

Chapter 440 - Above ascendant

"Above the Ascendant stage…" Situ Nan stopped flying and looked at Wang Lin.

Situ Nan answered, with a heavy tone, "The realm above the Ascendant stage is not something most cultivators know of because there are simply too few people at those realms."

"The Ascendant stage is a peak and at the same time a door. Most cultivators are stopped at this door, unable to continue their cultivation before their lifespan reaches its end.

"However, once you break through that threshold and touch the next realm, your lifespan will increase by countless folds. Although it can't last as long as the heavens and earth, it will increase by a lot. I gained some understanding of the next realm before escaping into the heaven defying bead, which is why I was able to survive for tens of thousands of years in there.

"But this doesn't mean that my life is infinite. If my time comes and I still haven't made a breakthrough, I'll still die.

"It's not that there hasn't been people who have managed to escape the heavens' reincarnation cycle, but most of the time they are low level cultivators. It is simply too difficult for those who have reached the Ascendant stage to escape the reincarnation cycle. The heavens' reincarnation cycle produces different amounts of power based on the cultivator's cultivation level. This is why I said that low level cultivators have a much easier time escaping the heavens' reincarnation cycle with the premise that there is a high level cultivator helping them."

Wang Lin nodded. He recalled when he helped Li Muwan fend off the heavens' messenger.

Situ Nan took a deep breath and revealed a hint of regret. "After the Ascendant stage are the three realms of Nirvana Shattering."

Wang Lin's eyes lit up. "The three realms of Nirvana Shattering?"

"That is correct. The first generation Suzaku, Yu Wuyou, told me about the three realms of Nirvana Shattering after he got the rewards from the Cultivation Alliance. If he hadn't told me, then I wouldn't have known until I became the next Suzaku." Situ Nan sighed as he recalled the past.

"The three realms of Nirvana Shattering. The first realm is Nirvana Scryer, second realm is Nirvana Cleanser, and third realm is Nirvana Shatterer."

Wang Lin took a deep breath, then he frowned and asked, "What about after the three realms of Nirvana Shattering? Is that the peak?"

Situ Nan shook his head and said, "How could it be so easy? The three realms of Nirvana Shattering are only considered the second step for cultivators. However, someone at the Nirvana Shattering stage can be considered a powerhouse in the Cultivation Alliance. People are rarely willing to mess with them. Rumor has it that the old monsters in the Cultivation Alliance have even managed to breakthrough past Nirvana Shattering."

Wang Lin pondered a bit, then he looked toward Situ Nan and asked, "Are you a Nirvana Scryer?"

Situ Nan bitterly smiled and said, "How it could it be so easy? There are two thresholds between the Ascendant stage and becoming a Nirvana Scryer, which are the Yin Yang Cleansing stages.

"The Yin Yang Cleansing stages involve a change in domains. It's not the same as it going from non-corporeal to corporeal but a deeper understanding. I can't explain it too much, but only after your domain has gone through the Yin Yang Cleansing stages can you become a Nirvana Scryer.

"Before I was forced to hide inside the heaven defying bead, I touched the border of the Yin Cleansing stage. Although I wasn't able to cultivate while trapped, my understanding of my domain had increased, so I completed the Yin Cleansing stage. Once I have gone through the Yang Cleaning stage, I will only need to find a place to go into closed door cultivation to become a Nirvana Scryer."

Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he asked, "What cultivation level is Zhuque Zi at? Is he also at the Yin Yang Cleaning stages before Nirvana Scryer?"

A hint of disdain appeared in Situ Nan's eyes and then he said, "Him? Late stage Ascendant. I'm afraid he will not even be qualified to reach the Yin Yang Cleansing stages, so there is no need to even think about him becoming a Nirvana Scryer. However, he is considered a very special kind of Ascendant cultivator. Although he is still weaker than cultivators at the Yin Yan Cleansing stages, he is not someone a normal late stage Ascendant cultivator can match."

Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he said, "The Suzaku Seal from the Cultivation Alliance!"

Situ Nan revealed hint of appreciation in his eyes and slowly said, "Yes, he is a Titled Ascendant cultivator and can be considered a top Ascendant cultivator because he controls a special technique from the Cultivation Alliance.

"Ye Wuyou obtained a powerful technique after coming back from the Cultivation Alliance called the Suzaku Seal. It is very powerful and would have been amazing if not for the fact that it costs lifespan every time it is used. Unless an Ascendent cultivator has comprehended the Yin Yang Cleansing stages, then they will find it difficult to match the current Suzaku.

"However, the techniques given by the Cultivation Alliance are also ranked just like celestial treasures. The Suzaku Seal is only a low quality technique, but it still greatly increases the power of whoever is holding the title.

"Unfortunately, the Suzaku Seal can only be used once you control the Cultivation Planet Crystal. Once you control both, your strength will increase by a lot.

"The Suzaku Tactic that each generation of Suzaku learns is what the first generation Suzaku, Ye Wuyou, managed to learn from the Suzaku Seal. Not only does the Suzaku Seal increase cultivation speed, but once you have the Cultivation Planet Crystal, it will increase the compatibility between you and the crystal so that you can reach the strength of a Title Ascendant cultivator faster."

Wang Lin pondered a bit. His eyes lit up and he asked, "You said earlier that celestial treasures are also separated in ranks?"

"Of course. Celestial treasures that require celestial spiritual energy to use are split in low, mid, and high quality!" Situ Nan's eyes became serious as he said, "There is also a rumor that there is a rank above celestial treasure that is very powerful and one has to be at least a Nirvana Shatterer to use it. I think the heaven defying bead is that kind of treasure."

Wang Lin touched his forehead. He pondered a bit and then took out the celestial sword. He looked at Situ Nan and said, "Check what rank this sword is at!"

After seeing the celestial sword, Situ Nan's eyes lit up, he waved his right hand, and the sword flew to him. He held the sword and touched it with his left hand as he slowly analyzed it.

Wang Lin was very calm. He trusted Situ Nan a lot or else he wouldn't have let him check the celestial sword.

Shortly after, Situ Nan suddenly opened his eyes. He filled the sword with celestial spiritual energy, which caused it to glow. This glow was more than several times more powerful than when Wang Lin used it.

Situ Nan whispered, "Good sword!"

He casually swung it with his right hand.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A series of heaven-shattering explosions came from the air. Then a very large, rift-like wound opened up in the sky.

Fierce cold wind came out from the rift and in the blink of an eye the entire ground was frozen over.

"Good sword!!" Situ Nan touched the sword. He turned his head toward Wang Lin and asked, "Where did you get this sword?"

"The Celestial Realm. It belonged to an old friend." Wang Lin's eyes were calm the entire time.

"This is a mid quality celestial treasure. Unfortunately, the sword spirit inside it can't completely merge with the sword, so its power is limited. In addition, this shouldn't be the only sword. I could feel that something was missing when I swung this sword. There should be four swords. Once they are combined, they will be like a high quality celestial treasure!

"Unfortunately, once a celestial treasure reaches mid quality, they have a soul mark. This is not the same as our souls but a technique to use the treasure. Without it, we can't activate its full power.

"Good sword!" Situ Nan liked it so much that he almost didn't want to let it go.

"Mid quality celestial treasure?" Wang Lin slightly frowned. He thought that it would be a high quality celestial treasure.

Situ Nan's eyes widened and he said, with disatisfaction, "What? Is a mid quality celestial treasure not good enough for you? In the entire universe, there aren't that many mid quality celestial treasures, and cultivators can only refine up to low quality celestial treasures. Almost all of the mid quality celestial treasures now are from back before the Celestial Realm collapsed.

"A large amount of the celestial treasures that cultivators have are low quality; there are very few mid quality ones. Once you leave here, you will see how rare mid quality celestial treasures are. Just one is enough to start a war!"

Wang Lin's expression slightly changed. He thought back to the Celestial Realm when he saw sword saint Ling Tianhou and some old freaks fight over the celestial swords like crazy.

Those people's cultivation levels were definitely beyond Ascendant, so Situ Nan's words had a certain amount of logic to them.

"Mid quality celestial treasures are already rare, but high quality celestial treasures are even more rare. This old man has cultivated for a very long time and even traveled to a few cultivation planets, but I haven't see a single high quality celestial treasure. You sure are lucky, brat." Situ Nan snorted.

Situ Nan raised his head and asked, "Do you have the tactic for this sword?"

Wang Lin pondered a bit and said, "I had some clues, but unfortunately I wasn't able to find it."

Situ Nan quickly asked, "Oh? Tell me about it."

Wang Lin shooked his head. "Things of the past. There's no need to bring it up."

Situ Nan smiled, then he looked at Wang Lin and said, "How about gifting me this sword?"

Wang Lin looked at Situ Nan and asked, "Are you being serious?"

Situ Nan hesitated a bit, then he let out a sigh and threw the sword back to Wang Lin. "Forget it. If it was someone else, I'd just steal it, but if it's your things, this old face would feel too embarrassed."

Wang Lin smiled. He caught the sword and said, "This sword isn't mine; otherwise, gifting it to you would be fine."

Situ Nan snorted and said, "If it wasn't for the fact that this old man's bag of holding was gone and I had nothing right now, I wouldn't care for it. This old man had two low quality celestial treasures."

Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he said, with a smile that was not a smile, "Zhuque Zi has a lot of celestial treasures!"

"Not only are all of Zhuque Zi's celestial treasures low quality, they were also all gathered by the first generation Suzaku. I feel too embarrassed to steal them." Situ Nan revealed a look of pity.

"Situ, what quality do you think this treasure is?" Wang Lin pondered a bit, then he slapped his bag of holding and the beast trap appeared. He threw the beast trap, causing the God Slaying War Chariot to appear before him.

The soul spirit on the chariot quickly appeared with its fierce eyes open and began to roar.

Situ Nan was startled when he saw the chariot, but then his eyes started shining brightly.


