Fate Sect.

The Heavenly Fate Sect says that everything in life depends on fate. Everything has already been set, so you can't force it and you can't escape it. This decree of the sect gave them a transcendental feel.

The person who set this decree was a person that a majority of the population on planet Tian Yun respected; he was the All-Seer.

At this moment, the All-Seer opened his eyes from his closed door cultivation. He had a gentle expression on his face, and although he had white hair, he didn't look old, giving him a transcendental feel. His bright eyes showed off more energy than many youths' eyes.

There wasn't a hint of death on him; he was filled with endless vitality.

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He was currently at the Heavenly Fate Sect's Celestial Fate Pagoda. At this moment, both of his eyes revealed a mysterious light and he muttered to himself, "When I was visiting an old friend, I passed by a semi-wasted cultivation planet and met a child. This child was able to comprehend the life and death domain of the reincarnation cycle and was trying to reach the Soul Formation stage. Not many people can do this, so when I saw that his cultivation was lacking, I gave him a hint and said that i would accept him as my honorary disciple for 100 years. Today I suddenly had a feeling… I believe that this child will arrive soon… I don't know what cultivation level he is currently at, but if he manages to get here, if his cultivation level isn't at least at the late stage of Soul Formation, I'll be disappointed…"

The All-Seer pondered a bit before slightly shaking his head and closing his eyes again.

Inside the Suzaku Tomb, Wang Lin had slowed down and kept his divine sense in a smaller range than before. There were simply too many of those lifeforms around here, and some of them would be hard for Wang Lin to deal with unless he used the one-billion-soul soul flag.

He moved very carefully. Whenever he detected danger, he would immediately change directions and go around it. This caused his journey to slow down a lot.

On this day, what appeared before Wang Lin were two heaven-piercing mountains. Between the two mountains was a small path with no end in sight that led into the depths of the two mountains.

The two mountains were surrounded by a luscious jungle.

While Wang Lin stood at the foot of the two mountains, he pondered a bit and his eyes sparkled.

He had already been in the inner part of the tomb for a few days now. According to his calculations, the center of this place should be through the path.

However, along the way, Wang Lin could clearly feel that the closer he went to the center, the more of those lifeforms there were. Some of the more powerful ones were not things Wang Lin could deal with.

After pondering for a moment, Wang Lin walked toward the small path between the two mountains. He was very cautious with each step and constantly watched his surroundings.

These lifeforms could take many forms, so if one was careless for even a moment, they would be ambushed.

Along the way, Wang Lin looked at the surface of the two mountains on either side of this narrow path. There were patches of wet spots on the smooth, mountain surfaces, and sometimes drops of water would fall from the sides of the mountains.

After walking several dozen meters, Wang Lin's expression changed and he realized that something was off!

He carefully looked at the walls of the two mountains and his eyes lit up.

"If this place is wet year-round, then there should be moss growing. After all, the rest of this place is similar to the planet outside. However, this place looks like it just became wet recently!"

Wang Lin's right hand pointed to the face of one of the mountains and his finger immediately dug into it, creating a one-inch-deep hole.

The outer half inch of the hole was wet, but the latter half inch was dry.

Without any hesitation, Wang Lin quickly backed up. In the blink of an eye, he was already out of the small path, and right as he backed out, the water on the walls of the mountain began to move. The water came out from the walls and droplets of crystal clear water started floating above the small path.

These were countless water drops; at least tens of thousands of them, and every single one of them represented a soul piece.

These water droplets condensed into a human figure. The water moved in a mysterious fashion and finally took the shape of a woman.

This woman looked normal, but she gave off a strange aura. After she appeared, she stared coldly at Wang Lin and slowly said, "You can't go inside!"

Wang Lin slowly backed up. The one type of lifeform he least wanted to mess was one made of water. This type was the most difficult lifeform to deal with. Even though the one before him was only as strong as a Soul Formation cultivator, it would still be hard for him deal with.

Water was a substance that could gather and scatter; even though he could seal it, it was very difficult to get it all. A few days ago, Wang Lin encountered a water-based life form and he had to give up and move around it in the end.

This was why once he noticed that there was a chance that a water-based lifeform was here, he backed up without any hesitation.

Just as he backed up, he spread out his divine sense to check what was further down the path. Before, his divine sense wasn't spread out much to avoid unnecessary trouble, but now that the water lifeform had showed itself, he spread it out without any hesitation and was shocked.

Deep into the mountain path, he saw someone. This was someone he knew. This person was currently fighting against a water lifeform and had the upper hand.

However, when he saw the water lifeform this person was fighting against, he felt a sense of familiarity with it. This feeling wasn't strong, but it was there.

Wang Lin's heart trembled as he backed up. After the woman made of water droplets saw Wang Lin back up, she quickly moved deeper into the mountain.

Wang Lin stood outside the mountain and pondered.

"Something is not right. Why does that water lifeform give me this feeling? I don't have a water spirit root, so my soul piece can't be inside a water life form. This is strange."

Wang Lin slightly frowned. He hung around for a bit and just as he was about to leave, his expression suddenly changed and he turned around.

He suddenly felt pain in his heart. It was as if there was a soul piece inside there, weakly calling out to him for help.

"Wan Er!" Wang Lin was startled and he understood!

Wan Er was inside the heaven defying bead, and the heaven defying bead existed within his soul. Naturally, this gave him the ability to detect Wan Er's soul piece.

Wang Lin's eyes became cold. This time he didn't hesitate to fly into the depths of the two mountains.

Just as he entered the path, the woman who blocked him earlier took form again to block him. She raised her right hand and waved it. Soon, a large amount of water droplets filled the small path.

Wang Lin's eyes became cold. Without a word, he took out the celestial sword while not slowing down at all and threw it forward with a shout. After that, he pointed his left hand between his eyebrows.

Wang Lin's body trembled for a moment as his origin soul came out of his body. His origin soul was over 100 feet tall; it caught up to the celestial sword in an instant and continued to charge forth.

In almost the blink of an eye, Wang Lin's origin soul charged through the woman's body and the celestial sword pierced through her body.

The woman let out a miserable groan as the soul pieces that formed her body collapsed and scattered, but Wang Lin's origin soul had already entered her body. His origin soul divided from 1 to 2, then from 2 to 4, and from 4 to 8 until his origin soul had split into countless smaller pieces that entered every single soul piece.

At the same time, a shout came from Wang Lin's origin soul.


In an instant, countless restrictions appeared from Wang Lin's origin soul and sealed each one of the soul pieces. Then he reformed his origin soul and flew toward his body which was still flying in this direction due to momentum.

Chapter 452 - Stealing the soul

Wang Lin's eyes lit up as his origin soul returned to his body. His hand reached out and the celestial sword flew back into his grasp. Holding the celestial sword, Wang Lin charged into the depths of the mountain.

Shortly after Wang Lin left, the droplets that he sealed all popped. The water droplets turned to gas and gathered together to reform that woman.

A water lifeform can only be sealed for a moment; it is almost impossible to completely seal them.