Chapter 441 - Zhuque Zi's madness (1)

Situ Nan said, as he stared at the war chariot, "Celestial treasure! Although it is a low quality celestial treasure, it's one of the most powerful low quality celestial treasures, extremely close to mid quality. Little brat, how do you have so much good stuff in your hands?! If this spirit beast was a bit stronger, it might be able to raise it to a mid quality celestial treasure."

"Low quality…" Wang Lins eyes lit up. He had three war chariots and this one was the smallest. The other two were both stronger, especially the last one.

"I have seen some ancient records about celestial treasures that use beast spirits. These can only be produced in the Celestial Realm, and after the Celestial Realm collapsed, these treasures almost went extinct. Unfortunately, although this is a low quality celestial treasure, it requires a special technique to use like mid quality celestial treasures do. To use it by force can't unleash its full power. What a pity!" Situ Nan let out a sigh. He truly admired Wang Lin right now. Although this brat's cultivation level wasn't as high as his, he sure did have quite a few treasures. Back when he was at this cultivation level, he didn't even have a single celestial treasure.

Wang Lin looked at Situ Nan, took out a piece of jade, and after recording some information on it, he threw it to Situ Nan.

"Look at this!"

Situ Nan caught the jade. When he checked it, his expression changed greatly. He looked at Wang Lin and said, "This is… the technique to control this celestial treasure?"

"That is correct. Using this technique allows you to control this God Slaying War Chariot. I can even promise that this technique was left behind by the creator of this celestial treasure." Wang Lin nodded and looked at Situ Nan with a smile that was not a smile.

Situ Nan put away the jade, let out a mischievous smile, and said, "Are you planning on giving me this God Slaying War Chariot?"

Wang Lin's expression remained the same as his hand formed a seal and pointed at the war chariot. A ray of black light flew from the chariot toward Wang Lin.

"Why would I not gift it to you?!" Wang Ling grabbed the beast trap and put it away. Situ Nan was about to get revenge, and if he didn't have any treasures, Wang Lin would be a bit worried about him, so he decided to give Situ Nan the war chariot. With Situ Nan's new body and the war chariot, his quest for vengeance will go a lot smoother.

Without the beast trap controlling it, the beast spirit let out a roar as it wrapped around the war chariot and quickly escaped.

Situ Nan laughed as he quickly chased after it.

"Don't run! Come and play with this old man!"

The four armies of the Forsaken Immortal Clan covered the skies of the north, east, west, and south parts of the Suzaku continent.

In the eastern army, the fifth ancestor's eyes became cold. He waved his hand and softly said, "The three month wait is almost over. The day of the country of Suzaku's destruction is about to arrive!"

The moment he finished talking, he immediately started moving along with the huge black cloud behind him. His target was the center of the country of Suzaku, Mount Suzaku!

At the same time, the other three Forsaken Immortal Clan armies moved and started the last attack on the country of Suzaku.

The two giant Reincarnation Trees on the Suzaku continent began to glow brightly and then two shining Ancestral Spirits walked out of them.

These two Ancestral Spirits both had ten-leaf plants on their foreheads. The moment they appeared, they also rushed toward the Country of Suzaku.

On the country of Suzaku's side, the four defense lines were immediately forced to retreat.

This was a large war, so the entire Suzaku continent was trembling as the sound of countless spells echoed across the land.

Zhuque Zi was curerntly standing on top of Mount Suzaku. His red robe was flowing in the wind along with his white hair. He stood there completely motionless.

Chu Yuanfei had left. The Ascendant ancestor from the Shattered Earth Sect was hidden away in closed door cultivation. Right now, the only Ascendant cultivator in Suzaku was Zhuque Zi.

His figure revealed a hint of sadness and loneliness, but even more so, a hint of madness!

"Cultivators of planet Suzaku, I am the current Suzaku. All of you no longer need to defend; let the Forsaken Immortal Clan come! Qian Feng and Liu Mei, the two of you come here." Zhuque's divine message swept past the entire Suzaku continent.

All of the cultivators that were defending let out sighs as they heard this and scattered as they ran for their lives.

Without cultivators stopping them, the four Forsaken Immortal Clan's armies charged toward the center of Suzaku like violent storms.

If one were to look from above, they would see the entire Suzaku continent being covered by four giant, black clouds that were quickly closing in on the center.

Zhuque Zi had his hands behind his bad as he looked at the blue sky and said, "Everything will be decided!"

Shortly after, two figures flew in from the distance and stopped next to Zhuque Zi. They were Qian Feng and Liu Mei.

Qian Feng was wearing a black robe and his eyes gave off an evil aura. He silently stared at Zhuque Zi with a gloomy expression.

Liu Mei was still beautiful. She looked like a fairy with the white silk robe she was wearing. Right now her eyebrows were tightly knit, but she also remained silent.

Zhuque Zi's figure contained a trace of loneliness as he said, with a heavy tone, "The country of Suzaku can't fend off the Forsaken Immortal Clan. Qian Feng, Liu Mei, the two of you will go through a life or death trial today. Whether you two live or die will depend on your luck."

At this moment, the black clouds closed in like raging tsunamis. The black cloud from the east only had one person: a middle-aged wearing a grey robe who looked like a scholar. With one step, he arrived 1,000 feet away from Zhuque Zi. "Zhuque Zi, I'm the Forsaken Immortal Clan's fifth ancestor."

Another person walked out from the western black cloud. This person looked very young and his whole body was covered in tattoos, except his tattoos weren't black but golden!

If Wang Lin was here, he would've recognized this person at a glance.

This person slowly said, "The Forsaken Immortal Clan's junior master greets Zhuque Zi."

Three people walked out from the southern black cloud. The three of them closed the gap in one step and stopped 1,000 feet away from Zhuque Zi.

Two of them were in an illusionary state. They stared at Zhuque Zi but didn't say a word. The other person was a woman. She was very beautiful and her eyes contained a hint of charm. She looked at Zhuque Zi, let out a smile, and said, "This little girl is the Forsaken Immortal Clan's third ancestor, and these two are my clan's ancestral spirits."

From the northern black cloud, Yunque Zi walked out. He whispered toward Zhuque Zi, "Senior apprentice brother."

Zhuque Zi suddenly turned around toward Yunque Zi and asked, "Should I call you Yunque Zi or second ancestor?"

Yunque Zi shook his head and said, "Forget about it. Senior apprentice brother can call me whatever you wish."

"All of you have come. The only eleven-leaf shaman in the Forsaken Immortal Clan, first ancestor, you might as well come out too." Zhuque Zi's eyes sparkled as he looked into the sky.

A ray of five-colored light gathered in the sky and a transparent figure slowly took form. The figure descended slowly and said, "Zhuque Zi."

This first ancestor looked extremely ordinary, yet with just one palm, he had scared Chu Yuanfei away. This power was similar to that of a late stage Ascendant cultivator, and to some degree even surpassed it.

Yunque Zi said, in a heavy tone, "Senior apprentice brother, our goal isn't to destroy planet Suzaku but to find a way for us to coexist. If you promise to hand over the Cultivation Planet Crystal, we can stop this war. We'll split the planet in half and never bother each other again!"

Zhuque Zi let out a laugh that contained a hint of mockery and said, "If it wasn't for the fact that you all were afraid of me destroying the Cultivation Planet Crystal, you would have already attacked without wasting time on all this nonsense."

"Arrogant!" The fifth ancestor's eyes lit up as he hit his forehead and a tattoo appeared. He pointed at the tattoo, he spat some blood on it, and shouted, "Seal!"

The tattoo immediately began to glow blood red and smashed toward Zhuque Zi.

The fifth ancestor knew that Zhuque was powerful; this was only meant to test the waters, so he didn't move closer.

Zhuque Zi's eyes became cold and he sneered. It seemed like he wasn't going to react, but then a golden glow appeared around him. Cracking sounds came from the tattoo as cracks appeared on it and then it shattered shortly after.

At the same time, the fifth ancestor's expression changed and he quickly backed up. At this moment, a bloody dot appeared on his forehead and blood started to drip out of it.

The first ancestor frowned and arrived before the fifth ancestor. He reached out and took out a golden needle. However, the moment the needle appeared, it disappeared without a trace.

Zhuque Zi's expression was gloomy as he moved. His speed was too fast, so fast that besides Yunque Zi and the first ancestor, no one even saw what he had done.

"Suzaku Seal, attack!" Zhuque Zi's ancient voice came from the void.

When he reappeared, he was already pointing down from the sky. The sky darkened as a large amount of the flames appeared around his body. The flame covered everything within 1,000 feet of him and the ground began to shown signs of being scorched.

Aside from Yunque Zi and the first ancestor, everyone quickly backed up to avoid the impact of the flames.

At the same time, a fire phoenix came out from Zhuque Zi's body. It let out a screech before it closed its wings and descended toward the ground.

The first ancestor charged into the sky. His body started releasing a black glow, then he raised his hand and pointed up. A mysterious eleven-leaf plant suddenly appeared on his forehead. One of the leaves fell off and floated toward where he pointed.


Chapter 442 - Zhuque Zi's madness (2)

The fire phoenix let out a roar as it passed right through the leaf and the first ancestor and charged toward the fifth ancestor behind them.

Its speed was too quick, so the fire phoenix landed on the fifth ancestor in the blink of an eye.


After a loud bang, the phoenix disappeared and the fifth ancestor let out miserable scream as he started burning. Three breaths later, the fifth ancestor died!

Zhuque Zi's face was pale and a deathly aura appeared around him. The Suzaku Seal consumed the user's life force when activated, and with his current lifespan, he could only use it twice. After using it one more time, he will die.

Once a target has been locked onto by the user's divine sense, the target of this Suzaku Seal can't change. It didn't harm the first ancestor, but it almost instantly killed the fifth ancestor.

If it were locked onto the first ancestor or Yunque Zi, the Suzaku Seal wouldn't have killed them with one hit, but it would have injured them. This was why Zhuque Zi didn't target them and instead targeted the relatively weak fifth ancestor to get an unexpected kill.