This woman's eyes were fierce as she looked into the depths of the mountain. Her body turned into water once more as she charged after Wang Lin.

Wang Lin moved very quickly, so he arrived deep within the mountain in a few short moments. There was a hunchbacked old man with half of his clothes torn. There were many glowing tattoos on his body. There tattoos floating in the air before him forming a seal with a mass of water in the middle. This water seemed to be boiling.

There was an eight-leaf plant on the old man's forehead, and he was emitting a powerful tattoo energy.

The hunchbacked old man said, "I can't kill you, but I can refine all these soul pieces that allow you to take form. It will take you a while to recover, so you won't be able to chase after me anymore!"

This old man was the one that chased Wang Lin into the spatial rift back in the Immortal Graveyard.

In the end, he relied on his connection to the Ancestral Spirit to finally get rescued by his clan. His hatred for Wang Lin had reached its limit and caused him to go on a killing spree in this war. Among all the eight-leaf shamans, he's the one who killed the most cultivators.

Wang Lin's appearance shocked the old man. He had to keep all his attention on the water lifeform or else he would die, so he didn't notice Wang Lin approaching. Also, Wang Lin's cultivation level was much higher than before.

This was why the old man didn't detect Wang Lin.

"It's you!!!" The old man's eyes immediately became cold when he saw Wang Lin and he let out a laugh. He pointed at a tattoo before him and it immediately charged toward Wang Lin.

Wang Lin coldly snorted. He didn't pause at all after he arrived here. Almost at the same moment the old man noticed him, he teleported next to the tattoos that were trapping the water lifeform and swung down the celestial sword.

With a loud bang, countless cracks appeared on the tattoos that were sealing the water and they shattered one by one.

The hunchbacked old man let out a roar as he charged toward Wang Lin. His hand extended toward Wang Lin and at the center of his palm was a very ancient tattoo.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up. Without a word, he reached out and the one-billion-soul soul flag appeared. Without even attacking, the one-billion-soul soul flag could shock any enemy.

The hunchbacked old man couldn't help but pause for a moment.

"This is…" His heart trembled. He felt like he knew this flag and couldn't help but feel terror.

Wang Lin shook the one-billion-soul soul flag, causing a series of ghostly wails to escape as the soul fragments charged out. The loudest wail came from a purple Qilin that let out a roar that pierced even the high heavens. Right after it appeared, it opened its vicious mouth and tried to devour the old man.

Behind the Qilin were more than ten Soul Transformation primary souls.

The entire gorge was surrounded by the soul fragments and they all charged toward the old man.

The hunchbacked old man secretly cursed and backed up without any hesitation. If there were only a few Soul Transformation soul fragments, he wouldn't have to worry so much; after all, a soul fragment couldn't compare to a real cultivator.

Even if there were three or four of them, he would at least be able to escape or fight to a standstill.

But there were simply too many of them for someone of his current cultivation level to handle. That purple Qilin was especially terrifying; just looking at it made his heart tremble.

Adding on to that, there were countless weaker soul fragments. After taking all that into account, there's no way he would fight, so he quickly escaped.

He would never have guessed that the little brat he could have easily killed 100 years ago had already reached the Soul Transformation stage and possessed the one-billion-soul soul flag that the Forsaken Immortal Clan feared.

The hunchbacked old man could even feel that a large number of the soul fragments had the aura of his Forsaken Immortal Clan. Those must have been his clan members who were captured and refined in the war back then.

At the moment the old man tried to escape, the woman who was chasing Wang Lin arrived. When she saw the scene inside the gorge, her eyes lit up. She turned into water and silently moved toward the old man.

Wang Lin didn't have time to bother with the old man. He continued to swing the celestial sword down on the tattoo prison. A series of rumbling sounds could be heard as more and more tattoos shattered.

The water lifeform trapped inside turned from a mass of water into a woman. When Wang Lin saw her, his heart trembled.

This woman looked similar to Li Muwan.

With one last swing of the celestial sword, Wang Lin shattered the prison completely. The woman inside let out a joyous laugh and escaped the prison.

Wang Lin already knew this would happen, so there was no way he would let her escape. The only issue was that this woman was much stronger than the one that tried to stop him before; she was almost as powerful as a mid stage Soul Transformation cultivator. Adding on her immortal body, she was very difficult to deal with. Even the old man couldn't kill her; he could only trap her temporarily.

As soon as the woman that looked similar to Li Muwan tried to escape, Wang Lin took a deep breath and with one thought, all of the soul fragments connected to form a net. Aside from the few primary souls that were chasing the old man, the rest were all gathered here.

A powerful aura came from all sides, then the woman calmly looked around before her gaze landed on Wang Lin. She let out a laugh and said, "You saved me, yet now you are trapping me. What do you want?"

Wang Lin coldly asked, "Do you want to die or live?"

The woman smiled and laughed. "No one can kill me here. Even if you were to trap me, I only need to spend a bit of time to escape."

Wang Lin's eyes became cold and he said, "Soul flag, fuse!"

With that, all of the soul fragments rapidly fused with the primary souls. In almost the blink of an eye, all of the soul fragments disappeared, leaving behind only six primary souls with power beyond a late stage Soul Transformation cultivator's but not as powerful as an Ascendant cultivator.

These six primary souls surrounded the woman and coldly stared at her.

Wang Lin said, "Destroy!"

With one word, the six primary souls all moved and attacked with various spells and techniques. The woman laughed as her body shattered and the pieces flew in all directions.

Wang Lin was waiting for this because only when the her body was split into water droplets would he be able to find Li Muwan's soul piece.

However, just as Wang Lin and the six primary souls moved, the entire gorge shook. This tremble came from the ground.

Not only here, but the entire Suzaku Tomb was shaking right now.

As the shaking continued, ripping sounds could be heard from the sky. It was as if there were giant hands tearing the sky open.

Countless spatial rifts appeared in the sky. The cold wind coming out of them could freeze a person. These spatial rifts weren't like the ones outside; with those, you could safely enter them if you reach a certain cultivation level.

This place was different though. The spatial rifts here weren't real spatial rifts; they merely looked like them. In the Suzaku tomb, there were dimensional cracks which were produced by the special power of the Cultivation Planet Crystal.

Even if a Soul Transformation cultivators were to enter, their soul would immediately die without any exception.

As the Cultivation Planet Heart continued to shatter the, Cultivation Planet Crystal's collapse finally started.

The earth of the Suzaku Tomb began to crack and many cultivators who entered died under this natural disaster. Even many of the lifeforms who normally couldn't die were killed.

The entire Suzaku Tomb was surrounded by a power death aura.

The gorge Wang Lin was in was no different. The ground shattered and a large number of dimensional cracks appeared to devour everything.

Wang Lin quickly used the soul flag to call back all the soul fragments. Right now, Wang Lin had no time to worry about the old man. His gaze was locked onto the woman that looked similar to Li Muwan.

Right now the woman was in a state of shock, so she revealed a horrified expression that she had never shown before. Her body was slowly collapsing and then, with a bang, her body turned into countless water droplets. The countless water droplets were also collapsing. This was a real death for her.