The first ancestor stared at Zhuque Zi and said, word for word, "Zhuque Zi!"

The fifth ancestor's death didn't seem like a big deal to these people; none of them showed any anger.

Yunque Zi calmly said, "Senior apprentice brother, you still have one more of those left! However, after you use that one, your life force will be drained. I gave you three months of time, so I assume you have thought clearly about all of this. Either you sacrifice every life on planet Suzaku to wipe out my Forsaken Immortal Clan or you listen to my suggestion and we split the planet in half! I need your answer!"

A hint of madness appeared in Zhuque Zi's eyes and he laughed. "My dear junior apprentice brother, based on your understanding of me, what do you think I'll choose? How about we play a game? If you win then I'll give you this planet, but if you lose, your Forsaken Immortal Clan can die along with all the cultivators on this planet!"

Yunque Zi eyes were calm as he said, "Oh? Tell me about it."

Zhuque Zi laughed like crazy. His eyes became cold as he said, "The Cultivation Planet Crystal is in the Suzaku Tomb. Any Soul Transformation cultivator can go in there as he wishes. If you guys can't find it in time, then I'll blow up the Cultivation Planet Crystal. Either the Cultivation Alliance wipes out your Forsaken Immortal Clan when they come to investigate, or everyone that was born in this planet after the country of Suzaku took over will die!"

Yunque Zi let out a faint smile and said, "The Cultivation Planet Crystal contains the soul pieces of every single cultivator on the planet. If you destroy it, brother, your disciples will die with you!" With that, he casually looked at Qian Feng and Liu Mei.

After Qian Feng heard this, his eyes revealed a mysterious light. He looked at Liu Mei and noticed that her eyebrows were knit even tighter.

"This old guy has a lot of secrets. I didn't know the Cultivation Planet Crystal had such a use…" Qian Feng's eyes became cold.

"Life and death is all up to fate. Qian Feng and Liu Mei, this old man will give you two a chance to go retrieve your soul pieces. If you can retrieve them, you can live; if not, you will die. Don't blame me."






After Zhuque Zi finished, he waved his hand, causing his hair to start moving without any wind. Then he chanted something and coughed out a mouthful of blood. Shortly after, a red light flew out of his body and took the shape of a red, heart-shaped crystal.

The madness in Zhuque Zi's eyes became even stronger as he shouted, "Break!"

The red, heart-shaped crystal began to crack. More and more cracks appeared like it would break at any moment.

At this moment, all of the cultivators of planet Suzaku, no matter where they were, even the ones that had long left the planet, everyone who hadn't broken past the Ascendant stage felt their hearts tremble!

From the rank 6 country of Suzaku down to the rank 1 cultivation countries; even the mortals felt pain in their hearts.

This kind of pain came from the soul; it was something that no one could resist. Even cultivators that specialized in the soul could only make the pain lessen slightly.

The cultivators who were running away, the cultivators who were healing, and the cultivators who weren't sure what to do in this situation all felt the pain in their souls.

They felt like they would collapse if there was a bit more pain. If this feeling had lasted a breath longer, it could have driven someone insane, and a sliver more would have killed them.

Among the mortals, from the kings to the commoners, everyone on planet Suzaku trembled.

This pain didn't take anyone's status into account nor it care about whether they were mortals or cultivators. As long as you were born after the country of Suzaku took over the planet, you couldn't escape it!

All of the plants, animals, and demonic beasts felt like the world was about to collapse.

Even all of the Forsaken Immortal Clan members that were rushing toward Mount Suzaku on the Suzaku continent felt this. Although what they felt was a lot weaker, they still felt like their lives were in someone else's hands. It was as if one squeeze would end their lives.

The Cultivation Planet Crystal was more powerful than anyone had expected. Even Zhuque Zi felt like he was going to die. At this moment, he seemed to have understood something.

"So this is what the Cultivation Planet Crystal from the Cultivation Alliance is like…"

At this moment, the pursuers stopped chasing and the people escaping stopped running. Everything on the planet seemed to have stopped. The air was filled with heavy breathing and fear.

Yunque Zi also felt this pain; it caused his expression to slightly change. Although he had long thought of this, his heart still trembled.

The third ancestor's expression changed even more. Her face was extremely gloomy and her teeth were clenched.

Although the first ancestor's expression remained calm, his heart felt bitter. The Forsaken Immortal Clan shouldn't have come out this early; they should have listened to Yunque Zi and solved this matter in a more gentle fashion. Grooming the next Suzaku and secretly controlling the planet was the best way.

However, it was too late now.

Next to Zhuque Zi, Qian Feng's expression changed greatly. He now looked at Zhuque Zi with anger.

Only Liu Mei, who felt depressed, was looking into the sky and still hadn't said a word.

The madness in Zhuque Zi's eyes dissipated a bit; they were now showing a bit of clarity. However, the clarity quickly disappeared and he laughed like a madman. "The Cultivation Planet Heart hasn't completely shattered yet; it is shattering bit by bit. The Cultivation Planet Crystal will collapse when it completely shatters. Yunque Zi, the game starts now. Let's see if your Forsaken Immortal Clan can get the Cultivation Planet Crystal before it breaks. If you can get it, I believe you have ways to prevent it from breaking. At that moment, this old man will give you planet Suzaku! However, if you can't get it or don't have a way to stop it from breaking, then you can all die with this old man!"

With that, he waved his hand and all of Mount Suzaku began to rumble.

Due to this violent rumbling, dust was kicked everywhere and the earth below trembled. Under this heaven-shaking rumble, Mount Suzaku split in half.

A dark passage was suddenly revealed before everyone.

"I have opened the Suzaku Tomb. Yunque Zi, this game starts now! You know the rules of the Suzaku Tomb: any cultivators under the Ascendant stage can enter and Ascendant cultivators can't." Zhuque Zi's eyes were filled with madness.

The first ancestor was looking at the slowly shattering Cultivation Planet Heart. He was about to attack when Yunque Zi shook his head and whispered, "It's useless. The Cultivation Planet Heart and Zhuque Zi have been fused into one for a long time. He doesn't even need to take it out to make it shatter; he did all of this to put pressure on us and make us watch our deaths come. Even if you were to take it, we would have no way of stopping it from shattering. I'm confident that with how crazy he is right now, he will destroy the Cultivation Planet Crystal!

"If it was three months ago, he probably wouldn't have even given us this game as a chance and directly caused the Cultivation Planet Crystal to explode. Now that he had time to think it over, he gave us this rare chance. Alas, if you guys had listened to me, we wouldn't be stuck in such a dilemma!"

The moment Mount Suzaku split in half, Qian Feng was the first one to charge into the Suzaku Tomb.

Liu Mei pondered a bit before letting out a sigh. She was the second person to enter the tomb.

Yunque Zi's eyes lit up and he looked around. The Forsaken Immortal Clan's junior master pondered a bit before walking into the tomb as well.

At this moment, the clouds in the sky churned as a large number of Forsaken Immortal Clan members appeared from within the black clouds. Several people flew out from the clouds. They seemed like they already knew of the matter ahead of time. Without a word, they entered the Suzaku Tomb. One of them was the eight-leaf hunchback old man who hunted Wang Lin before.

After three days, the news of the Suzaku Tomb opening spread across the entire planet. The news of the Cultivation Planet Crystal also spread like wildfire. At the moment, the most important thing to all cultivators was to go to the Suzaku Tomb to retrieve their own soul piece.

All of the cultivators from across the planet rushed toward the country of Suzaku to go into the Suzaku Tomb.

However, the Suzaku Tomb had a special restriction set by the Cultivation Planet Crystal. Once it exceeded a certain number of people, no more could enter.

Although a lot of people wanted to go inside, the number of people that actually managed to get in was very small.

Zhou Wutai was one of the people that went in, and along with him was the woman who was always wearing a veil, Zi Xin.

On the fourth day, Wang Lin and Situ Nan arrived at Mount Suzaku. Zhuque Zi had disappeared, leaving behind only the Cultivation Planet Crystal which was slowly shattering.

Yunque Zi and company were also not there; no one knew where they had gone.

A large number of cultivators and Forsaken Immortal Clan members were sitting around Mount Suzaku looking at the entrance to the tomb. At the moment, none of them were interested in fighting each other.

Wang Lin looked at the passage at the foot of Mount Suzaku and slowly walked over.


Chapter 443 - Who is this person?

Most cultivators on the planet were gathered in the country of Suzaku right now, and they all had one goal:

Enter the Suzaku Tomb to retrieve their soul piece.

The limit of the Suzaku Tomb caused a lot of powerful cultivators to gather here. Although they were mostly Soul Formation cultivators, there were 16 Soul Transformation cultivators as well. The 16 of them surrounded and completely blocked the entrance.

These 16 were close to the country of Suzaku, so they got here within a few days, but even so, they were too slow and missed the chance to enter.

Before they arrived, the number of people that went inside the Suzaku Tomb had already reached the limit.

The only way to go in right now was to wait for the people inside to die. If one person died, one more person could go in.

Among the 16 Soul Transformation cultivators, only one of them was at the late stage, three of them were at the mid stage, and the rest of them were at the early stage.

These 16 people were scattered around the entrance of the Suzaku Tomb. All of them had their gazes locked onto the entrance. If there was a green flash and a ripple appeared, that meant that someone inside had died and another could go in.

With these 16 people waiting, none of the surrounding people dared to get close. They were all waiting for these 16 to go in before fighting over who had the right to enter next.

After all, entering this place meant that they would have a chance to retrieve their soul piece. For a chance to save their own life, everyone on planet Suzaku was willing to give it their all.

The higher their cultivation level, the more true this was.

Wang Lin's figure closed in from the distance. He was wearing a white robe that made him look very calm.