Wang Lin moved like lightning as he dodged many dimensional cracks and arrived before the mass of water droplets. His right hand reached out and grabbed a crystal-clear water droplet. At the moment he touched the droplet, he felt like he had touched Li Muwan.

Chapter 453 - Tuo Sen's messenger

As soon as he grabbed the water droplet, he immediately backed up, but a dimensional rift silently appeared before him. With a tearing sound, a large piece of Wang Lin's clothes disappeared.

Cold sweat covered Wang Lin's forehead as he carefully evaded the rifts and finally left the gorge.

This tremble lasted only ten breaths of time, but after these ten breaths, the entire Suzaku Tomb was a mess. Countless rifts had appeared on the ground and sky, and many places were on the verge of collapsing. Any small amount of spiritual energy fluctuations could cause a disaster. Anyone who was caught in a rift would die.

At this moment, the Suzaku Tomb became much more dangerous than before.

The collapse of the Cultivation Planet Crystal isn't happening in an instant but slowly over time. This was all controlled by Zhuque Zi; this was a game brought about by his madness.

After the ground stopped shaking, the mountain range that Wang Lin was just in was now flat. It was as if everything that had just happened before the trembling was a dream.

The gentle breeze evaporated the cold sweat from Wang Lin's forehead as a sense of dread filled his heart. He looked at the ruin below him. There were rifts that would open and close.

He pressed Li Muwan's soul piece against his forehead and put it into the heaven defying bead.

Then he took a deep breath and slowly flew off into the distance.

As he flew, his eyes suddenly lit up and he looked toward a collapsed mountain range. The hunchbacked old man was on top of some gravel, but only half of his body was there. His weak origin soul was struggling to leave his body.

In the calamity that just happened, he lost half of his body and also his tattoo origin soul.

At the moment Wang Lin's gaze landed on him, the old man's eyes revealed panic. He quickly left his body and was about to escape.

Wang Lin's eyes became cold. He let out a cold snort and quickly chased after the old man. The old man's origin soul was extremely weak, so it wasn't much of a chase, but then a rift suddenly appeared before him without a sound.

The old man let out a miserable scream and tried to back up, but he was too late. His entire origin soul was swallowed by the oval rift, and when it disappeared, so did the old man's origin soul.

Wang Lin quickly stopped. He silently pondered and then raised his head to look into the distance. After one round of collapse, this Suzaku Tomb had become extremely unstable. If he was careless for just a moment, he could die, so he began to hesitate.

A moment later, Wang Lin let out a sigh and flew off into the distance.

Planet Suzaku, Sea of Devils.

The Sea of Devils was one of the first places that was attacked by the Forsaken Immortal Clan. After all, it was very close to the Forsaken Immortal Clan's base. Also, the mist that acted as a natural barrier for tens of thousands of years disappeared, and due to attacks from multiple other countries, the Sea of Devils was a mess. At its current state, it had no way of resisting the Forsaken Immortal Clan, so it ended up being conquered by them.

There was currently a person standing outside the Chaotic Broken Stars in the Sea of Devils. This person was covered in a deathly aura and his figure couldn't be seen clearly. There were images of skeletons appearing all around him, creating almost a forest of skeletons.

He looked at the Chaotic Broken Stars with a look of hesitation.

"The divine retribution wasn't from an ancient cultivator, it was only a junior refining an ancient treasure. This old man has traveled the entire planet in these past few hundred years and hasn't been able to find any ancient cultivators, so my stomach is getting a bit hungry. Only here can I smell the scent of ancient cultivators, but this place is simply too dangerous. Should I go or not?!"

This person pondered a bit, then his eyes lit up before he started shaking his head and muttering to himself, "Forget it. I can't throw away my life for my appetite. My injuries have recovered somewhat, so it is time to leave planet Suzaku. If I were to be found by that Situ Nan, there is no way I could win against him in my current state."

His eyes became cold as he muttered, "I wonder how my old friend Sword Saint Ling Tianhou is doing on planet Tian Yun. I should go see him. Maybe I can ask him to help me deal with Situ Nan and get the whereabouts of that mysterious bead."

Just at this moment, his eyes lit up, then he looked into the distance and said, "Even back then you liked to hide your head while your tail was showing. Long time no see, Po Jun!"

A hoarse laugh came from the void. Shortly after, the sky darkened. A large amount of seawater appeared in the sky and moved closer like a ten thousand man cavalry charge.

A man wearing a blue robe was standing on top of the waves and walked closer step by step.

There was a golden flower pattern embroidered on this man's robe; it looked very intricate.

"Greed! Could it be that you thought about this place too?!" Although this man's look was ordinary, there was a hint of viciousness in his eyes.

The person surrounded by deathly aura snorted and said, "You vex me just by looking at you. If you like this place, you can go inside. I'm leaving!" With that, he disappeared and flew off into the horizon.

The man on top of the seawater began to ponder and then jumped down. He landed outside the Chaotic Broken Stars. The seawater under him turned into a crystal which he then swallowed.

"Strange, this Greed never goes to any place without treasures. Everywhere he goes must have treasures. Ten thousand years ago, when I came to planet Suzaku, he had already been here for a long time. Although he was recovering from his injuries, could it have really been for this place instead?"

The man pondered a bit before walking into the Chaotic Broken Stars…

In the sea of blood in the depths of the land of the ancient god, on the only remaining pillar sat a man with a head of messy, blood-red hair. He suddenly raised his head. His vicious eyes could be seen underneath his messy hair. His crimson red eyes could shake the heart of any living being. He let out a cruel smile.

"Another one came… the day that I, Tuo Sen, escape will come soon, very soon… Wang Lin, you must keep my knowledge inheritance safe so I can retrieve it. Without my inheritance of power, your inheritance of knowledge is useless! Also, your inheritance of knowledge is not complete; there is one knowledge crystal that is in my hands!

"I spent so many years and so much effort to finally find this well-hidden knowledge crystal. After fusing with it, I remembered a lot of things.

"I could feel a mysterious power growing within the core of this planet over the years. This power is similar to the growth of a baby ancient god, this power is what your cultivators call the Cultivation Planet Crystal. I can use this object to break my seal and then I can use a soul exchange technique to leave this place.

"I will have to thank Tu Si. When he chose this place to divide his consciousness, some of the natives made him a god. This was all recorded in that last knowledge crystal. Tu Si responded to them by giving them the ancient god sacrificial grounds.

"Although countless years have passed and that native race is gone, the last stronghold of the Forsaken Immortal Clan is the last remaining ancient god sacrificial grounds. If I go there, I can use some of my spells.

"A junior of the Forsaken Immortal Clan was sleeping there, and in order to get the Cultivation Planet Crystal, I sacrificed a lot to push him from the eleven-leaf stage to the twelve-leaf stage. This allowed him to break the Forsaken Immoral Clan out of the seal and kill their way into the cultivation world.

"All of this has gone according to my plan, and the location of the Cultivation Planet Crystal has finally opened. Wang Lin, my messenger has finally met you again. Although you have changed a lot, how could I, Tuo Sen, forget you? Your divine sense has been engraved in my heart. No matter where you run, I can find you!"

Tuo Sen raised his head and began to laugh. His laughter filled the entire blood sea, causing massive waves to surge across the sea.

His eyes glowed red. The red from his eyes seemed to be several times thicker than the sea blood.

"Wang Lin, the day that I, Tuo Sen, escape is near! Once I devour you, I'll be an ancient god, an eight-star ancient god! At that time, who in this system will be my match!?!"

As Tuo Sen laughed, a few squeaking sounds came from the blood sea. Two little monkeys appeared and moved next to Tuo Sen.

These two little monkeys' eyes released a demonic red glow.

At this very moment in the Suzaku Tomb, the eyes of the old man with the creepy smile glowed red. The eyes of the monkey on his shoulder were even more red.

When the little monkey let out a squeak, the old man paused for a moment and looked into the distance. His eyes glowed red once more.

"He came!" The old man was about to move out when the monkey on his shoulder let out a growl.

But the old man paused a bit before turning around. His goal was the center of the Suzaku Tomb.

As the old man flew away, the little monkey looked before him and its eyes glowed red.

This old man was very fast; this person seemed to be able to detect when those rifts would appear, so he easily dodged them. Although he moved very quickly, there was no danger to him.

Shortly after the old man left, a ray of light flew in from the distance and Wang Lin landed. He looked at where the old man was and began to ponder.

Chapter 454 - Strange Treasure

Wang Lin pondered a bit before flying off into the distance. He had his divine sense spread out and was proceeding very carefully. The rifts gave him a headache because with them around, he had no choice but to move slowly.

In the last two days, Wang Lin passed over many places destroyed by the rifts. He saw a basin in the distance with piercing sword auras that pierced the sky like swords.

He scanned the area with his divine sense and found that there were more than 10,000 basins here. They covered an area so huge that he couldn't even see where it ended.

There was a long sword stabbed into each basin. Although half of the swords were underground, Wang Lin could clearly feel the powerful sword intent.

"Metal soul pieces…" Wang Lin pondered.

He had been inside the Suzaku Tomb for a while, and everything was so different from what Situ Nan told him. Wang Lin wasn't dumb; he already had his own speculations on why this happened.

"I'm afraid that the Suzaku Tomb is in fact the Cultivation Planet Crystal itself. I'm in the Suzaku Tomb and also inside the Cultivation Planet Crystal!

"This is why all these strange lifeforms were born in the tomb… This is why those strange rifts appeared when the Cultivation Planet Crystal began to shatter. These rifts are the collapse of the Cultivation Planet Crystal." Wang Lin's expression was gloomy as he looked at the basins before him. This, however, was still only his own speculation; he would need to go to the center of this place to confirm it. If the mountain was there, then he was wrong, but if it wasn't, then he was right.

Wang Lin pondered a bit, then he spread out his divine sense and his heart trembled.

At the center of this area was a large basin that was covered by a layer of dark blue ice, so no one could see what was inside.

However, the sword intent here was the strongest one; it pierced the heavens and gave off an arrogant aura.

This aura was not something a normal flying sword could have. Wang Lin personally saw something with a similar aura back at the Celestial Realm.

"How could this place have such a thing?!" Wang Lin looked at the basins before him. The basins covered too large of an area, so it would take too much time to go around. There would also be other lifeforms along the way anyway, so there was in difference in the amount of danger.

Also, the thing in the center basin gave him a familiar feeling.

This feeling wasn't from a certain soul piece but a general familiarity.

After pondering for a bit, Wang Lin walked into the area of the basins. However, after 100 feet, one of the basins revealed a cold intent. The sword in the basin came out of the ground and flew toward Wang Lin.

This was a very common sword; it was three feet long, two fingers wide, and was completely silver. The tip of the sword was pointed at Wang Lin and releasing waves of sword hums.


A divine sense came from the sword. This divine sense was very tyrannical and was filled with arrogance.

"Lifeforms formed by metal elemental souls are similar to a sword spirit…" When Wang Lin felt the divine sense inside the sword, his eyes lit up and he thought of something.

The sword intent coming from the big basin at the center was very similar to the sword intent from the celestial swords.

He touched his bag of holding and the celestial sword appeared. The moment the celestial sword appeared, the sword from earlier paled in comparison like a firefly next to a roaring fire.

Wang Lin shouted, "Xu Liguo!"

Black gas came out from the celestial sword and Xu Liguo took form. He looked at the sword and mischievously laughed. "Grandkid, although your grandpa Xu Liguo only became a sword spirit halfway, you…"

Without waiting for him to speak, the arrogant sword trembled and quickly escaped without any hesitation.

This scene stunned Xu Liguo, but then he quickly became arrogant. "Run? Did your grandpa Xu Liguo let you run?" With that, he carried the celestial sword and chased after it.

"A sword spirit naturally needs another sword spirit to suppress it." Wang Lin raised his feet and walked forward.

Xu Liguo cleared the path for Wang Lin. All of the treasure swords they passed by came out but ran after seeing Xu Liguo.

This scene was very strange; it was as if all of the treasure swords were afraid of Xu Liguo. Wang Lin's eyes lit up as he calmly watched all of this and continued to walk forward.

Xu Liguo was very excited as he let out roars. He would fly here and there with the celestial sword while letting out excited roars.

One by one the treasure swords came out from the basins and gathered at the center basin. Once there, they no longer escaped but floated there, releasing a powerful sword intent and cold aura.

Along the way, Wang Lin quickly flew toward the center with Xu Liguo leading the way.

There weren't many rifts here; Wang Lin only encountered three along the way. This place was one of the few places that weren't heavily affected by the collapse earlier.

The deeper he went, the fewer rifts he encountered. Finally, he started moving at his full speed and charged toward the center like a meteor.

Several hours later, the large basin in the center came into view. Hundreds of flying swords were floating above the center basin, releasing their sword intent. Wang Lin could feel the powerful sword intent all the way from here.

Xu Liguo stopped and didn't dare to move forward. He looked at Wang Lin with a pleasing smile and said, "Master, you saw that I didn't slack off at all along the way and herded all the sword spirits here for you. Now that there isn't much left for me to do, how about I go back into the sword until you wipe out all those sword spirits? I'll come out right after." With that, Xu Liguo quickly returned back toward the celestial sword.

However, when half of his body was back inside the sword, Wang Lin grabbed the sword and threw it along with Xu Liguo into the mass of treasure swords.

Xu Liguo let out a scream as he quickly retreated back into the celestial sword and was about to control it to escape.

"If you can't break through this place for me, then it will be useless to keep you!"

Wang Lin's cold voice echoed in his ears. He secretly complained and cursed Wang Lin in his heart. However, he didn't dare to try to escape anymore. He bit the bullet. He controlled the celestial sword and charged toward the dense mob of treasure swords like crazy while letting out vicious roars.

His roars came out through the celestial sword, making them heaven-shaking sword hums.

These sword hums could pierce the high heavens and caused all those treasure swords to make a path. At this moment, the blue mist covering the basin began to stir and a half-moon blade floated out.