Along the way, Situ Nan had told him everything about the Suzaku Tomb in detail. However, Wang Lin wasn't very confident about this trip. The Suzaku Tomb seemed several times more dangerous than he originally expected.

"Situ Nan gifted me a jade that allows me to leave the Suzaku Tomb, so I should only have a problem if I don't manage to get to the Cultivation Planet Crystal and retrieve my soul piece from inside it. Although Situ Nan has a way for me to not die, not only is it very difficult, but my soul will be missing a piece. This will affect my future cultivation."

Wang Lin's figure slowly closed in. The cultivators around Mount Suzaku were either chatting with each other, silently cultivating, or thinking about something else.

The moment Wang Lin arrived, some cultivators raised their heads to look at him. Their eyes lit up then they quickly lowered their heads and made way.

There were a lot of cultivators around, but whenever they saw Wang Lin, their expressions would change slightly and they would move out of the way.

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Wang Lin walked past the cultivators one by one when a very arrogant voice came from the front. "Stop!"

The moment the voice came, the cultivators scattered while Wang Lin continued moving. 1000 feet away from Mount Suzaku sat five cultivators. No cultivator dared to get within 100 feet of these five.

Among the five were three males and two females, and their ages varied greatly. There were two young women, two young men, and an old man. The five of them were all at the peak of the late stage of Soul Formation. The old man even had a strand of celestial spiritual energy inside his body. He was clearly ready to refine his body and reach the Soul Transformation stage.

However, he didn't have enough celestial jades, so he had only refined a small portion of his body. But even with just this, it made this old man much more powerful than normal Soul Formation cultivators.

The person who shouted was a young man who was sitting next to the old man. This young man was very handsome and was filled with a noble spirit, but if you looked closely at him, you would see hidden intentions in his eyes.

Normal people wouldn't be able to see through this, but Wang Lin, although he still looked like a young man due to the dew from the heaven defying bead, was an old monster who had cultivated for hundreds of years. He was able to see through that person at a glance.

As he calmly looked at the young man, he continued to walk forward without even pausing.

The young man's eyes were filled with caution as he walked up and shouted, "Fellow cultivator, don't break the rules. My teacher was here first. Once those Soul Transformation seniors have entered, it will be our turn. Since you came late, you should be in the back!"

Wang Lin's gaze landed on the old man with the bit of celestial spiritual energy in his body. The old man was wearing a black robe and looked like a skeleton. His eyes gave off a ghostly light that could shake anyone's heart. When he looked toward Wang Lin, his eyes became serious. It was as if he had understood something.

"My teacher is the honored Brutal Nanming…" When the young man saw that Wang Lin's eyes were still calm, he called out his teacher's name.

The old man's eyes lit up and he shouted, "Shut up!" While the young man was still startled, the old man stood up, respectfully clasped his hands toward Wang Lin, and said, "Brutal Nanming greets senior. My disciple was rude and offended senior. I hope you can forgive him." With that, he quickly moved out of the way.

The moment those words came out, the people around the old man were startled, but they quickly got up and respectfully got out of the way.

Wang Lin nodded toward the old man as he walked past them and then he came within 1,000 feet of Mount Suzaku. The moment he stepped foot in this area, aside from the one late stage Soul Transformation cultivator's, 15 gazes gathered on him.

"Teacher, what cultivation level is that person at? Could he be a Soul Transformation old monster? Disciple wasn't able to detect a trace of celestial spiritual energy in his body though." After Wang Lin left, the extremely arrogant young man sent a voice transmission to the old man.

"Of course you weren't able to notice; even I didn't notice until he got close. That person is not only at the late stage of Soul Transformation, but he's the kind of late stage Soul Transform cultivator who is just below Ascendant cultivators. He must never be messed with. Only late stage Soul Transformation cultivators can reach such a state where celestial energy flows naturally through their body and shows no hint of it." The old man sent a voice transmission back.

The moment the 15 gazes landed on Wang Lin, their eyes all lit up. Shortly after, they all withdrew their gazes and began to ponder.

They recognized Wang Lin as someone who was on their level and would be part of the first group of people to enter the Suzaku Tomb.

Wang Lin walked toward the foot of Mount Suzaku. He sat down near the entrance and silently pondered.

Among the 16 Soul Transformation cultivators that were there, the only late stage Soul Transformation cultivator was a middle-aged man. He was wearing a purple robe and looked extremely normal. He was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed. An ancient sword was stabbed into the ground before him. Its golden tassel flowed in the wind. The two bells on the tassel were creating a crisp ringing sound.

A small monkey with red eyes was sitting beside him. The monkey would sometimes scratch its head and scream at the entrance.

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At the moment Wang Lin sat down, the middle-aged man opened his eyes. His eyes were calm as he looked toward Wang Lin and said, "Ceng Niu!"

The moment he said that, the other 15 Soul Transformation cultivators were shocked and looked at Wang Lin once more.

The name Ceng Niu was very famous on planet Suzaku; almost every cultivator on the planet knew this name. If his battle with Red Butterfly hadn't caught the attention of the Soul Transformation cultivators, then the deaths of Li Yuanfeng and the Giant Demon Clan ancestor definitely made them pay attention to him.

Wang Lin's expression remained the same. He looked at the middle-aged man and asked, "Have we met?"

The middle-aged man faintly smiled. He rubbed the little monkey beside him and answered, "We have not."

Wang Lin no longer spoke and closed his eyes to rest.

The middle-aged man's eyes lit up and he faintly smiled. "Fellow cultivator Ceng Niu sure has great willpower; you used the celestial refining method to wash away your mortal roots in one go. This makes you much stronger than people who have to wait until the mid or late stages of Soul Transformation to wash away their mortal roots. If anyone other than us Soul Transformation cultivators look at fellow cultivator Ceng, they will think that you are at the late stage of Soul Transformation rather than the early stage.

"There aren't many people who used this method to reach the Soul Transformation stage; it's no wonder you were able to kill Li Yuanfeng and the Giant Demon Clan ancestor!"

Wang Lin slightly frowned. He opened his eyes to look at the person and asked, "Is something the matter?"

The middle-aged man shook his head and said, "Nope."

"I'm resting, so please don't disturb me!" With that, Wang Lin closed his eyes again.

The middle-aged man's eyes became cold, then he applied some pressure on the little monkey. The monkey immediately began to shrill and its eyes started glowing red.

Just at this moment, the passage leading into the tomb released a glow and a green ripple spread out. This meant that someone inside the tomb had died and another person could enter.

The middle-aged man frowned, then he glanced at Wang Lin before getting up and walking toward the passage. The red light slowly faded from the little monkey's eyes. Although its eyes were still glowing red, the light was several times weaker than before.

The middle-aged man thought in his heart, "Wang Lin, you don't recognize the current me, but I recognize you! We haven't met in a long time…" The moment he entered the tunnel, he looked back at Wang Lin and revealed a creepy smile.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up as watched the middle-aged man enter the tomb. He had never met this person before, but the creepy smile gave Wang Lin a familiar feeling. However, after thinking for a long time, he couldn't remember where he had seen this smile before.

After the middle-aged man went in, the three mid stage Soul Transformation cultivators stood up and rushed toward the passage.

The remaining cultivators' eyes all lit up as they got up and rushed to the passage. A lot of people inside the tomb had died this time, so a lot more people could go in as well.

Wang Lin followed them closely and also entered the passage. With a flash of green light, everyone before him disappeared.

Then the green light flashed again and one of the Soul Transformation cultivators was pushed out. He let out an angry roar as he went back to where he was sitting and sat down with his fists clenched!


Chapter 444 - Scorched Earth Spirit

The entrance to the Suzaku Tomb was in Mount Suzaku, but the tomb itself was another world.

The Suzaku Tomb was surrounded by the mysterious power of the Cultivation Planet Crystal. Aside from the entrance at Mount Suzaku, there was no way to break in or out.

Aside from being filled with majesty, every generation of Suzaku found that it was filled with mystery.

This place wasn't this big when the first Suzaku planted the Cultivation Planet Crystal. However, as time passed, or to be more accurate, as more soul pieces were added, this place grew as if it were alive.

It exists within the planet and gradually grows. Now it has its own mountains and rivers, its own sky and earth. Anyone who enters this place for the first time is shocked.

Wang Lin appeared somewhere on the edge of the Suzaku Tomb. The earth here was scorched and strands of black smoke came out from the ground and drifted into the sky. The sky here was not blue; there was rainbow-colored lightning flashing up there and large spatial rifts that would open up high up in the air.

These powerful fluctuations caused the earth below to light up and darken.

Wang Lin appeared on the scorched earth where strands of black smoke were rising up from the ground.

Shortly after, Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he looked into the distance.

"Situ Nan said that the Suzaku Tomb isn't large and is split into the inner and outer sections. The center of the inner section is where the first generation Suzaku's tomb is located and that's where the Cultivation Planet Crystal is.

But this place is far too different from how Situ Nan described it. My divine sense can't even cover the outer section, much less find that alter." Wang Lin frowned as he squatted down to touch the scorched earth and felt the heat with his hands.

"There is fire element within this earth. It doesn't seem to be caused by after effects of a spell or battle but rather from a natural fire elemental spirit." Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he flew away.

"There is no one within 5,000 kilometers of me. It seems all those who enter are scattered across this tomb." Various thoughts flashed through Wang Lin's mind as he quickly flew into the distance.

Just as he left, a pair of green eyes appeared in the ground. The eyes emitted a mysterious light as they looked at Wang Lin and then disappeared back into the ground.

Wang Lin was quickly flying toward the end of the scorched earth, but then he suddenly stopped and backed up.


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A moment after he backed up, a pillar of blue flames silently appeared where Wang Lin just was. The blue flame was about as thick as a person and it caused the temperature of the area to immediately increase. The heat wave created by this fire quickly pushed away all the smoke coming out from the ground.

However, the black smoke was like a ghost; after it was pushed away, it changed directions and went into the blue flame instead of continuing to float up.