Wang Lin revealed a look of disappointment. When he felt the aura similar to the celestial sword, the first thing he thought of was Wealth.

Although he knew that it was unlikely, the feeling wouldn't go away.

Unfortunately, the item before him was not Wealth but a half-moon blade. Since ancient times, swords and blades were equal in fame, but swords had their pride and blades had their own craze. It was fine if they were just normal pieces of metal, but once they gain a spirit, they can't coexist.

It was even less likely for a blade that could make countless swords worship it to coexist with a sword, and this blade was not simple!

But no matter how extraordinary this blade was, it was still made of countless soul pieces, so it was impossible to take it with him. Even if he manages to take it once he leaves the Cultivation Planet Crystal, it will shatter into countless soul pieces and they would return to their owners.

Wang Lin secretly sighed. He was about to raise his hand to call back the celestial sword and charge out of his place when he suddenly stared at the mysterious blade.

"That's not right! The blade's spirit was not made by countless soul pieces but just one…" Wang Lin took a deep breath.

He had seen many lifeforms since he arrived here, and all of them were made of countless soul pieces. None of them were made of just one soul piece like this blade spirit.

When the half-moon blade flew out of the basin, all of the surrounding swords let out sword hums as if they were paying respects to their lord before backing away.

Xu Liguo saw the half-moon blade from inside the celestial sword and began to become nervous. He had always been a scaredy cat, so after seeing all the other swords back away, he wanted to submit as well but was afraid of Wang Lin.

His tremble transmitted to the celestial sword, causing it to tremble slightly.

The half-moon blade appeared next to the celestial sword by using some mysterious method . With a ding, the celestial sword was pushed back, but there wasn't a single scratch on it.

Xu Liguo let out a scream and flew toward Wang Lin without any hesitation.

Wang Lin frowned. He always knew that Xu Liguo was a scaredy cat, but he didn't think Xu Liguo would run without even fighting.

Wang Lin's right hand reached out and the celestial sword flew into his grasp. At this moment, the half-moon blade quickly closed in.

Wang Lin quickly backed up and at the same time swung the sword, creating a wave of sword energy that collided with the half-moon blade.

With a bang, the sword energy collided with the half-moon blade, but the half-moon blade wasn't damaged at all. Instead, it glowed even brighter and colder as it sent out a divine sense message.

"Leave behind… His soul… you, leave…"

After the divine sense message was sent out, the half-moon blade suddenly grew until it was 100 feet tall and sent out a heaven-splitting wave of blade energy.

Chapter 455 - Red Butterfly

Wang Lin's eyes lit up. As he backed up, he raised the celestial sword to block before him.

The blade energy closed in and with a bang, Wang Lin was blown back. Using this force, Wang Lin backed away. The power of that blade energy was as strong as a full power attack from a late stage Soul Transformation cultivator. Without using the one-billion-soul soul flag, there was no way Wang Lin could match it.

Wang Lin quickly backed away. He didn't escape the same way he came but to the opposite direction; he went deeper into the Suzaku Tomb.

Waves of divine sense messages were sent out from the blade. It was commanding all of the treasure swords to chase after Wang Lin.

Wang Lin moved very quickly as he passed one basin after another. Countless treasure swords were chasing after him with the half-moon blade in the back.

The celestial sword was already put away, so he could fly with all his might.

The treasure swords from the basins before him all flew out and closed in on him, surrounding him completely. Wang Lin's eyes lit up as his right hand reached out and the one-billion-soul soul flag appeared. The soul flag turned into black fog and surrounded Wang Lin, causing his speed to increase several fold.

The treasure swords coming at him from the front all missed, but they quickly turned around to chase after him. At this moment, there was an endless sea of treasure swords behind Wang Lin. They were creating a sword intent that could destroy the heavens. The cold aura they created was causing the temperature to drop so much that even frost was appearing.

It felt like the sword hums were the only things remaining in the world; the sword hums shook the heavens and the earth.

This sound was so loud that cultivators within tens of thousands of kilometers all heard this. Many cultivators flew toward this location to see what was happening.

Each of the swords released sword hums and a cold aura. When all of the swords combined, they seemed to have formed an ancient sword immortal. Rays of sword energy passed by Wang Lin from behind him.

Wang Lin, who was surrounded by the soul flag, moved around like a cloud of smoke. Even though many sword energies still landed on him, they were all blocked by the soul flag.

Only when the sword energy from the half-moon blade closed in would Wang Lin take out the celestial sword to block it.

This whole situation was very exciting to Wang Lin; it made him remember the old days when he was being hunted by others back when his cultivation level was still low.

Just at this moment, two rays of light flew toward Wang Lin. They stopped 5,000 kilometers away, but when they noticed what was happening, they quickly turned to escape.

Wang Lin let out a laugh as he turned around and looked at the countless treasure swords behind him and the half-moon blade. He teleported and reappeared 5,000 kilometers away.

However, as soon as he reappeared, those treasure swords that were about to catch up to him released a bright flash and instantly closed the distance.




A thunderous rumble echoed through the tomb and the aura of destruction from when the tomb was collapsing seemed to reappear.

As the two rays of light quickly escaped, Wang Lin immediately recognized the two people. One of these two was a male and the other one was a female. Just from seeing his ears, Wang Lin knew that he was Zhou Wutai. As for the woman, she was wearing a purple veil. Wang Lin's eyes lit up as he recognized her as well.

Although Wang Lin was being chased by all the treasure swords, his expression was calm and he laughed. "Don't leave, brother Zhou. Wait for me for a moment!"

Zhou Wutai's expression was ugly as he muttered, "Unlucky!" He pretended not to hear Wang Lin and flew even faster.

As for the woman, the moment she saw Wang Lin, she revealed a face full of fear and quickly escaped.

Just like this, the two of them flew in front with Wang Lin behind them followed by countless swords. The half-moon blade would occasionally appear and send out a wave of blade energy.

This blade energy was the only thing that Wang Lin was really worried about. Every time one was thrown at him, he had to dodge it quickly.

The half-moon blade was very strange. Thanks to his divine sense, he noticed that every time this half-moon blade reached a certain speed, a mysterious power would force it to slow down. Otherwise, it could have easily caught up to Wang Lin.

The three of them were flying at their top speeds. After three incense sticks of time, the edge of the basin-filled-area appeared in their view. Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he immediately teleported. When he reappeared, he was already at the edge of the area. As soon as he appeared, he immediately charged off without a moment of pause.

Zhou Wutai hesitated a bit before chasing after Wang Lin. As for the woman, she hesitated a bit before choosing another direction and split off from Zhou Wutai.

The treasure swords all stopped here; only the half-moon blade didn't stop at all and charged out of the area of the basins.

After the half-moon blade left the basins, its speed suddenly exploded. The mysterious force that was slowing it down seemed to have weakened, causing its speed to reach an unimaginable level.

In almost a blink of an eye, the half-moon blade went past by Zhou Wutai and charged toward Wang Lin.