At this moment, a strange scene unfolded before Wang Lin. All of the black smoke within 5,000 kilometers flew toward the blue flame.

A large amount of black smoke gathered within the blue flame, then it came out from the blue flame and took the form of tentacle-like things.

As Wang Lin backed up, his eyes became cold. He slapped his bag of holding, took out the celestial sword, and slashed down without any hesitation.

A half-moon-shaped sword energy formed and charged toward the blue flame like a fierce storm.

At this moment, the black smoke quickly gathered to form a shield to protect the blue flame.


An earth-shattering sound came from the shield as it collapsed. The sword energy shrunk a bit when it broke through the shield and then it landed on the blue flame.

A crack as thick as an arm appeared on the blue flame and strands of black smoke came out from the crack.

The blue flame moved, causing a large amount of black smoke to gather around it and seal up the crack. As more black smoke gathered, the blue flame began to change until it took the shape of a human.

It looked like an eight or nine-year-old child. Its entire body released black smoke and its eyes were completely dark. It looked at Wang Lin and let out a happy smile.

"Don't… Leave… play with me…"

Only a short period of time had passed since Wang Lin had swung the sword and the flame had taken the form of a child. Wang Lin coldly stared at the child. He was able to tell at a glance that it wasn't some demonic beast but the fire spirit that was creating this heat.

Wang Lin coldly said, "Scram!" He flew past the flame child and was about to leave.

"Don't leave…" The child waved its right hand and the earth before Wang Lin began to rumble. The earth suddenly rose, creating a 1000-foot-tall wall to block Wang Lin.

Wang Lin frowned. His body suddenly disappeared and when he reappeared he was several tens of thousands of kilometers away from the scorched earth.

The child floated to the edge of the scorched earth and looked at Wang Lin. However, it didn't take a step outside. It was clearly limited to moving within the scorched earth.

The child's black eyes stared at Wang Lin. These dark eyes gave off a creepy feeling. It suddenly let out a roar and then it jumped into the air with its arms open. A large amount of black smoke came out from its body. This black smoke was like a group of dragons. After it flew out, it entered the scorched earth.

Rumbling sounds came from the 5,000 kilometer area of scorched earth and the scorched earth began to slowly move forward.

Wang Lin fowned as he coldly looked at the child. Without a word, he turned around and flew away.

When the child saw that Wang Lin was going farther and farther away, it began to panic. It roared several more times as more black smoke came out from its body and dug into the ground, causing the scorched earth to move even faster.

However, this couldn't compare to Wang Lin's speed. Seeing Wang Lin's figure slowly disappearing in the distance, the child's face was filled with hostility. It let out a big roar into the sky, then its body collapsed into a ball of blue flame and went back into the scorched earth.

The scorched earth began to tremble violently and then suddenly it started expanding again. It wasn't moving this time; it seemed to be stretching itself into a line that moved forward at a frightening pace.

As Wang Lin flew, his eyes became cold. He turned around and saw a line chasing after him like a dragon. At the front of this line there was a ball of blue flames with the child's strange eyes.

"You're courting death!" Wang Lin didn't use celestial spiritual energy in that swing earlier. He took out a celestial jade and absorbed all of the celestial spiritual energy inside it. Then his eyes released a golden glow as he slowly raised the celestial sword. The celestial sword released a golden glow as it was filled with celestial spiritual energy and then Wang Lin swung down.

One swing of the celestial sword was like divine punishment. Its power was several times stronger than before. The sword energy moved faster than the speed of sound and quickly landed on the scorched earth that was charging towards him.


The earth trembled and at the moment the sword energy landed, cracks appeared on the scorched earth. The cracks quickly spread and in the blink of an eye, the scorched earth was covered in cracks.

Wang Lin whispered, "Shatter!"

With a bang, the line of scorched earth was shattered and dirt flew out in all directions. At this moment, a mysterious power came out from every speck of this scorched earth.

Wang Lin's expression was strange as he reached out and caught a few specks of dirt. After checking them out, he turned around and quickly left.

Shortly after he left, those specks began to gather once more. It didn't take long for the scorched earth to reform itself. The child looked toward where Wang Lin had gone and revealed a look of deep frustration.

"Don't leave…"

The child suddenly turned around and saw a ray of light flying toward it. Joy suddenly filled the child's eyes.

After leaving the scorched earth far behind him, Wang Lin's expression was very gloomy. He was now certain that the child made of flames was not a fire spirit!

If it were a fire spirit, then that sword slash should have destroyed it, but that strike that contained celestial spiritual energy only made it collapse and did not inflict any injuries.

"Even the scorched earth wasn't damaged at all; the blow from the celestial sword only made it fall apart. The scorched earth was originally just grains of dirt fused together anyways.

"This place is very strange; as soon as that scorched earth shattered, I felt like each of those grains was a soul… Could those have been the soul pieces?" Wang Lin suddenly stopped and looked back behind him.


Chapter 445 - Murong Yun

A faint scream came from behind Wang Lin and then a happy laugh followed it. Although there was no speech, Wang Lin could clearly hear one line within the laughter.

"There is someone to play with me…"

Wang Lin's expression was gloomy. He tried to scan the grain of dirt in his hand with his divine sense, but he found that there was a force stopping him. Wang Lin frowned, then he activated some celestial spiritual energy and infused it into his divine sense. His divine sense spread out again and this time it broke through the force and entered the grain.

The moment his divine sense entered the grain, he heard the sound of a mirror cracking. Then the grain cracked open and a blue flame appeared in his hand.

When he saw this flame, Wang Lin's body trembled!

"Soul piece!"

This was the soul piece of a mortal, and it contained a hint of fire element. The owner of this soul piece never cultivated and was only a mortal.

"That scorched earth is made up of these grains of dirt, and every grain is a soul piece. All of them should be mortal souls that couldn't cultivate, and that child is some kind of spirit body formed by all of these soul pieces combined… No wonder the celestial sword couldn't destroy it."

Wang Lin's expression was even more gloomy. He looked at the flame one more time before putting it back inside the grain. The moment the blue flame went back inside, the crack on the grain sealed itself.

He waved his right hand and without him stopping it, the grain flew back toward the scorched earth.

"Situ Nan said that the soul pieces are inside the Cultivation Planet Crystal, so why did I find soul pieces right at the entrance… Could my soul piece also be inside this kind of lifeform…"

Wang Lin frowned and flew forward.

The Suzaku Tomb was too big. After leaving behind the scorched earth, Wang Lin picked a direction and quickly flew that way.

The landscape of the Suzaku Tomb was no different from outside; there were mountains and rivers and the spiritual energy here was very dense. The spiritual energy here was several times more dense than outside. Even most sects' spiritual energy gathering formations couldn't produce this kind of effect.

Three days later, Wang Lin was moving like a meteor at low attitude toward the inner part of the tomb.

However, after three days, Wang Lin still hadn't found the border. Right now he was flying over a plain. The green grass of the plain seemed to go on forever!

In the past three days, he hadn't see one cultivator!

While he was flying, his expression changed and he turned around. He saw two cultivators flying across the sky like lightning in the distance. One was male and the other one was a female. When the two of the saw Wang Lin, they were startled.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he hid his cultivation level. He now looked like someone who had just reached the Soul Formation stage.

Two divine senses swept past him as if scouting him out. Afterward, the two of them seemed to have relaxed a bit and slowly flew towards him.

The two of them stopped several hundred feet away from Wang Lin. Neither of them looked very old. The male was a young man wearing a green robe. This robe was messy; it had holes and even some blood marks that had already gone black. On his sleeve was a mysterious symbol. It was clearly the symbol of a certain sect.

As for the woman, she was a bit ugly. There were countless pockmarks on her face. If a mortal saw her in the middle of the night, they would mistake her for a monster.

Although her face wasn't pretty, her body had a womanly charm. If you ignored her face, she definitely had a certain charm to her.

The two of them were several hundred feet away from Wang Lin when the male shouted, "I'm Murong Yun. I wonder what your name is."

Wang Lin remained calm and let out a smile. "I'm Qing Mu!" Qing Mu was the name Wang Lin used when he entered the Soul Refining Sect.

Wang Lin was able to see through their cultivation levels at a glance. The young man was at the mid stage of Soul Formation while the woman was at the early stage. Outside the Suzaku Tomb they could be considered strong, but inside the Suzaku Tomb, where so many have died, they seemed a bit weak.

They were only able to come inside because they were already in the country of Suzaku when the Suzaku Tomb opened up. If they had arrived a few days later, then there was no way they would've had a turn to enter.

Murong Yun carefully examined Wang Lin and said, "Has fellow cultivator just reached the Soul Formation stage?"

The woman looked at Wang Lin with a hint of coldness.

Wang Lin faintly smiled. "That is correct. I have just reached the Soul Formation stage."

Murong Yun carefully examined Wang Lin. After confirming that he really was at the early stage of Soul Formation, he relaxed a bit and said, "Fellow cultivator, this place is simply too dangerous. How about we team up? The more people we have, the safer it will be, and we will have a higher chance of getting our soul pieces back."

Wang Lin pondered a bit and said, "After hearing fellow cultivator speak, you seem confident in getting your soul piece back." As Wang Lin's spoke, his eyes lit up without anyone noticing.

Murong Yun laughed and said, "Fellow Qing, you don't know, but I was among the first wave that entered the Suzaku Tomb. I personally saw how Qian Feng and the eight-leaf shamans of the Forsaken Immortal Clan entered the inner section. If it wasn't for the fact that my cultivation level isn't high enough, I would have already gone inside the inner section."

"Oh?" Wang Lin faintly smiled. "How did Qian Feng and them enter?"

Murong Yun let out a mysterious smile and said, "I can only tell brother Qing that the entrance is an alter. They searched for a very long time and finally went into the alter. However, the location of the altar is remote and very dangerous. We need to wait for more people before we go, then we will have a better chance."

Wang Lin's eyes were calm. He looked at this person, faintly smiled, and nodded.

As the two were talking, the woman next to Mu Rong Yun said, "No need to speak anymore nonsense!" With that, she flew away.

Looking at the woman's back, Murong Yun let out a sigh and said, "She looks like a great beauty from the back. What a pity…"

With that, he clasped his hands at Wang Lin and followed behind her.

Wang Lin rubbed his chin and slowly followed behind the two of them. He would occasionally place his gaze on Murong Yun. The mark on his sleeve and the black blood marks on his clothes made him ponder.

As they flew, Wang Lin calmly asked, "Fellow cultivator Murong, what kind of danger is there at the altar?"

A hint of fear appeared in Murong Yun's eyes as he took a deep breath and said, "I only saw it from a distance. Three of the eight-leaf shamans and two Soul Transformation old monsters died. Even after they all died, I never spotted the enemy."

Wang Lin revealed a smile that was not a smile and said, with a hint of mockery, "Fellow cultivation Murong's luck was pretty good."

Murong Yun was startled when he heard this, then he let out a wary smile and said, "I was really far away and escaped right away, so I wasn't caught in the fight. However, one thing I'm sure about is that there is a powerful existence there that is very dangerous. We need more people to have a chance at entering."

Wang Lin looked at Murong Yun with a strange smile on his face and no longer spoke.

Murong Yun's heart sank. He took another good look at Wang Lin before turning around and carrying on.

The three of them flew very quickly across the plain with the ugly woman in the front. In the afternoon of the second day, the woman stopped. She looked into the distance and coldly said, "There is someone up ahead."

Just as she spoke, a sword pierced through the air and swept toward them. As the fierce sword energy closed in, a cold aura surrounded the area.

A white flying sword quickly closed in. The person on the sword was an old man with grey hair wearing a grey robe, but with eyes were like lightning. His expression was very gloomy and kept on looking behind him.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up. He was able to tell at a glance what was wrong. A bolt of twisting lightning was chasing the old man. The bolt of lightning seemed to be alive and was closely chasing after him.

As he was escaping, the old man's divine sense swept past the three of them and he exclaimed when his gaze landed on Wang Lin.

Wang Lin had seen this old man before. He was one of the 16 Soul Transformation cultivators outside the Suzaku Tomb. His cultivation level was at the early stage of Soul Transformation.

He didn't stop and quickly said, "Fellow cultivators, retreat quickly. That thing is very strange!"

Just at this moment, Murong Yun casually looked at the thing that was chasing the old man. His gaze was very ordinary, but the bolt of lightning immediately stopped and let out a roar of discontent before running around and leaving.

Everything happened very quickly. If it wasn't for the fact that Wang Lin had been paying special attention to Murong Yun, he wouldn't have seen what just happened.

The lightning quickly disappeared. Even the old man on the flying sword was startled. He stopped, looked behind him, and his eyebrows knit tightly together.

Murong Yun moved up a few feet. He clasped his hands and said, "Junior Murong Yun greets senior."

The old man coldly looked at Murong Yun and ignored him. His gaze landed on Wang Lin as he clasped his hands and said, "Many thanks, fellow cultivator Ceng!"

After thinking for a while, he couldn't figure out why that thing had stopped chasing him. In the end, he thought that it had something to do with this Ceng Niu. After all, Ceng Niu was very famous, so he had to have some powerful spells.

The moment he said "fellow cultivator Ceng," the ugly-looking woman suddenly turned around and carefully looked at Wang Lin.

Wang Lin faintly smiled and shook his head. "That is not me."

The old man's eyes faintly narrowed and he smiled. "Let's not talk about this. I'm Mu Yunhai. Does fellow cultivator Ceng have any clues about entering the inner section of the tomb?"


Chapter 446 - Alter

Wang Lin stayed quiet and looked at Murong Yun.

Mu Yunhai's heart skipped a beat.

Murong Yun faintly smiled as he clasped his hands and said, "Junior Murong Yun greets senior."

Mu Yunhai nodded and asked, "Do you know how to enter the inner section?"

Murong Yun nodded and replied, "Senior Mu, junior does know the method of going in, but senior has to promise that you will take us in as well. If senior agrees, then I promise to tell senior everything I know."

Mu Yunhai's eyes lit up and he said, "Speak, this old man agrees."

Murong Hai's eyes revealed joy. "Junior will lead the way. Our destination is an altar; it's the only passage into the inner section."

Mu Yunhai asked, in a serious tone, "Are there dangers there?"

Murong Yu quickly replied, "There are. Junior saw several eight-leaf Forsaken Immortal Clan members die. There was a total of eight of them, but the first person to enter didn't encounter any danger."

Mu Yunahi frowned, then he looked toward Wang Lin and asked, "Fellow cultivator Ceng, what do you think?"

Wang Lin looked at Murong Yun with a smile that was not a smile and said to Mu Yunhai, "With the two of us working together, even if we can't get past it, our lives shouldn't be in danger."

Mu Yunhai laughed, then he nodded and said to Murong Yun, "Little brat, lead the way!"

Murong Yun quickly nodded, then he looked at Wang Lin and warily smiled. "Senior is definitely not a Soul Formation cultivator. Junior didn't know before; I hope senior won't blame me." With that, he flew in front. Mu Yunhai signaled Wang Lin and the two of them followed behind.

As for the ugly woman, she hesitated for a bit before following them.

Although Murong Yun's speed was very fast, it was still too slow in Mu Yunhai's eyes. Half an hour later, Mu Yunhai let out a snort and moved up, grabbed Murong Yun, turned toward Wang Lin, and said, "Fellow cultivator Ceng, you and I will each take one of them and get to the altar at full speed. If we are slow and the Cultivation Planet Crystal breaks, then all of us will die here."

With that, he held Murong Yun and suddenly sped up before disappearing into the distance.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up. He waved his right hand and the ugly woman was immediately surrounded by a mysterious power. Wang Lin flew off into the distance while taking her along.

"Is senior Ceng Niu?" The woman was behind Wang Lin and a hint of her fragrance entered Wang Lin's nose.

Wang Lin calmly answered, "I am."

The woman wondered a bit and then suddenly said, "Senior, beware of Murong Yun." After that, she remained silent.

Wang Lin and Mu Yunhai were very fast. With Murong Yun guiding them, they quickly crossed the plain.

Three days later, an endless mountain range appeared below them. Above the mountain range was a massive black cloud. This black cloud was constantly churning and it gave off a creepy aura.

On the western side of the mountain range was an extremely tall mountain peak. Most of the peak was hidden within the black cloud, so only half of it could be seen from outside the black cloud.

Under Murong Yun's guidance, Mu Yunhai charged into the black cloud. Wang Lin spread out his divine sense and followed closely behind.

Inside the black cloud, Wang Lin opened his mouth and spat out a black light. The black light quickly disappeared within the black cloud.

Then he slapped his bag of holding and took something out. With one shake, it also disappeared within the black cloud. He did all of this very inconspicuously with the cover of the black cloud, so no one detected anything. Even the woman who was next to him didn't notice because the difference in their cultivation levels was too great.

The mountain in the black cloud was a bit blurry; it was as if there was something wrapped around the mountain peak, giving it an ethereal feeling. On the top of the mountain was a large platform, and at the center of the platform was a black altar.

This altar was a tower with steps leading up to the top. There was a concave at the very top of the tower with black fog going inside.

Mu Yunhai held Murong Yun and landed on the altar.

Wang Lin landed after them.

They saw dried blood marks on the altar and the smell of blood was still lingering. They sometimes heard wails coming from the black cloud as if there were ghosts crying.

After Wang Lin landed, he let go of the woman and his eyes lit up. After looking around, he saw that this place was very different from how Situ Nan described it.

The altar that Situ Nan told him about was in a valley surrounded by mountains and not a mountain peak. His eyes quickly became cold.

Mu Yunhai spread out his divine sense and looked around. Then he said, "Junior Murong, is this the altar you were talking about?"

Murong Yun quickly nodded and said with confidence, "Senior, this is the place. However, senior should be careful; aside from the first eight-leaf shaman, the ones that followed him all died mysterious deaths."

Mu Yunhai looked at Murong Yun before quickly grabbing Murong Yun and pressing his hand on Murong Yun's forehead. Mu Yunhai's eyes lit up and he whispered, "Soul search!"

Murong Yun let out a miserable groan and his body began to tremble. Mu Yunhai's eyes lit up even more and then he let go of Murong Yun after a while.

Murong Yun fell down like a pile of mud. His body gave off a deathly aura and remained motionless.

"Fellow cultivator Ceng, this person isn't lying!" With that, he jumped up the altar. "Fellow cultivator Ceng, I'm going to scout. Please guard me!"

"Okay!" A hint of mockery appeared in Wang Lin's eyes.

Mu Yunhai arrived at the top of the altar in almost the blink of an eye. After standing there for a bit, his expression suddenly became strange. His eyes revealed a strange light as he looked at the concave on top of the altar.

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Find Out Why Her Family Disowned Her


Shortly after, joy appeared in his eyes and he laughed. "This is the place! Fellow cultivator Ceng, I'll be going ahead!" With that, he walked into the center of the altar and disappeared.

The ugly woman hesitated for a bit. She looked at Wang Lin and then at Murong Yun before pondering in silence.

Wang Lin sneered and didn't look toward the altar. Instead, he looked at Murong Yun and flicked a spell toward his forehead.

As soon as the spell arrived, Murong Yun suddenly opened his eyes, grabbed the spell, and crushed it, then he stood up and looked at Wang Lin. Black gas suddenly appeared and covered his face, then his originally handsome face became fierce.

"How did you figure it out?!" His voice contained a mysterious power.

Wang Lin's eyes were calm as he said, "I can tell you, but you have to answer a few of my questions."

Murong Yun's eyes lit up and he said, "Interesting. You answer me first."