Zhou Wutai's forehead was covered in cold sweat. When the blade passed by him, he didn't notice it at all; he only felt a powerful wind and saw a black dot disappear into the horizon.

"What is that item? What fast speed! It is at least tens of times faster than before!" Zhou Wutai's heart was shocked as he chased after Wang Lin and the blade.

While Wang Lin was flying away, he had to slow down because after leaving the basin area, the rifts began to appear more and more often. After spending some time dodging rifts, he chose to stop on top of a mountain.

When he looked into the distance, he could see a mountain giving off a rainbow-colored glow. This mountain looked exactly the same as the spirit mountain Situ Nan had described to him.

Almost instantly after he stopped, a thunderous roar charged in from the distance. Wang Lin was already prepared and immediately teleported 10,000 feet away. With a bang, the mountain he was just at collapsed. With a flash of blue light, the half-moon blade flew out from the rubble.

At the same time, a divine message came out from the half-moon blade.

"Leave him… here!"

Wang Lin's body disappeared again, but this time he felt pain from his left arm. When he reappeared 10,000 feet away, the sleeve on his left arm was gone and a wound appeared.

"What fast speed!" After Wang Lin reappeared, he teleported again. He didn't dare to teleport too far, because if he ended up near a rift, it would be dangerous.

As a result, every time Wang Lin teleported, there would be a flash of blue light and the spot Wang Lin was just at would collapse.

That half-moon blade seemed to have gone mad chasing after Wang Lin.

With a flash, Wang Lin teleported 10,000 feet away and immediately moved to the side. Then a rift silently appeared next to where he was.

Right after Wang Lin teleported, a flash of blue light went through where he just was. Everything in the path of the blue light was destroyed, including mountains, the earth, and even some of the rifts that appeared before it all collapsed.

Seeing this caused Wang Lin's skull to tingle. He once more teleported without any hesitation. This time he felt pain from his right leg and fresh blood was spewing out of it.

After appearing five kilometers away, Wang Lin's right hand rubbed over the wound, causing it to close and the blood to disappear.

"What kind of treasure is this?!" A trace of greed appeared in Wang Lin's eyes. He had only ever seen this kind of speed on one other thing, and that was the fourth soul from the soul flag.

After comparing the two, their speeds were almost exactly the same, only the power of the blade was stronger. After all, being pierced by the needle might hurt, but being hit by the blade might result in your head rolling on the ground.

"This is made of just one soul piece. Who does this soul piece belong to to have such powerful metal elemental power?! This blade is a treasure!!" Wang Lin's body disappeared again, and everything around the spot he was just in collapsed once more.

The blade became even faster and Wang Lin soon became unable to keep up. If he was careless for just a moment, he would be injured. Now he knew why Zhuque Zi dreaded the fourth soul so much.

"I must made it mine!" Wang Lin's eyes lit up as he took out the celestial sword. With one flick, Xu Liguo was forced out of the celestial sword by him.

"Xu Liguo, bear with it for a while like you did with the Giant Demon Clan ancestor. Once I get my soul piece back, I'll come and save you!" With that, Wang Lin waved his hand and Xu Liguo flew into the air.

Xu Liguo let out a cry and was about to escape when the half-moon blade caught him and they disappeared.

Xu Liguo's cry came from the distance.

"Master, you mustn't forget to save me…"

Wang Lin's eyes lit up as he held the celestial sword. He and Xu Liguo were linked, so he could feel where he was. Also, the blade spirit shouldn't hurt Xu Liguo because it had other intentions.

And Xu Liguo was a devil, so he was not easily destroyed. Right now he was in a rush and didn't have the time to deal with the blade at the moment. With Xu Liguo as bait, he will have plenty of time in the future to get it.

After he put the celestial sword away, he looked at the rainbow-colored mountain in the distance and was about to fly there. However, just at this moment, his expression changed and he turned around to look at a nearby mountain. There he saw a red figure. This figure was filled with hollowness and loneliness.

She stood there like a red butterfly that wanted to leave with the wind but was forced to stay.

"Red Butterfly!"

Chapter 456 - Rose Red

If Red Butterfly was here, then Qian Feng was also around. Wang Lin's eyes lit up and his divine sense spread out. Qian Feng was at the mid stage of Soul Transformation, so if he wanted to hide himself, it would be hard for Wang Lin to find him.

Wang Lin's eyes were calm as he clasped his hands at Red Butterfly and said loudly, "Long time no see, fellow cultivator Red Butterfly."

The red figure in the not-so-distant peak was filled with a sense of hollowness. She gave Wang Lin a deep look and then, in the blink of an eye, she disappeared from the mountain and reappeared 1,000 feet from him.

After she got close, her hollow and empty eyes were imprinted in Wang Lin's mind. His expression became very ugly. He had heard about what happened to Red Butterfly and even noticed her presence when he battled Qian Feng.

But today was the first time he truly met her again after battling her.

What Wang Lin saw in Red Butterfly's eyes was only death.

The current Red Butterfly was still beautiful, but Wang Lin could no longer see the prideful and arrogant daughter of heaven she once was.

The Red Butterfly from back then was Xue Yue's genius, the blessed daughter of the heavens, someone who reached the late stage of Soul Formation in only 100 years. She considered Wang Lin a mere ant, and their small encounters eventually led to their decisive battle.

Although this was the case, in Wang Lin's heart, he still respected her. This respect was one's acknowledgment of their opponent.

Seeing that his past opponent was now like this made Wang Lin sigh. The phrase "while things may remain the same, people don't" wasn't wrong at all.

Comparing her past self to now, Wang Lin would rather see the prideful Red Butterfly from before. Only by fighting people like her could he step toward the peak of cultivation.

Wang Lin let out a sigh. He buried the regret in his heart as he looked at Red Butterfly and shouted, "Qian Feng, come out!"

Red Butterfly stood there looking up into the sky with eyes devoid of emotion.

Qian Feng's voice came from the void. "Ceng Niu, I don't have time to deal with you today. Since you found this place, we will meet at the spirit mountain."

Wang Lin suddenly turned around and looked at a mountain in the distance. A black fog came out from the mountain and charged toward the spirit mountain at a shocking pace.

Wang Lin's eyes became cold. He let out a cold snort and was about to charge toward the spirit mountain.

"Red Butterfly, didn't you want to battle Ceng Niu again? I'll give you that chance today. Kill him!" Qian Feng's voice came from the distance and then he disappeared.

"Ceng Niu, this is a good chance to catch up with your old friend, so take your time. Once I get my soul piece, I'll come and deal with you."

The hollowness in Red Butterfly's eyes disappeared and was replaced with the urge to battle. She moved before Wang Lin to block him and took out a red long sword.

At the same time, a powerful aura spread out from Red Butterfly. This aura was no weaker than Wang Lin's and contained celestial spiritual energy. Although her cultivation level wasn't at the Soul Transformation stage yet, it wasn't far from it.

"Ceng Niu!" A cold voice came from Red Butterfly as her cold gaze locked onto Wang Lin.