Wang Lin calmly said, "All cultivators like to keep themselves clean, so they keep spare clothes in their bags of holding. Rarely anyone would appear in such a disheveled state like you."

Murong sneered and said, "Just because of that?"

Wang Lin's expression was still calm. He stared at Murong Yun and said, "Of course there were other tells, but right now I want to know what you are"

Murong Yun snorted. "I'm made of soul pieces! Tell me what else gave me away!"

Wang Lin said, "Your clothes are far too old and not what the cultivators who just entered would wear. What is your goal?"

"I don't have a goal; I just don't want you guys to get the Cultivation Planet Crystal. Also, are those the only two points?" Murong Yun frowned.

Wang Lin let out a sigh and shook his head. "The last reason is the symbol on your clothes…" With that, Wang Lin's right hand suddenly moved. He activated the celestial spiritual energy in his body and then a spell containing celestial spiritual energy suddenly appeared before him. As his right hand rose, the celestial spell rushed out toward Murong Yun.

Murong Yun sneered and didn't move, but at the moment the celestial spell landed, his body collapsed into strands of black gas and disappeared into the surrounding black clouds.

Wang Lin didn't chase and a hint of mockery appeared in his eyes. Soon, a scream came from within the black cloud and the strands of black fog flew back and condensed back into Murong Yun. His expression was extremely ugly as he looked around and said to Wang Lin, "You are not a normal Soul Transformation cultivator!"

A 30-foot-long flag flew out from the black clouds. The flag was moving like a wave inside the cloud. A large amount of soul fragments were coming in and out of the flag. There were ten primary souls inside the black cloud with their gazes locked onto Murong Yun.

Among these primary souls was a golden-purple Qilin. Its eyes revealed a fierce gaze.

Wang Lin had refined the one-billion-soul soul flag once more on the way here with Situ Nan. He fused his other two flags into it, so now the Qilin and Li Yuanfeng were both primary souls of the one-billion-soul soul flag.

Now this one-billion-soul soul flag had 28 primary souls!

"Do you think you can trap me like this?" Murong Yun sneered and charged out once more. He turned into black fog again and flew toward Wang Lin's orifices.

Wang Lin's body backed up and his eyes became cold. He raised his hand and whispered, "Seal!"

At this moment, another flag flew out from the black clouds. As soon as it appeared, a large amount of restrictions flew out of it. At a very quick speed, they closed in and created a cage the size of a person, trapping all of the black fog inside. The cage quickly shrank until it was the size of a fist.

This sphere was made of restrictions. The rows of restrictions completely sealed the black fog inside it.


Chapter 447 - A beauty that can't be replicated

Lifeforms made of soul pieces were very hard to kill, and even if they were killed, the victims would be the owners of the soul pieces and not the lifeform.

If Wang Lin were to use celestial spiritual energy and held nothing back, he could kill this thing. However, more soul pieces would come and reform this lifeform again. In a certain way, these lifeforms were undying.

However, when the Cultivation Planet Crystal shatters, these soul pieces will also collapse.

No one knows whether the next lifeform they face will contain the soul pieces of their loved ones. At that moment, how would they act? If it was your own soul piece, then that would be easier because you have a mysterious connection with your soul piece.

Of course, there were quite a few heartless people inside the Suzaku Tomb. There were a few people who, after observing for a while and learning the secret, began a slaughter. They destroyed one soul piece after another and then waited for the life form to reform by calling more soul pieces. They continued this stupid method in hopes of finding their own soul piece.

Qian Feng was one of them.

At this very moment, Qian Feng was at a mountain range in the inner section of the tomb. He was sitting outside a cave with a very gloomy expression.

He was the first person to enter the Suzaku Tomb, so obviously he met the lifeforms made of soul pieces. These lifeform couldn't be killed, so in the end, both cultivators and the Forsaken Immortal Clan members met something like Murong Yun and rushed toward that mountain peak.

There were some people that were tricked by the altar, but Qian Feng didn't fall for the trap and escaped. He spent a lot of time and effort before finally finding the real altar and entering the inner section of the Suzaku Tomb.

Although the inner section was smaller than the outer section, it was still very large. There were also a lot more of those life forms here and some of them were very powerful. Qian Feng couldn't beat them, so he was forced to retreat.

During these days in the inner section, he still couldn't find the first Suzaku's grave. As time passed, more and more cultivators and Forsaken Immortal Clan members entered the inner section.

Qian Feng personally saw a familiar Soul Transformation cultivator's eyes go dim and die after a few Forsaken Immortal Clan members went all out and killed one of those lifeforms.

This scene shocked everyone around.

Qian Feng found out that this person's origin soul had shattered and he had completely died.

Everyone who had entered the Suzaku Tomb was very smart, so they immediately understood the meaning behind this. As a result, in the battle against these lifeforms, some began to hold back, but the more they held back, the harder it was to win. It was like a dead knot.

Qian Feng had been sitting outside this cave for more than half a month. His heart felt very anxious and this irritated him greatly. He didn't know how long he had before the Cultivation Planet Crystal collapses. If he couldn't get his soul piece back, then the only thing left for him was death.

"Zhuque Zi, you old bag of bones! If you are going to die, just die! Why does everyone else have to die with you?!" Qian Feng clenched his teeth and punched the ground.

He took a deep breath, his eyes lit up, and he looked at the cave before him. He began to silently calculate and then suddenly took out a black gourd.

His right hand formed a seal and then pointed at the gourd. "Red Butterfly, come out!" he said.

A ray of golden light came out from the gourd and Red Butterfly appeared before Qian Feng. She was wearing a red dress, she was still as beautiful as before, and her eyes were still without any life.

At this moment, the coldness and arrogance she once hard no longer existed; what remained was a heartbreaking sorrow and indifference.

This gourd was a treasure from his family that was said to have been left by an ancestor. Not only did it have its secrets, it could also store living things.

Qian Feng said, "Time is up, so it should have recovered. You go lure it out."

Red Butterfly didn't say a word as she slowly walked into the cave.

Qian Feng took a deep breath, his hand formed a seal, and the celestial spiritual energy in his body activated. The celestial spiritual energy slowly gathered on his finger until it formed a small, golden ball.

Qian Feng's face was gloomy as he stared into the depths of the cave.

Shortly after, a roar came from within the cave and the ground began to tremble. Red Butterfly ran out from within the cave and stood next to Qian Feng.

At the same time, a tall figure came out of the cave. This was a 100-foot-tall giant and its body emitted black smoke. Every step it took caused the ground to shake.

As the giant was walking out of the cave, Qian Feng's eyes became cold and he pointed at the giant. The small ball on the tip of his finger shot out toward the giant.

An angry roar came from the giant as its body collapsed into countless strands of black smoke to dodge the ball of light.

Qian Feng shouted, "Explode!"

With one word, the ball of light suddenly exploded, creating a powerful explosion that quickly spread in all directions.

The entire mountain trembled and a large amount of rocks began to fall off of it. All of the strands of black smoke that escaped were destroyed without any exception.

"This is the 69th one already and I still haven't found my soul piece…" Qian Feng frowned. He knew that this method wasn't the best method. However, this Suzaku Tomb was simply too big and he wasn't powerful enough to go to a lot of places, so he could only use this dumb method and hope for a miracle.

On the mountain with the altar in the outer section of the Suzaku Tomb, Wang Lin held the sphere with the life form sealed inside and jumped down.

As for the ugly woman, Wang Lin ignored her.

Wang Lin's voice was calm as he said, "I won't kill you, but I can seal you, and this kind of seal is permanent. Once the owners of the soul pieces die one by one as their lifespans run out, you will die a true death!"

Throughout these past severals days in the Suzaku Tomb, he had been thinking of a way to deal with these lifeforms. After pondering for a long time, he thought of this method.

Using a large amount of restrictions to seal each of the soul pieces would create some kind of sealing effect. Then, by adding a soul fragment of the same cultivation level, it would prevent the lifeform from reforming again.

He only needed to wait for the owners of the soul pieces inside the lifeform to die naturally for this lifeform to die naturally as well.

Wang Lin didn't have time to test if this method really worked, but when those words landed in Murong Yun's ears, it was like he was shocked by lightning.

"I'm unkillable. When the soul pieces that I'm made of die, I can gather more soul pieces to reform myself!" Murong Yun's roar came from within the sphere.

Wang Lin coldly snorted and landed at the foot of the mountain. He pointed at the ground and created a hole several dozen feet deep.

Wang Lin jumped into the hole, placed the sphere inside, and began placing down restrictions nearby.

Murong Yun noticed what Wang Lin was doing and quickly said, "What are you doing?!"

"I'm going to seal you here. I'll come back in one hundred years to see if my method works or not." As Wang Lin spoke, he continued to place down restrictions.

Murong Yun pondered for several breath before shouting, "You! What exactly do you want?!"

Wang Lin's lit up and he calmly said, "I want my soul piece!"

Murong Yun quickly said, "That is not possible. We were created by the Cultivation Planet Crystal and are made of soul pieces, but we can't pick which soul pieces we get. Also, I'm far too weak to collect the soul piece of a cultivator like you. Only those powerful lifeforms in the inner section can take the soul pieces of powerful cultivators from the Cultivation Planet Crystal."

Wang Lin's eyes became cold. He shook his head, placed down the last restriction, and flew out of the deep hole.

At the bottom of the hole there was only the sphere formed by restrictions all by itself surrounded by flashing restrictions.

"I… I know the real method to enter the inner section!" Murong Yun didn't dare to bet; if he lost, he would really die.

Wang Lin looked at the mountain range in the distance and said, "I also know!" The he pointed to the ground and the hole began to close. Just as it was about to completely seal it, Murong Yun's roar came from within.

"We have a king in the inner section of the tomb. Only he can extract the soul pieces from the Cultivation Planet Crystal. This is the truth!"

"How do I find it?" Wang Lin pointed at the ground to stop from closing.