Wang Lin slightly frowned as he looked at her. He was not in a rush to find Qian Feng, and he didn't expect the spirit mountain to be here. If they really were inside the Cultivation Planet Crystal, then the spirit mountain shouldn't exist.

However, now that he did see the spirit mountain, this whole thing was strange, but since Qian Feng wanted to go scout it, let him.

Red Butterfly's eyes lit up and she waved the red sword. The sword flew out of her hand and shot toward Wang Lin's head like lightning.

Wang Lin backed up, then his right hand touched his bag of holding and the restriction flag appeared in his hand. He shook the flag and countless restrictions flew out, forming shields before him.

The red sword landed on the layers of shields, creating a series of thunderous rumbles that echoed throughout the area.

A large amount of dirt and sand was blown into the air. A red flash could be seen inside dirt and sand as Red Butterfly quickly charged out. A piece of red ice was now in her hand. The red ice discharged a cold aura and immediately covered the surrounding area with it.

As Red Butterfly closed in, her battle intent flickered for a moment, revealing a deep sense of sorrow. As she closed in, her lips trembled.

"Kill… me…"

A faint voice came from her mouth, but the sorrow from her eyes disappeared and was replaced by that powerful battle intent.

Her power was at its peak as she charged toward Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's heart trembled. When he heard Red Butterfly's voice, his gaze toward her became complicated.

Red Butterfly hadn't lost all her sanity yet; there was still a sliver of it that was hidden very well.

Red Butterfly was proud; her pride came from her bones, from her very being. She was as proud as a rose from the moment she was born.

The sliver of sanity she kept well hidden would rather die than live the life of a dog.

Wang Lin took a deep breath and faced the incoming Red Butterfly. His right hand reached out and strands of restriction gas started glowing while gathering in his hand.

A 30-foot-long black lance formed in his hand.

Holding the lance in one hand, Wang Lin's eyes were like lightning, then he looked at Red Butterfly and thrusted the lance at her.

The sound created by the thrust was similar to the sound of hundreds of ghosts wailing. This sound came from the tip of the lance and echoed throughout the area.

She suddenly pressed the red piece of ice on her forehead. At this moment, a red light shone from her forehead and then layers of red ice spread from it, forming a set of red armor.

This armor covered her completely and released a cold aura. The light illuminating the armor made her even more beautiful. The current her was like a war celestial. Next, the armor started glowing red and a black whip suddenly appeared in her hand.

The Soul Lasher! This whip was given to her by Qian Feng to deal with Wang Lin.

Red Butterfly's eyes revealed a mysterious light as she snapped the whip in her hand, causing a series of popping sounds from where the whip passed through. The whip moved like a dragon and shot toward Wang Lin like lightning.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up and the lance moved at the same time. He backed up and formed a seal with his hand while muttering something. A gust of wind containing celestial spiritual energy shot out from the tip of the lance.

The Soul Lasher and the lance collided!


The shockwave that resulted from the whip and lance colliding was so powerful that it seemed like the heavens and earth were going to collapse. The gust of wind pushed all of the force of the shockwave toward Red Butterfly.

This all happened in a split second. The moment the Soul Lasher hit the lance, it flew out of her hand. The Soul Lasher moved like black lightning as it charged through the shockwave toward Wang Lin.

With a bang, Wang Lin quickly backed up more than 1000 feet. His eyes revealed a mysterious light as he muttered, "Soul Lasher!"

This whip was once his, but he had to give it back right after taking it. Now that he saw this whip again, he had to keep it this time!

As for Red Butterfly, with the gust pushing the shockwave at her, she had to back up. A large amount of cold aura came out from the red armor and extended forward. Waves of cracking sounds could be heard as various ice sculptures formed in the air before her.

This cold aura froze the shock wave, turning it from something intangible to something tangible!

Wang Lin's eyes became cold as he stared at the armor.

Red Butterfly raised her hand and pointed at the ice sculptures before her. A series of crackling sounds could be heard as cracks appeared on the outer layer of the sculptures. The cracks expanded like crazy. In the blink of an eye, there were no smooth surfaces left on the ice sculptures, and with a bang, they shattered.

"Kill… me…" Red Butterfly revealed a struggling expression; her face was filled with pain.

At this moment, the Soul Lasher was moving around her body like a dragon and her armor was releasing waves of cold aura.

Wang Lin looked at Red Butterfly and silently nodded. He touched his bag of holding and a giant axe appeared in his hand. The sky darkened as soon as this axe appeared and all of the light gathered on the axe's blade.

Strands of purple lightning moved from the axe to Wang Lin's body, causing a series of crackling sounds to emit from his body.

At this moment, a desire for battle that he had never felt before appeared in his heart.

This axe was summoned by the Giant Demon Clan ancestor before he died; it was the weapon of the Giant Demon Clan founding ancestor who was trapped under the Corpse Sect in Zhao. After Wang Lin got it, he was originally going to let his original body use it. However, now that the celestial sword didn't have a sword spirit to unleash its full power and he didn't want to use the soul flag, this was the best weapon for him to use with his full power.

Red Butterfly stared at Wang Lin and opened her mouth. A red light flew out from her mouth and took the form of a crystal red rose. This rose started floating before her.

Then it suddenly opened. As it bloomed, a red smoke came from the flower, and a figure that looked just like Red Butterfly appeared within the smoke.

This figure contained a powerful sense of pride; it was exactly the same as the Red Butterfly that Wang Lin remembered.

"Ceng Niu, act now!" The Red Butterfly in the red smoke was filled with pride as she looked at Wang Lin.

Chapter 457 - Like a butterfly

At this moment, 5,000 kilometers away from Wang Lin and Red Butterfly's battle, Zhou Wutai was still flying. His cultivation level was below Wang Lin's, so he was still catching up.

The moment that half-moon blade zoomed past him, it shocked him greatly; he had never seen anything that fast before in his life.

As he was flying, Zhou Wutai suddenly frowned and stopped, then he turned around and looked behind him. He saw a red cloud closing in from the distance. It was causing the entire sky to turn red.

Even the rifts in the sky disappeared due to the red cloud.

Zhou Wutai let out a sigh. He immediately became very respectful and stood still.

The red cloud was like an ancient, fierce beast flying through the sky. When it passed over Zhou Wutai, an ancient voice came from within it. "Come in!"

Zhou Wutai quickly responded and flew into the red cloud.

There was an old man in red clothes inside the red cloud. He was staring into the distance. Although his feet weren't moving, the red cloud was flying at an incredible speed.

Zhou Wutai respectfully stood beside the old man.

"Zhou Wutai greets senior."

The old man nodded and looked into the distance. His eyes seemed to be able able to penetrate into the distance and see Wang Lin and Red Butterfly's battle 5,000 kilometers away. He pondered a bit before calmly asking, "Where is Zi Xin?"

Zhou Wutai answered, "Zi Xin and I encountered Wang Lin and then she left by herself."

The old man sighed and said, "Forget it. Let's ignore her. You follow me to the spirit mountain." With that, the red cloud sped toward the spirit mountain.

The old man was Yunque Zi.