Murong Yun quickly said, "Once you get inside the inner section, go east. There are nine mountains that form a giant ravine. Instead of black fog, there is white fog coming out, making it easy to find. The king is at the bottom of the ravine."

Wang Lin's eyes lit up, then he raised his right hand, left this place, and the ground began to close once more.

"You…" Murong Yun's voice was cut off when the ground closed, leaving not even a crack.

When Wang Lin reappeared, he was in a valley in the depths of the mountain range. When he passed by this place earlier, he had his divine sense spread out, so he noticed this valley.

Inside the valley was an altar. This altar looked exactly the same as the one from before. However, when Wang Lin entered the valley, he suddenly stopped and looked forward. What he saw made his eyes become cold.

A woman whose beauty couldn't be replicated sat beside the altar and looked at Wang Lin with her beautiful eyes.

"Liu Mei!"


Chapter 448 - The third encounter with Liu Mei

This woman was Liu Mei. She was wearing a light pink dress with blue butterflies embroidered on the edge. Her dress gently flowed with the wind. Her silky, black hair was casually draped over her shoulder down to her waist, which, along with her slim figure, made her all the more alluring.

Liu Mei let out a smile and whispered, "Wang Lin!"

Wang Lin's expression was cold. He looked at the altar beside Liu Mei and blandly said, "Move aside!"

Liu Mei revealed a hint of weakness in her eyes and gently asked, "Do you hate me, Wang Lin?"

Wang Lin slightly frowned, then he coldly looked at Liu Mei and said, with a heavy tone, "Move aside!"

At this moment, a breeze came from the mountain and lifted up Liu Mei's silk-like hair. This elegant scene was also filled with a refined sense of beauty.

Liu Mei's figure was very beautiful. She gently put the strands of hair that were lifted by the wind behind her ears. Then she looked at Wang Lin with resentment in her eyes and stood up.

"Wang Lin, you're such a cold-hearted person. Could it be that besides Li Muwan, you can't allow another person into your heart…"

Wang Lin's eyes became cold. He coldly looked at Liu Mei and touched his bag of holding. The celestial sword appeared in his hand. Without any hesitation, he activated his celestial spiritual energy and swung the sword.

A slice that could shatter the heavens!

The swing with celestial spiritual energy traveled through the valley like a meteor.

Liu Mei's expression remained calm. She pointed at the air before her and the figure of a peacock appeared. At this moment, the sword energy arrived.

The peacock's eyes started glowing green, then it shook its body and several feathers quickly fell off its body and created a shield.


The sword energy collided with the feathers and the resulting shockwave caused both Liu Mei and Wang Lin's clothes to flap loudly in the wind.

Liu Mei's eyes lit up as she looked at Wang Lin and said, "You are indeed at the early stage of Soul Transformation. Wang Lin, your cultivation speed is really fast!"

Wang Lin's eyes became cold. He looked at the celestial sword in his hand and gently stroked it. Then he said, with a heavy tone, "Liu Mei, I'll say it one last time: move aside or I'll attack with all my power!"

Liu Mei bit her lower lip, shook her head, and whispered, "I can't let you. Wang Lin, you have no chance of surviving inside. How about you give me your domain and I'll get your soul piece back for you?"

Wang Lin looked at Liu Mei and began to laugh. "Thousand Illusion Ruthless domain. Liu Mei, do you still think I haven't seen through you yet?"

Liu Mei's expression remained calm and she smiled. "Of course not. I believe that the big-eared cultivator came to battle with me just for you.

"That is correct; my domain is the Thousand Illusion Ruthless domain. Your life and death domain is one of the most ruthless things under the heavens. The heavens have to be ruthless or it won't form daos. Wang Lin, on a fundamental level, we are the same!

"I used 1,000 avatars to experience various lives filled with emotion to cultivate my ruthless dao. And you use emotions to experience death, see beyond it, and comprehend the reincarnation cycle. I'm sure you have already comprehended that the life and death domain of the reincarnation cycle is also a ruthless dao!

"You and I are the same kind of people!"

While Wang Lin stared at Liu Mei, he slapped his bag of holding and the restriction flag appeared.

He didn't want to use the soul flag right away; the soul flag should be saved for when he tries to take back his soul piece or when fighting the king for his soul piece.

He shook the restriction flag, causing the restrictions to fly out. Strands of restriction gas spread out and surrounded the valley.

Wang Lin shouted, "Liu Mei, Zhuque Zi is about to die. Our battle is pointless." Liu Mei was, after all, at the mid stage of Soul Transformation, so he couldn't win quickly without using the soul flag. If he gets delayed here for too long and fails to get his soul piece back, it would be bad.

Liu Mei smiled and looked at the sky. The gentleness in her eyes disappeared and was replaced with a cold and ruthless gaze.

"Wang Lin, even if my teacher hadn't ordered it, I would still have come to fight you because I need your domain to complete my Thousand Illusion Ruthless domain. Wang Lin, you can attack!"

Wang Lin's gaze was now completely cold. His hand formed a seal as he pointed at her and said, "Restrict!"

The restrictions from the restriction flag suddenly began to congregate. They were all flashing brightly.

This light gathered before Wang Lin to form a black lance. Purple lightning moved along the black lance, causing cracking and popping sounds.

Wang Lin moved forward and grabbed the lance. Celestial spiritual energy immediately surged from his body into the lance, causing the lance to glow golden-purple. All of the restrictions had celestial spiritual energy infused into them, so a primal aura appeared from the lance.

"Scram!" Wang Lin yelled as he jumped into the air and stabbed toward Liu Mei. He was like a dragon diving into the sea.

The lance charged forward as if it could pierce the heavens, creating sonic booms along the way.

Liu Mei's cold eyes revealed a mysterious light and she said, "Although you have a lot of treasures, the amount of celestial spiritual energy you can use with your early stage Soul Transformation cultivation is too little."

With that, her delicate hand pointed forward and with a green flash, the figure of the peacock appeared before her once more. This peacock's eyes released a demonic light as it floated above Liu Mei and stared at Wang Lin, who was still charging toward Liu Mei.

At the moment Wang Lin's lance closed in, Liu Mei whispered, "Open!"

With one word, all of the feathers on the peacock suddenly opened.

The beautiful figure of a peacock opening its tail feathers appeared within the valley. It suddenly became very bright as if all the light in the surrounding area had gathered on the dazzling sight of the peacock.

At the same time, a powerful surge of celestial spiritual energy came out from the peacock and surrounded the area.

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Although it sounds like these events took a while to unfold, it all happened very quickly. Wang Lin closed in with the lance like lightning.


A loud boom occurred at the moment the peacock opened its tail feathers. The powerful impact of the celestial spiritual energies forced Wang Lin's body to pause for a moment.

Wang Lin's expression was gloomy. Although his body paused for a moment, his reaction was very fast. He flicked his wrist and the lance flew toward the peacock at an even faster speed.


Another earth-shattering explosion occurred. The lance was like a fierce dragon as it slammed into the peacock. The purple lighting on the lance disappeared and the lance collapsed into strands of restriction gas which shattered and faded away.

Although the peacock was still beautiful, its color had dimmed. Liu Mei's face was a bit pale as she whispered, "This treasure of yours isn't a pseudo celestial treasure or a celestial treasure; it is very strange!"

As Wang Lin threw the lance away, he quickly backed up, reached out with his hand, and a 30-foot-long flag suddenly appeared in his hand.

The moment the flag appeared, the coldness in Liu Mei's eyes deepened. She looked at the soul flag and whispered, "I didn't expect senior Du Tian to really give you the one-billion-soul soul flag. However, Wang Lin, I already knew that you had the soul flag, or else I wouldn't have chosen to wait for you at this alter.

"I was the second person to enter the Suzaku Tomb and this is the battlefield I have chosen for the two of us. If you choose to use the soul flag, I will destroy the altar. It will take several days for it to reform, so you will be delayed for several days."

Wang Lin's eyes were cold as he looked at Liu Mei. Situ Nan had explained this altar to him before. This altar was created by first generation Suzaku with the purpose of transferring people. Once the Cultivation Planet Crystal has opened, it will be surrounded by the crystal's mysterious power and gain some extra abilities.

Even if it was destroyed, it would only need a few days to rebuild itself and remain here forever.

Its characteristics were similar to those of the lifeforms made of soul pieces.

Wang Lin asked, in a serious tone, "What is your purpose?!"

Liu Mei looked at Wang Lin and faintly smiled. "I don't have any purpose; I just want to have a domain battle with you."

As Wang Lin stared at Liu Mei, his right hand tightened and the one-billion-soul soul flag disappeared. His left hand formed a seal and pointed between his eyebrows. The sky darkened and a rift opened as if two invisible hands had torn it open. Waves of grey gas came out from the rift. As more and more grey gas appeared, a giant scroll suddenly emerged from the grey gas and covered the sky.

The moment the scroll appeared, it released a mysterious power that surrounded the area.

Liu Mei's eyes lit up, then she took a deep breath, sat down cross-legged on the altar, and closed her eyes. At the moment she closed her eyes, the peacock before her let out a sharp shrill and floated up. It was now directly above Liu Mei. Its body suddenly expanded, making it a 100-foot-tall peacock.

Its tail feathers were now even larger and it almost completely covered the entire mountain range.

"My domain is the Thousand Illusion Ruthless domain. Every feather on this peacock is one illusion. In truth, my domain doesn't have 1,000 illusions yet; it only has 999. Once I obtain the last illusion, my domain will reach the late stage of Soul Transformation. Wang Lin, give me the last illusion, okay?" Liu Mei's voice came from the peacock.

Wang Lin's eyes were cold as he raised his hand and pointed at the sky. A heaven-shattering explosion came from the scroll in the sky as mountains and rivers appeared in the scroll. Strands of grey gas came out from the black and white painting inside scroll.

"I'll give you the last Illusion you wish for, and it will be one you will never forget in your life!"

Wang Lin's voice was cold as he pointed down toward Liu Mei.