The Forsaken Immortal Clan used the ancestor's skull. With the tattoo power of a twelve-leaf shaman, they were able to break through the Cultivation Planet Crystal's seal and send Yunque Zi inside.

However, if the ancestor was still alive, he might have been able to break the restriction on the Cultivation Planet Crystal completely. Because they only had the tattoo power from his skull, the situation wasn't exactly ideal. Although they were able to send Yunque Zi inside, there was a time limit. Once that time limit is up, Yunque Zi will be killed by the mysterious power of the Cultivation Planet Crystal.

This was why the moment he entered, he didn't waste any time and charged straight toward the spirit mountain at the center.

At this moment, Qian Feng was also charging toward the spirit mountain. Besides the two of them, there were a few other people rushing toward the center of the Suzaku Tomb.

Among these people were members of the Forsaken Immortal Clan and some cultivators.

At this very moment, there was an old man who was already at the spirit mountain. Although he looked normal, his eyes gave off a blood-red glow. There was a small monkey on his shoulder; the red glow from the monkey's eyes was even stronger.

The old man was standing on top of the spirit mountain. In the void above the mountain was a door that emitted a blinding, golden light.

This door was more than 1,000 feet tall and it had a very eye catching, scar-like crack going down its center.

The red in the old man's eyes became more intense as he looked at the door. He let out a creepy smile as he sat down and began to cultivate. The monkey on his shoulder looked all around with a vicious gaze.

Back to Wang Lin and Red Butterfly.

The glistening red rose gave off a tender charm. The image of Red Butterfly was the sliver of divine sense she had been keeping hidden. This was the real her.

She looked at Wang Lin with eyes filled with pride and whispered, "Ceng Niu, act now… kill me… this life without my will is not worth living. I, Red Butterfly, would rather die than live this life…"

Scenes of Red Butterfly flashed through Wang Lin's head as she spoke.

"A blessed daughter of the heavens ended up in such a state. How sad!" Wang Lin let out a sigh. What he saw in this image of Red Butterfly wasn't pride, but sorrow; a very well hidden sorrow in her heart.

This sorrow contained a very deep sense of pain. Looking at it would cause anyone's heart to tremble.

"Red Butterfly, I'll grant your wish…" Wang Lin's eyes became serious, then he waved the axe. He suddenly jumped into the air, let out a roar, and threw the axe. The axe shot toward Red Butterfly like a meteor surrounded by lightning.

This axe carried a powerful aura. As it crossed the sky, the sky shook as if it were about to collapse.

As the axe got closer to the ground, it caused the ground to crack and shatter.

Red Butterfly raised her head and looked at the axe. The sliver of divine sense left in the rose turned into smoke and entered her body's forehead. At this moment, Red Butterfly's eyes were no longer filled with hollowness and battle intent. At this moment, Red Butterfly's eyes were filled with clarity, pride, and hate.

Red Butterfly slowly revealed a faint smile. This smile was filled with joy; it was something rarely seen on her face.

The current her was like an innocent maiden who had dropped all the worries from her heart.

A monstrous battle intent came from the axe as it descended from the sky. It was as if there was an invisible giant holding the axe and swinging it down.

Although the smile on Red Butterfly's face was beautiful, it still contained a hint of pride. This pride was her true self.

Red Butterfly spent her entire life being proud, and even at the moment of her death, she was still proud. Her pride was as high as the clouds and as captivating as a bright red butterfly…

The axe pierced the sky, creating a powerful gust of wind and a series of sonic booms that echoed through the heavens.

Red Butterfly hadn't even lived for 200 years yet, but just like that bright red butterfly, although its life was fleeting, its beauty and pride were things people wouldn't be able to forget!

Although her pride made many people unhappy, although her ruthlessness made it hard for people to get close to her, she was Red Butterfly!

The proud Red Butterfly!

The axe closed in on Red Butterfly. When it was less than 100 feet away from her, it released a destructive force. At this moment, if Red Butterfly wanted to resist, she had the power to do so. If she wanted to dodge, she had the ability to do so. However, she didn't resist or dodge it. At this moment, her eyes were getting brighter and brighter and the pride in her eyes was getting stronger and stronger.

However, mixed in with that pride was a sliver of regret. Although it was hidden well, Wang Lin still saw it.

In her last few moments, Red Butterfly met her master. She saw her master's face and heard her voice. She remembered her debt to her master for raising her and her master's gentle and harsh words when she was a young woman. All of these appeared in her eyes.

In addition to her master, there was another figure, a weak-looking youth. His eyes were still gentle as he silently watched her.

After seeing this figure, Red Butterfly revealed a faint smile.

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The scenes were still flashing before her eyes until it stopped on one figure. His eyes were filled with love for Red Butterfly. He was the one who dared to steal the Soul Lasher regardless of the consequences.

"Goodbye…" Red Butterfly's smile slowly froze.

The axe arrived!

The red rose before Red Butterfly released a blinding light as the petals flew off one by one.

A stream of blood came from Red Butterfly's mouth and her eyes slowly dimmed, but that deep sense of pride from between her eyebrows didn't weaken.

"Next year, when the flowers bloom, there will be a field of roses on planet Suzaku. There will be a blue rose that will bloom in the northern plains. Wang Lin, that is my gift to you…"

The rose that lost its petals only had the stem left. When the axe closed in on it, it completely collapsed and disappeared.

A red mark appeared between her eyebrows as blood spewed out. It looked very shocking.

"Red Butterfly, you will face one trial in your life! It will be a life and death trial. If you pass it, then the rest of your life will be without trouble. If you can't pass it, then all will be lost. Master used her life to help you foresee this, so please be careful…"

"Red Butterfly, I'm afraid your trial will be related to Ceng Niu. He can't be left alive!"

Red Butterfly was covered in blood and her vision turned red.

"Master, you foresaw Red Butterfly's trial, but unfortunately, you only saw the person caught in the middle and not Qian Feng, who was my real trial…"

The axe pierced through Red Butterfly's body and landed on the ground.

It created a deep hole on the ground and black smoke slowly came out from that hole.

Cracks appeared on Red Butterfly's armor. The cracks slowly spread until they covered the entire armor.

She closed her eyes and her body exploded into a mist of blood…

A gentle breeze scattered the mist of blood, causing tiny blood crystals to cover the area…

Heaven's blessed daughter, Red Butterfly, died…

"Wang Lin… help me… kill Qian Feng… please…"

Wang Lin floated in the air and silently pondered. He raised his head and seemed to have heard Red Butterfly's final message.

As captivating as a butterfly… although it was short, the butterfly's beauty was engraved in people's hearts, making it hard to forget…

Red Butterfly died, leaving behind only a piece of jade and the Soul Lasher. These two items floated there, giving off a lonely aura…

"Qian Feng's domain is endless desire. He wants to devour everything, to obtain everything… In truth, how can domains be devoured? What Qian Feng wants was the moment of connecting with the heavens when one comprehends their domain.

"He devours domains to obtain different comprehensions until he can refine his own domain to completion…"

The information on his jade was what Red Butterfly learned by observing Qian Feng in these past few years.